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A34547 A peaceable moderator, or, Some plain considerations to give satisfaction to such as stand dis-affected to our Book of common prayer established by authority clearing it from the aspersion of popery, and giving the reasons of all the things therein contained and prescribed / made by Alan Carr ... Carr, Alan, d. 1668. 1665 (1665) Wing C627; ESTC R18228 69,591 90

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2 10. That at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in heaven things in earth and things under the earth Nor that it can be by any strong and undeniable Argument drawn from them because they conceive that the Apostle doth not mean or intend those words of the outward knees of the Body seeing Angels and Devils have no bodily knees But his meaning is that all Creature in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth shall acknowledge him to be their Lord shall honour worship him obey him and give him the Glory that is due unto him yet we cannot think that any reasonable understanding man can judge it altogether unlawful either to uncover the head or bow the body at the naming of the Lord Jesus to shew the reverence that is due unto him so that the inward intention of the Mind and Devotion of the Heart be joyned and go along with the outward Gesture of the Body but the fear is that God may complain in this of many as he did of the Jews Es 29. 13. They come near me with their lips and honour me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me So many honour the Name of the Lord Jesus formally in a complemental outward way of Cap and Knee who regard him not in their hearts nor make any Conscience to live up unto him in their lives yet again we must consider that this is our fault the fault of men and their corruption not the fault of the Ceremony And we may also conceive that it was the Wisdom of the Church when it saw how dead dull and lumpish nay stupid common people are in Divine Service to appoint this Ceremony to stir up people shake off their sluggishness raise up their Devotion and quicken their attention to the hearing of the Word of God Read or Preached least they should be overcome of drowsinesse and so if rightly used it might be a good means to help us to amend that fault and to quicken our attention But you will say why should we give more honour to the Son then to the Father to the Name of the Lord Jesus then to the God who is the Father To this we may answer he that honoureth the Son honoureth the Father we do not thereby deny any honour that is due unto the Father or rob God the Father of his honour but we do honour God the Father in his Son acknowledging the great love and wonderful mercies of God the Father unto Mankind sealed up in the Lord Jesus his Son for the Redemption of the world according to that of our Saviour John 5. 23. all men should honour the Son as they honour the Father He that honoureth not the Son the same honoureth not the Father which hath sent him so that thereby we do not deprive God the Father of the honour due unto him but rather add to his honour including in the Lord Jesus all the mercies and graces of God the Father which are conveyed unto us by his Son and sealed up unto us in the Lord Jesus his Son But you will say We desire to know some Reason for it why we should give more honour to the Name of the Lord Jesus then to the Name of God the Father These Grounds and Reasons may not unfitly be given 1. There is no Nation in the world but doth acknowledge God Nulla Natio tam barbara Nulla Gens tam Efferata cui non infideat haec Opinio Deum esse could Tully an heathen man say that there is no Nation in the world so barbarous but doth acknowledge God and worship God or somewhat instead of God But we know there be a great many Nations in the world Jews Turks Pagans and all Infidels that do not acknowledge the Lord Jesus to be the Son of God and the Saviour of the world Therefore to convince and convert them and to make out our profession to the world we Christians may give somewhat the more reverence to the Name of the Lord Jesus 2 The work of our Redemption which was wrought by the Lord Jesus may in some respect be accounted a greater work of power and mercy then the work of Creation In the creating of other creatures God spake the word and it was done but when he came to make man the most noble creature we find that he entred into a consultation Gen. 1. 26. Let us make man after our own Image yet we do not read that God bestowed much pains or labour about his making it is said Gen 2. 