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A06955 A new yeares gyfte more precious than golde worthy to be embrased no lesse ioyfully than tha[n]kfully of euery true christe[n] man, newly published by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1543 (1543) STC 1738; ESTC S109206 72,867 228

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hath my commaundementes sayth Christ and kepeth them he it is that louethe me If ony man loueth me he wyl kepe my worde and my father shall loue hym we wyll come vnto hym dwell wyth hym He that louethe not me kepeth not my wordes Here Christ measureth our loue that we heare toward him by kepyng his word If we kepe his worde than loue we hym but if we kepe it not than loue we hym nothynge at all Agen he saythe I am the vyne and ye are the braunches He that abydeth in me I in hym bryngeth forth much frute Let vs not flatter our selues If we a●yde in Christ we brynge forthe muche frute If we brynge forth no frute than abyde we not in Christ. If we abyde not in christ thā are we none of christes So followeth it that as withered braunches we shall be gathered and cast into the fyre ther burne for euer S. Paule sayth ▪ not they which heare the lawe are righteous before God but they that expresse the lawe in dedes shall be co●ted righteous Although no man be able so longe as he lyuethe in thys worlde to fulfyl the law so thorowly as the purite therof requirethe ▪ yet is it our offyce to laboure vnto the vttermoost of our power to fulfyll the lawe and where we perceaue that we are not able to bring to passe w t so great clennes of hart● that which the spirite of the law requireth to bewayle our weakenes ▪ to desyre strengthe to praye vnto God that Christ whiche is the ende and perfecte fulfyllyng of the law maye supply that which wantethe in vs. Agayne he saythe we are buryed wythe hym by Baptisme into death that as Christ is rysen ag●●n from death thorow the glory of the father so we shulde walke in a newe lyfe And a litle after recount your selues to be dead vnto sinne but liuing vnto God thorow Iesus christ our Lorde Therfore let not synne raygne in youre mortall bodye for to obey it thorow the lustes therof Neyther gyue ye your members as instrumētes of vnrighteousnes vnto synne but gyue your selfes vnto God as they that are alyue from death and gyue youre members as instrumentes of ryghteousnes vnto God Agayne in that same chapter as ye haue gyuē your members seruauntes to vncleannes to iniquite euen from one iniquite vnto another so now gyue your mēbers seruaūtes vnto righteousnes that ye maye be sanctifyed All these sentences declare vnto vs howe pure innocent and fautles our lyuynge oughte to be If it be the contrary our professiō profyteth vs nothyng at al. In another place also he sayth If ony man be in Christ he is a new creature that is to say wholly changed frō his olde māners vnto newe He hath no more fellowshyp wythe the vnfruteful workes of darkenes but so composeth appoynteth his lyuyng that he maye appeare to be the lyght of the world Agayne they that are of Christ haue crucifyed y e flesh with the affectes lustes therof If we lyue in the spirite lette vs walk in the spirite For the flesh lustethe agaynst the spirite the spirite agaynst the flesh All they therefore which lyue accordynge to y e appetyte luste and desyre of the fleshe pertayne not vnto Christ. We are y e workemanshyppe of God created in Christe Iesus vnto good worckes whiche God hath prepared that we shulde walke in them Beholde God is oute maker we be made a newe in Christ Iesus vnto good workes So many therfore as apply not thē selues to do good workes are not engraffed in Christ but remayne styll members of Satan Item I being presoner exhorte you in the Lorde that ye walke worthy your callyng wherin ye are called with all lowlynes mekenes w t softenes of mynd sufferynge one another by charite studyeng to kepe the vnite of y e spirite thorow the bond of peace Here se we with what vertues we ought to garnyshe oure lyfe that we maye walke worthy oure vocacion callyng Howe farre than are they out of the waye whiche defyle them selues wyth all kynde of abhominable vice Be ye sayth S. Paule the followers of God as well beloued chyldren walke in loue as Christ hath loued vs. If it be our duty to ●e the followers of God so must we practise his goodnes follow his innocency purite so muche as lyghethe in our power or els we are not y e sōnes of God Our celestial father is pure holy shal we his chyldrē be prophane vnholy Our heuily father is good godly mercyful paciēt al spirite shal we hys sōnes be euel wycked rigoroꝰ impaciēt al flesh Be ye holy sayth he for I am holy Ye shall be perfecte sayth Christ as your heauenly father is perfecte Moreouer S. Paule wrytethe Be ye pure and suche as no man can be offended wyth you agaynst the day of Christ fylled full of the fruyte of ryghteousnes which chaunseth thorowe Iesus Christ vnto the glory prayse of God Agayne do all thynges without grutchynge and disputacion beyng such that no man can complayne of you and pure the sonnes of God fautles in the myddes of a frowarde and crokedde nacion amonge whome shyne ye as lyghtes in the worlde holdyng fast the word of lyfe It is not without a cause y t your newe yeres gyfte teacheth vs to be earnest folowers of good workes seynge that so great purite and clēnes of lyfe is required of vs. ●o worthe those fylthye swyne whiche walowe and tomble them selues in all kynde of fleshly vnclennes vnto the great slaunder of Christes Gospell Itē Mortify your earthly mēbers whoredome vncleannes couetousnes c. For god hath not called vs vnto vnclennes but vnto sanctificaciō All ye are the sōnes of lyght sayth he and the sonnes of the day we are not of the nyghte nor yet of darkenes Therfore let vs not slepe as other do but lette vs watch and be sober Seyng y t we are no more y e worldes seyng also we haue gyuen ouer Satan and the fleshe wyth all theyr workes pompes plesures it becommeth vs so to walke in al our lyfe conuersacion that we be not found lyke Satans seruaūtes nor the volupteous worlde lynges nor yet ony suche as lyue 〈◊〉 the flesh and not after the spirite but pure clene honest fauteles godly and as I maye so speake euen lyke another christ S. Peter also sayth giue not your selfes to your olde lustes wher wyth ye were ledde whan ye knewe not Christ but as he that called you is holy so be ye also holy ī al your cōuersacion for it is wrytten be ye holy for I am holy Here are we taught to forsake our olde synfull lyuynge and to fashon our selues lyke vnto the manners of God which is holy righteous perfecte abundantly good in all thynges Furthermore saynt Iohn̄
