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A08447 Certaine godly and very profitable sermons of faith, hope and charitie. First set foorth by Master Barnardine Occhine, of Siena in Italy, and now lately collected, and translated out of the Italian tongue, into the English by William Phiston of London student. Published for the profit of such as desire to vnderstand the truth of the gospell. Ochino, Bernardino, 1487-1564.; Phiston, William. 1580 (1580) STC 18769; ESTC S103131 141,223 250

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himselfe but that he is thy God Whiche will cause that with the spirite thou shalt at all times féele him and that he doth thee so great a goodnesse with his continuall benefites as cannot be done but of God whereof it groweth that thou trust in him loue him and giue him thanks committest thy selfe to his gouernement and order al thy life to his honour and glorie as of him thou feelest al the good things thou hast to come so to him alone thou dost render all thankes thou accountest him to be the first beginning and the last end and therefore to be God Thou must also liuely beléeue not onely that he is the father of Christ and of the elect whiche thorough Iesus Christ are adopted for to be the sonnes of God but that he is thy father Ephes 1 Rom. 8 Gal. 4. and that thou art one of the elect and sonnes of God and an heire a brother of Christ and coheire with him Thou must féele with the spirit that God is thy best father and that as a most déere father he loueth thee most perfectly and hath a great care of thée Consider now a little howe much thou louest him with what safety thou goest vnto him for fauour with Hope to obtaine it and with how great quietnesse peace and reast of minde soule and conscience thou liuest vnder his protection if with a liuely Faith thou beléeue that in truth he is thy father and that all the creatures together that be cannot pluck of one haire from thy head without his will It is necessary also to beléeue that he is almightie so that not onely the world dependeth vpon him but that he hath all creatures in his power and can dispose of them according to his pleasure that he can bring the worlde to nothing and prolong it into euerlasting if he will neither is there any that can withstand his will we must also beléeue that this omnipotencie of God is not idle but that he vseth it and that euery day so that it neuer sléepeth but alwayes worketh as Christ saide Ioan. ● We must beléeue that it is euer watching strong and laborious It worketh in al creatures and without it nothing is done And further it is néedefull that liuely and with thy spirite thou beléeue that this almightines belongeth to thée and that thou féelest that God doth vse the same euery day with thee in giuing thée all the good thinges that thou hast Wherefore they be greatly deceyued which doe not acknowledge al to be of God but to come by chaunce Fortune Nature of the Heauens of Men Angels or Diuels Moreouer we ought to beléeue that he is the creatour of heauen and of earth that is of all creatures both celestiall and terrestriall those that he hath created them hée preserueth gouerneth ordereth and guydeth to the end and all with his high and infinite wisedome It is not sufficient that of necessitie thou liuely beléeuest how that God not onely hath giuen thée thy being and so to all other creatures but that he preserueth guydeth gouerneth and ordereth all to thy benefite with great wisedome Thou must also liuely beléeue not onely that GOD is God in himselfe and therefore most perfect but that he is thy God and such a father that he will doe to thée all good thinges which be possible and conuenient to bée done Mat. 1. that he is thy best father bicause he is omnipotent and that he knoweth how bicause he is infinitely wise as we see in his creation and gouernaunce of the world Thou must also beléeue in Iesus Iesus is the proper name of Christ Rom. 14 giuen vnto him thorough the will of God by the Angel and doth signifie a Sauiour Therfore thou shalt then beléeue truely in Iesus when with thy spirite thou shalt féele that he hath saued thée 1. Tim. 2 Heb. 9. It is also necessary not onely to beléeue in Iesus but in Iesus Christ Christ is to say annoynted And for because in olde time they annoynted high Priestes Kinges and Prophets therefore Christ being sent into the world from the father to do the office of a high Prophet Priest and King hath also béene ordayned and annoynted with a spirituall vnction filling a tunne full of his gyftes and graces for as much as he was the chiefest Prophete Priest and King and hath done the office of euery of them moste perfectlye there-fore hée is called Christ We must then beléeue in Christ Heb. 9. that is in Iesus Christ that he is the high Priest vndefyled and holye and that he hath done the office of the chiefe and most perfect Priest Moreouer that as an onely mediatour betwixt God and vs hath offered vp himselfe vppon the crosse to the father for the elect 1. Tim. 2. Heb. 9. and that he is accepted of GOD for such a diuine sacrifice that he pacifyeth his anger and reconcyleth him vnto them That he standeth also for their sakes before the father and hauing compassion prayeth for them and obtaineth them all grace and fauour Hier. 47 Rom. 8. Ioan. 11. and that he offereth them vnto GOD vnspotted and holy by being washed with his pretious bloude and that he enrycheth thée with his giftes and graces Thou must also beléeue that in as much as he is Christ the chiefe Prophete Therefore he came into the worlde sent from the father to make manyfest vnto his elect all the will of God for to teach Isaiae 45 Ioan. 15. Heb. 8. and to imprint in their heartes all thinges profitable and necessarie to their saluation Wherefore as the onely maister and light of the worlde which making all thinges manifest he hath fulfilled the Prophetes Thou must also beléeue that he is a King Mat. 23. Ioan. 8. Mat. 11. bicause that with his spirite he moueth raigneth ouer and gouerneth the electe whiche be giuen him of God there-fore he is a King in the spirituall kingdome of GOD whiche is righteousnesse peace and ioye in the holy Ghost It is not sufficyent that thou beléeue that Iesus is Christe the chiefe Prophet Priest and king of the elect Rom. 14 but also thou must liuely beléeue that he is thy Christ that is the chiefest Prophet Priest and king ouer thée And so if with thy spirite thou shalt féele that hée hath lightened thy minde with diuine things he shall be thy Prophet Also if thou shalt féele that for thy sake he hath offered him-selfe vppon the Crosse that he hath pacyfied the father that he prayeth for thée that hée is heard that he presenteth thée vnto God and that thorough him God doth accept thée for his sonne then he shall be thy high Priest And likewise if with a liuely Faith thou shalt beleeue that he hath taken charge of thée and that he inspireth thée moueth and gouerneth thee thou shalt haue him for thy king Thou shalt there-fore truely beléeue in Christ when with thy spirite thou
maketh easie euery difficultie maketh euery sharpnes bitternes pleasant therfore it must néedes be said that the way of heauen is most easie happy Al they therfore which work suffer either worke suffer by force of the spirit of Charitie so without difficultie or els they work suffer thorough humaine respects so they are not in the way of God séeing they are not moued vnto him but vnto the world It is a matter most difficult vnto carnal mē yea impossible although possible with God most easie it is to be regenerated to become spirituall to haue a liuely light spirituall féeling of the goodnesse of God to haue a liuely faith hope fixed in God to be in loue with God thus also after that they be regenerated to grow in Faith Hope Charitie but after that we be spirituall that hauing a liuely light of God be in loue with him to worke suffer according to the force mesure of the spirit of faith of loue that we haue to God it is a thing most easie most pleasant happy And if with humane prudence cunning we be forced to worke or suffer beside this motion in such a case although we had difficultie in working suffering it shold be no meruail this bicause we being moued by the loue of God should not be turned therby for then we should go backward not by the right way Al they therefore who are entred into the spirituall kingdome of Christ by the gate of Faith which is called strait forasmuch as it is graunted but to a few as vnto those which haue ben thorough grace drawn eleuated aboue al difficultie they do tast with the spirit in Christ the great goodnes of God they do walke easely with suffering for works done thorough loue to the glory of God Neither is it necessary for that ther is none the loueth God with al his heart his neighbor as himself to the intēt that we might be turned vnto God that we might walk by the perfect obseruation of Gods cōmaundemēts forasmuch as if it shold be so seing ther is none in this present life that perfectly obserueth thē none shold walk vnto God but in truth it is not so for like as if one walked by a narrow way on his side wer many briers thorns if they plucked him by the garmēt in any wise such a one whē he wer a lusty felow might preuaile go away although he were some-what staid hindered by the said thorns Euen so a Christian if he be regenerated that sin raineth no more in him but the spirit loue of God although he doth perfectly obserue Gods commaundemēts but not turning himselfe vnto God with a most zealous force vehemencie swiftnes as he is boūd to do shold be moued if a most perfect charitie being in him his cōcupiscēces wer wholly mortified so that in him were nothing which when he turned to God could draw him back yet notwithstanding for that in him be cōcupisences wherby is he holdē back on the other side the spirit is in him so might that it preuaileth so that in any wise he is tourned vnto God wherefore to haue a motion to séeke the glory of God the perfect obseruation of Gods commaundements is not necessary but it is néedefull that we féele throughly with the spirite Gods diuine goodnesse that God may draw vs vnto him more then the world Let vs pray therfore vnto the Lord that he would giue vs such light and that he woulde increase it in vs euery day more and more to the intent that with great zeale we walking by his pathes may render vnto him all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen What thing it is wherein God hath shewed vs greater loue then in all the other Sermon 8. FOrasmuch as to kindle in vs diuine loue it is very profitable to know what thing it is wherein God hath shewed vnto vs greater loue then in all other things I haue iudged that it woulde bée requisite to consider amongst all the signes of loue which God hath shewed which is the greatest Some say that the greatest signe of loue which God hath shewed vnto man was when he created him after his own similitude and likenesse capable of him and to beatitude And moreouer hauing giuen to him a being so noble enricheth him with many giftes and graces with making him Lord ouer all creatures So that when Adam opened his eyes and saw that God had created this worlde for him that he conserued and gouerned it for the seruice of him and that euery creature was obedient vnto him to the intent that he confessing all his beatitude to come of him might seeke to set foorth his glory seeing his excellencie he felt towards him a singular loue of God Other say that the greatest signe of his loue was in forbearing sinne And this inasmuch as man not knowing the great charitie and goodnesse of God perfectly by his so great benefites God suffereth him to fall and to iniury and dishonour him that he might haue occasion to shew him vnto him as to an enimy with greater superaboundance of loue to the intent that he might the better féele how greatly God loued him There haue bene also some which haue sayd that as when the father sheweth greater loue vnto the sonne when he chastiseth him then when he dandleth with him Euen so when God chastiseth vs for our benefit sheweth vnto vs greater loue then whē he giueth vs worldly prosperitie But those which be more néere vnto the truth haue sayd that the most high signe of loue which GOD hath shewed vnto vs hath bene that GOD béeing more high then he could come vnto vs which be vnworthy most vile lewde persons and his enimies more loue then he could descend vnto hath I saye not solde but thorough méere grace giuen a gift most high and worthy that could bee not a seruaunt or one of his friendes but his owne déere and onely begotten sonne a thing to him more déere and entirely beloued he could not giue vs not poore but the richest of all diuine treasures vertues and graces yea in Christ he hath giuen vs al things euen himselfe And moreouer he hath giuen him to vs to the intent that he might serue to wash vs from all our filthy and stinking sinnes with his owne bloud and to dye for vs vpon the crosse He hath also giuen him vnto vs for an example direction and rule for a pleasant friende spowse and brother for a Capitaine for a Shephearde Priest Alter Sacrifice foode rayment and for a reward But in giuing vs him vpon the Crosse he had shewed vs a most singuler loue chiefly for that he hath giuen him to vs with a most high and infinite charitie And lykewise the sonne with great loue offered vp himselfe vpon the crosse and altogether for our benefit
