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A60380 The judgment of the fathers concerning the doctrine of the Trinity opposed to Dr. G. Bull's Defence of the Nicene faith : Part I. The doctrine of the Catholick Church, during the first 150 years of Christianity, and the explication of the unity of God (in a Trinity of Divine Persons) by some of the following fathers, considered. Smalbroke, Thomas.; Nye, Stephen, 1648?-1719. 1695 (1695) Wing S4000; ESTC R21143 74,384 80

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they propose such an Explication how three infinite Minds and Spirits are but one God as all Men of Consideration will take to be a Declaration and Assertion of three Gods for they will have three infinite Minds to be one God because they have three distinct Divine Substances qualified each of them with all distinct Divine Properties when these Substances and Properties are the very Marks and Notifications of their distinct Divinities or that they are distinct Gods But themselves also acknowledg that if Origination from the Father and to be specifically consubstantial with him were sufficient to make the Son and Spirit one God with the Father then James and John being originated from their Father Peter and consubstantial in all Respects with him it will follow that Peter James and John are not three Men but one Man or Peter James and John are one Man with Peter To get rid of this they advance a third Bull more ridiculous than either of the two former it is this 3. If the originated and consubstantial and Divine Persons are propagated from the first Person by an internal Production so that they are always and inseparably in the Person that produced them they are thereby most truly one God with him Here the Reader needs only to consider that we are arguing concerning three such Persons as are confess'd by these Opposers to be three distinct Substances Now to say of two of these Substances that they are propagated by an internal Production is a Bull to add that that they are inseparably in the Person that produced them is another but 't is worst of all to say that by their Inexistence in the Father the Son and Spirit are one God with him this I say is a worse Blunder a more inexcusable Oversight than internal Production or inseparable Substances Internal Production when said of Substances is a Contradiction both in the Sense and Terms 't is as much as to say a Production not produced a Generation not generated And a Substance being that which can exist separately or by it self and needeth not as an Accident to inexist in something else therefore an inseparable Substance is a Substance without being a Substance or a Substance and no Substance Dr. Bull will answer it may be the Substances of the Son and Spirit are always and inseparably in the Father not from a natural Inhability to subsist as they are Substances by themselves or separately but only because the Nature of the Divine Unity requires that the second and third Persons of the Godhead should always inexist in the first and he in them But if this be the Meaning of inseparably it is impertinently as well as falsly added Impertinently because the word always had been enough and only proper to be here used Falsly because things are not inseparable if only they are not actually separated but of their own Nature have an Hability to exist separately The Bull therefore remains against whatsoever Excuses but were that which the Doctor aims to say never so true we shall see presently it will not in the least avail his Cause For as I said the greatest Blunder and Inobservance of all is what Dr. Bull and the Fathers take to be the Strength of this Hypothesis namely this that the second and third Persons being always in the first are therefore one God with him For it is to be noted that these Gentlemen hold not only that the Son and Spirit are in the Father but he also in them it is the mutual Inexistence of all the three Persons and not only of the Son and Spirit in the Father that maketh them to be one God I ask hereupon whether this mutual Inexistence Immeation or Penetration of the three Persons be such that their Substances become continuous as the Parts for Instance of the same Piece of Gold are or only contiguous like more Pieces of Gold that are heaped or bagged together Are the Substances of the three Divine Persons I say continuous as to use another Instance the Parts of the same Angel or Soul are continuous and indiscerpible or are the only contiguous as God or the Divine Substance which pervades all things Spirits as well as Bodies is contiguous to the things which it pervades and immeates If Dr. Bull says that the Divine Persons Minds and Spirits or the three Divine Substances have such a mutual Inexistence that they become continuous as the assignable conceivable Parts of each Person 's own Substance are or as the Parts of an Angel or Soul are He says thereby and therein that the Substances and Persons are identified which is Heresy because as the Athanasian Creed speaks it confounds the Persons If the Substances are continuous and thereby identified the Properties also of the three Substances in Mr. Bull 's Hypothesis will be identified too for in this Hypothesis there cannot be distinct Understandings Wills and Energies if the Substances are not distinct but continuous and thereby identified But we need not to insist on this for Dr. Bull dares not say that the Substances of the Divine Persons are identified or continuous he must say and will say that they do so inexist in one another that they are only contiguous there is only a Contact of their Substances not an Identification or Continuity But if there be only a Contact of the three Substances they are as much three Gods and separate Substances in the Physical Sense of the word separate as three Men imbracing one another are three distinct Men not one Man or as God and the Creation are separate Substances tho he inexists in pervates or immeates the Works he hath made and they again exist in him The Fathers that were Philosophers when they said the three Divine Persons or Substances are in one another meant by their mutual Love and Agreement but those Fathers that were not learned or understood only the Platonick Philosophy which is wholly moral and metaphysical and never meddles with the natural Reasons of things I say the Fathers that were not natural Philosophers imagined such an Inexistence of the three Persons that the said Persons were physically and substantially in one another and thereby say they one God They knew not that a substantial Inexistence must either be by the Continuity of the Substances which confounds the Substances or Persons or only by Contiguity or Contact which can no more make three Divine Persons and Spirits to be one God than three Men fitting close on the same Bench are thereby one Man or than God who is in all Spirits whether Angels or Souls and they in him are the same Being or the same Substance not separate Substances In short Dr. Bull and these Fathers say the three Divine Persons are three distinct several Substances and do substantially immeate or inexist in one another yet so that they are not continuous or identified as the Parts of the same numerical Substance are but only contiguous We say hereupon that this will never make
them to be one God because mere Contact is only a juxta-Position not a real Vnion All Philosophers but only the Platonists who understand not Physicks or the Nature of things will assent to this Reasoning and I doubt not it was one of the Causes why the Schoolmen who were learned Philosophers unanimously agreed that three distinct Divine Substances are most certainly three Gods and they the Divines of the Schools have been followed by all the Divinity-Chairs in Christendom from about the Year 1200 to this present time I do not believe there is a Chair in Christendom that will own more than one Divine Substance or will admit that three Divine Substances can be one God Dr. Bull will not approve his Hypothesis to the Chairs or to Universities or Schools of Learning I am of opinion however that so arrogant a Man as Dr. Bull will not let go his Hypothesis it being too the Doctrine of the Fathers and of a great many learned Men who treat of these Questions as Divines not as Philosophers and Dr. Bull having acquired so great a Reputation all over Europe by his Book the Chairs and Nominal Trinitarians will not it may be adventure to attack him But if after all Dr. Bull fearing the Numbers and Reputation of the Nominal Trinitarians will deny his Hypothesis and in hopes to compound with them pretend that it differs not or not materially from the Doctrine of the Schools besides that all discerning and ingenuous Men will laugh at his Pusilanimity I shall not desire an easier Task than to prove from his own Book and from innumerable Quotations of the Fathers that both they and he hold three distinct Divine Substances and consequently so many Minds and Spirits both which are rejected as Heretical nay as Tritheistical by the Schools and their Followers I will conclude this first Part of my Answer with observing that tho Dr. Bull says here that the Fathers believed the three Divine Persons are one God because the second and third are derived