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A28310 A soul-searching catechism wherein is opened and explained not onely the six fundamental points set down Heb. 6. I. but also many other questions of highest concernment in Christian religion : wherein is strong meat for them that are grown and milk for babes, in a very short catechism at the end, exceeding needful for all families in these ignorant and unsetled times / written by Christopher Blackwood. Blackwood, Christopher. 1653 (1653) Wing B3101; ESTC R24658 62,833 92

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God Heb. 3.7 compared with Isa 95.7 in the Hebrew it's said They tempted the Holy ghost in the Psalmes They tempted God Acts 28.25 compared with Isa 6.8 in the Acts its said The Holy ghost spake to Isaiah but in Isa it s said the Lord spake unto him ye● the Lord whose train filled the temple 1 Cor. 6.20 the Apostle saith We are not our own but the Holy ghosts therefore he hath absolute power over us Now God alone hath absolute power over us Yea he bids us glorifie God with our bodies Now what God means he save the Holy ghost whose bodies he call'd his temple Further his Godhead appears because he searcheth all things yea the deep things of God 1 Cor. 2.10 11. As the minde of a man knows all the things of man because it is in him so doth the Spirit of God know the things of God Acts 7.51 You do always resist the Holy ghost as your fathers did Now whom did their fathers resist in the Books of Moses but God Besides his Godhead was seen in inabling persons to speak with tongues of all sorts without any teaching of them by man Acts 2. Q. Whether is the Holy ghost only a motion action or operation whereby God works effectually in the hearts of the elect or whether is he an understanding willing working substance A. He is an understanding willing working substance because he is said to be blasphemed Matth. 12.30 31. Now an action cannot properly be said to be blasphemed but a person Againe the holy Spirit is said to be a Comforter and to testifie of Christ John 15.26 When the Comforter is come whom I will send unto you he shall testifie of me therefore a person Acts 13.2 The Holy ghost bad separate Paul and Barnabas for the work yea he sets overseers over Gods flock Acts 20.28 Acts 15.18 It seems good to the Holy ghost and to us If it seem'd good to him then he is a person indued with understanding Acts 16.6 The Holy ghost forbad the Apostles to go to Phrygia and Bithynia and bad them go to Macedonia because he commands and forbids he is a Substance Rom. 5.5 the love of God is said to be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy ghost The Apostle herein puts a full difference betwixt the gifts of God and the Holy ghost Besides 1 Cor. 12.11 He distributes gifts to every one even as he pleaseth therefore he is a person or substance Isa 48.16 Qu. Wether is the holy ghost equal with the Father and Son Answ Yes 2 Cor. 13.13 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and communion of the holy ghost be with you The Apostle joyns the holy ghost with the other persons in prayer 1 John 5.7 these three are one Psal 33.6 all the host of Heaven was made by the Spirit as well as by Father and Son Gen. 1.2 The Spirit of God moved upon the waters The holy ghost also takes us into Covenant and in his name are we baptized Matth. 28. which were unlawful were he not God equal with the Father The holy ghost makes covenant with us Heb. 10.15 16. the holy ghost is a witness to us for after he had said before This is the Covenant that I will make with them I will put my Laws into their hearts c. Besides being we are baptized into his name we are baptized into his worship religion faith doctrine Q. What Scriptures prove unto us the Trinity A. These following Isa 63.7 2 Sam. 23.2 3. Isa 61.1 Hag. 2.4 5. Psal 33.6 In the New Testament Matth. 3.16 17. Matth. 28.19 Joh. 1.32 33. Joh. 15.26 Joh. 16.3 13 14 15. 1 Cor. 12.3 Eph. 2.18 2 Cor. 13.13 Tit. 3.5 6. Gal. 4.6 The same name of Jehovah and the same works are ascribed to each person Q. What are the attributes of God A. There are many of them as 1. Spirituality whereby he cannot be touched Luk. 24.29 For a Spirit hath not flesh nor bones nor can he be seen 1 Tim. 6.16 Whom no man hath seen nor can see 2. Eternity whereby he was from everlasting Psal 90.2 Before the mountains were brought forth from everlasting to everlasting thou art God 3. Unchangeableness There 's no shadow of turning with God Iam. 1.17 1 Sam. 15.29 Repentance attributed to God signifies no change in Gods nature but in his actions mutably decreed from eternity God is fain to speak to us as Nurses to chilchildren lispingly because they cannot understand perfect speech 4. Omnipresence In that he is present everywhere Psal 139.7 Whither shall I flee from thy presence and also knows every thing and person Heb. 4.13 All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do so that he knows the very motions of the will of man even before they move 5. His Almightiness in that he is able to do whatsoever he pleaseth Psal 135.6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased that did he Yea he is able to do more then he pleaseth to do he could have raised up of stones children to Abraham Matth. 3.9 He could have given Christ 12 legions of Angels Job 42.2 6. His Self-sufficiency in that he is compleat in himself not needing any thing the creature can do Gen. 17.1 I am God alsufficient 7. His Knowledg whereby God doth perfectly know himself and by himself all other things that are were shall be or can be and that not successively as men do but by one act of understanding Job 42.2 Joh. 21.17 8. The Will of God whereby he wills in a holy manner and works all things according to the counsel thereof Eph. 1.11 Q. What be the parts of Gods Kingdom A. Two 1. his decree 2. the execution of it Q. What is Gods decree A. It is Gods everlasting determination and purpose concerning all things and persons Act. 4.28 To do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done Eph. 1.11 Predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his owne will And as God decreeeth concerning all things and persons so doth he decree the circumstance of place time means and manner Act. 27.31 Except these abide in the Ship ye cannot be saved Q. What is Predestination A. It is Gods fore-ordaining all reasonable creatures whether Angels or Men to an everlasting estate either of salvation or damnation 1 Thes 5.9 God hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtaine salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ Q. What are the parts of Predestination A. Two 1. Election which is Gods appointing some to Salvation through Christ Rom. 9.23 He made known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy which he had prepared unto glory Eph. 1.5 Having chosen us in him before the foundation of the world 2. Reprobation which is Gods appointing some both Men and Angels to destruction 2 Tim. 2.20 there are some Vessels to dishonour Rom. 9.22 To shew his wrath and make his power known
