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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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preheminence saueth thee but Thy faith hath saued thee Wherefore was the Bible And behold wherefore all the Bible is written to wit that wee might beleeue howe Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God and that beleeuing therein we might haue euerlasting life O therefore howe much is the doctrine of the Gospell necessarie and fit for vs seeing that it is as Paule saieth in the 10. to the Romanes the woorde of Faith whereby the Lorde kindleth and maintaineth faith in our hearts O how great also is the vnspeakeable goodnes of this mightie God which giueth vs blessednes and euerlasting life for nothing and requireth no other thing of vs but that we put our trust in him and that we doe beleeue in his worde O blessed we for whose sake he hath so louinglie spoken yea sworne and made an othe that hee would be vnto vs a father and sauiour But woe more than accursed are those that beleeue not in the Lorde who hath confirmed and ratified so manie goodlie and solemne promises by oth yea by the precious bloud of our Sauiour What Faith is For Christian faith is not an opinion or light beleefe of all that a man might set before vs but it is the gift of God Ephes 3. and a worke of God Iohn 6. by which gift and woorke of the Lord wee are brought vnto a certeine knowledge of his will by the meanes of his holie promises made in his woorde as S. Peter in the sixt of S. Iohn saieth Wee haue beleeued and doe knowe that thou art Christ and S. Paule in the first of the second to Timothie He hath giuen vs a spirite of a sounde minde and wee knowe verie well in whome wee haue beleeued and wee are persuaded that hee is able to keepe that gage c. Rom. 4 2● And therefore we giue glorie vnto God beleeuing in the promises of our God being certeine and fullie assured that that which hee hath promised vnto vs hee will and can doe it to wit to forgiue vs our sinnes The effects of Faith and euerlasting life through Iesus Christ who was deliuered to death for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification by whom also wee haue peace with God and haue accesse through faith vnto his grace wherein we stand and reioice vnder the hope of the glorie of GOD to come calling also vpon his name in all our needes and necessities as it is said in the Psalme 116. I haue beleeued and therefore haue I spoken and in the tenth of the Rom. Let vs call on him in whom we doe beleeue Things contrarie vnto faith By this it appeareth that there are three things which cheeflie are contrarie vnto faith First the despising of Gods word and of the preaching of the Gospell seeing that the Lord inspireth our harts by this meane and giueth vs also faith not willing that our beliefe and saluation should bee builded vpon mans discourse or fleshlie wisedome but vpon him alone Secondlie the doubts distrusts are contrarie vnto faith if a man doe not resolue himselfe in GOD if a man walke in vncertaintie Double errours in the Papaltie in the maner of Faith if a man doe not assure himselfe of his saluation as it is seene in the Papistes howe they in this behalfe doe commit a double fault In the first place as it is to be seene in the sixt session of that goodlie councel of Trent 9. Chapter They taught how it was a vaine trust when as men did fullie assure themselues of Gods grace and that none could knowe an assurednesse by faith that he had the grace of God O how bare weake and vnable of power should our consolation bee against sinne the diuell and hell namelie in the article of death if this doctrine tooke place For that which they say howe man because of his infirmitie cannot so assure him in his God The aunswere is easie to wit that the certaintie of faith is of God and of his word and not of our strength and merites or deseruings and therefore it ouercommeth all our weakenesse For we be also saued not after the greatnesse and weakenesse of our beliefe but through the excellencie and mightinesse of him in whom we doe beleeue that is to wit Iesus Christ in such sort as weake faith leaueth not off to be a faith to saluation because it apprehendeth the euerlasting sonne of God The other errour of the Papists is that not fullie trusting in the Lord they cal vpon Saints of both kindes not considering how that we do beleeue in one onelie God and we must also call vpon God alone For we doe call vpon him in whom we doe beleeue and fully put our assurance Rom. 10. as also in the 44. Psalme The Church protesteth not to haue lifted vp hir handes to a strange God To be short there is nothing more contrarie vnto faith than the distrust of the goodnesse fauour and assistance of our God or to think that he hath not heard our praiers seeing that it is his propertie to heare them as Dauid saith in the 65. Psalme All creatures shall come vnto thee because thou hearest their prayers They sinne there also against the nature of faith which do not beleeue that which they doe see and so soone as they see no succour prosperitie and riches they are discouraged and leaue religion And as it is said in the eleuenth Chapter to the Hebrues there prooued by manie goodlie examples that faith is the rest or stay of the thing a man hopeth for a shew of things a man seeth not For S. Augustine saith Man beleeueth with the heart not by the hand vnto righteousnes so as diuers beleeue not that which they doe touch with the hand or doe see with the fleshlie eie Thirdlie this of all other is contrarie vnto faith to purpose or to set foorth or to establish anie other thing than Christ the sonne of God Rom. 10. vpon whom we ought to trust be they our works riches or men for establishing vs vpon our selues we doe ouerthrowe so much as lieth in vs the righteousnes of God And so we deceiue our selues because that there is none other name but the name of Iesus Acts. 4. by whom wee shall haue life prosperitie saluation and in summe all maner of blessings A Praier vnto God to obtaine true Faith and encrease therein OVR Lorde God Father of light from whom proceedeth euerie good and perfect gift S. Iames. 1.17 which hast promised to powre vpon thy seruaunts the spirite of grace and of prayer Zach. 12.10 we most humblie beseeche thee Ephes 1. that for the loue of thy sonne Iesus by whom it hath pleased thee to choose vs and to blesse vs in all spirituall blessing let it please thee also to giue vs a truenesse of faith by the which wee may comprehend this largenesse depth length and height of thy delight towards vs to trust and comfort
our selues in thee all the daies of our life to bring forth the fruites to thy honour and glorie and to the comfort of our neighbours Let this faith bee a liuelie faith Galat. 5 6. a speaking faith that may call vppon the name of thy Sonne onelie a woorking faith through Charitie a faith pacient in aduersitie a faith ouercomming the worlde 1. Iohn 5. by the meane of thy inuincible strength and that thou hast a desire to be ours O Lorde this is thy commaundement that wee doe beleeue in the name of thy sonne Iesus Christ 1. Iohn 3. and that wee loue one another But alas we doe knowe that faith is not giuen to all men 2. Thes 3.2 how that it is an old complaint of the Prophets and also of the Apostles which say Esai 53.1 Lord who hath giuen credit or beliefe vnto our preaching Rom. 10. O God and Father there are of the other side so many false Prophets and deceiuers of the worlde that set forth their dreames wordes in steade of thy holie and vnfallible worde and that knowe in the meane time to transforme themselues into Angels of light 2. Cor. 11. so many are the assaultes of miseries and persecutions which make men wilde or fearce to be short so great is the vanitie and weakenesse of our nature that it suffereth vs to be easilie caried away if thou most mercifull Father and mightie GOD diddest not woorke in vs that which thou doest commaund vs Iohn 6. Ephes 3. and if thou thy selfe diddest not bring vs to thy Sonne we could not come vnto him Iohn 16. and vnlesse he did giue vs leaue to come vnto thy throne of grace Rom. 8. we could not approch thereunto if thy spirit did not guide vs into all trueth and yeeld vnto our heartes this witnesse how thou art our Father we could not crie Abba Father Therefore wilt thou graunt vnto vs O thou onelie true God three persons in one substance Actes 1● God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost according vnto thy promises to purifie my heart through faith making thy abode in thy poore creature keepe my spirit from all temptation of error Iohn 14.23 my heart from delighting in anie other thing than in thy good pleasure and in thy woord and my will to desire none other than thy selfe that art the soueraigne goodnesse which art my all my portion and that hauing thee and louing thee I may despise this world and forsake all vanities to tast and to sauour the delightes of thy dwelling place louing nothing but thee and for the loue of thee 2. Cor. 5. to awaite the blessed houre when as I shall no more by faith Ephes 4. but by sight and that dailie so increasing in faith 2. Timot. 4. I may come vnto the measure and fulnesse of perfect stature one day to receiue the incorruptible crowne of glorie hauing fought the good fight of faith and in the beholding of thy face at thy right hand to feele the true fulnesse of ioy and gladnesse Psalme 16 So be it There is set downe vnto vs a goodlie example and pourtraict of Iacobs wrestling and of the faithfuls victorie in the 32. of Genesis Then there wrestled a man with Iacob vnto the breaking of the daie and when he sawe that he could not preuaile against him he touched therefore the holow of his thigh so that the holow of Iacobs thigh was loosed as he wrestled with him and he said Let me goe for the Morning appeareth who aunswered I will not let thee goe except thou blesse me Then said he vnto him what is thy name And he said Iacob Then said he thy name shall not be called Iacob anie more but Israel because thou hast had power with God thou shalt also preuaile with men A MEDITATION vpon the said text MAns life to be compared vnto the trueth is but a continuall combate vppon the earth and namelie the life of the faithful yea and whosoeuer dooth truelie beleeue ought to make his account that he must suffer manie assaults Now the temptations are not of one kinde wherewith it pleaseth this gratious God to stirre vp those with warfare to whome he hath bestowed anie of his graces Gene. 12. Abraham going forth out of his countrie was tryed and prooued by dearth and not long after through warres which he had vpon his arme or hand and then vnto the measure as he did warfare Gene. 14. he was yet further prooued with a stronger temptation when it was commaunded him to offer his onelie sonne Izaac in sacrifice Gene. 22. Iacob the good Patriarch had truelie his part of temptations with Laban and also of the behalfe of his brother Esau But the fight was verie rude and hard when as the Lord himselfe sought against him For it appeareth that the match was verie ill made when that the Euerlasting should wrestle against a creature which was not but like stubble or as dust in his presence But this was the fight that did get vnto him also the greatest honor and hath richlie beawtified him with this name Israel as if that he had beene the ruler of the Lord. Behold howe the greater that the assaultes are which doe ariue or come vnto the faithfull so much the more is the victorie glorious Therefore let vs not finde it strange neither be discouraged if men doe wrestle against vs at anie time for God himselfe also will so doe when as it seemeth that he will neither cōfort nor heare vs. So wrestled he with Dauid when as he said in the 77. Psalme My soule refused comfort I did thinke vppon God and was troubled I prayed Matth. 