sayth if we say that we haue fellowshyp with Christ yet walke in darknes we lye do not y e trueth But if we walke in the lyght as he is in the lyght we haue felloweshyp one wyth another and the bloud of Iesus Christ gods owne sonne maketh vs cleane from all synne This texte prouethe manifestly that we haue no feloweshyp wythe Christ so long as we walke in darkenes that is in synfull lyuynge agayne that the bloude of Christe profytethe vs nothyng at all excepte we walke in the lyght of Gods worde laboure to fulfyll hys holye preceptes For sayth S. Iohn̄ by this do we know y t we haue known hī if we kepe hys cōmaūdemētes He y t sayth I know hī kepeth not hys cōmaūdemētes is a lyare and the truethe is not in hym But he that dothe hys worde trulye in hym is the loue of God perfecte By this do we knowe that we are in hym He that sayth he abydeth in hym oughte to walke euen as he walked Of this all the other textes which I haue hitherto rehearsed we may easly learne what is our duty and howe earnestly we oughte to seake occasions for to do good Seyng we are y e peo-people of God yea hys peculiare oute chosen people we muste nedes shewe oure selues earnest followers of good workes or elles haue we no fellowshyp wyth Christ. God the father is not oure father nether are we christes brothers nor yet fellow heyres wyth hym if we seake not to lead a godly and vertuous lyfe Let vs neuer crake of the iustificaciō of fayth of y e fre mercy of God of christes pashō bloud death merites c. we lead a lyfe worthy the kyndenes of God Lette vs neuer reioyse that we are delyuered from the power of Satā synne deth hell for so long as we cōtinue in our olde synnefull lyuynge and wycked manners we pertayne not vnto Christ but are y e bonde slaues of Satan very fyre brondes of hell For as y e good preste Zachary father to S. Iohn̄ Baptist sayth God hath perfourmed the othe whiche he sware to our father Abraham for to gyue vs that we delyuered out of the hādes of our enemies myght serue hym wtout feare all the dayes of oure lyfe in holynes righteousnes Hereto agreeth the sayng of s. Paule the bloud of christ whyche thorow the euerlastyng spirite hathe offered hymselfe pure to God shall pourge youre conscience from dead workes for to serue the lyuynge God Here learne we y t christ hathe delyuered vs from the power of our enemies that we should serue him in holines and righteousnes all the dayes of oure lyfe Nowe if ony be not giuen to the seruyse of God surely he is not free but abydethe styll the miserable captiue bonde presoner of his enemies Let all mē therfore take hede prepare thē selues to lede a godly lyfe y t they maye be earnest followers of good workes or elles nether theyr baptisme nor Christ nor yet ony thyng that euer Christ dyd shall profytte them ony thynge at all Chri. O good Lorde how greatly be many deceued whiche put theyr trust in Christ crake muche of fayth yet continue styll abhominable lyuers thynkyng not with stondynge all this theyr great wyckednes to be saued Phil. To repētaunce ●aythe and amendement of lyfe mercy is neuer denyed But be not you deceaued neyghbours For not they whiche heare the lawe are righteous before god but they that expresse the law in dedes shall be cōted righteous Be ye the doers of y e worde and not the hearers only deceauyng your selfes Theo. God gyue vs grace thus to do that we maye garnysh the doctrine of God our sauioure in all thynges Euse. Amen I beseche the good Lorde Phil. Uerely there are many causes yea those vrgent and necessary why Christen men shoulde bryng forth good workes if they dyd consider theyr vocaciō callyng wel Fyrst because it is the wyll of God God hath cōmaūded so by his holy worde For what chylde accōplysheth not his fathers wyll for the loue that he beareth towarde hym What seruaunt fulfylleth not his masters cōmaundemēt if he do but onely feare hym ▪ Ho●● muche more than ought we w●●che haue so louynge a fathe● and so puyssaūt a Lorde and beneficiall a master for the loue 〈◊〉 ●ear● that we beare toward hym shewe our 〈◊〉 obedient to his holy wyll fulfyl it to y e vttermoost of our power ▪ Where ether ●ear● or loue of God is there must the ●ulfyllynge of Gods lawe nedes followe If so doth not neuer let vs confesse oure selues eyther to feare or loue god truly The sonne honoureth his father and the seruaunte his Lorde If I than be youre father where is my honoure ▪ And if I be your Lord where is my feare sayth y e Lord or Ho●stes Not euery one that sayth vnto me Lord Lorde shall enter into y e kyngdome of heauen sayth Christ but he tha● doth the wyll of my father which i● in ●eauen The holy 〈…〉 bryng forth frutes of repentaunce And christ sayth as my father gaue me commaundement so I do Agen I haue not spokē of my selfe but he that sent me that is to saye my father he gaue me commaundement what I shoulde do what I should speake A christē man therfore must do good because it is the commaundement and wyll of God Secondely we ought to do good workes that God may be glorifyed thorowe them as Christ sayth Let your light so shyne before men that they may se your good workes and glorify your father which is in heauen Also S. Peter se that ye haue as honest conuersacion amonge the Hey then that they whiche backe by t● you a● euell doers may s● your good workes and prayse God in the day of visitacion For what greater dishonour ●●ther be done to god thā to professe the name of God i●nomin●●usly to deface and obscure the glory of it thorowe our wycked and vngodly conuersacion Theyr rulars do vnrighteously sayth y e lord and by this means my name is blasphemed cōtinually euen all y e whole daye longe S Paule also sayth the name of GOD is euell reported for you among the Hethen Agen what greater honour can there be gyuē to God of vs thā to lede a godly lyfe to expresse the manners and lyuysh Image of our heuenly father in all our lyfe By the one God is dishonored by the other he is greatly honored praysed and magnified Thyrdely it is oure dutye to do good workes that we maye be certē that our fayth is right true lyuysh and workynge For as there is not a more certen argument sure tokē that a tree is good thā by bringing ●orth good ●●●te so is ther not a better probaciō that our fayth is true 〈…〉 than whan we worke the