preserved If An Argument from man were any thing material I might adde that the Iewish Bible who are the utterest enemies of Christianity their old Testament agrees with ours and for the truth of the Iewish Bible they have testimony from the Samaritans who were enemies to them and an irreconciliable rent made betwixt them yet in the Samaritan Bible as some of the learned affirme there is no difference at all to any purpose Also the consent of the godly Fathers and Christians from Christ his time who have from hand to hand delivered them to us and enlightned them with their commentaries whose commentaries we have to shew in every age well-nigh from the Apostles time some of whom confirmed the truth with their Lives and Liberty A short Catechisme FOR BABES Q. HOw doth it appear that there is a God A. From the creati●n of heaven and earth Psal 19.1 Rom. 1.20 Q. What is God A. A Spirit John 4.23 immortal 1 Tim. 6.16 infinite 1 Kings 8.27 knowing all things Heb. 4.13 and present everywhere Psalme 139.7 8 9. Q. How doth this God subsist A. In the being of Father Son and Spirit who are all one God 1 Iohn 5.7 Q. Whether is the Father Son or Spirit greatest A. There is an equality of glory eternity and power in the Father Son and Spirit Rom. 9.5 Phil. 2.6 Matth. 28.19 1 Iohn 5.7 Q. How did God make man at first A. Pure and holy Gen. 1.26 Eccles 7.29 but we all fell in our first parents Rom. 5.12 13 14. Q What befell unto us by Adams fall A. The judgement came upon all to condemnation Rom. 5.15 16. Q. What is the condition of every man since the fall of Adam A. Dead in trespasses and sins and by nature children of wrath Eph. 2.1 3. Q What way is there to come out of this miserable condition A. Onely by Jesus Christ Acts 4.12 Q. What are we to consider especially in Christ A. 1. His natures 2. His offices Q. What are the natures of Christ A. They are two 1. His Godhead 2. His Manhood Q. Why was it needful that he should be God A. That he might make the sufferings of his Manhood of infinite worth and vertue Heb. 9.14 Act. 20.28 Q. Why was it needful that he should be man A. That he might dye and satisfie Gods justice in the same nature that had offended Matthew 20.28 1 Corinthians 15.21 22. Q. What are the offices of Christ A. They are three Q. Which are they A. His Kingly Priestly and Prophetical office Q Why was Christ a King A. That he may reign in the hearts of his people Luk. 19.27 and in the Churches Psal 2.6 Q. Why was he a Prophet A. To reveale his Fathers will so that are to hear him in all things Acts 3.22 Mat. 17.5 Q. Why was he a Priest A. To offer sacrifice for the sins of his people Heb. 8.3 Q. What sacrifice did Christ offer A. His own body on the cross Heb. 9.25 26. wherewith he appears in Gods presence for his people Heb. 9.24 his blood speaking good things Q. What is faith A. A taking of Christ as a Lord and a Saviour and resting upon his satisfaction Rom. 7.4 Joh. 1.12 Rom. 10.7.8 Q. What accompanies Justifying faith without which it is not in the soul A. An holy disposition or intention of heart to confess the truth of God though with the loss of all we have in the world Rom. 10.10 Mat. 10.32 Q. What is repentance A. A thorow change of the purposes of the heart whereby they are universally set against all sin with an hatred of it Rom. 12.2 Act. 2.38 Isa 30.22 Q. What measure of love must we love the Lord with A. With a sovergaine love better then father or mother son or daughter yea then our own lives Mat. 10.37 38 39. Q. What denial of Christ is that which shuts persons out of heaven A. Habitual denial or denial of Christ in the purporse of our hearts when we for the saving of our lands liberties country or lives will deny Christ or any part of his truth Mat. 10.33 2 Tim. 2.12 Q. What doth the Scripture reveal concerning spiritual Life A. That whereas we are all dead men by Adams sin and our own when God pardons we are alive Rom. 5.18 Q. What other life hath believers A. A life of holiness whereby believing souls are quickned up to all the wayes of God Rom. 6.13 Q. What ought to be the ground of a Christian mans obedience A. The command of Christ which is the bond of the conscience Rom. 1.14 Act. 20.22 Q. What other ground is there A. The love of God from whence our obedience ought to flow John 14.15 2 Cor. 5.15 Q. What doth the Scripture reveal of the combat of flesh and Spirit A. The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh so that we cannot do the good we would do Gal. 5.17 Q. What may comfort in this combat A. That we hate the evil that we do and love the good we do and hunger and third to do the good we do not Rom. 7.15 16 17 18 19. Q. What is the danger of sinning against conscience A. Such shall be punished with many stripes Luk. 12.48 Q. What is it to live by faith A. To rest on Gods promise for every good thing without using unlawful means Psal 84.11 12. Isa 28.16 Q. What is the new Covenant A. It is Gods work whereby he not onely pardons all the sins of all the Elect and gives them eternal life through the satisfaction of Christ but also promiseth to take away their stony hearts and writes his laws in their hearts and causes them to rellish and savour good things and vouchsafes to be their God and takes them to be his people Heb. 8.10 11 12. Q. What is prayer A. Pouring out of the soul before God 1 Sam. 1.15 Psal 62.2 Q. What are the parts of prayer A. They are sometimes divided in four parts 1 Tim. 2.1 yet may we reduce them to three parts first confession of sins Secondly petition for grace and favors Thirdly thanksgiving for benefits To which we may add intercessions to turn away judgement Q. What principal Properties ought there to be in an holy prayer A. It ought to be offered from a believing soul Mat. 21.22 in the name of Christ Joh. 16.23 24. from the Spirit assisting with sighs and groans Rom. 8.26 for things according to the will of God 1 Joh. 5.14 Q. What is baptisme A. It is a sign of a believers fellowship with Christ in his death burial and resurrection that as his body is buried in water so his sins are buried through the satisfaction of Christ and as he riseth out of the water so he is bound to walk with Christ in newness of life Rom. 6.3 4 5 6. Col. 2.12 Q. Who are the persons to be baptized A. Those who are made Disciples and make profession of their faith and repentance Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.15 