15. my soule was full of anguish So wrestled Iesus Christ with the womā of Cana and as it seemed to repulse her altogether But how had she the victorie Euen through faith and perseuerance in such sort as the Lord suffering himselfe to be ouercome said vnto her O woman great is thy faith be it to thee as thou desirest See howe the vnuincible Lord suffereth himselfe to be ouercome by our faith and also by our prayers For first of all hee doth not assaie and prooue all his strength against vs. Secondly he himselfe furnisheth vs with armour and weapon in such sort as wee be as S. Paule speaketh in the 6. to the Ephesians strengthened in the Lorde and in the power of his might force and clothed with all the armours from God Therefore it is not with out some checke mate and without also receiuing some litle wounde as Iacob had a certaine crush in his thigh For hee wil make vs truely feele how we be but men and that we should walke in humblenesse What braue souldier is he that would not haue his Thigh crushed in peeces or else receiue some other sore wounde so that hee might haue the victorie Are not these the markes of the valiant
substance the father that neuer was begotten the onely sonne of the father and the holy Ghost proceeding from both the holie inseparable trinitie one almightie God Thou Lorde hast made vs strong and mightie when as we were not and when wee were lost through our offence thou hast restored vs miraculously through thy goodnesse Therefore neuer suffer vs O Lorde that we shew our selues vnthankefull and to yeelde vs vnworthy of so many thy mercies graunt rather good GOD to increase in vs faith hope and charitie So by this thine accustomed grace make that we may be stedfast in faith apt to all good workes that by thee we may come vnto euerlasting life that one day Lord seeing thy glorie such as it is wee may worship thy maiestie singing vnto thee this song Glorie be to the father which hath created vs glorie bee to the sonne that hath redeemed vs glorie bee to the holy ghost that hath sanctified vs glorie be vnto the most high and inseparable Trinitie whose workes are inseparable and Empire euerlasting Here followeth to the Articles of the Faith The father almightie maker of heauen and earth Of Gods almightie power Of the making of all thinges and of his diuine prouidence Of Gods almightie power TO the end that the knowledge of our God bee not acknowledged in the aire and that we may see also that they are good tokens that wee should put our trust in him it is written in these Articles of our faith that in his word he is reuealed euen as well as by his workes that we might also so much the more discerne our selues from the people that doe not know him aright and truelie Thererefore this is the verie proper gift of the Church to know God such as he is to wit in substance and therewithall these three persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And he who knoweth not the Father knoweth not the Sonne Iohn 14.11 and he that knoweth not the Sonne knoweth not the Father Now albeit that hee is also our Father as we doe call him in the Lordes prayer yet be wee not but the children of adoption receaued and adopted Psal ● for the loue of his onelie sonne euerlasting and eternallie engendred of the Father in whome he taketh his good pleasure Behold how God is here called Father to shew vnto vs that our onelie faith is builded on God alone But this verie God whome the Church woorshippeth and in whome it beleeueth is the Father How God is manifested the sonne and the holie ghost the which God hath truelie shewed himselfe in the world by foure diuine workes most excellent aboue all by the creation by the redemption made of mankinde by the assemblie and conseruation of the Church and by the woonderfull giftes that God did partake vnto this Church giuing vnto her forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting life in that she confessed the true God so as by the meanes of this knowledge Rom. 15. wee might say as S. Paul did in the 3. 1. Cor. 3. Chap. of the first Epistle to the Corinth that all thinges are ours because that we be vnto Christ as Christ is vnto God who is the father of our Lord Iesus Christ as S. Paul manie times calleth him Now is he called also Almightie and thus lifted vp aboue all creatures and aboue the Gods of the Gentiles and their Idols Psal 115. that haue handes and cannot touch Eyes and cannot see But our God that hath his throne in heauen dooth what him pleaseth And as concerning vs poore creatures we know not to make alas one slippe of grasse and there is none that with all his care industrie can adde one cubite vnto his stature or height Mat. 6. This is then for you to woorship and to feare the almightie that hath power ouer heauen ouer earth ouer bodies ouer soules goods children and ouer all that which is vnto vs Psal 149. ouer kinges ouer the prowdest princes yea to buind them in chaines when it shall please him to vse his iudgementes and to bring them to nothing Lift not vp your hornes on high saith Dauid in the 75. Psalme for it is GOD that is your Iudge who lifteth vp and setteth downe as it pleaseth him How was it that hee tamed Pharao How did he put downe Nabuchadonozer whome he made to feede with beastes for seuen yeeres space And this it is as Iob speaketh in the 21. Chap. Against the wicked shall griefe of minde and trouble be strengthened because hee hath stretched forth his hand against the Almightie Esai 33. And how should man helpe himselfe before his face that is as a consuming fire Who is he that would abide in continuall burninges See wee not the mountaines leape and tremble before him as it is said in the 19. of Exodus and in the 68. Psalme But what say I the mountaines Yea the verie diuels are constrained to tremble Iames. 2.19 knowing and feeling that there is a God Therefore what blockishnesse is this what hardnesse what mischiefe that man shall sometimes be so froward and presumptuous that hee as it were would spite the Lord Euen as men may see enough therein who despise his threatninges and doe sooner feare earthlie man that is with all his glorie but as a flower and grasse than the Almightie before whose face the fearce and foming Sea the hard rockes and the earth also doe quake and tremble as wee doe reade in the 114. Psalme Wherefore let vs remember euen all the daies of our life that which was spoken vnto Abraham in the 17. of Genesis I am the God almightie walke thou before mee And I pray you what better Maister could we finde than him who hath all abundance in himselfe and that may doe all that he will For his power is ioyned with trueth righteousnesse He can doe that which he will but hee will not anie thing sauing that which is agreeable to his trueth and righteousnesse Iohn 10. Wee ought to haue remembrance namelie in our afflictions of this Almightinesse of the Lord and that none can take away his hand frō vs When God nourisheth sustaineth and preserueth his not onelie by ordinarie meanes but also by woonderfull meanes when it pleaseth him as he shewed when he diuided the Sea to make his people to passe through conducting them with a clowdie Pillar yea a fierie Pillar giuing thē Manna and so manie other his woonderful benefites 1. Cor. 2. and singular woorkes as one may yet dailie marke Therefore blessed are we whose faith is not builded on the wisedome of man but on the power of GOD. But Owe thrise yea foure times vnhappie if wee doe not trust in the almighty but doubt in his promises For that which is harde before our eies shall it therefore bee harde before the eies of the euerlasting himselfe Like as he speaketh in the 8. Chap. of the prophet Zacharie and as it is
