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A17659 A faythfull and moost godlye treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauioure Chryst, co[m]piled by Iohn Caluyne, a man of no lesse lernyng and lytterature then godly studye, and example of liuyng. And translated into Latin by Lacius a man of lyke excellencie. And nowe last of all, translated into Englyshe by a faythfull brother, no lesse desirous to profyt the weake brotheres then to exercise the talent of the Lorde to his honoure and glorye. In declaration whereof, he hath set before this lytle booke an epistle to the reader much more effectuous then in the fyrst edicion. Whereunto the order that the churche and congregation of Christ in Denmarke doth vse at the receyuying of baptisme, the Supper of ye Lorde, and wedlocke: is added. Myles Couerdale; Petit traicté de la Saincte cene. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Broke, Thomas.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Danske folkekirke. 1548 (1548) STC 4411; ESTC S107182 57,569 98

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besech the vnfay nedly so to illuminate our mindes wyth thy holye spirite that we maye dailye increace in strenght of faythe to the in assurednesse of hope in thy promyses and feruentnesse of loue towarde the and our neyghbours to the glory and prayse of thy holy name Amen ¶ Thus the priest concludeth and endeth the office of this present misterie and blesseth the peopell rehearsyng these wordes of scripture Numer● .vi. ¶ The Lord blesse you and preserue you the Lorde shewe his face to you and haue mercye on you the Lorde turne his contenaunce vnto you ▪ geue you peace Amen And so they departe ¶ The order taken for the due ministracion of the blessed Sacrament of Baptisme ON the sondaye at one of the clocke after none they haue a sermon of an houre longe wyth lyke ryngyng and singynge of Psalmes afore in theyr mother tonge as they had in the mornynge to the whiche preachynge the people come as thycke as they dyd then And as they signe a Psalme for grace to the holy goost in the mornyng so do they here also and at euerye sermon where or when so euer it be made And lyke as in the mornynge when the sermon is done the preacher exhorteth them to cōfesse theyr synnes wyth hym in theyr hertes and there vpon doth absolue thē by the power of Goddes● worde so dothe he here also in lyke maner and in euery sermon Then synge they a lyke songe of thankesgyuynge as they dyd in the mornyng and as they ●e accustomed to do after euery preachynge ¶ In the meane season whyle thys psalme of thankes gyuyng is songe or ●ls afore the font is prepared the mydwyfe is the●● present with the childe or no mydwifes yf there be no chyldrē to be christened as there be comonly wyth a fayre company of honest sobre women And when the psalme is songe out the ministre beynge theyr ready at the font readeth a lecture of the Bible And when he hath declared it cōpendiously to the edifiynge of the congregacion he exhorteth them that for asmuche as all men are cōceyued and borne in synne and that seynge it is vnpossible for a man to come into the kyngdome of God excepte he be borne a newe and regenerate they wyll shewe and declare theyr Godly ●oue and call vpon God the father thorow Iesus Christ and in his name that he wyll mercifullye baptyse that chylde or those chyldren wyth the holy goste and receyue hym or them to grace ¶ Upō the same exhortacion they make their hertye prayer besechynge God to haue mercye on the chylde and then addeth he thys or suche a lyke peticion in theyr name sayinge ¶ O almyghty God whiche in cōmaundynge vs to praye hast assured vs that we beleuyng stedfastly in thy pro●●es shall haue all that we desyre specially concernynge the soule wherin we seke thy glory wealth of out neyghbours Our humble peticion to the O most deare father is that for asmuche as this chylde is not wythout originall synne thou wylt consyder thyne owne mercy and accordyng to thy promes sende thys chylde thy good spirite that in thy syght it be not cōpted amonge the chyldren of wrath but of lyght grace become a membre of the vndefiled churche spoused to Christ thy deare sonne in fayth and loue vnfayned by the meanes of y ● same Iesus Chirst our Lorde Amen ¶ An other O Almyghty eternall God moste merciful father For asmuche as the iuste lyueth by fayth vnpossible it is any man w tout beliefe to please the we beseche the y ● thou wyl● graūt to this childe the gyfte of fayth wherin thou wylt seale and assure his hert in the holy gost according to the promes of thy sōne that the inward regeneracion of the spirite may be truely represented by the outwarde baptysme and that the childe may be buried with hym in death and be raysed vp by hym frome deathe againe To the prayse of thy glory and edifyinge of hys neghboure Amen ¶ Somtyme also the priest readeth this parcell of the .x. Chapter of S. Markes gospel saieng ANd they brought lytle chyldren to hym that he should touch thē And his disciples rebuked those that broughte them But whan Iesus saw it he was displeased sayed vnto them Suffer litle chyldren to come to me and forbidde them not for of suche is the kingdome