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A28525 Forty questions of the soul concerning its original, essence, substance, nature or quality and property, what it is from eternity to eternity : framed by a lover of the great mysteries, Doctor Balthasar Walter, and answered in the year 1620 / by Jacob Behme, called Teutonicus Philosophus ; Englished by John Sparrow ...; Viertzig Fragen von der Seele. English Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624.; Sparrow, John, 1615-1665? 1665 (1665) Wing B3407; ESTC R14533 160,272 442

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the Fire-source or quality viz. Red and therein the power and vertue viz. Sulphur and the other as a Thin Meekness and yet Substantiality viz. Water which the desirous Tincture draweth and turneth into one in a thing so that it becometh Blood 11. Now in the Blood is the Original of the Fire viz. the Warmth that is a Tincture a Life and in the power and vertue of the Tincture goeth forth out of the Thin Water of Life the power and vertue out of the power and vertue and the vertue and power receiveth that going forth or exit continually again and that going forth is free from the Fire and also from the power and vertue for it is going forth and yet is generated out of the Power and Vertue 12. And this is now the right and true Spirit that becometh generated out of the Soul wherein the Image of God with the Divine Virgin of the Wisdom of God standeth for in the Spirit lyeth all Wit or Ingenuity Wisdom and Understanding it hath the THOUGHTS and the Noble or Precious Life which uniteth it self with God and is so subtile that this Spirit CAN and may enter into God 13. And then if this Spirit do give it self up into God and casteth away its Souls Fire-pomp and Wit then it attaineth God's Image and God's Body for it goeth with the Will into God and dwelleth with Power and Authority in God Thus it hath God's Substance on it or in it and is without this World in the Life of God 14. But being this Spirit out of the Center of Nature first originateth out of the Fire-Life though it is not the Fire-Life but its Spirit and the Fire-Life with the Original in the Abysse standeth in the quality or source of the Anger of God therefore hath Christ not Commended this his Spirit to the Fiery-Life but to his Father into his Hands 15. His Hands are the Love Desiring wherewith he reacheth after our Spirit when we enter into him and Commit or Commend our selves to him 16. For now when his Body was to die on the Cross and his Soul was to go through Hell God's Anger then the Devil waited and thought we will surely keep him well enough in our Turba in the Fire therefore CHRIST Commended his Spirit into God 's Love 17. And thus came now the Soul of Christ with the Spirit into God's Hands comprised in the Anger-Fire in Death there Death would have held him but it was broken and made a scorn of 18. For it slew the outward Man viz. the outward Life and took it away and thought now must the Soul needs stay in the Turba but there was a stronger in the Soul viz. God's Word that took Death Captive and destroyed the Anger and quenched the fierce Wrath with the Love in the Spirit of Christ 19. That was a Poyson to Hell that the Love of God came into it and slew it in the Soul and was to Death a Pestilence and a Dying a Breaking and destroying it must now suffer that an Eternal Life grow up in it 20. Thus the Spirit of Christ took the Devil Captive and brought him out of this Souls-Fire forth into the Darkness and thrust him into Darkness out from the Souls Fire out from Gods Fire into the fierce wrathful harsh austereness and bitterness in the Cold there he may heat himself lest he freeze for Cold. 21. Consider the first four Forms of Nature and then you may be informed what the Devils dwelling house is For before Christ he held the Soul Captive in the Turba with the Fire and though clearly he doth not hold the Souls Spirit yet he had the root in the Turba but there the forbearance was commanded him and he was thrust out and brought into the Darkness and his Malice and Wickedness was thus destroyed by Christs going into Hell and Christ became his Judge 22. Thus ye have in brief described what Christs and our Spirit is viz. not the outward Life but the Spirit of the Soul not the Soul it self but its lifes-Lifes-Spirit 23. As there is in God the Holy Number Three a Distinction of Three Persons in One Substance and yet but ONE God where the Sonne hath the Spirit viz. the Life proceeding out of his Heart and Mouth and the Heart is the Flame of Love and the Father the Source or Quality of Anger and is meekned and allayed by his Son in the Love so that ALL in God is ONE Will and Substance or Deed. 24. So it is also in Man and no otherwise in one Syllable whatsoever God in Christ is that are we also in Christ in God his true Children and therefore should we also commend our Spirits into his hands and so we may also enter through Death into Life with Christ in God 25. Be not led astray and deluded by the facetious pleasant specious shews as Men hither to have been in Babel where they have conceited this and that concerning the Soul and its Spirit one thus another otherwise there is no Ground but Conceits and Opinions 26. The Understanding is generated in God not in the Schools or Universities from Art though we despise not Art for if it be generated in God it is a TEN-fold Mystery for it attaineth alwayes the Tenth Number in Wit or Understanding more then the Layick for it can of many Numbers make One 27. But it standeth not in own self ability No the Entrance upon the Cross must be in One as well as in the Other be he Doctor or Layick in God's Mysteries there are none Doctors but only Scholars yet a Learned Scholar can go far 28. Had this Hand the High Art and also this High Gift you should well see it but God would have it as it is it pleaseth him well that he might turn the Wisdom of this World into Foolishness and he giveth his power to the weak that every Life may bow before him and acknowledge him that He is Lord and doth whatsoever he will The Eight and Thirtieth Question Of those things which are to be done at the End of the World 1. MY Beloved Friend here we ought not to answer your Question also it standeth not in our Ability neither ought any to Ask for it is the secret Counsel of God and none should Esteem himself as God and know ALL before hand 2. Our knowledge standeth in God's Spirit and Will when that moveth then go you on in the Heavenly Magia and pass into the Wonders of the Earthly Now is the Prophet Born for he standeth upon the Crown and speaketh Magically concerning the Beginning of the Wonders and of its Turba and how it shall come to an End and break again and come into the First 3. For all Prophets speak out of the Turba they declare what is false or wicked and shew that which is better which goeth in God's Will 4. Therefore do not burthen us with this Question for we should be captivated by the Turba
for a desiring is a seeking and in the seeking standeth the the Figure of the Seeking the Figure maketh the Seeking manifest or revealed 152. Thus the Spirit dwelleth also in its own Figure in the Power or Vertue and in the Light of the Majesty and is an Image according to the Spirits Property 135. Not that the Spirit is the Image but the Seeking its Desiring is the Image for it dwelleth in its self in its seeking and is another Person in its Figure viz. the Powers or Vertues Figure and according to this Substance is God called Threefold in Persons 154. But that we may open your eyes wide to see ALL the Ground of the Deity as it now will and must be therefore behold now the great wonder which we had lost with going out of Paradise where we must labour in the Six Dayes Works of this World and so see what and where we are and ye will find here such a thing as hath stood hidden even to Nature 155. Behold when you will speak of the Trinity look upon the first Number upon A upon the Eternal Beginning which is the Father and then look upon the O in the middle which is the Son then look upon the V which is the Exit of the Holy Spirit which goeth into it self with the sincking through the sharp fierce Wrath into the second Principle which hath E and goeth through the Power or Vertue forth as a light-flaming Flash which hath I. 156. Now take the swift-going of the flaming Flash to it which is T Allmach T des Ewigen GOTTES the Omnipotence of the Eternal God which there in the fierce Wrath as a flash destroyeth and in der LIEB in the Love in the I as a Mighty loving God exulteth through presseth and powerfully exalteth or riseth up and if you put the I thereinto then have you the Matter of the Divine Substance in the Power or Vertue it is Ein Engel an Angel and in the Out-Birth out of the Center it is GOLDT Gold 157. The World is covetous and full of boasting especially those that would be accounted Masters of Arts and say they know Gold and are blind People why see you it not thou wilt say How Go with the outward life into death there must the outward life die and in the Anguish give it self forth into the Number of the Crown viz. into the Thousand Number 1000 there is the End and Death ariseth and standeth up to a glorious Life with a New fair Body and you need give nothing to it but the Soul it bringeth forth manifold fruit there thou hast an Angel which is free from the fierce Wrath for it is totally clean pure seek it and thou wilt find it 158. But thou supposest perhaps to find it thus in thy Old Garment no friend we will now teach you another A B C learn that first then seek if you will then have a love to it if not leave it for the * O is muchnobler and more pretious than the L. An Exposition of the Philosophick Globe or Eye of both the Threefold Circles which especially signifie the two Eternal Principles wherein yet the Third also is clearly understood And how a Man should understand them 162. THese Circles should be like A round Globe having the Cross go through it for it is an Eye of the Eternity that a man cannot delineate fully it is the Eye of the Substance of all Substances signifying the Eye of God which is the Looking-Glass of Wisdom wherein from Eternity all Wonders have been seen and hereby is delinated how it came into substance for the Reader of this book to Think and consider of 163. Not in such a way as if a Man could fully describe or delineate it for the mind or Thought only can apprehend it and only that Mind which can walk in the Divine Mystery not through Art or Reason but through the understanding which the Spirit of God openeth to the humane Souls-Spirit in the Great Mystery else it can NOT be apprehended 164. The Reader should take consideration of the Number and then of what standeth within or without the Circle or where every word in the Circle beginneth and endeth it hath all its assured certain signification for every word standeth in its exact place 165. That which is without the Circle or Wheel signifieth the Libirty of the Abyss without or besides the Principle Number 1. Abysse 166. The great Mystery of the Abysse wherein the Divine Substance in the Looking-Glass of Wisdom generateth it self in the Ground is marked with Number 1. and Number 2. standeth by it so also round about the whole Circle is to be understood Of the three * Circles 167. The Three Circles drawn about one another signifie the Eternal Birth or Geniture of the Divine Substance together with All Eternal Mysteries without and within Nature viz. the Original of all Things or Substances as they are here marked Of that half of the Threefold Circle at the left hand and of Numb 2. 168. The Threefold Circle at the left where without the Circle standeth Number 2. The Mystery without or besides Nature signifieth how the profundity or groundlesness bringeth it self into a Ground viz. the Eye of Eternity the first Will which is called Father of Eterternity and of all Beginnings how in the Trinity in the Wisdom he introduceth himself into an Eternal Ground and dwelleth in himself and possesseth himself and how he bringeth himself into Nature and how Substance originateth as also Perceptibility and Perception Of that half of the Three-fold Circle at the right hand 169. The other Threefold Circle at the right signifieth the Divine Substance of the holy Trinity together with the Angelical World which originateth out of the Great Mystery of the Eternity and is manifested or revealed through the Principle of the Fire Of the Eye in the Circle 171. The Eye in the Circle where the Cross goeth through with an Angle or Point and Line signifieth each of them a World both at the left and right At the left it signifieth the great Mystery of the Dark World wher the Wonder-Eye introduceth it self in Nature At the right it signifieth the Light-world where the Divine Mystery hath through the Fire brought it self forth and dwelleth in the majestick Light with the first Mystery of Wonder An Exposition of the Circles at the left hand Numb 3 4 5. 173. The three Characters or Letters AOV marked with Number 3 4 5 signifie the Mystery of the holy Deity without or besides Nature how it manifests or reveals it self in Nature Of A Num. 3. and Tincture Num. 6. 174. A signifieth the first profound or groundless or unsearchable Will which is called Father go about that * Circle to the nether point of it there standeth Tincture Number 6. which is the Wills Ens and the first beginning to