so vngodlye whiche is moued to sinne except sinne doth shewe it selfe to him vnder a visarre or image of goodnesse If then the wicked doe sinne it is not bicause they absolutely will doe euill but as those in whom selfe loue doth raigne they are moued to sinne not by that wickednesse which is in them selues but by some their proper vtilytie profite satisfaction contentation pleasure honour or Glorye All those there-fore which goe vnto vyce goe being drawen not by any other their owne wickednesse but for their owne commoditie Moreouer it is to witte that the way of vertue is rich ioyfull delectable mery quyet restfull safe faire honest and happie and the way of vyce is poore miserable vnquiet daungerous foule and vnfortunate full of pr●●kes suspicyous doubtefull grieued with torme●●es and paines of hell so that if men had iudgement i● themselues they woulde forsake the way of wickednesse and choose the way of vertue if they had the lig●● of the trueth and did sée at least but onelye the sensuall pleasures and displeasures which are founde in the way of vyces and the way of vertue As if the Epi●●●● sawe this which estéeme the ende and chiefest of h●● felycitie to consist in voluptuous pleasure yet bicau●● he might tast his meate with more sensualitie he would not eate but as much as shoulde suffice and when hée were hungry and that for bicause in eating so sparinglye he shoulde finde greater taste and pleasure which thing woulde force him also to be likewise temperate in all other his actions bicause hée might liue in the greater delight Nowe if an Epicure moued by a sensuall pleasure of vertue and displeasure of vyce as that he being most carnall séeketh to leaue the extremitie of vyces and to walke by a mediocritie of vertues what thinkest thou will be done If a man and that a Christian shoulde bée drawen not onelye by sensuall pleasures and health of bodie but by the beautie and comelynesse of Vertue by contentacion of the mynde by traunquillitie of the soule and by the chiefest felicitie both of this present lyfe and of the lyfe to come yea and by that verie trueth infinite and eternall bountifulnesse of GOD and by his glorie and on the other parte they haue béene blinde and ignoraunt not onely by their sensuall sorrowes whiche doe accompany vyce but also by their fowlenesse by their doubtfull cares insatiable desires vayne hopes griefes feares suspitions displeasures infamyes dishonours reproofes losses prickings torments vexations and infernall miseries the which be founde in the wayes of wickednesse and much more in the ende but especially if they haue had in horrour the dishonour of God Séeing then that onely the wayes of true vertues are profitable for the chiefest felycitie and are in themselues most blessed yea and the wayes of false humaine and carnal vertues are lesse miserable then the wayes of vyces we must needes say that all vyces doe growe of ignorance the spring and roote of all errours and euilles So that of a trueth so much miserable a man is as hée is gluttonous lecherous couetous enuious ambitious proude partiall or a seruaunt of other vyces and so much is a man happye as he is adorned with true vertues neither can the saincts of God in what state soeuer they be founde be rightly called miserable as neither the wicked can be called happie although the blinde foolish frantike false lying and miserable world saieth and iudgeth the contrary As also in iudging the wise naught and fooles good it is deceyued for it must néedes bée that a man in asmuch as he is good in somuch he must in déede be wise and as hée is naught so much he is a foole blinde and full of pernicyous ignoraunce As there-fore felicitie can-not bée without vertue nor vertue without light and wisedome for that the one dependeth vpon the other and they are lynked together in such sorte that the one cannot spring grow nor decrease with-out the other so also miserye cannot bée without vyce nor vyce without ignoraunce Then séeing that man is not moued to doe any thing by euill but by good onely the whiche good is not found but onelye of those whiche walke by the wayes of vertues as also the euill is onelye founde of those which walke by the pathes of vyces we must néedes say that they which leaue vertue for vyce sinne thorow ignoraunce whereof grow all sinnes errours miseryes and euills And forasmuch as all ignoraunces hurtfull vnto the soule doe spring of the ignoraunce or want of the knowledge of God as of their chiefe and principall head lyke as all our true and wholsome light doth grow and hath the first beginning of the light which we haue of God therefore we must of necessitie say that of the ignoraunce of God groweth all our euill and all our goodnesse commeth of that cléere lyght which we haue of his bountie Inasmuch as that it is not possible for vs to haue a lyuely cléere knowledge of God and to dishonour him yea it must of necessitie be that we honour him by all meanes that we possiblye can doe when we haue a spirituall taste féelyng and lyght of this his goodnesse Therfore as good fathers aboue all other things desire are delyghted that their children doe acknowledge the great loue that their fathers haue borne vnto them euen so the contrary doth highly displease them knowing that it is impossible that their children should perceiue and taste the great bountifulnesse and loue of their parents towardes them and shewed vnto them by diuers meanes and yet to offend them yea in such a case it forceth them to loue them obey them trust in them and honour them by all meanes that they can and so if the children of God haue not the light of their fathers bountifulnesse they can not honour him yea they shall offende him with-out hauing due respect vnto him Now seing God aboue all other things requireth of vs that we know him and is greatly displeased when we are blinde of his so great goodnesse loue shewed to vs by so many and excéeding meanes and this bicause that as of the knowledge of God groweth all our vertue felycitie and goodnesse so of the ignoraunce of that his so great bountie groweth all our viciousnesse errour misery and euill It is true then that as faith inasmuch as it includeth in it the knowledge of God is the cause of all goodnesse so infidelitie inasmuch as it includeth the ignoraunce of God in it is the cause of all euill Let vs therefore pray dilygently vnto God that he would giue vs of his lyght that we may render vnto him all praise honour and glorye thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen What Faith is and of the excellencie thereof Sermon 2. TO speake of Faith forasmuch as it importeth not onely that confidence which wee haue in God but inasmuch as it includeth also with that confidence the very knowledge of God
shalt féele that he illuminateth thée as a prophet gouerneth thée as a King and as an high Priest pacyfieth the wrath of God for thée and reconcyleth him offereth thée to the father acceptable holy and vnspotted Thou must also beleeue that Iesus Christ is the onely sonne of God we also be other sonnes of God but it is by adoption for that God by the meanes of Christ of straungers yea of his enimies hath thorough grace adopted and taken vs for his sonnes But Christ was neuer any enimie to God nor straunger but was alwayes full of light Ioan. 1. Coll. 1. Coll. 2. Ioan. 1. of perfection vertue treasures giftes and graces full of the spirite and of diuinitie he is a spring that euer floweth and all the graces whiche the electe haue they receiue of his fulnesse therefore in the holy Scriptures he is not onelye called the first begotten sonne Rom. 8. Ioan. 13. 1. Ioan. 4. but also the onely begotten sonne of God for bicause that GOD hath communicated vnto him all graces all vertues giftes and treasures as though he had no other sonnes but him he hath also communicated with him all his diuinitie with his deuine prefection Therfore thou must not onely beléeue that he is the onely sonne of God but that he is God Coll. 2. Thou shalt then euen lyuely beléeue that he is the onely sonne of God when thou shalt féele that thou by his meanes and not by any other hast receiued all those graces good things that thou hast It is also néedefull to beléeue that he is our Lord for that as it is written Ioan. 17. God hath giuen vs vnto Christ all the electe are his flocke hee maye order them as him listeth Mat. 28. The Father hath giuen him all power in heauen and in earth Then he which truly beleeueth that Christ is his Lord and head which féeling with his spirite his most full and totall dominion which renouncing to leane to his owne carnall wisedome to his owne strength and all other vertues that be in anye creature is wholly committed to the gouernaunce of Christ as of his lawfull and best Lorde And moreouer we must beléeue that he was conceiued in the Virgin Mary by a wonderfull operation of the holy Ghost First that hée was conceiued of the substaunce of the Virgin Mary therefore that he was very man of the séede of Dauid of Abraham as had bene prophecied before time Psal 131. Gen. 22. Heb. 2. also according to Saint Paul it was conuenient that taking in hande to sanctifie his bretheren he should become man lyke vnto them and of the same first father discended so might suffer and for obedience of his father might bée offered vppon the Crosse for their sinnes to the intent that as by the disobedience of one man we be made sinners Philip. 2 so by the obedience of one man we should be made righteous But forasmuch as he which sanctifieth others must of necessitie be without spot therefore to the intent hée might not be subiect to the vniuersall corruption of humane generation but full of puritie and holynesse it must néedes be that he was conceiued not naturally and by humane meanes but meruaylously and by the operation of the holy Ghost Thou must also beleeue that he was borne of the Virgin Mary for except thou beléeue this thou canst not beléeue the miracles which he did in this lyfe nor that he dyed vpon the crosse Thou must furthermore necessarily beléeue that he suffered vnder Pontius Pilate If thou héere demaund why ther is no mention made of the lyfe of Christ and wherefore it is not sayd in the Crede that we must beléeue that the wise men came to worship him that he was circumcised that he fled into Aegypt that he was lost and found againe in the Temple that he was baptised of Saint Ihon that he fasted fortie dayes and fortie nights that he called the Apostles that he preached wrought miracles and lykewise of all his other wonderfull workes I will aunswere that in the Crede there is no mention made but onely of those principall things which belong properly to the substance of our saluation the faith of the which is substantial and sufficient to a true Christian It also thou wouldest know wherefore Pontius Pilate is so named I will say that this was not onely to confirme the history of the passion of Christ but much more that we should beleeue lyuely that albeit he was innocent yet he with our sinnes thorough the wil of his father being attributed vnto him appeared before the iudgement seate of man whereas lyke a wicked doer he was willyng to be condempned that we thorough Christ as innocent might appeare safe before the Tribunall seate of God in whose sight we wer blame worthy It is also necessary to beléeue that he was crucified dead It is not inough to say dead but néede-full to declare the manner of his death bicause we might beléeue that he dyed vppon the Crosse and this as Saint Paul iudgeth was for that he was accursed which hanged on the Crosse and Christ for to delyuer vs from curses wherein we were thorough sinne incorporated chose that cursed death and for our sakes ouercame it and so delyuereth vs from his curse yea and from death it selfe inasmuch as to the Elect thorough Christ there is no more death but lyfe There be manye wicked or false Christians which haue a certeine dead opinion of all these things yea and the Diuells beléeue that he suffered that he was crucified and dead But that sufficeth not for thou must beléeue lyuely and féele with thy spirite that he suffered for thée that he was crucified and dyed for thée to thy benifite and for thy saluation Thou must féele with the spirite his passion and death his great loue and the fruite of his death that is that thou art saued there-by and then his death hath effect in thée It is néedefull also that as thou beléeue truly that hée dyed so that thou beléeue that he was buried It followeth immediately that he descended into Hell and for bicause these words be not found in the Crede written by the olde Doctors therefore some haue thought that they were afterward added to declare and make more manifest the words that goe before And bicause in the holy Scriptures Gen. 43. Num. 16 this name Inferno is taken for a Pit or Sepulcher and this name Geenna for the place of the dampned they haue expounded thus Descese a gl' inferi that is he was layd in in the graue but the matter it selfe doth make replye héere against Seing that both Paul and also Peter willing to proue the resurrection of Christ brought a saying out of the Psalme Thou shalt not leaue my soule in Hell Act. 2. 