16. Heb. 10.22 Act. 1.37 38. Q. What is the end why the Lords Supper was appointed A. For the continual remembrance of the sacrifice of Christs death and remission of sins which believers have therein 1 Cor. 11.25.26 Q. What must a Christian do that he may receive worthily or preparedly A. He must examine himself whether he be in Christ and whether the Spirit of God dwell in him 1 Cor. 11.28 Q. What is the danger of unworthy receiving A. Temporal judgement if they repent eternal if they repent not Q. Wherefore are hands laid upon believers after baptism A. That they may receive a further increase of the Spirit therein 2 Tim. 1.6 Q. What is revealed concerning the resurrection of the dead A. That all shall rise againe the godly to the resurrection of eternal life the wicked to the resurrection of eternal damnation Dan. 12.2 Joh. 5.28 Q. With what bodies shall the Saints arise A. with the same body in number but with more glorious qualities 1 Cor. 15.42 43 44 53. Phil. 3.21 Q. VVhat follows the resurrection A. The last judgement wherein all shall be judged of every thing done in the body whether it be good or evil Joh. 6.40 John 5.28 2 Cor. 5.10 Revel 20.12 13 14. FINIS
an high-priest in time of the law or that we must receive the Supper with unleavened bread because the passeover was so received Yet do these as well follow as baptizing of infants from circumcision of infants The true proportions flowing hence are these 1. none were circumcised but those commanded or exemplified so none ought to be baptized but such 2. As Abraham believing was circumcised and all the males of his house both men and children of eight dayes old both bond and free so now any man believing must be baptized with all his houshold both men and male-children of eight dayes old both bond and free The formal reason why Abraham and the Jews received Circumcision was Gods command concerning infants baptisme if any such command be let it be produced Q Whether are the children of believers in covenant together with their parents A. No for the children are oft out of covenant when the father is in covenant It 's said Gal. 3.7 9. that they that are of the faith of Abraham are the children of Abraham but nowhere hath God made a promise to be a God of believers and their seed unless upon a presupposal that the Lord shall call the seed as well as the father Acts 2.39 If the natural posterity of Abraham were not in the covenant of grace by vertue of that promise Gen. 17.7 as appears Rom. 9.7 neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children and vers 8. These that are the children of the flesh these are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed much less are the children of other believers children of promise by vertue of generation He that shall hear men preach that children of believers are in the covenant of grace and they that are in the covenant of grace cannot fall away may be apt to conceive himself in that covenant of grace without repentance and faith and shall be saved without any obedience And may not on the other side godly parents when they see their children live vitiously doubt whether they themselves be true believers because they see not their children in the covenant of grace There is a promise or calling home the natural seed of Abraham Rom. 11.27 but God hath not made any such promise to any much less to all the natural seed of any believing Gentile Q Are not the ordinances the outward part of the covenant and is not the title to this hereditary A. Is a box that conveyes a Jewel the outward part of the Jewel Is a conduit-pipe that conveyes water the outward part of the water is Aaron's pot the outward part of the Manna that it kept 2. Suppose the ordinances were the outward part of the covenant how is title hereto hereditary seeing that not only from particular persons but even whole Churches as Ephesus c. these ordinances have been removed long since Besides it is nowhere said in Scripture The childe shall be baptized by vertue of his beliving fathers being baptized or enjoy ordinances because his father enjoyed them 3. There is but one covenant now Heb. 8.10 11. the articles and branches whereof are inward and so is the seal thereof the Spirit Eph. 1.13 There can be no ou●ward dispensation of an uncertain thing now it is uncertain of any individual infant whether he be in the new covenant Q. But doth not Christ say Of little children is the Kingdome of God therefore they may be baptized A. 1. There 's two wayes of belonging to Gods Kingdome 1. By way of election which is secret 2. By calling which is manifest The Ordinance of Baptism ought not to be dispensed upon election or remission of sins which is secret but upon the manifestation thereof 2. Christ baptized not onely laid on his hands on them John 4.2 Had Christ used to baptize infants the disciples would not have kept them back 3. The Kingdome of God being taken for the Kingdome of grace the Kingdome of glory and the visible Church it would pose any man living to prove that the visible Church should be meant here 4. Besides Luke 18.16 they were not infants because Christ is said to call them Q. What further reasons have you against infant-baptism A. 1. The baptisme of Christ is a burial in waters the baptisme of infants is a sprinkling Rom. 6.3 4. Col. 2.12 2. Baptisme doth not causally effectively or actively I mean it doth not from the work done confer faith but refers to the new covenant in by and through the unde●standing therefore where it is dispensed there ought to be an understanding to conceive it 3. The same benefit confirmed in the Supper that this remission of sins is confirmed in baptisme therefore infants being excluded from the one for want of examination they are also excluded from the other for want of faith and repentance 4. Infant-baptisme hinders baptisme from being dispensed as John and other Apostles dispensed it they dispensed it upon profession of faith but no such thing can be in infants Q In what manner must baptisme be administred A. The subject must be right that is not onely taught but taught so long that he be made a disciple Mat. 28.19 2. Not by sprinkling but by burying Rom. 4.5 Col. 2.12 not of the brow or face onely but of the whole body Heb. 10.22 in much water Joh. 3.23 into which the baptizer and the person to be baptized are to enter Mat. 3.6 Acts 8.38 who is to be baptized into the name of Father Son and Spirit Mat. 28.19 in token of remission of sins Act. 2.38 the name of God being first called upon Act. 22.16 Q. Do you judge it better to defer baptisme till persons be able to make profession of their faith A. Yes Infants cannot give any ground to any dispenser of baptisme why he should