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A13796 Mirabilia opera dei certaine wonderfull works of God which hapned to H.N. even from his youth: and how the God of heaven hath united himself with him, and raised up his gracious word in him, and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a minister of his gracious word, / published by Tobias a fellow elder with H.N. in the houshold of love. Translated out of Base Almain. Tobias.; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed trans. 1650 (1650) STC 24095; ESTC S106213 70,397 154

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Now goeth ye Iudgment ouer this world now is ye prince of this world cast out Iohn ●2 Now is ye Saluation ye por●●● and ye Kingdom becom our gods and ye Might his Christs Revet ●2 D. Mirabilia opera Dei Certaine wonderfull Works of God which hapned to H. N. even from his youth and how the God of Heaven hath united himself with him and raised up his gracious Word in him and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a Minister of his gracious Word Published by Tobias a Fellow Elder with H. N. in the Houshold of Love Translated out of Base Almain Now come hither and behold the works of the Lord Ps. 46 66. Know ye that the Lord leadeth his Saints wonderfully Ps. 4. a. And take heed that ye do not despise the works of the Lord lest there come upon you that which is said in the Prophets Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for I do a work in your days which you will in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you Hab. 1. a. Acts 13. b. THE PREFACE Tobias with H. N. a fellow Minister of the gracious Word of the Lord wisheth to all lovers of Truth Salvation and Peace in Jesus Christ our Lord Amen FOrasmuch as I Tobias a fellow Elder with the Oldest Elders in the Houshold of Love have alwayes been present with H. N. in all what the Lord hath revealed unto him and now in this day of the Love of Iesus Christ am impulsed of the Holy Ghost to declare and to publish among the children of men under the obedience of the love of the Truth of certain wonderful works of God which befell H. N. and us the oldest Elders in the house of Love and that I also know that H. N. Gods chosen Minister and his ministration of the gracious Word of the Lord hath been disorderly rejected and censured with several false judgements by many false hearts and good-thinking wise-ones by many false Christians and unsent Teachers or Preachers and by some unfaithfull and opinionated self-seekers who are turned away from us And that the Godly Testimonies of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ published by H. N. were by many disgracefully contemned and reproached as if God had neither chosen nor sent H. N. to be a Minister of his holy and gracious Word and as if the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ were an unclean thing So have I for Gods cause and in regard of the Love which I bear and have to all mens salvation I could not omit to declare to all God-fearing-understandings and Lovers of the Truth That they may believe the Truth understand the Godly Testimonies of the holy Spirit of Love and may be preserved in these dangerous times and to witnesse the Truth before them how and in what manner the Lord the living God of Heaven hath chosen H. N. from his youth to the ministration of his holy and gracious word and hath sent him thereunto in his old age of the holy and godly understanding through the holy Spirit of his Love 2 For the holy Spirit of the Truth of God and of the Love of Iesus Christ was alwayes powerfully abiding upon H. N. in all his ministrations after that the Lord had anointed him a with the same spirit and hath through the same spirit raised and sent him for to declare to all people the true b repentance for their sinnes and to draw and bring in through his ministration of the holy and gracious Word all those that love Gods Truth and the accomplishment of the Godlinesse in Iesus Christ and hunger and thirst after righteousnesse c to the peaceable Love and his Godly service for the preservation of them all in the Godlinesse that all they which H. N. and our fellowship may have their communion in Iesus Christ and may not be seduced in these dangerous times in which if it were possible the very elect d should be seduced with the unprofitable prating of the false hearts and unsent Teachers or Preachers which alwayes oppose the Truth of God e and blaspheme against the holy Spirit nor through any depraved hearts and Apostates who continually accuse with falshood the true Ministers of the gracious word and endeavour with all their power to abolish the same ministration nor should be kept of or held back from our most holy Service of the gracious word under the obedience of the Love to their condemnation 3 And therefore and for the Truth of Gods cause and for to declare the knowledge that the Promises of God the Father and of the Lord Iesus Christ g be fullfilled and established in the Love So is there also now presently in this same day of the Love in plain words to all understanding and before all good-willing hearts unto the righteousnesse through H. N. testified and published what that very thing which the Gracious Word of the Lord which the Lord now hath raised up according to his Promises doth require of all men 4 And for to witness and publish the truth that the Lord hath chosen and sent H. N. therefore have I through the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ plainly testified and declared the sending of H. N. also certaine wonderfull workes of God which from his youth hapned unto him from the