13. Psal 15. neither shalt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption Where Dauid maketh mention of the soule and of
the body therefore the soule of Christ was neuer in the graue in those three dayes the which he continued dead wherefore by this word Inferno cannot be vnderstoode the graue Others saye that Christ vppon the Crosse did not onely suffer the paines of death the which consist in seperation of the soule from the body but also that he suffered in his minde the tormenting of the dampned bicause that for to satisfie for our sins it was néedeful that he should suffer all punishment that was due vnto vs being in these torments he felt that horrible anguish and sorrow which he should haue felt if being vpon the crosse in all those torments of the dampned he had bene vtterly abandoned from his father Mat. 16. Act. 2 And therefore he sayd My God my God why hast thou forsaken me not bicause he despayred but he ouercame desperation with all the sins and lykewise death with all sorrowes but hée felte the payne of the desperate with-out hauing in him anye fault They doe thus expound it He descended into Hell that is into the bottomelesse pit of the torments of Hell And although this was before that he was buryed and dead and therefore should be sayd by order thus He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate he was crucified descended into Hell dyed and was buryed yet there is oftentimes vsed in the holy Scriptures to speake first of that which was done afterward It cannot be sayd that the soule of Christ seperated from the body descended into hell that is suffered torments there those thrée dayes for that Christ sayd contrarywise vnto the good Théefe Luc. 25. To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Other saye that he descended into Hell inasmuch as he shewed his Soule vnto the Spirites of his Electe alredy departed out of this present life vnto whom as Saint Peter saith he preached the Gospel 1. Pet. 4. inasmuch as he made them sée in a most cleare sort that which he had wrought suffered for their saluation He preached also vnto the dampned the Gospell with rebuking their incredulytie and that they were altogether inexcusable and so their condempnation shoulde appeare vnto the worlde to be iust It is néedefull also to beléeue lyuely that he rose againe the third day which when with thy spirit thou shalt féele Rom. 4. 6. thou shalt not feare death séeing that in Christ and thorough Christ death is ouercome yea if thou be grafted in Christ thorough Faith Col. 3. thou shalt in the spirite be raysed againe from sinne and being righteous shalt walke in newnesse of lyfe seeking and tasting onely the things which are aboue We must also beléeue that he ascended into Heauen hauing on earth wrought and suffered all that his father appointed him and that was expedient for our saluation it was conuenient that he should ascende into heauen for our profit to giue vs hope of our heauenly countrey seeing that he is entred in possession for vs Heb. 9. 1. Ioan. 2. for to stande also before the father for his Elect and to be their Aduocate and Intercessour remayning therefore with them in spirite vppon earth Mat. 28 But vnderstand it is needefull that thou lyuely beléeue that he is ascended into heauen for thy benefite which when thou féelest with the spirit lifting thée vp to things on high Philip. 3 thou wilt say with Paul My conuersation is in Heauen Moreouer thou must beléeue that hée sitteth on the right hand of his father Mat. 28. in-asmuch as he hath giuen him all dominion and lordship ouer all and hath ordeined him to be aboue all princedome power vertue and domination and hath giuen him a name aboue all other names hath made him the head of the Church and hath subdued all things vnder him Thou must also beléeue lyuely Ephes 1. that as he was séene ascende into heauen so he shal come visibly from heauen to iudge the quicke and the dead And if it be sayd according to Saint Paul it is decréed that men must dye Act 2. 1. The. 4 Heb. 9. 1. Cor. 15. how then shall he come to iudge the quicke Paul himselfe doth aunswere that those which then shall be alyue shal sodeinely be chaunged being made of corruptible incorruptible and that chaunge shal be vnto them as a death If then thou shalt lyuely beléeue that Christ which loued thée so much that he dyed for thée on the Crosse and hath all power which must also be thy Iudge thou shalt be sure and safe thorough Faith that his Iudgement shall be fauourable vnto thée Chiefly learne that Christ shall be our Iudge he is not onelye our Aduocate but hath taken vppon him our cause We must more-ouer beléeue in the Holy Ghost and this bicause albeit Christ dyed for vs rose againe ascended into Heauen was our Aduocate and prayed for vs yet we could not be saued if God with his holye Spirite did not open our hearts made vs to vnderstand and be partakers of these so great benefits thorough Christ done to vs. So that as thorough Christ all giftes and graces bée offered vs from GOD so the Holye Ghost béeing our guyde we doe receceiue them It is therefore néedefull that thou féele lyuely in thée this spirite of God which renueth thée lighteneth moueth inspireth imprinteth and maketh thée féele God in Christ and that thou art safe It is not possible that thou shouldest be a true Christian if thou hast not the Holy Ghost in thée And therefore he which beléeueth that Christ dyed and that not vainly beléeueth also that there be fruites of his passion and death which is the saluation of the Elect Wherefore we must also beléeue that there is a holy Catholicke Church that is the vniuersall Congregation of the faithfull and Elect of God It is not inough to beléeue that there is founde a Church which is holye and sanctified thorough Christ that Ephes 5. is a mysticall bodye of the Elect but it is néedefull that thou dost liuely beléeue and féele that thou art a portion and member of the same and that thou art one of the Elect. Thou must also beléeue the Communion of Saincts that is thou must liuely féele that thou art pertaker together with thy bretheren of all the giftes and graces of Christ the head of the Church Ephes 1. therfore more or lesse according to the measure of Faith reioyce thy selfe in their prosperitie and be sory in their mishappe as members and good brothers doe together and forasmuch as the benefites which Christ doth to his Church is not that they should be proper to one man alone but for the commoditie of them all therefore thou oughtest not to séeke for to possesse or vse anye thing for thine owne lucre but for the honour of God and safegarde of thy neighbour and so thou oughtest to this same ende or purpose procure the safetie of thy bretheren and with Faith to embrace
his neighbour all that he ought to doe Therefore it must of necessitie be saide either that none can be saued or els they that be saued are saued thorough grace But it wer greatly amisse to say that none can be saued for that God in such a case shoulde in vaine haue created and preserued the worlde if there shoulde not be reaped some fruite thereof Wherefore we must néedes say that some men are saued and that by grace and for that none can tel vs this but Christe in as much as all other sectes and opinyons say that men are saued wholly or els in parte by the workes of men therefore onely the Faith of Christ is true There is not founde also any Relygion which doeth not in some part exalt man with diminishing of the grace of God except that relygion which is of Christ and that onely doth debase a carnall man to be altogether earth giuing all glory vnto God and for-bicause this Religion cannot erre therefore it must of necessitie be sayde that onely this is the true Religion of God Also that God hath so loued sinners that for their saluation he hath appointed his owne Sonne to suffer death on the Crosse Ioan. 3. which is an acte of so high and excéeding loue that if such a secret thing God as a truth had not himself reuealed there is no vnderstanding that were able to beléeue it and therefore néedes we must conclude that this was the truth And graunt that albeit men of themselues had bene able to haue imagined so incomprehensible a loue of god yet they could not in any wise haue beléeued that in one who was crucified consisted all their saluation that he was both God and man especially with so stedfast a Faith that for this Truth they woulde spende and venture their owne lyues if God had not perswaded this in their hearts we must then néedes saye that it is so in very déede If Christ had not bene the Sonne of God séeing hée would be so accompted he should haue bene very proude and it is séene that all his lyfe was full of humilitie It could not be hidden when men would haue crowned him if he had not fled away Ioan. 6. but had sought the friendship of great men and the meanes how to haue bene exalted It is manifest that Christ neuer sought any commoditie to himselfe alone as it appeareth by his life by his words but onely the glory of God wherefore of necessitie must be sayd that he was no carnall man but altogether diuine and spirituall and so was his lyfe and doctrine It is also manifest that Christ willyngly tooke vpon him a shamefull and bitter death and he saw that in dying so he should loose both his lyfe and all that he had euen that worldly credit which he had so that his owne disciples would be offended Mat. 26. as his proper commoditie fore-tolde him Yea he should haue séemed to haue lost his soule if he were not the sonne of God bicause he named himselfe so No worldlye thing then coulde moue him to dye so wherefore we must néedes say that he was moued not for his owne pleasure but for the truth for the glory of the Father and for our saluation Consider all the lyfe of Christ and thou shalt finde that albeit it was wholly a Crosse yet he neuer shewed any signe of impatience yea vppon the Crosse with-out any trouble of the flesh he shewed himselfe diuine altogether euen till he gaue vp the ghost and pronounced still words of great charitie Is it not manifest séeing that Christ vpon the crosse being naked spoyled and depriued of al riches pleasures honours dignities friendes fauours strength and helpe of the worlde Philip. 