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A47662 Lemmata meditationum, or, The contents of a few religious meditations given as directive and incentive to that invaluable duty / by Philo-Jesus Philo-Carolus. Philo-Carolus, Philo-Jesus. 1672 (1672) Wing L1043; ESTC R41777 67,493 199

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Quickner Convincer Converter Comforter Is thy being shapen in sin and conceived in (t) Psal 51.3 5. iniquity ever before thee Dost set thy secret sins before thee thy (u) Psal 90.8 hidden ones in the light of thy countenance Dost smell them stink ready to choak thee bowing thee ready to break thee and killing thee all the day long Tell me is the Law the delight of thy eyes and dost keep it in them Dost make it a light to they feet as well as thy brains Canst say without lying thou hast not a (x) 2 Co 1.9 comfort in all the world but it springs from one or other of the Lord's promises Does his threatning (j) Isa ult 2 3. word make thee tremble Dost live by sense as a horse by carnal reason as a man or by faith as a Christian Has thy faith any (z) Acts 26.18 eyes do they see God heaven helf death and Judgment every day every duty every time of seriousness and that as real certain indisputable things (a) Jer. 6.10 Has thy faith any ears can it and does it hear the voice (b) Job 35.10 of God in his Word and providential works that which natural men do no more hear than stocks and stones Don't thy natural (c) Eze 12.2 ears hear the Minister speak a great deal while thy spiritual ears don't hear God speaking one word of it Don't lye but tell me Hast ears for God's mouth as thou hast for men Has thy faith (d) Psal 135. a nose one that smells myrrh aloes cinnamon in every Truth and every good notion practice and person together with fire and brimstone in every sin though sweetned with profit pleasure honour love of Kings themselves What manner (e) Psal 34 8. of Tast has thy faith Does secret converse with God in bed at board on horseback in closet c. Does converse with thy self and Christ's members as such Do duties of all kinds such as most exclude thy own carnal ease and mens carnal peace and fayour Do these tast indeed and in good earnest so well (f) Psal 119.103 as honey to thy (g) 1 Pe 2.3 palat Do they affect thee with so palpable a pleasure and sweetness And lastly for God's sake tell me what feeling is thy faith of Can't it let thee go without its robes about thee but strait feel the sterming wind of God's wrath and scorching Sun shine of his fury and that as plain as thy naked body would feel a December frost or March wind on a hill Is God thy All art thou all Gods and that in secret sober sadness Canst vow and protest to Father Son and Spirir that thy heart labours after and can't and won't be satisfied without (h) 2 Co 13 14. the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the Love of God the Father and the communion of God the Spirit If so Go in peace and the God of peace be with thee Amen Lord Jesus Amen Amen 17. A Soliloquy with the World OH World World (i) Joh. 8.48 Say I not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a devil Nay rather is not thy name (k) Mar 5 9. legion and art thou not many Abaddons and Apollyons I am sure thou hast oft caught Saints themselves and they have been (l) Luk 8. 29 33. bound with thy chains and fetters breaking God's holy bonds And as for unregenerate Swine into whom thou entrest and art not soon dispossess't thou hurriest them down into the lake where they are cloathed with fire and brimstone The Devil had less specious (m) Ge 3. apples of old to delude eye with than thy apples of gold in pictures of silver be If that serpent did not eat and feed men with thy dust we might triumph over him oh Serpent where is thy sting (n) Joh 8.44 oh Devil where is thy victory He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the Truth and wast not thou a like apostate of whom God said Thou wast very good and by and by (o) Ge. 1.31 Gen. 3.17 cursed thee that once barest good fruit for the use of man's body now nothing but thorns and thistles at least husks for soul and body I 'le say 't (p) Jud 6. Thou kept'st not thy first estate but art now reserved to the jud gement of the great Day And I 'le vow my judgement is that if I don 't in the mean time drownthee in the (q) Rev 12.15 flood of my penitential tears and burn thee out of my soul with the fire of my love and zeal for a better world the flood cast out of thy mouth will swallow me up and I shall find the God of this world a consuming fire For if any Devil (r) Heb 2.15 has the power of death I dare say 't is the world to whose (s) Eph 6.12 principalities and powers mankind so conforms its life 'T is the world makes every (t) Luk 22.3 5. Judas in it and we betray not Christ to our lusts till that enter into us and covenant with us Nor keep we back any thing from him till this (u) Act 5.30 Satan fills our hearts to oppose