living God That all those which read or hear all the Godly Testimonies of our writings may believe the Truth with a single heart to have a right regard to the true Promises of the Father and of the Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and of the accomplishing of the same and may hope upon the fulfilling of the requiring of the gracious word and of his service of Love and rightly and in Truth follow and imitate our Lord Iesus Christ in the saving word of his holy Spirit of Love h and might be of one mind with us and our communialtie of the Saints i in the Love of our Lord Iesus k into all unity and peace 5 And likewise that through the same declaration the enemies of H. N. together with all the opposers and reprochers of the Truth and of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ may see and know That they have villified and contemned not onely H. N. a choseu servannt of God but also God the Father the builder of our house of Love and the Lord Iesus Christ our Phisician and Saviour and the holy Ghost the inheritance of our spiritual and heavenly goods l and have pulled upon their own necks the wrath and judgement of their condemnation That they with humble hearts might bring forth real fruits of repentance 6 For it is not unknown or uncertaine to us that H. N. doth testifie out of the Truth of God and his gracious word and that the office of the ministration of the gracious Word is imposed and intrusted to him through m God's grace to administer for the Lord
hath chosen him thereunto from his youth to witness the same Testimonies of the Truth of God And to administer Gods holy and gracious word and to manifest his heavenly works and to declare upon the earth now in these last times under the obedience of the love of Iesus Christ Gods Truth and upright being and the acomplishment of the Godlinesse in Iesus Christ 7 Thus in this election by the living God H. N. hath declared on earth to this present day from the n uncovered face of God and of Christ Gods real Truth and the requiring of his upright righteousnesse together with his righteous Judgement and the fulfilling of the Godlinesse in Iesus Christ 8 Now whether this be believed or not believed however he hath revealed the the same out of Gods true light eternal life in manifest declaration brought it to light in this holy day of the love of God and Christ 9 And the same day of the love of God and of Christ which is come unto us from Gods grace is the newest or last day of which long agoe the Prophets of God and the Evangelists of Iesus Christ have foretold and published and is the day o which God hath appointed or ordained for to judge on the same the whole circuit of the Earth with righ●eousnesse 10 For on the same day of the Love of God and of Christ p shall all unbelievers and disobedient ones to the gracious Word of the Lord and all evil surmisers towards the Ministers thereof together with all opposers of H. N. and blasphemers of the holy Spirit of the Love of Iesus Christ be q revealed and r judged and according to their works shall receive their reward 11 Therefore take warning by this declaration of mine all ye people which love the truth of Iesus Christ that you in no wise oppose neither the gracious Word of God nor his chosen servant H. N. because God the Father with his Son Iesus Christ dwelleth and liveth perfectly * in H. N. in the heavenly being and hath anointed him with the holy Spirit of God and of s Iesus Christ and that no man without the fellowship of H. N. or without the obedience of the requiring of his doctrine can be brought or gathered to the true living God nor to his Sonne Iesus Christ nor united with the same good being 12 Behold out of a very hearty love which I have to all your preservations in the godlinesse am I presently in this day of the Love impulsed and forced through the holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ to make the same known before all your understandings and to declare unto you how the calling H. N. came to passe by the living God and how he was chosen of the same God to Administration of his holy and and gracious word under the obedience of the love of Iesus Christ 13 And also to testifie unto you some mysteries t of the Kingdome of the God of heavens and of the heavenly revelations and workings of God which were revealed and shewed to H. N. by the living God out of his heavenly being even from the youth of H. N. 14 The Lord grant unto you all mercy and his Graee that in the hearing of these Testimonies your hearts may not be offended nor be hardened against the Truth u of the same Testimonies but that yee may hear them humbly receive and accept of them in all thanksgiving to God for his grace be well minded to the holy and gracious word of the Lord and his service of the Love to your preservation in the Godlinesse and may enter into the requiring of the same obediently Amen So be it Take it to heart Certaine wonderfull Workes of God which befel H N. from his youth CHAP. I. IN the eighth year of the age of H. N. in the days of Maximilian the first being made Roman Emperour by vertue or power of the Electoral Princes of the Roman Empire and the German Nation it fell out on an Evening in a Winter season That the Father of H. N. exhorted his Family and instructing them with many words That they should fear God a and to give praise and thanks unto him for the grace he bestowed on man 2 The same time The Lord opened the mouth of the childe H. N. and touched his lips and tongue and with this the childe spake to his Father and said Instruct me O my Father what is that singular Grace bestowed on us for which we ought to