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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10770 An exposicion in Englishe vpon the Epistle of .S. Paule, to the Colossians wherin the letter is purely declared, with many good exhortations to flee vice, and to take vertue, as shall appere clerely to the faithfull reader throughout all this epistle: written by Lancelot Ridley of Cantorbury. Anno salutis humanæ M.D.XLVIII.; Exposicion in Englishe upon the Epistle of. S. Paule to the Colossians. Ridley, Lancelot, d. 1576. 1548 (1548) STC 21039; ESTC S104540 65,741 282

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some will aske a question whether we should do good deedes for hope of eternall life or no To this question maie be made answer thus that we must do good workes appoynted vs of GOD to do principally for God and for his loue because we are his creatures made to do good woorkes and to walke in them lookyng for that rewarde that he hath bothe frely promised will frely geue accordyng to his promise to all thē that with a sure faith and constaunt hope do perseuer and continue in the wayes of the Lorde kepyng his commaundementes Secondely for the rewardes sake promsed vs of God we must do good workes so that in all oure workes we muste moste chiefly and aboue all thynges looke to the will pleasure loue and glory of GOD. Thirdely to our profite glorie or life to come wee muste so in all our workes loke for the glory of God that skarce once wee should remembre oure profit or glory to come for if we seke more our awne profite and glory then the glory of God we bee but mercemarii hirelynges vnworthy that glory immortall life in the worlde to come with Christ whiche glory cānot bee bought by woorkes of vs but we muste come to it onely of the free gifte of God and of his mercie and grace Roma vi Of the whiche before you harde by the true word of the Gospel whiche is come to you as to all the worlde and as it fructifieth throughout the whole worlde so it doeth emonges you since that daie you heard and haue knowen the grace of God by the truthe And as you haue learned of Epaphras our welbeloued seruaunt whiche is for you a faithfull minister of Christ which shewed to vs youre loue in the spirite The Apostle shewed before their mercifulnes to the poore sainctes and faithfull in Christ for hope of reward layed vp for them in heauen now he sheweth how thei gotte that hope that it was by the true preachyng of the Gospell whiche Epaphras preached vnto thē Learne here how hope of heauenly rewarde and life commeth that it commeth by preachyng of the Gospell of Christe whiche is called here the true woorde of the Gospell and the truthe it self If hope of heauenly rewarde commeth by the preaching of the Gospell as it dooeth in deede then what hope of heauenly rewarde can thei haue where as the word of the Gospel is not peached or what hope of heauenly life haue thei that will not here the worde of God preached That contempneth and despiseth it and estemeth it no better then a foolishe tale of Robyn Hoode Guye of Warwicke or Beuis of Hampton surely no hope at al. Learne here also how necessary a thyng for our saluaciō is the preachig of Gods worde that without it seldom be geuen faithe hope or charitie For faithe commeth by hearyng hearyng by the word of God Roma x. And hope commeth by the true woorde of the Gospell as here is shewed and Charitie spryngeth out of true faithe and sure hope The Apostle garnisheth the Gospell with his due laude and cōmendacion callyng it the true woorde that deceiueth no man the truthe it self that none should doubt of it but that euery man that loueth the truth should be glad to here the Gospell preached or taught because it is the truth and putteth away all falsed lies errors and heresies 2 And as it fructifieth throughout the whole worlde so it doeth emōges you He saith the Gospell to fructyfye and encrease throughout all the whole world as emōges thē that thei should more reioyse and be glad as all good menne reioyseth when the Gospell gooeth forwardes and fructifieth and euill men be sory that the Gospell is purely and sincerely preached receiued and beleued but thei geue thankes to God for it Here we learne to be our office to bee glad to here the Gospell of God to bee preached sincerely and to geue God thankes for it 3 Sence that daie you harde and haue knowen the grace of God by the truthe He sheweth how long the Gospell hath fructefied emōges them euen sence that daie thei heard the grace of God and knewe it by the true preachyng of the Gospell And here we maie