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A08219 An epistle sent vnto tuuo daughters of VVarwick from H.N., the oldest father of the Familie of Love ; with a refutation of the errors that are therein, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622?; Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? Epistle sent unto two daughters of Warwick. 1608 (1608) STC 18553; ESTC S1318 62,756 66

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as H. N. sayth according to the heavenly truth Wheras that which he meaneth by heavenly truth wil be found indeed to be hellish error he teaching such things of God and of Christ and of mans righteousnes as the prophets and Apostles have every wher condemned which anon will appear H. N. 3. Because that the same miserable doctrine and false wisdom of the flesh which gendreth her own righteousnes mought be made known and even so then to be forsaken therfore hath God now in the same last day showed his grace mercifulnes on vs poor wretched ones and hath declared vnto vs through his holy spirit his service of Love for to declare vnto al good willing ones through the self same service which is the true way to the everlasting life Therfore let everie one now through the same service of love be warned that he look wel hereto that he boast not himself in any of the works of righteousnes or take on the same to salvation neyther to condemnation before that he in the spirit of Christ through the love of the Father be renewed in al righteousnes of life Not that I mean in the elementish ceremonial righteousnes which the man setteth forth or occupieth out of his owne prudencie but I mean in that righteousnes which according to the heavenly truth is in the being of Christ and is set forth through the spirit of God For the Father is not honoured but through the Son that is no man may know eyther serve God but that he must be born out of the spirit of Christ even like as ther standeth written Ther availeth before God neyther circumcision nor vncircumcision but onely a new creature in Christ Iesus wrought through the Love Gal. 6. Therfore shal Christ in the day of judgements accuse and find faultie a flesh in their righteousnes even like as he saith I shal reprove or rebuke the world of their righteousnes Ioh. 16. That this is al what the man out of his first birth hath set vp for a righteousnes which is an enimy vnto God even like as he sayth Ioh. 10. They are al theeves and murtherers which are come before me that is whosover letteth himself think that he is a Christian before the spirit of Christ be born in him that same is a theef and a murderer For whosoever hath not the spirit of Christ the same belongeth not vnto him Rom. 8. Even like as Paul hath witnessed wher he saith I durst not speak any word vnlesse that Christ had spoken the same in me or through me Rom. 15. yea no man sayth he in an other place can name Iesus to be the Lord but through the holy Ghost 1 Cor. 12. A natural man sayth he testeth not the spirit of God 1 Corinth 2. My children saith Paul to the Galathians with whom I travel agayn in birth vntil that Christ be fashioned in you 1 Gal. 4. Here may we mark that without the Spirit of Christ ther is no knowledge of God And vvher God is not knovvn ther can ther not any doctrine be occupied to the mans salvation It is verie true H. A. THe author pretending to deal against that which he would faynest establish to weet the miserable doctrine and false wisdome of the flesh which gendreth her own righteousnes first draweth the readers to himself and his familie and the service of Love as being the declarers of the true way to the everlasting life now in the same last day But this is like the cariage of the whorish woman who caught the yong man and kyssed him and with an impudent face sayd vnto him I have peace offrings this day have I paid my vowes therfore came I forth to meet thee c. and H. N. hath no better warrant then his predecessor Mahomet who before him boasted himself to be the Teacher of the nations That the reader may discern the frawd of this falser I wil first briefly shew what doctrine he hath taught cōcerning God and Christ And then I wil proceed in answering this his Letter The God which H. N. treacheth to the world is not as the scriptures declare the true God vnto vs One eternal everliving infinite incomprehensible almighty vnserchable and vnchangeable Being who onely hath immortality and dwelleth in the light that none can attayn vnto whom never man saw neither can see vnto whome be honour and power everlasting Amen 1 Tim. 6. 16 Exod. 3. 14. Rev. 1. 4. Iob. 11. 7. 8. 9. 36. 26. Psal. 90. 2. 93. 2. 102. 26. 27. 145. 3. Act. 17. 25. Iam. 1. 17. But H. N. telleth vs of a God that was in the beginning as a light af life of one substance with the manly creatures For as he saith after in this letter God had created the man that he should be of one life one Being one Spirit and of one nature with God Now the manly creature we know was finite comprehensible not from eternity but had his beginning in the sixt day of this world and soon was changed from his estate and became like to the beasts that perish How then can it without highest blasphemie and dishonour of God be sayd or thought that God was of one substance with the man yet H. N. to bring his blasphemie to a higher degree if he may hath further manifested his mind thus See and mark ye beloved in the beginning when God made al things wel then was the Lord one Lord of his kingdom one God of his works ther was also no more but one God and one man and they were one and had in al one order being and nature for God was al that the man was and man was al that God was The Divil when he had the Serpent for his instrument the subtilest beast of the field durst not vtter such abomination vnto Evah as to say she should be of one substance with God or al that God was but only that she should be like vnto God knowing good and evil but here having gotten a new instrument H. N. which mystical letters may rightly be read Ha Nachash that is The Serpent who now is weren more old in evil more bold in falshood he shameth not to teach that God and man were one substance and being God al that man and man al that God was By this doctrine H. N. leadeth men at once from God to the Divil and deifieth the Serpent For the Serpent was too subtile for the manly creature the Divil deceived and overcame the man with al that he was his body sowl and spirit Now seing God the creator and man the creature had al one substance and being and the one was al that the other was it wil folow vpon this blasphemers doctrine that the man had as much power wisdom wil and ability everie way to withstand the Divil as God himself had but the Divil was too strōg and too wise for the man therfore also he was
creator who is blessed for ever Amen To al then that H. N. can say for his own Godhed or his disciples let al true Christians answer as Jeremy taught the Jewes to answer the men of Babel The Gods that have not made the heavens and the earth shal perish from the earth and from vnder these heavens Ier. 10. 11. By this the reader may perceive what a poysoned religion this Nachash H. N. hath brought into the world concerning God Now for his Christ H. N. teacheth vs not according to the scriptures of one particular man of the stock and generation of the Jewes born about xvi hundred yeres agoe in Bethlehem who himself alone being God equal with the Father before the world was and in that fulnes of time took vnto him our humane nature bare in his own body the syns of al his elect and by that once offring of himself vpon the crosse hath purged them al from al their syns c. No H. N regardeth not as after in this Letter sect 11. he sheweth this knowledge that in times past ther was one Christ in Israel which was born amongst his own c. but telleth vs of a Lovely being and a holy life this is his Christ. For in his First exhortation he sayth walk with your spirit in the Lovely and vertuous Being Fasten your mind therto and build your righteousnes theron For that is an eternal and fast standing foundation wheron al Gods prophets and holy ones have builded and is Christ himself Agayn in the same book he sayth After a little time of your distresse and anguish or heavines the Lord wil bring his Christ that is his best beloved and most holy being in power and glory vnto you In this his Epistle to the two daughters he expoundeth Pauls words 1 Cor. 13. though I had al faith c. if I had not love it were nothing that is sayth H. N. whosoever hath not Christ he is with u● God th●rf●re also in an other place he caleth Love the vpright Being of Christ himself And because this Lovely life and being appeareth dayly fresh and new in those that come to the family of Love therfore they professe to beleeve not that Christ was but that he I●●●●●eived of the holy Ghost through the power of the most highest born of the H. virgin Mary And wheras the scriptures teach that Christ suffred for vs and for our syns H. N. 