from the first have like Substances and Properties with him and all of them do mutually immeate one another yet this is not the Explication of any particular Father much less of all of them but an Hypothesis that Dr. Bull has pieced up from the Writings of divers Fathers The Fathers explained the Unity in Trinity each of them his own way One said the three Persons are one God because they are in one another by mutual Love and Agreement Another said they are one God because of the Subordination and perfect Subjection of the second and third Persons to him who is the first God Another they are one God because the Son and Spirit are propagated from the Father Another because they unanimously govern the World that is they are one God because they are one Monarchy and thereby as it were one Ruler Some of them said three Divine Persons and three infinite Spirits are God and the Godhead in such Sense as all Men are called Man or Mankind As three golden Coins of the same Emperor are called Aurum Gold not Aura Golds in the Plural So in proper speaking three Divine Persons because like three Men or three golden Coins they are consubstantial that is have the same specifick Substances and Properties they are in proper speaking to be called God not Gods This was a very ridiculous Reasoning contrary both to Grammar and Philosophy and yet it was the Explication of some of the most learned of the Post-Nicene Fathers Briefly these two things I affirm That Dr. Bull 's Explication of the Unity of God is indeed taken out of some of the Fathers but it was not as 't is laid down by him the particular Explication given by any one of them much less the agreed and common Explication of all of them but part of it is from some other Parts of it from other Fathers Secondly the Fathers advanced several other Explications on which some of them insisted more and rather than on any part of Mr. Bull 's The Ante-Nicens chiefly urged the Unity of Love or else of Monarchy the most learned but least judicious of the Post-Nicens served themselves of the pretended Consubstantiality or that the three Persons having like Substances and Properties are therefore one God as all Men or Mankind are called Homo and as three or more golden Coins are called Aurum Gold never Aura Golds. But of these things I shall speak fully in the Conclusion of the third Part of this Answer to Dr. Bull. The CONCLVSION I Have said what I intended in this first Part. In the Second I will report the Doctrine of the following Fathers concerning the Trinity and the Person of our blessed Saviour in their own Words By the following Fathers I mean those Fathers who flourished from about the Year 150 to the Nicene Council or the Year 325. In the last Part I shall discover Dr. Bull 's Frauds and Mistakes detect his Sophistries and Elusions and confront his Misrepresentation of the Fathers with the Confessions and Judgment of the Criticks who have either published or commented on the Writings of the Fathers Here and now it remains only that I inform the Reader who hath not seen Dr. Bull 's Books why I have answer'd so indifferently and without any particular Deference to the Merit of his Learning and Abilities for it cannot be denied that this Gentleman is a dextrous Sophister or that he has read the principal Fathers with a more than ordinary Application Diligence and Observation Dr. Bull has written two Books his Defence of the Nicene Faith and Judgment of the Catholick Church designedly and directly against the Unitarians whether they be Arians or Socinians In the first of these he attacks more particularly Chr. Sandius a very learned Arian and the Author of Irenicum Irenicorum who was Dr. Zwicker M. D. a Socinian Dr. Zwicker is complemented by Dr. Bull with such Flowers as these Bipedum ineptissimus the greatest Fop in Nature Omnium odio qui veritatem candorem amant dignus deserving the Hatred of all Lovers of Truth and Sincerity Of Sandius he saith He hath ship-wrack'd his Conscience as well as his Faith a Trifler a mere empty Pretender He adds at p. 331. He hath only transcribed the Author of Iren. Irenicorum and in one Place he prays for Sandius as one that is mad This and such as this is Dr. Bull 's constant Language concerning these two very learned Men nor doth he ever reply to them without pretending an absolute and incontestable Victory and casting some most unworthy Scorn or other upon them by occasion of his supposed Advantage He never calls the Arians by any other Name but Ariomanitae the mad Arians and Socinianism is always with him the Atheistical Heresy I do not remember that he ever calls our Doctrine by a better Name In short he hath expressed such a Malevolence and hath so notoriously and infamously broke the Cartel of Honour and Civility
Trallians I salute you saith he to the Trallians in the Fulness of the Apostolical Character In short no one can read these Epistles with Judgment and impartially but he will see what was the Aim of the Forger of them namely under the venerable Authority and Name of Ignatius to magnify the Reverence and Respect belonging to Church-men This is the Beginning Middle and End of all these Epistles except only that to the Romans where to cover his Design and discover his Folly he only advises the Christians not to rescue him from the Imperial Guards These are all the Apostolical Fathers and Writings that our Opposers can muster up during the first 150 Years of Christianity that is to the Times when the Socinians and all Protestants confess that the Faith began to be actually corrupted I have proved that the Monuments they have to produce are unquestionably and incontestably counterfeit and therefore I do not think my self concerned to examine the few and impertinent Passages alledged out of them by Dr. Bull but before I proceed to his other approved Doctors 't is but reasonable that I should have leave to search what Authors and Books of these times of which we are speaking favoured the Unitarians and particularly the Socinians The Question between Dr. Bull and the Unitarians is what genuine Monuments or Remains there are of the Period which Church-Historians have called the Apostolical Succession that is of the Time in which those Doctors of the Church who had conversed with the Apostles and received the pure Faith of the Gospel from their very Mouths flourished And whether those Remains or Monuments do favour the Unitarians or the Trinitarians whether they teach the Doctrine of one God or of three We have seen what Dr. Bull can produce for their pretended Trinity his Apostle Barnabas the Prophet Hermas both of them rejected as false and soolish by the Catholick Church Next the Revelations of Pionius that is the Martyrdoms of Polycarp and Ignatius and their Epistles all which being almost perished and worn out by Time were revealed to Pionius by one from the Dead It is true our Opposers having been so long Masters have made use of their Power to destroy and abolish as much as was possible whatever Monuments of those first Times that too notoriously contradicted the Innovations in the Faith that were made by the Councils of Nice Constantinople and Chalcedon yet as there is no Battel so bloody and cruel but some tho it may be a very few have the good luck to escape from the Massacre so from this Persecution of Books and Writings some illustrious Testimonies and Witnesses to the Truth are come down even to our Times These are the Apostles Creed an unquestioned Epistle of St. Clemens Romanus the Accounts given by unsuspected Historians of the Nazarens or Ebionites the Mineans and the Alogi who all held as the Socinians now do concerning God and the Person of our Saviour the Recognitions of St. Clemens which tho it may be they are not rightly imputed to him yet are a most antient Book and serve to show what was the current Doctrine of those Times they are cited by Origen in divers Places by Eusebius Aikanasins and others Of the Apostles Creed COncerning the Apostles Creed we must resolve two Questions What it teaches and who were the Compilers of it To the first the Creed it self answers I bel●eve in one God so this Creed was antiently read both in the East and West the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth In these Words the Father is character'd by these Names Properties and Attributions that he is God the one God Almighty and Maker of Heaven and Earth Concerning the Lord Christ it saith And in Jesus Christ his only Son Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 only begotten Son our Lord. So the Characters of our Saviour are that he is not the one God but the only begotten Son of the only or one God and that he is our Lord. Our Lord he is as he is our Saviour Teacher and Head of the Church both in Heaven and Earth He is called the only begotten Son of the only or one God to distinguish him from all other Sons of God from Angels who were not begotten but created Sons from Holy Men who are adopted Sons and from Adam who is called the Son of God not because he was generated or begotten but made or formed by God himself immediately Well but it may be this only-begotten Son of God is an only-begotten Son in some higher Sense and namely by eternal Generation from the Substance or Essence of God whereby he is God no less than the