was hauing this honour to conduct the people into the promised lande Neither likewise Iehosuach the Sonne of Iosedec the high Priest of whome the Prophet Zacharie speaketh that were but simple men and haue doone nothing but through borrowed strength neither also were they other but the shadowes of this great Iosua and mightie Sauiour that is Iesus Christ the onelie true and euerlasting Sauiour so as there is none other name by the which a man may haue the grace of God Actes 4. or obtaine anie thing of him or to come to the most blessed life It is this name or rather this vertue and power before whome all knees ought to bowe that are in heauen and on the earth To be short this is he whome all tongues shall confesse to be the Lord Iesus Christ vnto the glorie of God Hee is the Lorde because that the father hath brought all thinges in subiection vnder him to this person I say Hebr. 2. which is verie God and verie man For hee is particularlie our Lord because that he hath purchased vs vnto him through his pretious bloudshedding so as we be not vnto our selues 1. Cor. 6. but vnto him that hath bought vs. Therefore he whome the Iewes haue crucified for enuie him hath God raised and lifted vp and hath made him Lord and Christ as it is said in the 2. Chap. of the Actes Psal 2. Col. 1. Let vs then reioyce of such a Lord who is the Lord and sauiour Let vs willinglie doe seruice vnto such a Maister who hath gotten vs by his pretious bloud and deliuered vs from the power of darknesse and euen so hath in deede made vs free In him Iohn 8. it is easie for vs to ouercome the world for he is greater than the world Iohn 4. Yea in him is Sathan trodden vnder our feete euen as S. Paul speaketh in the 16. of the Romans Wherefore let vs say with Esai in his 26. Chap. Howsoeuer it be O Lord that other Lords besides thee haue ruled vs yet wil we remember thee dailie and thy name For there is but one God and sauiour that is properlie Iesus Christ of whome is spoken in the 9. Chap. of Zacharie and 9. ver and in the 1. Chap. of the Epistle of S. Paul vnto Titus ver 3. and 4. O how happie are they that doe put their trust in him as it is said in the 2. Psalme and that doe imbrace the sonne which is Christ that is to say the annointed of the liuing God and doe not onelie acknowledge him with the mouth but doe likewise suffer him to raigne in them by his word and through his spirit and seeking none other oblation than the euerlasting oblation Heb. 10. which is of a perpetuall efficacie and strength which he hath offered vnto his father on the Crosse once for all as a perfect and euerlasting priest But alas whereto serueth this goodlie title of a Christian if vice doe raigne in thee if the flesh and the world maister thee if thy soule will not suffer it to bee commaunded by the annointed Christ and consecrated to raigne in vs here below by his grace vntill such time as hee shall bring vs vnto the kingdome of his glorie And whereto serueth it to sing to crie to roare out the Apostles Creed as was doone in the Papacie fince they seeke for other Maisters than Christ and other sacrifices than his persecuting with all extremitie those that doe hope and trust in him alone Iesuites But what shall we say of those which are ashamed at these daies to bee called Christians Actes 11. which is the auncient name of the disciples of Iesus Christ and are not thus contented to haue part in the Lordes annointing that he promised vnto vs by the holie spirit but will also bouldlie sease vpon that name 1. Iohn 2.20 that dooth belong to him onelie inasmuch as hee is the alone sauiour calling themselues Iesuites as though they would outface all the rest of Christendome A prayer to haue and to retaine the true knowledge of Iesus Christ O Lord our God and father Iohn 17. forsomuch as this is eternall life that wee doe know thee and to know thee we cannot but in thy ingraued Image and in thy sonne which was declared in the flesh may it please thee to leade vs by thy holy spirit vnto the true knowledge of thy sonne likewise giuing vnto vs such a resolution as that wee may esteeme all things as dung Philip. 3. in respect of the excellent knowledge of Iesus Christ First of all giue vs grace O God rightlie to feele and vnderstand our necessitie to wit that wee ought to haue such a soueraine high priest as should be holy Heb. 7. innocent without spot separated from sinner which was very God and true man Moreouer O heauenly father print liuely in our hearts the knowledge acknowledging of this thy woonderful charity yea a loue fauor so great which thou hast shewed vnto vs poore sinners Titus 2. Titus 3.5 making thy wholsome grace to appeare in thy sonne Iesus Christ and sauing vs not through the workes that we should haue done but by the onelie merit of the death passion of thy sonne Iesus Christ O Lord what grace O what fauour O what humblenesse is this that the eternal sonne of the liuing God hath taken the forme of a seruant hath humbled himselfe euen to die for vs miserable wretches Ephe 4.20 But aboue all giue vs grace to learn Christ aright and not to be like vnto thē that liue vnorderlie doe abuse through a fleshlie libertie this blessed wholsome knowledge which should rather drawe vs to follow his aime to witte that by the same we might be humbled so cōfounded in our selues in seeing how horrible and great our sinnes haue bin as it behoued vs to haue them bought againe by so great a price to the end wee should not esteeme and magnifie anie thing but thy bountie and that all our ioie and glorie might be in thee In summe that wee should cast our eyes vpon this good Iesus in all our aduersities and miseries aspiring vnto eternall saluatiō that he hath prepared for vs forsaking our selues to liue vnto the praise of him who hath redeemed vs. O God doe not suffer poore Christendome to bee brought backe againe into a bottomles pitte of darknes and to be depriued from so wholsome a knoweledge by this damnable sect of Arrians the which alas would spring vp a fresh in the world and who haue denyed the true diuinitie of Iesus or through this miserable heresie of the Martionites Eutichians and others blotting out and vtterly frustrating the proprieties of the humane nature of the same thy deare sonne as much as lieth in them shrowding them selues notwithstanding with the name of Euangelicall Doctors O Lorde for the loue of thy name and of our poore posterities maintaine the trueth
should not perish whom hee had created Therefore behold two natures but knit together in such sort as there is but one onelie Sauiour euen as the soule and the bodie are gathered together in one onely man in the meane time keeping their proprieties as it is knowne that some proprieties are of the bodie others of the soule but let a man marke thē put a differēce betweene those proprieties yet dooth hee not therefore separate the bodie from the soule The scriptures then and also the aunciēt Doctors speaking of Iesus Christ haue sometimes respect vnto the proprietie of the natures And then it is said that Christ knew not the hower of Iudgement when hee was wrapped vp in swadling bandes when hee did increase in all wisdome and had respect but vnto the humane nature Some-times that he is the Image and brightnesse of his father that hee will bee with vs euen vnto the end of the world 1. Cor. 2. hauing respect vnto his nature and diuine Maiestie And sometimes the scripture dooth consider these two natures of Christ knit together When it is said that the Lord of glorie was crucified Wherefore Because that Christ hath yet suffered in the flesh Yet so it is that hee who hath suffered was the Lord of glorie For this flesh is knit with the eternal word of the personall vnion So it is said that God hath redeemed vs by his bloud Actes 20. because that this bloud is the bloud of this bodie which is knitte with the sonne of God As wee doe say for the vnion of the bodie with the soule when a man is dead albeit that there is but the least part dead to witte the bodie the soule being as we know immortal From whence heresies doe proceede This is to be noted because the most part of heresies doe come forth in that whereas either a man confoundes the natures of Christ or that one sundereth the natures and they leaue not this ground or this foundation that wee haue in the scripture to wit that there is but one Christ And that this Christ is as mediatour knit vnto two natures and to acknowledge them it is necessarie that the proprieties do remain For how should we knowe the humane nature if it were inuisible and in all places as some dreame What God should Iesus be if he were created euen as Arritus did blaspheme The humane nature therefore of Christ hath reciued great prerogatiues Prerogatiues of Christs humane nature as to be sanctified from the beginning by the holy Ghost to be knit with the diuine nature and to abide in the same so as of this man it is sayde that he is the sonne of God as in hauing all fulnesse of grace all treasures of wisedome in the eternall worde which is declared and laide abroade in the humane nature and so farre forth as was needeful and might bring to him To be short we must holde that as the humane nature taken to the sonne of God hath not weakened the diuinitie So hath not the diuinitie swallowed vp the deity nor consumed the humanitie as the Schuencfeldians thought For our sauiour is true God and man and not a man deified Moreouer we must haue daily remembraunce of our religion which is faith whereunto all curiosities are contrarie These mysteries as this is the greatest of all and the true secret of God hauing ordeined that his euerlasting sonne should take vppon him humane nature that in our flesh he might make satisfaction for our sinnes These mysteries I say we doe beleeue them when as all humane reason all discourse and all the worlde woulde say or thinke to the contrarie And in thus beleeuing wee are not lead by opinion or ill grounded but assured of a most certaine knowledge that is more surer than all the sciences of the world because that it proceedeth from the shewe of the spirite of God Heere followe certaine goodly places of the conception and birth of Iesus Christ out of the 1. Chap. of S. Luke THe Angell sayde vnto Marie Lo thou shalt conceiue in thy wombe and beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus He shall be great and shal be called the sonne of the most high and the Lorde God shall giue vnto him the throne of his father Dauid And hee shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kingdome shall be none ende Then sayd Marie vnto the Angell how shall this be seeing I know not man The Angell aunswered and sayde vnto her the holy Ghost shall come vpon thee and the power of the most high shal ouershadowe thee therefore also that holie thing which shall be borne of thee shal be called the sonne of God Therefore beholde three great prerogatiues in this childe that is giuen vnto vs. First this person is the sonne of God Secondly eternall king established for Messias and true restorer of the throne of Dauid and of the Church head and chiefe thereof that which a man cannot speake of anie creature Thirdly he is the holy as many times he is so called in the prophets and hath in such sort taken our nature as he hath made it holy frō his mothers wombe This conception therefore by the holy Ghost is not that the spirite had beene as the father or as if his body were of a spiritual substance But the Angell sayth that which seemed vnpossible that a virgin should conceiue shal be done by the vertue of Gods spirit to whome nothing is harde and the same spirite shall make the virgine not alonely to conceiue and beare a sonne but also to conceiue and beare him which shall be holy and making holy all mankinde making holy the natiuitie and conception of all those that are of his faithfull chosen Wherfore Christ was baptised For that that he was baptised and circumcised was not in the respect of him that he had neede of it he who washed and circumcised our heartes but because that he had brought himselfe vnder the lawe in our name and being made our pledge had charged vpon him our sinnes to make vs learne in what reuerence wee ought to haue the Sacramentes Out of the 1. of S. Iohn ver 14. This worde was made flesh and dwelt among vs and we sawe the glorie thereof I say the glorie as of the onely begotten sonne of the father full of grace and truth Out of the 1. Chap. of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes God which had promised heeretofore the Gospell concerning his sonne which was made of the seede of Dauid according to the flesh and declared mightilie to be the sonne of God touching the spirite of sanctification and by the resurrection from the dead that is to say our sauiour Iesus Christ Out of the 16. Chap. of the Romanes To him nowe that is of power to establish you according to my Gospell and preaching of Iesus Christ by the reuelation of the mysterie which was kept secret since