〈…〉 Christ beareth in vs our syns The scriptures teach that by the obedience of one meaning Christ many are made righteous he hath washed vs from our syns in his blood he was once offred to take away the syns of many and with one offring hath he consecrated for ever them that are sanctified H. N. teacheth vs that Christ vnder the obedience of the Love of his Father is gone before vs therin for that we should in like manner follow after him vnder the obedience of his Love in his death of the crosse to the safemaking of vs from our syns Thus must we save our selves by our own suffrings and Christ set forth vnto vs in the scriptures is but an example to teach vs what we must doe But what should I stand longer vpon this point for the Familists hold and professe that an obedient and godly life is Christ Iesus and so their doctrine of Christ agreeth with their former doctrine of God both being wretched and blasphemous Having thus opened the groundwork of H. Ns. religion it shal be the easyer to discerne his frawd in this Letter which I now wil particularly answer Let every one now through the same service of Love sayth this author be warned that he boast not himself in any of the works of righteousnes or take on the same to salvation neyther to condemnation before that he in the spirit of Christ though the love of the Father be renewed in al righteousnes of life In that H. N. sayth before he be renewed he playnly intimateth that his deadly error that after men are renewed they may boast in and take on their works to salvation contrarie to Pauls doctrine who sheweth that not onely the vncircumcision the vnrenewed Gentiles but also the circumcision the renewed Jewes should be justified of God by faith which faith excludeth mans rejoycing or boasting and al works of the Law He confirmeth it also by Abrahams example who though he were renewed in righteousnes of life had nothing to rejoyce of with God but was justified by faith alone and as he so we al shal have faith not works imputed to vs for righteousnes But H. N. speaking of the 10. commandements given on mount Sina caleth that law God 's eternal true living righteousnes that he would have to be erected through his people Israel vpon the earth and wherin al the children of men generations and heathen should live Wherin his doctrine is quite contrary vnto Pauls who sayth if ther had been a law given which could have given life suerly righteousnes should have been by the Law but the scripture hath concluded al vnder syn that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be given to them that beleeve Now the way of life the Apostle had before shewed in the same chapter saying it is evident that no man is justifyed by the Law in the sight of God for the just shal live by faith and the Law is not of faith but the man that shal do tho●e things shal live in them H. N. therfore teaching contrary to the Apostle as we have seen even a miserable doctrine and false wisdome of the flesh which gendreth her own righteousnes is by th' Apostles commandement to be holden accursed Gal. 1. 8. And this gift of his hath no witnesse of the holy prophets or Apostles to confirm the same but by his predecessor Mahomet is wel approved for evē so did he teach the Turks That the Law of God is not impossible and intollerable howsoever the Apostles say the contrary Rom. 8. 3. Act. 15. 10. and that they which keep the the Law are joyned with God saved After this H. N. sheweth that he meanes not the elemetish ceremonial righteousnes but that which according to the heavenly truth is in the Being of Christ for this we had heard is his heavēly truth that every man should have the Being of Christ or be Christ himself His proof herof is The Father is not honoured but through the Son that is sayth H. N. no man may knowe or serve God but that he must be born out of the spirit of Christ. And thus he leadeth the daughters by degrees to their own new birth for their righteousnes and salvation and to maynteyn this heresie he corrupteth and abuseth the scripture Gal. 6. 15. wher Paul sayth against such as vrged Christians to be circumcised
God By Christ or righteousnes H. N. sayth he meaneth the being like Christ not any ceremonial Christ so he seemeth to esteem the playn doctrines of the gospel to be but ceremonial that wheras we read there of one Jesus to be crucified for our syns c. this he coūteth but a ceremonie shadow or figure such it may be as was the ram that Abraham offred or the beasts that Aaron killed or perhaps the parable that Jotham told for the true Christ that saveth men is the Lovely being that is in the Familists themselves this idol hath their god H. N. out of his prudency according to his fleshly mind set vp And this is a great secret or mysterie of iniquity H. N. 5. Herevpon my beloved mought ye or som other say we learn not or ther is not any thing taught vnto vs then out of the clear scripture which may not lie Yea my beloved the scripture lyeth not but al those which ar not instructed through the spirit of Christ they lie are beguiled signify or expoūd the scripture which is spokē through the holy Ghost shewed out in the spirit of life Iohn 6. vpon an earthy or elementish foundation wherthrough the man can not obteyn or get any renewing of the hart Even like as in the witnessing of the scripture ther is witnessed sufficiently to those that can vnderstand the same Who is ther without the word of the Lord which is spirit life Iohn 6. that hath atteyned vnto the salvation or who hath I beseech you in any world brought forth any true witnes vnlesse that he through the Spirit of the Lord which is his word become altogether born anew● H. A. UUE are sure the sacred scripture l●●th not but H. N. which abus●th and falsifieth the scripture and denieth Jesus to be the Christ making Love and the Lovely Being in himself and his familie to be Christ as we have heard is by the Apostle condemned for a Liar and an Antichrist 1 Ioh. 2. 22. and he not being instructed through the Spirit of Christ hath taught an earthly and rotten foundation to the ruine of true religion The scripture cannot rightly be vnderstood or opened but by the Holy Ghost that is the gifts of the holy Ghost But some have the gifts of the Spirit which yet are not themselves altogither born anew as had Balaam the Scribes and Pharises Caiaphas Judas the traitor and others many which as the Apostle sayth Heb. 6. 4. were once lightned have tasted of the heavenly gift were made partakers of the holy Ghost Therfore it is false which H. H. writeth that none in any world brought forth any true witnes vnlesse that he became altogither born anew Againe he here brocheth another error in expounding the Spirit of the Lord to be his word which H. N. in his grosse vnderstanding perversly gathereth from Christs words Iohn 6. 63. the words that I speak vnto you are spirit wherby our Lord meaneth that his words were spiritual not that they were the Holy Spirit it self For he vseth the like phrase of a spiritual and regenerated man saying Except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God and that which is born of the spirit is spirit Iohn 3. 5. 6 Now seing H. N. describing his Communialty of the Love sayth Whosoever cometh into this good city he becometh altogither born anew in the spirit he may by like reason conclude that himself and his Nicholaitans are also the holy Spirit and so be a blasphemer against the Holy Ghost as he is against the Father and the Son The Scriptures teach vs playnly to distinguish between the word and the Spirit of the Lord this latter being cause and author of the former as it is written 2 Sam. 23. 2. The Spirit of the Lord spake in me his word was in my tongue and of al the prophets it is witnessed that they spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit 2 Pet. 1 21. The Apostle sayth this is the word which is preached among you and how they preached it an other sheweth when he sayth that by the spirit of God they knew the things given them of God and spake those things not in words which mans wisdom teacheth but which the holy Spirit teacheth that al men may see how ignorantly if not worse H. N. hath confounded the word and the Spirit of the Lord as if they were one thing H. N. 6. Note wel or consider of fellowship the estate or manner of the Apostles how that they although they went about so long tyme with Christ wer alwayes with him whiles the power of God was wrought through him vnderstood not what the mind of the Lord was concerning the godly causes before that the day of Pentecost or Whitsontide when that they received the holy Ghost was come vnto them Even like as there standeth written how that they sayd at the tyme when Christ was crucified among them we had hoped or supposed that he should have delivered Israel and it is now the third day and ther cometh nothing of it we wil goe a fishing For they supposed that Christ should have set vp a fleshly kingdom H. A. HEre H. N. to magnify himself as a spiritual and godded man spareth not to wrong the holy Apostles as if they before Pentecost Acts. 2. vnderstood not the scriptures nor preached the word truly wheras it is evident that they were sent and had preached the word long before Luk. 9. 