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A42495 A sermon preached in St. Pauls Church London ... February 28, 1659 being a day of solemn thanksgiving unto God for restoring of the excluded members of Parliament to the House of Commons ... / by John Gauden. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing G370; ESTC R24048 65,030 124

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and convulsions to weakness and consumption As a Father would be affected to see his tender Daughter thus used and abused which cannot endure pains like the hardier and rougher sex of Sons so is God and so his Prophet and so is every good man and woman to the Church and Country whereto they are so nearly related God is so concerned and touched to the quick that his bowels are turned within him he deplores himself as if he were a miserable God while his people his sons and daughters are miserable either by their sins or sufferings God hath his sympathies with them his repentings toward them his returns with tears and kisses for them as a compassionate and good natured parent hath toward his daughter when he hath been forced to use her hardly and hath in his anger either wounded or bruised and hurt her The kindnesses that in mankind are humane affections in God are Divine perfections None can be so good-natured so {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} as the good God is if we were not cruel to him and our own souls he could never be other than most kind to us for he doth not afflict us willingly We compel him to be froward by our frowardness and to break upon us by rebelling against him we bruise our selves by dashing against that rock which would be our refuge and shelter we wound our selves by running upon that sword which would only be our defence God never ceaseth to be our Father till we cease to behave our selves as his children From the blessed God the best men learn and derive this tender love care compassion and indulgence towards the Daughter of their people both in civil and sacred relations the concernments or interests of both are great endearments to gracious souls hence as other Prophets so specially Jeremiah becomes a man of sorrows his eyes run down night and day with rivers of tears nor can he be comforted while Sion is afflicted Though he be wel-nigh drowned in his own tears yet he wisheth Jer. 9.1 O that my head were a fountain of tears His bowels his bowels are pained within him by that coarctation or compression which great grief fear and horror makes upon by the retirings of spirit and blood the lactes and smaller bowels which are near the heart he is weary of life which doth but daily torment him with so many sad spectacles such dreadful diurnals such unwelcome news of breach upon breach such a dying and self-destroying Church and State all things growing worse and worse and no remedy Still he the alarm of war and sound of the Trumpet The Church and State Physicians are wholly for corrosives and no lenitives for fraud and force not for Reason and Law they pretend necessity and pursue providences till they are in a wilderness of woe and confusion far from peace health salvation and establishment which are the effects and fruits only of Righteousness and Justice of Reason and Religion Hence the Prophet with vehemency demands and demanding he deplores and deploring he reproacheth the folly and defect the stupidity and cruelty of those in power Is there no balm in Gilead is there no Physician Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered The best of the Heathens had very quick strokes upon their heart strings by the love and care they had of their Countries they thought it dulce decorum pro patria mori most worthy of a good man not only to live but also to die for his Countries safety and honor It argues minds without natural affection not to have compassion for their Country and more for their Church They must be Clyclopick monsters of brutish Barbarity who can like Cannibals feed on the flesh and drink the blood of their Country and neighbors of their kindred of their parents and of their children yea of their very daughters who have a priviledge and plea from their sex for greatest tenderness The daughter of our people in respect of our posterity and descendents from us whom we leave to succeed after us in our lands houses and estates is also our Mother and Parent communis parens if we look backward as we are derived from our forefathers Patria est mater filia our Country is our parent or mother also our child or daughter in different aspects and so requires different respects First Of reverence as to our majores progenitores Father or Mother that begat and bare us Secondly Of Indulgence as to our daughter or posteri which derive from us In both that love and kindness is expected and by the Law of Nature which is