Nature for the Divine Mystery of the Trinity standeth above and the Mystery of Nature beneath each Circle signifieth one Person of the Deity in the first Mystery Of the O. Numb 4. and of Principle and of Fire Numb 7. 175. The O with Number 4. signifieth the Ground of the Mystery viz. the Geniture or Birth of the Heart or Word of God which the first will viz. the A in the Looking-Glass of Wisdom compriseth and holdeth it in self as a Ground of its substance For the O signifieth also the Eye of the Looking-Glass of Wisdom for in the Wisdom is the Eternal Word comprised which manifests or revealeth it self through the Principle of the Fire in the Light World Go from the O about that Circle and so thou findest beneath Principle and Fire Number 7. Of V Numb 5. and of Substance Numb 8. 176. The V with Number 5. signifieth the Spirit of the Mystery without or besides Nature viz. the first eternal profound groundless or unsearchable Will-Spirit which originateth out of the Will and in the Power or Vertue of the Word in the Great Mystery and goeth forth out of the Will and Word and its Exit maketh Substance viz. Wonders of the Power Colours and Vertue whereas yet in the Mystery of the Profundity Groundlesness or Unsearchableness without or besides Nature no colours are apprehended for they lye all in ONE and it is the twinckling of a great Wonder and that is called a Substance of the Wonder Go about from V on that Circle and thou findest beneath at Number 8 Substance signifying that all Substance is beneath the Spirit of the Number Three or Trinity and that men must alwayes distinguish Substance from the Deity 177. For in Substance originateth Nature with its seven Forms for the Number Three is only a Spirit in Substance and yet there is also no Substance without the Number Three for the Desire of the Number Three is the Eternal Magia and maketh Substance it bringeth into a ground according to the Model which the Spirit openeth in the wisdom out of her is the Creation proceeded according to the Model of the virgin-like Wisdom Further Information Concerning the First Principle and the Mystery of the Beginning in the Creation and of the Dark World how the Angle or Point of the Cross with Number 9. at the left with its upper and neather Space is understood Of FATHER Number 9. 178. Number 9. there standeth before the Angle or Point of the Cross FATHER and before that the Abysse signifying the Mystery of the Father without or besides Nature for with the Angle of the Cross Nature beginneth The first and Greatest Mystery is the Abysse where the Nothing introduceth it self into a will which is called FATHER or the Original to somewhat Out of the Mystery of the Father is the Creation through Nature originated A Man is here to understand the Eternal Nature with its Seven Forms with or by this Mystery Soul Numb 10. 179. At the Angle or Point of the line standeth Soul Number 10. signifying the Original of the Eternal Spirits viz. Angels Souls of Men the Angle or Point signifieth the Center in Nature where the Threefold Spirit revealeth or manifests it self with or by Nature signifying the Magick Fire in the Fathers Property out of which the Angels have their Original as also the Souls of Men. 180. A man should here understand the Ground and Original of an Eternal Spirit for nothing is Eternal unless it hath its orsginal out of the Eternal Magick Fire This Original is not understood to be the true or right Spirit but to be the Center viz the Cause of the Spirit Souls Will Numb 11. 181. Every true or right Spirit is understood with the understanding in the Light of Life for in the Fire there can be no right or true understanding but in the desire of the Light Therefore must the fiery Will turn it self to the Heart of God viz. to the Power or Vertue of the Light and understanding as here is to be seen where upon the line of the Cross standeth the Souls Will marked with Number 11 and there it receiveth Power and Vertue from the Heart of God and is generated or born an Understanding Spirit Will Numb 12. and Soul N umb 13. 182. For it receiveth the Power or Vertue of the Light in the Meekness and Humility and goeth with its Will-Spirit viz. with the noble or pretious Image Similitude of God through the Power or Vertue of the Heart into the second Princiciple viz. into the Light World as here at the right beyond the Heart in the other or second Circle is to be seen where standeth Will Number 12. and then Soul Number 13. signifying how the Soul out of the fires source or quality out of the Fathers Property entereth into the Sons Power or Vertue and Property and dwelleth in the Divine Power or Vertue in the Light-world HOLY SPIRIT Numb 14. 183. Without or beyond the Angle or Point of the Cross standeth HOLY SPIRIT Number 14. signifying the holy Spirit which from Eternity originateth in the Will of the Father at the left at the Angle or Point Number 9. and bringeth it self through Nature through the Heart and Divine Power or Vertue at the right without or beyond Nature also through the Angels or souls-Souls-Spirits Power or Vertue forth and dwelleth in the Liberty in the Glance of the Power or Vertue and Majesty and is in Nature yet of Nature unapprehended but only in the Divine Power or Vertues Property Image Numb 15. 184. Beyond the word HOLY SPIRIT Number 15. standeth Image also without or beyond Nature signifying that the noble or pretious Image sprouteth forth out of the Souls Fire as a Blossome or Flower out of the Earth and hath no feeling or sense of the Pain of the fiery Property for the Fire standeth in it as it were swalowed up and yet it is there but in another source or fountain quality viz. a desire of Love a light-flaming Fire in Divine Property Abysse Numb 16. 185. Beyond Image standeth Abysse Number 16. signifying that the right true Image standeth in the Abysse without or beyond all source or pain and dwelleth in Nothing but only in it self with or through it GOD. Therefore there is Nothing that can find touch or break it but only the Divine Power or Vertue for it standeth not in Nature although indeed with the Root it proceedeth from Nature and yet it is another thing as an Apple is another thing than the Tree though it stand upon the Tree and receive power and vertue from the Tree and yet the Sun giveth it also power and vertue So also the Divine Sun viz. the Majesty giveth the Image power and vertue Of the Word Omnipotence Numb 17. and Wrath Numb 18. 186. Further at the left standeth Number 17. Omnipotence and it standeth also without or beyond the Circle signifying the Fathers
of Christ for it hath lost body and substance and standeth naked and bare without Divine Substance or Body in God's Mercy or Compassion in the Divine Tincture viz. in the Ninth Number Number 34. and waiteth for the last Judgment wherein God will in the Tincture bring and restore again whatsoever Adam lost but its here-acted works will not go or pass through the Fire but the dark Magick Fire hath swallowed them up into its Mystery into the Dark World Let this be said to thee O Man Souls Eternal Habitation Numb 35. 201. After Ninth Number standeth the Souls Eternal Habitation Number 35. signifying that these escaped Souls are notwithstanding in God in the Angelical World but without their works and cannot so highly attain the Glance or Lustre of the Majesty as those Souls which have here cloathed themselves with God's Power and Vertue The word Habitation goeth into the Liberty without or beyond Nature as also above Image doth for the Soul must stand in Nature but the Images Habitation is without or beyond Nature in the Divine Liberty Angelical World Numb 36. 202. Without or beyond this Habitation standeth the Angelical World Number 36. signifying the Angels Courts and Quires or Princely Thrones in the Liberty of the Divine Majesty where yet their root also standeth IN Nature but is not apprehended Proud Devil Numb 37. Will of the Devil Lucifer Numb 38. 203. At the left in the upper space Number 37. standeth Proud Devil or stubborn Devil with two Lines one reaching up upon the Character or Letter O Number 4. and the other reaching up above the Great Mystery of the Number Three where standeth Will of the Devil Lucifer Number 38. 204. Here is the Devils Fall to be considered he hath brought his proud or stubborn Will up from the Line or Stroak of the Cross aloft and hath willed to rule over or above the Mystery of the Divine Wisdom in wit and cunning suttlety and fierce wrath in the Fires might or power and to kindle the Mystery of the Number Three that he might be Lord As indeed he then kindled the Substantiality in the Mystery whence Earth and Stones have come to be and hath willed to fly out above the Mystery of the Number Three Number 38. as still at this day he desireth to fly out above the Angelical Princes-Thrones Abysse of the Dark World Number 39. Eternal Hell of Devils Number 40. 205. And upon this hath followed his thrusting out from the Divine Mystery so that he is Thrust out from the Superiour Thrones into the Dark Magick fire and is Thrust down below that is into the Abysse of the Dark world For he must dwell externally without the Principle in the Fire-crack viz. in the first Three Forms to Fire in the Anguish there he hath his Hell as below at Number 40. is to be seen and thereinto also the Damned souls fall back so that Eternally they cannot see or behold God The second Cross Line upwards thus † 206. Over the line Number 1. above aloft standeth Abysse Eternity signifying the Liberty without or beyond the Principle and thereby is understood the Mystery of the Eternity wherein every Creature standeth in its source or fountain Quality in its own Fire be it in Darkness or Light and hath therein no other Light than shineth within it which light also it apprehendeth Externally without it self there are Both worlds viz. the Light-world and Dark-world are there in one another But the Light becometh not attained unless a creature be capable of it 207. There are Angelical Thrones which we know nothing of Experimentally our knowledge reacheth but only into the Extent of the Place of this world so far as the kindling in the Creation reached and of THAT is this wheel made with the Cross SON Numb 41. and of the Heart 208. Above the upright Line standeth SON and at the Left Angle or Point Number 9. FATHER and at the Right Line Number 14. HOLY SPIRIT signifying the Birth or Geniture and Persons of the Holy Trinity The Heart in the Cross is the Center and ♡ signifyeth the Eternal Band of the Ternary 209. The Word SON Number 41. signifieth the WORD which the Eternal FATHER continually and from Eternity speaketh in the Light and Dark world according to each worlds source or fountain Quality or Property 210. But in that the Three Persons at the Cross are free and touch not the Line it signifieth that God is free from Nature and not in the apprehension of Nature but he dwelleth in himself indeed in Nature but unapprehended by that which doth not give up it self into Him Of the Heart in the Cross 211. The Heart in the Cross signifieth that God's Heart hath manifested it self in Nature by or with the Principle of the Fire whence the Majestick Light originateth Secondly It signifieth the Manifestation or Revelation in the Humanity wherein God's Heart hath manifested it self by or with a Humane Heart and how that Humane Heart hath attained the comprehension of the Holy Trinity As indeed it is the Center in the Cross by which a Man is to understand the Inward Man viz. the Inward Heart 212. And you see that the HOLY SPIRIT at the Right on or in the Line and at Number 14. goeth forth from the Heart into the Light World signifying that the Holy Spirit dwelleth in the Regenerate or New born Heart viz. in the Image and continually introduceth the Images Will into the Divine Light-world And as this Heart in the Cross is united with the Holy Ternary so must the Humane Heart understand the Inward-Man be united with the Deity that God may be in it All in All its Will and Deed. 213. But that the word SON Number 41. above the Cross Line a loft standeth distinguished from the Heart signifieth that the Man Christ is become Lord over all and is the King over this Circle for God hath manifested himself in the Humanity and this Man compriseth the whole Divine Substance in himself for within him and Externally without him is one and the same fulness One God and Divine Substance there is no other place where we can be able to apprehend God then in the Substance of Christ there is the whole fulness of the Godhead or Deity Bodily or Corporeally Heaven Number 42. 214. The Word Heaven on the upright Cross-line Number 42. signifieth that the Heaven is in the Man Christ and also in us and that we must through his Cross and Death go to him into his Heaven which himself is for on the Cross is Heaven become opened to us again or New-born and Regenerated to us Secondly It signifieth that the right or true Divine Heaven is an Habitation of the Divine Desire viz. of the Divine Magia therefore it is called not aningoing but an ingeneration of God's Fire into Divine Substantiality and that even only on the Cross viz. through and in the Birth or Geniture of the Holy