be truely vnderstand For by this word synne doth S. Iohn̄ vnderstāde the whole lōpe of synne that is in the worlde whyther it be that which we committed in Adam or elles those whiche after oure baptisme thorowe the ragynge carnal affectes that are in vs we cōmyt in thoughte worde or dede All thys whole lōpe of synne that is to saye all that euer is contayned vnder thys worde synne or yet pertaynethe vnto synne doth Christ y e lābe of God at all tymes take awaye What authorite of the scripture cā be recited more open euidēt agenst thē Chri. Ye saye trueth But let vs heare mo scriptures that we maye be thorowly satisfyed in this poynt Phil. Whan Christ hangynge vpon y e crosse had payd a sufficient raūsome for oure synnes by the sheddynge of his moost precious bloud he cōmendethe hys spirite into the handes of his heauenly father and bowynge downe hys head sayd Tetelestai that is to saye euery thyng is nowe consūmate perfecte and fully fynished The sacrifyce for synne is offered a plentefull raunsome is payde so y t nowe all sacrifyces all oblacions for synne cease This one sacrifice thys one oblacion whyche I haue made vpon the altare of the crosse fynyssheth maketh perfecte all thinges so that there remayneth after thys none other sacrifice for ony kynde of synne Hereto agreeth the saynge of S. Paule Christ oure Byshop abydeth for euer hath an euerlastyng prestehode so that he is able to saue euen at the full them that come vnto God by hym euer lyuynge that he may make intercessiō for vs. Agen Christ by his owne bloud entered into the holy place once for al found euerlastyng redemcion Item with one oblacion hathe Christ made thē consūmate perfecte for euermore that are sāctifyed Thus se we that all thynges are thorowly fynyshed made consummate and perfecte by Christ so that there is no more sacrifice for synne lea●te behynde to put awaye synne but if we wyll haue remissiō of our wyckednesses we must rūne wyth the fete of our mynde to that sacrifice whiche Christ offered once for all vpō the altare of y e crosse that he myght put syn to flyght for euermore Nowe if Christ had putte awaye onely originall synne by hys death thā had he not made all thinges perfecte For he had lefte mo synnes vnforgyuen than were forgiuē by his deathe Howe great and infinite is the nomber of those synnes which we commit after baptisme in cōparison of this one originall syn This were but a slender consummacion makynge perfecte so to leaue vs in mo synnes thā we ware foūd But Christ saueth at the ful He maketh thē perfecte for euermore that are sanctifyed The vertue of Christes sacrifice is so great of so much dignite before God the father that it lastethe euer in full strengthe to put awaye synne yea and that not only before but also after baptisme Euse. Let vs here what s. Paul saith to this matter Phil. Paul as a good faythfull seruaūt doth agre wyth his master ye maye be sure Notwtstandyng I wyll gyue you a taste of his doctrine concernyng thys matter Theo. Lette it so be I praye you ▪ To the Romās he sayth on this māner God setteth forthe hys loue towarde vs in that Christ dyed for vs whan we were yet synners Muche more than shall we be sauedde from wrathe by hym seynge we are nowe made righteous thorowe his bloud For if we were reconciled vnto god by the deathe of his sonne whan we were yet enemies muche more shall we be saued by hym nowe that we are reconciled Here S. Paule proueth y t as we are reconciled to God the father by the death of his sonne Christ so are we also by hym saued from all wrath and displeasure that shoulde fall vpon vs. Are not these wordes playne ynoughe At baptisme we are purged thorowe Christes bloud from originall syn all other that we haue committed before so y t we are recōciled to God recoūted for righteous Nowe by Christ also are we preserued from the wrath of God which we deserue thorowe the wyckednes whiche we do after baptisme Hereof than maye we gather that Christ is not only a sauiour vnto vs before but also after baptisme So maye we conclude that by Christes death we are not only redemed from originall synne but also from all other by what so euer names they be called Agayne he sayth it is not with the gyfte as with the synne For if thorowe the syn of one many be dead yet much more plenteously came the grace and gyfte of God vpon many by the fauour that belonged vnto one mā Iesus christ And the gyfte is not onely ouer one synne as deathe came thorowe one synne of one that synned For the iudgement came of one synne vnto condemnacion but the gyfte to iustify frō many synnes Do not these wordes euidently shewe y t by Christ we are iustifyed made ryghteouse from many synnes If from many synnes than not from one synne alone Agen to the Corinchians fyrst of all I delyuered vnto you y t which I also receaued how that Christ dyed for oure synnes accordynge to y e scriptures Marke that S. Paule sayth for our synnes not for oure synne wherwithe we all offended in Adā To the Collossians also he wryteth on this manner By Christ we haue redēcion by his bloud remission of sines Note by Christes bloud we haue remissiō of synnes not only originall but also actuall mortall veneall c. and not by the worckes wich we do after baptisme as thogh it laye in oure power to fulfyll the lawe to satisfye the wyll of God to apease y e diuine wrath to obtayne euerlastīg lyfe For al these thynges chaunse vnto vs by Christ are obtayned for vs by Christes deathe not by ony workes or merites of mā as S. Paule sayth if righteousnes cōmeth by the lawe thā dyed Christ in vayne Igen we knowe that mā is not iustifyed by the workes of the lawe but by y e fayth of Iesus christ we beleue in Christ Iesu that we myght be iustifyed by the faythe of Christ not by the workes of y e law because that no man shall be iustified by the workes of the lawe Item ye are gone quyte frō Christ as many of you as wyl be made righteous by the lawe yea ye are fallen from grace Agayn in another place they not knowynge the righteousnes of God labouryng to establysh theyr owne righteousnes were not obedient to the righteousnes of God For Christe is the perfeccion of the lawe vnto iustificaciō for euery one that beleueth Once agayne if saluacion commeth of grace than is it not o● workes elles were grace no grace But if it come of worckes than is grace nothynge All these sentences teache vs that we are delyuered frō all our synnes by Christ