give praise and thanks to God 3 When the child had asked this questiof his Father The Father looked on the child and wondered that the child should aske him so earnestly and answearing the child said to him 4 O my sonne doest thou aske what that especial grace is which God hath bestowed on us and for which we are bound to give praise and thanks to him The same you read daily in the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ and is set forth unto us dayly in the service of the Masse and often also and abundantly is attested by Preaching how that God the Father by reason of Adams sinne whereby we all became the children b of death and damnation caused his deare Sonne Jesus Christ to suffer the ignominious c death on the Crosse and that thus Jesus Christ hath born the sins of Adam satisfied for the same on the Crosse and delivered us from that sinne into which Adam did fall hath reconciled us to his Father d and hath set up again the sincere righteoness and the true e life of Godliness and so all is found and restored againe that was lost by Adam that same is joyned again f made whole which through Adam was broken and wounded And this is that singular Grace which God bestowed on us to the laud and praise of his great Power 5 Then said the child O my Father I doe read indeed of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ and I heare it daily testified in Sermons that God the Father hath bestowed on us his great mercy and that his beloved Sonne Jesus Christ hath suffered the ignominious death of the Crosse by reason of sinne g but I finde not according to Truth that the sinne is amended in us nor that the true righteousness h wherein Adam was created and placed is restored in us or set up again 6 Then said the Father Oh my sonne what I have told you about the grace of God shewed to us through Jesus Christ you need not to doubt of it beleeve the same in simpleness of heart and that it all is come to passe as I have told you 7 Then said the child O my Father I make no question of the mercy of God which is come unto us through Jesus Christ and all that which is preached to us of Christ and his satisfaction for the sinne as that he through the death on the Crosse
Lord my God a my heart quaketh before thee for though thy punishment upon my sinnes my bones do shake and great b sadnesse pain and smart fall on me 2 Thus I fear O Lord thy punishment for with the same tho● makest known unto me my sinnes and thou lettest me see the evil things which have ensnared me 3 O God wilt thou not deliver me from these evil things so must I continue in misery and must feare thy hand continually 4 But thou O Lord art he which c woundest and healest againe help me as thou usest to doe 5 Let my sighings d out of the bottome of my heart come before thee and turne not thy mercy from me 6 For O Lord I do not e forget thee but wait dayly for thy goodnesse 7 Look f on my misery and leave me not in death nor let me be lost for ever 8 g Take away O Lord the sinne from me and let thy Spirit of life refresh me otherwayes O Lord O Lord of Lords I have no life in me 9 Therefore O Lord of life when thou art my life then I live and my bones must rejoyce 10 When I find mercy in thine eyes then is comforted the inward mind of my soul 11 But O Lord when thou art h a death to me and art angry with me then am I like unto the dead and go i down to hell as the wicked that are damned 12 Out of which k depth now my foul sigheth and calleth O Lord unto thee for in the same I remember with anguish of mind my sinnes past and must bewaile with tears my evil actions 13 For thou O Lord art the strength and l Saviour of men from the sinne he that taketh hold on thee m falleth not into transgressions 14 But the man which relyeth on h●s owne strength he falls soonest and then must he confess that thou alone O Lord art the life of his Salvation 15 When thou takest pity on him and raisest him again then he obtaineth mercy and must praise thy goodnesse continually 16 For what is man O Lord without thy grace is he any thing ah no he is nothing of himselfe n 17 Therefore let thy mercy o shine about me and doe not think on my transgressions 18 Therefore my ioy O God is in thee and with thankfullnesse must I praise the grace of thy Love 19 For thou comfortest the low p minded and those which be forsaken thon blotest out their sinnes and takest q away the evil heart of their misdeedes 20 When thou O Lord givest the blessing then is thy consolation present and then with a joyous song of praise is thy holy name praised 21 But in case thou dost hide thy selfe then is the sinne active and when thou doest rise up to punish O Lord who can then r stand before thee 22 Is not a man like unto s the blossome of the field which thy heat causeth to wither and like unto t dust and ashes which the wind doth ●catter here and there 23 Therefore have thou mercy on me O my God and Father and let thy good spirit support me u otherwayes I shall vanish into nothing CHAP. VII Psalme II. 1 O Lord let thine a anger be turned about and punish me not continually in thy displeasure b 2 O Lord c punish me not according to my sinnes but chastise me unto amendment and d teach me also thy Lawes and hide not thy mercy from me 3 Reject me not O Lord nor wholly e forsake me but bring to my knowledge my transgressions 4 And chastise me even so O my God with a f fatherly correction so shall I turne unto thee 5 But if thou totally rejectest me to whom g shall I then goe O God and King of all righteousness for thou alone art my h comfort 6 For vain is the comfort of i ma● and all the Treasures of the world are O God no joy to me 7 The sinne