the Holy Ghost Thou oh world art the Satan that standest ever at our right hands to resist us and I vow I think (x) 2 Ch 10.10 thy little finger thicker than the loins of all the Devils in hell If the Saints must judge (y) 1 Co 6.2 the world and the things of the world I doubt not but they will judge them the worst enemies next to lusts after them If they resist the Devil he will fly from them but the earth abideth for ever a Tempter and its Herods which seek the life of Christ within us will never be dead We may chuse whether we will give any place to the Devil or no but the world must have our backs on which it makes but too often very long furrows and our bellies in which it leaves its Idol-gods Of all its clothes how few there be that won't be found naked and uncovered with Christ's Garments I cannot think without horrour and surely did it poyson as many bellies as souls it would have few to feed Oh world world Miserable are thy men and miserable the servants (z) 2 Ch 9.7 which stand continually before thee and hear thy wisedom though with that pleasure of which the world is not worthy I assure (a) Ecc. 1.8 thee my eye is satisfied with seeing thee and my ear with hearing thee The Devil brags of thy (b) Mat 4.9 All these things but God calls thy things things which are not and if that damn'd Ghost did not think my soul worth a thousand of thee he would scarce be so busie with me to give my soul in exchange for thee I know by my experience (d) Jer. 2.13 thy cisterns are broken and can hold no water My comforts in eating and
as other mens and though their love comes up like a flower it 's obnoxious to be cut or trod down like grass (g) Mat 6.30 which to day is and to morrow is cast into the oven Be thou my friend who changest not but lovest to the end yea world without end (h) Rev 2.10 who art faithful to the Death and givest thy friends a crown of Life whose love neither death can strike (i) Ro 3.38 39 nor life consume nor angels stop in the way nor principalities (k) Ro. 13.2 and powers resist to any but their own damnation nor things present cross nor things to come annoy nor heighth pull down nor depth swallow up nor any other creature do any other injury unto Oh my God make me know men (l) Jam. 1.8 are double-winded and their love is unstable in all its waies (m) He. 12.15 any root of bitterness may spring up and trouble it the rust of money (n) Mat 6.19 may corrupt it thieves may break in and steal it An unbridled tongue may ride over it and spoil it Oh make me sell all I have to get thy love thy love which is an inheritance (o) 1 Pe 1.4 5. incorruptible undefiled and that fades not away reserv'd in heaven kept through my faith indeed but by thy power unto salvation Make me know good Lord That all the friends on earth can't make one (p) Mat. 5.36 hair of my head white or black nor by (q) Mat 6.27 taking ever so much thought add one cubit to my stature when sick or sorrowful there 's not one to whom I can say (r) Mat. 8.2 7. If thou wilt thou canst make me clean and whole nor can a soul of them say I will come and heal thee (s) Job 7.38 But oh my God he that believeth in thee though he were dead yet should he live Thou canst (t) Ezo 37.6 lay sinews upon dry bones cover them with flesh and breath in life 'T is but a word (u) Heb 11.3 and a world with thee (x) Ecc 1.15 that which is crooked thou canst make strait and that which is wanting thou canst number it My God my God I beseech thee put away my lovers and friends from me and (y) Job 19.13 let my acquaintance be estranged from that intimacie and perpetuitie of converse with them which hinders my communion with thee Though of all things below they are the sweetest they cannot (z) Pro 30 8. feed me with food convenient for me though I am greatly prone to put (a) Pro. 25.19 confidence in them I find that confidence in them in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joynt Though they have (b) Eph 4.28 stole away too too much of my affection already Oh my God let them steal no more Enable me to (c) Luk 14.26 hate my very father as much as is requisite to come a friend to thee Be thou my whole acquaintance and let me be ever with thee either in delights or desires Let me be a (d) Psal 119.23 companion of all them that love thee but let my communion be with and my strong confidence be in thee who art never better known than trusted Amen my God and Saviour Amen Amen! 10. A Soliloquy with God of the Holy Scriptures BLessed God (x) Job 6.25 how forcible are right words thine I am sure are Right because thine and right forcible because they are such (y) Jer. 23.29 hammers as break the very Rocks of my heart such a fire as pierces into my inmost depths and reaches the dross (z) 1 Co 2.9 which no Eye hath seen or ear heard Such Monitors as whoever won't hear (a) Luk 16.31 would not believe if one came from the dead Such as (b) Psal 119.9 cleanse the ways of even young men themselves so hard to be