1. 2. which word Christ had given them and they received Iohn 17. 8. 14. and were made clean by it Iohn 15. 3. and he had opened their vnderstanding to vnderstand the scriptures Luk. 24. 45. though afterward at Pentecost they received more plentifull graces of the spirit when Christ was gone from them Act. 2. 1. 2. 4. c. Again H. N. as if he delited to falsify the scripture sayth there standeth written how that they sayd when Christ was crucified we hoped that he should hav delivered Israel c. wheras these words were spoken by Cleopas and an other disciple which were none of the Apostles as appeareth Luk. 24. vers 18. 21 33. and to make vp his patcherie he addeth that they sayd it is now the third day there cometh nothing of it we wil go a fishing Wheras those two spake not at al of going a fishing but other men at an other time Ioh. 21. 3. By this the reader may mind what credit is to be given to H. N. his allegations of scripture who careth not to profane the holy word for maintenance of his lies and setteth things down as they come in his idle head But why say I so of this godded man seeing men ought not to distrust him nor suspect any manner of evil or vnwisdom by this Oldest Father whose eysight as himself sayth was clearer then Chrystal his vnderstanding brighter
creator and the creatures between whose Being there is no comparison Which things if he would not learn of the H. scriptures because he scorneth scripture learning yet might he have learned of Philosophers and heathen men who have sayd that though by certayn demonstration it is manifest that a divine artizen hath procreated vs yet by no reason or wit can we perceave what his essence or being is That God is One alone separated from all who cannot be explayned nor perceived that he is the first simplicity incomprehensible incomparable vniform that he cannot be known or found out yea that it is neyther possible to find him out nor lawful to serch him out And many like speeches have the Pagans spokē of God more divinely soundly and religiously a great deal then this Epicure H. N. the God of the Familists hath written in his blasphemous pamphlets After he hath thus described the vpright Christian Baptisme as he sayth or washing in the name of the Father he proceedeth with his Baptisme in the Name of the Son of whom he sayth that he is conceived of the holy Ghost and born of the holy Virgin Mary And that thissame Son of God beareth in vs our synnes c. and that he vnder the obedience of the Love of his Father is gone before vs therin for that we should in like manner follow after him vnder the obedience of his Love in his death of the crosse to the safemaking of vs from our synns become incorporated to him with his like death and baptised or washed vnder the obedience of the Beleef in his Name or safemaking and bury even so through the beleef the old man c. to the forgiving and releasing of our synns through his name or safemaking to the end that we might even so through Iesu Christ obteyn the renewing of our spirit and mind in an vpright life and resurrection from the dead with Christ in the appearing of his Majesty And that this is the vpright Christian Baptisme in the name of the Son and is the true forgivnes and purging of our synns through Iesu Christ. And all that thus folow not Christ are no Christians nor yet baptised in the name or salvation of the Son Here is an other puddle of heresie for men to be washed in in the name of H. Ns Christ. Of whom he first telleth vs that he is conceived and born whereas we beleeve in that Christ which was conceived and borne now many yeres ago But the Nicholaitans have a Christ in them to weet their Lovely Being as before is shewed Neither is their fayth setled on one Jesus borne heretofore in Israel but they themselves are born of the virgin Mary as their Father H. N. teacheth them in his Gospel saying the vpright children of the beleef which had their discent out of the seed of the faith of Abraham and the pure virgin Mary as also from the holy Ghost were known to be the true seed of Abraham because the same seed was the seed of the promise of God the Father was likewise in his mind according to the spirit the likenes of God his Father also spirit spiritual of the godly nature being according to the wil of God wholly minded w th God These vpright children of the beleef ar the Familists themselves if we wil beleev them they are born of the holy Ghost and of the pure virgin Mary and are not onely their own saviours but as a little before in the same place he writeth the seed out of the faith of Abraham out of the pure Virgin Mary is the true seed of promise to the blessing of all generations of the earth Thus do these caytiffs take to themselves the honour of Christ and though the Prophet telleth vs but of one child that is born vnto vs which should be prince of peace should order and stablish the kingdome of David forever yet these tel vs of many children of the pure virgin Mary as being that seed of promise in whom al generations of the earth should be blessed How they have this strange birth we may gather by H. N. his learned interpretation of the name Mary which he sayth signifieth a Doctresse for the doctrine of H. N. is that wherby his disciples are born anew as elswher he expoūdeth that to be born of the virgin Mary out of the seed of David after the flesh is of the pure doctrine out of the seed of Lov. Now Mary caled in Greek Mariam in Hebrew Mirjam I find in the scripture to signify their rebellion Nehem. 9. 17. which name very fitly agreeth to the Familists Doctrine but how or in what tongue it signifieth a Doctresse themselves I suppose can hardly shew vnlesse vpon H. Ns authority who as he hath given them a new gospel so also a new language farr differing from the language of Canaan wherby they may make what meaning and gather what allegories they lyst from words and none must suspect any vnwisedome to be in them Secondly H. N. sayth that thissame Son of God beareth in them their synns wheras that Son of God in whom the scriptures teach vs to beleev hath washed vs from our synns in his own blood and put thē away by the sacrifice of himself for he was wounded for our transgressions his own self bare our syns in his body on the tree and died for vs. How erroneously then doth H. N. perswade that Christ beareth in vs our synns Thirdly he sayth that Christ is gone before vs for that we should in like maner follow after him vnder the obedience of his Love in his death of the crosse to the safemaking of vs from our synns so teaching vs to save our selves by imitation of Christ this being all the benefit we have by his death that it is an example vnto vs how to do likewise Wherin H. N. sheweth himself to be a greater enemy to Christianity then was Caiaphas who sayd it was expedient that One man should die for the people and that the whol nation perished not so prophesying that Christ should die for the nation wheras H. N. would have men die themselves for their own salvation that so they might all perish for ever But we have otherweise learned the true Christ who was delivered to death for our syns and is risen agayn for our justification That as by one man the first Adam syn entred into the world and death by syn and so death went over all men so by one man the second Adam Christ we might reign in life and as by one mans disobedience many were made synners so by the obedience of one many might he made righteous Fourthly H. N. teacheth that men are baptised vnder the obedience of the beleef in his name or safemaking and bury even so through the Beleef the old man