dispence it to them The dispencing it to infants confounds the world and the Church together many hereby being made Christians in name who never made choice of Christ nor have any love to Christianity yea hereby the Churches are filled with rotten members many of which growing up persecute the true members By deferring baptisme till persons know Christ the Churches would in time come to have a right matter Q. Have not infants faith A. No they have not reason to discern good or evil Deut. 1.39 Jon. 4.11 had they faith they were presently to be admitted to the Supper faith is an act of the Understanding as well as of the Will Q. Whether is there any reason that Baptisme should succeed circumcision because that as circumcision signed the spiritual part of the covenant that is circumcision of heart so baptisme should signifie the same A. No for the Manna the water flowing out of the rock the sacrifices under the law and the sprinkling of blood signified the same yet will not any man say baptisme succeeded these because of the signification The Lords Supper signified the same yet will no man say
Devil and his Angels Q. But seeing there are some wretched men that deny the Scriptures how shall I know the Scriptures to be Gods Word A. There are many grounds to sway the Conscience to belief of them as 1. The Witness of Gods Spirit which is promised to be given to all the Elect together with the word Isa 59.21 2. As natural bodies declare what they are as Sun Moon Stars Fire Water Gold Silver Hony so doth the word Psal 19.7 8 9 no book but breaths out holiness to the Lord no Chapter hardly but takes off our hearts from the World it sets forth his infinite mercy to his Saints and infinite justice to the wicked The Scripture is like the light which not onely shews other things but it self 3. The agreement of the Scriptures one part with another though the writers lived remote one from another and in several ages of the World How could they have so agreed were they not written by one Spirit Seeing two Historians if they write of any time or occurrence through ignorance partiality and forgetfulness they will contradict each other if they be onely humane writers besides for the old Testament we have the Jews the utterest enemies of Christianity witnessing it and and for the new it doth harmoniously agree with the old 4. The impartiality of the pen-men they speak impartially to all to Princes as well as beggers David speaks of his own murther Psal 51.14 Moses tells of the faults of his own Granfather Levi Gen. 49.5 7. whereas men naturally raise up their Ancestors to the highest Paul sets forth his blasphemy and persecution 1 Tim. 1.13 5. By the end at which they aime had these Pen-men wrote as men they would have lifted up themselves but every book throws down man as low as hell and exalts God with the highest excellence Isa 40.15 16. and gives the glory of all to God 1 Cor. 15.10 6. By the subject matter of the Scriptures Hardly any writings of men but some lusts are scattered up and down of pride vain-glory But in the Scriptures every word is pure Prov. 30.5 more then silver seven times purified Psalme 12.6 7. had men writ it they would never have tyed themselves to such strict points 7. There are many things in the Scripture that could never have proceeded from the brain of man for example that in one essence or being the Father Son and Spirit should subsist that our bodies turned to dust should rise again the in same number though with more glorious qualities so the incarnation of Christ by a Virgin for the appeasing the justice of God So that all things which befall a Christian shall work together for his good in reference to Salvation If these and many other things could not enter into his brain much less could they proceed from his pen. 8. The powerful effects the Scriptures have upon the Conscience prove them to be of God for example they melt the heart in in reading them 2 Reg. 22.19 they strike a terrour into the hearts of the ungodly No writings of men can so awe the hearts of men as these Psal 119.11 they over-power the will One verse of self-denial will make a man part with all his Estate Friends and Life and what not they work a wonderful change in many persons that they are not the same they were yea they quicken dead hearts and revive the dejected Psalme 119.49 50. Heb. 4.12 9. The books themselves bear witness they are from God In most books of Scriptures in the entrance of them the names of the pen-men together with the Author of the word are expressed See Jer. 1.1 Ezek. 1.3 Hos 1.1 Ioel 1.1 c. But you will say its possible for false writings to have such Titles prefixt A. True the name is not enough were there nothing else but this being joyned with other signs is of great force Shall we believe Aristotles or Plato's works to be their works when they have their names affixt thereto and shall we not believe the Scriptures to be of them whose Title they bear that is the word of God by such and such a writer 10. The death and sufferings of the Martyrs who have given their lives to seal the truth proves them to be of God Revel 6.9 20.4 Where do we ever find any to dye to defend the opinions of Plato or the dreams of Mahomet 11. Satans malice proves it he never tempts us to unbeliefe of any writings save these 12. The fulfilling of the Prophecies proves them to be of God Isaiah chap. 44.28 named Cyrus to be the deliverer of Gods people an hundred and sixty yeers before Cyrus was born Jeremiah set the bounds of seventy yeers to the Babylonish Captivity Daniel lived onely in the two first Monarchies the Caldean and Persian yet he prophesies of the Grecian and Roman Monarchies So that Israel should be in Egypt four hundred yeers and then come out so that he that should build Jericho should lay the foundation of it in his eldest son Jos 6.26 compared with 1 Kin. 16.34 Paul prophesied of Doctrines forbidding Marriage and meates 1 Tim. 4.1 And now it s come to pass in the Papacy Jacob Gen. 49. speaks of all the portions his Children should have assigning to one the Corn-Countrey to others the Sea to others the vine-grounds as they were after divided by lot certain hundred yeers after how could he come to the knowledge thereof but by him that over-rules all lots sure they could not be suggested by any but God who knew what he would do The seeing so many of the Prophecies to be fulfilled may assure us also that the rest shall be fulfilled and consequently that they are all of God 13. Either the Scriptures must be of God or of man not of man because then they must be either of bad men or of good not of bad men for they would never have forbid evil so rigorously nor command good so expresly nor aimed so at Gods glory nor of good men for they durst not have belied God nor take the glory so due to God which is to rule in the Conscience unto themselves therefore must they needs be of God 14. The wonderful preservation of the Scriptures notwithstanding Tyrants endeavour to abolish it and Hereticks endeavour to corrupt it yet it hath been kept pure in both the Originals the two Tables writ by Gods own finger were laid up in the Arke Deut. 10.2 When Manasses and Ammon that they might the better draw the people to Idolatry had supprest the book of the Law it pleased God in rhe dayes of Iosiah that it was found in the ruines of the Temple 2 Chron. 34.14 Antiochus 1 Mach. 1.56 57. rent the book of the Law in peeces and burnt it in the fire and made it matter of death for a man to have a Testament by him Dioclesian the persecuting Emperor forbad the use of the Scriptures and burnt them yet were the Scriptures still
