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A06832 The gouernaunce of vertue teaching all faythful christia[n]s, how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe, & fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God & the health of their owne soules. Newlye corrected & augme[n]ted by Thomas Becon. 1566 Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1727; ESTC S101289 136,978 330

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heauen Except ye beleue that I am the son of god ye shall dye in your synnes I and my father are one I beleue that y u art Christ the son of god which should come into the word Doest thou not beleue that I am in the father and the father is in me This is euerlastyng lyfe euen to knowe thee the alone true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. O father thou louedst me before the worlde was made These thinges are written that ye might beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of god and that in beleuyng ye lyfe thorough his name Iesus Christ was declared to be the son of god with power of y ● holy ghost Christ is the image of the inuisible god first begotten of al creatures For by him were all things created things that are in heauen and things that are on earth things visible and things inuisible whether they be maiesty or lord ship either rule or power All thynges are created by him and in him and he is before all thinges and in hym all things haue their being We looke for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great god our sauiour Iesu Christ. God in tyme past diuersly and many wayes spake vnto the Fathers by the Prophetes but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by his Sonne who he hath made heyre of all things by whome also hee made the worlde Whiche Sonne beyng the brightnes of hys glorye and very image of hys substaunce bearyng vp all thynges wyth the worde of his power hathe in his own person purged our sinnes is sitting on the ryght hand of the maiestye on hie and is more excellent then the aungels in as much as he hathe by inheritaunce obtained a more excellēt name then they haue For vnto which of the aungels sayde be at anye tyme. Thou art my sonne this day begate I thee And agayne I will be his father and he shall be my sonne And agayne when he bringeth in the first begotten sonne into y ● world he sayth all the aungels of god shall worshippe him And of the aungels he sayth he maketh his aungels sprites his ministers flames of fyre But vnto the sonne he sayth God thy seate shal be for euer and euer The scepter of thy kingdome is a ryght scepter Iesus Christ yesterday and to day and the same cōtinueth for euer Who is a lier but he that denieth that Iesus is Christe The same is the Antichrist that denieth the father the son who so euer denyeth the sonne y ● same hath not the father Let therfore abide in you that same which ye heard from the beginning If that which ye hearde from the beginning shall remayne in you ye also shall continue in the sonne and in the father and this is the promise that he hath promised vs euen euerlastyng lyfe For this purpose appeared y ● sonne of god to lose the workes of the deuil This is gods commaundemēt that we beleue on the name of his sonne Ie sus Christ. In this appeared the loue of god towards vs because y ● god sent his onely begotten sonne into the world that we might lyue thorow hym Who is it that ouercommeth the world but he which beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of god God hathe geuen vnto vs eternall lyfe and this life is in hys son He that hath the sonne hathe lyfe and he that hath not the son of god hath not lyfe We know that the sonne of god is come and hathe geuen vs a mynde to know him whiche is true and we are in hym that is true euen in hys son Ie sus Christ. The same is verye god and eternall lyfe Examples out of the new Testament God the Father proclaymed Iesu Christ both when he was baptised and transfigured hys onely begotten naturall and welbeloued sonne saying this is my dearely beloued son in whō I haue great pleasure Two men possessed w t deuils called Iesu the son of god saying O Iesu the son of god what haue we to do w t thee The men which were in the ship se yng that the winde ceased so soone as Christ was come into the ship said vnto him truly thou art the son of god When Christ demaunded ōf hys dis ciples whom they thought him to be Peter in the name of all the disciples aunswered and sayd thou art Christe the sonne of the liuyng god When bishop Cayphas sayde vnto Christ I charge thee in the name of y e liuing god that thou tell vs whether thou be Christ the sonne of god Christ answered thou hast sayd Neuertheles I saye vnto you hereafter shall ye see the sonne of man sitting on the righte hand of power and come in the clouds of the sky Whē the Centurion and they that were with him watching Iesus sawe the earthquake those thinges which happened they feared greatly saying Of a surety this was the son of god They brought to Christ a mā sicke of the palsie lying in his bed whē Iesus saw the faith of them he said to the sick of the palsey son be of good chere Thy sinnes be forgeuen thee And behold certain of the Scribes sayd in thēselues this man blasphemeth And when Iesus sawe their thoughtes he sayde wherfore thynke ye euill in your hartes Here Christ proueth himselfe god agaynst all his enemies two maner of wayes Fyrst in that he forgeueth sinnes For no man can forgeue sinne but god alone Secondly in that be knoweth the verye hidde and secret thoughtes of men For who searcheth the hartes and raines of men but god onely When a certayne man