Father is God But the Compilers of this Creed knew nothing or however have said nothing of any such Generation so far from that they describe his Generation and his Person by humane Characters and by such only Every thing that they say here either of his Person or Generation is not only humane but inconsistent with Divinity He was conceived say they of the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary was crucified dead and buried he arose again from the Dead ascended into Heaven sitteth on the right Hand of God i. e. is next in Dignity to God Our very Opposers confess that every one of these is a Description of a mere humane Person and Generation even they acknowledg that God cannot be conceived be born die ascend and least of all be at God's right Hand or next to God to be God and next to God are wholly inconsistent There is no answering here that the before-mentioned are intended only as the Characters of our Saviour's Humane Nature For a Creed being an Institution or Instruction what we are to believe in the main and sundamental Articles of Religion especially concerning the Persons of the Father Son and Holy Spirit if the first is described as the one or only God and the Son only by Characters that speak him a mere Man and are utterly incompatible with Divinity it remains that the Compilers of the Creed really intended that we should believe the Father is the one God and the Son a mere Man tho not a common Man because conceived not of Man but of the Holy Spirit which is the Power and Energy of God If they had meant or but known that the Son and Spirit are eternal and divine Persons no less than the Father they have done to both of them the greatest possible Wrong because in the same Creed in which they declare that they believe that the Father is the one God Almighty and Maker of Heaven and Earth they believe the Son was conceived born died descended into Hell ascended into Heaven is next to God that is they believe he is a mere Man and concerning the Spirit they believe no higher thing than of the Church we believe in the Holy Spirit and in the Holy Catholick Church It is evident then and incontestable by any fair and sincere Considerer that whoever
made this Creed either they did not know that any other Person but the Father is God or Almighty or Maker of Heaven and Earth or they have negligently or wickedly concealed it The Latter is a Supposition that none will make therefore the other is the Truth of the Matter and it remains only that we enquire who were the Framers of this Creed The Creed that bears the Name of the Apostles Creed was always reckoned both by Fathers and Moderns to be really composed by the Apostles for a Rule of Uniformity among themselves in their Preaching and of Faith to all the Converts till about the middle of this present Age G. J. Vossius published a Book wherein he denies that either the Apostles or the 120 Disciples who are mentioned Acts 1.15 and who assisted and voted with the Apostles in publick Matters were Authors of this Creed He thinketh it was only the Creed of the particular Church of Rome and that the Original of it was this Because it was the Custom to interrogate Persons that were to be baptized whether they believed in God the Father in the Lord Christ the Son of God and in the Holy Ghost in whose Names Baptism is administred therefore in process of Time it became a Form of Confession for Persons who were admitted to Baptism to say I believe in God the Father in Jesus Christ his only-begotten Son and in the Holy Ghost Afterwards some few more Words were added to these as a fuller Description both of the Father and Son and as Heresies grew up new Articles were added to the Creed in opposition to them and to distinguish Catholicks from Hereticks Against all Hereticks and Schismaticks in general this Article was made I believe in the Holy Catholick Church against the Sects of the Gnosticks this Article I believe the Resurrection of the Body This is the Conjecture of Vossius Because it was so evident that this Creed makes only the Father to be God and that it speaks of the Son by only humane Characters and says not the least Word of the Divinity of the Holy Spirit therefore this Book of Vossius was received with a mighty Applause among all the Denomiantions of Trinitarians Papists Lutherans Calvinists and all others They saw themselves delivered by this Book from such an Allegation and Aughority against the Doctrine of the Trinity as was more than equivalent to all their pretended Proofs from the Fathers or from the Holy Scriptures For what are all the Fathers if indeed they were all of their side when opposed by the College of Apostles And what are some incidental and very dubious Expressions of some particular Writer of Holy Scripture against a Creed composed by the Concurrence and Consent of all the Apostles and of their Senate or Council the CXX A Creed in which they not incidentally in which case Men often speak loosly and incorrectly but professedly and designedly declare what is the true Faith to be believed by all Christians concerning the Father Son and Holy Spirit I say for this Reason 't is not to be much wondred that Vossius his Book was so kindly received or that the Trinitarians of whatsoever Perswasion have generally ever since followed the Conjecture of Vossius If now and then a learned Man has dissented from the new Opinion he has always been laugh'd out of Countenance by the Croud of Pretenders to Learning Vossius says 1. St. Luke in his Acts of the Apostles would never have omitted so memorable a Transaction as the compiling a Creed by all the Apostles for a Rule of Doctrine to themselves and their Successors in the Pastoral Office and of Faith to the Converts He has set down many lesser Matters the Election of Matthias into the Apostolate of Judas the Conclusion of the Apostles and Elders assembled in Council concerning the Ritual and Judicial Parts of the Mosaick Law and even divers petty Matters relating only to private Persons and is it credible that he should not say a Word of the Rule of Faith of a Creed made by the joint Consent of all the Apostles and intended for the general and perpetual Use of both Pastors and People But besides that this Creed is never spoke of in the Acts none of the Apostles mention or so much as allude or refer to it in any of their Epistles it is incredible not to say impossible that there should not be so much as a hint given of this Creed in all the Apostolick Writings if indeed it had been composed by the Apostles as their Joint Work for the Use of the whole Catholick Church There are abundance of false Steps made in this reasoning of Vossius 1 It is evident enough that divers most important Matters were ordained by the joint Council and Authority of the Apostles and the CXX which yet St. Luke did not think necessary to be inserted into his History of the Preaching Travels and Persecutions of the Apostles The Institution of the Lord's Day instead of or with the Sabbath or seventh Day appointed by God himself in the 4 th Commandment the Form of Church-Government whether you will say by Bishops or by a Presbytery or in the Independent Way the solemn manner of ordaining the Church-Pastors by Imposition of Hands and Prayer made for them the Love-Feasts the Holy Kiss all these every one will confess are Institutions not of one Apostle but of the College of Apostles and their Council the CXX and yet St. Luke has not told us either when or by whom they were ordained but is as silent of their Institution by the Apostles as of their composing the Creed 2 'T is not hard to guess at the Reason why none of these great Matters or the compiling the Creed are particularly recorded in the Acts of the Apostles namely because they are not bare Memoirs or transient things but such as were to be kept up and perpetuated by Example and Practice Every one sees that the Lord's Day the Form of Church-Polity or Government the Ordination of Church-Pastors the Love-Feasts and the Holy Kiss are Institutions that needed not to be recorded because the constant and universal Practice of them by the Apostles and the whole Church was more effectual to preserve them than any Register or History would be The like is as evident of the Creed it was to be orally taught to every Convert in every Place as the Mark of their Christianity therefore being committed to so many Witnesses and Memories it was considered not as a transient thing of which there was Danger that it might go into Oblivion if not recorded but as laid up safely in the Minds and Memories of all the Faithful Farther 't is an Observation made by all Church-Historians that the Antients of a long time purposely forbore to commit the Creed to Writing partly because they would not expose the Mysteries of Religion to the Contempt Raileries and Opposition of the Heathen partly to oblige their own People to be more