7. The Lord God also made the man of the dust of the ground and breathed in his face the breath of life and the man was a living soul But for the great wor● of our Redemption wrought by the Lord Jesus that was a work of greater difficulty we may say of that as the Poet speaks Multatulit fecitque Jesus sudavit alsit ●he did not only abase himself for us men and for our salvation in coming down from heaven but being God became man suffered all the miseries belonging to mankind Poverty Ignomy Stripes and Buffetings yea bore all our sins sweat drops of bloud besides that cruel cursed and shameful death of the Cross which he did suffer and undergo for our Redemption in so much that an ancient Father saith ●ajus erat opus reficere quam facere it was a greater work to Redeem us then at first to create us For in our Creation God made man but in our Redemption God himself became man was made man In this regard then you see we have cause to give then somewhat the more reverence to the Name of the Lord Jesus 3. The work of our Redemption is a more beneficial work to us then the work of our Creation It is true that at the first God made man a glorious creature after his own image in righteousness and true holiness indued him with many excellencies and gave him power over all creatures but yet made him mutable and so mortal subject to death if he broke the Covenant And man by his disobedience did break the Covenant with God so plunged himself and his Posterity into all kind of eternal miseries had not the Lord Jesus come to save us and redeem us Then in this regard also seeing the Lord Jesus did indure those bitter torments to redeem us and to save us from the curse and wrath of God and all those miseries wherein by the fall of Adam we were plunged and were brought into such an estate of misery as without the mercy and merites of the Lord Jesus in working our Redemption it had been happy for us never to have been born never to have been made we have cause for ever to reverence the Name of our Lord Jesus 4. The word Jesus signifieth a Saviour it is Christs proper name the name of his nature a name above every name a name given him by the Angel before he was born Nominatus priusquam natus he had
least Allowed for the Minister to use in Publick Divine Administrations And if we look upon Antiquity the Presbyterians themselves will and do confess in their Sm●ctym●●us The occasion that moved the Church to appoint a Publick Form and Liturgy at first was when the Arrian and Pelagian Heresies did invade the Church then because those Hereticks did convey and spread their poysonous Doctrine in their Forms of Prayer and Hymns the Church thought it convenient to restrain that Liberty and set an Order that none should vary in their Prayers but all should use the same Form which was approved of and prescribed Now be pleased to consider rightly of it doth not the same reason hold good with us Have we not too much cause to complain of our Errours Schisms Heresies and Divisions and so just cause and reason upon the same grounds to tie all to one Form not upon any Opinion that we conceive a set Form to be of an Absolute necessity but only expedient to stop Schisms and Errours to prevent those Extravagancies and to preserve Unity and Order 2. Be pleased without prejudice or any strong over-ruling Affection or Passion to take into your serious consideration this Argument If the Ministers conceived Prayer which he doth make as the Mouth of the Congregation wherein all the Congregation doth or should joyn with him in his suit to God for them and in their behalf is no stinting of the Spirit of God to them nor counted unlawful though it be a form to them why should a Prayer conceived by others and made and framed according to the Rules of prayer prescribed to the Minister to use for himself and the Congregation be a stinting of the Spirit to him or them That the Ministers conceived prayer is a Form to the people and Congregation assembled cannot be denyed they are tied to it as to a Form because they may not vary from him in their hearts but ought in their hearts to joyn every way with him in their Petitions to God still in their hearts going along with him for Matter Form and Manner of expression The tie in regard of a form is still one and a like if the people may be thus tied to the conceived prayer of their Minister which is a form to them why may not the Minister likewise be tied to a form conceived by others made according to the rules of prayer and prescribed to him both to use and follow If it be no stinting of the Spirit of God in the one then how can it be in the other We confess that without the help of the Spirit of God we cannot pray at all that is pray aright so as to find acceptance with God For the Apostle Paul telleth us 2 Cor. 3. 5. We are not sufficient of our selves to think any thing as of our selves but our sufficiency is of God and Phil. 2. 13 It is God which worketh in you the Will and the Deed even of his good pleasure So that i● must be the Spirit of God within us must move us to pray and work it within us moving our hearts to pray and we know God regardeth not multitude of words Matth. 6. 7. Floquent or Elegant Phrases or neat expressions it is the heart God looks upon how that is affected he regardeth the groans and desires of the heart issuing from true faith and proceeding from the Spirit of God as he telleth Moses Exod. 14. 15. Why dost thou cry unto me Neither can we think that the Spirit of God excludeth reason and prudence setting a mans Tongue so agoing that he cannot rule it and guide it or stop it at his pleasure Object 2. Prayer is a Spiritual work proceed●●g from the Spirit and a work of the Spirit therefore needeth not a Form or Book to pray b● or to read it upon a Book Our Saviour saith John 4. 23 24. The true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth for the Father requireth even such to woship him God is a Spirit and they tha● worship him must worship him i● Spirit and Truth And the Apostle Paul telleth us Rom. 8. 26. Likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to p●ay as we ought but the spirit it self maketh Intercession for us with groans which cannot be uttered or as the Old Translation is with sighs which cannot be expressed so that prayer needeth not the help of a Form or Book Answ Those words of our Saviour were spoken to the Woman of Samaria and are grounded on ver 20. as an answer to her words where she speaketh of the difference between the Jews and the Samaritans about the place of Gods worship The Samaritans tied the place of Gods worship to that Mountain called Gerizim The Jews to Jerusalem Christ telleth her that the time is now coming under the New Testament that the worship of God shall be tied to no certain place neither to that mountain nor to Jerusalem but the true worshippers shall worship God in Spirit and Truth The word Spirit is there set against that Commandment which is called carnal Heb. 7. 26. And Truth against the outward Ceremonies of the Law which were only shadows of things to come The meaning of them then must be this that under the New Testament Gods worship shall be tied to no certain place neither shall it consist in any outward corporal or carnal things sacrifices purifyings washings and the like Ceremonies of the Law they shall all cease and be ended in Christ But the true worshippers shall worship him in spirit and truth that is in a spiritual manner not with outward observances but the inward Devotion of the heart and mind The mind is there called the Spirit it is not meant of the Spirit of God but of the mind the spirit of man with true faith true love reverence obedience holiness and righteousness Now this we do acknowledge doth forbid and cut down all carnal worship if any man think that the outward action of reading a prayer upon a Book or in a ●ook is the worship of God but no man can deny but a man may pray by the spirit of God with sighs and groans proceeding from Faith when prayers are uttered after a prescript form or read upon a Book And for the words of the Apostle expositours give us the meaning thus There is no cause why we should faint under the burthen of our Afflictions seeing prayers yield us a strong defence help and comfort which cannot be in vain because they proceed from the spirit of God likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmities besides the support of faith hope and patience mentioned before the spirit helpeth to bear up 〈◊〉 burthen that we sink not under it for we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirit maketh Intercession for us with groans which cannot be uttered that is the spirit doth move us and stir us up to prayer and doth as it were dictate words groans and
and slugging thereby to quicken their attention raise their Devotion and by degrees to bring them to the understanding of that which was said that they might not offer a blind sacrifice to God but might do all with Knowledge and Devotion These things they thought fit and necessary and we conceive no understanding man can count them unlawful or can justly except against them Obj. But it may be said these things might be good and necessary at that time but now we have more light to discover Errours and many take offence at the Book Therefore to give satisfaction it were good that it were put down Answ To this it may be answered We cannot discover Errours where there be none though some may and many times do judge some things to be Errours wherein they erre themselves they being none But 1. Whereas many people stand much upon this saying That we have more Light then our fore-Fathers had we desire to know what Light it is either it must be a natural Light or a spiritual Light and that either Inspired or Revealed either it must be meant of the Light of knowledge or of the Light of grace or it must be meant of a general Light which is common to all men or of a particular Light which is imparted in a more special way to some peculiar persons either by Inspiration or Revelation we know of no other kind of Light Now we confess if we look upon the generality of our people of these times though some be blind and ignorant enough we have generally more Light of knowledge then our fore-Fathers had because we have more plenty of the means of knowledge we have the Scriptures open in our own Tongue to be read by every one that either can or will read which before were kept from the common people we have Divine Service read also in our English Tongue which before was all in Latine Then we have constant Preaching Teaching Catechising to bring the people to knowledge so that we have more Brain-knowledge for Discourse then our fore-Fathers had But then look again upon the generality of our people in their Carriage Conversation Lives and Actions we cannot but see that we have less Saving knowledge less Light of grace in our hearts then our fore-Fathers had Then again though the general sort of men of our dayes have more Light of knowledge then our fore-Fathers had as having more means of Instruction to gain it though less Light of grace in their hearts Yet look upon particular men not to mention the times of the Primitive Church when they had those extraordinary gifts of the Spirit what particular men can we name either of these