2 humbled brought to nothing as if he had not bene yea being opprobrious and accursed of al men hath vanquished and ouercome death the world the flesh sinnes the Diuells and all the enimyes of God which he could not possibly haue done with-out the fauour of God If also in lyke sort his Church had not bene altogether spirituall when the fauour of the worlde decayed it must also haue waxed féeble whereas when the world stroue against it it became alwayes more mightie forcible and tryumphant Christ also where-as in the flesh he séemed weake arising againe and ascending into Heauen to the right hande of his Father shewed him-selfe so stronge in Spirite that twelue vnlearned and simple Disciples with-out eloquence with-out learning with out humane industrie and subtiltie with-out strength and with-out anye promise of worldlye things onely with preaching that one who was crucified hath saued them conuerted the worlde notwithstanding that all the armed men with their whole force resisted them and with learning wisedome treasures honoures dignityes and all other meanes which the worlde possible coulde deuise Yea and in our time onely with the worde of GOD such a mightie kingdome of Antechrist hath bene already decayed There is not founde nor can be founde in the world any lyfe so truely holy pure and spirituall as the lyfe of good Christians which is so diuine that it worketh more then myracles and they are made such thorough Christ crucified An innumerable sorte of Christians haue forsaken riches pleasures friendes parentes their countrey fauours honours dignities the worlde themselues and all and by way of pouertie of infamye dispossessed of their owne tormented and put to death are willyngly and ioyfully gone to Christ crucified not being by anye worldly thing drawen there-to which is most manifest inasmuch as they were wholly naked there-off then it must néedes be sayd that their diuinitie drewe them to it Which thinge also doth appeare not onelye bicause that howe much the more they be ioyned and vnited together so much the more chaunging their lyfe they be renewed and doe become more humble lyberall holye diuine and in all vertues moste perfecte but also for that where-as in pleasures riches honoures and benefites of this present lyfe they neuer finde reste béeing naked of worldlye thinges onely in Christe crucified they finde the greatest felycitye that canne bée and this shoulde bée impossible if that Christe were not the Sonne of the lyuing God I doe lette passe the myracles which declare all the vertuous actes done by Christe and his Saints for a Testimonye of the truthe of the Gospell And the longe continuall cruell irkesome hatefull dolorous irremediable bitter and shameful captiuitie of the Hebrewes or Iewes for the sinne which they committed in crucifying the Sonne of God Let vs pray then to our heauenly and diuine Father that of his cléere manifest truth he woulde giue vs an inward lyght so that we may render vnto him all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen Of the meane how to be delyuered from all superstition Sermon 9. ALbeit that men by the sinne of their first parents be fallen into great ignoraunce yet notwithstanding ther is left in them a lyttle
eyes of those which were his enemyes how should they not beléeue then that he wil also lighten the eyes of their mindes Thou must also stirre vp thy selfe with saying thus if I trust the earth and therefore doe sow and plant the Sea and windes and therefore doe sayle men and that most euill therefore doe make bargaines and couenaunts with them why should I not much more put my trust in God the most good and my best Father And bicause that God doth more often make himselfe knowen with his goodnes in the holy Scriptures then in his creatures therfore we ought to be diligent industrious and carefull in the study of them inasmuch as they doe auayle greatly vnto fayth especially if a man considerth that God who is true Rom. 3. is he that speaketh in them and the large and great promises which he doth make vnto vs for that as by reading a writing wherein a creadible and honest man is become thy debter of a thousand Crowns giueth thée his promise and fayth that he will pay thée them so in reading in the holy Scriptures the promises of God there become to thée in fayth a warrant that God wil obserue them The reading of holy Scriptures also doth cause a man much the better to vnderstand how with a liuely faith Rom. 10 the worde of God may be preached for as Paul sayd fayth is by hearing hearing by the word of Christ Act. 9.10 8. God could immediately lighten his yet to the intent that loue might be exercised amongest vs orderly in giuing it the Ministers of his woorde be appointed as is séene in Paul when he was sent to Annanias in Cornelius béeing sent to Peter and in Philips comming to the Chamberlaine It is profitable also for fayth to meditate vpon the lyfe of Christ He sayd to Thomas Iohn 20 Luc. 5 bicause thou hast séene me thou hast beléeued And the consideration of his myracles is necessary Peter bicause of one onely miracle that he sawe of the fishes beléeued and left all that hée had He sawe that which wée ought to doe but perticulerly the consideration of Christ vpon the the Crosse is profitable wherfore Saint Iohn hauing briefly written the passion of Christ Iohn 20 sayde These thinges are written that we might beléeue And bicause we cannot haue trust in any person whome we despise as is séene with the fellow Country-men and naturall brothers of Christ Ioan. 17. which beléeued not in him therefore we must néedes constraine our selues to haue 〈◊〉 ●●●●rence also bée affectionated to the truth to the ende we may not perish We had néede also to endeuour our selues as much as in vs lyeth to forsake sinne especially arrogancie Ioan. 5 stubburnnesse and pride for bicause that as Christ sayde he coulde not trust in and séeke the glory of the worlde Mar. 1 yea we ought to repent vs of that which is past Wherefore Christ preaching sayd repent and beléeue the Gospell We ought to remoue all lettes and obstracts from the light of God 2. Pet. 1. Psal 33. yea with good woorks let vs draw néere vnto him so that we béeing lightened may certefie our selues euery day more and more of our vocation and so grow in fayth But vnderstand that whereas to haue worldly thinges is néedefull to haue strength diligence science wisdome prudēce towardnesse subtiltie craft actiuitie sleightes and humane artes to haue Faith is néedeful to haue a simple minde sincere humble pure these be those little ones and cleane to whom be reuealed the diuine secretes of God Mat. 11 which doe receyue the Gospell and which by fayth doe sée God Mat. 6 And although the foresaid things cannot of vs be done without the grace of God yet it is our duetie not onely to knowe that we are bounde to doe them yea and most diligently to force our selues to doo them Mar. 9 Luc. 17. to assay euen things which be to vs impossible But besides all this we had néede to make feruent and continuall prayer we ought to make our petition vnto Christ with the blinde that he would giue vs light and to beséech with the Father of him that was possessed with an euill spirite that he would helpe our vnbeliefe Deut. 23 Mar. 7. 2. Cor. 2. Mat 13 and with the Apostles intreate that he woulde increase our Faith yea with a newe heart and vnderstanding so that with the worde of his vertue he woulde open the eares of our heartes as he did to the deafe and woulde giue vs eares to heare his worde inwardlye If then we woulde haue lyght let vs go to Christ the light of the worlde and our onely Master inasmuch as without that his spirit without his fauour grace and inwarde worde the which is neuer without fruites we cannot doe any thing that is acceptable before God The reading also of the word of God is profitable for the commendations of our bretheren in theyr prayers so that praying for vs as Christ healed the man sicke of the palsie when he sawe the Faith of them which carryed him so likwise he would saue vs not for the worthynesse of our workes or of our Faith but by his méere grace so the we may as we ought yéeld vnto God al honour glory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ Of the true Caball Sermon xiii GOD vpon the mount Synai gaue by Moses a lawe vnto the worlde Exod. 20 and that so perfect a one that to the perfection theroff could nothing be added inasmuch as it is contained all thinges profitable and necessary to saluation And all be it that Moses wrote the same lawe by the will of God yet the Hebaewes saye that hée was forbidden to expresse with letters the great treasures of the wisedome and knowledge of GOD the which were hidden vnder a coueringe of the letter reuealed to Moses himselfe Mat. 7 And this bicause that holy thinges should not bée giuen to dogges nor pearles should be cast before swine wherefore vntill the time of Esdras the Caball that is the reuealed and secrat vnderstanding of the holy Scriptures was as they say onely in the custody of certeine old men whereoff when one dyed they chose an other in his place and reuealed the lawes to him But afterwardes being captiues and dispearsed and that many of them dyed fearing least the lawe should be vtterly lost they began to write it out and after to corrupt and alter it in such sort that the Hebrewes be now ignoraunt of the true Caball and the which they haue is altogether a vain superstitious mischieuous and diuellish Caball The true Caball is a diuine knowledge reuealed and is so perfect that he which hath it hath the light of all diuine secreats can doe merueylous things and whatsoeuer he will obteineth that which he demaundeth hath that he desireth satisfieth his will and is most happie And forasmuch as it
ouercome with feare of the worlde as one that depended not vppon God but on Caesar gaue iudgement that he shoulde be crucified which he would not had done if he had had a true Faith in God Faith as that which is the mother of all vertues Mar. 28. includeth in it the strength of them all wherefore he that is armed with Faith is most mightie I will say moreouer that as Christ to whom the Father hath giuen al power in heauen and in earth can not be ouercome but ouercommeth and triumpheth ouer all so those who by Faith be vnited are his members and haue the selfe same spirit Heb. 11. are not onely inuincible but doe triumph ouer all Faith as a thing that is aboue nature and custome doth ouercome the concupiscences beateth downe to the ground vnbridled passions confoundeth carnall wisedome and mortifieth wholly the carnall man so that being borne again we doe chaunge our companyes friendships thoughts Mat. 2. desires wills manners and lyfe It appeareth by the wise men who came from the East how much Faith is able to doe séeing that when they hauing vnderstanding that Christ was borne immediately and without any difficultie leauing their pleasaunt countrey and all that they had they were moued to make so long a voyage And albeit not finding by the way but in darke Ierusalem that they were moued to séeke Iesus wisdome moued them that they should not follow the way any further yet Faith preuayling in thē they ceased not yea knowing how much it would displease Herode to vnderstand that the King of the Iewes was born they ceased not to confesse and say openly with zeale lybertie that Christ was borne with enquiring of the place and lastly vnderstanding with he ought to be borne in Bethlem although no body wil led them yet they ceased not to goe thether with the same zeale And their Faith was so perfecte that albeit he was founde in a rude and simple place and wrapped in simple clowtes theyr Faith didde not therefore fayle them but they worshipped him for the Sonne of GOD. Faith is so constant might ye and in●●●●ble that if it sawe Christ dead vppon the Crosse in the middest of two Theeues forsaken of all men denyed scourged wronged it would in no wise be offended at him it would not faint but with the good Thiefe it would confesse him to be the Sonne of God oan 19. The vertue of Faith appeareth in Ioseph and Nicodemus seing that at such time as he coulde not with-out great daunger and shame shew himselfe a friend of Iesus being knowen for one of his louing Disciples craued of Pilate the body of Iesus and buried it honourably trusting to haue life by him who had séene death And that I must néedes more say Faith is so mightie that it ouercommeth euen God inasmuch as he is forced to doe vnto vs those graces which with a liuely Faith we are promised to haue of him otherwise it must néedes be said the the goodnesse of God were limitted and bounded out and so little that it could not aunswere to our