is an abhomination unto me the worlds joy with the pleasures thereof are all dead unto me 8 If thou Lord k hidest the lovely being of thy countenance from me O Lord what is then my life 9 Therefore O God remember not l alwayes my sins but guide my m feet in the way of life 10 Then shall I praise thy mercy O Lord among the n living and spread thy praise among the upright 11 For I acknowledge my o transgressions and my sinnes are a p heavy burthen unto me 12 O how q heavily was I wearied in the wayes of my errors what cumbersome wayes did I go through 13 Now sinne with its death hath r throughly pierced me the Devil with his bands ruled over me and Hell with its power hath shut me into the stocks to devoure me 14 But thou O Lord that canst deliver from death deliver s me from all mine enemies 15 Helpe me out of my misery and forsake me not in my sorrow CHAP. VIII Psalme III. 1 O Lord Almighty God art thou not he that a killest and makest alive againe 2 Art thou not a God who condemnest and b bringest into hell and from thence bringect again and savest 3 How Long O Lord shall I go on into perdition how long yet shall sinne raigne over me 4 How long shall the c bonds of death hold bound How long shall the power of the Devil and of Hell captive me 5 If thou deliver me O Lord● then am I freed but if thou forsakest me then am I desolate and must remain comfortless eternally 6 Therefore O Lord be thou my aid and from the bottomless d mercy of thy love succour me and according to the multiplicity of thy grace blot out mine iniquity 7 For I am filled up with sins and lie in the deep under them and feel no power of comming out e by my self 8 Seeing I am impotent therefore have my enemies bound me and brought guiltiness upon me to condemn me 9 And those which were sometimes my f friends now set their mouthes horribly against me and make a terrible face at me and shew all their hatred towards me 10 I lookt every where up and down for a faithful g friend but there is not one of all my friends as a faithful friend adhered to me but they have all made up themselves in enmity against me and whetted their h teeth at me and sharpned their swords to destroy me 11 O God seeing thou punishest mee now and art against me therefore are all become enemies to me that are round about me and all fall on me there stayeth not one with me to my defence 12 But they all cry i there hee lieth there he lieth he is faln and shall never rise again 13 O Lord reward them according as they have k deserved recompence to me let thy fierce
the envious heart of the Letter-learned who h betrayed and killed Christ and his Witnesses 6 These wicked Generations of the said wicked Fathers have not rested to i accomplish the most horrid wickedness of their Fathers but with their envious hearts have they with great diligence endevoured to resist the godly Testimonies of God and his commiserating mercy together with the love of the holy Spirit of Jesus Christ and Gods elect Servant with all false testimonies lyes and reproach So that they are most fearfully faln against Gods commiserating grace which he on the earth to the commiseration of all men through his elect Minister H. N. hath testified and published and gainst the Love of the holy Spirit of Jesus Christ into all blasphemie of God and into contempt of his Truth 7 These said false hearts likewise with the children of the Devil or the false Christians of the Devils School have also with all manner of wickedness defamed H. N. who yet was no mans enemy nor contemned any man in particular for his religion but heartily wished to all Religion urgers that they might have the true light of life in the Lanthorn of their Service hath loved all people to the godliness in Jesus Christ and behaved himself courteously to all men in all upright conversation have also secretly exclaimed against him to the Magistrate when hee was not there present for a Seducer and Malefaor when he was not heard or not at all speaking with him although he yet walked openly very falsly accused him and have also contrived a matter or charge very cunningly with all subtilty against Law and all Christian Ordinances to the end that H. N. through their accusation and clamour might by the Magistrate be prosecuted or rooted out And thereunto t●● Magistrate condescended CHAP. XXVII 1 BUt at the same time in the nine and fiftieth year of the age of H. N. in the time of Maximillian the first being made Roman Emperour by vertue or power of the Electoral Princes of the Roman Empire and the German Nation then sought the Magistrate where H. N. dwelled in the East through the false relations of the enemies of H. N. and through the false slanders which they had spoken against him among the people to lye in wait for H. N. for to lay him fast in Prison And so with the consent of the same aforesaid Magistrate was H. N. in the same Land where he dwelled very vehemently persecuted And many ambushes were laid for him for to bring him into prison But the Lord smote them all with a great blindness who were his enemies and persecuted him insomuch that they could by no means apprehend H. N. 2 Now when the Officers of the said Magistrate had used all their diligence to bring H. N into their hands then the Lord manifested his mercy and assistance to him carried him by the hand of his b Angels openly before the eyes of his persecutors away from that land without hurt And no man knew him or could finde out which way he travelled 3 Now when H. N. for the upright a righteousness of God and the Godliness of Jesus Christ and because that he attested and published the same under the obedience of the Love was thus through