Gods Law so commanded that they sin highly who are so cruel as either to sacrifice their sons and daughters or their Fathers and Mothers their Church and Country root and branch to the fires and flames of civil Wars and dissentions begun and continued by their sinful cruelty and tyrannous hypocrisie Can a Mother forget her childe or a Father cast off his Son or sheath his sword in the bowels of his daughter without the just imputation of madness and inhumanity Judge then what men yea what Sea-monsters they are that can be studiously designedly and industriously cruel to that Country wherein they were bred and to that Church in which they were baptized to deform the beauty and destroy the blessings of peace plenty order good Government and true Religion left them by their Progenitors and to leave to posterity nothing but poverty and pain terrors and wars blood and confusion hypocrisie and cruelty fanatick fury and military insolency nothing but either oppression or Anarchy either the cries of the oppressors threatning pillaging and exacting as grievous tax-masters or of the oppressed mourning and deploring their sad condition in vain while either the cords of unrighteous decrees do binde a Nation captive to the lusts of unreasonable and merciless men as to the rack and torture or such daily executions of violence exasperation and rigor as fills the land with discontent blood and tumult the daughter of his people daily appearing as the slain wallowing in their own blood and her voyce is as the groans of a deadly wounded and dying man Fourthly and lastly this denomination or title of the daughter of my people imports as the happy estate of any Nation that is thus under Gods eye and tender care also under the protection or guardianship of wise Governors of just and lawful Magistrates who carry themselves as Nursing-fathers and Nursing-mothers to Church and State yea as kinde Husbands and indulgent Spouses to their beloved Brides or Wives So it shews how sad desolate and helpless yea how dangerous and exposed to miseries both of dishonor and death and all manner of hurts incident to any Church and State the condition of any people is that is not under Gods care or is deprived by their sin and madness of good
more like slaves under hard Masters than like the Sons and Daughters of a fatherly Prince or a free and legal Polity much as poor Hospital wretches who are condemned to live always under the hands of Physicians and Chyrurgeons kept down by Janisaries and daily terrified with either taxes or instruments of pain or menaces of death Certainly as qui medice so qui militariter vivit misere vivit It is a kiling and dying life to live always under the Chyrurgeons lance or the Soldiers sword The Hurts of a Nation may be distinguished into those that either disaffect the body and outward man by Tyranny Injustice and oppression contrary to the known laws good constitutions and venerable customs of a people which are the native and self-healing balsom of those great bodies pressing upon the estates properties liberties limbs lives and honors of mankind when either Superiors like the disaffected head distill too sharp and corrosive humors upon inferior parts or these send up by a kind of circulation or exhalation pestilent fumes and vapors of mutiny and rebellion against their Heads and Superiors jealous of and envying each others welfare also withdrawing that natural assistance from each other which is indeed the support and health of the whole These hurts are very dangerous and ought to be speedily composed to such an harmony as is a tolerable state of health by adjusting every one their rights assigned to them by that Law which so takes care and provides for the publick order beauty and welfare of all that it permits no one private interest like a wen or leech or Incubus to oppress dreine and destroy anothers for as in Nature so in States the whole cannot be well at ease if one part be grievously pained or pierced There are sometimes horrible rapes committed upon the daughter of a people while vile and violent men sons of Belial to satisfie their own inordinate lusts of revenge covetousness pride or ambition apply by force or fraud or both to obtain that power and place that favor and preferment in the publick which they dispair to get in fair and honest ways of worthy industry and merit These are like the incestuous ravishers of their own Sisters or Daughters or Mothers men that have much of Cateline in them nothing of the true Christian nor are they to be envied if they prosper for a time in their wicked devices and indeavours since this is all the shadow of greatness they shall ever enjoy while for a moments glory among a company of poor mortals they venture eternal debasement among the Devils where such great sinners shall be greatly tormented nor will their prosperity