as their glorie shall bee the condemnation of the world who did oppresse them and persecute them O Lord come quicklie to iudgement that all eyes may see thee yea those who haue pearced thee Apoca. 1. and doe dailie make warres to thee in thy mēbers Witnesses out of the scripture concerning the iudgement In the 25. of S. Matthew verse 31. When the sonne of man commeth in his glorie and all the holie Angels with him then shall he sit vppon the throne of his glorie and before him shall be gathered all nations and hee shall separate them one from an other as a shepheard separateth the sheepe from the Goates And shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the Goates on the left Then shall the king say to them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit yee the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world And vnto those that shall bee on the left hand Depart from mee yee cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the Diuell and his Angels Out of the 5. Chap. of S. Iohn verse 22. The Father iudgeth no man but hath committed all iudgement vnto the Sonne because that all men should honor the sonne as they honor the father As the Father hath life in himselfe so likewise hath hee giuen vnto his sonne to haue life in himselfe and hath giuen him power also to execute iudgement in that hee is the sonne of man As if hee should say although the father the sonne and the holie Ghost doe worke Iudge and gouerne together yet wil the Lord that wee should cast our eyes vppon the sonne of man by whom we are guided and through whome God hath declared himselfe Out of the 17. of the Actes verse 30. And the time of his ignorance God regarded not but now hee admonisheth all men euerie where to repent because hee hath appointed a day in the which he wil iudge the world in righteousnesse by that man whom he hath appointed whereof hee hath giuen an assurance to all men in that he hath raised him from the dead Out of the 5. Chap. 2. to the Corinth Wee couet that both dwelling at home and remouing from home wee may bee acceptable to him For wee must all appeare before the iudgemēt seate of Christ that euerie man may receaue the thinges which are doone in his bodie according vnto that hee hath doone whether it bee good or euill Out of the 4. Chap. and 1. Epistle to the Thessalonians For the Lorde himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voyce of the Archangell and with the Trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall arise first then shall wee which liue and remaine bee caught vp with them also in the cloudes to meete the Lord in the Aire and so shall wee euer bee with the Lord. Wherefore comfort your selues one an other with these wordes Out of the 2. Epistle of S. Paul to the Thes the first Chapter For it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you to you which are troubled rest with vs when the Lord Iesus shal shew himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that doe not know God and which obay not vnto the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall bee punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power When hee shall come to bee glorified in his Saintes and to bee made maruelous in all them that beleeue c. Out of the 3. Chap. 2. Epistle of to S. Peter Against scorners or mockers There shal come in the last dayes mockers which will walke after their lustes and say Where is the promise of his comming For since the Fathers died all thinges continue alike from the beginning of the creation For this they willinglie know not that the heauens were of old and the earth that was of the water and by the water by the word of God But the day of the Lord will come as a theefe in the night c. I beleeue in the holie Ghost CONSIDERATION AS it was said frō the beginning the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost are but one onelie true God and this onelie true God is in such sorte declared to the world that the Father is named maker the Sonne redeemer and the holie ghost our Doctor and sanctifier For albeit that this Trinitie worketh together yet notwithstanding for our great comfort it is in such manner manifested that we may acknowledge how all these three persons doe woorke together in all things that doe appertaine vnto our saluation Now as the sonne is euerlastinglie begotten of the Father so likewise dooth the holie Ghost proceede euerlastinglie from the Father and the Sonne So then beleeuing in the holie Ghost wee doe not beleeue that the holie Ghost is onelie some moouing or inspiration But chiefelie we doe beleeue against the Macedonians ancient Heritikes that he is verie true God of the same substance that the father and the sonne is see then wherefore we doe beleeue in him And wee bee also baptised in his name as of the father and of the sonne he is an eternall spirite as it is said in the 9. Chap. of the Hebrewes and from him also commeth grace and peace as it sayde in the 1. Chap. of the Hebrewes Beeing the temple of the holie Ghost it is sayde that we be the temple of God To be short the father the worde and the holy Ghost are all one as it is saide in the first Chapter of the first Epistle of S. Iohn Then doe we beleeue that for the loue and in the name of Iesus Christ the holy Ghost doth comfort wash and sanctifie vs and that by the inspiration of him the holie Prophetes and the Apostles haue spoken and it is called the gift of God and in the 2. of the Actes because that he who is but one in himselfe hath brought foorth diuerse operations in vs of the which it is spoken in the 12. Chap. of the 1. to the Corinthians And as S. Bernarde sayeth vppon the Canticles we were dead in sinne and as stinking creatures but Iesus did embawlme vs with his holie spirite and hath annointed vs therewith to the ende wee might knowe taste and feele his mercie This is the heate of the Sunne which warmeth vs. This is the goodly and faire water of the heauenly ryuers which doeth refresh and water vs. It is the Bawlme that embalmeth vs it is the Oyle which doeth strengthen and make vs glad Nowe what tongue is it that can expresse this goodnesse of God towardes vs of the Father that hath created vs vnto his image of the Worde who hath bought vs againe with his bloude of the Holie Ghost that hath sanctified vs by his power Therefore let vs giue place vnto this Holie Ghost Ephe. 4. and let vs not sorrowe for our
our heartes bee as his temple O right blessed are they that thus doe eate the flesh of the Lorde hauing a desire to remaine with him and to obey him The bodie of Christ set foorth in his worde is our foode The meane and way to eate him is faith that doth stay vpon his promises and is ioyned vnto him On earth we do communicate with Christ by the helpe of his worde and sacramentes but on hie in heauen we shal eate this heauenly bread without anie outwarde helpe and shall drinke this holy drinke feeling effectually his presence the ioie of that glorious life O happy time so much desired in the which we shall eate with the holy Angels at the table of the Lorde in his kingdome O we now very happie blessed from hence forth seeing we sauour already the sweetenesse of the life to come in Christ O howe easily may we despise the rich mens tables and their iounket and delicate meates to partake the bloude of Christ in the Church of God Yea this bloud yea this is our victorie and glorie this is it that we ought to take chearefully in the supper and so to beare with Christ all afflictions in this life although the banket of the crosse seeme verie thinne and troublesome vnto the beastly ignorant worlde But they which do possesse Christ care not to possesse the world and they that haue drunke of the Lordes cup care not they are at a point to powre out their bloud for the name of Christ for their liues are most assured in their sauiour Reioyce thou thē flocke of the Lorde seeing thou hast so liberall a sheepeheard which feedeth thee with his bloud that thou maiest liue by his life For they that liue not but of the infected bloud of Adam and of the carnall and sensuall life are more wretched than the beastes To this feast are not onely bidden the sacrificers and priestes of Leui but all the Church But aboue all let vs take heede that this gift of God be vnto vs a wholesome gift and that we partake not therein to our condemnation Let vs therfore take on the wedding garment and make cleane our vessels to receiue so excellent a gift Let vs also beware of hauing therein any profanation in steede of deuotion Let vs keepe our selues from communicating in darkenesse when we doe come neere vnto this light And as S. Ierome sayeth writing vnto Theophilus When we drawe neere to Christ let vs not giue him a Iudas kisse Let vs knowe that these are the poore in spirite that shall finde comfort in that banquet These are not the worldlinges nor the high in degree neither the ouerweening and brablesome persons For if Christ declare that euerie oblation displeaseth GOD without reconciliation howe should he make an offering vnto vs of a thing so singular if wee haue not peaceable heartes And if we be not knit together with our brethren howe would we that he shoulde knit himselfe with vs A prayer concerning the holy supper O Lorde God the heauen of heauens cannot comprehende thee and yet thou doest vnto vs this honour to haue fellowshippe with vs. Alas who are wee that thou shouldest take pleasure to bee with vs yea in vs Neuerthelesse wee doe thanke thee in that through thy mercie thou makest vs able to receiue thy graces whereof Psalm 36. of our owne corrupt nature we were altogether vnwoorthie For in trueth they onely are blessed that doe not depart from thee