and by himself as the Athanasian Creed speaks a most perfect God are but one God is so monstrous a Paradox that we might justly wonder such a contradictory and impossible Doctrine being unhappily got abroad was not immediately hissed again into the Hole from whence the Chimera first sallied did we not know that the Propagation and Conservation of this Affront to common Sense and to all the Principles of Knowledg and Silence was the Work and Effect of such penal Laws as would equally have restored the whole Body and System of Paganism While the Question about the Trinity was disputed only by Argument and Authorities of Holy Scripture the Proverb was all the World is against Athanasius and Athanasius is against all the World And in Constantinople it self the then capital City of the whole Roman Empire the Trinitarian Conventicle was so thin that it had more Benches than Men to fit on them and their Preacher was forced to comfort his almost empty Fold with such Reflections as these The Unitaries says he have the Churches but we we Trinitarians are the Temples of God they have the People but the Angels are with us my Flock indeed is little I easily tell all my Sheep but they hear my Voice they follow me and will not follow Strangers Greg. Nazianz. Serm. 35. against the Arians But the Empire falling at length to a Prince who was a bigotted Trinitarian he applied the Imperial Authority and the Awe of his Armies which comfilied for the most part of Souldiers and Officers who had been born bred and continued Pagans to establish Trinitarianism by Terrors and Force He 't was Theodosius and his Successors began with taking the Churches 〈◊〉 in all Unitarians by military Force then they were prohibited to hold their Assemblies Conventicles they were now called within the Preciucts of Cities or Towns Next he called general Councils but admitted none to Session or Vote but Trinitarians to whose Creeds and Canons all that stood for any the very least Church-Preferment must subscribe before they were admitted to their Places Afterwards all Disputes against the Decisions of these Councils were forbid to all without Exception to Churchmen and military Officers on pain of Deposition to Lay-men if they were free under the Penalty of Banishment to Servants under pain of corporal Chastisement and that too saith the Law after the severest manner They proceeded farther they required all Persons to deliver up all Heretical Books that they might be publickly burnt denouncing horrible Punishments to such as should presume to hide or conceal any such Books While the Civil Power acted his Part in this outragious manner the Ecclesiasticks were as industrious another way the Underlings of them sought the Favour of their Superiours by turning Informers against the Hereticks and their Assemblies others that could read and write took upon them the corrupting or as they then spoke the correcting the Bibles adding and leaving out as themselves pleased Nor would they have left to us any Remain of genuine Christianity or suffer'd a single Unitarian to escape their Barbarities but that their Divisions concerning their own Doctrine their own Disputes de Asini umbrâ diverted often their Rage and Treachery from the Scriptures and the Unitaries to the Members of their own Party and Communion Dares Dr. Bull or any other deny any thing of this when they do this and much more shall be proved upon them from the most allowed of their own Historians and from the Codes which contain the Imperial Constitutions We may say then that Trinitarianism is not so much a Religion as the Law of the Bizantine or Constantinopolitan Emperors it was first introduced by military Force then confirmed by Edicts of the Arbitrary Emperors of Constantinople Well but when Folly and Impiety are once establish'd by Law and are the only way to Preferment there will never want a great Number who will court the Favour of the Government by endeavouring to represent the current Doctrine of the Times as possible nay as reasonable and agreeable to Scripture and from hence came the Explications of the Trinity by the Parasites of those times whom now in regard of their Antiquity we call the Fathers These Explications were various and contrary to one another Dr. Bull has made choice of the most tolerable and passable Accounts given by the Fathers and tho he has patched up one Hypothesis or Explication out of many and divers I will be content to take it as he gives it He represents it as the ordinary Explication of all the Fathers as well the Ante-nicene as Post-nicene let us see what it is and then make our Reflections upon it They said there are three infinite Persons known by the Names of Father Son and Holy Spirit each of which has all Divine Perfections and in their highest Degree They are so many distinct tho not divided or separated Substances and Essences they are as much three Spirits as they are three Substances and Persons each has his own proper and personal distinct Understanding Will and Almighty Energy It is true that they said also that the three Divine Persons are consubstantial or have the same Substance but they did not mean thereby the self-same Substance or the same Substance in Number but the same for Kind and Properties that is their Substances are alike Divine Immortal and Unchangable They are consubstantial to one another as Stars are consubstantial to Stars that is their Substances tho divers in Number have the same Properties and Qualities In short the Father Son and Spirit are distinct intellectual Substances and are consubstantial or of the same Substance as their Substances or Essences are alike infinite immutable and immortal they are also and therefore distinct Beings and because they are intellectual and spiritual they are three Minds and three Spirits as much as they are three Persons and Substances Lastly because each has all possible real Perfections therefore each of them is true God I dare to affirm before-hand that Dr. Bull is so well satisfied that this is the Notion that the Fathers had of the Trinity that he will own it for theirs and his and will not disingenuously deny that he intended this Explication or Account of the Trinity in the several Chapters of his Defence of the Nicene Faith where he speaks either designedly or incidentally of this Point And his Book has given him such a Reputation all over Europe even in the Catholick Countries and his Citations out of the Fathers so plainly evince that this was their Sense that I believe no Trinitarian will be so rash or hardy as to call him Heretick or to attack or write against him as such tho others of less Esteem are now loudly challenged of Heresy for this very Explication In very deed it is the Doctrine of the Post-nicene Fathers and of all the real Trinitarians and since the Revival of these Controversies divers learned Writers by Name Dr. Cudworth the late
Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishop of Glocester Dr. Sherlock Mr. How and others imbrace this Notion of the Trinity 'T is not unlikely that by degrees it will exclude the Sabellian Nominal Trinity of the Schools and not only exclude it but be the Occasion that it shall be declared Heretical 'T is true that more commonly in Universities they go the way of the Schools but the scholastick Trinity implies so many Follies and is so certainly nothing else but a disguised Sabellianism that the real Trinitarians may probably enough carry their Point against the Nominals if the Difference between them breaking out into a Contention shall fall into the Hands of able Managers We have seen how the Fathers understood the Trinity but the Difficulty is still behind how did they make out the Unity of God For if there are three spiritual intellectual Substances three infinite Spirits three eternal all-knowing and all-powerful Minds Three each of which is a perfect God do we not lose the Unity of God the principal Article of revealed Religion and the grand Design of both the Testaments while we believe and affirm three such Persons Dr. Bull here offers his Hand at a dead lift he tells us the Fathers easily came off from this Exception or Doubt by saying 1. The Son and Spirit had their Original their Being and Godhead from the Father therefore having proceeded from him as their Principle and Fountain they are not distinct Gods from him but one God with him The Fathers granted that were not the Son and Spirit originated from the Father the three Divine Persons being so many several Principles would also be so many Gods but because the Son and Spirit are not as the Father self-originated or unoriginated but from the Father therefore they are rightly said to be one God with him Every one sees that there lies this Exception against this Account of the Unity of God If to be originated from the Father will make the Persons so originated to be one God with him or one with him and with one another it follows that not only the Son and Holy Spirit but Angels also and Men nay the whole Creation the very vilest Parts of it shall be one God with the Father and with the pretended Trinity and one with one another because they are all originated from the Father Therefore the Fathers said 2. Bare Origination from the Father will not constitute the Persons so originated one God or one with him or with one another unless they have the same Substance with the Father that is as has been said the same for Kind and Properties And this Confideration they said excludes all Creatures from being one God or one with the Father or the blessed Trinity for created Substances are finite subject to Change and Accidents In a word they are wholly unlike to the Divine