life to frequent idolatrous assemblies hear masse worship a God of bread and the beast Antichrist observe his wicked ceremonies and professe his heretical doctrines as the Nicolaitans wil doe and H. N. would perswade these daughters vnto whiles yet he pretends to have them leav syn Dissimilation and hypocrisie is a hateful syn both to God and man wherin they that live are altogither strangers from the life of God and this is the trade of life and religion among the Familists who hating all religions but their own yet wil professe counterfeit and walk in any religion save their own for that they doe onely in secret because their works are evil but God in his time wil give them their due reward even openly H. N. 27. Oh how grosly then do they comprehend this which signify or apply this same vnto vs vpon the Pope of Rome say that the Pope is the Antichrist Oh oh no the Antichrist is nearer vnto vs were it wel known The wisdome of the flesh wherewithal the man wil judg the godly causes is verily the right Antichrist I say the wicked nature of the Divil wherwith the man is of one mind so long as he in the renewing of his spirit is not incorporated with Christ is verily that same right Antichrist Oh vnderstand it rightly with an vnpartial hart H. A. HEre H. N. crieth out of their grosse comprehension that say the Pope of Rome is the man of syn the Antichrist in the meā time he sheweth himself to be most grosse and carnal in his comprehension that expoundeth that man of syn spoken of 2 Thes. 2. to be The wisdome of the flesh the wicked nature of the Divil c. The vanity and falshood wherof every babe in Christ that looketh into that scripture may easily perceiv For th'Apostle speaking there of the day of Christs comming teacheth them not to exspect that vntil the departing from the fayth were first come and the man of syn the Son of perdition were first disclosed But the wisdome of the flesh and wicked nature of the Divil was come already for Adam and his children had brought it forth and nourished it in the world even from the beginning Gen 3. Rom. 5. 12. 14. 17. 18. c. and it was disclosed both by the Law Rom. 3. 20. and by the Gospel already preached 1 Cor. 1. 18. 19. 21. 27. and 2. 6. 7. c. 1 Iohn 3. 8. c. Wherfore it is but deceiving of mens sowles to teach them to wayt and look for that thing to come which is already come and H. N. sheweth how farr he is from vnderstanding the scriptures which yet so insolently vaunteth himself over al men As for vs we have learned of the Apostles to vnderstand generally every false prophet to be an Antichrist 1 Ioh. 2. 18 19. 22. But specially one great Antichrist to come after the Apostles times whose mystery began even then to work whiles they lived but somthing ther was which then withheld his reveling namely the hethen monarchie of the Romane empire which at that time withheld and hindred the doctrine of the Gospel by open tyrannie and persecution and should let the working and disclosing of that great Antichrist in the Papacie vntil himself that hethen Empire were taken out of the way Then after him should arise an other Beast or Monarchie with hornes like the Lamb Christ pretending his faith and Religion as doe the Papists though his speech be like the Dragons in al damnable doctrines and idolatries And this Antichrist should seat himself in the Temple or howse of God which is the Church and in the consciences of men by his errors wherwith he should deceiv mens sowles A large and lively description of which Beast and great whore that reigneth in the city built on 7. hills we have in the book of Revelation the light wherof H. N. would darken by the foggs and mists of his own fleshly and allegorical interpretations Now that the reader may see how good a proctour H. N. is for the Pope and wherfore he is so neerly affected to him and denyeth him to be Antichrist it shal not be amisse to shew what paynes he hath taken to compare himself and his societie with the Pope and his clergie that al mē may discern them to be both sworn brothers against Christ. In his new Gospel caled Evangelium regni H. N. hath thus applied things This same foregoing sayth he of the Elders of the holy vnderstanding and their anoynting of the holy Ghost to Priests Elders and Fathers hath the catholik church of Rome til vnto this day ministred and observed in figures as is abovesayd For to a token of remembrance of the holy anoynting of Christ with the holy spirit they have vsed the anoynting with oyl it is a sacramēt of the holy church of Christ which signifyeth vnto vs the anoynting of the Priests or Elders with the holy Ghost 5. Of which anoynted Elders or foregoers of the cōminalty of the catholik church of Rome the cheefest anoynted is named Papa signifieth vnto vs an old Father in the holy vnderstanding also the chief Bishop or high priest which hath his being or conversation in the most holy of the true and perfect sanctuary ministreth his office of the holy word therout and for that cause is also named The most holy Father c. Those now that are next to the forenamed Papa are named Cardinals which signify vnto vs the principallest which are neerest in the most holy vnderstanding of the godlines vnto the Eldest or holyest Father and have their communion with him in the most holy of the true and perfect being c. After this he proceedeth to shew how the Bishops signified the pastors of the sheep and lambs of Christ The Parish priests or curats signified Levitical priests or adjoyned Pastors and elders of the holy vnderstanding c. The Deacons signified ministers or helpers of the parish priests in the holy Godservices The Sextons signified conservers or keepers of the holy things The many manner of orders wherthrough many anoynted ones and zelous people sought the righteousnes and holynes which are named Monks signified such as dwel alone are through the love of the righteousnes Sanctified for that cause also separated from the world and from al what is worldly and fleshly c. And Next vnto al these forenamed anoynted ones are the common people which beleev and cleave vnto the services religions and ceremonies of the Anoynted and which also humble them to the requiring of those same c. Thus hath H. N. fetched the mysterie of his Family of Love from the Popes forge that al men may see it is no marvel that he denyeth the Pope to be Antichrist for H. N. the oldest Father of this Family wil be the Papa and great Antichrist himself and the Pope of Rome was but
No for in his First exhortation he saith no man can rightly according to the truth of the holy scriptures nor according to the spiritual vnderstanding of the godly wisdome deal in or vse the true God-services nor the services of the holy word it becometh not likewise that any man should take in hand to busy himself therabout but onely the illuminated Elders in the godlie wisdom which walk in the house of Love But what if H. N. with his coelders be but deceivers of mens sowles seduced themselves and seducing others for be they not men as others are and subject to error He telleth vs no for they have received the word of life through the power of the most highest out of his holy heaven from the living God and are even so through the same word Godded with God Therfore in an other place of that book he saith men ought to beware that they distrust not the Eldest in the Familie of Love nor suspect any maner of evil or vnwisdom by him nor yet also in anywise perswade themselves y t the exercises documents instructions which ar taught or set forth before them by the Father of the Familie of Love or oldest elder are too slight too childish or too vnwise for them to follow after or to obey But with perfect harts humbly and single-mindedly even as good willing children vnto the Obedience to receive the same instructions proceeding out of the wisdom and counsel of the Eldest And must we needs put out our own eyes that H. N. may lead vs may we trust him that he himself is not a blind guide and false prophet such as Christ foretold should come in this last time For this matter he hath given vs his warrant thus My loving children and thou Familie of Love give ear to me your Father and live according to my doctrine that it may goe wel with you For the Lord wil have the Father honoured of the children and what the mother biddeth or commandeth the children to doe that wil he have kept Take heed to my doctrine and all what I out of Love do set forth teach and exhort you vnto that print to a seal of life or a witnes of the truth in your harts For it is your life By this we may see what a good ground H. N. hath layd for himself and his cause that men should receive his word and doctrines for Oracles of God He saw that his brother the Antichrist of Rome had much prevailed in the foolish world by making men beleev that he and his church could not err he minded also perhaps the glorie that Mahomet hath among Turks by perswading them that the Alchoran his law-book is without all falshood therfore H. N. wil sayl by that compas and make that the foundation of his work And coming as an enemy to warr against Christians he is much more malicious then Nachash the Ammonite who would have thrust out but one ey of the Israelites wheras this tyrann would thrust out both and that not of the body as Nachash would but of the mind and vnderstanding that having bereft men of their wits he might keep them prisoners vnder his heresies For in his Crying voice he hath proclaymed saying Let your selves now in all your Being nature mind and disposition become renued through the Love in her service and give al your vnderstanding captive vnder the obedience of the Love Thus H. N. wil be gaoler and keep in captivity the minds of al men til they bow vnto him and say as he hath taught his children or rather his s●laves in his First exhortation O my father in the Love I submit my self and al myne vnderstanding vnder the wisdome of thy doctrine And when he hath gotten mens minds thys captived he may lead them whither he lyst though it be into the deepest dungeon of hel We find in Christs Testament the Beraeans commended that tried the Apostles doctrines by the scriptures dayly Act. 17. 