and they that doe partake with the bodie of thy sonne on earth beginne alreadie to liue in heauen The Israelites haue eaten manna in the desert but the most part in the meane while are dead in the wildernesse without seeing the lande of promise But they that eate of this sacred foode are assured to come to the euerlasting heritage O what comfort is this vnto vs in this vale of miserie to bee refreshed with such a pasture O woonderfull pasture which seemeth to bee eaten with teeth in so much as the signes doe beare his name and yet in the meane space is neuer consumed but nourisheth the soule with great vertue That which Adam and Eue did eate in the earthly gardein by the temptation of Sathan caused them to die But O Lorde this meate that we do eate by thy appointment bringeth vnto vs life Now Lorde seeing it hath pleased thee to ioine the earthly with the heauenly by this sacrament the humane creatures with the celestiall graunt vs grace truely to consider these so hie mysteries and to vse them withal innocencie and reuerence For Lord Iob. 14. who is he that shall make cleane that which is vncleane O father who hast redeemed vs by the bloude of thy sonne thou canst only wash and sanctifie vs by thy spirite And as the fulnesse of ioie and gladnesse is to see thy face and to feele thy presence So let our soules feele effectually the sweetenesse of thy son Iesus let vs feele the increase of strength and of faith by the meanes of this holie sacrament and suffer vs not to followe the example of Esau who for a messe of pottage lost his birthright but rather that wee doe not forsake thee for any worldlie thing But that all our consolation may rest in thee Graunt vs O Lorde that thou keepe that assurance which thou hast promised likewise as thou wilt that wee keepe a remembraunce of thy sonne and of his death so haue thou daily remēbrance of vs and as he was giuen for vs so let vs yeelde ourselues louing vnto our neighbours through christian loue and that aboue all our heartes may be lifted vp where our head Iesus Christ is in thy glorie Further more for so much O Lord as we doe eate at thy table as thy children and familie of thy house let vs also walke in all goodnesse as it is becomming those which doe belong vnto such a Lorde And for so much O God as this sacred meate beseemeth not an irkesome and full stomacke Graunt vs grace that we may haue a true and a right hunger yea and a holie appetite vnto these graces that we may sauourly tast these meats of thine and well degest thē tasting how gratious sweete thou art also how bitter all the delights of the worlde are in comparison of the sweetenesse of Iesus Christ So be it Another prayer concerning the supper What tongue O Lorde can expresse and what heart can comprehend thy wonderfull loue towardes vs for that to redeeme a wretched creature thou wouldst that thy sonne should suffer so many labours and sorrowes euen to bee sacrificed on the crosse And howsoeuer it be that thou doest not content thy selfe with all these things that are alreadie done but to the end that the remembrance of thy loue should not be blotted-out of our heartes or that our faith should flite or be shaken syth that thy sonne is ascended vp to thy right hande thou leauest not yet to nourish
bee founde a watching faithfull seruaunt And as the prince of this worlde comming towardes thy sonne Iesus Iohn 14. founde nothing what to bite vpon him so also the same enemie may not haue any thing against me seeing that I doe belong to thy sonne Iesus By faith O Lorde haue our fathers ouercome kingdomes and closed the mouthes of the Lyons Therefore O Lorde graunt me grace that I may also ouercome by faith all tentations vntill that this faith being ended I may enter into thy euerlasting ●est A prayer against the sorrowes of Death O Lorde GOD my father who weart willing that thy sonne Iesus should yeelde vppe his spirite to saue me graunt mee grace that I may beare in my heart the remembrance of his bitter sorrowes and passion and that I may forthwith remember the sweete tender affection that thou bearest vnto vs poore sinners sauing them with so pretious a price that of one part I may with a true sorrowe die vnto sinne and forsake all mine iniquities and of the other part the remembrance of thy grace may make my soule liue let thy mercie O good God be vnto me a lampe and light to lighten me in the darkenesse of death vntill that I come vnto thee O Lorde if thou weart vnto me so good a father in life be also the same vnto me in death Leaue me not then when as my strengthes shall faile me And euen then namely when my mouth shal be no more able to speake leaue not off Lord to heare my desires vnto the last breath of my life Comfort againe thy weake creature and receiue my soule into thy glorie who yeeldeth vp to thee Thou O Lorde hast saued mee into thy handes I recommende my spirit Grant me the last words of thy sonne Iesus in his voice vppon his crosse that they may be my last wordes in this life Behold the earthly abode of this bodie which dissolueth it to yeelde my selfe ioiful of this tabernacle most blessed which is not made with mans hands This great prophet Elias when hee was taken vp into heauen let fall his cloke so willingly would I also leaue this garment both earthly and corruptible to bee clothed with immortalitie Heeretofore I was a wayfarer nowe am I come into my true countrey Euen vntill this time was I in fight now go I to triumph with our head Iesus Christ I begin to see alreadie this hauen which I haue so long desired hulling amongst the tempests of the world To be short I ioyfullie passe out of darknesse into light from daungers of this world to a place of assurance out of a lamentable case into a blessed state from battaile to victorie from an earthlie to an euerlasting life Here am I blind and there shall I receiue light In this place was I hacked with manie woundes and there shall I receaue healing O wretched life O fraile and life vncertaine in this world howe deceitfull and yrksome art thou The more thou thinkest or beleeuest the more thou distrustest and misbeleeuest The more one goeth in this world the more is hee charged with faintnesse and miseries Blessed is hee which knoweth the vanitie of this world yet more blessed that dooth not set his affection therein and most blessed which is withdrawen from thence to bee with thee Oh my God and my sauiour A prayer vppon the same Argument Alas when shall I come before the face of my God and when shall I haue my abiding in his house How long shall I bee in this exile whereunto for sinne we were banished But how shall a sinner stand before this great God How shall this poore flesh get vp into euerlasting paradise But praised bee my God who hath giuen vnto vs so good an assurance in his holie word Blessed bee GOD which hath ordained for vs this good ladder by the which wee ascend vp into heauen to wit Iesus Christ so that which was vnto vs impossible is possible to the beleeuer Therefore looke not O Lord into the manifold sinnes that are within me But rather remember that I am thy creature and the worke of thy handes I am vnworthie to bee called thy childe but it hath pleased thee to bee my father Thy will was that thy sonne Iesus should come downe here below to vs to make vs ascend vp to thee I feare not then death seeing I haue life with me Thy son hath destroyed death for all those which doe beleeue in him And albeit that this bodie be gnawen with wormes yet the soul goeth forthwith into rest the body awaiteth the resurrection I do desire therfore to die to beholde thy face and willinglie leaue this life to be with Christ Oh my God if the simple sound of thy worde which I heare on earth doth cause my soule to liue alreadie what life what countenance shall I haue there on high whē as I shall receiue it in my heart seeing thy glorie being in so blessed a companie Open vnto me then O Lorde the gate of thy kingdome Make mee to heare this sweete voice which was prepared for the poore thiefe on the crosse To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Alas Lorde I am vnworthy thereof yet thy mercie giueth me assurance Grant me also O father strēgth to perseuere giue me daily this desire of the life to come for if we be so much affectioned to this earthly life that is but for a day ful of miseries with what wish ought I to desire that glorious life which thy sonne Iesus hath purchased for vs Other short praiers for certaine necessities of the Churches To demand perseuerance Almightie God seeing we be knit together by the guide and counsell of thy sonne to this bodie of the Church which was so often scatered and dispersed graunt that we may abide in this vnitie of faith and that wee may constantly fight against all temptation of this worlde and that wee may not turne away from a true and right intent though it come to passe that troubles vppon troubles doe happen offences vpon offences seeing our faith is not builded vpon the holinesse of man or vpon their persons but vppon thee O true and almightie God And whatsoeuer euilles or deathes that shal be offered vnto vs we may not be possessed with such feare as may plucke away our hope out of our heartes but that we may rather learne to lift vp our eies yea our vnderstanding all our wittes vnto this thy power by the which thou quicknest the dead raisest vp that which was of nothing that our spirites may alwaies aspire vnto euerlasting rest albeit it behooued vs daily to die vntill at the last thou shalt shewe how thou art the true fountaine of life granting vnto vs the immortalitie through thy sonne Iesus Christ A prayer to haue stedfastnesse and constancie EVerlasting and almightie God al good and mercifull seeing we be heere subiect to so great aduersities and of so many sortes