reclaimed that David cries out astonishedly Wherewithall shall a man young cleanse his waies Of very stocks and stones thy word (c) Mat. 3.9 has rais'd up children to Abraham It is (d) Isa 43.1 the arm of God yea and very sword too God the Father's arm God the Son's (e) 1 Co 4.20 power God the (f) Eph 6.17 Spirits sword Oh my God (g) Pre. 15.23 words spoken in season how good are they but when are thine out of season When (h) 1 Pe 2.2 we are babes they are milk (i) Pro 16.24 sweet and nourishing When grown they are strong meat making us go in thy wayes without weariness yea (k) Psal 19.5 run without fainting when in bitterness of sin and sorrow they are honey pleasant and purgative too When in doubts they are Counsellors when fainting (l) Can 2.5 they are flagons of soul-reviving cordials and apples of comfort When quite dead and the spirit gone (m) Jo. 6 6● the words which thou sayest they are spirit and they are life (n) Jam 1.18 We are begotten by thy holy word (o) psa 119.93 as many as are born of God! We are fed by the same and no better fed than taught neither O my God there is not a (p) Psa 119 105. word in my tongue but thou knowest it altogether Oh would to Christ there may not be a (q) Psal 139.4 word in thy Book but I may know it altogether (r) Jam 1.5 Praised be thy holy Name thou dost not say If any man want wisdom that then he shall strait be damn'd for a fool but sayest That then he should ask it of thee Lord I ask of thee that (s) 2 Ti. 3.15 wisedom to salvation which thy word alone is able to give me I observe That all worldly wise withour this are (t) Mat. 10.16 as harmless as serpents as wise as doves without hearts they are wise to do evil in the form of godliness but to do good as good they have (u) Jer. 4.22 none the least knowledge What are all humane Authors that I should take knowledge (x) Psal 144.3 of them Or the most Learned that I should make account of them (y) Isa 55.8 9. Their words are not as thy words nor their notions as thy notions As the heavens are high above the earth so are thy words high above their words thy notions above theirs Methinks of all the Books in my Studie it is my Bible onely which can use the mighty Lords own words (z) Isa 45.22 Look unto me and be ye saved All the ends of the earth (a) Pro. 8.18 20 21 14. riches and honour are with me yea durable riches and honours lead in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of Judgement That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance and I will fill their treasures Counsel is mine and sound wisedom I am understanding I have strength Other Books I confess with their
Law ought not to depart out of a man's mouth so neither ought it to enter in save (k) Mat. 12.34 out of the hearts abundance Eliphaz advises (l) Job 22.22 Job to lay up God's word in his heart not his mouth (m) Pro 3.1 Prov. 4.23 and Solomon thought no cabinet so proper to keep divine Commands in as it Nay God himself chuses the Tables of the heart (n) Jer. 31.33 for to write his Laws in which makes me conclude A man may keep his mouth and tongue richly and yet never keep (o) Pro. 21.23 his soul from troubles and this because I know whatever entreth in at the mouth if it find no place in the heart it goes into (p) Mat 15.18 the belly of hidden lusts and is cast out into their draught The things of God which proceed out of the mouth when they proceed not forth out of the heart they defile the man So little a praise is it to be a man of pure lips if no more and especially if that of the (q) Isa 29. wise man be true to wit that though (r) Pro. 14.23 in all labour there be profit yet lip labour has a direct tendency to povertie Oh my soul (s) Pro. 11.9 Solomon tells thee That the Hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour I tell thee more even that he destroys himself for though he has (t) Pro. 7.14 9 15 16 17 18 19 20. Peace offerings with him and every day payes his vows yet he goes forth in the black and dark angels of his soul to meet the Devil diligently to find him though he decks his bed with covering of religious Tapestry with carved works and fine linen of profession though he perfumes his bed with myrrh aloes and cinamon yet he takes his fill of spiritual whoredom and solaces himself with atheistical loves while the good conscience is not at home but is turn'd out of doors with a bag of money not to come home till the day appointed even that of Death and Judgement If of any soul alive this oh my soul is true of the hypocritical one He feedeth on ashes a deceiv'd heart hath turn'd him aside that he cannot deliver his soul nor say (u) Isa 44.20 Is there not a lye in my right hand (x) Pro 12.15 For the way of such a fool is right in his own eyes And Christ himself does not deny but he has his reward (y) Mat. 6.2 Mat. 6.4 Mat. 6.7 Mat. 6.6 Mar. 6.31 32 He does his alms to the devil in secret and that father of his who seeth him in secret himself rewards him openly