11. and other Christians also that took heed to the most sure word of the Prophets as to a light shining in a dark place 2 Pet. 1 19. Howsoever therfore H. N. would extinguish the seven lamps of the golden candlestick of Gods law that men might see by the smoke of the fyre which he hath kindled we mean not to trust his pretended light but to bring to the trial both his spirit and his gift For the serpent by his subtilty brought Evah vnto death whiles he took away Gods playn word and set his own in the place like may be our end if we submit our selves and all our vnderstanding vnder the foolishnes of this mans doctrine H. N. 2. See my beloved in the Love of Christ I must speak vnto you even like as Paul spake vnto the fleshly Israelites where he saith I bear Israel witnes that they stand fervently minded towards the lov of God but not according to knowledg for they seek to set up their own righteousnes Rom. 10. So is now the witnes of God in our spirit with the holy Paul towards you that yee likewise stand fervently minded towards the love of God but not according to knowledge because that the Christ of God is not yet declared vnto you according to the heavenly truth but wel according to mans wisdom or industrie which to the literal scripture add their own prudencie and even so goe forth withal or occupie their own righteousnes without the spirit of Christ which is a miserable doctrine being taught without the spirit of Christ. H. A. SOlomon warneth vs of an heretik vnder the figure of a foolish woman that calleth vnto her them that passe by the way yea such as go right on their way saying who so is simple let him come hither And in this her cal she counterfeiteth Wisdomes words for even so had her maidens spokē before to the sons of men that went astray The Apostle Paul found fault with the Israelites that for want of knowledge did seek to set by their own righteousnes by the works of the Law neglecting the righteousnes of God which is by the faith of Jesus Christ. H. N. here cometh like the troblesom woman and calleth these two daughters which went right on their way even in the true path beaten by Paul and the other Apostles And the more to allure them he vseth Pauls words and pretends his affection but his drift is to draw them quite awry from the true way of righteousnes which Paul did preach vnto a false righteousnes by the works of the law a miserable doctrine which H. N. in his writings hath taught without the spirit of Christ. These two daughters of Warwick did as I have heard so know and beleev in Christ and in God and seek the true righteousnes which is by faith as other true Christians of our English nation have done and doo But the Christ of God was not yet declared vnto them
too strōg and to wise for H. Ns. God who had no more of any thing then the mā Now he that is most mighty most wise c. must needs even in any Pagans judgement be esteemed for God The Divil could not prevayl with Christ though he proffered him al the kingdomes of the earth to fal down and worship him but he hath gottē this honour and much more from H. N. for far lesse preferment that he wil not only worship him himself but draw al the world if he can to doe the like by his Serpentlike doctrine But a man would think that vpon consideration of Adams fal and al his childrens miserie H. N. would change his more then beastly judgement of God and man to be one substance No it is farr otherwise For as he hath feighned such a God as never was so hath he begotten and brought vs forth a Christ to weet a Lovely Being or rather a lothsom Idol in his own hart as after shal be shewed which Christ he sayth maketh of two that they be one namely the Godhead and the manhood By meanes of this mediator is God the Father one substāce or manned with vs through Christ and is al in al. Herevpon H. N. which hath written the world a new Gospel and beginneth it with his own praise as the holy Evangelists begin theirs with Christs telleth vs of himself that he is Godded with God in the spirit of his Love And least men should neglect to worship this beast and give him his Divine honour he every wher vrgeth his godhed and authority one example wherof I wil set down The God of heaven as the Father himself is come down and he bringeth in the service of his Love himself with his Christ and his holy Ghost with al that which with him is Gods vnto his obedient mā H. N. Godding the same w th him he hath Manned him with the same and his wil is that now in the last time through his service of Love al people or generations of men which are good willing to his righteousnes should assemble them vnto him his Godded man even so likewise with them al that which is manly to the end that they al should become of one Being with him and his godded man so be al named Gods and children of the most highest For even so in the same conjoyned comming and conformity of being namely God with al what is Gods and the man with al what is manly it al what is not Gods nor manly becommeth through God and the man vtterly condemned Was ther ever any trump of Satan that durst proclaym such Atheisme to the world vnder colour of religion as this man doeth Mahomet was never so grosse or wicked to think thus of God or of himself He in his Alchoran every where speaketh rightly of God that he is One immutable most wise most high incomprehensible omnipotent c. He was willed he sayth to say Nothing is injoyned me but to worship God alone and not to esteem any his fellow or partner and agayn That thou Mahomet mayst be proved true cal thy self but a messenger onely But H. N. wil be Godded with God and have al that is Gods as himself sayth then is he doubtlesse Gods fellow and hath the eternal power and godhead which the Apostle sayth ar seen by the creation of the world c. Now what can H. N. or any of his ylluminated Elders answer to that which the true God propounded vnto Job wher wast thou when I layd the foundation of the earth declare if thou hast vnderstanding c. Hast thou an arm like God or doost thow thunder with a voice like him deck thy self now with majesty excellencie array thy self with bewty and glory Cast abroad the indignation of thy wrath and behold every one that is prowd and abale him c. Then wil I confesse vnto thee also that thy right hand can save thee Wee know the true God can do al things and that there is no thought hid from him Let H. N. with his new Gods shew forth their Godhead in their powerful works Let them as the prophet Isaias sayth shew things that ar to come hereafter that we may know that they ar Gods Isa. 41. 23. Christ said to the Jewes If I should bear witnes of my self my witnesse vver not true Ioh. 5. 31. But H. N. beareth witnesse of himself and hath no testimony from God nor his scriptures more then had Theudas or Iudas of Galilee or Mahomet Christ did confirm his authority by signes and wonders He alleged his works for witnesses that the Father had sent him But blessed be God who though he hath suffred these idols of indignation the Familists to vtter the pride of their arrogant harts yet hath he not permitted Satan to give them power to work any miracles for to seduce the world withall that such as do follow them may shew them selves deprived of wisdome and humane reason in crediting such an impostor that hath nothing but foolish words to bewitch their minds withall The prophet Isaias teacheth that Al nations before God are as nothing and they are counted to him lesse then nothing and vanity To whom then wil ye liken God To whom now wil ye liken me that I should be like him sayth the Holy one H. N. answereth that himself is not onely like God but hath one substāce with him and al that is Gods But as the prophet mocked those woodden idols that were half burnt in the fyre and the other half worshipped as a God so may al men deride these earthen idols that cannot save their bodyes out of the dust or fyre For goe they not down to the grave as other men and perish like their doung Is not H. N. rooted out of the land of the living and doth not his name rott with him Can any of his Godded men save themselves from fyre or sword and scape out of the hand of the hangman And then may we speak to them as did the Lord to the king of Tyrus wilt thou say before him that slayeth thee I am a God but thou shalt be a man and no God in the hands of him that slayeth thee The Apostle Paul sheweth the folly and blindnes of the Gentiles that turned the glorie of the incorruptible God into the similitude of the image of a corruptible man and is not H. Ns. foolish hart more ful of darknes then theirs that after soo great light of the scriptures turneth the glory and Being of the incorruptible God into not the image onely but the verie Being of a corruptible man Doubtles God hath delivered him vp into a reprobate mind that his madnes may be manifest vnto al men which thus hath turned the truth of God into a lie magnified and honoured the creature to the dishonour and blasphemie of the