¶ A new yeares gyfte more precious than golde worthy to be embrased no lesse ioyfully than thākfully of euery true christē man newly published by Theodore Basille Esa. 9. A yong chylde is borne for oure sake and a sonne is gyuen vnto vs. ¶ The newe yeares gyfte speaketh A Newe yeares gyfte more precious Than golde or pearle certes am I For I bryng forth the Lorde Iesus Which of all treasures is moost hygh Many in thynges of vanite Do reioyse and delyght greatly Such can haue no pleasure in me For I teach Christ that Lorde moost hygh Christ and Christes doctryne shalt thou heare Learne yf thou wylte vnfaynedly Wherby thou mayst become ryght deare To God and his sonne that Lord moost hygh To mortify thy lustes carnall And to walke aye innocently Teache the also godly I shall That thou mayst please that Lord moost hygh To good workes also I shall the moue In them euermore to be busy That God the father maye the loue And his sonne Christ that Lorde moost hygh If thou therfore louest godlynes Take me vnto the ioyfully I shall fyll thy harte with gladnes And ioyne the w t Christ that Lord moost hygh ¶ To the ryght worshypfull Master Thomas Roydon Esquyer and Iustice of peace Theodore Basille wyssheth long lyfe continuall health and prosperous felicite I Canne none otherwyse but highly prayse the honest fashons commendable vsages and frendely customes that our auncetours elders haue vsed heretofore vnto the greate example of theyr posterite for y e mayntenāce of all humanite gētylnes Among many other who wyl not recoūt y e cu●tōe of gyuyng newe yeres gyftes to be so commendable and prayse worthy that he maye seme to be estraūged from all ciuilite that dothe not obserue it vnto the vttermost of his power For what other thing do we meane by geuyng mutuall giftes in the begynnyng of a newe yeare thā that we desyre that all good lucky prosperous and fortunate thynges maye chaunse that yere vnto euery one of vs and that one wylleth wysheth desyreth well to another is redy to do good one to another and to healpe what so euer lyethe in hys power This vndoubtedly was the meanyng of thē that fyrst were the inuētours of this moost honest and frendly custome to this ende hath it ben obserued kept mayntayned hytherto Whan I consydered this but lately iudged y e custome to 〈◊〉 both good and godly and nothyn● more mete for the preseruacion an● cōciliaciō of amite I thought tha● for asmuch as I was not able acco●dyng to my wyll to gyue such new yeares gyftes as commonly be sen from one to another Yet I would prepare somthyng wherby I might shewe my selfe to wysh well vnto all men and to beare an honest frendly hart to my cōtrey mē of Englōd I haue therfore prouided a newe yeres gyfte not of corruptible gold or syluer but of the moost sacred scriptures whiche as Dauid saythe are much more worthy to be desired thē golde or precious stonne are sweter then the hony hony combe In this my newe yeares gyfte I haue openned many goodly godly thynges Amonge all other I haue declared what a precious treasure Christ is vnto vs whiche was gyuē vs of God the father for our new yeres gyfte and how many benefites we haue receyued by hym I haue also described the whole lyfe of a christen mā shewyng what we must do if we wyll enioy so great benefites Agen I haue exhorted men to mortify theyr carnal affectes worldly lustes and shewed them howe they must walke both toward thēselues theyr neyghbour God if they wyl haue the fruicion of the celestiall enheretaūce To cōclude as I haue shewed that all saluacion commeth by Christ so haue I proued that Christ is no sauiour but to thē that repēt beleue lede a vertuous lyfe be plēteous in doyng good workes These thinges with diuers other not to be despised shal be foūd in this my new yeares gyfte so that I doubte not but that it shall be no les profitable for the soule than other worldly giftes shall be for the body This my labour employed herein after myne so greuous troublous syckenesses I dedicate and sende to your ryght worshypfull mastershyp for a newe yeares gyfte desyrynge you to accepte it wyth no lesse good mynde than it is offered to your gētylnes If I shal may perceaue that this my lytle gyfte is acceptable vnto you it shall not only not repente me but also cause me very much to reioyse of my trauayle ī this behalf GOD the Author of euery yere mought vouchesafe to graunt that this newe yeare wythe many other maye euer begynne vnto you withe good fortune procede wyth better ende with that which is best and alway be fortunate vnto you so long as they last so y t ye maye alway enioye cōtinual helth prosperoꝰ felicite accordyng to y e wyll of God to whome be all honour glory AMEN The newe yeres gyfte ¶ Philemon the gyuer of the newe yeares gyfte Theophile Eusebius Christopher his frendes Philemon CHrist our Lord and master dothe not wyth out a cause cōpare resemble y e cares rytches pleasures of thys lyfe to thornes in his moost holy gospel For as thornes prycketh the flesh suffer him not to be in quiet that is greued hurte w t them so lykewise the cares rytches and pleasures of this world wyl not suffer by ony menes that man to enioye tranquilite rest peace that is turmoyled with them Happy is he that appoynteth him selfe such kynde of lyuyng that he maye be fre from these great waues rockes wherwythe the lyfe of mortall mē is so miserably assayled so ofte put in daūger The ritches pleasures of this world seme to y e flesh to be thinges of much pleasaūs great delectacion but they be nothyng els thā entysyng and flatteryng mooremaydes which syngyng songes pleasaunt to the eare bryng destruccion to so many as be herers of thē Blessed is hetherfore which after the example of Ulisses can stop his eares with waxe so passe by beynge nothynge moued withe theyr vayne flatterynge entisementes For as S. Paule saythe They that haue a pleasure to waxe rytche fall into temptaciō snares into many folysh and noysome lustes which drowne men into destruccion damnaciō For couetousnes is the roote of all euell which whyle some lusted after they erred from the fayth and entangled them selues wythe many sorowes Hereto pertayneth the sayeng of S. Iohn̄ Loue not y e world nor those thīges that are in y e world If ony mā loueth the worlde y e loue of the father is not in hym For all that is in the worlde as the lust of y e flesh the concupiscence of the eis the pryde of the lyfe is not of y e father but of the worlde the worlde passeth away