Though when he prayes to God he uses as vain repetitions as the Heathens do yet when he prayes to the devil and wishes for devilish things he keeps in the closet of privacy and shuts all the doors at which men may see in He takes no thought saving What shall I do to eat Christ's flesh or drink his blood or cloath me with the garment of his Righteousness For after all these things do true Israelites seek but he seeks first the titular Kingdom of God and the professional Righteousness thereof and thinks all these things shall be added He takes no care for to morrow but lets that care for it self Sufficient he thinks unto the Day of Judgement if to any day is the evil thereof His love I can't say is without dissimulation but sure (z) Mat 5.44 love he does his enemies God's Lawes bless he does them though they curse him and pray for God's promises though they despightfully use him and give him no one drop of comfort He 's even almostas perfect as his father which is inHell is perfect This indeed oh my soul (a) Mat 7.11 9 10 9 10. I observe that being evil the hypocrite knows how to give good gifts and though when his friend asks of him for bread what he gives him in respect of himself be no more than a stone and he takes no more in it yet to his friend 't is good bread Though the Truths he delivers be to himself serpents that sometimes sting his soul yet as he delivers them they are fish What is (b) 2 Co 4.2 handling the Word of God deceitfully if this be not to wit Taking it (c) Deu 30.14 very nigh one even into ones mouth and yet not so much as know it any otherwise than God knows the proud to wit (d) Psal 138.6 afar off to be not a hearer onely but a talker too and yet not a (e) Jam 1.22 doer of the Word to do with it many wonderful works by it to (f) Mat 7.22 cast out devils and nevertheless as the Pharisees and Scribes (g) Mar 7.13 making that of none effect to ones self Oh my soul for the love of God let not the Word of God (h) Psa 119.103 be sweet to thy mouth and not to thy tast (i) 1 Th 5 26. Kiss it with no Judas-like but with a holy kiss (k) Mat 13.57 As 't is said of a prophet he is not without honour save in his own countrey so may it be said of the Word it is not without honour save in its own proper Region that of the heart (l) Deu 4.9 Oh keep thy heart and it more dear than thy hearts blood with all diligence (m) Psa 45.1 Let thy heart endite good matters of it (n) Pro 15.13 Pro. 15.15 A merry heart makes a chearful countenance Let thy hearts mirth in it be that which sets thy chearful countenance on it 'T is a heart a heart a heart I tell thee a merry heart with it which hath a continual Feast for the Lord and from the Lord. In the Word God opens his heart to the Word open thy heart even the hidden man of thy heart Oh my soul (o) 1 pe 3.4 I charge thee before God who has quickned thee and before Jesus Christ who never made or will endure rotten professions that thou take not the oyl (q) Psa 104.15 of the Word to make thy face to shine without the wine of the Word to make thy very heart glad in the Lord. (r) Jam 3.5 The tongue is a little member don't think that God intended it for the Seat and Dwelling house of his great Law (s) Pro. 16.1 The answer of the tongue is indeed from the Lord but when When the preparations of the heart in man be so to (t) pro. 15.7 the tongue is the dispenser and should be the disperser of holy knowledge But the heart my soul the heart 't is that has the good (u) Mat 6.21 treasure and as 't is true where the treasure is there the heart will be so really where the heart is there the (x) Mat 12.35 treasure will be good or bad O my soul better is a little in the heart (y) Pro. 15.16 with the fear
as Paul (f) Acts 28.5 spake of this viper though it fasten about me I hope I shall both pluck out my self ish (g) Mat ●5 29 30 eye and cast it from me too chop off my self ish hands and cast them from me also yea and throw out my self ish holiness it self unto the dogs I hope to see the (h) Job 31.22 ar mof all self fall from its shoulder-blade and broken from the bone broken in pieces (i) psal 89 10. as Rahab and serv'd as the Midianites as Sisera as Jabin at the brook of Kison If not piety must say within me (k) Jer. 10.20 my Tabernacles are spoil'd my cords are broken there is none to stretch forth my Tent any more and to set up my curtains and wo is me I must say to the power of godliness if any live in me (l) 2 Ki 20.1 set thy house in order for thou shalt dye and not live for sure I am selfishness wipes out spirituality of obedience as a man (m) 2 Ki 21.13 wipes out a dish wiping it and turning it upside down Nebuchadneuzar like it makes a decree that every power of the powers of the soul that shall (n) Dan 3.5 6. hear the sound of its cornets flutes and harps shall fall down and worship the golden images that it sets up and if any grace withstand it must be cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace of rage