A Soul-searching CATECHISM Wherein is opened and explained Not onely the Six Fundamental Points set down Heb. 6.1 But also many other Questions of highest concernment in Christian Religion Wherein is strong meat for those that are grown and milk for babes in a very short Catechism at the end exceeding needful for all Families in these ignorant and unsetled Times Written by Christopher Blackwood a servant of CHRIST The second Edition with Addition 1 Thess 5.21 Prove all things hold fast that which is good 2 Tim. 1.12 Hold fast the form of sound words which thou hast heard Luke 1.3 4. It seemed good to me to write that thou mightst know the certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed LONDON Printed by J.C. for Giles Calvert at the black Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls 1653. The Epistle to the READER TO preach unto people and not to catechize them I take to be a building without laying a foundation Hence the Apostle first laid the foundation of the six Principles Heb. 6.1 2. Not laying again the foundation of Repentance from dead works of Faith towards God of the doctrine of Baptisms and Laying on of hands of the Resurrection of the dead and of the eternal Judgment After which Pattern I have proposed unto thee the Reader a form I trust of sound words wherein thou mayst instruct thy Family That thou mayst do it the better to thine own comfort and their edification take these Directions First Cause thy children and servants to commit to memory the short Catechism which is at the end of the Book Secondly Every time thou dost catechize in thy Family which I would have thee to do once every week at least read and explain to them one or two of the larger questions and do them and me that favour as to turn to the places of Scripture which for brevity sake I could not write down and read them unto them and shew them how the alleadged Scriptures prove the point in hand Thirdly If thy servants and children be more towardly or more ingeniously bred or more quick witted let them learn without book the larger Catechism but if they be more slow and uncapable let them onely learn the second and oft read and expound to them the former remembring that narrow-mouth'd vessels can receive liquors poured into them onely by degrees Fourthly Pray for a blessing upon the Instruction without which thy pains will not be effectual If thou art different in judgement from me in some one Point proposed yet let not that hinder thee from informing others in the rest of the Points wherein we are agreed If upon pretence of errour in some one Point thou shalt conceal the whole from thy Family for fear they should be drawn away with error take heed that the things herein contained which thou acknowledgest sound be not a witness against thy mis-guided Zeal mingled with Cruelty in the day of the Lord. And forasmuch as thou livest in times wherein many for want of sound Principles laid at first go a whoring from God after sundry dangerous and destructive Errours let it be thy care to train up thine in their youth in the way of Truth that they may not depart from it when they are old So heartily desiring that the Spirit of Grace would make these Instructions home to thy heart which I present to thy eye and ear I take my leave and rest Thine affectionate friend in the bowels of Jesus Christ Christopher Blackwood A Short Catechism As at all times useful so especially in these unsetled times Quest WHat grounds have you to prove there is a God Answ 1. By his Creation of Heaven and Earth Psal 19 1. 2. By the confession of all Nations Rom. 1.20 no people so barbarous that are without a God though most men are ignorant of the true God Psal 19.3 3. By the order of causes of every effect there must needs be a cause till we come to the first universal cause 1 Cor. 8.6 4. By the Consciences of wicked men who having sinned are afraid of being punish'd by some supream Judg Rom. 2.15 John 8.9 5. By the Providence of God seen 1. in dispensing punishments to the ungodly Psal 9.16 and rewards to the righteous Psal 58.11 2. In making provision for all Creatures Psal 10 4. throughout 3. In the fitting one thing for another as the eye and colour and light and the air a thin body through which colours are sent to the eye 4 The actions of unreasonable creatures above their ability as the Ant Spider c. the ordering of contraries to unity 6. There is a Devil that suggests evil therefore there is a God that suggests good motions and though he be not seen no more is the winde or soul of man Qu. What are we to consider in God Ans 1. His nature 2. his kingdom 3. his worke Qu. What are we to consider concerning his nature Answ The Unity of the Essence together with the Trinity of Subsistence how that the Godhead subsisteth in the being of Father Son and Holy Ghost yet they are not three Gods but one 1 John 5.7 Matth. 28.19 Qu. Can we understand God in his essence as he is Answ No further then he hath revealed himself yet we know him by considering all the perfections that are in any creature as wisdom justice bounty holiness mercy strength and ascribing them all to him 2. By removing all the imperfections that are in any creature from him so we say God cannot die nor suffer nor sin Qu. How prove you the Father to be God Answ 1 Cor. 8.6 There is to us but one God the Father Gal. 1.1 God the Father who raised him from the dead 1 Pet. 1.2 Through the foreknowledg of God the Father Jude 1. Qu. How prove you the Son to be God Answ Because the Scripture calls him God over all blessed for ever Rom. 9.5 Phil. 2.6 He thought it no robbery to be equal with God Besides none but God could make the world now Christ made the world 1 Joh. 1.3 10. Col. 1.15 16. Heb. 1.2 Also the Saints have pray'd unto him as well as unto the Father Acts 7.59 Steven cry'd Lord Jesus receive my spirit Heb. 1.6 When he bringeth his first begotten into the world he saith Let all the Angels of God worship him Qu. How prove you the Holy Ghost to be God Answ Because we are baptized into his name and received into Covenant by him as well as by the Father and Son and he promises pardon of sin and eternal life Matth. 28.19 Again the Scripture calls him God Act. 5.3 4. Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lye to the Holy Ghost thou hast not lyed unto men but unto God 1 Cor. 3.16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God compared with 1 Cor. 6.19 Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost he that in one place is called the Holy Ghost in the other is called