the lust therof But he that fulfyllethe the wyll of God abydeth for euer I haue not spoken these thynges w t out a cause I thanke my lord God of his gyfte I haue bene from my yought studious of y e holy Scripture and very glad whan I might eyther reade it my self common of it wyth my neyghbours or els hear other preache and talke of it that I myght be edifyed therby recoūtyng that daye but a lytle fortunate vnto me that was transacted and passed ouer without some repast of goddes worde seyng that man lyueth not w t bread alone but wyth euery worde that cometh out of y e mouthe of God But lo no mā in this world is so happy that he canne haue hys mynde satisfyed in all poyntes For I desyrynge nothyng more than to be quiet that I myghte frely gyue my mynde to the studye of the holye scriptures sometyme comō of thē wythe my neyghbours haue ben so turmoyled vexed wythe the cares troubles of this worlde for y e space of syxe or seuen monethes y t I haue had no lesure almoost ones to thīke of the holy scripture O Lord what is it to liue in this wretched world ony other thyng than dayly more more to be plucked awaye estraunged from the to heape synne vpon synne prouoke thyne anger more feruently agaynst vs But now seyng it hath pleased God partely to deliuer me out of the troublous waues of this occean and to bryng me into an hauē of some quietnes I entend to repare vnto myne olde studies to participate them with my neyghbours as I was wonte to do heretofore For I feare much vnlesse that dissolucion slackenes maye also be found in them that these certē monethes hathe not wanted in me so prone redy are we to faull from goodnes vnto lewdnesse if we haue not y e spurre of gods grace to pricke vs forwarde Syns I gaue them a nosegaye I neuer spake vnto them but good euen good morow Therfore haue I nowe sent for thē by my seruaunte to come vnto me that I maye imparte and gyue them some spirituall treasure for theyr new yeres gyfte this holye tyme of Christmas I trust they wyl not tary lōg What do I saye tary long Me thīke I heare theyr voyces euen nowe at y e dore It are they Neyghbours euen with one worde welcome vnto you all Theo. Brother Philemō right hartely we thancke you Phil. Wyl it please you to take the payne for to come wythe me into my parloure Euse. We follow you gladly Phil. Neybours yet once agayne welcome I praye you take euery man a chayre syt downe quietly For I entende to talke w t you Chri. We are all set speake what it shall please you Phil. Neyghbours and brothers it is not vnknowen vnto you how desyrous I haue euer ben syns oure fyrst acquayntaunce to seake no lesse youre soules healthe than myne owne Euse. we are not ignorant of this brother Philemon and we all giue you ryghte hartye thanckes for it Phil. I haue done nothyng but my duty I confesse my selfe to be an vnprofitable seruaunt Notwithstandynge neyghbours thys greuethe me very muche that I haue ben so negligēt these certayne monethes in doynge my duty toward you Theo. No duty brother Philemon It commethe of your mere goodnes what so euer ye do toward vs. But it is not vnknowen vnto vs howe greatly ye haue ben disquieted w t diuers businesses for a great space Phil. Ye say trueth but nowe heare the cause of my sendynge for you Twelue monethes passed if ye do remēber neyghbours at this tyme of the yere I made you a Christmas banckette which as I haue syns perceaued ye haue ryght well digested The Lent ensewyng I called you all to a Potaciō wherat I trust ye tasted of y e wyne which maketh the spirite mery The May followyng at myne instaūce full gētylly ye resorted vnto myne house accordynge to season of the yeare I gaue you a Nosegay All these were not for the bodye but for the soule yea rather both for body and soule Euse. We remember all these thynges wel nether haue we forgottē what you taught vs in them Phil. It maketh me greatly to reioyse for to heare these thynges of you For nowe I perceaue full well that ye are no forgetfull hearers but diligent fulfyllers of such thīges as are taught you therfore are ye blissed in your acte Well neyghbours my loue toward you is nothyng abated I desyre your furtherauns in the knowledge of Gods worde euen nowe so muche as I haue done heretofore In consideracion wherof I entend at thys present to gyue you a newe yeares gyfte Theo. Can ony thyng● be more welcome to vs than suche a gyfte cōmyng from so dere a frend and so in tyme place It is now a newe yeare and men vse customably to gyue gyftes one to another wherby they declare theyr good wy● wysshe that all good prosperous thynges maye chaunse to theyr frēdes all the whole yeare longe Therfore in gyuyng vs this gyfte we do not only acknowledge your accusto●med gentylnes toward vs but also confesse our selues to be more ende●●ted toward you thā we may at any tyme be able to recōpēce your kynd●nes Chri. Neighbour Philemon th● daye passethe awaye let vs therfo●● I pray you se our New yeres gifte For there is nothyng that can offer it selfe more welcome to these our e●●es Euse. Trueth is this nothynge more true Phil. You re Newe yeares gyfte is red in the chyrche on Christmasse day in the mornyng at y e fyrst masse for the Epistle it is wrytten of S. Paule in the second Chapter of his Epistle to Bisshoppe Titus Theo. I pray you let vs heare it Phil. Behold take your new yeres gyfte The gyft of God that brigeth saluacion vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth vs● that we shoulde deny vngodlynes and worldly lustes that we shoulde lyue sober●y ryghteously and godly in ●his present worlde lookyng ●or that blyssed hope and appearynge of the glorye of the greate GOD and of ●ure Sauiour Iesus Christ whych gaue hymselfe for vs maner A yonge chylde is 〈◊〉 for our sake and a sonne is gyuen ●●to vs. Also S. Paul God hath 〈◊〉 ●●red his own son but hath gyu●● 〈◊〉 for vs all how is it thā possibl●●ut that he must gyue vs all thynge 〈◊〉 hym Euse. Is Christ frely gyuen 〈◊〉 to vs Phil. Yea verely neyghbour● Eusebiꝰ Neuer was ther any thing so frely gyuē vnto you as Christ is Theo. The goodnes than of God the father appearethe here towarde vs great vnmesurable Phil. It muste nedes be great vnmesurable seing y t he loued vs whan we were siners Beholde sayth s. Iohn̄ what a loue the father hath giuen vnto vs that we should be called y e sonnes of god And that ye maye well