persecution driven away through the hand of the Lord he travelled away before the eyes of his persecutors notwithstanding they writ very earnestly after him to several places and his enemies made very diligent search after him to find him out nevertheless he kept on in his journey in the way of Patience towards another land which the Lord shewed him and wherein it should be more quiet and peaceable for him to inhabit 4 He was sometime also in his journey through his persecutors and through all false aspersions and undecent contumelies which were cast after him much perplexed and bnrthened and that for the most part because those which were Letter-learned and did seem to be so wise And to whom he had shewed all love and friendship were yet so ignorant blind and misunderstanding that they envied him and unadvisedly resisted the d Truth of God and shamefully despised the fulfilling of the godliness in Jesus Christ and undecently reproched the e holy Spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ and also persecuted him with wicked hearts of f lying slanderous lips whom they had most cause to love for as much as hee shewed all love and all ministrations to the Godliness in full explanation to them 5 And so in his travelling and sadness H. N. took unto him to read the Psalms of David especially that Psalm which the holy Prophet David the anointed of the Lord had formerly spoken when g Saul after the good Spirit of the Lord was departed and was much disquieted with an evil spirit from the Lord persecuted him and sought to take away his life and when he was betrayed by h Doeg the Edomire and first he made his preface to the Lord and said 6 O Lord God heavenly Father how perverse and wicked of heart have the i wise of the World alwayes been who do not fear thee O God with an humble heart nor walk uprightly before thee 7 And how imbittered k and hardned of heart and how bloud-thirsty in their spirits and minds have alwayes been the Letter-learned and also the urgers of ceremonial Services who have not O God believed thee in the Word of thy holy Prophets nor been obedient thereunto And also all those who forsake the Doctrine of thy dear Son Jesus Christ and l his humility and meekness and have not learned the upright righteousness to the cleansing of their hearts but framed and chose to themselves out of the letter counterfeit ceremonial services and invented holinesses and have neither known nor received m the holy anointing of thy holy Spirit of the Love of Jesus Christ 8 For like as Saul n with his evil and restless spirit envyed and persecuted thine anointed David who walked uprightly and without deceit before thee and like as the false hearts of the Letter-learned have despised belyed reproached and with falshood defamed and persecuted as evil doers and seducers thy o holy Prophets and thy p deare sonne thine anointed Jesus and his q witnesses and had an intention to root them out Even so O God this wicked Generation of the same wicked seed and nature of the aforesaid false-hearts have persecuted reproached and belyed me H. N. thy chosen servant because O God I love all people to the Godlinesse in Jesus Christ And attest and set forth before them thy commiserating Grace and Love and the upright righteousnesse r and holinesse of thy beloved Sonne Jesus Christ out of thy holy and gracious Word and Spirit of Love and call and invite them all thereunto And they have resisted and s reproached also thy holy Spirit whom thou now in these last times hast sent to declare
gracious Word in its doctrine and obediently enter into its requiring and they shall all through the good exercising in my * Ordinances be nourished up unto my upright righteousness and unto my Love and be brought in unto the peace of my Christ 17 And like as I have in former times through my servant Moses r upon the Mount Horeb given to my people good Ordinances and * Exercises which extend and bring in to my Christ and to his belief of the salvation from their sins so will I now at the last time through thee H. N. from the moūt s Sion give to the welaffected ones to my righteousnes good Ordinances and godly Exercises which * extend bring into me to my Love upright righteousness to the peace of my Christ to the renewing of their lives minds and into this my kingdom of Heaven unto the inheriting of all these my spiritual and heavenly treasures and my upright lovely being in the same kingdom and everlasting life as also that I may raign now at this last time everlastingly with my people in the righteousness t over the whole World unto all unity and peace on earth and to a blessing of all the Generations of the earth according to my promises 4 Seeing then I now declare on earth though my Love and through the service and the good exercise thereof the upright righteousness of my Lawes the true faith of my Christ and the upright being of my holy Spirit Therefore it is my will and command that all people on earth shall obey the requiring of my Love and her services likewise the good Ordinances and Exercises thereof and live therein 15 For all those who live and walk obediently in the service and ordinance of my Love the same are truly the right Disciples u of my gracious word and service of Love also my first-born in my Covenant or Testament of the holy Fathers 16 For thus in their obedience the doctrines and services of the Priestly Office of my Love shall be unto them a foregoing testament which bringeth them to my new y true Testament that is to the new life of the mind of God which is full of Love and full of all spiritual heavenly riches ☜ and all they who are led therein shall be to me my