hope Seing then that without Faith we be most féeble although we were young hayle armed with all worldly force and on the other side albeit we were without strength weake forsaken of al the world and further if all creatures were our enimies hauing true Faith in God we should be in euery respect so mightie the we should triumph ouer all the enimies of God Let vs pray him therefore that he would giue vs this Faith so that we my render to him all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ Of the triumph of the Truth Sermon 15. THe Truth is so mightie that not onely it cannot be extinguished nor ouercome but preuayleth alwayes against the enimyes thereoff and triumpheth aboue all things First it is so ful of force and strength that not only it cannot be extinguished it may well behidden for a time but it is neuer brought to confusion If it might be that in the world were no Faith that Charitie were quenched Iustice diminished Hope quyte dead and all other vertues brought to naught yet it were not possible that truth should faile inasmuch as if a matter hath bene once true it must néedes be that it be euer after true for that it hath bene a certeine time truth it is néedful necessary that it be truth euer after neither can it be contrary by any meanes If thou hast committed an offence it will alwayes be that thou hast cōmitted it it wil neuer be possible that it shall be by thée vndone so likewise if thou hast done a vertuous deede it must be considered that we take heed of vitious déeds exercise our selues in works of vertue Truth then is without defect Rom. 1. it cannot be extinguished it well may for a time be hidden oppressed and buried by the wicked But whereas other vertues when they are oppressed be féeble many times do faint Truth when it is impugned or fought against awaketh it selfe taketh strength againe Esdr 3.4 and sheweth it selfe more manifest mightie and glorious Truth then as that which is inuincible not onely continueth safe and with-out anye feare in the middest of all the enimies and as being most mightie confoundeth and ouercommeth them all but also comforteth giueth a minde and strength to al those which loue it wil draw néere vnto it so that the innocent feareth not to appeare before the tribunall seate of Iustice yea he that hath truth on his side Psal 90. shall appeare safe before the Iudgement seate of God Truth alwayes kéepeth company with those that suffer thorough loue and giueth them Hope comforteth them bringeth them consolation it is a shield with which they may be defended from all the strikings and wounds of the world and moreouer it maketh persecutions pleasaunt causeth that in miseries they bée happy and lastly with discouering it selfe it doth not onely delyuer from false miseries but maketh men more glorious then euer they were Peraduenture thou wilt say that I might the better know the victories and triumphs of the truth I would know what thing truth is To this I say that as if thou diddest make a print on a lyttle péece of waxe with a seale and afterward hauing put this seale amongst many others within a while after wouldst séeke it out and know which it was the way should be to proue all with the print made in that waxe for in so doing no other seale would fit the print in all respects as the right seale which printed it that alone would fit it wherefore thou wouldest say I haue found the right feale which I sought So lykewise that thing is truth which fitteth the vnderstanding or true according to the very perfect propertie after some mens opinion which we haue of that thing and it is séene by experience that when a man goeth on séeking
with a Target or Buckler defended them all off thou mast perceiue that that is a good Buckler but if the arrowes passe thorough and goe into the mannes heart thou wilt say that the Buckler must néeds be made of paper or such like trash So lykewise those that haue the shield of Faith inspired are defended from all the arrowes of the iniuryes of the world they come not néere their hearts they know thorough Faith that so it pleaseth God to haue it Ephes 6 and that al is for their commoditie and beatitude but those which haue onely the shield of purchased Faith euery small iniury casteth them downe to the ground they blaspheme and would reuenge forbicause they do not féele through Faith in déede the goodnesse of God A purchased Faith also doth not make vs to forsake all worldly things and our selues yea if any of those be moued to follow Christ it is for his owne lucre for his profite pleasures honors satisfiyng commoditie appetites delycatenesse or earthly Paradise or els to shunne griefes the hellish paines both of this and of the other lyfe and this bicause a purchased Faith maketh not a man to féele the goodnesse of god in such sort that for thorough the very méere glory of God he forsaketh all Alwayes in such men the worlde can moue more then God They well may leaue the garment but it is for honour also for plesure but not wholly for God bicause they doe not féele with lyuely Faith his great goodnesse Ioan. 4. as the righteous doe who for the glory of God doe leaue with the woman of Samaria their pitcher of worldly pleasures the swéetenesse of this lyfe and themselues And lastly a purchased Faith doth not moue thée to the obseruance of Gods commaundements as the inspired Faith doth which neither offendeth God nor his neighbour but abhorreth all wickednesse And although a purchased Faith in the Hipocrites at sometime doth shew it selfe forth with certeine glistering workes yet being dead it cannot long time dissemble but a true Faith doth not onely continue for euer but getteth euery day more force Let euery one therfore examine himselfe and sée if in him be the effects of a true Faith or no to the intent that if he doe not finde them in him hee may know that he is no Christian and so may humble and recommend himselfe to God and if he finde them in him he may giue thankes vnto God To whome hée all praise honour glorie thorough Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ¶ If it be possible that in euery honest estate men may be perfect Christians or not Sermon 18. IT is not possible that a man should bée actuallye an adulterer vsurer a proude person an Idolater or any other sinne repugning against the diuine grace and holy Ghost and yet a perfect Christian but it is possible that a man in any estate not resisting agaynst a liuely Fayth Hope and Charitie and against other Christian vertues may be most perfect It is possible then that whether a man be young olde féeble strong hayle sick learned vnlearned man woman rich poore frée bonde marryed vnmarryed noble ignoble Prince priuate person Master Scholler prelate Captain Souldier Iudge Aduocate Procurator Notarie Gentleman Merchant Artificer Shepheard Plow-man lykewise in any other honest estate and a perfect Christian Which thing also I say of women and the reason is this for that goodnesse stubburnenesse and likewise the chiefest perfection vngodlynesse consist not in the lyke outward matters accidentall and indifferent which may bée found in the good and in the wicked in the perfect and in those which are most euill and be vsed in the honour and dishonour of God but consisteth in hauing a liuely faith in Christ in féeling liuely his great benefite and the excessiue loue of the father manifested vnto vs in the death of his déere only begotten sonne by whose meanes he hath saued vs adopted vs for his sonnes made vs his heires brothers members of Christ thorough his liuely faith supernaturall light spiritual knowledge of the goodnes mercy of God groweth in vs Fayth Hope Charitie humilitie patience loue of our neighbour mortifying of our selues all other true substantial Christian vertues wherefore it is necessary that according to the measure of faith of the light which we haue of god by the meanes of Christ we be more or lesse perfect in all vertues Rom. 6. In euery estate therefore not contrary to a liuely fayth in the which we may liue without sin raigning in vs we may be not onely good Christians but excellent and most perfect in all vertues I say not now but amongst honest estates are found some which be in themselues lesse daungerous then others likewise of those be some most apt to honour God but I say that in all estates may be some most perfect wherefore if a man be found in any estate honest let it be what estate it will hée cannot forsake his honestie as when one is marryed poore sicke a seruaunt ignoble and lykewise of all other estates he ought not to dispayre of habilitye to be perfect therein but to content himselfe and in this estate to serue God with takinge héede that they doe not offende but disposinge themselues rather to loose theyr liues then to agrée vnto sinne and they ought not onely labour to honour GOD in that estate which they are in with greate Fayth Hope Charitie but also to giue God thanks for his singuler grace séeing that whereas many doe not vnderstande and knowe their calling he is certeyne and sure that it pleaseth God that then it is profitable for him to be in that estate bicause he cannot honestly then chaunge it It is sufficient before GOD that he doe with heart and will those good woorkes which in that state he cannot do with power albeit in euery estate he ought to deale honestly there can be founde no exercise so simple if it be honest which may not make to the glory of God with a high Fayth and Charitie and therefore with a supreame acceptation allowed of God And so by the contrarye there is nothing so high so noble and famous in the sight of the world Rom. 1. Luc. 1. which béeing wrought without fayth is not abhominable before God If therefore for an example thou findest thy selfe to haue children thou oughtest bee contented with them and thinke that they bée the children of God which he hath giuen thée to the ende that thou shouldest gouerne lighten and teach them diuine manners this now is no small office Thou wilt say O I will goe into some Forrest for I know that there I may best serue God Doest thou not sée that this is a temptation of the Diuell which would bereaue thée of a true godly and very perfect Christian Religion woulde robbe thée of Charitie and of Christ and would cause thée to departe from thy
and diuine actes such his wonderfull patience profound humilytie high wisdome large loue long perseuerance and other his diuine vertues whereby he was moued and stirred vp the inwarde lyght which was graunted him thorough grace béeing his guyde to beléeue that this Iesus who suffered in such sorte was the Sonne of GOD. Christ regarded him with the eye of his pittie and therefore hée was saued It cannot be denyed but that the vertues giftes and graces of the good Théefe were meruaylous at the first as it is in the elect of GOD for that opening his eyes he acknowledged and confessed that he was wicked and that he suffered iustlye for his vngodlynesse lyke as did all other sinners wherefore approuing the workes of God to be righteous he sayed We suffer iustly we receiue guerdon according to our workes wheras the wicked with the euill Théefe do say if thou be Christ saue thy self vs forasmuch thou shouldst saue both thy selfe and vs. Hée also excused innocent Christ with saying this man hath not sinned he suffereth for vs and for our faults béeing constrained therto by his owne méere goodnesse and loue wherefore wée ought to giue him thankes that in suffering for vs hée would excuse vs before the Father There can bée done vnto a Lorde or noble man nothing more gratefull then when hée were slaundered and accused of all his subiectes and countreymen that one would excuse him defende him and testifie of his innocencie and vertue as the good Théefe did who vppon the pulpit of the Crosse when there was none that durst say well of Christ yea when euery one reuiled him he with out all feare preached foorth openly his innocencie Reprooued also the naughtie thiefe saying Dost not thou also feare God and art vppon the Crosse and ready to dye Afterward praying he sayd vnto Christ O Lord remember me when thou commest into thy Kingdome As if hée would haue sayd when thou shalt be I say not carnally of great authoritie in this present lyfe for that thy kingdome is not of this world but when thou shalt be in thy heauenly inheritaunce and glory purchased for vs with thy precious bloud be mindfull of me