Kingdoms in One parting themselves thus by the sinking down through Death 244. Therefore would the Devil be above God and therefore God became Man that he might bring the Soul out of the fierce Wrath through Death into another Life into another World which yet standeth in the First but they turn their backs as this Figure standeth and the Cross standeth between both the Principles and goeth out of the Fire-Life into the Light-Life 245. Beloved Sir understand us thus the Soul originateth in the Fire-Life for without the fire source or fountain quality no spirit doth subsist and it goeth with its own self will out of it self forth through Death that is it esteemeth it self as dead and sinketh down in it self like Death and so falleth with its will through the fires Principle into God's Light-Eye and then it is the holy Spirits Chariot on which he rideth 246. But when it will go of it self it then continueth in its own Fire-Nest in the Original where it was awakened like Lucifer for it was awakened at the beginning Point of the Cross at the left as in this Figure is to be seen that is its original as shall be further mentioned 247. The Soul is a total Figure of a Cross and is like a Cross-Tree according to the outward Image of the Body the Body having two Arms which signifie two Principles the Body standing in the midst as a whole Person the Heart is the First Principle the Brain the Seond the Heart hath the Soul and the Brain the Souls-Spirit and it is a new Child and yet not a new one the Stock is from Eternity but the Branches are born or generated out of the Stock 248. Though indeed it hath not been a Soul from Eternity yet it hath in the Virgin of the Wisdom of God upon the Cross from Eternity been known and in the Root belongeth to God the Father and in the Soul to God the Son in the Will to God the holy Spirit 249. And being it could not stand in the Father in its will when it would rule in its will and thereby fell into the fire of the fierce Wrath therefore the Father gave it to the Son and the Son took it into himself and became in it a Man and brought it again with or by the word Fiat into the Majesty into the Light For the Son introduceth it through the Angel and Death again into the Eye of Holiness at the right into another World in God to the Angels of which here-following shall be mentioned further 250. Now come we again to the Sixt Form of Fire and it is to be known why we set the Cross here which else is the Tenth Number accounting according to the order or way of Reason but according to the two Principles the Eye appearing parted the Cross belongeth to the place between the fift and the sixt Form wherein Light and Darkness part 251. But know that God is the Beginning and the End therefore we set the Cross according to reason at the End for there we go through Death into Life it is our Resurrection 252. The Tenth Number 10. is again the first and also the last and beyond through that is Death and after or beyond Death the Hell that is the fierce Wrath of Darkness that is externally without or beyond the Cross for it falleth again into the A and in the A is the Creator into which Lucifer would have flien back but was thrust out into the Darkness and there is his Kingdom in the Source or Torment 253. You should understand us thus that we by the Twofold Eye understand one round Globe thus partible or each half divided assunder and turns away from the other where the Cross is standing from Eternity within it A man cannot fully describe it with any pen or pencil for it is so in one another it is but ONE only yet TWO the Spirit understandeth it only and whosoever doth not enter into the Regeneration through the Death upon the Cross as viz. into Gods Body he understandeth not this and let him leave it uncontrouled or he will be a Maker and Controuler-Devil We would have the Reader faithfully warned and it is in earnest Sincerity and true Zeal 254. For this Figure hath All or total Ground or the Foundation of All things as deep as a Spirit is in it self and is not apprehensible or knowable to the Reader without Right or True Eyes also a man cannot set it down in due exact Order aright with any words for the first is also the last and the middle goeth through All yet is not known or apprehended but IN it self Therefore searching is not the chief or most especial means to know or apprehend the Mystery but to be born or generated in God is the right Invention or finding for without that is Babel 255. All lyeth in the Will and in the earnest Sincerity that the Will enter into the Magia for the Eternity is magical All is out of the Magia come into Substance for in the Eternity in the Abysse is Nothing But that which is is the Magia 256. And out of the Magia existeth Phylosophy which searcheth out the Magia and seeketh therein and findeth Astrology Eternally and Astrology seeks again its master Preceptor or Teacher and Maker Composer or Producer viz. A stronomy the Sulpher the Mercury which hath a Principle of its own and the third Magia is therein viz. the Medicus the Physician who seeketh the Corrupter or Disease and will heal or cure it but he findeth the fourth Magia viz. the Theologus the Divine who seeketh the Turba in all things and will heal the Turba but he findeth the Eye of the first Magia and there he seeth that all is the wonder of the Magia and there he leaveth seeking and becometh a Magus in the first Will for he seeth that he hath all power to find to make what he will and there he maketh of himself an Angel and continueth in himself and thus he is free from all others and continueth standing Eternally This is the highest Ground of the Substance of all Substances 257. And though indeed the Whore at Babel will not relish this therefore we say with good ground that Babel in her Children are in Magick Philosophy Astrology Astronomy Medicine or Physick and Theology or Divinity born or generated of Whoredom 258. Babel is the true Child of none of these she is a perverse stubborn obstinate Bastard we have apprehended or known her in the A and O by searching of her Philosophy and Astrology and have found her in all Looking-Glasses to be a Whore who committeth Whoredom in all Looking-Glasses 259. She saith She is the Eye but she hath a false or adulterous Eye that glanceth out of or from her Whoredom out of Pride Covetousness Envy and Anger and her seat in the Magia is the averse back-turned left Eye She
that is done in the twinckling of an eye 281. For the Water in the Deep originateth from the Fire yet not from the fierce Wrath but from the Light for the Light goeth forth from the Fire and hath its own seeking or longing it seeketh to it self a Looking-Glass that it may behold it self and have it for a habitation and draweth it in the Desiring into it self and dwelleth therein and that which is drawn in is Water which apprehendeth the Light else the Deep of the World would not apprehend the Light if the Light did not dwell in the Water the Water is the fulfilling or satiating of the Light in its desiring 282. And the Water seeketh again a Looking-Glass and willeth to have a habitation which is Flesh as ye see that the Water receiveth the glimps or shadow of all Substances or Things in their Body so that the Body it self is represented in the Water which is because the seeking of the Fire hath taken hold of it 283. Further herein is seen the End of Nature for the Eye findeth its Life in the Water and thus it goeth back into the seventh Form and seeketh its Body in the Water and there is further no desire more in the outward this Body desireth no other Body more in the outward but it looketh back after its mother of which ye have a right and true Example in a Looking Glass which is Fire and Water and that receiveth the Image very clearly 184. And thus ye see that the End goeth back again and seeketh the Beginning and nothing further in the outward for this World is at the limit and is included in a Time and runneth on to the Limit and then the End findeth the Beginning and this World standeth as a Model or as a Looking-Glass in the Beginning Let this serve you to the finding of the Mystery and remit your self rightly into the Beginning that ye may be apprehended or known to be a wonder in God's Love 285. And thus ye are to know that the the second Form of the Water consisteth in the Spirit it is its Fathers Looking-Glass its Makers which dwelleth in the Spirit and is found only by its Maker it self findeth not it self for so long as a thing goeth forward externally there is no finding in the Inward internally only the Spirit which dwelleth in the Inward findeth it self in the Outward 286. But the outward Life findeth not the inward unless it have the inward Spirit then is the finding and it is done according to the inward Spirit and then the outward Life speaketh of the inward and yet knoweth it not only the inward Spirit filleth the outward so that the outward is a Mouth and the inward hath and produceth the Word so that the inward Kingdom standeth manifest in the outward in the sound and that now is a wonder 287. The inward is a Prophet and the outward apprehendeth it not but if it do come to apprehend it then it hath God's Substantiality in it viz. God's Flesh Christ 's Flesh the Virgins Flesh and yet the Prophet standeth or consisteth in the Spirit but that Flesh conceiveth its Power or Vertue and assureth the outward Man that he doth even that which his Maker willeth as indeed this Pen is in such a condition and no otherwise 288. Thus we apprehend the ground of this World that it is a Figure of the inward according to both Mothers that is according to both Fires viz. according to the Fire of fierce Wrath and according to the Fire of the Light as the Model viz. the Looking-glass of the Light of Eternity is the Sun and the Looking-Glass of the fierce Wrath is the outward Fire and the Substantiality of both is the Water and the Earth the Earth is the fierce Wraths Substantiality the Water the Lights the Air the Eternal Spirits which is called God the holy Spirit 289. Yet ye are to know that this World is not the Substance of the Eternity but a Figure a Looking-Glass therefore it is called a Principle of or by it self because it hath a peculiar Life of its own and yet standeth in the Magick Seeking of the inward 290 The Word Fiat is the Master of the outward for it holdeth the outward in its conceived or framed Looking-Glass it is not the Looking-Glass it self but a Similitude in which its Spirit discovereth it self in deeds of Wonder to behold the Wonders of Both Fires viz. of the Wrath and of the Love and thus continually bringeth the Substance of all Substances into the Beginning And therefore is this World turning as a Wheel or Orb for the End seeketh continually the Beginning and when it findeth the Wonders then the End giveth the Wonders to the Beginning and that is the Cause of the Creation of this World 291. The Life of all and every Creature is a Wonder before the Beginning for the Abyss knew nothing of it and the beginning of the Eye findeth it all and setteth or placeth the Model in it self so that it hath an Eternal Number and recreateth it self in the Number of the Wonders The Eighth Form of Fire 292. Seeing thus there is ONE Substance in TWO Forms one that taketh on an unsearchable Beginning in it self and holdeth it Eternally and another that is the Eternal Model which compriseth and with its Body is included in a limit therefore we are to consider of the Turba which breaketh the included comprised Life again and setteth the Model of the comprised Wonders in the Beginning and presenteth such things to the Beginning as were not from Eternity but came to be in the comprised Time 293. Beloved Friend to you and such as you are who seek the Beginning is this thing shewn for your Mind is our Mystery seek it in U S not in ME I the outward Man have it not but the Inward in the Virgin in which God dwelleth THAT hath it and that calleth it self twofold 294. My outward Man is not worthy of the Mystery but God hath so ordained it that he might manifest or reveal it to you by means that you might know him by Means and not say it is from my own wit and understanding 295. And seeing you are a learned Person you should know that God loveth also the silly and despised of this World if he seek God as indeed I have done and that the right and true finding or invention sticketh not in Art but in Gods Spirit and Will 296. For this hand is simple and accompted foolish in the esteem of the World as you know and yet there lyeth such a hidden secret or Arcanum therein as is unsearchable to Reason 297. Therefore have a care pour Oyl into the Wounds that desire or require healing and consider well what Christ saith How hard it is for a man to enter into the Kingdom of God who is captivated with cares of the Belly in Might or Potency and Honour 298. You will not find