our times or of late times who had more Light of knowledge that is more Learning or more Light of grace that is more Holiness and Graciousness in their Lives then either those ancient Fathers who were since those Miraculous Gifts ceased Ambrose Hierome Augustine and others or then those who were the Reformer● of this our Protestant Religion and Martyrs the Compilers the Composers and Defenders and maintainers of this Book Search the Acts and Monuments of our Church take a full view of their Examinations Disputations and especially their Godly and Divine Letters you cannot but see how full they were of Light of Light of the spirit of knowledge of zeal of grace of holiness and all spiritual Gifts You shall there find how roundly and resolutely Mr. Philpot replyed upon Doctor Morgan Thou art not able to answer the Spirit of God which speaketh in me for the defence of his true Religion I am able by the might thereof to drive thee round about this Gallery before me We have little cause if we compare with them to brag of our Light as if we had more Light of knowledge or more Light of grace then they had but may remember the old Proverb Young Folks and Children think their Fathers to be Fools but their Fathers know them to be Fools As for those who are Enthusiasts pretending to immediate Revelations and depending wholly upon the Light and Guidance of the Spirit neglecting and despising the means which God hath appointed us we cannot but account them either meer Fancies or the Delusions of the Devil 2. Whereas it is pretended that many take offence at this Book We know there is Scandalum Datum and Scandalum Acceptum an Offence given and an Offence taken Many take an offence where no just cause where no just occasion of offence is given The Jews Scribes and Pharisees often took offence at our Saviour Christ as we find in the Gospel at his Words at his Works at his Doctrine at his Miracles yea at his Life and Conversation that he was a Glutton a Wine-bibber a friend to Publicans and Sinners yet no just cause of offence was given by him Some are so nice and curious so fantastick and self-conceited in these days that they take offence at every thing yea at nothing things of no Concernment as the Bull is offended with a Red colour the fault is not in the things but in themselves But for those things which were excepted against as offensive in the Book of Common-prayer being most of them Words Phrases of Speeches wrong Translations or somewhat hard expressions They are all or most of them especially such as gave any seeming ground of just exception are Altered Corrected or Expung'd in this our new Book of Common-prayer to give satisfaction But to put down this Book and set up a new Form they did not think fit and considerable Reasons may be given for it 1. If they should put down this Book when as no man can alledge that there is any thing in it Repugnant or contrary to the Word of God nor any necessity requiring it it must needs be accounted a great disparagement to the Wisdom and Judgment of our first prudent Reformers of this our Protestant Religion who were counted Learned Godly and Wise-men took a great deal of pains and care to compose it and setled it as they thought with a great deal of Wisdom and Discretion yea gave their Lives to the Fire to maintain it We have great cause not only to Honour them but to preserve their Credit and Esteem because a part of the Credit of our Protestant Religion dependeth upon their Credit ye know what odious and Reproachful terms some brand our Religion with and therein blast the Credit of our Reformers also The Lords and Commons who did put down this Book of Common prayer yet were so tender of the Honour of our first Reformers that in their Preface to the Directory which is to be seen by all they profess to the World that they did it not from any love to Novelty or intention to discourage our first Reformers whom we acknowledge say they as excellent instruments raised by God to be in the purging and building of his House and desire to be had of his and our Posterity in everlasting remembrance with
Conscience sake That is in respect of the Ordinance of God which commandeth us to Obey those Laws of the Magistrate which are not Repugnant to the Laws of God This Liberty also the Apostle giveth to the Church to make such Orders as tend to Edification 1 Cor. 14. 26. Let all things be 〈◊〉 to Edifying And again 1 Cor. 14 40. Let all things be 〈…〉 and in Order Those Actions Things and Rites which in their own nature are Indifferent neither precisely Commanded nor expressely Forbidden in the Word of God As to Eate such a day Flesh and such a day Fish to keep such a kind of diet at one time and such a kind at another To wear at such a time such and such Vestures and Garments especially upon a Politick and Civil Account being Commanded and Required by the Magistrate are then not to be accounted indifferent to us because they are Injoyned to be observed of us and required by the Magistrate to whom we owe Subjection by the Law of God Thus you see this Christian Liberty whereon we stand is not a Liberty of Licentiousness to do what we list neither is it a Civil or Corporal Liberty of our Bodies from all kind of Service and Servitude under others Neither is it such a Liberty as doth Exempt us from Obedience to our Lawful Magistrates and to the Just Laws of our Land requiring nothing of us which is contrary to the Word of God You will say now What kind of Liberty then is it which the Apostle doth here perswade us to stand fast in wherewith Christ hath made us Free We answer it is a Spiritual Liberty of the Soul and Spirit whereby we serve the Lord Christ willingly and cheerfully in Spirit and Truth being freed from the Bondage of the old Law If you look upon the Words there going before and following after you will plainly find and all Interpreters do agree upon it that the Apostle St. Paul speaketh there of that Liberty whereby we are freed by Christ from the Observation of the Law which he calleth there the Yoke of Bondage Thus St. Peter also speaketh of them Acts 15. 