of god Uerely I saye vnto you who so euer receaueth not the kyngdome of God as a chyld shal not entre therin And he toke thē vp in his armes put his handes vpon them and blessed them ¶ Then the godfather yf it be a manchilde or the godmother yf it be a womāchilde holding the chylde in his armes commeth and standeth by the prieste who asketh hym on the childes behalfe yf he forsake the deuel al his workes he saith yea and vpon the priestes interrogaciō he cōfesseth his fayth in the face of the church So the priest taketh the childe in his left hāde and w t his righthande he poureth water on his head calling him by his name as he did afore and baptisynge him in the name of the father and of the sonne a●d of the holy gooste ¶ Fynally the ministre committeth the chyldren to the prayers of the congregaciō exhorteth the godfathers and godmothers most ernestly to se that the children be brought vp and instruct in Christen knowledge vertue to the glory of God edifieng of the comen wealth ¶ Then synge they a psalme eyther that concerneth some thankes geuynge to God for his worde or els some necessary peticion And so they depart ¶ Now in lyke maner as thou seist thys blessed sacrament ministred on the sonday euē so wyth lyke reuerence do they vse it at the same houre on those wyke dayes that the congregaciō w t the authoritie of their head rulers hath appointed to that vse And yf the children in y e meane time be in any daūger thē y e mydwifes baptise thē And as the congregacion and multytude of people is greate at the ministracion of holy baptysme on the sōday so is it also on the other appoynted dayes though they be worke dayes Wherby it is to be noted that y e instituciō and ordinaunce of God is in greate reputaciō amonge them for as it is ministred reuerently so is it heard with greate deuocion and feruentnes And though there be alwaye some vnthankefull lyuers ye● the flocke of Christe be euer bringinge forth good fruites folowe the worde of lyfe in theyr cōuersacion ¶ The ordre taken for the due ministracyon of holy wedloke AS toutching Gods holy institucion of mariage thou shalte vnderstande that preuye cōtractes are auoyded asmuche as may be And yonge folkes are so well broughte vp in the feare of God and instructe in the knowledge of his worde that they wel not lightly be entyced to rūne on heade and mary without y ● honest consent of theyr parentes and
A FAYTHFVLL and moost Godlye treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of our sauioure Chryst cōpiled by Ihon Caluyne a man of no lesse lernyng and lytterature then Godly studye and example of liuyng And translated into Latin by Lacius a man of lyke excellencie And nowe last of all translated into Englyshe by a faythfull brother no lesse desirous to profyt the weake brotheres then to exercise the talent of the Lorde to his honoure and glorye In declaration whereof he hath set before this lytle booke an Epistle to the reader much more effectuous then in the fyrst edicion ☞ Whereunto the order that the Churche and congregation of Christ in Denmarke doth vse at the receyuyng of Baptisme the Supper of y e Lorde and Wedlocke is added Myles Couerdale Luke .xix. Chapter ¶ Be doyng tyll I come ¶ To all them that professe the christian name the translatour wysheth mercy from God the father through our onelye aduocate mediatour Iesu Christe whose spirite the gyuer of all godnesse leade you in to all gostlye knowledge Amen * AS the authoure of thys lytle boke moued wyth the desyre to profyte as wel the rude and vnlearned as the lettered and professers of knowlege wrote it in his vulgare tongue euen so I moste dearelye beloued bretherne moued also wyth the desyre to brofyte my naturall countremen so much as shal lye in my litle power haue thought it my bounden deuty to employe my diligence to the translatyng therof And bycause it hath pleased the lorde to giue me more knowledge in the latyne tongue then in the frence wherin thys boke was fyrste wrytten I haue translated it after the Latine copy putting the faythful reader out of doubt that I haue not in any poynte gone from the true meanynge of the authoure but haue thorowly obserued the phrases of both tongues auoydynge in all that I myght the darke maner of translatynge after the latine phrases to the intente the Englyshe reader myghte haue the full vnderstandynge hereof wythout anye knowledge of the latyne tongue And that the Godly myndes of the studiouse readers may be the more steated to reade the matter wyth indifferent iudgement I shal without dissimulacion assure them that herein is no matter of contencion at all But cheritably wythout any worde of reproche as well the ryght vse of the Sacrament of the body and bloude of Christ as the abuses and errours concernynge the same are sette forth so playnelye that no man vnlesse he wyl wyllingly shutte vp the eyes of his cōscience agaynst the manifest trouth can reade the boke thorowlye but he shall easelye perceyue what greate abuses haue these syxe hundreth yeares ben and are at thys presente daye mayntened and defended as concernynge the ministracion therof Fyrste for that the popyshe churche haue and do abuse it in offeryng it vp as an healthfull