Substance They foresaw that it would be again objected here If to be originated from another who is of the same kind with the Persons so originated from him will make them all to be one for Instance will make the Son and Spirit to be truly one and one God with the Father from whom they are originated then two Sons or a Son and Grandson because they are originated from the same Father and are of the same kind with him shall also be one with him they shall not be three Men but one Man as Father Son and Holy Spirit are not three Gods but one God To wind themselves from this most certain and solid Reasoning the Fathers devised a third Elusion as wise as either of the two former they said that 3. Origination of two Persons from a first Person tho they are all of the same kind will not make them one or one God except as it most luckily happens between the three Divine Persons the originated Persons are propagated interiori productione that is are generated by an internal Production so that they are always and inseparably in the Person that produced them And this at length is the Fathers whole Explication of a Trinity in Unity They said in short three distinct Divine Persons Substances Spirits each of which is singly and by himself a perfect God are notwithstanding but one God because the second and third Persons are originated from the first and are of the same Kind and Properties with him and are generated or propagated by an internal Production so that they inseparably and always remain in the Father and he in them This in effect is to say that naturally properly and truly speaking there are three Gods or there are three Gods in Number but in regard that God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are of the same kind with God the Father are originated from him and are eternally and inseparably in him they may in a Catachrestical improper and respective Sense all be called one God I will examine very particularly the whole Hypothesis of these Fathers their Trinity of Substances Minds and Spirits and their Explication now laid down how three such Persons and Divine Minds can be but one God Only for preventing if it may be future Cavils I would first take notice that this Explication of the Unity of God or how three Persons can be but one God by the Fathers and Dr. Bull evidently supposes that they held the three Divine Persons are so many distinct Substances Minds and Spirits as well as distinct Persons I think 't is sufficient to prove that the Fathers held the three Persons are so many distinct Spirits and Minds in that they so certainly affirmed them to be distinct spiritual Substances if the three Divine Persons are three distinct Substances all Men the very nominal Trinitarians themselves will grant that they are distinct Minds and Spirits Dr. Bull hath incontestably proved by a great Number of Quotations and might have proved by a great many more that by consubstantial or of the same Substance the Fathers meant not the same Substance in Number but the same in Properties As Stars are consubstantial to Stars and the Bodies of Men to the Bodies of Beasts because they are Substances of the same kind that is corporeal and of the same Properties for all Stars are lucid and the Bodies of Men and Beasts are organized and subject to Alteration So are the three Divine Persons consubstantial being of the same kind that is to say spiritual and having the same Properties namely Eternity Immutability Omnipresence and the other Divine Attributes I will undertake for it that none of the Nominal Trinitarians as angry as some of them are will ever attempt to confute Dr. Bull 's first Chapter of his second Section where he gives this Account of the word Consubstantial out of the Fathers But if the Divine Persons are therefore Consubstantial because they are of like kind and have the same Properties their Substance is not the same in Number but only as Dr. Bull speaks the same in Nature And if this be true as
incontestably it is that the Fathers believed the three Divine Persons to be so many distinct spiritual Substances in Number it will be controverted by no Body that they are also in the Judgment of the Fathers distinct Minds and Spirits Secondly But as I said the before-mentioned Explications of the Unity of God or how the three Divine Persons are yet but one God are another and an invincible Declaration that they held the said Persons are three Minds Spirits and Substances If the Fathers had held that the three Persons are but one only numerical Substance one infinite Spirit one omniscient Mind and Energy and that they are called Persons only because the one numerical Substance subsists in three Modes that is after three several manners I say if this had been the Opinion of the Fathers the Question would not have been how the three Persons can be but one God but how they can be called Hypostases or Persons As at this day no Man is so foolish as to charge the Nominal Trinitarians with Tritheism or holding three Gods but only with Gotham Philosophy and Divinity in calling Modes or a Substance subsisting after three manners Persons when it is so obvious that Modes are not Persons but certain Affections and accidental Denominations belonging to Persons The Fathers would never have troubled themselves nor would any ever have objected it to them or demanded it of them how they could say there is but one God if the three Persons by them so called were but one numerical Substance subsisting three manner of ways or in three relative Modes all the Question as I said would have been what they meant by this Gibberish subsisting in three Modes or three manner of ways What Occasion was there for the Fathers to tell us the three Divine Persons may be called one God because the Son and Spirit are originated from the Father are like to him in all Divine Properties and subsist in him what need I say was there of these Excuses or how are they possibly applicable to the three Divine Persons if the Persons were not taken to be so many Spirits Minds and Substances but only a threefold manner of Subsistence of the same numerical Substance Mind and Spirit I omit for the present a great deal that might be farther said on this Subject because when the Nominal Trinitarians have called till they are hoarse weary and asham'd to Universities and Bishops to espouse their Cause and to censure the real Trinitarians after all the very Names by which the three Divine Persons are called a Father his Son an Holy Spirit distinct from both do so manifestly imply those Persons to be distinct Beings Substances Minds and Spirits and not Modes or Relations only of the self same numerical Being and Spirit that it will always be carried against them by the Majority of considering Divines All their Appeals notwithstanding it will not be long e're they are told by their Superiors in the Church that 't is expedient for them to be quiet left themselves be censured as Sabellians or as we now speak Unitarians To sum up all I say the Fathers beld that the three Divine Persons are three distinct spiritual intellectual Substances three Minds three Spirits this appears say I farther by their Explications of the word Consubstantial by their Answers to this Question how three such Persons can be but one God and by the Terms which they use concerning the three Persons a Father his Son a Spirit distinct from both These things being I suppose sufficiently establish'd we may rely on it that Dr. Bull will not deny that I have truly reported what the Fathers the Post-nicene Fathers say I but Dr. Bull says all the Fathers held both concerning the three Divine Persons and how we must understand them to be but one God Therefore now I will examine his whole Hypothesis it hath these Parts 1. There are three Divine Hypostases or intellectual Substances three ommscient almighty Minds and Spirits each of these has all Divine Perfections and is singly and by himself a most compleat and perfect God 2. Yet doth not this contradict that most great and indisputable Truth visible in the Works of Creation and ascertained by Revelation of holy Scripture that there is but one God because of the three Divine Hypostases and Spirits before described the second and third are originated from the first have the same Nature and Properties that he has and are propagated from him by an internal Production so that they are always inseparably in him and he in them by a mutual Pervasion Immeation or Penetration There is no necessity that I should concern my self against the first of these Propositions for if I disprove the second the first will fall of it self if three Hypostases or Spirits cannot be one God this sort of Trinitarians must either give up their three distinct Substances their three Minds and Spirits or openly profess that they believe three Gods Notwithstanding it will not be amiss or besides our Purpose if we show these Gentlemen that whatever Arguments militate against a Plurality of Gods prove also no less effectually and directly that there can be but one Divine intellectual Substance but one infinite Spirit and Mind How do Philosophers and Divines establish the Unity of God or that there neither is nor can be more than one God They say all Plurality of Beings of the same kind and sort is from the