then the Sun H. N. 7. The whiles then that the Apostles which dayly went about with Christ and had the word of the Father dayly among them vnderstood not the Spirit of the Lord how should then the multitude of these which now say that they are Christians yet neyther have nor know spirit nor word but go on with their fleshly prudencie in the literal scripture and set forth the same with their fleshly harts before the simple people as it seemeth best vnto them and say even so very stowtly we have the word of the Lord wheras it is but their own word wherin that they through their own prudencie are gendred or begotten feel eyther perceiv the same H. A. THe application of this invective belongeth to H. N. himself and his Nicholaitans who out of his fleshly hart as seemeth best vnto him though against the literal scripture setteth forth his forgeries to the simple people yet boasteth very stowtly that he is anoynted with the holy ghost in the old age of the holy vnderstanding of Iesu Christ godded with God in the spirit of his Love made heyr with Christ in the heavenly goods of the riches of God illuminated with the spirit in the heavenly truth the true light of the perfect being elected to a minister of the gracious word c. so that in him and his sect the prophesie is fulfild which foretold how in the last dayes men should be lovers of them selves boasters proud cursed speakers c. 2 Tim. 3. 1. 2. But if the Apostles as he sayth vnderstood not the spirit of the Lord how should then he that is sold into syn and given over vnto heresies which are works of the flesh feel or perceiv the same H. N. 8. It is true they have the scripture and the same giveth witnes of the Lord and of the word but is not the word it self Iohn 5. neyther yet may any man vnderstand the witnessing of the same vnlesse that he hath first inherited the spirit of the Lord in the second birth H. A. ONe evil and heresie draweth on another wher God restreyneth not men by his grace Here H. N. denieth the scripture to be the word of the Lord saying that it giveth witnes of the Lord and of the word Which he would gather from Christs speech Iohn 5. 39. Serch the scriptures for they testifie of me but he abuseth the scripture and concludeth amisse as if because it giveth witnes of the Lord Iesus therefore it is not the word the contrarie wherof is true it giveth witnes of him therfore it is his word For Christ playnly calleth that which is written in the Law the word Iohn 15 25. and so doth Paul Rom. 9. 9. 1 Cor. 15. 54. and Peter 2 Pet. 1. 19. The scriptures for we speak not here of the essential word of the Father which is Christ himself are the word of the Lord written even as the lively preaching of the prophets and Apostles was the word of the Lord spoken The beginning of their books sheweth this as Hos. 1. 1. The word of the Lord that came to Hosea Ioel. 1. 1. The word of the Lord that came to Ioel and many the like It is sayd Exod. 20. 1. God spake al these words and in Exod. 24. 4. it is said Moses wrote al the words of the Lord. If then that be Gods word which is spoken that also is his word which is written and H. N. is but an instrument of Satan to teach otherwise that he may bring his own word in the place If the scripture be not Gods word because it is a witnesse then the Holy Spirit which H. N. made the word before in sect 5. is not so seeing that is a witnesse also 1 Iohn 5. 6. yea Christ is a witnesse Rev. 1. 5. God the Father is a witnesse 1 Iohn 5. 9. 10. the Apostles also were witnesses Luk. 24. 48. If then that which is a witnes is not the word then none of these but H. N. and his dreames must be the word to weet of the Serpent and he indeed is no witnesse of God neyther do his writings bear testimony to the truth but seek to destroy it H. N. 6. Oh my beloved look into the same a little with me what vncertayn witnessings that we out of an earthly or a natural Being have followed after even vntil this day We may wel say with the Prophet it is altogither lies what the scripture learned preach eyther teach for asmuch as they do reject the word of the Lord Ier. 8. Here giveth the prophet a distinction or diversity betwixt the word of the Lord the witnessing of an vnregenerated man which he bringeth forth out of the Letter of the scripture H. A. THe more we look the more indeed we see what vncertayn witnessings you H. N. out of an earthly Being have followed after even vntil this day This stil more and more appeareth in your abusing of the prophets and Apostles Here you would father a distinction vpon Jeremy as if the word of the Lord and that which is written in the scripture were not one and the same the Prophet teacheth no such thing but blameth the Jewes for rejecting the word in truth and deed whiles they boasted to be wise and to have the law with them Ier. 8. 8. 9. He denyeth not the written law to be the word for I have before proved that it was Gods word Exod. 20. 1. 14. 4. but sheweth how vnregenerate men wil abuse it and yet boast of it as your self H. N. are found to falsify the word and yet vaunt your self to be a godded man and minister of the gracious word Every jod and title and consequently every Letter word and sentence of the scripture is Gods vndoubted word though yow and al Divils should deny it the false glosses and heresies that yow and other vnregenerated men gather from it are the word of Satan which the scripture it self by help of Gods spirit evidently doth disprove and so the word of the Lord endureth for ever and that is the word which the Apostles preached 1 Pet. 1. 25. and what they did preach is recorded in their writings H. N. 10. Oh if these men which now so boldly or freemindedly doe say that they are Christians and wil alwayes confesse Christ with the mouth had eyes to see the right spirit for to vnderstand then should they surely cease or leav off for to walk in the strange or erring wayes 11. There is read in the scripture that Christ should be confessed or acknowledged which is a very true witnes but the mind or meaning of the Lord therin do verie few vnderstand And many suppose whiles they have read in the scripture of one Christ likewise through their industry or prudencie they know that in times past ther was one Christ in Israel which was born amongst his own that the same when they know it confesse it with their
Christian baptisme consisteth of an outward washing with water by Christs Minister and of an inward washing with the holy Ghost by Christ himself Ioh. 1. 33. Act. 8. 38. and 10. 47. The outward washing of the flesh without the inward clensing of the hart is not avaylable to salvation 1 Pet. 3. 21. Yet may not the outward action be despised or neglected For as the true circumcision was of the hart in the spirit yet if any had not circumcision also in his flesh he was to be cut off from his people as having broken Gods covenant so is it likewise for baptisme come in place of circumcision Act. 2. 38. Colos. 2. 11. 12. The outward baptisme many do rightly receive which have not the inward as did Symon Magus Act. 18. 13. 20. 