this so desired a rest which thou hast prepared for vs. O how sweete louing shall this awaking be when as in our graues we shall heare the voice of thy son to raise vs vp againe in a glorious immortalitie Yet while wee doe awaite for this last comming we recommende our selues vnto thee O heauenly father the peace and preseruation of thy Church superiors magistrates all those which haue neede of thy succour beseeching thee that in this oldenesse of the worlde wherein all kingdoms of the worlde do shake that thou wouldest be the stay of thy poore people and in steede of so many sorowefull daies and yeares as we haue seene we may behold some rest in the middest of thy Church Raise vp daily O Lord some softer father and also some retiring place for thy children that no violent oppression ouerwhelme them and that for thy sonnes sake in whom I trust and vppon whom I rest my selfe So be it Heere followeth a litle Paraphrase and short exposition of the Lordes praier taken out of S. Cyprian almost worde by worde THe doctrine contained in the Gospell is no other thing than the ordinance of our maister God the grounde whereon to builde our hope and to strengthen our faith the foode wherewith to nourish our soule the pylates whereby to guide our shippe in this nauigation the helpes by whom we come to saluation in such sort as when the faithfull heart yeeldeth it selfe to be trainable heere in earth it is a meane to bring it vp vnto heauen It hath pleased God that many thinges were often spoken by the prophetes and heard by them But how much more excellent ought that to be reputed which the father hath sayd and pronounced by his sonne than that which he hath sayde by his seruantes For in them spake the spirite of Christ and he himselfe hath spoken in the later time in his owne voice He doth not now commaund that men prepare the way vnto him that commeth because that he himself is come and discouereth the true way that wee which goe wandering and groping in the darknesse of death may be by the light of his wisedome directed in the way of life Now amongest so many good lessons as he hath left vs for our saluation The forme of praier hee hath chieflie giuen vnto vs the right forme of prayer he that hath made vs to liue hath taught vs also to pray yea he hath done it after his grace goodnesse wherethrough he hath stored vs with all thinges and wrought it vnto the ende that his father might the more willinger heare vs when wee praie vnto him in that praier that his son hath taught vs. He did foretell howe that the houre should come wherein the true woorshippers should worshippe him in spirite and trueth He hath also fulfilled that which he had promised giuing vs his spirite to worshippe him The Lords praier What praier may be now more spirituall than that which hath bin giuen vnto vs by Iesus Christ by whome also the holy spirite hath beene sent vnto vs What praier shal be more true and perfect before God than that which cōmeth from the sonne who is the trueth of Gods owne mouth In manner as otherwise to pray concerning the substance then hee hath taught vs is not alonely an ignorance but also a blockish fault as he rebuketh the Iewes elsewhere how they did despise Gods commaundement to set vp their traditions Let vs therefore pray my brethren euen as hee which is both our God and maister hath taught vs. That prayer is agreeable vnto God when one praieth with a praier that is his and when we make the wordes of his sonne to mount vp vnto his eares The father doth acknowledge his sonnes language when wee doe pray let him that dwelleth in our heart be also in our voice vpon our tongue And seeing that the sonne is our aduocate as often as we doe demaund forgiuenesse for our sinnes let vs take in our mouthes the wordes of our aduocate For seeing that he sayth how all that we shall aske of the father in his name it shal be granted vnto vs whē shal our praiers haue greatest strēgth but then when we shall call vppon him by the peculiar praier which he hath made It behoueth those which pray to keepe a certaine forme in their speach with a staied manner and full of all reuerence humblenesse Let vs remember that it is before Gods face that we presēt our selues Let vs therefore seeke to please him as wel in the behauiour of our bodies as in the conueiance of our voice It is an ill fauored thing and a signe of impudencie to vse much crying out in praier and there is nothing that doeth set it out more than modestie To be short wee doe see that the Lorde doth allowe that praier which is made priuately in secret and in ones chamber a thing that well agreeth with our faith to the ende to make vs vnderstand that God is present throughout all that he heareth and seeth all and that the fulnesse of his maiestie pearceth into the most hidden secret places as the scripture speaketh I am thy God neere at hande and not afarre off If a man be hidden in a priuie or close place doe not I see him Doe not I fill both heauen and earth Then when wee shall come together with our brethren we must in good order solemnise the sacrifices of God not thinking to make our praiers to take place before the Lord with chaunting and crying out God vnderstandeth the heart not with the voice for it is not needeful to aduertise him by a lifting vp of a voice who seeth our thoughts This is it that he often sayth that he is the searcher of hearts hauing the knowledge of our most secret thoughtes We haue a goodly example in the good woman Anna mother of Samuel who prayed vnto the Lord not with a strong or lifted vp voice but secretly soberly and in her heart Her praier was secret but her faith was open shee spake not with the voice but with the heart knowing verie well that the Lorde our God so heareth his and in such sort she receiued in effect that which by faith she had required We haue another example of a praier right wel directed and verie modest in the person of the Publicane He went vp into the temple and made his praier not in a rude and presumptuous maner as the other without lifting vp his head or his forehead he only fell downe confessed with his mouth his sinne that hee felt shut vp in his heart in such sort as God heard the prayer of the humble that rested not vpon his owne innocencie For who is hee that is innocent His praier was humble and hee which aduaunceth and fauoreth the humble heard the poore Publican Thus much cōcerning the fashion and coūtenance that we ought to keepe in our praiers Let vs now consider how our maister
shut out of Gods kingdome But that we may be vnder his guide and Empire Manie shall come saith hee from the East and West and they shall sit with Abraham But the children of the kingdome shall be cast out into outward darknesse there where shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth The Iewes were the children of the kingdome so long as they were the children of God and hauing lost this qualitie they haue well changed both their condition and their estate It followeth then Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Wee say not let God doe that hee will but that wee may doe that hee will For who is hee that wil resist against God What is hee that shall let him to doe his will Now because that the diuell is continuallie about vs to turne away our hearts from obedience to God and to doe that which God would wee must bee holpen by himselfe and none alas is assured but by his grace Our Lord Iesus being in the agonie of death and according to the infirmitie stronglie fighting against a number of temptations hath left vs yet a faire example When hee bursteth out in this sort If it bee possible O father let this bitter cuppe passe away from me Yet neuerthelesse not my will but thy will bee done There is in the second Chapter of the first Epistle of S. Iohn an other faire sentence Loue not the world for in so doing the loue of God is not in you Seeing that the world with all his desires shall passe away And as concerning God hee is euerlasting and he that will dwell with him for euermore must doe the will of the euerliuing God Now The will of God what is the will of God It is that which Christ hath fulfilled and that hee hath taught vnto vs. And what is that Humblenes in conuersation stayednesse in faith modestie in wordes iustnesse in doings mercie in workes discipline in manners and not to doe wrong vnto an other and to abide it in himselfe to keepe in peace with his brethren to loue God with all his heart to loue him as a father and to feare him as God and to haue nothing more dearer than Christ for hee also hath nothing more dearer than vs to keepe our selues vnseuered in his charitie to beare him cōpanie couragiouslie in his crosse when his name or glorie is called in question And in our talkes to shew a stayed confession and an assurednesse in our aunsweres when wee bee set vppon and to shew patience in death seeing that by it wee are crowned To doe these thinges is to bee willing to be coheires with the sonne and to fulfill the will of the Father In heauen and in earth We may take the spirit for the heauen and the flesh for the earth that all our partes may bee obedient vnto God or rather that we doe the will of God as Angels Giue vs our dailie bread This may be vnderstood spirituallie of Christ which is the liuing bread as S. Iohn in his 6. Chap. saith But it is certaine that here the Lord would teach vs not to be caryed away with the cares of this present life for as it is said elsewhere it sufficeth for euerie day to haue his miseries Mat. 6. And in deede this will not agree well to desire the kingdome of God and withall to loue the earthlie life and to delight therein Now as S. Paul saith 1 Tim 6. sith that we brought nothing into this world neither shall wee carie anie thing away wherefore doe wee not content our selues with foode and apparell seeing likewise that those which doe aspire vnto riches fetter themselues in manie sorrowes and easilie fall into the snares of the diuell To bee short the coueting of riches is the roote of all ill This is a goodlie shewe that our Sauiour maketh in the 12. of S. Luke Oh wretch that thou art this day shall they demaund thy soule and for what purpose shall the great heapes of thy ritches stored vp serue thee And will we be well disposed to follow Christ It behooueth vs at the least to hinder the causes of worldly thinges In the meane time the iust remaineth not forsaken neither brought into an extremitie by famine The heauenlie Father which prouideth for the young Rauens and Sparowes Pro. 10. Psal 37. well knoweth to furnish vs of our lackes that are necessarie Wee doe see by example apparantlie that which happened vnto Elie in the first booke of the kinges and the 17. Chapter where wee reade that namelie a Rauen caried vnto him wherewith to refresh him After wee doe pray that the Lord forgiue vs our offences as wee doe forgiue them that offend against vs. Now hauing receaued assistance of our foode wee doe demaund the forgiuenesse of our sinnes to the end that hee who is nourished of God may liue to God and that so wee may not onelie haue our bread in this life but that wee may also haue the inioying of the other that is farre better and whereunto wee cannot enter if our sinnes be not forgiuen vs. Now our sinnes are called debtes as likewise in the 18. of S. Matthew I haue forgiuen thee all thy debt because