Imbecillity Weakness and Unsufficiency in some respect or other of those Beings for if a Being be absolutely perfect infinite in all Perfections all-sufficient for it self and for the Beings to which it relates there is no need that it should be multiplied or be more than one We see say they that all Nature has nothing that is superfluous nothing in vain where-ever one of the sort is sufficient as one Sun and such like the Individuals of that kind never proceed beyond Unity But the Divine Nature as the most excellent of all will much more exclude all Multiplicity more Infinites more All sufficients would be such an impertinent Repetition so altogether vain and to no purpose that we cannot think of it without immediately rejecting it This is the first Argument used by Philosophers to prove the Unity of God no Body will contest it that it equally proves but one infinite Spirit one all-sufficient Mind one absolutely perfect Being They say again it implies a Contradiction that there should be more than one all-sufficient God Mind or Spirit because such a Supposition pretends to make an infinite Addition of the same kind to what is already infinite and to increase All-sufficiency And if there are more Gods or more Minds and Spirits infinite in their Perfections either they are all of them unoriginated or one only is unoriginated and the rest are derived from him by Generation or Creation The Trinitarians with whom we have now to do answer that only one the Father is unoriginated the other Persons
are propagated from him But they can never answer either why the Father should propagate from himself only two Spirits as perfect as himself or why seeing those two are as perfect as he they also should not generate their like If the two propagated Persons and Spirits cannot generate their like they are not such perfect Beings as the Father is and consequently are neither Gods nor absolutely perfect Spirits If it be said only they will not generate their like because three absolutely perfect Spirits are enough 't is not only frivolous but silly for if three perfect Spirits are more desirable by one another or more necessary to the World than one such Spirit or Mind by an unavoidable Parity of Reason seven or ten Spirits and Minds that are all-sufficient and absolutely perfect must be more desirable and more requisite to the World than Three Again It was Aristotle that observed and 't is an Observation worthy of so great a Man that the Unity of God is discernable in the Constitution and Frame of the World For such is the Uniformity and good Order of the whole and all the Parts both in their Qualities and Motions so manifestly tend to one and the same End namely the Service of Man and the Conservation of the World it self in its present State moreover these Parts continue in their first Motion and Course so stedfastly and invariably that it appears they were contrived and are regulated not by more Gods Makers or Almighty Spirits but by one only Law and Mind Last of all that there is an all-wise God we prove beyond Contradiction by that perpetual Wisdom Contrivance and good Sense which is seen in the Whole and the Parts of the World and which must be previous to the World and its Parts else how came blind unthinking Matter into such a wise Order But we have no manner of Proof not the least Intimation that there are more such Gods as undoubtedly there would be both in Nature and by Revelation if indeed there were more such These Reasons have always perswaded all Philosophers and Divines that there is but one supreme and infinite God and they proceed as directly against more infinite all-perfect and creating Spirits or Minds as against more Gods In very deed there never was any Philosopher that made any Distinction between three Gods and three infinite Minds and Spirits he would have been esteemed not in his right Senses by the Philosophers who should talk of one God and three infinite all-perfect Spirits with them one God and one all-perfect Spirit were convertible Terms and used for each other and indeed they ever will be by all that consider what they say But Dr. Bull and the Fathers whom he follows are perswaded that tho all Nature and Reason are against it yet 't is a Divine Revelation that there are three infinite intellectual Substances three all-perfect Spirits three all-sufficient Minds and that they may be said to be but one God on the Accounts before-given and which I will now examine He and his Fathers say 1. The second and third Minds are originated from the first the Son and Spirit have their Being Life and Godhead from the Father therefore they are one God with him There never was a more absurd thing said by Men. They pretend to prove the Unity or declare the Unity by what is the first Cause of Distinction Diversity and separate Existence God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are propagated from God the Father therefore they are one God with him no Friends no therefore they are separate Beings and distinct Gods from him as distinct and separate as Cause and Effect can be which is the very first of Distinctions and the Ground and Reason of all subsequent Distinction And what kind of God have these Gentlemen devised A God who is in one part of his Composition in that part which they call the Father unoriginated but in his two other Parts the Son and Spirit not only originated as to his Godhead but as to his very Being and Life To say as Dr. Bull and the Fathers do that the Son and Spirit have their Being Life and Godhead from the Father or are originated in respect of all these from the Father implies that they differ from the Father as prior and posterior former and latter for the originated Spirits or Parts of God must of necessity be posterior latter or postnate to that Spirit or part of him from which they are originated the very term Origination is a Confession of a natural Posteriority which cannot be in God To grant to our Opposers that Distinction of theirs prior in Nature and prior in Time they cannot thereby secure their Cause for if the Son and Spirit are originated as to their Substance Being Life and Godhead from the Father they are posterior in Nature to him and therefore can neither be God nor essential Parts of him Posterior in Nature or postnate is as incompatible to God as posterior in Time for it implies an Accession to him and a Change in him If there be something in God that is posterior in Nature to something else in God then the whole of God is not connate there has been a Change and Accession in him which because our Opposers dare not say neither ought they to say the other namely that there is somewhat in God that is posterior in Nature to somewhat else in him and yet to give up that they know is to give up their Cause But themselves that they may not seem stark Fools take notice that if to be originated from the Father will make the Son and Spirit to be one God with the Father the whole Creation the very vilest parts of it shall be one God with him because they are originated from him that is they give up this first Solution or Explication of the Unity and they alledg in the next Place after this manner 2. We do not affirm that bare Origination from God can make the Persons so originated to be one God with him but only when they are so originated from God as to have the same specifick Substance and Properties that he hath that is when the originated Persons have like him immortal unchangable Substances and are omniscient omnipotent and the rest that God is As who should say we make it out that three infinite Spirits are but one God by increasing their first Distinction and Diversity They were sufficiently three Gods by the Origination of the second and third from the first but we will more ascertain them to be so by the Multiplication of Substances and specifick Properties I ask what is it that constitutes or essentiates a God is it not this That we suppose a spiritual Substance that is immortal and unchangable and has the Divine Properties of Omniscience and Omnipotence If so then by supposing more such Substances with such Properties belonging to them we do not suppose one God but three In short I say