the Deity 30. For the Spirit stirreth up the Turba of all things or Substances in all the Three Principles and then in one hour all will stand manifest whatsoever is in Heaven Hell or this VVorld 31. For the Turba stirreth up all things substances or works of all Creatures and all will be visible whatsoever is in Heaven or Hell and every one will see the work of his Heart good or Evil. 32. And in this hour appeareth also the Judge Christ upon the Bow of the Number Three like a Rain-Bow for according to the Principle of this VVorld it is a Natural Rain-bow but according to the Principle of God it is the Number Three The Cross with a Doubled Rain-bow one part whereof standeth turned into the Inward Principle viz. into the Abysse of the Anger there he sits upon God's Anger and that the Devils and all wicked Men shall see 33. For that Bow is included in all the Three Principles and this Judge Christ sitteth upon and in the Omnipotence of the Eternity above all whatever is called Substance or Thing 34. And there will rise up the lamentable horrour of all Devils and wicked Men and they will tremble yell and cry and say to the wise Virgins give us some of your Oyl comfort us a little and teach us what we should do give us some of your Holiness that we may stand before the Angry Countenance of God for the Eye of Hell standeth wide open whither shall we fly from this Anger 35. And the wise Virgins viz. the Children of God will say Away to your Sellers and buy of them we have Oyl only enough for us lest you and we both want away to your Hypocrites Flatterers and Deceivers who have tickled your Ears with Hypocrisie for your Money buy of them we have need of ours have we not been your Fools Now away with the Glistering of your deceit and Hypocrisie we will not make our selves partakers with you lest we suffer what will come upon you 36. There will they stand in great horrour yelling and Crying to the Judge Christ but his Anger-Eye with their Turba gripes them in the Heart quite through Spirit and Flesh through Marrow and Bones for the Soul is in the Turba with the moving of God clearly stirring in the fierce VVrath 37. And then for very Anguish they will fall to the Earth and one part of them will bite their Blasphemous Tongues the Proud will say O ye Mountains fall on us and ye Hills cover us from this Eye of the fierce wrath they will creep into the Holes into the Cliffs of stony Rocks and Mountains to shelter them they would fain put themselves to Death and yet there is no more Death they use VVeapons to put themselves out of the Body but there is no dying there but only fierce VVrath and Anger 38. In this horrour will all buildings in the World fall down for the Earth will Tremble as shaken with Thunder and the horrour will be in all and every Life every one according to its source quality or pain A Beast hath no such source or quality or pain as the Soul only it is affraid of the Turba 39. And in this Elevation and moving all the Waters will flow up above all high Mountains that there will be no breaking upon the Earth it will be so high as if they were all consumed for they will all be comprised in the Anger in the Turba so that in the Elements there will be nothing but Anguish 40. All high Rocks and Mountains will crumble and fall down the Stars will fall to the Earth with their strong or stern power or vertue and all this will be done in several Dayes all accordingly as the World was Created so it shall also have an End for the seeking of the Earth in its Anguish will draw the Stars to it as they have alwayes done in this time so that the Earthly Body hath drawn the seeking or influence of the Stars to it 41. For the Stars are a Magical seeking which have awakened Life so that now the Earth standeth awakened in the Creat Turba and therefore it is so hungry and thirsty that it will draw the Stars to it such an Anguish will be upon the Earth 42. But the Children of God will lift up their Eyes with folded hands to Christ and rejoyce that the Day of their deliverence is come for the Anguish toucheth them not 43. And in those dayes which are hidden in God how many belong to it for in six dayes the World with its Hosts was Created this is hidden from us the Water will find it self again and fill all deeps more then before 44. For now Death cometh with it and in that hour all Creatures except Man shall the and all the Men that have crept into the Clefts of the Rocks and Mountains will come forth again but with Anguish of their Consciences though now the Turba hath permitted that the horrour stand in Death for the falling of the Water taketh hold of the Turba 45. And then will the voice of the Holy Number Three according to all the Three Principles open it self and through the Mouth of the Judge Christ say Arise ye Dead and come to Judgment 46. This voice is the Original Eternal Spirit which holdeth or preserveth the Life of all things and hath alwayes ruled in all the Three Principles for it is the Spirit out of which all and every Life is existed and in which it standeth in Eternity which hath been the Life moving of all things in which the Beginning of Every Life hath stood as also its End and the Eternity for it is from Eternity and the Creator of all things 47. It hath two Eternal Beginnings viz. in the Fire and in the Light and the Third Beginning hath been a Looking-Glass of the Eternal viz. the Spirit of this World It hath been as a Wonder in this World and through it the Wonders are become manifested or revealed and that it is which possesseth the last Judgment its Motion is the Last 48. For in the Creation it moved the Father and in the Incamation or becoming Man it moved the Son and now the last moving and Judgment is its own it wil bring home every thing into its Eternal Place and this is done through the Voice of the Word out of the Mouth of Christ 49. And the Spirit goeth forth in God in Two Principles viz. in the Anger viz. in the Fire it goeth forth as the Earnest or severe fierce wrath of the fire-life and in the Light of the Love it goeth forth as a flame of the Divine Majesty and in the Spirit of this World as a Wonder of Life as indeed all this is undeniable 50. And if there were one that would seem to be so highly Learned as to deny it he is required to shew it in any thing we will not have any thing in this World excepted but it
can desire to do well and be sorry when he hath been drawn away to do evil by the Lusts of his own Heart by which the Devil tempteth us to do Evil but if we will resist the Devil he will flie from us if we will leave off to do evil and desire trie and learn to do well without doubt we shall be able through God that dwelleth in us and then he will teach us all things and lead us into all Truth by his Spirit All this we shall fully understand and all Mysteries when God shall manifest himself in us if we earnestly desire it with all Humility self-denyal losing of Our Souls and being Nothing in our selves for then God will be All in All and nothing is impossible with God All this and much more hath the Author of this Answer to these Questions concerning the Soul found true and hath out of his inward Mystery manifested many things in this and other Writings of his the knowing whereof will be exceeding useful to the furtherance of the Salvation of every Soul which when I had read I was very much satisfied in my own Soul and do desire that others may be made partakers of them so far as lyeth in me I have therefore taken in hand to put this Treatise into English which I chose to do rather out of the Original then out of any Translations because they many times come short of the Authors own meaning and because I found many Errours in some of them and he is so deep in his Writings that we have need to desire that our Souls may be put into such a condition as his was in else they cannot be fully understood But the same God that satisfied his desires will satisfie ours if we cast our selves upon him in Our Souls and let him do with us what he pleaseth Concerning the Author I have now published the Brief Translation of his Life written in High-Dutch by Abraham Van Frankenberg who was long his acquaintance and continued so till his death The Relation is as followeth A brief Account of the Life and Conversation of Jacob Behme afterwards by Learned Men in Germany called Teutonicus Written in High-Dutch by Abraham van Franckenberg one very much acquainted with him JAcob Behme was born in the year 1575. at Old Seidenburg distant about two Miles from Gerlitz a City in Upper Lusatia highly Esteemed by Learned Men His Parents were Jacob his Father Vrsula his Mother both Countrey people In his youth he kept Cattel and at length by advice of Friends was sent to School where he learned to Read and Write together with the Fear of God afterwards was put to the Handicraft Trade of a Shoomaker when he became Master of his Trade in the year 1594. he marryed a Maid one Catharine the Daughter of John Kunshman a Butcher of Gerlitz with whom he lived quietly and well for thirty years together and had four Sons that learned Handicraft Trades Being from his youth inclined to the fear of God and very diligent in frequenting to hear the Preaching of Sermons he was at length stirred up by that saying and promise of our Saviours Lube 11. 13. Your Heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him for it and because of the very many Controversies in Religion about which he could not satisfie himself he was moved in simplicity of Heart or Spirit inwardly earnestly and uncessantly to pray or ask seek and knock that he might know or apprehend the truth whereby then according to the Divine Drawing and will in the Spirit or Heart he was rapt into the Holy Sabbath wherein he continued seven whole dayes by his own Confession in highest Joy Afterwards when he was come to himself and having put off the folly of Youth he was driven by Divine Zeal vehemently to reprove all scandalous reproachful and blasphemous Speeches and withdrew from all unseemly matters and actings with earnestness for Love to Vertue By which way and Life being contrary to the course of the world he became but their scorn and derision During which time he mentained himself with the labour of his hands in the sweat of his Brows till the beginning of the sixth Seculum or Age viz. Anno 1600. when he was a second time touched by the Divine Light and by a sudden Glimps of a Pewter Vessel he was introduced into the Inward Ground or Center of the Hidden Nature He not being yet sufficiently satisfied with this went forth into the open fields and there perceived the wonderful or wonder-works of the Creator in the Signatures Shapes Figures and Qualities or Properties of all created things very clearly and plainly laid open whereupon being filled with exceeding Joy kept silence praising God and so contentedly satisfied himself therewith for a while But according to God's Holy Counsel and Determination who manageth his works in secret about Ten years after viz. in the year 1610. by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit he was a third time stirred up and renewed by God whereupon being so enlightned with such great Grace bestowed upon him he could not put it out of his mind nor strive against his God therefore did by small means and without the help of any Books but only the Holy Scriptures write secretly for himself these Books following viz. 1. Anno 1612. the first Book called Aurora the Morning Redness or Rising of the Sun and being complained of to the Magistrates of Gerlitz for being the Author thereof the Book was taken and laid up in the Councel House with command to him that he being an Ideot or Layick should from thence-forth forbear such writing of Books which did not belong to his condition and employment upon which he abstained for seven years but after that being in like manner stirred up again by the moving of the Holy Spirit and being exhorted to it by the entreaty and desire of some people that feared God he took Pen in hand again and went on to write and perfected with good leasure and deliberation these that follow 2. Anno. 1619. The second Book concerning the Three Principles with an Appendix concerning the Three-fold Life-of Man 3. Anno. 1620. A Book of the Threefold Life of Man 4. The Answer to the Forty Questions of the Soul proposed by Dr. Balthazer Walter in the first Chapter whereof is contained a Treatise of the Reversed Eye or Philosophick Globe with an Appendix concerning the Soul the Image of the Soul and the Turba or destroyer of the Image 5. Three Books First 1. of the becoming Man or Incarnation of Jesus Christ Second 2. Of the Suffering Dying and Resurrection of Christ Third 3. Of the Tree of Faith 6. A Book of the small six Points and a Book of the Great Six Points 7. A Book of the Heavenly and Earthly Mystery 8. A Book of the Last Times or of the 1000. years Sabbath being two Epistles to Paul Keym. 9. Anno. 1621. De Signature Rerum of the