procure their impunity though they dye in peace yet they descend to an eternal war which is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} never to be ended by peace or truce nor yet by annihilation or extinction There are also grievous hurts which may bebefal a Nation as to its very soul and better spirits that is its intellectual powers and excellencies of Religion and Learning of rational and ingenuous improvements most worthy of men of Gentlemen and Christians These hurts are when true Religion which is founded on Gods Word confirmed by the testimony of the Church of God in all ages fortified by good Laws regulated by good Discipline or Government and supported by honorable encouragements when this is either corrupted in its soundness of doctrine or overgrown as the head with a scald by superstition or broken by faction or bafled by vulgar insolency or persecuted by misguided zeal or oppressed by inordinate power or robbed of its just maintenance or discomposed in its due order and government or despised in its best Preachers and Professors or run out to the itch and scratch the scabies pruritus disputandi as Sir Henry Wotton calls it of disputing and jangling which breeds uncharitable and empty formalities tending and ending in prophaness and Atheism extinguishing truth and love sound faith and sincere charity which are as the oyle and flame of the lamp of Religion in any Church and heart these are most dangerous distempers and hardly to be cured or recovered unless such speedy cordials and antidotes be applied by wise Magistrates sober Ministers and sincere Christian people as may recollect refocillate and restore the power of godliness and spirits of true Religion by dissipating and expelling those noxious and pestilent oppressions with which either Princes or Peers or people or preachers have pressed upon true Religion by covetousness or ambition or Sacriledge or Schism or popularity or love of Novelty or Sedition to the great disgrace of true Religion and the best Ministers of it both Fathers and Sons It is observed by Guildas and others who give account of our English subversions by Saxons and Danes when we were Christian and civilized but they Heathens and barbarous that nothing more presaged the deluge of those miseries which followed such invasions than the great contempt and oppression to which the Clergie and Religious Orders were brought partly it may be by their own sloth and luxury but chiefly by the prophane insolency of all sorts of people who were content to have all Religious cords broke asunder that they might enjoy the full sway of their licentious humors Again when good learning which is a most officious useful and comely handmaid to Religion when humane Arts and Sciences which are beams or strictures of divine wisdom when studies of good Laws and due administration of Justice accordingly which are the vital spirits of a Nation when these are vilified and outraged by the vilest people by Jack Straws and Wat Tilers whose ignorance makes them enemies to knowledge as darkness is to light being like Mastiffs the feircer for those dark kennels in which they are bred and kept up When this ill kind of men cry down like the Ephesine rabble with dust and clamor more than any shew of reason all Schools of Learning and Vniversities that they may run after false Prophets and Dreamers whose simplicity is so impudent to pretend inspirations and new lights to so eagle-eyed and quick sighted a people as the English are till their delusisions and folly are manifested These are as rough Satyrs a kind of robust wilde men who trust more either to their limbs and sinews or to their wit and cunning than to their consciences or our Laws for the getting of their living aiming to live more like beasts by rapine than like civil men and good Christians by honest labour and ingenuous industry Nor are they small hurts which the teeth of such Foxes and tushes of such Boars have given to any Church or State where they have for a while prevailed being much fitter for Mahometan conversation than Christian profession for there among Turks only force or fury makes men considerable for they think that their Princes and their mad men are highly favoured and most familiar with God and his Angels