possessed w t an vnclean spirit saw christ a far of he came runnyng and worshipped hym and cried with a loude voyce saying What haue I to do with thee O Iesu thou sonne of the most hyest god The high priest asked Iesu●… and said vnto him art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed He aunswered I am And ye shall see the sonne of man sitting on the right hand of power and comming in the cloudes of heauen Christ sayde vnto Nathanaell Before that Philip called thee whē thou wast vnder the ●…ygtree I saw thee Na thanaell answered and sayd vnto him Rabby thou art euen the verye sonne of god thou art the king of Israel Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto him Bicause I sayd vnto thee I saw thee vnder the figtree thou beleuest thou shalt see greater thinges then these And he said vnto them verely verely I say vn to you hereafter shall ye see heauen open and the aungels of god ascēdyng and descendyng ouer the sonne of mā The miracle which Christ wrought at the mariage in Cana by turnyng water into wyne proueth hym manifestly to be god After the sermon that Christ made of the eating of his fleshe and the drinking of
be temperate in eatyng and drinking And of so honest and cleanly cōuersation that we geue no man occasion of euyll Graunte nowe that in steade of our old fayned works we may be occupied with suche fruites of thy holy spirite as thy worde maketh mencion of Graūte now that according to the wholsom monition of thy blessed apostle Peter and of al the scripture besyde we may be faithful true obediēt vnto the king our soueraigne Lord and Supreme head immediatly vnder Christ. And not only vnto al such officers as be sēt of him but also vnto al such wholsō lawes iniunetions as by his autority be made for y e tranquilt ty and wealth of vs his subiects Graunt now that we al may encrease in y e knowledg of the that our youth may be brought vp in vertue that children may obey their fathers mothers that seruauntes may be true to their maisters that landlordes may be gentle to their tenantes that husbands may be louing to their wiues and wiues likewise to their husbandes that men may kepe their houshold in the feare knowledge of thee y e idle people may be set to labour that al such as be poore in dede may be wel and louingly prouided for Graunt y e for the loue of thee we may fede y ● hūgry geue drink to y ● thirsty cloth y e naked geue lodging to thē that be harbourlesse ●…urye the dead visite thē that be in prison helpe such as be in sycknesse Finally graunt now most mercifull father that whatsoeuer thou forbiddest we may forbeare it and whatsoeuer thou ▪ cōmaundest we may euery one in his calling performe the same and so cōtinue in thy seruice till our liues ends that al our thoughts words deds may redound vn to y e glory of thee now euermore Amē Thankes be geuen to God Obedience vnto our Prince●… and loue to our neighboures For the Cytie or towne wherin thou dwellest EXcept thou O mercifull lorde God almighty kepe the citye the watchmen wake but in vain that kepe it Therfor O lord god send thy holy spirit into y ● harts of them which rule our citye or town to the intent that we with them they with vs may liue in thy godlye feare so that it may goe well with vs. And suffer vs not good Lord to put our truste any more in worldly power as money horse weapon artillery gunnes or strong walles but much rather in thee which arte adefender of al them that put their whole affiaunce and trust in thee For kinges Princes and Rulars O Lord of Lords Iesus Christ thou art an example and glasse or myror of thē which gouern and beare rule of realmes coūtreis cities whome they ought to folowe for thou art the best and the wisest and therfore canst thou not erre nor doe any other thing but wel Uouchsafe with the lyghte of thy clearnes and wyth the fyre of thy loue to kindle the hartes of al such as thou through thy godly prouidēce hast instituted and ordayned to be rulers ouer the people to the intent that they through thee as by a fore going light may see and perceiue what is best to be done and fulfyl the same and that they taking thee alwaies for a sure mark of their eye do not that thing which only semeth good in their syghte but that which may be to thy honour to our profitte and to their health and saluation to the intent also that they may iustly and duly minister execute their office geuē vnto thē of thee so that we with thē they with vs maye lead a peaceable vertuous and quiet life So be it Wheu thou goest to thy labour or worke O Most kynd and gentle heauenly father thou knowest and hast taught vs how great the weakenes of man is so that no man without thy godly helpe can do any thing Thus vo●…chiafe to send vs thy ho ly spirit y e he may strengthē styrre indu our vnderstāding reasō in al things y e we this daye outwardlye shal goe aboute take in hande or it that we in wardlye shall think or haue in minde to the intent that it may be done to thy glorye and to y ● profite of our neighbour A Prayer for a godly life IT greatly greueth vs O mercifull Father and euerlasting God that we thorow the gre●…ous and continuall assaults of our enemies are not able to passe ouer our yeres in this worlde with such puritie of life as we ought and as thou requirest of vs. Uerely we are on euery parte so besieged and compassed round about of oure aduersaries that scarsely at any time we can be free from their pestiferous deadly darts nor yet haue so much respite as once to breath toward true godlines Oh moste louing Lord thou art our Father and we thy children conuenient therfore is it that we thy children represent and openlye declare in oure