21. The inward none have in deed and truth that do despise the outward we teach that these both must be joyned togither according to the scriptures and labour for both The Familists therefore which boast of their inward baptisme and administer not the outward among themselves but present their children to be baptised of Papists or any other Antichristians so offering their children vnto Molech and perswading others to do the like shew themselves to be farr from true Christian baptisme which defile their bodies and sowles with such hypocrisie and idolatrie And H. N. which laboureth here to disswade these two daughters from suffring and witnessing against Popery bewrayeth himself not to have known Christ in any world nor can he shew Christs shape to be in him whiles vnderhand he teacheth grosse impietie pretending inward baptisme and spiritual regeneration But the drift of this man is by his invective against others to allure men to himself for when he concludeth with his exhortation that every one should humble himself before the might of the Lord and trust vpon his grace his meaning is as elswhere he explaneth himself Let your selves now in all your being nature minde and disposition become renewed through the Love in her service and give all your vnderstanding captive vnder the obedience of the Love and humble your selves even so vnder her service to the end that ye all may become washed in the Love with the pure water of the Love For to become washed in the Love with her pure water is the vpright washing and the true Font of the regeneration or new birth Now seing thus harlot-like he allureth all men to his stollen waters within his lovely Family for th'vpright washing let vs see what manner of washing and baptisme that is which he so boasteth of In this Letter he coucheth his heresie in a word namely that Being of Christ wherby the meaneth that the man or the lovely Being in the man baptised is Christ himself as before is manifested and after shal further appear This error he would ground on the Apostles words Gal. 3. 27. For all ye that are baptised into Christ have put on Christ which place this author thus allegeth so many of you as are baptised have put on Christ. Where first as his maner is he corrupteth the text it self by taking away those words into Christ and saying onely baptised wherby he would intimate that none are rightly baptised but such as have put on Christ contrary to the scriptures which shew that Symon Magus and many others were rightly baptised as touching the Ministerie of man which yet had not put on Christ because they were not baptised into Christ as the Apostle here addeth but H. N. omitteth Agayn he gathereth that which the Apostle strowed not namely that to put on Christ is to have the Being of Christ in vs but this H. N. fansieth to himself for the spirit of God speaketh not so yea the Apostle meant farr otherweise as his former words shew wher he sayd for ye al are the sonnes of God by faith in Christ Iesus So Christ is put on by faith as also elswhere he is sayd to dwel in vs by faith not by a real or essential Being such as the Familists feign to themselves by the spirit of error Now to Beleeve in Christ and to have the Being of Christ that is to be Christ himself are farr differing things as all men know And as wel might the Familists plead that Abraham was God because he beleeved in God and that the multitude of Israel were the Lord because they beleeved in him as that men are Christ or have the Being of Christ because they beleev in him and by beleef have put him on Neither can our imitation or following of God or of Christ in the likenes of his death and resurrection make the Being of God or of Christ to be in vs any more then our following of the Apostles which also we are exhorted vnto can make vs of one Being with them How absurd these things are any reasonable man may see Yet such absurdities many ar the groundly documents of this oldest Father H. N. touching Baptisme and other mysteries of religion as is more playnly to be seen in his First exhortatation For there treating of Baptisme and having described God to be a might Spirig a perfect cleer Light and a true Being he addeth that the same Being is God the Fathers name meaning that Name of the Father into which we are baptised and his Love it self No word of God telleth him this but he forgeth it out of his fleshly hart The Being of God as we may learn by the Scriptures is such a thing as neyther men nor Angels can know or comprehend how then should they Be the same 1 Tim. 6. 16. Isa. 6. 2. Psal. 145. 3. Iob. 11. 7. 8. and 36. 26. But the Name of God is that wherby in some sort he hath made known and manifested himself in his word and works Exod. 3. 15. and 6. 3. 33. 19. Deut. 12. 8. 11. Psal. 9. 11. After this having discoursed of the Fathers plucking vs to the Love of Christ and so baptising vs into the name of the Father and this by the Familists in the administration of the holy word vnder the obedience of the Love with the Law of the Lord and with his correction c. H. N. telleth vs that God the Father with the discipline of his Law manneth himself with vs and we become likewise Godded with him to the end that we through his own Being should bear as men of God his holy Name vnder the obedience of his Law c. Wherin this heretik vttereth double blasphemie first that God the Father manneth himself with vs by which doctrine Ath●an like he spoileth God of his true Being his simplicity immutability infinitenes and the like which the scriptures shew to be in God Deut. 6. 4. Iam. 1 17. 1 King 8. 27 Secondly in saying that men become Godded with him he wretthedly extolleth corruptible man into the throne of the incorruptible God confounding heaven and earth the
c. to the forgiving and releasing of their synns Where agayn he perversly applieth that to obedience and mortification which is due vnto faith For when the Eunuch would be baptised Philip required nothing of him but to beleeve and Paul sayth to him that worketh not but beleeveth in him that justifyeth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnes Although therfore obedience to the faith must be given by all true Christians and they which are baptised into I. Christ are baptised into his death and buriall yet is not this done to the forgiving and releasing of their synns as H. N. Pharisaically inferreth but to shew forth the fruit and force of faith wherby the just doe live and lay hold on Christ whom God hath set forth for a reconciliation though faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes by the forgivnes of synns that ar passed through the pacience of God Wheras therfore H. N. doth gather from the premisses that this which he hath set down is the vpright Christiā baptisme in the name of the Son is the true forgivnes purging of our synns through Iesu Christ he is found a false witnes against God and Christ and would give vs a synful sink of error even a vayn perswasion of our own obedience righteousnes and sanctification to wash our selves in and hath royled with his feet the pure fountayn of Christs blood which clenseth all beleevers from all syn That vpon himself his own words may justly be retorted he boasteth himself of the baptismey of Christ and he hath not known him in any world Of like leven is H. Ns baptisme in the name of the holy Ghost which he maketh to be also the second birth out of the holy Ghost the true love of God Christ. And this even as the former of baptising in the name of the Father and of the Son we must not vnderstand of any outward action by the minister of Christ washing with water as did John the Baptist nor yet to be done at one and the same time with the former but as H. N. sayth in the oldnes of time when the dayes of the patience of Christ in the obedience of the holy and gracious word his service of Love are fulfilled that is when men have walked long ynough in the Familists religion that then the holy Ghost becommeth powred forth through Iesus Christ vnderstanding H. Ns Christ to weet the Lovely being over them all that have followed Christ in his death of the crosse obediently that is which have saved themselves from their synns by their own fantasticall suffrings and have kept his doctrine with the word of his patience even vnto the end Thus hath this deceiver of minds drawn all Gods ordinance of Baptisme which with men is outward and was by the Apostles admininstred with materiall water vnto a blasphemous imagined Being and conformity with God or regenerated estate and the holy doctrine of Justification by forgivnes of synns through the blood of Christ shed for vs and sealed vnto vs in baptisme he hath wiped away vnder colour of Sanctification or deification by our own following of Christ. Which things he teacheth by the same spirit that the Serpent taught Evah not to fear the outward eating of the forbidden fruit seing she should be like vnto God knowing good and evil H. N. 19. After such a like maner witnesseth Paul of the supper of Christ wher he sayth so many of you as have eaten of one bread are become partakers of one body Hath any man now rightly vsed the supper of Christ the same is then become partaker of the body of Christ according to the mentioning of the scripture 20. Therefore see vnto it yea see vnto it everie one which sayth that he hath fulfilled the service of Christ or would be a disciple of Christ. For those services and ceremonies which are ministred through the comandement of the holy Ghost out of a Christianlike Being they have the promises whiles they are rightly obeyed that should receive the pledge of the godly inheritance which is the holy Ghost And where that cōmeth not to passe vnto them ther is not the Christian service ministred let them make them