cruelty than so spare me by a cruel clemency as to spoil and damn me for ever saith the devout man There are spiritual maladies and miseries too which give a people over to Dementation and astonishment to blindness and madness to seek after and trust in lying vanities and desperate hypocrisies to rest in the flatteries of successes or the applauses of the vulgar who think every one that prospers to be a God or a good Angel and every one that is unfortunate to be a Devil or a great offender as the Barbarians did St. Paul when the Viper seised on his hand and he shaked it off unhurt Hence any Idol of Superstition any meteor of Enthusiasm any glow-worm of fanatick fancy and fury serves the turn and instead of Gods candles and lamps of pure Religion in well-ordered Churches as golden candlesticks God takes away these burning and shining lights and leaves a people to the sparks they have kindled to be satisfied with their own delusions to believe lyes to rejoyce and glory in their evil and perverse ways and when God hath taken away his peace and truth from them both in Church and State they will fall under grievous violences oppressions and exactions of men whose mercies are cruel and their healings further hurts which shall make their very souls bow down to the ground that proud men may pass over them when nothing but fury and sedition at home nothing but war and invasion from abroad is in reason to be expected yet then some people will easily smile and fawn on their oppressors they poor wretches being prone to believe as Country fellows do the Montebanks that all is well and whole which powerful hands undertake to touch they will eccho peace peace in Church and State and cry up a Commonweal when indeed it is a common woe as to the grand interests of the Nation in the best and noblest yea in the most of its parts and members which can never be fully happy unless they be of one heart and mind of one Law and Religion as to the main Which leads me to the Third Particular The Medela or sanatio the seeming and pretended yea professed and boasted healing of the Nations hurts They have healed with saying Peace Peace {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} repetita duplicata firma certa pax nothing but peace enjoyed and peace to be expected says Zedekiah and Hananiah the false Prophets who lied in the name of the Lord We may observe the cunning of those Empiricks those false Physicians who are of no value they use this sweet welcome word of peace to the people which is a Catholicon comprehensive of all enjoiments for every want is a kind of war when they cry peace and repeat the crambe of peace peace and sing this song or {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} over and over again they hope as Demetrius and his fellow-craftsmen by crying Great is Diana of the Ephesians even to a raving and hoarseness to make the people believe that the image which came down from heaven was certainly a goddess wih this lullaby of peace peace do the Polititians and oppressors of a Nation seek to quiet the trefe and wayward people when they cry out of their ailes and oppressions as poor Micah did when the churlish Danites took away his gods and his Priests yet was he demanded what he ailed so to cry after them So the great Artists of State that they may the better set off their skill make as Montebanks larg Haranges specious and popular orations like Herod most artificial speeches mixed with preaching and praying and sprinklings of Scripture and Gods cause as guiled or syrupped bitter pils to give the better gusto still concluding with the Epiphonema of peace peace when behold nothing but usurpation and oppression grievous exactions and heavy loads bonds and chains and prisons are everywhere prepared for those that dare cry or complain or call for remedy Pessimi medicastri impensius ostentant artem None make ampler prefaces brags and spreadings of their skill and salves and rare feats than the most arrant Quacks and Cheats These as the Magicians of Egypt sometimes so enchant poor people that they believe all to be miraculous at least innoxious which comes from the tongues and hands of those who possess them as Heathens ascribed all blessings to their Idols the most crying Injustice must be thought the highest Justice the greatest contempt and curb the strongest oppression and delusion of a Nation the wildest and most partial toleration must be voyced for liberties yea for precious Christian Liberty purchased with much blood and treasure the grossest Anarchies and most snarled misgovernments whose wheels are oft taken off and whose weight drives heavily over the very heads and bellies Laws and Liberties of the Nation as that Romane Virago Tullia Hostilia did her chariot over her Fathers corps to the depression of the honor and freedom of Princes Peers and best of the people this is voyced peace peace the most irreligious licentiousness in doctrine opinion speech and manners must be reputed freedom of spirit the most novel and unjust just cause that ever was on foot must needs be cryed up for the Good Old Cause when 't is indeed quite contrary to the goodness of Equity and the antiquity of truth Such monstrous soloecisms there are in the world between some mens words and actions between the credulity of cowardly people and the reality of their enjoyments This is the cunning this the confidence and this the cruelty of some State Juglers