Trinity Pure Element Number 34. 215. The word Pure Element on the Crosse's upper Line Number 43. signifieth the inward world out of which this outward with the Four Elements is become generated forth and standeth in the Inward Root in the Substance thereof Holy Spirit Num. 44. Son Num. 45. 216. Moreover it is to be observed exactly how the Words stand begin and end for they begin on the outward Circle at the Left where above Number 5. the Holy Spirits Character or Letter V. standeth and beneath Number 8. Substance and goeth through the two Circles at the Right even into the second Space which signifieth the Pure Divine Elements Original its indwelling and Substance whence it Originateth viz. from the Spirit of the Eternal Mystery in the Divine Substantiality viz. in the Substance of the Great Mystery and yet is only manifest or revealed in the second Principle viz. in the Substance of the Son and Holy Spirit as above one the Circle at the Right is to be seen Number 44. and 45. Father Numb 46. Holy Spirit of Divine Wisdom and Understanding Numb 47. 217. The Pure Element is the working in the right true Heaven and shutteth it self in and out with or by the Cross it is the springing or flowing moving in the Fire and Light-Heaven from or by with the Divine Substantiality understand Substance and not the Spirit of God is a life for it reacheth not into the Substance of the Father Number 46. where beneath on the Circle standeth Divine Wit or Understanding for the Element giveth or affordeth not divine Wit but the Holy Spirit Number 47. giveth Divine apprehension knowledge or skill and wit or understanding 218. The Element is a Substance in respect of the Deity as the Life in the flesh is understood to be in respect of the Soul For the Tincture is higher and giveth the ENS of the Spirit wherein the Light-Fire is understood Humanity Flesh Numb 48. 219. Under the word Pure Element standeth at Number 27. on the stroak of the upper Line of the Cross Death and the word beginneth laying hold on the left Circle and goeth through the Cross through the first right Circle There observe both the outward Circles at the left and at the right above and beneath and then thou wilt soon find what the right or authority of Death is and how it is the dying source or fountain quality in the Magick Fire and holdeth the Substantiality captive in itself as at the left beneath at Number 8. at the right beneath at Number 4. 8. is to be seen and then above on the same Circle at Number 44. and at the left above at Number 5. there a man seeth how the spiritual Life goeth and sprouteth forth through the Death and possesseth the highest Circle For all whatsoever willeth to reach or attain the Divine Life must go through the Dying Magick Fire and stand or subsist therein as the Heart on the Cross must and doth stand or subsist in the Fire of God 220. Further it is to be known that we in Adam have turned our selves away from the Cross and are with the Desire of Lust or Pleasure gone with our will above the Cross at Number 23. into an Own self Rule or Government and now Death hath captivated us in it self therefore we must now sink down out of Death on the Cross at the Line of Christ again into the Heart and become new born or regenerate in the Heart else Death holds us captive in it self For now Death standeth on the Cross-Line but at the Judgement it shall be given to the Dark World For our Will must now enter through Death on the Cross into Rest but the outward Cross shall be taken away and then Death is a spectacle or scorn and derision 221. Thirdly it signifieth that the Life of God in Christ bare * Death as a shew or spectacle of Triumph on the Cross when Death became broken on the Cross in the dying of Christ where the Life sprouted through Death and the Heart gave up or yeelded it self into the middle viz. into the Center as victorious Lord or Conquerour of Death Paradise Numb 49. 222. Under the Heart at Number 49. standeth Paradise the Word beginneth at the left on the outward Circle where above at Number 5. is marked the Spirit of the Great Mystery of the Profundity or unsearchableness of Eternity viz. V. and it goeth through the Cross at the right through all the Three Circles even into the Liberty this signifieth the constitution or existence of Paradise it originateth in the Mystery of the Eternity and prouteth through the outward and also hrough the Light World hidden in the outward World and manifested or revealed in the second Principle in the Light World as therefore the World penetrateth through all the Three Circles shewing the humane Bodies original Divine Substantiality Numb 50. 223. For in or at this place out of this substance Adams Body understand the outward Body was created according to the Third Principle and the inward Body understand the Images Body out of the Divine Substantiality as at the right near Paradise is marked with Number 50. Christ Flesh Numb 51 52. 224. That very Divine Substance understand Substance not Spirit is included in the Wisdom of God and therein is the heavenly Tincture For God's Word that became Man brought this Substance into Mary into her in Death inclosed Substantiality viz. into the Images Body and thereby God and Man became One Person 225. For this Flesh is Christs Flesh according to the Heavenly part therefore beyond Substantiality standeth Christ's Flesh Number 51 52. Christ bare such Flesh in the Inward Man as Adam had before his Eve was when he stood in the Divine Image in Purity Therefore can no Man go into Paradise unless he attain that Flesh again that Adam had before the Fall and Christ attained in the becoming Man or Incarnation Therefore must we all become born out of the Heart upon the Cross and put on Christ Mystery Numb 53. 226. Under Paradise Number 53. standeth Mysterium Mystery and the word beginneth at the left in the second Circle where above on the same Circle Number 4. the Character or Letter O standeth and beneath Principle and Fire Number 7. and goeth to the right through the Cross through the first Circle at the right This signifieth rightly and exactly Mans Creation according to the Body 227. For the Body is a Mystery taken out of the inward and outward World from above and from beneath understand out of the Earths Matrix This is the Earths Matrix out of this Mystery was it created and a Man seeth how it was created out of the inward and outward Substance viz. out of the dark and light World and is mixt with evil viz. with fierce-wrath and also with Good Wonder Numb 54. Angel Numb 55. Spirit Numb
Beginnings as above mentioned whereof each hath its Substance and are in one another and have no more than one Spirit 339. And in the middle of the Point is the Center which is the Cause of the Life and in the Center is the Light of the Majesty out of which the Life as another Principle existeth out of which the Tree of the Eternal Life hath ever continually grown from Eternity and the Twigs or Branches grow out of the Stock 340. Which are the Spirits of Angels which indeed have not been corporeal from Eternity but the Essences or Qualities have been in the Tree and their Image hath been discovered have appeared in the Virgin of the Wisdom from Eternity for they have been a Figure from Eternity in the Tincture yet not Corporeal but Essential without Corporisation 341. And therefore this is the greatest wonder that the Eternity hath wrought that it hath created the Eternal into a Corporeal Spirit which no Reason apprehendeth nor no Mind findeth also it is not throughly searchable or fathomable to us 342. For no Spirit can throughly search out or fathom it self it seeth its own deep very well even into the Abyss but its framer or moudler it comprehended not it beholdeth him well and searcheth into him even into the Abyss but yet it knoweth not its making all that is hidden to it and nothing else 343. For a Child knoweth its Father and Mother well but knoweth not how his Father hath made or begotten it it is also as high in Degree of Nature as its Father but it is hidden to it how it was in the Seed and though it search that yet it knoweth not the Time and Place nor did not for it was in the Seed in the Wonder and in the Life a Spirit in the Wonders 344. And here it is forbidden us to search further and commanded us to rest from it and to be silent for we are a Creature and should speak so far as the Creature reacheth both in the inward and outward in body and soul in God Angels and Men and Devils also in Beasts Fowls Worms in Leaves and Grass in Heaven and Hell all this we can search only our own Making not 345. Yet of that we know the Fiat and know how we are made yet we know not the first moving of God to the Creation The making of the Soul we know well but how that which hath stood fixt in its Substance from Eternity is become moveable of that we know no ground for it hath nothing that hath stirred it up and it hath an Eternal will which is without beginning and unchangeable 346. But if we should say the Angels and Souls have been from Eternity in the Spirit the Propagation of Souls will not permit that as it is before our eyes Therefore this is God's Mystery alone and the Creature should continue under God in humility and obedience and not elevate it self further for it is not altogether as God himself is 347. God is a Spirit from Eternity without Ground and Beginning but the Souls and Angels Spirit hath an Original and standeth in Gods hand the Third Number hath the casting shovle and purgeth its Floar Only Patience and Humility in Obedience is requisite else it availeth nothing to be or exist from God The Devil was also an Angel yet his highmindedness throweth him notwithstanding into the Darkness Let none climbe up above the Cross else he falleth into Hell to the Devil 348. God will have Children and not lordly ones about him he is Lord and none else of his Fulness have we received out of his Essences are we born or generated we are his right and true Children not step-children of a strange Looking-Glass also not only a similitude but children yet the Body is a similitude and the Spirit is a similitude according to God's Spirit but the right and true Soul is a Child born or generated out of God 349. God's Spirit giveth witness to our Spirits that we are God's Children not in that kind as Babel makes a rumbling noise which so would fain be God upon Earth 350. No but our selves are Children begotten of God's Seed our heavenly Body is out of or from God's Body which the holy Soul carrieth about it hidden to the Devil and to the Old Adam 351. Therefore beloved Brother in God 's Body know this clearly and it is our Answer upon your first Question Whence the Soul originateth 352. Viz. It originateth out of God from Eternity without Ground and Number and continueth or endureth in its Eternity But the beginning to the moving of the Creature which is done in God that should not be mentioned 353. Only we give or offer you this that the Number Three hath pleased delighted or longed to have Children like it self out of it self and so hath revealed or manifested it self in Angels in the Soul of Adam and passed or transmigrated into an Image as a Tree which bringeth forth Fruit and generateth a Branch out of it self For that is the right manner of Eternity and no other 354. It is not a strange or different thing but one Looking-Glass out of the other one Substance out of the other and all seek the Beginning and is all a Wonder 355. This is the entrance and we should but in brief give you summary Answers upon the Questions because you see in this description clearly all your Questions Answered yet to pleasure and accommodate the simple and such as have not our knowledge we will go through with them particularly The Second Question What the Soul is in the Essence Substance Nature Property 1. THE Souls Essences are out of the Center of Nature out of the Fire with all Properties of Nature All the Three Principles lye therein All whatsoever God hath or can do and whatsoever God is in his Number Three that the Soul is in its Essences as a Branch out of the Power and Vertue of the Tree its Substance is heavenly created out of the heavenly Divine Substantiality 2. But its Will is Free either to sink down in it self and to accompt it self Nothing but to sprout as a branch out of the Tree and to eat of God's Love or to climbe up in its Will into the Fire and be its own Tree of it self and of which soever it eateth of that it gets Substantiality viz. the Body of the Creature 3. Is Nature is the Center it self with Seven Spirits to generate or propagate with It is a Total Substance out of All Substances and a Similitude of the Number Three if it be in God If not it is the Similitude of Lucifer and of all Devils all furthermore according to their Properties 4. It s Property was in the First Soul created according to both Mothers upon which followed the Command and the Temptation that it should not suffer it self to Lust to Eat of Evil and Good but of Heavenly Paradisical Fruit only should