then so like fashioned to the scripture as they wil. For whatsoever is served without the spirit of Christ it is an abomination before God therein may everie one think freely H. A. That which is here sayd of the supper of Christ if an honest faithful mā had written the same might wel be yielded vnto for in the words ther would lurk no frawd But coming from this old seducer H. N. and being affixed to his former heresies I deny that after such a like manner as H. N. before treated of Bapisme Paul witnesseth of the supper of Christ. For Paul sayth not that we ar one Being with Christ but that we are the body of Christ and that the bread which we break is the communion of his body which body we eat and have communion with by faith not really and essentially as fleshly men imagine and we ar caled the body of Christ not properly but figuratively by way of similitude and in great mystery for as a man joyned to a woman is one flesh so he that is joyned vnto the Lord is one Spirit But as the woman notwithstanding her conjunction is not the man neyther hath the Being of the man so the church notwithstanding her conjunction is not Christ neyther hath the Being of Christ but by faith is coupled vnto him as he sayth by the prophet I will mary the vnto me in faith Now that H. N. hath the like grosse understanding of the Lords supper as he shewed before of Baptisme appeareth not onely by his entrance saying After such a like manner c but also by his words in his Gospel wher speaking of the Passover he sayth Christ gav his disciples to drink out of the cup which is his passion his true blood which is his holy life of the New Testament Thus applyeth he all things about Christ to a holy life even then and there wher it is playnly spoken of death For though blood whiles it is in the body is the life of the same yet when it is shed out of the body as Christ ther sayth his was it signifieth death not the life of the party as also the Apostle testifieth so oft as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye shew the Lords death til he come And as David would not drink the water that came out of the well of Bethlehē because it was the blood of the men that fetched it that is because they jeoparded their lives vnto the death to fetch it so we when we drink the wine out of the cup in the Lords supper doe drink the blood of Christ that is his death which for our synns he did vndergoe But H. N. by
his shadow and figure Howbeit herein he was overseen to gather his pedegree frō the Papacie which he enought much better have fetched frō the holy scriptures but that he is an enimy to scripture learning as he oftē bewrayeth For H. N. the greatest in the Family who is as himself sayth Godded with God in the spirit of his Love Because The God of heaven as the Father himself is come down bringeth in the service of his Love himself with his Christ his holy Ghost with al that which with him is Gods vnto his obedient man H. N. Godding the same with him he hath manned him with the same This new God of the Nicolaitans is described in scripture thus They have a king over them which is the Angel of the bottomlesse pitt for so also H. N. sayth he was raysed vp from the death whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek he is named Apollyon in al languages The destroyer The doctrine taught by this H. N. corrupting and darkning al the holy scriptures was figured out by the smoke of the botomlesse pit which darkned sun and aier And the ylluminated Elders of this Family ar pourtrahed out by Locusts that came out of the smoke of H. N. his heresies with stings in their tayls like scorpions to wound mens cōsciences by their deceivable doctrines This had ben a directer and playner pourtrature of the Familists then that figure fetched frō the Papists And thus we may perceiv it was not without cause that H. N. cried out Oh oh no the Antichrist is neerer vnto vs wer it wel knowen when in deed so great a monster of Antichristianity was hatched in his own bosome who thus hath Deified hmself and blasphemed God Neyther is he a friend to Popery onely and a Lover of the whore of Babylon but of Judaisme also that he may appear to be quite abolished from Christ. Paul in his Epistle to the Hebrewes proveth at large the abrogating of the Levitical Priesthood and sacrifices by the coming of our high priest Christ Jesus and sacrifice of his own body according as was prophesied of him that he should cause sacrifice and oblation to cease and for the Jewes that would stil continew their figurative worship he sheweth them to have no part in Christ when he sayth We have an altar wherof they have no authority to eat which serv in the Tabernacle But H. N. teacheth vs that the services of Aarōs priesthood are yet necessary for some in these words Oh alas how grosly hav then certayn wise of the world and scripture-learned overreached them herein which have without diversity forsakē the law the service of the Elders Testamēt and of the Priests office after the ordinance of Aaron and set back the same as a thing vnneedful not once distincting vnto whom the service after the ordinance of Aaron is yet necessarie nor yet with whom the same at th' appointed time ceaseth or leaveth off Thus H. N. sheweth how good a friend he is to Jewes and Papists But his enmity agaynst Christ and his Gospel can not easily be opened it is in so many particulars He thrusteth himself into Christs throne and maketh himself the Judge of al the world For behold sayth he in this present day the glorious coming of our Lord Iesus Christ with his many thowsands of his saincts which hath set himself now vpon the seat of his Majestie for to judge in this same day which the Lord hath ordeyned or appoynted the whol world with equitie c. with many like speeches as before is shewed wherin the scriptures which foretel of Christs comming to judgement at the worlds end H N. applieth to himself and so the playn doctrines of the gospel are made but fabulous by this blasphemers allegorie and he sheweth himself to be the Father of those mockers that wer foretold should come in the last dayes which walking after their lusts should say where is the promise of his comming c. Now because at Christs comming must be the resurrection of the dead therfore that one errour necessarily draweth on another namely that the resurrectiō is past already which was the kanker wherby Hymeneus and Philetus in the Apostles dayes destroyed the fayth This heresie hath H. N. published in his Gospel saying Behold in this present day is this scripture fulfilled and according to the testimony of the scripture the raysing vp the resurrection of the Lords dead cometh also to passe presently in this same day through the appearing of the cōing of Christ in his majestie Which resurrection of the dead seing that the same is come vnto vs from Gods grace we doe likewise in this present day to an Evangelie or joyful message of the kingdome of God Christ publish in al the world vnder the obedience of the Love In which resurrection of the dead God sheweth vnto vs that the tyme is now fulfilled that his dead or the dead which ar fallen a sleep in the Lord rise vp in this day of his judgment appear vnto vs in Godly glory which shal also from henceforth live in vs everlastingly with Christ and reign vpon the earth Thus hath this Sadducee overturned that mayn groūd and principle of Christian religion without which our fayth were but vayn and we were of al men the most miserable And that his religion might be even a sink of synful errors he hath taught that in their Lovely societie they do not vow or bind themselves in the matrimony of men nor yet suffer themselves to be boūd therin but are like the Angels of heaven to verify the Apostles words that in the latter times some should teach and give heed vnto doctrines of Divils forbidding to marry c. Now seeing he sayth in another place that they commit not any adultery for they are honest chast of life and clean or pure of hart what may we think is among them but a cōmunity of al men and women yet without syn as they suppose so long as it is not with them of the World especially seing he sayth also further There is no man that claimeth any thing to be his own as to possesse the same to his own private vse For no man that out of every ones good disposition can desire any thing to be his own or yet to make any thing proper to himself from an other but also whatsoever is there is free is there left free in his vpright form Ther is also no man denyed to vse any thing in freedom of al what is profitable and needful for him for they stand all in the equitie as one in the Love and again That they know not of any other religion or God-service then of the service of Love and to love one an other and so to keep themselves pure and vnspotted of the world Which writing of H. N.