and their Plebeian Parasites to boast of all they do or say is in order to peace paace when by Peace they mean as Salust expresseth it nothing but the servility or the solitude of a Nation that all interests sacred civil and military may truckle under their high and mighty power their tripple crowns submissis faucibus deferre imperium All that search and try their ways or wounds rather are offendors even for a word if they dare speak whisper think or weep ought but peace peace When such valiant such succesful such holy such praying such preaching such Saintly such Seraphick men have gotten power and place and plenty and palaces O now all is peace peace And the better to colour over the overthrow of three flourishing Nations which from the pile of three united Kingdoms are fillipped to the cross of an ill sodered Commonwealth some men must by all means pretend to set up as John of Leyden and his Complices did the Kingdom of Righteousness the Throne and Scepter of King Jesus Which is justly esteemed a Kingdom of peace being seldom or never advanced by an active war but only by a passive yet is this a principal decoy to impose upon vulgar people for who will not seem willing and forward to submit to Christs Kingdom that he may rule and reign But we are not
gravity prudence and Eminence of godly and Reverend Bishops by the brotherly assistance and son-like subordination of sober and orderly Presbyters by the service and obsequiousness of humble and diligent Deacons and by the meek submission of Christian people to the Care Monition Counsel and respective Superiority of every order as sheep to their Chief shepherds and their Assistants or Attendants Divide this chain of Church-Vnion Order and Communion in vain shall we talk of healing the Flock of its scabs and scratches or hurts I confess that I own and ever shall do Primitive Episcopacy with Presbytery so that as St. Paul speaks in another case Neither of them should be without the other in the Lord Neither of them oppressed or extirpated but so regulated and incouraged as I believe all moderate and learned men desire if it be my fault and errour that I prefer this Holy and Catholick Composition before any other late simple receipts of Church Government by which to heal any Church Truly I owe this my Judgement to all the Councils to all the Fathers to all the Church Historians to be best witnesses of truth in all times who have unanimously conspired to lead me into this opinion agreeable to the Word of God the example of Christ the practise of the Apostles and the parallel customes of all Churches which is besides mightily confirmed in me by the wisdom piety and prosperity of this Church under good Bishops since its Reformation which none in the world exceeded for health and happiness for sound and sincere Christians till some mens itching and scratching too much even till the blood came and others either not applying seasonable Salves or else sharper Remedies than perhaps were necessary or prescribed by the wisdom of our Church Laws have festred the hurts and sores of Religion that they now seem almost incurable till such hands are by Gods goodness applyed and such Medicines used as are most proper for a sick and diseased Church which hands and Medicines I cannot think ought to be Secular but rather Ecclesiastick Such in a free Synod of learned Divines should as a Colledge of spiritual Physitians advise and prepare for there is as much need of calling for free Synods as Free Parliaments The want of the former G. Naz. deplores as the occasion of so much Faction and Vexation in the Church in his times Lay-men though learned able and honest have enough to do in Lay Matters Church-men have nothing left them to do as to Secular Councels or State Concernments therefore ought not to be excluded from their proper sphere Church affairs being the best skilled of any men else they are ill imployed in the things of God for the searching supplying and healing the hurts of the Church and true Religion in its Doctrine Discipline Order Vnity and Authority That maxime is true of the Clergy as well as of other Orders of men Vnicuique credendum est in sua arte Every man is most to be credited in what he is most skilled I am sure as to the point of Physitians no people that are wise and would be healed in good earnest but are careful to get the best and ablest unless they undervalue their health and lives and to save charges will venture to dye Fourthly They That is those Souldiers and Military men Chief Commanders and Others under them these heal but sleightly when either they will be as the Clowns all-heal the onely Professors of State Physick and undertake all cures in Church and State or else they think and act as if there were no such way to heal soundly as to make greater wounds and bruises by irreconcilable distance by preposterous