be said They were liable to wrath but it could not be said they were children of wrath it might be said they were upon their fall cursed but it could not be said they were born cursed So that besides temporal and eternal death there is a viciousnes of nature that passeth from Adam to all his posterity so that as a creature begotten partakes of the nature of the begetter as an horse of the nature of an horse so we partake of the sinful nature of our first Parents all along so that no man can bring a clean thing out of an unclean Job 14.4 for we were shapen in wickedness and in sin did our mother conceive us Psal 51.5 so that naturally we are estranged from God from the womb speaking lyes as soon as we can speak Psal 58.3 The looking-glasse of our misery we may see Rom. 3.9 to the 20. which the Apostle applyes to himself as well as others vers 9. What are we better then they that is by nature No in no wise To say we become guilty by imitation only as one Ox learns to plow by the sight of another is most false For corrupt nature teaches many persons evill for which they never saw example as Cain when he killed Abel To say the immediate will of the sinner is absolutely necessary to constitute sin is to tye the Creator to the Law of the creature who had a soveraigne power in himself to propose what Law he pleased unto his creature To say there is no such defilement upon our natures because our consciences accuse us not for it no more doth our conscience accuse us for sins of ignorance and many other sins yet will we say they are not sins The consciences of the Jewes did not condemn them for not dwelling in Boothes in the feast of the seventh month which they had omitted welnigh a thousand years from the days of Joshua to the days of Nehemiah Neh. 8.14 to the 18. was it therefore not a sin And whereas some say They cannot see how the sin of our first Parents should be both a sin and a punishment was not Pharaoh's hardness of heart both a sin and a punishment Was not the Idolatry of the Gentiles Rom. 1.21 23 24 26 28. Q. Whereas some say No Infant no not of the Heathens is damned meerly for original sin A. We know nothing of their damnation but we speak of the desert of original sin I rather incline to judge of their salvation they dying in Infancy because Christ saith Of such is the Kingdom of God The innocency of all Infants in respect of actual sins whether of heathen or christian Parents is the same they may be saved as the elect Angels are saved or else God may forgive that offence without satisfaction for if that power be in a creature to forgive a debt without payment much more is it in God and I humbly suppose there cannot be a more fit object to exercise the same and to bring it into act then towards poor dying Infants But that which I most incline to concerning the salvation of dying Infants is that though God can pardon dying infants without satisfaction yet that he will not because Christ Is the way to the Father and No man comes to the Father without Christ John 14.6 Now Christ's satisfaction becomes effectual through believing only to them that have the power of believing but to dying infants it may become effectual by bare applying without believing because infants cannot believe Deut. 1.39 Joh. 4.11 That there is some way of salvation for infants the Scripture speaks Luke 18.15 16. but for any other way of salvation for them besides Christ his satisfaction we know not nor for the conveyance of satisfaction in behalfe of infants any other way then by bare application on the Mediators part and acceptation on Gods part I cannot conceive And should infants be damned meerly for original sin then should God deal more severely with poor dying infants then with the Devils who were condemned to hell only for actual sins Q. Wherein doth our natural defilement reside A. In every faculty of soul and member of body Psal 14.3 They are all gon aside they are altogether become filthy So that the whole man stands in need to be sanctified 1 Thes 5.23 the Understanding is full of blindness Psal 14.2 the Will full of rebellion Ioh. 5.40 and 8.44 the Affections of disorder Rom. 7.5 the Conscience of benummedness and other defilements Tit. 1.16 the Ears full of filthy listnings the Eyes full of wanton gazings c. Q. Wherein doth our natural defilement consist which we drew from our first Parents A. In two things 1. In an aversnes to every thing that is good Psal 14.3 and 58.3 2. In a proneness to every thing that is evil Rom. 7.5 So that corruption takes occasion from the holy law of God to stir us up to sin Rom. 7.8 13. Q. How came Adams sin to seize upon his posterity A. That man by nature is wholly sinful nothing is more plain but the manner how he came to be so is hard to understand Now as when we are fallen into a ditch we stand not questioning so much how we fell in as how to get out so should we see how to get out of this sinful condition But to answer some say the Parent begets the soul as well as body but God is called the Father of Spirits Heb. 12.9 See also Zach. 12.1 Num. 27.16 Eccles 12.7 Either the Parent in generation conveyes part of his soul and so the soul should be divisible contrary to the nature of spirits which are not quantitative or he conveys his whole soul and so the Parent should be without a soul or else souls multiply which is more then Angels do Therefore 1. we become guilty by imputation or by Gods ordination in one man God ordained to adorn us all if he stood in one man he ordained to strip us all if he fell 2. By natural propagation or generation of that most filthy nature which Adam had after his fall Gen. 5.1 Adam begat a son in his own likeness after HIS IMAGE What image had Adam then save a corrupt image Job 14.4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean no body Psal 51.5 Behold I was shapen in wickedness and in sin did my mother conceive me So that sinful man by man I mean both man and woman who though they be two in sex yet are they one in nature and one in wedlock I say sinful man begets sinful man so that sin is in the seed inbidingly as fire is in the flint as some suppose This power that the body should have over the soul being above nature may be ascribed to Gods justice punishing Adams sin in his base subjecting of his spirit to the flesh Through the seed hereditary diseases of Gout Stone Consumption Leprosy are conveyed which are invisible and why may not sin be conveyed by the father to the childe