second born in the new Covenant of the holy Spirit of my Love in the heavenly being as I have in former times in the accomplishing of my fore-going Testaments and Priestly Offices brought to my people the same new Covenant to the end that all now in this last or newest day z be restored or established under the obedience of my Love which I from the beginning of the World have spoken wrought and required and my word work and will continueth on the earth unchangeably for ever and ever a even as it is in the Heaven and also that for ever and ever through the Ministers and Priests of my Famlly of Love The Disciples of my gracious Word with the Testimonies of my holy Spirit of Love may be b preserved and susteined to the Godly life c taught to the kingdome of Heavens and brought up to Elders in all Godly wisdom and holy understanding 17 And therefore will I here through thee H. N. set * up my most holy Priestly Office of Love will also declare the same over the World through its Ministery under the obedience of my Love to an everlasting d Priestly Office of the holy Spirit of my Christ for renewing of life in my love in them all through my love to them who are implanted into my Christ with his e like death and burial or are fal● asleep in him 18 In the same Priestly Office will I also under the obedience of my Love be merciful to all penitent sinners also to those who submit themselves to the Family of my Love That they may all now rejoyce themselves in this day of my divine glory appear with my Christ in Glory and shew forth my praise and wonderful great works 19 Furthermore I will declare and make known unto thee and to all them who * humble themselves under my Love and Priestly Office that the same Priestly Office of my Love which I will here presently set up with thee is the eternal fast-standing Kingly Priesthood f of my holy Spirit and the everlasting peaceable g kingdom of my Christ which shall never be destroyed or moved neither shall it fall to any other but shall of it self and by it self remain in my truth everlastinly 20 Whoever resisteth the same Priesthood of my holy Spirit of Love in his office and requiring the same if he do not repent shall procure the judgement of h the curse the eternal i separation from the beholding of my face But my Grace and mercy k shall be alwayes and for ever upon all men who through the same Priestood and its office under the obedience of my Love turn themselves to me and repent them of their sins 21 Again the Word of the Lord came to H. N. and to us the Elders and said Seeing I my self with all that which concerneth my * Godhead and the judgament of my Righteousness have fully united with thee H. N. and with the Elders Thereshall ye also and all they who are born of you and your doctrine shall judg uprightly out of my righteous judgment according to the Truth 22 And all what ye out of the same my judgment curse separate and condemne l shall be accursed separated and into the Hell condemned And all what ye bless or give a benediction unto shall be also blessed in the Heavens 23 Therefore all whatever shall continue in your doctrine shall be m one heart and mind with you in my Godhead but what separateth it self from you and your doctrine shall likewise be separated from me and my Grace find no way to the eternal life but shall die in hisn sin and also be estranged from me everlastingly 24 But all those who through you and your doctrine and turned to me and also are o taught to the kingdom of my heavenly being shall inherit the spiritual and heavenly riches of my kingdom and p thereunto the eternal life 25 At the same time when we thus heard the Word of the Lord and had well understood all his sayings and were assembled with Christ our Saviour to the Majesty of God and were entered into his Glory and also in the presence of the Lord beheld and and inherited the peace q beauties and riches of God all our hearts were fully delighted and made glad And so with joyful hearts we lauded praised the most High in his holy Land of the Living and the four Seraphins gave r all Honour Laud and Praise unto him who liveth therein from Everlasting unto Everlasting 26 After this our Thanksgiving and
the inheritance of the Lord Let us accuse Him x that is his body and bloud or his Fellowship of Love with all manner of malignity or unjust actions and let us charge him with most wicked things let us destroy or kill him with the most shamefullest sufferings or let him be delivered up to the Iudge to his * slaughter or destruction So remain y we in the Inheritance in the estimation among men that we are pure upright and have right in our cause or demands against him his Communialty of Love 44 Thus we observed in the union with the Body and bloud of Jesus Christ that the wicked hardened hearts against us the Body bloud of Jesus Christ likewise the apostates from the obedience of the Truth did all their endeavour or diligence to have the estimation amongst z men as if they against that Body and bloud of Jesus Christ and against us were * upright and did well therein although they earnestly endevoured wholy to dishonour Jesus Christ and us and to make us detestable before men and likewise that precious pure bloud of Jesus Christ that was to the forgiveness of sinnes d shead for many wherewith we with our bloud are become one bloud to defame as impure before all men so that the same is * despised for unclean among many And as unclean might be poured forth and trampled upon 45 Now when we thus observed the rising up of the wicked and all Hypocrites and enemies of the Godly Life against the Body and bloud of Jesus Christ And beheld that the