power and violent impressions even on those that both commissionate them and recompence them They are Iron Heads Brazen Faces and Stony Hearts who crye that Might gives Right And all power is of God though unjustly gotten and so used against the Word of God and the Laws of the Land such is a commission the Devil may boast of as well as any evil doers but little to the comfort of either when mens will is their onely warrant in Law and sad successes their onely security in Conscience when Souldiers make their backs and bellies the Commonwealth putting their Interest of pay and power into the ballance against all others when they are but as the dust of the ballance to the weight of the Nation for number and estates When men of War know not the way of peace but onely to avoid it seeking to make themselves necessary by keeping the wounds open and the sores raw of a Nation pleading necessity and native Liberty and I know what Good Old Cause or Metaphysical godly interests unknown to our Lawes or fore-fathers and it had been happy if we never had known them Lastly When Military men are injurious rapacious and insolent lovers of themselves more than of God or the Church or their Countrey when they look more to their Guns and Pistols than to God or godliness to their swords than to his Word and to the Riddles of Providence more than the Rules of conscience resolved to sacrifice the daughter of their people as Agamemnon did Iphigenia or Jephta his on the Altar of the Military interest These will be smart and chargeable healers of the hurts of the daughter of their people when they shall be such as prepare Warre against any that speak of Peace when such as esteem the speedy healing of their Countrey to the publick peace to be their greatest hurt when they grow so desperate as they had as live be damned as fairly disbanded though in order to the publick ease and tranquillity When as no good Souldier that either fears God or loves his Countrey or reverences the Church or hopes to save his own Soul but will most seriously strive to avoid the latter and most willingly submit to the former without the sin of Rebellion or Mutiny being content with his wages and more that his sharp work is at an end and no more need of cutting and lancing remembring that it is not multitude or Power or Armies or Armes that shall help injurious and dissolute Souldiers from the vengeance of God when they have deserved it by such wicked Counsels and Actions as cannot be carried on but with the Devils maxime Scelera sceleribus tuenda continued injuries and cruelties to the daughter of their people to Church and State to their brethren and Countrey men yea to their fathers and posterity But our hope is that God hath by his sore rebukes and defeats of some who trusted too much in the swords and spears in their own Armes their horses legs taught others more wisdome justice and modesty yea and stirred up such a spirit of Christian valour moderation and honour in some gallant Souldiers of more just Principles and nobler Spirits that they will not rest till they have put the hurts of the daughter of their people
do what is just by which they enjoyed health so many years without any considerable aches or pains which was easily and speedily remedied by the justice and discretion of honest Physitians compleat and conscientious Parliaments with a learned and godly Synod You know the unanimous cry and vote of far the most and best people of the Nation is for healing which shews that they do not yet finde themselves healed the cries and complaints of poor and rich of great and small witness We are not yet healed All testifie this so loudly in Cities and Country that none contradict it but those who as Sylla's lice or Herods worms feed on our soars and hope to make a prey of Church and State of our Bodies Estates and Souls by continuing the hurts putrefactions and miseries of both Whose cruel policies and impressions I hope the mercy of God by the valour and wisdom of godly men will speedily if our sins hinder not frustrate and defeat when they see that next our sins the instruments of all our miseries have been Fanaticorum spicula Jesuitarum veneno tincta Fanatick darts and arrows dipt in the Jesuites poison My only ambition and design in this freedom of my speaking to you is to help to heal and close hurts and to arm you against them for the time to come T is high time for every honest heart to make use of a discreet tongue pathetically to set forth with the Prophet the hurts of the daughter of his people to cry mightily to heaven and earth to God and man to honest Counsellors and just Commanders to give us leave to use or in pity to put us into such hands and such ways as may effectually and speedily heal us and not by a supine silence and sottish slavery suffer our selves and our posterity to wallow in