and malice like the woman in the Revelation it is (o) Rev 18.21 array'd in purple and scarlet-colour'd pretences deckt with gold precious stone and pearl in its professions and hath in its hand a golden cup like a sacred chalice but it is full of abominations and filthiness of its fornications upon its forehead should be wrote Mystery Babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the heart and life wherefore thou oh my God send thou the Angel of the Covenant (p) Rev 18.21 the mighty Angel indeed and by his holy spirit let him take up thy word like a great milstone and cast this Babylon into the sea and let it be found no more at all in my soul or any of its wayes As (q) Exo 15 4 5. Pharaoh's chariots and his host were cast into the sea and his chosen captains drown'd in the red sea so let the deeps cover my self ishness and all its Aegyptian crew let them sink into the bottom as a stone Amen my God Amen 17. A Soliloquy with my Soul about its evidences for Divine Love OH my soul my soul (r) Pro. 24.24 25. He that saith to the wicked thou art righteous him shall the people curse Shall nations abhor him I prethee He that saith to his wicked self Thou art righteous shall not God curse him too shall not Saints also abhor him (s) Psal 39.1 Take heed then to thy wayes that thou sin not with thy tongue Keep the mouth of thy very heart also with a bridle while thy wicked lusts are before thee (t) Job 12.6 The tabernacles of them who rob and take from Gods promises their comforts which they give them not do prosper for a while but the wealth of evidences for heaven (u) Pro 13.11 got by vanity will be diminish'd when they that gather them by laborious consulting the conditions of Gospel promises shall increase The devil's beasts do not know (x) Isa 1.3 their Owner nor his Asses their Master's crib Without are dogs which neither ken their being dogs but dream themselves God's children nor believe themselves without divine favour but conceit them wrapt up in the bowels of it Thousands I am out of doubt thousands of Christ's (y) Mat 25.33 37 44. sheep think they are goats but thousands of thousands among Satan's goats think they are sheep Many in whom Christ is think (z) 2 Co 13.5 they are Reprobates but more who are Reprobates think that Christ is in them Oh my soul my soul If I my self (a) Gal. 1.8 or an angel from heaven do preach to thee any other Gospel or salvation on any other Terms than what are delivered in Christ's own hold it accursed He that doth (b) Joh ●● 21. the truth cometh to that light e're his deeds can be made manifest that they are of God (c) pro. 18.17 It being first in thy own cause thou shouldst seem just God thy very near Neighbour will be sure come search thee out He leads corrupt (d) Job 12.17 self-counsellers away spoil'd and makes partial Judges of themselves fools and believe me the (e) Mat. 24.35 heaven of presumptions making shall pass away but his works will not pass away (f) pro. 20.6 Most men and especially the worst will proclaim every one his own righteousness but a faithful friend to God who canfind for all that My soul I am sure thou hast those within thee which (g) Isa 30.10 say to thy Seers see not and to the Prophets prophesie not right things speak unto us smooth things but for the love of Christ don't let them make (h) Isa 28.15 thee make lyes thy refuge and undersalshood hide thy self God has written to thee excellent things in counsel and in knowledge (i) pro. 22.20 21. that he might make thee not guess but know not the probability but certainty of the words of Truth (k) Pro. 3.5 6. Lean thou not then to thy own understanding but in all thy wayes acknowledge them (l) Job 38.2 3. Don't darken counsel by words without knowledge Gird up now thy loins for I will demand of thee and answer thou me Hath thine eye seen God (m) Job 42.6 7. so as that thou abhorrest thy self in dust and ashes Are all thy springs in God and (n) Psal 121.1 2 dost thou lift up thy eyes to no other hills for thy salvation Dost find that 't is indeed his (o) Psal 104.28 29. opening his hand that fills thee with good and 't is his hiding his face that troubles thee Art thou sure of this Dost verily believe (p) Psal 84.11 that God is the Sun who gives thee all thy light without any efficiency of thy lower Moon and Stars and that he is the onely shield in life and death Is he in good earnest thy love (q) Isal 119.16 delight desire and joy and hope Hast thou said as he sayes to all other gods Ye shall die Is (r) Psal 97.10 he Lord of lords God of hosts I am that I am wonderful Counsellor and mighty God See the whole Law Gospel Holy Faithful and True in thy inmost reins Is his Son God-man crucified under his Fathers wrath satisfactoriously meritoriously and victoriously dying rising triumphing and interceding at his Fathers right hand thy life light bread raiment ark City of Refuge Priest Prophet King Is God the (s) Joh. 14.18 holy Spirit thy Enlightner