sacrifyce for the redemption of the soules of the congregatiō for in theyr Cannon why the they cal the secretes of the masse are these wordes Pro redemptione animarum ecclecietue That is to saye for the redemption of the soules of thy churche where they holde opinion and teach that by offerynge vp thys sacrifice as they cal it they applye to or make partakers of the passion of Christe all them that here or hyre suche masses as they haue inuented dashed full of whysperynges douckynges and crossynges besydes the demure countenaūce in theyr tourne and halfe tourne I wyl speake no more as concerninge theyr fonde inuencions aboute the ministration of this most sacred Sacrament Lest I should therby be an offence or stomblynge stocke to the weake brothers whose consciences are not yet fullye satisfyed as concernynge the true beleue of thys holy mistery I meane leste I shoulde gyue thē occasion to do as certeyne fonde talkers haue of late dayes done and at thys presente daye do inuent and applye to thys mooste holy Sacramente names of dispitie and reproche as to cal it Iake in the boxe rounde Roben and suche other not onely fonde but also blas phemouse names not onely voyed of al edificaciō whiche ought to be the ende of al our doinges and sayinges but very sclaūderouse also For thoughe the thynge beynge so tourned frome the ryght vse as it is be abhominable so that it is l●afull for vs to speake vnreuerentlye of it in the abuse yet is it not mete for them that professe charitie nothinge to refrayne for conscience sake The cōscience I say of the weake brothers not yet stronge in the trueth and so muche the more for that many Godly mynded persones whiche by the persuasions of certeyne discrete and modeste brothers haue ben made of Romyshe Idolaters and diligent studentes of duncicall dregges disciples of greate hope in the sincere and trewe euangelyke doctrine haue by the hearynge of these names of reproch and dispitte taken occasion to thynke that the knowledge which those men dyd professe whiche woulde be so outragiouse as to mocke and iest at the remembraunce of our redempcion coulde not procede of the spirite of God And haue throughe thys persuasion retourned to theyr olde leuen agayne thynkyng them to be the trew teachers of gods doctrine whiche offende in the contrarye makinge it so diuine a thynge that it shoulde be of no lesse importaūce then the whole Trinitie the father the sōne and holy gost for so they affirme sayinge that for as muche as it is the bodye of Christe and that Christ is in al places at ones with his father and his father wyth hym and the holy goste it muste neades folowe that in it is the whole trinitie the father the sonne and the holy goste For these are not nor can not be seperated I wyll saye for these men that they haue the zeale of god but it is not accordinge to knowledge For as the Iewes were from tyme to tyme taught and beleued that God dwelled in the temple that Solomon buylded coulde not abyde to heare that God shoulde not dwell in a temple made wyth mannes hande nothynge consyderyng that he is immensus and can not be conteyned for heauen is his seate and the earth his fote stole euen so these men through a fonde persuasion of the essenciall presence of Christe in the Sacramente can not abyde to heare that the whole trinitie shoulde not be really conteyned vnder a piece of breade yea vnder euery litle crombe therof I speke not thys as one puttinge no difference betwene that sacramentall breade and oure comon breade but that I maye therby declare and open the great blyndnesse of them that knowyng and confessyng the immensurable nature of God would haue hym reallye and naturallye conteyned in so small a thynge Heauen is my feate sayth he and the earth is my fote stole and yet wyll they trusse hym so shorte that they wyll brynge hym into alytle pire wherin a man can not tourne his fyste He fylleth all places and is conteyned in no place
are to be vnderstande wherin Christe calleth his bodye breade and hys bloude wyne Whiche wordes maye easely be opened yf we kepe in memorye those principles whyche I haue before set forth that is to saye that all the fruite we seke for in the supper is brought to noughte onlesse Christe be gyuen vnto vs therin as the foundacion and substance of all the whole matter And yf we ones graunt this thynge then no doubt we shall graūt also that there is gyuen vnto vs nought els but an vnprofitable vayne Sacramēt ▪ yf we deny that in it is gyuē vnto vs the very participacion of Christ whiche thynge were execrable shame full blasphemye Forthermore yf the maner of the communion with Christ be suche that we be partakers of all the mercies and benifites which he gate for vs by his death then are we not partakers w t the spirite onely but w t y ● māboode also wherin he perfourmed perfit obedience to God the father to the intent he mighte paye oure det es Althoughe to saye the truth the one can not be wythoute the other For whē he geueth him selfe vnto vs he doth it to the intent we shoulde possese him whole And therfore as I haue sayde that his spirite is oure life euen so doth he his owne mouth declare that hys fleshe is oure foode and his bloude oure