Law might be fulfilled in us Rom. 8.34 2. He keeps them intentionally having a respect to every one of them Psal 119.6 without slighting or despising any of them seeing the Scripture sets down that the slighting or despising any of a mans wayes doth declare him to be as yet under the state of death Prov. 13.13 and chap. 19.16 3. In that he will not deliberately sin against Conscience for the escaping of Crosses or obtaining of enjoyments Dan. 3.16 17. having a full purpose in his heart through the assistance of grace to chuse affliction rather then iniquity Job 36.21 Q. What measure of love must we love the Lord withall A. We must love him with a soveraign love better then Father and Mother Lands and Living Wife and Children yea and our own Lives Mat. 10.37 Luk. 14.26 Q. What denial of Christ is that which excludes a soul out of Heaven A. Habitual denial when we for the saving of our Lands Liberties Country or Lives have a purpose to deny Christ or any part of his truth Mat. 10.32 33. Q. What way it there to prevent this habitual denial of Christ which is so dangerous and destructive A. To learn to deny our selves in such a measure that in the Lords strength we resolve to take up every Cross that comes betwixt us and our duty Luk. 9.23 and to hate the best enjoyment we have as friends liberty estate yea and life it self if we cannot hold them and the Lord together Luk. 14.26 27. So that we are resolved in no wise in a plain Commandment to sin against our Conscience but are resolved to chuse a fiery furnace rather then worship a golden image Dan. 3.16 17. Q. What is repentance A. A change of heart Ephes 4.22 23. Rom. 12.1 2. whereby we turn from all sin with an hatred thereof Psal 119.128 purposing to walk in newness of life Psal 119.106 Q What are the fruits of Repentance A. The Apostle sets down some 2 Corinthians 7.11 as a care of pleasing God in every thing also a fear of displeasing him in any thing also a clearing of our selves both before God not resting till we have got assurance of the pardon of our sins and clearing our selves before men in a godly course of life also a desire to eye God in all things also a zeal rejoycing when his name is honoured and sorrowing when it is dishonoured also an indignation against sin in a friend as well as an enemy in a rich man as well as poor also revenge against our selves in that as we have abused Gods blessings to our own lusts so we endeavour hereafter to spend them to his Honour Q. What doth the Scripture reveal concerning spirituall death A. It reveales unto us that we are under a threefold death 1. A death of guiltiness whereby we are bound over to eternal death Rom. 5.12 Luk. 15.32 John 5.24 being wrapt therein by Adams sin and our own 2. A death of filthiness whereby naturally we all lye wallowing in carnal courses though some are more deeply in them then others Ephes 2.1 3 3. This life of holiness was also lost by Adam Gen. 1.26 Eccles 7.29 Ephes 4.25 3. A death of discomfort whereby naturally we are deprived of that sweet Communion and enjoyment of God which Adam had in innocency and regenerate men have in part and glorified Saints have in fulness Rom. 3.23 Q What doth the Scripture reveal concerning spirituall life A. It reveals unto us that there are three parts of spiritual life in opposition to this death 1. The life of justification Rom. 5.18 Gal. 2.20 so that whereas we are all dead men by offending the Law when God pardons we are alive Col. 3.4 2. The life of Sanctification when a man is quickened up to all the wayes of God Ephes 2.1 Rom. 6.11 13. 3. The of comfort Psal 85.6 when the soul enjoyes a life in Gods favour Psal 30.5 Psal 63.3 looking upon the absence thereof as death it self Psal 28.1 Psal 143.7 Q What necessity is there of spirituall life A. It is so needful that without it there is no Salvation Joh. 3.5 All the Body of Christ being living stones 1 Pet. 2.5 without this thy conversion is nothing Ephes 2.5 thy Faith nothing Joh. 11.26 thy Hope nothing 1 Pet. 1.3 thy Repentance nothing Acts 11.18 and thy duties of Religion nothing Psal 80.18 Mat. 13.15 yea if thou beest without this thou hast no share as yet in Christ 1 John 5.12 Q. What kinde of thing is spiritual life A. As it hath respect to change of heart there is an unseen working of the spirit upon the souls of Believers so that as there goes an hidden quality from the Loadstone to the iron that draws the iron to it so is there a power goes from Christ to draw the soul off from all sinful purposes unto himself John 6.44 John 12.31 So that the soul exalts Christ though with the loss of all lusts and all enjoyments Mat. 16.24 Q. In what faculty of the soul is spiritual Life seated A. Though wheresoever spiritual life is it showes forth its acts and operations as the natural life doth in the whole man yet as the natural life is more eminently in the head and heart so is this spiritual life more eminently in the faculties of the Understanding Will Conscience Affections and Memory Q. How may a person know his understanding it made alive to God A. When he doth not onely think of divine truths John 5.39 and approve them Rom. 2.18 which natural men may do but also applies them to his own Conscience Job 5.27 meditates of them Psal 1.2 ponders them Luke 2.19 remembers them Psal 116.55 judges aright of Gods wayes Psal 119.128 1 Cor. 2.13 14. and is often inventing and devising how to honour God and to keep Conscience pure Proverbs 14.22 Isa 32.8 Q. How may a man know his will is made alive to God A. Though the Saints of God have drawn comfort from their willing good when they could do no more but will Rom. 7.18 19 25. yet may there be wishings and wouldings in a heart oftentimes and yet it remain carnal as in Balaam Numb 23.10 and many others now because many thousands deceive themselves by their wishings and wouldings know that wishing or willing good is an Argument of spiritual life 1. VVhen the will brings forth earnest and diligent endeavors 1 Cor. 15.10 Heb. 13.18 Luke 15.18 compared with verse 32. against all hindrances and pull-backs whatsoever 2. VVhen the will of a man is set for good absolutely Psal 119.145 Dan. 1.8 though it expose him to the Cross and he gave no thanks but be hated of men for the same 3. VVhen the inclinations and dispositions of the heart are for God Psal 119.112 that what other men do with a dead heart he doth with a willing disposition 4. By the chusings and refusings of the heart when we chuse the wayes of God before all other wayes Psal 119.30 173. Isa 56.4