Christ 410 or 411. and from hence Mr. du Pin has taken occasion to call him a Father of the 5 th Century Ruffinus being the first of the Fathers that ever wrote an Exposition on the Creed I mean the first of those now extant 't is no wonder that he is also the first that expresly informs us who were the Authors of it tho if he had not told us who were the Compilers the Universality and Antiquity of it are alone sufficient to declare the Authors and Compilers Nor does he say that he had learned who were the Framers of the Creed by popular Report but tradunt rajores nostri our Predecessors in the sacred Function have so delivered to us Which is not to be understood neither of bare oral Tradition by the preceding Bishops and Presbyters but of the antient Writers who had commented on the Creed who be saith were very many None of them are come down to our Times but of the Number was Photinus Archbishop of Sirmium and Metropolitan of Illyricum who held as the Socinians now do that the Lord Christ was a Prophet not God Whereas Mr. du Pin adds that all the other Fathers whom he confesses to be very many he should have said All that mention this Creed took it on the Credit of Ruffinus that the Apostles were the Compilers of it it is rashly said None of them quote Ruffinus for their Author and divers of them particularly St. Austin alledg as Ruffinus does Tradition for their Ground which as I said before was not only Oral Tradition but the Tradition of the antient Commentators And when this Critick urges in the last Place that St. Austin Maximus and some others who have expounded the Creed after Ruffinus omit divers Words nay and Expressions that are found in the Creed as we now have it why has he concealed that the Words or Expressions omitted by these Expositors are only such as they supposed to be included in other equivalent Expressions of the Creed Tho it might also sometimes happen that they did not intend to explain the whole Creed verbatim but only the principal Words and Articles namely such as either were controverted by Hereticks particularly by the Ghosticks and Manichees or were misunderstood by Heretical Persons His Instance of the Life everlasting omitted by Expositors will do him no Service for 't is not an Article no more than dead or gone to those below are Articles but only an Illustration or fuller Explication of the Article foregoing the Resurrection of the Dead These are the Arguments of these two very learned Criticks I willingly acknowledg them to be such Vossius and Monsieur du Pin against the Apostles Creed I have I think not only fully satisfied them but at the same time defended our Arguments for it against their Evasions For whereas to our Argument from the Testimony of all the Fathers who have ever spoke of this Creed and especially of Ruffinus a most learned and judicious Father equalled by Mr. du Pin to St. Jerom they reply that Ruffinus was but of the 5 th Age and spoke only from popular Hear-say and that all the other Fathers took it from him I have shown that these are partly untrue partly rash and ungrounded Affirmations And whereas to what we alledg from the confess'd Antiquity and the Universality of this Creed they answer the Creeds of the Orient and West were different I have evinced that the pretended Differences are apparently only the various Readings of one and the same Creed the very Commandments are much more differently related by Moses himself than the Apostolick Creed by the Churches Of St. Clemens OF the Monuments and Remains of the Apostolick Age next to the Apostles Creed is the Epistle of Clemens Romanus to the Corinthians This is that Clemens of whom St. Paul makes respectful Mention Phil. 4.3 He has written an Epistle in the Name and by the Order of the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth All the Criticks on the Fathers when they speak of this Epistle without an Eye to the Trinitarian Controversies own not only that 't is unquestionably genuine but that 't is a most pious most judicious and an elegant Composition Mr. du Pin very truly adds One may discern in this Writer a great deal of Energy and Vigor accompanied with much Prudence Gentleness Zeal and Charity But when they consider the Doctrine of it with regard to the Trinity and the Person of our Saviour the ablest and antientest and particularly great Photius the most judicious Censor of the Fathers and himself a Father cannot mention it without Tears in their Eyes Besides Photius Petavius and Huetius famous modern Criticks sigh it out that Clemens was an undoubted Vnitarian and the occasion of this Judgment is because of the low and merely humane Characters which throughout this Epistle even where he affects to speak of our Saviour in the highest manner he gives of our Saviour's Person and Dignity But I shall be more particular than they have been in referring to the Passages of this Epistle which have so grieved the Trinitarian Criticks First he always distinguishes the Lord Christ from God and often so distinguishes him that it amounts to a flat and direct Denial that he is God The Apostles saith he ch 42. have preached to us from our Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Christ from God The Lord Christ then according to St. Clement was not himself God but one that has preached to us from God as the Apostles preached from Christ At chap. 58. he hath these deciding Words God the Inspector of all things the Father of Spirits the Lord of all Flesh who hath chosen our Lord Jesus Christ and us by him grant to you Peace Long-suffering Patience through our High Priest and Protector Jesus Christ by whom be Glory and Honour and Majesty unto God now and for evermore What a Socinian Account is here of our Saviour He is saith St. Clement the chosen of God as we also are our High Priest and Protector by his effectual Prayers and Intercession for us and let Honour Glory and Majesty be given to God by him now and for ever Did he think the Person of whom he so speaks was himself God But when he intends to say a very high thing of our Saviour he calls him at ch 16. the Scepter of the Majesty of God He alludes here to the Scepter of King Ahasuerus which he stretched out to Queen Esther in token of his Acceptance and Favour The Lord Christ therefore in the Doctrine of this Father differs just so from God as the Ensigns and Marks of Power and Majesty differ from that Majesty and Power of which they are only the Marks and Signs But besides these diminutive Expressions and absolutely inconsistent with our Saviour's being God I observe that when he endeavours most of all at ch 36. to extol the real Greatness of our Saviour he minds the Corinthians that by him our
Justin Martyr who saith himself in his first Apology that he presented his Apology in the Year 150. The Epistles of Barnabas and Ignatius and the Prophecies and Visions of Hermas were not it should seem yet come out of the Mint or were so well known to be Impostures that no Body durst to alledg them in these Controversies The Question between Dr. Bull and the present Unitarians is concerning the Fathers and Monuments of the Apostolick Succession whether these held our Saviour's Pre-existence and Divinity Eusebius answers us out of a laudable Author that Justin Martyr opposed our Doctrine that is he giveth up to us the whole Apostolick Succession which is as much as the Socinians ever claimed As to the Hymns or Psalms of the Brethren which he saith spoke of Christ as the WORD of God and attributed to him Divinity 't is plain that he spoke rashly and at adventures when he added they were composed by the Brethren from the very first for seeing the Authors of them were unknown so also of necessity must their Date Is doubt not these are the Psalms in Honour of Christ which were put down in the Patriarchal Church of Antioch under this Censure that in very deed they were novel Compositions by later Men and containing some dangerous Strains As we learn from a Letter of the Council at Anticch apud Euseb H. E. l. 7. c. 30. Having said what was necessary concerning the Apostolick Fathers I might now proceed immediately to the Primitive Fathers so called to distinguish them from the Fathers that lived after the Nicene Council or the Year 325 who are simply called Fathers But because I would have nothing else to do in the 2 d and 3 d Parts of this Answer to Dr. Bull but only to examine and discuss his impertinent and most fraudulent Citations out of the Fathers and to oppose to them the certain and clear Testimonies of the same and other Fathers therefore here I will consider the two Passages in Dr. Bull 's Defence of the Nicene Council which in my opinion are the only Parts of his Book that needed to be at all remarked on by the Socinians The first is concerning the Grounds on which Justin Martyr and the following Fathers built their new Doctrine of our Saviour's Pre-existence and that he was tho a Ministerial and Subordinate yet an Agent in the Creation of all things The other is whether the Explication of the Trinity or how three Divine coeternal co-equal Persons and Spirits can be but one God given by Dr. Bull as out of the Fathers be not an undeniable unavoidable Tritheism Of the Grounds on which Justin Martyr and the following Fathers built their Doctrine of our Saviour's Pre-existence and that he is a Ministerial Creator AFter Dr. Bull had quoted some Passages of the Fathers wherein they say it was the Divine WORD who appeared so often to the Patriarchs as to Adam Abraham Jacob Moses He takes notice also that some learned Men of the Moderns at p. 20. he calls them viri quidam doctrissimi deride these Citations as mere Dreams of the good Fathers and hold it for a certain Truth that it was only an Angel who appeared so often and on so many Occasions to the Patriarchs but the Angel say they is called Jehovah and God because on those Occasions he represented the Person and Authority of God He notes again that others may object hereupon if the Fathers were mistaken in the Ground on which they did build their Supposition of our Saviour's Pre-existence 't is but too probable that they have erred also in the Supposition it self namely that the Lord Christ did pre-exist or had a Being before he was born of the Virgin Mary He answers to the several Arguments of the viri quidam doctissimi and I intend here to examine his Answers 1. They argue that indeed