it ruleth not only in it self but also externally without it self in whatsoever is Seed 4. Understand us aright thus God's Spirit the Soul's Spirit are two Persons each is free from the other and yet they stand both in the first Beginning each hath its will 5. But now it is right and just that the Child should be obedient to the Father upon forfeiture of the Fathers Inheritance the holy Spirit was the Souls work-master and had created it to that should the Souls Spirit be obedient upon loss of the holy Spirits inheritance viz. of the DEITY 6. And though much might be written yet it is very dangerous in respect of the false or wicked Magia for if the false or wicked spirit knew it it would practise Witchcraft therewith 7. Therefore we will so speak that we may be well understood by the Children and reserve the full or plain speaking of it for the Children for it is not good to write that seeing a Man knoweth not who will be the Reader 8. But to the wicked and ungodly we say that they belong to the Devil and shall have no part in our Writings we shut them out with a thick wall or enclosure and strong fortification or bullwark that they may be blind and not know our Spirit for we would not set the Serpent therein our will and mind is gone out from them therefore shall they not know us though they carry us in their hands there is a fast seal upon it 9. Christ saith If ye have Faith as a grain of mustard seed then ye might say to the Mountains be ye removed and cast into the Sea that is not an empty void word without truth and effect The First Power of the Souls Will. 10. The will if it go strongly forward is Faith It frameth its own form in the Spirit it hath also the Might or Power that it can form or frame another Image in the Spirit out of the Center of Natue 11. It can give to the Body another Form according to the outward Spirit for the Inward is Lord of the Outward the outward must be obedient to it it can set the outward in another Image but not permanent 12. For Adams Soul had let in the Turba of this World so that the Turba if it seeth a strange Child is suddenly uppermost and breaketh or destroyeth it only it continueth so long as the Inward Spirit can tame and over-power the Outward 13. And this Form Kind or Manner of Power is called Nigromancy a transmutation or changing where the Inward doth over-power the Outward for it is natural as we consider that when we shall be changed it is done by that very Turba which hath the First Fiat 14. For the Body is Sulphur and sticketh in the Tincture and the Spirit conducteth the Tincture therefore now if the First willeth therein or conanteth thereto viz. the Soul then can the Spirit of the Soul make another Form or Manner of Image in the Sulphur but the Devil mixeth himself readily therein for it is the Abysses Wonder wherein he is Lord. The Second Power of the Souls Will. 15. Also understand us thus The earnest will which otherwise is called Faith can with the Spirit do great things the Will can set or put the Spirit into another Form or Condition which is thus If the Spirit were an Angel a Similitude of God yet the Will can make of it a proud or stubborn Devil and also of a Devil an Angel if it sink down it self into Death into Humility under the Cross and cast it self again into God's Spirit that he may lead it by his government then it sinketh down into the still Eternity quite out from the source or quality of Torment into the still or quiet NOTHING which yet is ALL and then it standeth in the Beginning where God created it and the word Fiat receiveth or embraceth it again which containeth God's Image The Third Power of the Soules Will or Spirit 16. And then thirdly the Souls Spirit hath ability or power to enter into another Mans Marrow and Bones viz. into the Sulphur and if he be false or wicked to introduce the Turba into him so far as any is not armed with God's Spirit but that he be found naked in the Spirit of this World as is to be seen by the bewitching Whores or Sorcerers The Fourth Power of the Souls Will. 17. Fourthly It hath power if it be God's Child that it can lead the Turba captive and can pour it out upon the house of the wicked and ungodly as Elias did with the Fire and Moses before Pharoah for it can throw down Mountains break Rocks 18. This is understood to be so far as a place is capable of the Turba that it hath made the Anger stirring then it can be but if not and that God's Spirit be in a thing then it cannot be for Water will be poured into the Fires Turba and it is as it were dead and its ability or power lyeth in the dirt 19. And therefore is the Heaven the middle or medium between God and Hell viz. between Love and Anger which Heaven is created out of the midst of the Waters so that the Devil cannot rule with his Turba the Water turneth his purpose into scorn and derision as therefore the false or wicked Magia is drowned in the Water with its inchantment delusion The Fifth Power of the Souls Will or Spirit 20. Fifthly The Soul hath might or ability that it may and can seek or search out all Wonders or Works which are in Nature viz. Arts and Sciences Languages Building Tilling or Planting and Destroying it can subdue the Starry Heaven as Joshua commanded the Sun that it stood still and Moses the Sea that it stood up also he commanded the Darkness and it came also it can make or produce the Earthly Life as Moses the Lice Frogs also Serpents and other Wonders 21. Also it hath Death in its power or might that it can over-power that if it ride upon the Brides-Chariot it can subdue and over-power the Devil if it be in God 22. There is nothing which it cannot subdue only understand it aright The Soul hath such might or ability from its Original and such a Spirit it could have given forth out of it self if it had not let in the Earthly Great Turba which now giveth the stop unless it be so that the holy Spirit rideth upon its Chariot as with Moses Elias and all the Prophets with Christ and his Disciples also still continually with the holy Children of God they have all this Power or Authority they can awaken or raise the Dead heal the Sick and expel all Diseases it is natural the Spirit only ruleth therewith over the Turba 24. But there is this on the other side to be considered that the Soul knoweth very well what covenant compact or agreement it hath with
time of earnest Severity look not upon it with earthly eyes it concerns thee nearly thou wilt well see in thy Death what kind of Judgement it is in what time and under what Turba thou hast lived this we speak most earnestly as we ought The Thirteenth Question How the Souls feeding out of the Word of God is 1. VVHen the Soul entereth into the majestick Light as above mentioned and receiveth the Light of God then is it altogether longing and panting after it and continually draweth into its desire God's power and vertue that is God's Body into it self and the holy Spirit is the power and vertue of God's Spirit thus it acquireth God's Body and Spirit and eateth at God's Table all whatsoever the Father hath is his Sons and whatsoever the Son hath is his Images 2. It eateth Gods Flesh Christs Flesh and from that eating God's Body groweth in it so that it also hath Gods Body and is Gods Child not only his similitude but Child it is born in God out of God's Essence and liveth in God 3. When it heareth in this world God's Word taught or spoken from or by God's Children then it layeth hold of the same and eateth it 4. The outward Man eateth earthly Bread and the Soul eateth God's Bread concerning which Christ said he would give us his Body for food 5. And his Testaments are nothing else we eate not spirit without body for the Soul is Spirit beforehand it would have a body and thus it getteth Body and Spirit together 6. Let this be told thee O Babel and consider how thou managest Christ's Testaments what thou teachest when thou saist Christ's Testaments are Spirit without Body thou denyest God thou denyest God's Substantiality Christ's Heavenly Body which is greater than All which is the Fulness of all things but in its own Principle 7. Thou earthly Mouth shalt not chew it with thy teeth the Soul hath another Mouth and receiveth it under the outward Element the outward receiveth the outward and the inward receiveth the inward 8. Christs last Supper with his Disciples was even so the outward is a Remembrance the inward is the Substance for the Kingdom of God consisteth or standeth in Power and Vertue it is magical not as a thought but essential substantial 9. The Magia makes Substance for in the Eternal Nothing there is Nothing but the Magia makes somewhat where nothing is 10. There is not only and barely Spirit in God but Nature Substance Flesh and Blood Tincture and All This world externally is a Similitude of the Inward World 11. We tell you we speak what we see feel tast and know and it is not fictions and conceits and that not for our own sake but for yours as one Member is bound in duty to another that our joy may be in you and that we may partake with you as brethren in ONE Substance He that desireth to know more in this let him read our Third Part or Book where he shall find the Circumstances concerning the Souls eating and of Christs Testaments The Fourteenth Question Whether such New Soul be without Sin 1. VVE understand here the Propagated Soul in a Child newly born my beloved Friend this is a very acute Question but to you my beloved Friend it shall be answered that the time of the opening is born or generated the day dawneth or breaketh the night is passed away praise and thanks be given to God for it that hath generated us again to the Light to an uncorruptible or unfadable Inheritance and hath received us for his beloved Children 2. You my beloved Friend know well the heavy Fall of Adam as we have exactly set it down in all our Writings viz. that the Soul with its right Eye hath turned it self away from God into the Spirit of this World and is become disobedient to God and hath destroyed its noble and pretious Image and hath introduced a monstrous Image and let in the spirit of this world whereas it should with its will have strongly ruled over it and not at all with the Soul have eaten Evil and Good 3. But now it hath done against God's Command and put its Imagination into the Earthly Spirit where suddenly the Turba captivated it which hath introduced the Earthly Monster into the noble Image And thus the Turba suddenly sought and found the Limit in which the Image became broken and if the Word had not instantly set it self in the middle it had Eternally remained broken 4. And now also the Turba is become seated in the earthly Abyss and hath captivated both Body and Soul and bringeth the Body continually to the Limit where then it breaketh it and casteth it away and then the poor Soul remaineth raw and naked without a body 5. Therefore it is necessary that it convert and turn with its right Eye into the Word again and acquire again a Body generated or born of God else it is raw or naked and hath the Turba in it which the Fire awakeneth in its great Anguish for it is a vehement hunger a seeker and a finder 6. Thus it is now very apprehensible to us that we are tyed and bound to the Spirit of this World with the Soul for the Turba holdeth us captive in the fierce wrathful Anger of God 7. And though our Soul do go forth and become generated in God yet it hath the Turba belonging to the outward Body which consumeth it for it searcheth through it even into the Abyss and there it findeth that it is only a Looking-Glass of the Eternal and then it goeth forth out of the Looking-Glass into the Eternal and lets the Looking-Glass lye in the Nothing 8. Thus you know very well that the Soul with the Body in the Seed is half earthly for it is Sulphur that is Phur and Sul one among another and the Turba is therein which hath indeed might and power enough to break or destroy the Seed 9. How then can a pure clean Soul be generated It cannot be It bringeth the Turba along with it into the world and is sinful in the Mothers Womb. 10. But know that God is become Man or Incarnate and hath put the word Fiat again into the Seed though now the Turba be also in the earthly part so that the Seed is not altogether free 11. Yet it is in this manner with the Soul so far as the Father and Mother are honest and vertuous and in God that the Soul is not left or forsaken of God for it proceedeth out of the Fathers and Mothers Soul and though a Child die in the Mothers Womb as it were without Baptism yet it is baptised with the Fathers Mothers Spirit viz. with the holy Spirit which dwelleth in them and the Turba will be broken off in death for the Faiths part presseth into God 12. But with wicked and ungodly Parents it is in another manner The Soul if the Child dyeth in the Mothers womb falleth home to