lerne diuerse good lessons First that faithe is sure and firme that commeth by the worde of truthe Secondly that the sincere preachyng of the gospell not to bee vain or frustrate although it is not knowen how it dooth fructifie and in whō at the first to hym that preacheth yet it goeth not away in vain as the Prophet Esaie saieth Thirdely the benefites or the grace of God bee knowen by the pure preachyng of the Gospell of truth and not of mē or of a multitude of men that call theimselfes the church when it maie be doubted of whether thei bee any membre of the churche or no seyng their workes be so contrary to Christes true Churche Fourthely learne that the grace of GOD and his benefites is surely knowen by the truth of gods word And here it semeth that saincte Paule would haue vs to learne and know Christ and the grace of God by no other thyng but by the truth and to iudge euery thyng by the truthe of Goddes holy worde for the holy ghost is the moste surest declarer of hymself Learne also that Christ and the grace of GOD and Gods benefites is there vnknowen where as the woorde of God is not preached and how can God be loued feared or dread where as he is not knowen Or howe can there be any health or eternall saluacion where as is no loue feare ne dread of God And if it bee life eternall as it is in deede witnes sainct Ihon. xvii to knowe GOD the father and his sonne Iesus Christe then it muste nedes followe that it is death not to knowe God the father and his sonne Iesus Christ and Gods benefites to vs for Christes sake these benefites be vnknowen where as the worde of God is not taught therfore se how necessarie it is for oure saluaciō to haue the worde of God plenteously preached and truly taught that God might be knowē loued feared and dread and his wil and pleasure fulfilled of al men Finally learne here how farr be thei from health life and saluacion that will not here the worde of God but contempneth to here it ye dispiseth it and the true preachers of it slaunders backebites persecutes and as muche as in them lieth goeth aboute to let hinder and vtterly to stoppe and quenche the word of God and to bryng to deathe the faithfull ministers of Gods holy worde the necessarie foode of our soule and yet of the ignoraunt it is thought poyson and death of the soule God turne the hartes of suche and make theim his seruauntes 4 And as you haue learned of Epaphras our welbeloued seruaunt whiche is for you a faithful seruaunt of Christ Now he sheweth who it was that firste preached the gospel to these Colossians not Paule hymself but
not in merites of sainctes departed not in masses of Scala caeli but in Christ alone our sauior 3 That wee should make euery manne perfite in Christe Iesu Loke to what ende sainct Paules doctrine doth extende that it was to make euery manne as muche as in hym lied perfite in Christe Iesu that thei should lacke nothyng that perteined to eternall life and felicitie that thyng to be doen by the woorde of GOD that he preached and taughte This place maketh against all them that would kepe men still in their infirmitie and weakenes and would haue thē alwaies weakelynges and not perfite men ye not to increase to perfite men but to bee children waueryng with euery blaste of doctryne nowe ready to receiue this doctryne now that and not able to iudge themselfes in manifest truthes cōtrary to the doctryne of saincte Ihon biddyng vs to proue the spirites whether thei be of God or no 4 For the whiche I labor with al might The Apostle labored with all his power and diligēce to bryng al men to perfeccion in Christ to a full perfite knowlege of Christe and of his benefites that al men should knowe perfitely their health life saluacion to come to theim onely by Christ and that there was no health without Christ And this he did by the mightie power of God workyng in hym or by the ministracion of that woorkyng Godly woorde whiche he preached for God by his worde purely and sincerely preached doth worke therefore it is called a liuely woorde for it geueth life And here wee maie learne that the doctryne of saincte Paule and of other that wrote the holy scriptures not to bee of man although thei that wrote or preached them wer men but of God and of his holy spirite by whose inspiracion thei wrote as Peter saieth ii Peter .i. Learne to attribute to God all thynges that be dooen well of vs and not to our selfes as Paule did here to God workyng in hym and by hym ¶ The .ii. Chapiter FOR I woulde you knew what care I had for you and for thē that are of Laodice and as many as hath not sen my persone in the