Body bloud of Jesus Christ wherewith we were become one body and bloud was suffering all that with lowly and meek hearts without resisting so we saw and observed that the same Body and bloud of Jesus Christ in all his suffering and reproach opened a not his mouth even as a Lambe that is led to the slaughter-house and as a sheep that is dumbe before his shearer Where through we also in all our sufferings wherewith we were one Body and bloud with him were wholy moved with his sufferings So that we also in our whole Body and bloud obteined an inclination to suffer with them we found our selves wholy prepared rather to suffer to die with him forasmuch as we knew him righteous then to live in sin with the falshood of the false hearts with the sin of sinners and enemies of the Godly life 46 And thus travelling forth in this-Good-willingness with Jesus Christ b we came on the seventh sixth day to the * accomplishing of the sufferings of Jesus Christ wherein we observed the whole summe of the finishing and fulfilling or satisfaction of Jesus Christ and his Believers unto the true Godliness 47 For in this fulfilling or or accomplishing we perceived in the understanding That all men who will live and reign with the Lord Jesus Christ in his Glory must also c suffer with Christ and then likewise with Christ enter into the Glory of Christ and inherit the same 48 Furthermore wee observed also in this accomplishment to what end this Gospel of the Kingdom is d published in all the World and from thence cometh the accomplishment and fulfilling of e all that is written of Christ and the salvation of man 49 There was also in the same * accomplishment fully revealed and in clearness made manifest * unto us The whole Scripture which testifieth of Christ and of his Sufferings or Passeover and of the upright righteousness of men in Jesus Christ And f how that Christ like as we have heard and seen of him in his sufferings and passed through with him must suffer all these things and so to enter into his Glory and thus g go before all sinful men in to the entrance of the eternal life and the Kingdom of Heavens that they also should follow after him therein and inherit with him the eternal life 50 For Christ h must thus * suffer and accomplish his love to us and so go before us as an * Innocent and that he also by his guiltless sufferings should be an example or patern to all sinful men and thereby to shew unto them that they by reason of their sins are debtors to the same sufferings and as debtors to i follow him therein and to draw unto him all men who are loaden with sins and also to acquit them though his Body and bloud and through his like sufferings from their sins to deliver k them from the bonds of death and to save them and restore or bring them again with him in all upright righteousness and holiness to their God his heavenly Father and to his glory in the kingdom of God and in the everlasting life 51 And that wee might uprightly endeavour us to this aforesaid accomplishment with the Lord Jesus Christ and the * humanity and rightly enter into and inherit the same with the Lord Jesus Christ according to the truth of Jesus Christ and according to the requiring of the obedience of his belief So gave wee up our selves there on the same seventh sixth day of our travelling into a good * custody with the Body and bloud of Jesus Christ which standeth upon the Mount Nebo l on the uppermost height top or firmness from whence we obtein'd the sight of the holy inheritance of God of his living ones 52 And on the same Mount * Nebo there was revealed and made known unto us also m the secret place where the Prophet Jeremian had hid the true Tabernacle and Ark and the true Altar of the Offerings of Incense And the time also was come or accomplished in which the Lord should be merciful unto his people and bring them to his rest 53 And the same good * watchfunless to which we betook our selves on the Mount Nebo was the true n implanting with Christ in his like death and the right implanting with Christ in his like burial 54 Of this implanting with Christ in his like death and of the implanting with Christ in his like burial wee were very firmly embraced 55 At the same instant in the embracing of the implanting with Christ in his like death and burial we offered to the God of Heaven on his Altar of Incense in the Holy of the true Tabernacle our free willing Offering in the Offering * of the High Priest Jesus Christ And o the Offering of the High Priest Jesus Christ kindled or fired our Offering And thus our Offering was a hollowed burnt Offering before the Lord And the Lord Jesus Christ made this our Offering through his Offering acceptable before God his Father and the holy of his Tabernacle was full of sweet perfumes and the p veile opened asunder and the most holiest in his pure and perfect beauty was revealed and Christ also according to