our sanies or putid effluxions or to sit for ever on a dunghil like Job scraping our sores with potsheards and there is none to help us We do not desire to be happier than our religion and laws would make us and did so before might affronted right and force cut the sinews of Justice to put us off with fine words godly phrases and Saraphick fancys of cures beyond the proportions of this mortal condition as if we must all be healed to Angelick perfections and setled by Mathematical ballancing of a Common-wealth or a Church beyond all humane infirmities or worldly vicissitudes these are but the philters and delusions of those who meditate nothing less than a speedy and honest healing to which if my freedome used this day may any way contribute who am I thank God exempted from base fears or flatteries of any man I may hope that it will not onely be pardonable but acceptable to you as from one that hath no designe so upon his heart next the saving of his soul as to see before I dye the salvation of God in the right healing of the hurts of the daughter of my people both in Church and State whose welfares are unseparable For this end I have now preached to you upon your desire and shall ever pray to God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ and Saviour of his Church that after the many publique troubles we have for our sins seen and suffered to our sorrows at length the waters may be so moved by some good Angel that the daughter of my people may be effectually healed by a soveraine and celestial influence of what ever disease or hurt she hath either in Church or State and this for Jesus Christs sake to whom with the Father and blessed Spirit be everlasting glory FINIS These Book following are written by the Author Dr. GAUDEN and are to be sold by Andrew Crook at the Green-dragon in S. Pauls Church-yard HIeraspistes A defence for the Ministry and Ministers of the Church of England in Quarto II. Sermons preached on publick occasions III. Funerals made Cordials in a Sermon preached at the Interment of the Corps of Robert Rich Heir apparent to the Earldom of Warwick in Quarto IV. A Sermon preached at the Funeral of Dr. Ralph Brounrig Bishop of Excester Decemb. 17. 1659. with an account of his Life and Death new in Octavo V. A petitionary Remonstrance in the behalf of many thousand Ministers and other Scholers new in Quarto The Preface or Address The difficulty and danger of the work Touchiness of times Of free speaking in preaching Offence easily taken from free preaching 2 Tim. 4● Prov. 26.28 Honest freedom is best 2 Chron. 15.5 Isa. 1.5 6. Pretenders to peace and health Mark 5.26 The scope or design of the Text Hurt of a Nation not fatal and incurable Ier 6.14 Ier 9.22 The hope and expectation of this day for our healing Mark 3 23. Division in six parts The Patient or diseased and hurt daughter of my people 1. As related to God 2. As related and indeared to the Prophet The importance of the Title The Daughter of my people 1. Fertility Rom. 8.23 2. Tenderness and indulgence 3. Sympathy in God and the Prophet Ier. 31.20 2 Sam. 22.7 Oft he lo●● due to our Country Ier. 1.19 Iam. 3.17 Ier. 8.22 The heathens compassion courage for their Country Our Country is both our Mother and Daughter Isa. 49.15 Ezek. 30.24 The dangerous and desolate estate of a Nation deprived other true Fathers Isa. 49.23 Conclusion of the first part in the text Psa. 122.6 2 Part what the hurt or disease is 1. Of imbred hurts or distempers Hurts by redundancy of humours 2. Of consumptive distempers by too great evacuations 3. Civil hurts or bodily distempers by Injustice 4. Of violent rapes committed on the Daughter of my p●ople 5. Spiritual hurts 1. As to Religion 2. Hurts as to good Learning Acts 19.28 ● Publick hurts from sins predominant and unpunished Ier. 27.10 Isa. 59.3 Hos. 4.2 Ier. 5.31 and 6.13 Hurts for sin by Gods infl●cting Ier. 25.29 Prov. 6.32 2 Ch●on 36.16 Ier. 5.9 and 9 9. Psal. ●0 11 Isa. 27.1 and 9.21 Ier. 4 18. and 30.14 There is good in the evil of punishment outwards The worst hurts are unseen and unfelt Hos. 14.15 Ier. 2.30 Hos. 5.2 Ier. 7.9 10. Deu 28.34 and 65. Acts 18.3 Isai. 50.11 Ier. 16.5 Isai. 55.23 3. Part. The pretended Healing 1 Kings 2● 11 Ier. 28.15 1 The craft of these Empiricks Acts 19.35 Iudg. 17.13 The confidence and cruelty of false healers Isa. 29.21 Ioh. 18.36 1 Ioh. 4.1 Mat. 24.23 Isa. 5.20 Rev. 3 9. The honour of Parliaments when full and free Isa. 1.5 4. The lye or fallacy of healing slightly The fraud of such Their Character 2. Tim 3 2● Dispair of cure by them Their monopoly of healing Ier. 8.12 Impost●rs provoke to just impatience Isa. 1·2 Character of true healers Psal. 119.155 Isa. 57.22 Isa. 32.17 Exod. 18.21 Iames 4.1 Luke 4.23 Isa. 1.16 17. Iames 4.8 Isa. 58.6 7 8. Micah 6.8 Zach. 13.6 Isa. 1.23 Isa. 58.8 Ezek. 21.27 Particular instances of