the Turba and in Eternity reacheth not to God also it knoweth nothing of him but is a Life according to the Essence Property of the Parents 13. Where yet it doth not reach to the kindling or burning for the Soul had not it self acted or committed sin but is a fountain-quality-Spirit without self-desire and wonders like the flame of Brimstone and like an Ignis Fatuus which cannot reach to God but remain so between Heaven and Hell in the Mystery till the Judgment of God which will gather in its harvest and give every thing its right and true place of Repository 14. Though perhaps our learned Masters in this may have another kind of Philosophy but we enquire not after their Art we have eyes they have Arts we speak what we see 15. Thus we give you to understand that no Soul is generated or born into this world without sin how honest vertuous and godly soever the Parents are for it is conceived and bred forth or hatched in earthly Seed and bringeth the Turba of the Body along with it and that hath also surrounded the Soul 16. Therefore in the Old Testament God made a Covenant with the Children in Circumcision and so ordered in the Covenant that they must shed their Blood and drown the Turba of the the Soul therewith 17. And in the New Testament there is the Baptism wherein the holy Spirit with the Water of Life washeth off the Turba of the Souls water that it may come to God and become God's Child 18. But if any will say that every one that hath not baptism as Jews and Turks and other People with whom is not the knowledge thereof who have not the Candlestick among them that they are all rejected of God although they never so vehemently press with their teaching Life and Death into the Love of God that is a phancy and Babel-like spoken without knowledge 19. Blessedness and Salvation lyeth not alone in the outward Word but in the Power and Vertue Who will exclude those that enter into God 20. Is it not Babel who seduceth and confoundeth the whole world so that they have devided People into Opinions and yet in their wills go but one way who is the Cause of this but the Antichrist when he drew the Kingdom of God into his might authority and power and made fictions concerning the Regeneration of which when it comes to be day the very Children will be ashamed of them 21. A Man may say with good ground that Antichrists Doctrine is a fighting with a shadow as in a looking-glass and a falshood and wickedness of the Serpent which continually beguileth Eve 22. Thus it is apprehensible to us that no Soul cometh into this world without Sin every one bringeth the Turba along with it for if it were without Sin then it must dwell in a totally pure body which hath no evil will or inclination at all in which there is no earthly seeking or desire 23. But thus indeed is every body and soul tyed and united together till the Turba findeth the Limit of the Body and then the Turba seeketh the works or actions of the Body as hath been mentioned above The Fifteenth Question How Sin cometh into the Soul being it is God's Work and Creature 1. IT is in such a manner as is above mentioned The Turba together with the earthly seeking came along with it into this world and so the Soul becometh vehemently drawn by two parties first by the Word of the Lord which is passed into the middle which there of Love is become Man or incarnate that draweth the Soul continually into God's Kingdom and setteth the Turba before the eys of the Soul so that the Soul seeth in Nature what is false or wicked and sin and if it suffereth it self to be drawn then it becometh regenerated in the Word so that it is God's Image 2. And secondly the Turba also draweth the Soul mightily with its bands and bringeth the Soul continually back into the earthly seeking or longing especially in youth when the earthly Tree sticketh full of green sprouting driving Essences and Poyson and then the Turba thus flyeth strongly or mightily in so that many a soul in eternity cannot become freed and loosed from it 3. A thing which is from two beginnings which stand in equal ballance or weight doth by putting in more weight on the one part sink down be it either by evil or good 4. Sin maketh not it self but the will maketh it it cometh from the Imagination into the Spirit and then the Spirit goeth into a thing and becometh infected from the thing and so the Turba of that thing cometh into the Spirit and destroyeth first the Image of God 5. And then it goeth further seeketh deeper and so it findeth the Abysse viz. the Soul and seeketh in the Soul and so it findeth the fierce wrathful Fire by which it mixeth it self with the thing introduced into the Spirit and so now sin is totally generated or born and so now all is sin which desireth to bring that which is outward into the Will 6. The will should simply or singly be inclined and exercised in Love Meekness as if it were a nothing or dead it should only desire God's Life that God may work act or create in it and whatsoever it doth besides its will should be inclined or intended so as to do it for God 7. But if it put its will into the Thing or Substance then it bringeth that thing or Substance into the Spirit which possesseth its Heart and so the Turba becometh generated and the Soul captivated with that Thing 8. Thus we give you for an answer that no Soul cometh pure and clean out of the Mothers body or womb be it begotten by holy or unholy Parents 9. For as the Abysse and Anger of God as also the earthly world do all cleave to and depend on God the Father and yet cannot apprehend or touch his Heart and Spirit so it is also with the Child in the Mother Body or Womb. 10. If it be begotten of godly pious Parents then each Principle standeth in its own part by it self when the Turba taketh the earthly Body then the Heaven taketh the Spirit and so the Majesty filleth the Spirit and so the Soul is in God and is free from pain 11. But while the Soul sticketh in the Earthly Life it is not free and it is because the Earthly Spirit continually bringeth its Abominations with its Imagination into it and the Spirit must continually stand in strife against the Earthly Life The Sixteenth Question How the Soul both in the Adamical Body as also in the New-born or Regenerate Body is held or preserved in such union together 1. VVE have mentioned above that there are Three Principles which moreover are all Three in the Soul and stand in one another as one thing and we offer you this that the strife in the Soul beginneth in the Seeds while they yet
Anguish into Death and sprouteth forth again into the Liberty and that is the Light together with the Fires source or quality but it now containeth or holdeth another Principle in it for the Anguish is become Love 6. And just such a manner and kind it hath in the Body for the Flesh striveth against the Spirit the outward Fleshes Life is a Looking-glass of the most inward Fire-Life viz. of the Souls Life therefore is the Souls Spirit-Life together with the Light in the Tincture the Middlemost Life and yet becometh generated out of the Soul 7. But understand us according to its precious height the Souls Spirit wherein the Divine Image standeth originateth in the Fire and is first the Will to the Fire but when the fierce Wrath to the Fire so sharpneth and kindleth or inflameth it self then the Will cometh into great Anguish like a dying and sinketh down in it self out of the fierce Wrath into the Eternal Liberty and yet it is no Dying but thus the other or second World cometh to be out of the first 8. For the Will now sprouteth into the other World as a Sharpness out of the Fire but without such Quality flowing forth in the Eternal Liberty and is a moving driving and apprehending of the Anguish Nature it hath all Essences which are become generated in the first sharp Fire-world in the Anguish but they are as one that goeth out of the Fire into the Water where the Anguish of the Fire remaineth in the Water 9. Understand us thus Concerning this Life of the Souls Spirit-Life the Soul is the Center of Nature The Spirit is the precious Noble Image which God created to his Image herein standeth the High-Kingly and precious Image of God for God is also thus and comprehended in the same Lifes quality or source 10. The Spirit is not severed from the Soul No as ye see that Fire and Shining is not severed and yet also is not one and the same it hath a twofold source or quality the Fire fierce wrathful and the Light meek and lovely and in the Light is the Life and in the Fire Δ is the Cause of the Life 11. Thus you may very easily and without much seeking find the Cause of the Contrariety of the Flesh and of the Spirit for the Inward Spirit hath God's Body out of or from the Meek Substantiality and the Outward Spirit hath the fierce wrathfull Fires-Looking-Glasses Body viz. the Souls Looking-Glasses Body which would continually awaken the fierce Wrathfulness viz. the Great Wonders which lie in the Arcanum or secresie of the Souls Sternness therefore the Inward Love-Spirit hindereth it that it should not lift up it self and kindle or inflame the Soul else it would lose its Love-habitation and Image and the Souls Fierce-wrath would destroy it 12. The Contrariety is thus the inward Spirit would be Lord for it Subdueth the outward and the outward would be Lord for it saith I have the Great Wonders and the Arcanum or Secret and thus Glorieth about the Mystery and yet is but a Looking-Glass of the Mystery 13. It is not the Substance of the Mystery but a Seeking or Searching like a palpable Looking-Glass in which the Mystery becometh seen he will needs be a Master being he hath attained one Principle and is an own Self-Life but he is to be accounted a Fool in respect of the Mystery 14. Therefore loving Brother if you would seek the Mystery seek it not in the outward Spirit for so you will be deceived and get but a Glimps of the Mystery go in even to the Cross then seek Gold you will not be deceived you must seek the pure Child without blemish in another World in this world you find only the Rusty or Drossy Child which is altogether imperfect and now take this right thus 15. Go from the Cross back into the Fourth Form there you have Sun and Moon one in another bring it into Anguish into Death and drive on the made or framed Magick body so far till it become again what it was before the Center in the Will and then it is Magical and hungry after Nature 16. It is a seeking in the Eternal Seeking and would fain have a Body therefore give him for a Body Sol viz. the Soul and then it will suddenly make it a Body according to the Soul for the Will sprouteth in Paradise with very fair heavenly fruit without spot or blemish 17. There you have the fair noble and precious Child you Covetous stiff-necked Person we must indeed tell you seeing it is together born and generated with the time and yet we will hereby only be understood by those that are Ours 18. For we mean not A Looking-Glass or Heaven but Gold wherewith you boast that hath so long time been your Idol That is born or generated and puts the Eyes of the blind Cow or Beetle quite out at last so that it seeth less than before but the Children shall see eat and be fat that they may praise God 19. We speak wonderfully here yet onely that which we should speak which yet none wonder at that he knoweth the Mystery who never learned it Doth not an Herb grow without your counsel or advice it enquireth not after Art so also is the Mystery grown without your Art It hath its own School like the Apostles on the day of Pentecost who spake with many Tongues and Languages without the precognita or the fore-skill of Art and so is this Simplicity 20. And it is a forerunning Message to thee Babel of thy Overthrow that thou mayest know it no fierce Wrath or Anger will avail the Star is born or generated which leadeth the Wise-men out of the East but seek them only where thou art and find thy self and cast the Turba away from thee and so thou wilt live with the Children this we speak earnestly there is no other Counsel or Remedy thy Anger is the fire which will devour thy self 21. Or dost thou suppose that we are blind If we did not see we should be silent how would a Lye be pleasing to God and so we should be found in the Turba which sifteth through the work and doings and substance of all men or do we this service for Wages is it our living why do we not hold to depend on Bread according to our outward Reason 22. If it be our day Labour we should do as the Father will have us For † we shall give an account of it in the evening this we speak dearly and earnestly with deep seriousness 23. Thus we can certainly understand the Contrariety of the Spirit and of the Flesh and apprehend very well how Two Spirits are in one another one striving against the other for the one would have God and the other would have Bread and both are profitable and good 24. But let this be said to thee O Child of Man lead thy life Circumspectly let thy Souls Spirit be Lord and then thou wilt