thou hast required it of me Wee are then my brethren here warned that wee be sinners praying to God for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and asking grace of God the conscience being ouercome through offence Therefore let none of vs set vp our selues what giftes soeuer wee have seeing that dailie we sinne and doe aske mercie of GOD. If wee doe confesse our sinnes saith S. Iohn in the first Chap. of his first Epistle hee is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes But if wee say that there is no sinne in vs wee doe lie And since that this good Iesus doeth make vs aske forgiuenesse o● our offences hee giueth vs a certaine assurance to finde it hee I say that maketh vs strong through the mercifulnesse of his father The condition that hee hath ioyned to this demaund buindeth vs before GOD to forgiue others if that wee will that he forgiue vs. This is it that hee speaketh in an other place With what measure you mete vnto others the same shall they measure vnto you And in the 18. Chap. of Saint Matthew the seruant that goeth on against his companion with all rigor is reproued cast into prison and declared vnwoorthie of the fauour of his Maister And yet this is more clearelie expressed in Iesus Christ When yee shall appeare before God to pray vnto him If you haue anie thing against anie bodie Forgiue him otherwise your father will not forgiue you Then doe wee neuer make this prayer but that we doe condemne our selues if wee forgiue not one an other For as the Lord calleth vs to peace in regenerating vs so will hee that wee doe continue in that brotherhoode and friendship And in deede this is the fairest sacrifice that wee can offer vnto God
this strange doctrine of the vbiquitie or the Alpresence of Christes bodie Of the vbiquitie attributing a bodie vnto Christ which is through all and inuisible that is to say which is not a bodie Nowe many seeing these diuisions would blame the doctrine of the Gospel and take an occasion to mistast the same But hath not the Lorde foretolde it Were there not also diuisions amongst the Apostles Ought this to keepe vs from going forwarde No for our faith is not builded vpon men and further when a man looketh neere thereunto it is easie to trie the spirites and we must praise the Doctors of the Church which haue in them those guiftes and likewise acknowledge their imperfections and reade them with iudgement As Luther himselfe A warning by M. Luther in the preface of his first Tome of his Latine workes besought that men would reade his workes with pitie iudgement and discretion and that men should remember him to bee an inraged Papist heretofore and a poore Moonke which could not see and perfectlie comprehend forthwith all the pointes of religion Also when one seeth the Church of God so assaulted within by diuisions and heresies without with so cruell persecutions it were enough to shake him if he be not wel setled to make him thinke whether it were possible that this companie which we call the Church being so contemptible and so subiect to great offences be the Church of GOD or no or at least whether it bee possible that God dooth loue it laying it open to so manie euils These are in deede the violent assaultes which the faithfull dailie doe proue in this wretched world wherein one may see so manie contentions and affections boyling with ambition and pride and so manie heartes more than frosen in matter of zeale and charitie Wherefore if there be anie sentence now at this day to be considered this is it that he which shall continue to the end shall be saued For as Iesus Christ speaketh in the 11. of S. Matthew Those that suffer once and continue in their zeale shall carie away the kingdome of heauen Therefore let vs not be fleeting children and caried hither and thither by euerie puffe of doctrine through mans deceite but followers of the trueth with charitie growing in Christ with loue and aboue all other thinges holding sure our Catechisme and the Articles of our Faith Suffering afflictions patientlie 2. Timo. 2. seeing this word is certaine that if we doe suffer with Christ we shall raigne with him considering also that this world waxeth olde as dooth a garment 2. Pet. 3. and that the Elementes shall melt with heate and the earth shall be dissolued let vs aspire vnto the kingdome which cannot be shaken holding grace fast by the which we may serue God in reuerence feare and assured hope awaiting the great day of Christs comming Other godlie places speaking of Faith The 3. of S. Iohn GOd hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And he that beleeueth in him shall not bee condemned but he that beleeueth not in him is condemned alreadie because he beleeued not in the name of the onelie sonne of God The faithfull ought not to seeke but the glorie of God The 5. of S. Iohn the 44. ver How can yee beleeue which receaue honor one of an other and seeke not the honor that commeth of God alone Places taken out of the Epistles of S. Paul out of the 1. Chap. of the Epistle to the Ephesians ver 13. YEe are in Christ hauing heard the word of trueth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued yee were sealed with the holie spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glorie Therefore also after that I heard of the faith which yee haue in the Lorde Iesus and loue towardes all the Saintes I cease not to giue thankes for you in my prayers The 1. of the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee giue GOD thankes alwayes for you all remembring your effectuall faith and diligent loue and of the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God our Father knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God For our Gospell was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assurance The 2. to the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee pray alwayes for you that our God may make you woorthie of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasures of his goodnesse and the woorke of faith with power that the name of our Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in you and ye to him according to the grace of our God and of our Lord Iesus Christ The 1. Epistle of S. Peter 1. Chap. You are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to be shewed in the last time wherein ye reioyce though now for a season if neede require ye are in heauinesse through manifold temptations that the triall of your faith being much more pretious than Gold that perisheth though it be tryed with fire might be found vnto your praise and honor and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ whome you haue not seene and yet loue him I beleeue in God Heere followe certaine Meditations and prayers of one onelie true God and of three persons in one substance or essence CONSIDERATION AS it is said in Athanasius Creede the generall faith is that wee worship one God in one Trinitie and one Trinitie in one vnitie Let vs not confound the persons nor diuide the substance For we must know God as he reuealeth himselfe otherwise we should but woorship a fantasie in place of knowing and woorshipping the true God Now the true God in whome we doe onelie beleeue Iohn 7. and that is mans soueraigne good for this is life eternall that we know him hath thus declared himselfe in his word and in his most excellent workes that is to say in that hee is one onelie true God in substance as it is said in the 6. Chap. of the 5. booke of Moses and in the 4. of the Ephesians but in this one substance wee do acknowledge three persons subsisting that is to say 1. Tim. 1. this onelie true God which is the king of worldes immortall inuisible wise onelie onelie good who manifesteth himselfe so as we doe see one God maker of heauen and earth And yet all this by his word which word is not a sound in the aire or a thing hauing beginning but was from the beginning with God and was God of whome is spoken in the 33. Psalme and also in the first Chap. of S. Iohn And afterward the holy spirit spread and mooued himselfe aboue the waters For the spirit cannot signifie in this place the aire or the winde that was not
vncleannesse filth and sinne that hee may bring vs into all trueth and that hee may sanctifie and strengthen vs vnto the ende comforting vs in this Article of death praying Rom. 8. and sighing for vs with gronings that cannot be expressed Witnesses out of the holie Scripture concerning the Holie Ghost Out of the 12. of Zacharie verse 10. I will powre vppon the house of Dauid and vppon the inhabitantes of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of compassion and they shal looke vpon me whom they haue pearced MEDITATION BY the first Adam alas wee become barraine and vnprofitable were shut out of the grace of God but the Lorde promising the establishmēt of his Church againe by Christ promised to poure out his giftes and graces in great abundance For although that in our fathers dayes God had wrought great fauour vnto the people yet so it is that this is proper vnto Christ to giue vnto vs the spirit of grace mercie and inuocation And this is the richest gift that GOD could impart vnto vs for so much as it is said in the 8. Chapter to the Romans That wee could not knowe how wee were Christes and the children of GOD without this spirit For hee was woonderfullie and extraordinarilie giuen in the day of Pentecost But yet dooth hee dailie ioyne together his woorking with the preaching of the Gospell and woorketh in vs that wee doe call vppon God with full assurance Oh that this spirit of grace is to bee desired 1. Sam. 18. It is not this euill spirit which was giuen vnto Saul that vexed and troubled him but it is the spirit of grace and of compassion This is the Lord that we must woorship in spirit and trueth Out of the 4. Chap. of the Euangelist S. Iohn Iesus said vnto the Samaritane Whosoeuer drinketh of this water shall thirst againe But the water that I shall giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life A MEDITATION OH how hath Dauid truelie felt the vertues of these liuing waters when as he said in the 42. Psalme Like as the thirstie Hart runneth with swift course vnto the riuers of water euen so dooth my soule also long and pant after thy diuine grace For what is it likewise to inioie all the pleasures of the world since that they take not away his thirst neither yet quench this alteration but doe increase and make the people like vnto men filled with dropsies which the more they drinke the more thirstie they are But behold two thinges that this water dooth greatlie recommend vnto vs whereof Iesus Christ talked with the Samaritane It is that they which drinke thereof are no more tormented with thirst feeling in them a well of liuing water that springeth vp alwayes without ceasing and cannot be drawen drie Besides this water that man feeleth in his soule and that runneth about his heart dooth neuer forsake vs but quickeneth vs vnto euerlasting life Therefore blessed are they which doe feele in their soules such a running water which dooth not for a trueth spring out of the vaines of the earth but from the hiest heauens and out of the true heauenlie paradise Now as S. Chrysostome saith This water is the strength and woorking of the spirit of God working by the word of the Gospell For it behooueth that we take heede of the errour of the Massalians and Scuencfieldians Against the Massalians who doe separate the spirite from the worde and doe dreame in the reuelations of the spirite But S. Paule teacheth vs in the 3. to the Galathians That we receiue the spirite through the preaching of faith and in the second Chap. of the 2. Epistle to the Thessalonians hee ioyneth together the sanctification of the spirite and the faith of trueth Moreouer this spirite hath diuers effectes and is by this occasion some times called fire Matth. 