fleshe that their hartes mighte take cōfort seyng thei be ioyned in charitie in al riches of certain perswasion of vnderstanding in to the knowlege of the misterie of God and the father and of Christe in whō are hid all the treasures of the wisedō and knowlege of God The Apostle here getteth the fauor of these Colossians and of the Laodicenses shewyng his hartes desire was to confort the hartes of them that had not sene hym corporally by the spirite of God and that thei should agre and cleaue together as mēbres in the body surely by a true faith knowyng that all treasures of wisedom and knowlege of God are laied vp in Christe whom if thei should haue thei should lacke nothyng whō if thei lacked thei should haue nothyng whatsoeuer they had wythout Christ This place teacheth one of vs to be carefull for another that we might haue cōforte by the holy ghost and by Gods worde as Paule was for these Colossians and Laodicenses and it reproueth all theim that care not for other whether thei flete or sinke whether thei haue knowlege of Gods worde or no whether thei bee saued or dampned Ye this place reproueth al them that bee haters of Gods worde that care not for it but contēpne and despise it that bee contencious and vncharitable caryng not what chaūce to other so thei be well theimselfes liue in welth and pleasure Learne it is the office of a true pastor to edifie not to destroye to feede not to bryng to deathe to conforte mennes hartes in Christe not to discomfort and discorage theim from Christe or from his holy worde and Gospell 2 When thei shal bee ioyned in Charitie In these woordes is shewed how their hartes shal be cōforted that is when thei shall be compacted and knit together so in charitie that one of theim cannot bee seperated from another that thei be as sure one coupled to another as membres in the body bee ioyned together that thei all thynke and saie one thyng and that also when thei bee ioyned together with a true faithe whiche he calleth here riches of the sure perswasion in the knowlege of the misterye of GOD. And here me thynketh saincte Paule declareth what faithe is that it is riches of sure perswasiō in knowlege of Goddes woorde and that knowlege to bee so sure that it cannot bee false or brought in doubte for faith knoweth the truth of goddes woorde and promises to the whiche it staieth surely and will not be moued from it And here he sheweth that those men that bee doubtfull in their doctryne inconstaunt or waueryng haue not faythe For true faythe commeth of sure knowlege of Gods worde and hath annexed to hym hope and charitie and obedience to do Gods cōmaundementes al respectes of worldly riches fauor or pleasure well or wo set a parte example in Abrahā Isaac Iacob and other holy fathers 3 In Christ bee all treasures of wisedome and knowlege laied vp in score As he would say he that hath Christ he hath al thynges necessary for his saluacion as all wisedome knowlege vertue holines health and life he wanteth nothyng he hath a well of all goodnes euer spryngyng and flowyng ouer he hath treasures that cānot be spent or wasted Here the Apostle reproueth arrogant men and proude Philosophiers that thynketh humain learnyng and knowlege of mannes learnyng to bee preferred aboue the learnyng of Christe Ye here he checketh all theim that bee more studious of humain sciences then thei bee of Gods holy diuinitie Ye all thei be reproued that will spend dayes nightes yeres in the studie of humain Philosophie and will not geue more studie to the knowlege of Gods holy worde by the whiche Christe is gotten by faithe and keped by faithe and he that hath Christ hath all thinges he that lacketh Christ hath nothyng haue he neuer so muche humaine learnyng Philosophie or Poetrie as Tully and Demostenes was found in th ende as thei had had no learnyng because thei lacked Christ and Godly doctryne for al learnyng muste geue place to Christes doctryne as moste chief far excellyng all other learnynges This I saie that none should deceiue you with entisyng woordes although I am absent frō you in the flesh yet in the spirit I am present with you ioyyng seyng your ordre and stedfastnes of your faithe in Christe Now he sheweth for what end he said all treasures of wisedom and knowlege of God to be hid in Christe that it was that thei should not suffre theimselfes to be deceiued by no intisyng wordes of Rethorique or of mannes lernyng or by no other doctrine had it neuer so greate pretense of holines or apparaunce of wisedome and by it to be brought to the degrees of humain Philosophy from the pure clere spring and