betwixt these sinful pleasures here and the fear of eternal vengeance hereafter 5. Their combat how hot soever is still joyned with a custome and purpose of sinning so that they lay down the Cudgels to sin saying This is my nature and I must do it 2 Pet. 2.14 Now the combat in regenerate men is 1. Fierce and in the purpose of the heart against all sin though sometimes it be defective in some act or acts 2. In this combat they disallow the evil they do not onely from a principle of natural conscience which in some sins carnal men may do but also from a principle of spiritual life because it is contrary to the life which they live 3. They groan under their evils with many a sign and tear in secret yea such evils as the world takes no notice of as dead-hartedness declining of affection to God want of former feelings hard ness of heart unbelief coldness and distraction in good duties vain hopes vain fears carking cases lumpishness in Gods service risings of revenge also the tricks the soul hath had to keep off convincement in suffering times also the by-ends in the good it hath done One wears a chain as an ornament another as a fetter and would fain be rid of it so wicked men wear their lusts as ornaments to them but Gods people wear them as the heaviest chain 4. If in the combat the Flesh get the upper hand and they fall they cannot be quiet till they have turned to God and recovered their acquaintance with him Psalm 51.8 9 10 11 12. but carnal men are not troubled but add sin to sin Gen. 37.24 Q. Whether it be possible for a Christian to be assured of his union with Christ and of his acceptation into favour with God A. Yes 1. because the Scripture bids us prove our spirituall estate 2 Cor. 13.4 Gal. 6.4 1 Cor. 11.28 Now the Spirit would not bid us search for that which could not be found 2. Because the Scripture reveales unto us many evidences of our assurance some taken from our union with Christ and some from the in-dwelling of the Spirit in us Q. What markes or signs doth the Scripture reveal to evidence our union with Christ A. The most demonstrative signe or at least one of them is soveraigne love to God to the Lord better then any enjoyment of Lands Liberties Life Wife and Children Mat. 10.37 Luke 9.23 14.26 Mat. 16.24 which evidence if you leave out the soul may be deceived in others severed from this For whosoever believes in Christ his faith doth work by love Gal. 5.4 yea by a love of this measure Heb. 11.25 26 27 35. Q. What are the Witnesses that witness a Christians good condition to God-ward A. They are two 1. The witness of Gods Spirit 2. The witness of our regenerated Spirits Rom. 8.16 The Spirit beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God Q. What doth the Spirit witness A. It witnesses God is our Father for we having received the Spirit of adoption thereby cry Abba Father Rom. 8.15 it witnesses the things that are freely given us of God 1 Cor. 2.9 12. Q. After what manner doth the Spirit witnesse A. Two wayes First by the impressions and stamps which like a Seal upon the Wax it maketh upon the soul Ephes 1.13 Secondly by the fruits and effects thereof Q What are the impressions or stamps the Spirit maketh upon the soul A. They are two First the stamp of Holiness whereby the Spirit changeth the Saints into the image of God from one glorious grace into another 2 Cor. 3.18 so that as a seal destroyes that image that was in the Wax before so doth the seal or stamps of the Spirit destroy corruption in the soul in respect of the reign of it and set up grace in the reign thereof Rom. 6.14 This same stamp of Holiness being throughout 1 Thess 5.23 and consisting in a change of the whole man 2 Cor. 3.18 and especially in a transformation of the minde Rom. 12.2 and will Acts 9.6 is one of the impressions of the Spirit Secondly the impression of Comfort and Feeling Psal 51.8.12 this being given of the Spirit Eph. 1.13 as an occasional refreshing not as daily food for the soul to feed upon Psal 6.8 Psal 31.22 doth shew the Spirit of God is in us 2 Cor. 1.3 yet doth not the want of his feeling prove that the Spirit of God is not in us for God doth sometimes hide himself from the soul Isa 45.15 Psal 51.8 the Spirit in respect of this feeling is one of the three witnesses that testifies Christ to be our Saviour 1 John 5.8 Q. whether is a Christians assurance and feeling all one A. No The word and promise of a powerful faithful and willing God with the Notes and Evidences of a Christians good estate as they are laid down in the Scripture are the grounds of a Christians assurance and comfortable feelings are the Crown thereof A poor deserted soul that hath little feeling may have a soveraign love of God fear of sin and an absolute purpose against it Psal 44.18 19. yea he may have uprightness of heart Job 1.1 compared with chap. 6.4 yea he may have faith in Christ Psal 22.1 yea an earnest thirsting after Christ Cant. 5.6 Now shall I have a purpose to deny credit wealth and life for Christ yea and have all the forementioned gracious fruits and shall I not have grounds of assurance that my estate is good to God-ward When Christ asked Peter whether he loved him he did not say Lord thou knowest we cannot tell whether we love thee or no but said Thou knowest that I love thee Q. Whew doth the Spirit seal the soul with comfort A. First when the soul is cast down in humiliation and earnestly longs for the light of Gods countenance Job 22.29 Isa 29.19 Secondly upon self-denial of that which is pleasant or suffering that which is painful Mat. 19.27 Thirdly after conflict with corruptions or other temptations and victory over them Apoc. 2.17 Fourthly when a believer takes paines with his heart and puts forth his strength in duty Hosea 12.4 Q What are the effects and fruits whereby the Spirit witnesses his in-being in the soul A. They are divers as 1. An inablement of the soul to do things above nature as to love the Lord Soveraignly to love our enemies to love the godly for the Image of God in them 2. When the Spirit is combating in us against all that is sin Gal. 5.17 so that we do not onely suppress the same but also lust after graces contrary thereunto 3. As the beames of the Sun shew forth the presence of the Sun so the sighs groans and meltings in holy hearts evidence that the Spirit is in them Zach. 12.10 Rom. 8.26 Q. What is the testimony of our own spirit A. It is the Testimony of a renewed Conscience witnessing us no be in the state of grace upon sufficient grounds Rom.