3. because that it purifieth and consumeth our euill affections and kindleth in vs a zeale as in the disciples going to Emaus Luke 24. whose heartes burned within themselues hearing Iesus speake Nowe it is also called water thorough his working because that this holy spirite refresheth vs against the burning heat of temptations and also doeth wash and serue to quench the firie dartes of Sathan let it then neuer come to passe Ephes 6. for vs to doe as the ydolaters of whom God complaineth in the 2. Chap. of Ieremiah Who forsaking the fountaine of liuing water digged to themselues dead pittes and drie cesterns that can hold no water Out of the 7. Chap. of S. Iohn vers 38. Ioel. 2. He that beleeueth in me as sayeth the scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life Nowe this spake he of the spirit which they that beleeued in him should receiue Out of the 15. of S. Iohn A witnesse of the spirite and of the preaching ioyned together When the comforter shal come whom I will sende vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which proceedeth of the father hee shall testifie of me and yee shall witnesse also because ye haue beene with me from the beginning Out of the 16. of S. Iohn When he is come which is the spirit of trueth hee will leade you into all trueth for hee shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare shall he speake Out of the 8. Chap. of the Epistle to the Romanes For if you liue after the flesh yee shall die but if ye mortifie the deedes of the bodie by the spirite yee shall liue For as many as are lead by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God S. Paule prayeth by the spirite Out of the 15. Chap. to the Romans vers 30. I beseech you for our Lorde Iesus Christs sake and for the loue of the spirite that ye would striue with me by praiers Out of the 3. Chapter of the 1. to the Corinth Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirite of God dwelleth in you Out of the 12. to the Corinth 1. Epistle There are diuersities of giftes but the same spirite and there are diuersities of administration but the same Lorde and there are diuersities of operation but God is the same which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the spirite is giuen to euery man to profite withall Out of the 13. Chap. of the 2. to the Corinth and 13. vers The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost be with you all Out of the 4. Epistle to the Ephesians vers 30. Griue not the spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption Out of the 5. Chap. and the 1. to the Thes Quench not the spirite Despise not prophesying Out of the 1. of S. Iohn 2. Chap. The annointing which yee receiued of me dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teache you for the same annointing
teacheth you Hee would not simplie say that they haue no neede of instruction but that they being kindled by the holy spirite might not suffer themselues to bee deceiued by Antichrist a people altogether rude and ignorant A prayer out of the 51. Psalme Create in me a cleane heart O God and renue a right spirite within me Cast mee not away from thy presence and take not thine holy spirite from me Restore in me the ioie of thy saluation and stablish mee with thy free spirite I beleeue the holy Catholike Church A consideration vpon this Article AS there is but one onely true and verie God to wit these three persons the father the sonne and the holy Ghost euen so there is but one faith whereof it was spoken in the former Articles Wee doe therefore protest now that we do beleeue the Catholike Church for we say not as before time I beleeue in the Church but it is God in whom we do put all our whole trust it is he as wee doe reade in the first Chap. of the Apocalips that is α ω that is to say the beginning and the end And as it is written in the 43. Chap. of Esaiah Before mee there was no God that was the maker of the worlde neither shall there be after me I euen I am the eternall and beside me there is no sauiour What is it then to beleeue the Catholike Church First it is to beleeue that whatsoeuer corruptions ydolatries persecutions and disorders there haue beene in the worlde that this great God creator 1. Peter 2. redeemer and sanctifier hath gotten out his chosen people whom he hath called out of darkenes into his wonderful light Psal 147. vnto whom he is reueiled through his holy testimonies the he hath washed and sanctified 1. Tim. 3. and that is his Church and the house of the liuing God builded vppon the pillar of trueth Matth. 16. vpon this corner stone which is Christ so that the gates of hell shall not preuaile any thing against it because that all things helpe vnto the profite and wealth of the children of GOD Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 2. and that this foundation resteth sure howe God knoweth those which are his as in the times of Eliah he reserued to himselfe seuen thousande men 1. Kings 19. which hadde not bowed their knees vnto Baal Secondly we doe witnesse protest and beleeue by this article of our faith that we be members of this true Church Heb. 10. and doe ioyne our selues to it to be good faithful citizens therein Heb. 10. following the holy assemblies and making that profession and confession of the name of God that all true faithfull ought to doe Thirdly by this article we doe beleeue and also doe protest that wee doe not acknowledge all assemblies indifferently for the Church of God but that as it is declared in the symbole of Nice that which is Apostolike that is to say which doeth holde it selfe vnto the doctrine of the Apostoles and is not tyed vnto anie certaine place or citie but is vniuersall gathered together by the preaching of the Gospell and through the vse of the holy sacramentes Ephes 1. Colos 1. in all the partes of the worlde vnder this onely heade that is Iesus Christ 1. Colos 12. in whom is grounded this communion of the saintes which in him are made members of one and the selfe same bodie Actes 2. partakers of one and the selfe same spirite of the same Gospell of the same sacramentes howe so euer the outwarde ceremonies be not altogether alike yet are they knit by the same bonde of peace and ioyned through the true loue calling vppon one and the same sauiour and the awayting as brethren for one and the same heritage which is the blessed life For these be the offeringes that God maketh vnto his Church which he hath purchased for himselfe to wit the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the life euerlasting which a man can not finde out of the true Church Whereupon it is to be noted that the faithfull are called holy yea in earth not that they should be perfect and voide of sinne as some do imagine a perfection to be for so should they haue no more neede of the forgiuenesse of sinnes But they are called holy because they are sanctified because of their calling which is holy and to all holinesse whereunto they doe aspire without ceasing not that they haue alreadie apprehended all but because they doe followe after seeking to learne drawing towardes the marke in respect of that heauenly calling as S. Paule sayth in the 3. Chap. to the Philippians Figures of the Church Noes Arke In the 7. Chap. of Genesis By the floud euery thing in whose nostrels breathed life died Noah only remained and they that were with him in the Arke And S. Ierome writing vnto Damasus sayth that there is no saluation without the Churche and as there is but one Arke euen so there is but one Church and as he himselfe writeth vnto Euander we ought not to thinke that the Church of Rome is any other than that which is in other places of the worlde where that Iesus is worshipped be it in Fraunce or in Englande or else where There is the Church where it is bounde in Christ and knit together by the bande of loue But if we must speake of authoritie the autoritie of the worlde is greater than the autoritie of a citie the autoritie of Churches spread throughout the world greater than that which is in one place A Prayer O Lorde our God and father although that thy ordinance is Genes 8. that thou wilt not smite anie more the whole world with the floud of waters and that from hence forwarde the seede time and haruest and cold and heate and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease and that so long as the earth remaineth in confirmation whereof thou hast established the heauenly arke for a signe Notwithstanding O my God what is this poore life but a floud of euilles But in this my soule is comforted then when as namely in thy wrath thou diddest powre out the ouerflowinges of waters vpon the lande then at that time O God thou diddest powre out by thy fauour thy grace and protection vpon the Arke of Noah For why was it that he did not perish with the rest Did he see the same floude Was hee couered with the same waters Yes truely But in his Arke he had thy promise He had thy grace which did defende him in such sort as thousandes fell at his right hande and thousandes at his left hande hee was sure vnder thy wing So Lorde although that in this worlde a like floud of euilles doth fall both vpon the good and the euil Eccle. 3. and that both the one and the other dies yet we knowe that thou wilt saue those which are in the Arke of thy Church and