Eternity before the Foundation of the World was laid which stood in the Majesty of the Holy Number Three and also in the Body of Mary equally alike at Once 21. And the Soul of Christ belongeth half to the Principle of this World and half to the Holy Spirit for the Soul of Christ made use of the outward Spirits Air of the Stars or Constellations with the Power and Vertue of the Elements and also of the Word of God and of Divine food for such a Man was Adam in Innocency 22. Thus hath God in Christ Regenerated us anew and thus are we born anew in Christ out of God's Word and Spirit through the Water of the Eternal Life thus are we Gods Children in CHRIST and if we give our selves up into Christ out from our Reason then we are indued with Christs Body and our Will and Spirit liveth from or of CHRIST in US and we in him 23. Thus you may understand what Christ's Temptation was viz. that the New Regenerate Man should now hold out or endure Adams temptation to try whether his Soul could stand in God and there he was tryed in the Turba to see whether he could rightly stand in the Three Principles and rule over the Outward and therefore his food of the outward Life was withdrawn from him that the inward Life might overpower the outward and eat of the Word of the Lord and hold the outward in its own power and full Omnipotency and also hold Death Captive that it should not destroy the outward Life this must needs be a Great Combate 24. And then the other two Temptations were these he was tryed whether Man would live in full obedience to God and let God work in him or whether he would lift up himself again and free himself from God as Lucifer did and therefore the Devil must tempt him seeing this Man was to possess his Kingly or Royal Throne 25. Therefore the Devil complained that he was not able to stand the Mother of the fierce Wrathfulness drew him so hard therefore it was now permitted to him that he should tempt and try it in this Man and should set before him that which was set before himself and if this Man did overcome he should be the Devils Judge who was found to be a Lyar. 26. For he Tempted him in the second and third Assault fully to try whether he would flie in his own self might and he himself had done and had awakened the Anger or whether he would put his Trust alone in God and live in God with Will and Substance or Deed as a Child in Obedience to the Father and this he tryed so long with him as Adam was in the Temptation before his sleep 27. Thus must we also Continually be Tempted but in Christ who hath overcome we can have the Victory for his Soul is our Soul and his Flesh our Flesh if we trust in him and give up our selves wholly to him as Christ gave himself up to his Father 28. And thus beloved Friend you understand what Christ's Soul and Body is viz. Our Soul and Body if we cleave to God but if not then we are rent off and are according to the outward Life fallen home to the Spirit of this World viz. to the perished corrupt Adam and according to the Soul fallen home to the Devil in the Anger of God seek this more at large in our other Writings where you shall find the whole ground of Heaven and of this World The Seven and Thirtieth Question What the Spirit of Christ is which was Obedient and which he Commended into his Fathers Hands 1. THis is that Great Jewel for which we highly rejoyce that we know it so that we know our selves what we are and it is more dear and acceptable to us then the whole World for it is that Pearl for which one sold all his Goods and bought that Pearl of which Christ speaketh 2. For it is more profitable to Man then the whole World it is more Noble and Precious then the Sun for the Noble or Precious Stone of the Wise Men the Philosophers Stone lyeth THEREIN it hath the Mysterium Magnum The Great Mystery Heavenly and Earthly and there is nothing like it in this World but only the mean simplicity which standeth still and generateth or awakeneth no Turba this hath the Jewel hidden in it as the Gold lyeth in the Stone 3. And continueth unconsumed if a Robber with the Earthly Turba cometh not upon it and destroyeth it and yet attaineth it not so is also the own self-Reason in the Mystery 4. Therefore we dare and can with good ground say that a simple Layick which in simplicity without much Skill and Art cleaveth to God hath the Mysterium Magnum better and surer also undestroyed then a high learned Doctor that flyeth aloft in his Reason and destroyeth the Jewel and setteth it in Babel this indeed will not relish well but we are not much concerned in that we should set forth the Truth and baulk or shun none 5. Now when we speak of Christ's Spirit then Reason understandeth the Soul or indeed the outward Life's Spirit which standeth in power and vertue and winking of the Stars and Elements but no it is another thing wherein the Image of God standeth the outward Spirit belongeth not to the Deity but to the Wonders 6. We have truly and clearly mentioned before but since it is hinted expresly in the Question that Christ commended it to his Father in his Dying therefore we must speak thereof how it was 7. You have sufficiently conceived before in what manner the Soul is the Center of Nature the Original of Life and the Mobility as viz. a Fire of God which should be turned and inclined into Gods Eternal Will wherein it is Originally generated out of the Magick seeking and out of the Eternal Nothing is become a Great Mystery wherein ALL Things lye The Deity with all the Three Principles and all whatsoever is or is called Being or Substance or Thing 8. Also it is explained how out of the Fire the Light is generated and the Spirit-Air and then how the Fire draweth the Spirit-Air again into it self and so continually bloweth up it self again and so with the Light and the Air and the source or quality of the Fire is the Life of its own self 9. We have also mentioned moreover unto you concerning the Noble or Precious Tincture which thus ariseth in the Light in which is the Light 's meekness which is Generated out of the Anguish as a Mortification or killing and sprouteth forth out of the Mortification as another life of another source or quality where the Fires-source or quality is apprehended to be a Tincture like a driving forth of a Spirit and yet also is desirous and so draweth the power and vertue of the Light into it self and maketh it be a Substance viz. Water 10. Wherein the two Forms become apprehended one according to
Lord but only Christ who will dwell with us and we shall be in one Communion with the Angels Our Fruits will Spring and grow to us there according to our Desire and Wish 7. There will be no old Age there but a Man of a Hundred Years will be as a Child newly Born and live in meer delight of Love 8. All whatsoever is Joy will be sought after and which way soever one can procure Joy to another to that is his will enclined 9. We shall lead a Holy Priestly Life and all speak of God's Wisdom and Eternal Wonders for the Divine Magia hath Wonders without Number the more is sought the more is therein and that is the Multiplication and increase or procreation of the VVill of God 10. And to this End hath God manifested himself in Images Created as in Angels and Men that so he might have Joy in himself and rejoyce himself with his Lifes-Essences Eternally Hallelujah Conclusion 11. THus my beloved Friend is set down a round Answer to your Questions according to our Gifts and we exhort you Brotherly not to despise us in respect of our simple Speech and Incongruity 12. For we are not born of Art but of simplicity and speak great things with simple Words take it as a Bounty of God you will find so much therein and more then in the High Art of the Best Eloquence unless they also be born or Generated from this School whom we will not undervalue but acknowledge them for our Beloved Brethren in Christ with whom we expect Eternally to rejoyce in the Heavenly School of which we here have attained a little foretaste 13. And here Our knowledge is only in part but when we shall attain the whole perfection then will we say what God IS and CAN DO AMEN ANNO 1620. Jacob Behme A Short Summary Appendix concerning the Soul and its Image and of the Turba which destroyeth the Image Written in High-Dutch Anno. 1620 by Jacob Behme called Teutonicus Philosophus Printed in the Year 1665. Of the Soul and of its Image and of the Turba which destroyeth the Image A short Summary Appendix which in the other Books is written of more at Large and Fundamentally 1. THe Soul is an Eye in the Eternal Abysse a similitude of the Eternity a Total Figure and Image according to the first Principle and is like God the Father according to his Person according to the Eternal Nature 2. It s Essence and Substantiality as to what it is purely of it self is first the VVheel of Nature with the first four Forms 3. For the Word of the Lord with the Eternal Fiat comprised the Soul in the Eternal Will of the Father in the Center of the Eternal Nature and opened it by the Holy Spirit or blew it up as a Fire which hath lien in the Eternity wherein from Eternity stood all the Forms of the 〈…〉 and were only apprehend ed in the Wisdom in the Divine Magia as a Figure or Image without Substance from Eternity 4. Yet that thing was not Substantial but Essential and was apprehended in the Principle in the Flash of Lightning where the Fire originateth but the Shadow of it hath fashioned it self into a Figured Image in the Desirous VVill of God and hath stood before the Number Three of God in the Magia in the VVisdom of God as a similitude of the Holy Trinity in which as in a Looking-Glass God hath manifested or revealed himself 5. The Substance and Image of the Soul is to be considered in a fair Flower that springeth out of the Earth and in the Fire and Light as men see that the Earth is a Center and yet No Life but it is Essential and out of it groweth a fair flower which is not like the Earth also it hath not the Smell and Tast thereof much less its Figure and yet the Earth is the Mother of the Flowers 6. Thus is the Soul also discovered out of the Center of Nature out of the Eternal Essence with the VVord Fiat in the VVill of God and held or preserved in the Fiat so that is a Fire-Eye and a 〈…〉 of the First Principle discovered in a Creaturely Form and Substance 7. And our of this Eye is gone forth the Glance of its Fire as a Lightout of the Fire and in that Glance of its own Fire was the Eternal Image seen which is in the VVisdom of God and comprised by the VVill of the Heart of God in the second Principle understand by the VVord Fiat of the Second Principle in the Love and Power or Vertue of the Holy Trinity in which the Holy Spirit goeth forth 8. Thus is the Soul become a Total similitude and Image of the Holy Trinity where a Man is to understand the Soul to be the Center of Nature and its Fire-Life to be the first Principle but the Sprout or the Image of the Soul which is a Similitude of God groweth forth out of the Soul as a Flower out of the Earth and is comprised by the Holy Spirit for it is his Habitation 9. If the Soul putteth forth its Image understand out of the Fire Source or Quality into the Light of God then it receiveth the Light as the Moon doth the Glance of the Sun and thus its Image standeth in the Majesty of God and it self viz. the Soul in the Light of God and its Fire-source becometh changed into Meekness and desirous Love wherein it is acknowledged for God's Child 10. But being the Soul is Essential and its own Substance a Desiring therefore it is apprehensible that it standeth in two Fiats the one is its Corporeal Propriety and the other is the second Principle out of the Will of God which standeth in the Soul in which God desireth IT for his Image and Similitude 11. Besides God's Desiring is like a Fiat in the Center of the Soul and it continually frameth or inclineth the Will of the Soul towards the Heart of God for the delight or longing of God willeth to have the Soul on the Contrary the Center in the Fires-Might willeth also to have it 12. For the Life of the Soul Originateth in the Fire therefore now there is strife about the Image of the Soul and that form or quality that overcometh whether it be the Fire or the Meekness of the Love according to that is the Soul qualified or conditioned and out of the Soul such an Image appeareth as the Will of the Soul is qualified 13. And we are to know that if the Will of the Soul Altereth then its Form becometh altered also for if the quality or source of the Soul be fiery then also appeareth such a fiery Image out of it 14. But if the Soul in the Center Imagineth into the stern harshness and bitterness then its fair Image becometh captivated with the Dark harshness and infected with the harsh fierce wrath 15. And then is that fierce wrath become a Turba which possesseth the Image and destroyeth the