not of my sinnes but of my weakenesse and frailtie remember that I am thy creature formed and created by thée vnto blessednesse after thine owne similitude remember that thou camest downe from Heauen for mée that thou hast taken humaine fleshe vppon thée that thou hast prayed hast taken paines and hast suffered tribulations thirtie and thrée yeares for me hast bene crucified and for me shalt now dye Remember that I thorough the Faith that I haue in thée am thy brother and member I craue not to bée nexte vnto thée in thy kingdome Iustice would that I should be damned but I know by Faith that I shall not be damned O Lord thou canst not forget that I am one of those for which thou sheddest thy bloud and sufferest so much and which béeing thy companion vpon the Crosse hath put all his hope in thée for that he saw opened in thée the windowes of all diuine treasures and graces His Faith was great séeing that in the time of greatest darknesse when al men cloased their eyes against Christ he opened his and knew him to be the sonne of God His hope also was nothing lesse in hoping for heauen by his meane who hanged on the Crosse Also his loue was great seeing that he offered vnto Christ his heart all his thoughts his loue his tongue words yea he offered himselfe wholly béeing vppon the Crosse O what great strength and constancie was this in him seeing that he béeing on the crosse in such great tormēts lifting vp his minde aboue himselfe he remembred with how great loue of Christ and with what temperaunce he settled himselfe wholly vppon the good will of God ascribing with great iustice glory honour vnto God to himselfe confusion and punishment and correction vnto the wicked théefe his prayer likewise was altogether spirituall forasmuch as he desired not things brickle and things which are below neither prayed he for any other thing but that he would looke vppon him with a pitifull eye He craued that he might lyue in his remembraunce and Christ promised him Heauen saying Verily I say vnto thée that this day thou shalt be with me in Paradice He added vnto the promise this worde verily to the intent that he might be assured thereoff as if he would say be assured that thou shalt be with me in Heauen as thou art with me on the Crosse He requested to be in his remembraunce and Christ promised him Paradice and when should he be there the very same day and with what company with Christ and howe long for euer and to whom did he promise such great treasures to a most vyle théefe who for his wickednesse was hanged vppon the Crosse and wherfore did he promise him such a benefite not for anye merites of the Théefe but for his owne merites and thorough méere grace What aunswere did Christ make then Assure thy selfe that although thou hast bene euer hethertoo a wicked person notwithstanding I say not a thousand yeres hence but euen this daye and so foorth into euerlasting where is not was nor shall be but all that is present shall be for that by and by thou shalt be with me that am the Sonne of God in Paradice inasmuch as thou shalt be in felicitie And so distributing his dayly penny he beganne at the last It was no small priuiledge that one so vyle a Théefe amongst all the other electe was appoynted by God to suffer punishment vppon the crosse with Christ and that he had grace graunted him to aske mercie of Christ when he in such aboundaunce shewed foorth grace abroad and to beléeue that he shoulde receiue aboundantly séeing that the Chest of the treasurie of Christ was opened Let vs praye therefore vnto the Lord that with the eyes of his pittie he would looke vppon vs as he looked vppon this Théefe so that we maye render vnto him all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Of the wonderfull conuersion of Saint Paul Sermon 8. ALbeit that God is wonderfull in himselfe and is so also declared in his creatures and especially in the Saints yet in Paule he is declared moste wonderfull And this bicause that whilest hée was an enimie to Christ and most earnest in séeking to peruert the honour of God vppon a sodaine God conuerted him and wrought so in him that he was a most zealous setter foorthe of the honour and glory of God Wher is to be noted that as all creatures depend on God so lykewise they belong vnto him and man so much the more as he hath a being more noble notwithstāding man thorough his malice peruerse nature doth oftētimes resist against God he tourneth his shoulders walketh the contrary way with absenting himself euery day more more from him as Paule did in
sayde Lorde what wilt thou that I should doe as if he should saye I commit my selfe wholly into thy handes doe with me what it pleaseth thée O happie sicke man séeinge that he committed himselfe into the charge of one so expert able and louing a Phisitian O happie lost flocke seeing it is now fallen into the pitifull armes of the heauenly shephearde Christ sayd then arise vp and goe into the citie and there it shall be tolde thée what thou oughtest to do Those which were in his company stoode astonyed hearing the voyce although they vnderstoode not the worde and séeinge nothing And Saul arising from the earth opening his eyes saw nothing in token that he was altogether lifted vp and rauished vnto God Then leading him by the hande they brought him vnto Damascus where he was afterward instructed by Ananias Then béeing perfectly illuminated he sawe how greatly blinde his prudence had bene his wisedome foolish his pietie vngodly his righteousnesse vniust his goodnes mischieuous his charitie cruell his innocencie spotted all his vertues full of vice Then putting off vtterly the olde Adam he clothed himselfe with Christ countinge himselfe of no reputation he was transformed in God And likewise Christ made of him a glorious and diuine conquest inasmuch as where he went to attach the elect of God he himselfe was attached of Christ He woulde haue bond them himselfe was bound with the golden cheines of charitie brought vnto Hierusalem was euē rauished and lifted vp vnto the third heauen he woulde haue imprisoned them and himselfe was shut close in the good will of God he would haue slayne them he was mortified vnto the world made liuing vnto God His conuersion also was wonderfull not onely bicause Christ stayed him on a sodain from so great an anger violence with which he went to the dishonour of God but moreouer conuerted him turned and drew him vnto him with great force so that he conducted him to the top height of all vertues in such sort that concerning his following of Christ he sayd Be ye like vnto me followers of Christ I know not who could more haue despised the world his owne righteousnesse séeing that he accounted for dounge euery thing that was without Christ Who is it that hath for Christ so despised this present life as Paul did who sayd I desire to be disolued and to be with Christ And as concerning mortification of the olde Adam he said I chastise my body and bring it in subiection He was crucified with Christ wherfore he sayd with Christ I am nailed vpon the crosse Ther was none of the Saints that tooke so much paines for Christ as he did he himselfe writing to the Corinthians sayd that he had laboured more abūdantly thē al the other Apostles He was so inamoured on Christ that he was ready prepared not onely to be taken bound for Christes sake but also to dye yea he said God forbid that I should glorie but onely in the crosse of Christ His glorious Ensignes were the markes of Iesus Christ which he beare in his body And his glorye was the witnesse not of men but of the holy Ghost and of his owne conscience When he was for Christ reuiled apprehended bounde and imprisoned hée accompted himselfe moste happye then when he was taken vppe to the thirde Heauen Writing his Epistles béeing willing to giue authoritie to his word he called himselfe most often Paul in bondes for Christ adiudging himselfe greater when hee was imprisoned for Christ then if he had bene in the most high throne and seate of dignitie in the world His fayth was certeyne wherefore he sayde I runne not as to an vncerteyne thing his hope was stedfast wherefore he sayde we are made safe thorough hope and his charitie was perfect therefore he sayd who shal seperate me frō the loue of God he had such zeale and loue of soules for the honour of God that he desired to be accursed from Christ for the glory of God and the saluation of his brethren He was euer fixed with his heart and minde in heauen wherefore he sayd our conuersation is in heauē And for all this he was so humble that he called himselfe the least of the Apostles vnworthy the name of an Apostle borne out of due season and nothing yea the chiefest sinner of the world Paul was a spirituall temple of God in which he wrought wonderfull things And what néede I say more he was an instrument of Christ and a vessell elected to publish all abroade the name of Iesus to suffer for him Séeing then that from the bottomlesse gulfe of his sinnes he was rauished vp euen to the third heauen enriched with so great light vertues giftes and graces so that in him is verefied that which was aforesayd that whereas sinne doth abound grace doth superabound Let vs set this glasse before our eyes not onely to the intent that we may neuer dispayre but also so that following him in all good thinges we may render vnto God all prayse honour and glorye thorough Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen The ende of the Sermons of Hope ¶ What thing it is to loue God Sermon I. THere be some who forbicause they saye that they loue God doe thinke that they loue him sufficiently but God is loued with the heart not with wordes To loue God is an other manner of thing then onely to say I loue GOD. Some other bicause they fast giue almes praye and doe lyke workes doe thinke that the dooing thereoff is a louing of God But loue consisteth in the heart not in the handes albeit by the workes it is declared made knowne Such outwarde woorkes may be done by hipocrites and by such as be not in loue with God and when they are done also by those which loue God notwithstanding albeit those outward workes do grow of loue they are not therefore loue it selfe but the effects theroff Also those be deceyued which bicause when they talke haue a féeling of that they talke when they read or meditate on any deuout thing haue a certeine tast and doe feele a certeine pleasaunt swéetnesse therein doo beléeue that the hauing of such lyke tast and féelinge is the louing of God but forasmuch as such like pleasure and tasting is many times graunted not onely to the vnperfect but also to the wicked the which be not in loue with God therefore such sensuall appetites and effects be effects of the flesh and not of the spirit It is very-true that they which loue God truely for that they féele with the spirite that they be of the elect that God loueth them that he is theyr Father and that he hath a singuler care of them wherefore they haue in theyr heartes as it were alwayes a certeine ioyfulnesse but sincere and pure they take pleasure to reason of God to heare his worde to read the holy Scriptures to behold his diuine goodnesse and