hys wordes and holye in all hys workes We are cōmaunded of god the father to heare him The spirite of GOD is vpon hym he is sent to preach mery tydynges to the poore that he myghte heale the broken in harte preache delyueraunce to prysoners and syghte to the blynde He is that good shepeherd whose voyce hys shepe heare And euery one that is of the trueth hearethe hys voyce He is that Lord God which techeth vs profitable thynges and gouerneth vs in y e way wherin we ought to walke Seynge than that he is a Lorde of suche and so great authorite excellency puyssaunce seyng also he teacheth nothyng but trueth agayne seyng he hath done so much for vs and tēdereth nothynge more than our healthe and saluacion we were not only to much ingrate and vnkynde towarde hym but also very enemies vnto oure selues yf we should not wyth all diligence apply our selues both to heare hym and also to followe accōplysh suche thynges as he teacheth vs. Let vs therfore hear what he wylleth vs to do And teachethe vs that we shoulde denye vngodlynesse and worldely lustes Where as our Englyshe translacion hath teacheth the Greke worde is Paideuousa Chri. What signifyeth that I praye you Phil. It signifyeth not only to teache but so to instructe enforme fashon ▪ teache as scolemasters are wonte to do theyr chyldrē whome they found receaued rude grosse ignoraunt and wythoute all good knowledge both of learnyng manners Euen suche dyd our scolemaster and teacher Christ fynde vs all grosse all rude all barbarous al blynde all ignorant all vnlearned all vnmannered and clene out of fashon Howe coulde it otherwyse be We were darkenesse We walked in the vanite of our mynde blynded in our vnderstandynge beyng straungers from the lyfe which is in God thorow the ignorauns that was in vs and the blyndenes of our hartes so that we gaue ouer our selues vnto wantonnes to worke all manner of vnclennes wythe gredynes For Satan the God of this worlde had blynded our mindes that we should not beleue vnlesse the lyghte of the glorious gospell of Christ whiche is the Image of God should shyne vnto vs. But yet for all thys our rudenes ignorauncy blyndnes Christ that heauenly Doctor doth not disdayne vs. He is contented to receaue vs into hys scole to become oure scole master so y t we wyll leaue our wyckednes and be contented to be reformed Oh what a gētle poynt is thys of our sauyour Iesus christ not to disdayne vs for al our rudenes ignorācy but ioyfully to accepte vs if we wyl follow y e trade of his scole The comō sayeng is an honest master loueth to haue honest seruātes Nowe who is more honest pure godly innocent and ●autelesse than this master Christ It becometh thē his seruauntes to practyse follow so nyghe as they can his manners Therfore the fyrst lessō that his scollers learne in his schole is to denye vngodlynes wordly lustes They that entende not to do thys they are no fyt scholers for such a scholemaster thoughe they bragge neuer so muche of hys name and call them selues Christiās For not euery one sayth vnto me Lorde Lorde sayth Christ shall enter into heauen but he that dothe the wyll of my father which is in heauen And I pray you marke howe pretely and handsomely the Scripture speakethe That we should deny vngodlynes and worldely lustes As though it should saye although in tymes paste we haue both followed and mayntened vngodlynes ydolatry false worshyppynges of God supersticion confidence in our owne selues and workes and haue lyued after the lustes of the world and the flesh yet now for asmuch as we are come into a newe schole and haue another schole master techer which teacheth hys scholers nothyng but vertue godlynes and all that euer is contrary to vice it becomethe vs to deny forsake yea vtterly to forsweare all vngodlynes and worldly lustes and what so euer is cōtrary to the teachynge of thys oure newe scholemaster and neuer to haue to do w t them here after but studiously and wythe all applicacion of mynde to followe the doctrine of thys oure techer Theo. What is it to deny vngodlynes Phil. To deny vngodlynes is vttterly to forsake to cast away all thynges that should obscure deface or in ony poynte hynder the honour and glorye of God For who so euer wyl be Christes scoler he must fyrst seke the glory of God aboue all thynges as it is writen Thou shalt worshyp the Lorde thy God hym only shalt thou serue Euse. which are they that hynder the glory of God Phil. Aske ye which neyghbour Eusebius whan the world is altogither set on wickednes as s. Iohn̄ sayth They loue the glory of menne more than the glory of GOD as Christ sayth All seake theyr owne and not that which is Iesus Christes sayth S. Paule What a sorte of Idolaters are there in the worlde whyche steale the honour from God gyue it to creatures What a nomber are fallen from Christ some puttynge theyr trust in popysh pardons some in y e merites of other some in theyr owne workes some in the obseruaūces of mens tradicions c What a company also is there y t loue worldly thynges more then God Howe doth the couetous man embrase and loue hys rytches so that it is not w t out a cause sayd of Christ It is more easy for a cable rope to go thorow the eye of a nedle than for a rytche man to enter into the kyngdome of God How doth the glotonne make of his belly and enfarse it wythe all kynde of deynties Howe dothe the prowde parsonne garnysh ▪ hymselfe and delight in precious ornamētes Howe doth the irefull man set asyde all charite and feare of God seake to be reuēged Agē what a swarme of wycked parsons are ther whiche dishonour the name of oure God by vnlawfull and abhominable othes What thynge in earth do they leaue vnsworne by Yea what parte of y e moost glorious body of our Sauyour Iesus Christ wherby we receaued redempcion and saluacion do they leaue vntowched wythe theyr to moche detestable othes Why do not these wretches call this precepte of God to theyr remēbrās Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy GOD in vayne For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltles y t taketh his name in vayne The wis● man also saythe A man that vsethe much swearyng shall be fylled with wyckednes and the plage that is y e vengeaūce of God shal not go away from hys house Furthermore what a flocke is there that hate the Gods worde so many as laboure to promote and set it forth callynge them Heretykes and felowes of the newe learnyng How lytle pleasure haue these swynysh worldlynges and volupteous bely goddes ether to read the scriptures thē selues or to