the Spirit as High Priest in the same most holy as a minister of the spiritual and heavenly Goods 56 Thus had the Lord our heavenly Father through the Offering of our High Priest Jesus Christ to the accomplishing of the dayly God-service in the holy of the true Tabernacle a great delight in the accomplishing of our Offering and God-service in the holy of the true Tabernacle of Jesus Christ under the obedience of the Beliefe 57 Which freedom to the entrance into the said holy for to perform to the living God of heaven such acceptable Offering and pleasing Service of God we have obtained and purchased through the bloud of Jesus Christ Yea verily to the accomplishing of the same hath Jesus Christ prepared for us the entrance into the Holy by a new and living way the q veil that is through his flesh 58 And thus when we had finished or fulfilled our Offering and God-service under the obedience of the Belief in the offering and God-service of our Lord r Jesus Christ wee rested us with Christ in his like death and burial on the nine and fortieth day of our journey 59 And thus on the nine and fortieth day resting us in our Lord Jesus Christ from our work and labour we have perfected or * fulfilled our journey and our offering and God-service with Jesus Christ in the holy under the obedience of the Belief And thus through Christ according to the Spirit wee have gotten and obteined the ministration of the spiritual and heavenly Goods and the everlasting life CHAP. XXXII 1 BUt on the fiftieth day of our journey on the fifteenth day of the first moneth on the day of Phase or Pasche came into us a still soft silent voice wind or Spirit And we were enlightned in Christ with the a clearness or brightness of Christ And thus in our illuminating * on the same fiftieth day there appeared to us in a cloud the living God-head of our Lord Jesus Christ and became altogether of one being with us and gathered us to the Mercy-Seat of his divine Majesty and also to the holy Mount Sion b where the Law or Ordinance of the Lord is promised to go forth at the last time And to the true Jerusalem where the Word of the Lord at the last time is likewise promised to go forth 2 And the Lord gave his mighty great sound out of Sion and caused his voice to be heard out of Jerusalem And so c flowed the Law or Ordinance of the Lord out of Sion And his Word forth of Jerusalem And the Scripture of the Godly Testimonies were accomplished in us and with us in Jesus Christ And the former kingdom full of all pure beauty and heavenly riches and full of all vertues a●d upright righteousness which God from the beginning d hath prepared for the man was shewed unto us in his perfect adorning and we were inherited therein eternally and it was all e restored again to us in us and with us what God had spoken wrought and appointed and promised through the mouthes of his holy Prophets from the beginning of the World 3 And that same is the new day and the manifestation of the kingdom of Heavens and his righteousness wherein all Believers of Jesus Christ who follow after Jesus Christ f to the second birth do inherit And the same new day with the fulnesse of his beauties riches and vertues is the day of which the Kingly Prophet David hath of old Evangelized like as there standeth written this is the g day the Lord hath made let us rejoyce and be glad therein 4 And thus in these wonderfull works of God the word of the Lord came to H N and said This holy Land which thou here at this present beholdest and wherein thou art now everlastingly inherited is the holy inheritance of my living-ones h and is my rest and the holy place of my dwelling it is also the true Rest which I have promised my people Israel and all the holy-ones of my Christ and have given it for an eternall inheritance 5 It is my true Building i that I my selfe have prepared for all those who love mee and whereinto I gather all my Lovers to mee and to my people and it is my holy and godly understanding wherein I live eternally and in which I illuminate and endue all the Believers of my Christ in their second birth with such an abounding godly understanding That they far excel all humane and Letter-learned knowledges and in the life of my godly clearness far surmount the same 6 It is my durable kingdom k wherein I will for ever plant and firmly settle all mine Elect to an eternal rest and perfectly joy now in the last times 7 And I have from everlasting ordained them thereunto to manifest therein for ever and ever my heavenly wonders and also to declare the same from thence upon the earth for a witness That I the Lord who am an eternal and living God live from everlasting to everlasting l And that I now at the last time m bring upon the earth the judgment and the righteousness and the Majesty of my divine Glory 8 Therefore shalt thou H. N together with the four and twenty Elders and the four Seraphims dwell with me and all my holy ones in this my holy place eternally 9 And the declaration of my upright Godliness which thou here hast received from my n uncovered face shalt thou also make known upon the earth And with the testimonies of my righteousness and with the publication of the joyful message of my Kingdome enlighten the whole World and so declare that now my true kingdom of heavens with the fulness of it's pure beauty and heavenly riches is appeared manifested and comne upon the earth according to the promises to the salvation and blessing of all men who with their whole hearts seek the same and the righteousness thereof 10 I also will yet shew unto thee in this holy place of my living-ones more of my heavenly workings and give thee also to understand many mysteries which hitherto hath not bin known to the o world Also what my last Will or Testament is of the ministration of my most holy Priestly Office under the obedience of my Love 11 For from hence-forth in this day will I look upon the estranging of men from my Truth with the eyes of compassion to give unto them out of my Priestly Office of Love p the true repentance for their sins and shew forth the true entrance of the Goodlife 12 And because that all men in their estranging or before they out of the doctrine of my grarlous word and out of the holy Spirit of my love are renewed or born again beare q a veile or covering before their hearts betwixt them and my face so will I also now in this last time be gracious unto all those who believe my