10. Why tempt ye God to lay a Yoke on the Disciples Neckes which neither we nor our Fathers were able to bear For presently after St. Paul insisteth upon Circumcision because Circumcision was the Ground of all the Service of the Law and that which was chiefly urged by the false Apostles Thus he speaketh there v. 2. Behold I Paul say unto you If you be Circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing that is If you be Circumcised with that mind and meaning which the false Apostles pretend as that you look and Believe to be Justified by Circumcision and by keeping of the Law then shall Christ profit you nothing Christ profiteth onely them which Renounce their own Righteousness the Righteousness of the Law and fly to the Promise of Grace made in Christ by Believing and by Faith applying to themselves the Merits of the Death of Christ and resting upon him alone and upon that Promise of mercy made in him for the Forgiveness of their Sins and for the Salvation of their Souls For no man can keep the Law therefore no man can expect to be Saved by the Law But the Curse of the Law must needs lie upon him without Christ This is that Liberty which the Apostle there doth insist upon If you desire to be farther satisfied in this Point of Christian Liberty Be pleased to take it in these Particulars Our Christian Liberty Consisteth 1. In a Liberty or Freedom from the Power or Dominion of Sin as the Apostle speaketh Rom. 6. 14. For sin shall not have the Dominion over you for you are not under the Law but under Grace From the Tyranny and Bondage of Satan Hebr. 2. 14 15. Christ took part with us that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death which is the Devil and that he might deliver them which for fear of death were all their life time subject unto Bondage And from the Torments of the Second Death Rom. 8. 1. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus So that true Believers though they have sin still dwelling and abiding in them yet are delivered from the Power Raign Rule and Dominion of sin are not Slaves and in Bondage under Satan nor in danger of Eternal Death 2. In a Liberty and Freedome from the Moral Law but not in respect of Obedience but in respect of the Rigour Curse and Condemnation of the Law The Obligation to punishment For whereas the Law requireth of us perfect Righteousness we do not look to be Justified by the Righteousness of the Law but by the Righteousness of Christ according to that Galath 3. 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us for it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a Tree 3. In the Liberty of the Spirit The gift of the Holy Ghost which doth inwardly Seal unto us the former Mercies Rom. 8 15 16. For we have not Received the Spirit of Bondage to fear again but we have Received the Spirit of Adoption whereby we cry Abba Father This Spirit of God taketh away the vail of Ignorance Darkness and Blindness from our Hearts Inlightneth us by the Preaching of the Gospel in the true saving knowledge of Christ Converting us to God and Quickning us with the life of Grace willingly and cheerfully to obey God according to that 2 Cor. 3. 17. Now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty 4. In a Freedom from the Ceremonial Law of Moses from the Sacraments Sacrifices and Services of the Old Law which were Imposed on the people of God and were Types and Shadowes of things to come and ended in Christ The Apostle tells us Galat. 2. 4. of false Brethren which were craftily sent in and crept in privily saith he of those times to sp●e out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into Bondage To whom we gave not place by Subjection for an hour that the Truth of the Gospel might continue with you And from the necessity of observing those Legal Rites Orders and Ordinances which concerned things Indifferent The choice of certain Meats thé Observations of daies and the like As also from all the Traditions of Men Instituted in the worship of God as necessary to Salvation or putting Religion in them Christ hath delivered us from all these Yet notwithstanding all this Christian Liberty doth not at all Exempt us from our Obedience to our Lawful Magistrates or to the Laws of our Land Commanding and requiring that which is Lawful and not contrary to the Word of God and Instituting and Injoyning those things without any opinion of placing any Religion Worship or Necessity in them but in a Civil and Politick manner onely for the Edification of the Church onely