heare other Yea I would there were not whiche nether wyll read the moost holy Bible thē selues nor yet suffer wyth a gladde mynde other to read Agaynst all such dothe Christ thonder in the gospell sayenge Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites which haue taken awaye y e keye of knowledge and speared the kyngdome of heauen before men Ye your selues do not enter nor yet sufferre them that come to enter Do not al● these thinke you as I may let passe many other greatly dishonour God and obscure his glory These are no fytte scholers for Christes schole excepte they repent and amend Therfore as I sayd vnto you before who so euer wyll be Christes scholler he must fyrste seake the glory of God aboue all thynges He must loue god aboue all thynges ether in heuen or in earth beleue hym to be hys alone sauyoure and aske and looke for all good thynges of him alone He must honour hys name and seake the glory therof in al thynges that he doth Yea for the glorye of thys hys God he must be contented not only to b●stowe his goodes but hys very lyfe also if the honoure of God so requireth He must loue the worde of god as the alone tresure of his soule study in it daye and nyghte talke of it with other exhor●e his christen brothers vnto the readyng of it reioyse whan he se men haue a plesure in i● and encourage them so to continew to followe that whiche they read ▪ They that do thys denye vngodlynes vnfaynedly seake the honour and glory of God Chri. I bes●ch god that we all may haue grace thu● to do Phil. For asmuch as we walke not only before God but also before mē therfore doth your new yeres gyfte I meane Christ youre scholemaste● not only teache you to deny vngodlynes but also worldely lustes Theo. What meaneth he by that Phil Euen the very same that S. Paule dothe wrytynge to the Collossians ▪ Mortify sayth he youre members ▪ whiche are on the earth fornicacion vnclennes vnnaturall lust euell cōcupiscence and couetousnes which is worshyppyng of Idols for which thynges the wrath of God comethe on the childrē of vnbelefe In which ye walked once whē ye lyued in thē But nowe putte ye also away from you all thynges wrath fearcenesse maliciousnes cursed speakyng fylthy talke out of your mouthes Ly not one to another after y t ye hau● putte of the olde man with his workes and put on the newe whiche is renewed in knowledge after y e image of hym that made hym Of these wordes may ye learne what it is to deny worldly lustes Uerely to mortify all carnal affectes which stryue agaynst the spirite For the fleshe lustethe cōtrary to the spirite and the spirite contrary to y e flesh But they that pertayne vnto Christ haue crucifyed the flesh with the affectes and lustes therof If ye lyue after y e flesh ye shal dye But if ye mortify the dedes of the body in the spirite ye shal lyue For who so euer are led wythe the spirite of God they are the sonnes of God Here may ye se what purenes bothe of body mīd god requireth of vs seīg we may not so much as once noryssh a worldely carnall lust in our hartes How muche lesse than is it lawefull for vs to accomplysh them in dede and to bryng thē forth in externall acte Hereto pertayneth the cōmaundement Thou shalte not couyt or lust Our scholemaster also in the Sermon that he made in the mountayne sayth who so euer looketh on another mannes wyfe lustyng after her hath comitted adultry alredy in hys harte It is not wtout a cause y t Christ techeth vs to deny worldly fleshly lustes For if the hart be not refrayned frō euell concupiscences kepte cleane it is not possible that we can eyther speake or do ony thynge at all that shoulde ●e good or godly For of the abundaunce of the herte the mouth speaketh A good man out of y e good tresure of hys harte bryngeth forth that is good And an euell man out of the euel tresure of hys harte bryngeth forth that is euell Euery tree is knowne by her fruyte Therfore muste we aboue all thynges watche that no euell lust crepe into our hartes ether thorow the entys●ment of the flesh or the flattering of y e world or yet the craftye suggestion of Satan Be sober saythe S. Peter and watche For your aduersary the dyuell goeth about lyke a rorynge lyō seakynge whome he maye d●uoure I● the harte be once corrupte wythe w●rldely lustes than goeth all to hauocke ▪ as S. Iames saythe After y e lust hathe conceaued she bryngethe forthe ●ynne and synne whan i● is fynyshed bryngethe forthe deathe Blyssed is that man that can kepe hys ha●●e fre from worldly lustes vnlawfull desyres For he is a fytte scholler to be in Chri●tes schole yea it is an euident token that he hathe learned wyth Christ alredy hathe well profyted in godly knoweledge And that you may do thys set euer before the eyes of youre mynde this sayenge of S. Iohn̄ Loue not the world no● those thynges that 〈…〉 the worlde If ony man louethe the worlde the loue of the father is not in hym For all that is in the world as the concupiscence of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pryde of the life is not of the father but it is of the world And the world passeth away the lust therof But he that dothe the wyll of God abydethe for euermore Euse. Is it not lawfull for vs to couytte desyre such thynges of y e worlde as are necessary for our lyuynge Phil. To desyre to haue meat dryncke clothe wythout y e whiche ye canne not lyue in the worlde it is lawfull Salomon and Iacob prayed for them vnto God Christ also in the Pater noster taught vs to pray on this manner Gyue vs this daye our dayly bread S. Paule also sayeth If ony man dothe not prouyde for hys houshold he hath denyed the fayth and is worse than an infidell Therfore is it lawful both to desyre praye and make prouision for them so that it be done in fayth of a single harte For all the creatures of god are good as the scripture sayth God beheld all thynges that he had made and they were very good All thinges are pure to them y t are pure No thynge is to be cast awaye that is receaued wyth thankes gyuyng To desyre these thynges I say yea and to haue the vse and possession of thē ye are not forbyddē but to lust desyre worldly rytches wyth a couetous and insatiable mynde that ye maye ioyne house to house londe to lande ferme to ferme to desyre to be reuenged when all vengeāce pertayneth to God as he sayth vengeance is mynde and I wyll reward to lust after