it is said at Exod. 3.4 God called to Moses out of the midst of the Bush but it is owned in the preceding 2 d Verse that it was indeed an Angel of the Lord that appeared to Moses in a Flame of Fire in the midst of the Bush and St. Stephen also assures us Acts 7.30 There appeared to Moses an Angel of the Lord in a Flame of Fire in the midst of a Bush Dr. Bull replies 1 st The Divine WORD who is the true God might be called here an Angel because he appeared in such manner as Angels were wont to appear 2 dly Some of the Fathers said that it was an Angel that appeared in the Bush but the Divine WORD was in the Angel and it was God in the Angel that spoke to Moses these Words I am the God of thy Fathers 3 dly 'T is an absurd nay horrible Opinion to think or maintain that the Angels ever as it were acted the Person and part of God by assuming his incommunicable Name Jehovah or his Person Authority and Attributes He saith it was never heard of that an Ambassador in delivering the Message or Commands of his Master took on him the Person and Stile of his Master but all Ambassadors say only thus saith my Master Now in answer to these Elusions first Mr. Bull has but imperfectly reported the Argument of those learned Men to whom he endeavours to answer For they not only alledg that the Person who is called Jehovah at Exod. 3.4 is declared at ver 2. of the same Chapter and by St. Stephen at Acts 7.30 to be only an Angel therefore called Jehovah and God because he represented the Person and Authority of God but they prove this by Examples and by very cogent Reasons Moses tells the Israelites from God Exod. 23.20 I send an Angel before thee in the way to bring thee into the Place that I have prepared Beware of him obey his Voice provoke him not for he will not pardon your Transgressions for my Name is in him Who sees not here that the Meaning is the Angel being to represent my Person and to exercise my Authority therefore my Name is in him or therefore he is called by my Name even Jehovah or the LORD which is the Name by which this Angel is all along called in the following History set down in the subsequent Chapters and Books of Moses Again when it is said at Gen. 7.16 that Noah and his Sons and the Creatures that were to be preserved being entred into the Ark the LORD Heb. Jehovah shut them in and when the Angel that wrestled with Jacob is called Gen. 32.30 God is there not an absolute necessity of saying that these Angels had the Names Jebovah and God given to them on the account that they were heavenly Messengers that represented the Person of God For is it congruous to say God shut the Door and God wrestling with Jacob prevailed not against him In a word the viri doctissimi show first that 't is expresly said concerning a mere Angel that the Name of God was in him And next that very often the
never produce any thing of the Cabala that but looks this way And see here what Origen who flourished about the Year 270 fays of the Jews I have disputed often says this most Learned Father with the Jewish Rabbins that were of most Esteem but I could never meet with any of them who approve this Doctrine that the WORD is the Son of God Contr. Celsum l. 2. p. 79. Again l. 4. p. 162. he is more express in the case Celsus is ignorant that the Jews do not believe that the Messias or Christ whom they still expect as to come is not God nor the Son of God But Dr. Bull himself tho here to serve the present turn he contends that the Jewish Cabala speaks of the WORD as a Person and the Son of God elsewhere Judic Eccl. p. 170. owns and proves that the Jews do not expect any Messias or Christ promised to them by their Prophets but who shall be a mere Man And he cites Tripho the Jew saying We Jews expect a Christ who is a Man born of Men. But if this was the Opinion of the Jews concerning Christ that he shall be a Man only why does Mr. Bull pretend in this Place that the Cabala or Traditional Doctrine of the Jews which by them is supposed to be of Divine Revelation teaches the contrary namely that the Christ is to be a Divine Person the eternal Son of God and himself also God He will never reconcile these Contradictions to himself But let us now examine of what Authority his Quotations out of some Jewish Books are His first Citation is out of the Apocryphal Book of Wisdom Wisd 18.15,16 Thy Almighty WORD leap'd down from Heaven out of his Royal Throne as a fierce Man of War into a Land destined to Destruction He brought thine unfeigned Commandment as a sharp Sword and standing up filled all things with Death he touched the Heaven tho he stood upon the Earth In sober Sadness this was a terrible WORD his Feet stood on plain Ground and yet his Head touched not the Clouds or the Aether but Heaven it self and with his Death-dealing Fauchion he even depopulated the whole Country in a few Minutes 'T is sufficient however I suppose to sober People if we say hereupon that this same was only a Chimerical not a real Almanzor and that there is no Body but Dr. Bull that will ever be afraid of his Puissance But Dr. Bull objects that however this Passage serves to show that the Author of the Book of Wisdom who was a Jew believed the WORD Right but then he should have observed too that the Book as we now have it must be as much reckoned to the Translator who was a Christian as to the first Writer of it who it may be was a Jew Let us hear Grotius in his Preface to his Annotations on this Book The Book of Wisdom was written by a Jew who lived after the times of Ezra but some Christian or other who was a Greek hapning on it he hath given it us in the Greek Tongue but with divers Additions to it taken from the Christian Religion Of this kind no Man will doubt it is this Description of the WORD which is wholly Christian as Christianity began to be taught about the middle of the second Age the Jews as we have heard from Origen never believed such a kind of WORD namely that is a Person the Son of God or God His next Allegation is from the Paraphrases of Onkelos and Jonathan Jews that translated the Old Testament into Syro-Chaldaick after a Paraphrastical way But I cannot perceive that any of his Citations out of these Paraphrases speak of the WORD in the Platonick Sense namely as a Person or as a God but only in the Jewish and Socinian Sense namely as the Energy and Power of God or God's powerful effectual Mandate As to his last Quotation from a Paraphrase of Jonathan on the Psalms which has some Appearance of being to the purpose for which Mr. Bull alledged it whereas Jonathan seems to read the Lord said to his WORD Sit on my right Hand Jonathan's Words may better be rendred thus the Lord said by his WORD i. e. his Mandate or Decree Sit on my right Hand But Philo speaks home he expresly calls the WORD the Son of God his first-begotten Son to whose Care saith he farther as to the Vicarius and Deputy of God the whole Creation is committed and by whom it was originally made But I shall never believe that a Jew by Religion wrote those things concerning the WORD that we see in Philo's Works Eusebius suspects Photius directly affirms that Philo was a Christian This last adds that by occasion of some Displeasure taken Philo departed from the Christian Religion I believe with Eusebius and Photius that Philo was a Christian but I make no question that Eusebius is mistaken in thinking that this is the Philo who was sent on an Ambassage to the Emperor C. Caligula but a Philo of the second Age toward the expiring of it or of the 2 d Age just expiring For he describes the Therapeutae that is the Christians both in their Discipline their Studies and their manner of interpreting Holy Scripture not as they lived or were in the Apostolick Times but in the Close of the second and Beginning of the third Age. Lastly as to the obscure Rabbi cited by Masius and the unknown Book Tankumam enough has been said to evince that if they speak of the WORD as the Son of God they may be written perhaps in Rabbinical Hebrew and by Jews by Nation but such Jews as were come over to the Christian Religion there being nothing more certain than that the Jews never owned a Son of God in any other Sense but of Adoption Sanctification Exaltation and such like nor do I think that Dr. Bull himself will again insist on Jewish Authorities whether they be these or any other He should make himself ridiculous to all learned Men by persevering in such a notorious Mistake as this that the Jews either now or in any time past believed the WORD as a Person or that God begat a Son who was pre-existent to the World and was together with God the Creator of it 't is for this very Doctrine that the Jews have pretended ever since the Council of Nice and at this day do pretend that Christianity is a Revolt to Heathenism and Paganism There remains now but one thing more in Dr. Bull 's Defence of the Nicene Faith that I intend to consider in this first Part of my Answer to him his Explication of the Trinity or how three Divine Persons and Spirits each of which has all Divine Perfections and is singly and by himself God nay perfect God are for all that but one God On the Explication of the Trinity according to the Fathers and Dr. Bull. THAT three Divine Spirits and Persons each of which has all possible real Perfections and therefore is singly