with which in him alone we ought to stablish our selues as he himselfe commaunded saying Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart soule minde strength and vertue Therefore God willing to haue of vs all loue as is conuenient he should layeth hard to our charge that we ought not in any wise giue part therof to creatures Thou wilt saye God hath cōmaunded that we loue our neighbour as our selues wherefore we ought not to loue God alone but also creatures I aunswere and say that Christ sayd also that he which hateth not father mother children brothers sisters and moreouer himselfe can-not be my Disciple and how shall it be possible that we hate them and on the other side being our neighbours that we loue them as our selues séeing that hatred is contrary to loue For the vnderstanding therefore of the truth it is to wit that nothing in truth is loued but onely that thing in which loue is stedfastly fixed and set and in lyke sort there is in truth no hatred but onely that in which hatred is fixed and bounded and bicause that like as the waters runne all into the Sea neither doe they euer rest vntill they come thether so God for that he alone is in truth good our first beginning and last ende our loue passing by creatures ought not to be stayd in them but wholly to be directed euen vnto God and to rest in him wherefore he alone in truth ought to be loued And likewise also forasmuch as sinne onelye is in trueth naught and filthie therefore it alone ought to be hated so that albeit our hatred passe by creatures it ought therfore not to be stayd in them but to be directed vnto wickednesse and there onely to rest And to vnderstand this the better I will bring an example of a perfect Christian whose heart if thou sawest thou shouldest see that his loue is wholly vppon God and yet for all this hée loueth creatures with-out staying therefore his loue in them yea he loueth them not but for the glory of God inasmuch as they serue to make it manifest so that such a one might say vnto God the same wordes that Augustine sayde in time passed O Lord when I loue and creture I loue not that creature but thée for whose loue I loue it Although the spouse doth loue the gifts of hir husband she doth not therefore staye hir selfe with hir loue vpon them but onely doth loue them for his sake that gaue them and bicause they serue for his glory and credit in lyke sort the true spouse of the Sonne of God doth not loue account precious nor estéeme the benefites of God for the worthinesse of them onelye nor yet for hir owne gayne but only for being giuen of God and for that they serue to his glory Likewise also a good Christian hateth no persons but for their wickednesse which be to the dishonour of God béeing by him most highly loued so that his hatred is not fixed in the creature but in the sinne We ought therefore to loue God with all our heart and that with staying our selues with al our hopes vpō him and we ought to loue our neighbors as our selues with out stablishing in any wise our loue vppon them but with louing them onely for the glory of God and inasmuch as they serue to the making of it manifest We ought also to hate our neighbours our parents and our selues as Christ sayde not with staying our selues with hatred towardes them but towardes their vices and sinnes inasmuch as we ought to hate them onely for that they béeing carnall doe hinder vs draw vs backe make vs slacke suffer not vs to make famous the glory of God Like as then there is one onely God so he alone ought to be loued and as al other things be of God so onely for him they ought to be loued Al the creatures together be not worthy of our loue which is fit for none but God And al this of our loue which resteth in creatures is lost God as he who is iealous ouer vs will haue all our loue for himself of other things that we haue he is content that we should communicate giue vnto others so that it be to his glory but loue he would not that should giue vnto any but him If we loue men for that they be our kinsfolkes be lyke vnto vs and come of the same bloud that we doe such loue is naturall and not vertuous If we loue them for their beautie and there-in doe establish our selues with our loue in such a case that is a lasciuious loue If we loue them for profite the loue-procéedeth of couetousnesse if for dignitie or honour which we looke to obtaine that loue commeth of pride If also we loue thē for that we hope that they shall serue for our saluation and for that we trust by their meanes to goe vnto Heauen which we desire onely for our owne felicitie without hauing respect to the glory of GOD this also is wholly a wicked and carnall loue But now this truely is a loue bright sincere pure spirituall and of Charitie when we loue our selues creatures onely for the glory of God and onely when they doe serue or be to serue to the manifesting thereoff True Charitie then as Paule did write séeketh not the things that be our own but the glorye of God yea it is a vertue that is most worthy most high most pure and altogether diuine holdeth the eyes alwayes open stedfast and fixed on the glory of God and albeit sometimes as that which is most pitifull and humble it debaseth it selfe to helpe the neighbours it is not therefore stayed in them but immediately with exalting it selfe on high it returneth to the glory of God yea for that Charitie maketh vs of no reputation in our selues and transformeth vs in God therefore it maketh that not séeing vs any more in our selues but onely in GOD we cannot any more loue vs in our selues but in God alone Let vs pray vnto God then that he would giue vs that loue to the intent that we maye render vnto him all praise honour and glory thorough Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen With how great loue God ought to be loued Sermon 3. FOrasmuch as goodnesse is such that béeing obiected to loue it ought to bée loued and so much the more as it is the greater séeing that Gods diuine bountie is infinite it ought of vs to be infinitely loued as it is loued by diuine will yea wée ought infinitely to loue God not onely bicause of his infinite goodnesse but also bicause of his infinite beautie wisedome power mercie charitie righteousnesse and for euery other his infinite vertue and perfection And more-ouer for that loue ought to bée recyprocall in our louing of God with infinit Charitie as he loueth vs we ought to loue him againe with an equall loue therefore with a loue that is infinite yea and with a greater
Wherefore Christ wondering at the great charitie of the father sayd So god loued the world that he gaue his only begotten son for it And in an other place speaking of himself he sayd None hath any greater loue then to spend his lyfe for his friends Wherfore S. Iohn said In this we haue knowen the loue God for that he hath spent his own life for our sakes Man knoweth not neither can he imagine the God could shew any greater loue then that which he hath shewed with giuing vs his own son vpon the Crosse There be also some which say that the greatest signe of loue which God hath shewed vs hath ben in giuing vs his spirit forasmuch as although god had created vs and bestowed innumerable benefits vpō vs with giuing vs also Christ vpon the crosse we shold in no wise haue ben holpē if god with his spirt had not opened our mindes made vs féele in déede his great goodnes loue Other say that God shal then shew greater loue thē at any other time when at the day of iudgement he raysing vs again glorious both in respect of our soules also of our bodyes deliuering vs frō al euil of this present life of the life to come shal set vs in quiet restful peaceable possessiō of heauen of the most high perpetuall felycitie with making vs alwaies to inioy vse the most pleasāt fruits of the passion death of Christ of his diuine grace And I iudge that the greatest loue which God hath shewed vnto vs hath ben in purposing frō all eternitie in his diuine minde to saue vs with his most perfect felicitie high triumph of Christ and his most great glory forasmuch as this benefit includeth in it all other the which do depend on it alone Inasmuch as forbicause he determined to saue vs with our most high glory therfore he created vs so noble after his owne likenes capable of him the world for to serue vs for this cause he suffereth sin to this ende he chastiseth vs calleth vs biddeth vs tarrieth for vs dissimuleth himselfe tollerateth vs bestoweth innumerable benefits vpō vs for this cause he sent the Patriarches gaue a law by Moses sent the Prophets lastly his own son for this cause he appointed that they should preach worke myracles do all that which they did for this cause he sent Christ the lastly he should dye vpon the crosse And likewise bicause he had elected vs to most perfect felicytie therfore Christ arose againe ascended into heauen sent the holy ghost like as he sendeth it inuisibly alwayes vpō his elect And likewise also for bicause he hath predestinated vs to the glory therefore he sending Christ to iudge the quicke the dead we shal be by him thorough Christ takē vp to a most high perpetuall felicitie God therefore louing vs with an infinit loue hauing shewed his loue in so great excéeding meanes let vs besech him that he would giue vs a spiritual tast féeling of him to the intent that thorough Christ we may render vnto him all honour and glory Amen How Christ vpon the crosse draweth euery thing vnto him Sermon 9. HE that will duely beholde Christ vpon the crosse shal sée that with a most earnest violence by all meanes possible he draweth all things vnto him First for that words especially whē they be pronounced which eloquēce order pithy proprietie be most effectual to moue mens hearts to draw thē vnto it as hath ben is séene cōtinually in oratours wherfore Christ vpon the chaire of the crosse was not dumb yea he spake words that would moue draw vnto him any hardned faithles obstinate hart And although Christ had in his life time spoken and his words wer altogther diuine notwtstāding those words which he pronounced vpon the crosse wer of so much force aboue al other so much more effectual violent as that being the last pronounced by the son of God when alredy néere vnto death he was in great torments they are ful of exceding wisdom swetnes pitie goodnes righteousnes charity as euery one proueth which with the spirit doth tast them The iestures also doe helpe when they be fitly applyed vnto the wordes to moue greatly wherfore when a mother would haue hir young sonne come vnto hir she doth not onely call him but also proueth him the more with beckening hir head and with opening hir armes The which Christ also did for to drawe vs vnto him forasmuch as he stretched out his armes vpon the crosse as if he would say beholde that I open and offer my selfe vnto all men ready and prepared to receiue and imbrace euery sinner which by my meane doth thirst for his saluation Or if thou haddest seene with what how great firy teares burning sighes and excéeding loue he lifted vp his eyes to heauen to pray for vs with what sweete pitie he debased himselfe and behelde those which hadde nayled him on the crosse and others who were present if thy heart were a thousand times harder then an Adamant stone thou shouldest in any wise haue bene constrayned that it should not onely be mollyfied made féeble and pleasaunt but moulten chiefly séeing that for thy loue bloud guished out from euery part of him And if the wisdome of Salomon could worke so much in the Queene of Sabba that with causing hir to leaue hir rich and delicate kingdom drewe hir from so farre a country to trauaile euen to his presence for to heare him the wisedome of Christ excéedingly shewed vpon the Crosse ought so much the more effectuallly drawe vs from the world vnto him as that his is the greater without proportion Wherefore also in Christ vpon the Crosse are fulfilled al the Prophets are verified al the Scriptures all shadowes and figures are made manifest and all the treasures of the wisdome and knowledge of GOD are opened wherefore as the most high perfect open and manifest truth he draweth our mindes to beholde it in him And lykewise also for that lybertie especially of riches is most effectual in alluring chiefly the poore and such as be in necessitie therefore Christ for to draw vs vnto him vsed towardes vs vpon the crosse a most hygh and excéeding liberalitie forasmuch as by meere grace he not onely deliuered vs from sinne from the power of the diuell and from all euill of this present life and of the lyfe to come with making satisfaction for all our bonds but also moreouer giueth vs all his diuine treasures heauen and himselfe Yea he draweth vs to hym euen with his righteousnesse inasmuch as we be drawen and moued to haue compassion on him seeing that in him although he be most innocent the Father with most rigorous iustice punisheth all our sinnes Notwythstandinge albeit vppon the crosse he stirreth vs vp with wordes prouoketh vs with his déedes and diuine iestures calleth vs