verye drynke Yf this be not spoken in vayne no remedy oure life must neades consiste in him and oure soules be nourished wyth hys fleshe and bloude as wyth theyr proper and peculyar foode Of that thynge haue we testimony in y ● supper whē it is sayd of the breade that we should take it and eate it and that it is his bodye and of the cuppe that we drynke it and that it is hys bloude here are the bodye and bloude named to the intent we should learne to seke the substāce of our spirituall lyfe therin Now yf any man woulde demande of me whether the breade be the bodye of Christ the wyne his bloud therto woulde I answer that the breade and wy●e are visib●l signes representynge vnto vs the bodye bloude of Christe and that they be called the body and bloud bycause they be as it were instrumētes wherby the lorde Iesu Christ distributeth them vnto vs. This forme of speaking agreeth very well wyth the thynge For not wythstandynge that oureeyes 〈◊〉 nor oure wyttes can not comprehende the communion that wee haue in the bodye of Christe yet is it there openlye shewed before oure eyes We haue in a lyke thynge an example verye fytte for the purpose When the lorde woulde that his spirite should appeare in the baptisme of Christe he shewed him vnder the shape of a doue ▪ Iohn the Baptyste recytyng that hystorye sayeth that he sawe the holye Gost descen dynge But yf we marke it well we shal fynde that he sawe nought els but a Doue For the substance of the holy Gooste is muisible But for that he knewe that vision to be no vayne figure but the mooste sure token of the presēce of the holy goost he doubted nothyng at all to affirme that he sawe him because he was represented vnto him vnder soche sort as he was able to abyde Euen so must we say as concernynge the communion that we haue in the bodye and bloude of Christe It is a spirituall misterye whyche can neyther be sene wyth the eyes nother comprehended with the wytte Therfore as the weakenes of oure nature requireth it is set forth wyth visible figures and signes but yet vnder such sort that it is not a bare and simple figure but ioyned vnto his verite and substance The bread therfore is not vnworthylye called the bodye for as moch as it doth not onelye r●present it vnto vs but also brynge vnto vs the same thynge I can be ryght well contente therfore ▪ to graunt that the name of the body of Christ be transferred vnto the bread because it is the sacrament and fygure therof But thys one thynge wyll I adde That the sacrametes of the Lord oughte by no meanes to be separate frome his substance and verytye And yet is it not onely mete but also very necess●ry so to set them a sunder that they be not confoūded But to deuide them so that the one shoulde be made perfyt without the other is moste vnsemley Whē we therfore do beholde the visible signe we muste consider what it representeth and who gaue it vs. For the bread is geuen to the intent that it shoulde be y ● figure of the bodye of Christ ▪ we are cōmaunded to eate it It is geuen I say of God the certayne vnchaungeable veritie Yf so be y ● God can neyther disceyue nor lye it foloweth y ● he doth in verye dede performe and fulfyll al that he doth there signifye No remedy therfore we must neades vnfaynedlye receyue the bodye and bloude of Christe in his supper for as muche as the Lorde offereth vnto vs herin the cōmunion for them both For what shoulde this meane that we should eate bread drynke wyne to the intēt that they shoud declare vnto vs that hys fleshe is oure meate and bys bloude oure drynke yf he letteynge the spirituall veritye passe shoulde gyue vs nought elles but breade and wyne had he not then instituted thys misterye faynedlye and in vayne And as we saye in the Frenche tonge vnder disceyuable signes And therfore muste we neades graunte that yf the representation whyche the Lorde gyueth in the supper be no sayned thynge that then the inwarde substaunce of the Sacramente is annexed to the visible signes and that in lyke maner as the breade is distributed in the hande so is the body of Christ cōmunicate vnto vs to the entēt that we shoulde be partakers thereof And doubtlesse yf there were no more but thys one thynge yet oughte it to satisfye vs aboundantlye for as muche as we vnderstande that in the supper Christ gyueth vnto vs the very substaunce of hys bodye and bloude that we maye wyth full tyghte possesse hym and in possessynge hym be called into the societie of al hys good thynges For in that we possesse hym all the treasures and heauenlye goodes whyche be secretelye layed vp in hym are set out vnto vs to the intent that they shoulde be oures and that we shoulde enioye them wyth hym Brefely therfore to defyne the profyte of the supper we maye saye y ● in it Iesus Christ is offered vnto vs that we may possesse hym hym selfe and in hym aboundaunce and plentye of all the mercyes and benefytes that the mynde can desyre Whiche thynge is an exceadynge great helpe vnto vs in stablishynge our consciences in that truste whyche we ought to haue in hym An other vtilitie is that by it we are more steared and admonished to acknowledge the benefytes which we haue and do day lye receyue of the Lorde Iesu Christe that we maye