Mary Peter Iames Michael Fraūces Dominicke Austē or ony other He shal both sa●e and lede his people wyth● hym into eternall glorye For as h● shall saye to the wycked Departe go awaye frō me ye cursed into euer lastynge fyre which is prepared fo● the dyuell his aungels so shall he faye to his faythful people Come y● blyssed chyldren of my father inherite the kyngdome which was prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde O swete sayeng more full of ioye conforte than it can be expressed Chri. Lorde I beseche the for thy great mercyes so to assyst vs with thy holy spirite that we maye so walke before the in this lyfe accor●dynge to thy moost holy worde y t w● may be found in y e nōber at that day of thy blyssed chyldren to whome ● of thy fre grace shalte gyue y e moost glorious inheritaunce Phil. Your de●syre is godly Ye shall heare more of your new yeares gyfte for it begynnethe to drawe vnto an ende Euse. I praye you lette vs heare Phile. whyche gaue hymselfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrighteousnes That there can be no sauyour for vs but christ alone these word is proue manifestly for asmuch as none other but he only gaue him selfe for vs to redeme vs from al vnrighteousnes Was Paule crucifyed for vs Or were we baptised in y e name of Paule What saynt at ony tyme thought hymselfe so pure immaculate and wythout all spotte of synne that he durst presume to dye for vs to auouche hys death to be an oblacion sacrifyce for oure synnes to god the father excepte peraduenture we wyll admytte for good payment these suche lyke blasphemies which were wonte full solemly to be songe in the temples vnto y e great ignominy of y e glorious name of God the dishonoure of Christes moost precious bloud Iesu bone per Thomae merita nostra nobis dimitte debita Eta trina morte nos suscita Agen Iesu bone per Thomae uulnera quae nos ligant relaxas celera Item Thomae cedunt parent omnia Pestes morbi mors demonia Ignis aer tellus maria Thomas mundū repleuit gloria Mūdat lepra conspersos maculis soluit mortis ligatos uinculis I let passe many mo whiche are very easye to be searched founde oute What are if these be not blasphemies What obscure the price of Christes death if these wycked sentēces do not Ah Lord what blyndenes occupyed the world whā suche wycked doctrine crept in and was receaued into the chyrche and made in a manner of equall authorite wyth the holy scripture Oh Satan great is thy crafte vnsearcheable is the suttelty of thy wicked imaginacions Chri. Here are some of vs whyche vnderstande not the Latin tonge Englyshe therfore the aforesayd sentences Phil. I wyl do it in order O good Iesu forgyue vs oure dettes thorowe the merites of Thomas And reyse vs vp from the thre folde death O good Iesu release vs of our synnes whiche bynde vs thorowe Thomas woundes All thynges gyue place and obeye Thomas Pestilences diseses death dyuels Fyre ayre earth the sees Thomas fylled the world full of glory He maketh clene lepers He losoneth them that are bounde from the bondes of death Howe saye ye to thys geare Is it not good stuffe Euse. Let God be but a lytle mercifull vnto me yf I haue ether heard or read more pestilent abhominable blasphemies thā these are Is this ony other thā as Lucifer sayd I wyll clyme vp in to heuen make my seat aboue the starres of God I wyll sytte vpon y e glorious mount toward the North. I wyl clyme vp aboue the clowdes and wyll be lyke the hygheste of all Is not this the office of God to forgyue vs oure dettes for the merites of Christ Doth it not pertayne vnto God to reyse vs vp from deathe Are not our sinnes only released for Christes woundes sake Is not all power gyuen vnto Christ both in heuen and in earthe Are not all thynges in the hande of God to do withe them what so euer hys moost godly plesure shal be Is it not God alone that losoneth the synfull from y e bondes of deathe Howe than can these thynges be iustly ascribed to a mortall creature begotten conceaued borne in synne yea as some iudge of him Tratour both to God and his Prynce Is a synner fyt to pay a synners raūsome Is a Traytou● a conuenient parson to make meās for another Traytour vnto a kyng whome both of them haue offended What Prynce can awaye with the syght of thē Phil. Ye say trueth It therfore foloweth wel y t nether Thomas Fraunces Dominicke Austē nor any other creature nether in heuen nor in earth were they neuer so holy suffered they neuer so greate paynes could be our sauiour but christ alone y e pure īmaculate lābe of God which gaue himselfe for vs as your newe yeares gyfte sayth to redeme vs from al vnrighteousnes Marcke that he saythe whych gaue hym selfe for vs. These wordes expresse the vnspeakeble kyndenes of Christ towarde vs seynge that whan we had deserued no suche gentylnes he was contented to come downe from the glorye of his father and to become man for oure sake yea to gyue hymselfe vnto the deathe to reconcyle vs vnto God the father and to make an attonement betwene hī vs. He gaue hym selfe for vs. He suffered deathe wyllyngly It was not the violence of the Iewes that drewe hym vnto his passion but hys owne volūtary wyll The seruent brennyng loue that he had in hys brest toward mākynde caused hym to take the death vpon hym and to suffer those moost cruell paynes So that he dydde all thinges wyllyngly as the Prophet sayth He was offred because it was his pleasure and he dyd not once opē his mouth Christ hīselfe also sayth Therfore doth my father loue me b●cause I put my lyfe from me that I myght take it agayne No man takethe it from me but I putte it awaye of my selfe I haue power to put it from me and haue power to take it agayne Thus se we y t Christ wythoute ony compulsion suffered death for our sake He gaue himselfe and no Aungell nor ony other creature nether in heauen nor in earth for vs for vs I saye men although neuer so greuous synners if we repent beleue amende O moost precious incomparable gy●te There is one god sayth S. Paule and one attonement maker of God and mē euen the man Christ Iesus whyche gaue hymselfe a raūsome for all mē Christ gaue hīselfe for vs. wherfore To redeme vs frō all vnrighteousnes Theo. What is it to redeme vs Phile. To redeme vs is to bye vs agayne whā we are loste to pay our raunsome to satisfy for our syn to delyuer vs oute of captiuite to brynge vs home agayne to our