which we doe not seeke to quench but to nourish it is a most pleasant knot from which we do not séeke to be vnbound but to be fast tyed it is an amorous vyolence against which we make no resistaunce yea euery one fauoureth it He draweth vs not vnto him but by drawing vs to the father wherefore being vppon the Crosse naked of all treasures pleasures and worldly benefites he is shewed vnto vs altogether diuine And if Noe coulde drawe the lyuing creatures into the Arke how then should not Christ be able to draw vs into his breast The Angells could draw Lot out of Sodome and shall not I beléeue that Christ can deliuer me from hell and from all my sinnes I sée that Moses coulde drawe out of Aegypt so peruerse and obstinate people and shal not I beleeue that Christ can draw me out of the world Iosua brought them into the lande of promise and shall not I hope the Christ will conduct me into heauen Christ in Peter conuerted and drew vnto him in one day thrée thousand persons and in an other day fiue thousande in Paule as it were the whole world wherefore I can-not doubt but that he will also draw me vnto him One woman Samaritane could moue the whole Citie of Samaria and shall not Christ be able to moue and drawe me vnto him The multitude of people followed Christ thorough the wildernesse euen till they had forgotten themselues being allured by his pleasaunt words and shall not I be drawen to follow Christ séeing that for me he dyed vpon the Crosse the deafe heard the blinde knew him and the children praised him and I seing that hée hath opened my heart lightened my minde in this age shal I not féele his great goodnes and loue with his most high and excéeding spirit discouered vpon the crosse This can in no wise be possible yea it will of necessitie be that I continually loue my Iesu and that by him I be drawen to render vnto the father for euer all praise honour and glory Amen How the loue fo God maketh right our purposes Sermon 10. ALthough God made man righteous yet notwithstanding he is turned away vnto creatures so that if by Christ he bée not regenerated he doth not worke nor suffer for the glory of God but for his owne gaine Speaking therefore of carnal men they al haue for their Idol rayment pleasures honours or other worldly things by the which as by their last ende they are principally moued to work And albeit sometimes they thinke to worke to the glory of God yet they worke not in truth but for respecte of themselues as should well be knowne when they might enter into the inward parts of the darke Laborynth of their own hearts for that they should sée that they séeke to know by béeing knowen doe loue by béeing loued bee lyberal for to moue others to be prodigall towardes them doe prayse euerye one for that they woulde bée praysed doe tollerate bicause they are bound to be patient are afflicted bicause they woulde bée called Sainctes doe choose miseryes bicause they woulde bée happye despise the worlde bicause they woulde bée holden in estimation doe debase themselues bicause they woulde bée exalted and in humblyng themselues be proude they care not to dye so as they may lyue in the remembraunce of others and so appearing to shunne glorye they goe séeking it although by secrete and priuye wayes they woulde bee humble so as they might not féele it yea for to reioyce in confusion they thirst after patience bicause they would bée happie euen in shame they would be content to be without worldly affections that they might lyue more content in euery place time and state they desire to depende onely vppon God bicause they would not be drawen and tumbled about with the turning whéele of worldlye things they be discréet vnto themselues for that they would haue no griefe in gouerning them they would be reposed wholly in God they desire a perfect faith bicause they might alwaies be heard they long to be holden of no reputation but for their owne glory they would willingly loose their owne will for a diuine will they haue a desire to lyue blamelesse bicause they might lyue without payne they frame the Arke with Noe but it is to saue themselues they build the tower of Babel for to make their name famous they leaue their countrey with Abraham but it is for the land of promise with Lot they fly out of Sodome but for feare they serue with Iacob vnto Laban but it is for to haue Rachell with Sichem be circumcised for to haue Dina they humble themselues vnto Ioseph with his brethren for feare and with Pharao they suffer by force the people of God to depart they flye out of Aegypt with the Hebrew people but it is bicause they would not be oppressed if when they be in the desert they return not vnto the dainties of Aegypt it is bicause they be holden with the pleasantnes of Manna they would haue bene borne then when Christ was that they might tast liue with him without being therfore persecuted of Herode they would willingly be found with Christ at the mariage but they would not that they should want wine likewise also they would be contented to be with Christ in the desart so that the Angels would minister vnto them they would with Christ goe vp into the mountaine so the Christ would increase bread fish And likewise also in the mount Thabor they willingly would be clymed vp for to see Christ transfigured they would beare him company vpō Palme Sonday riding to Ierusalem bicause they woulde be honoured and in lyke sort they woulde haue bene at the last supper with Christ for to eate the Pascall Lambe but when Christ should take the Crosse for to goe vnto death they will with Peter deny him and with the other forsake him if that they should haue dyed with Christ vpon the Crosse that should haue bene only bicause they would haue risen againe glorious but to dye wholly for the glory of God this is for the perfect to doe The carnall men as those which cannot lyft vp their head to the glory of God all that which they work and suffer is by chaunce vnaduisedly for naturall pittie for custome for feare for shame by force for to flye griefes to haue rest and peace for their owne pleasure profite commoditie honour for the contentation of others for that it lyketh them to lead an honest and polytike lyfe for that they would not be punished and addicted to any to purchase or preserue friends to haue a certaine contentation of the minde and to shunne the tormenting of the conscience not to haue anye aduersitie at Gods hande but prosperitie for to escape Hell and to enioye Heauen alwayes and for other lyke innumerable respectes It is not sufficient to worke or suffer truely to the glorye of God that we saye with our
mouth when wée worke or suffer that it is to the the glory of God Also it is not sufficient to haue a certeine feeble desire theroff the which is found euen in the wicked inasmuch as they would also loue God worke and suffer for his honour yea it is not sufficient to doe anye thing to the glory of God if we be wicked that with all our might and force we purpose and determine to worke for his honor forasmuch as whilest we be wicked we cannot worship God truely nor lyft vp our head to his glory with accoūting him for our last ende And more ouer it sufficeth not that we imagine thinke that we worke for his glory for that the Iewes also in crucifiyng Christ and in persecuting his saints thought that they did God seruice as Christ foretolde vnto the Apostles They supposed that they were moued by zeale of the honour God but they deceiued themselues as Paule did write forasmuch as in truth if they had bene moued and drawen by the honour of God they would not haue done things which shoulde be to his dishonour as they did and this bicause séeing that the honour of God is in truth our last ende it doth not drawe vs to doe any thing but that which serueth to honour God To make therefore in truth our purposes right it must néedes be that we féele with the spirite a liuely Faith and light supernaturall the goodnesse of God in Christ in such sort that it can worke more in vs then all the benefits of the world so that louing it aboue all other things we be drawn to doe things for his glory so much the more as that man with a liuely faith séeing that Christ hath not onely delyuered him from al euill of this present life and of the lyfe to come but also hath merited all he could no more be moued to worke or suffer as a seruaunt for his owne gaine wherefore it shall of necessitie be that as a regenerate heyre and Lord ouer all and sure of saluation he should be onelye moued to worke by the Sonne for the glorye of the Father Now these doe onely worship God in spirite and truth forasmuch as they account him for their last ende they alone doe truly loue him not bicause he is good vnto them and bestoweth benefits vpon them but bicause he is good in himselfe and this is properly to loue God They onely doe also acknowledge God and his name in truth for that whereas others doe not feele nor knowe God but in that he hath created them preserueth them gouerneth and bestoweth benefites on them wherefore they doe for his owne gaine in himselfe acknowledge him in his owne being to be absolutely and with-out respect vnto creatures Vnto these also the Heauen béeing open as vnto Stephen they see the glorye of God wherefore they be moued to worke thereby And albeit such as these doe not actually thinke at all times to doe things vnto the glory of God yet notwithstanding lyke as all that which the Mariners doe is that they might be conducted vnto the hauen they séeke for albeit they doe not alwayes actually thinke thereon euen so the elect of God and those which haue with the spirite tasted the goodnesse of God be drawen to worke for his glorye although they doe not alwayes actually thinke there on Wherefore lyke as when thou castest on thée a cloake that not finding any let is moued by some part although thou doest not continually touche and dash it with thy hande and this by that first force which thou didst vse in casting it on Euen so when thou beginnest to doe a good worke to the glory of God although thou dost not alwayes actually thinke to do it to the glory of God neuerthelesse in vertue of the first force it is wholly to the glory of God so that there is found no let that is so that afterward thou dost not chaunge for to doe it with any wicked intent repugning against the glory of God It is very true that as to shake this cloake oftentimes will cause it sway with much the greater force and swiftnes so lykewise when we doe a good worke the refreshing of it oftentimes the thinking by force of a liuely spirite to doe it to the glory of God profiteth much to make vs do it with greater vehemencie Lyke as therefore the Hounde if he feeleth not the smell of the Hare runneth one while this way another while that but if he seeth it or féeleth the smel theroff is moued and runneth to it with great spéede the right way without turning either to the right hande or to the left euen so he which féeleth not in Christ the great goodnesse of God is moued to worke now by this worldly thing and then by that but he which féeleth it is drawen to worke with-out straying with a right purpose for the glory of God the which as our supreme beatitude and last ende we ought to haue alwaies before the eyes of our minde Neither ought we account it a hard matter to holde our minde alwayes lyfted vp vnto God séeing that not onely the loue which he beareth vs and that he alwayes thinketh on vs but moreouer ouer how he béeing infinitelye good hath made himselfe knowen vnto vs in bestowing benefites vppon vs with great excesse of his loue To this ende he hath created vs and done all that which he hath done to the intent that knowing him for our first beginning last ende chiefe happines with making his glory shine we labour to set foorth his glory which to doe is a thing in it selfe so honest that in the world can nothing be done in it selfe so vile which if it be done for the glory of God is not glorious in the sight of God like as also there can nothing be done in the world so gloryous in it selfe that béeing done for humaine respects is not most abiected in the sight of God If thou shouldest giue all that thou hast to the poore thy body to the fire if thou dost it not for the loue of God euery thing is lost as Paule did write Although thou canst not serue God vnrewarded thou oughtst notwithstanding serue him without hauing respect vnto the reward but only to serue for his glory And when the eye of our purpose is so simple sincere pure all the body of our workes is lyght and acceptable vnto God There is nothing that hurteth so much the arte of liuing well as a peruerse intent the which disordering the whole and taking the honor from God maketh men idolaters and vaine inasmuch as all the which they worke and suffer and not for the glory of God is lost cast away yea and sinne in the sight of God for that they are not done for the glory of God as they ought to be O how happy wer we if all that wée haue suffered and wroughte euen vntill now we had suffered and