conuersation the maners of thee our father Thou art good gentle louing suffring holy righteous faithful c. It therfore becommeth vs thy children in our liuing to practise goodnes gentlenes loue charitie mercy patience longe suffering holines righteousnes faith c ¶ Thou haste geuen vs an example that euen as thou hast done so we likewise should do If we say we dwell in thee we ought to walke as thou haste walked For thou hast called vs not to vnclennes but vnto holines Thou hast deliuered vs from y ● power of our enemies that we being w tout feare should serue the●… in holines and righteous nes all the dayes of our life The bloude of thy sonne Iesu Christe hath clensed vs from al sinne net that we shoulde continue in darkenes but rather walke in the light as thou art in light Thy louing kindnes hath appeared vnto all men not that we shoulde followe vngodlines and worldly iustes but that we should liue soberly righteously and godly in this present worlde Thou diddest chose vs in Christ before the foundacions of the world were layde that we should be holy and without blame before thee through him We are thy workemanship created in Christ Iesu vnto all good woorkes which thou ordayneste afore that wee shoulde walke in them Forasmuche then as all the benefytes which thou haste bestowed vppon vs are geuen vnto this e●…de that we should walk worthy of thy kindnesse represent thy maners in our cōuersation mortifye the fleshe and the lustes thereof haue nothing to do with Sathan nor the world but leade a good life garnished full of good workes and in all pointes fashioned after the rule of thy blessed words we moste hartely pray thee to endue vs with thy holy spirit which may take away our stony hart and geue vs a new fleshly and soft harte kil that olde man in vs whiche is corrupt thorow deceiuable lustes and fashion in vs that new man which is made after thy image
Geue eare Lord to my prayer and ponder the voyce of my humble desyres In the tyme of my trouble I wil cal vp on thee for thou hearest me Among the Gods there is none like vn to thee O lord there is not one that can do as thou doest Al nations whom thou hast made shal come worship thee O lorde and shal gloryfy thy name For thou art great and doest wonderous thinges thou art God alone Teach me thy way O lord and I will walke in thy truth O knit my hearte vnto thee that it may feare thy name I will thanke thee O Lorde my god wyth all my hearte and wyll prayse thy name for euer For great is thy mercy toward me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the neithermost hell O God the proud are risen against me and the congregations of naughty men haue not set thee before their eyes But thou O lorde god art full of compassion and mercy long suffring plenteous in goodnes and truth O turne thee then vnto me and haue mercy vpon me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunt and help the sonne of thine handmaid Shew some tokē vpon me for good that they whiche hate me may se it and bee a shamed because thou Lorde haste helped me and comforted me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginning c. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Then say the Crede and the Lordes prayer c. Lord shew thy mercy vpon vs. And graunt vs thy saluation O lord saue the Queene And mercifully heare vs when we cal vpon thee Indue thy ministers wyth righteousnes And make thy chosen people ioyful O Lord saue thy people And blesse thine heritaunce Geue peace in our tyme O lord Because there is none other that fighteth for vs but only thou O god O god make cleane our hartes within vs. And take not thy holy spirite from vs. Let vs pray O God which art authour of peace and louer of concorde in knowledge of whome standeth our eternall life whose seruice is perfect fredom defend vs thy humble seruauntes in all assaultes of our enemies that we surele trusting in thy defence maye not feare the power of any ad uersaryes thorowe the myghte of Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen O Lord our heauenly father almighty euerlasting god whiche hast safelye brought vs to the beginning of this day defende vs in the same with thy mightye power and graunte that this day we fal into no sin neither rune into eny kinde of daunger but that al our doinges may be ordred by thy gouernaunce to do alway that is righteous in thy sighte through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen GOd preserue Quene Elizabeth god destroy al her enemies God preserue her most honorable counsellers God ayde the clergy wyth hys spirit in setting forth of his truth God preserue al the nobelity of this realme and the commones of the same God defend the fauorers of the gospel God chaūge the harts of our enemies and send them better mynds The power of god destroy Antichrist with al his wicked kingdome God send the gospel a ioyfull and a free passage throughoute the whole worlde God send vnto all degrees such grace that they may walke worthyly in their vocation and calling Amen The peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding kepe our harts and minds in the knowledg and loue of God and of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde And the blessing of God almighty the father the sonne and the holy ghost be amongst vs and remain with vs alwais Amen Imprinted at London by Iohn Day dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath S. Martins Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis De. 4. 6. ●… Gene ▪ 1●… Tob. 14 Dan. 18 Act. 2●… Ioel. 2 Exo. 20 Deut. 4 Deut. 6. Deut. 32 Psal. 81 Esay 4●… Mal. ●… Gene. 8 Math. 4 1. Cor. 8 Ephe. 4. 1. Tim. 2. Ihon. 5. Esay 7. 〈◊〉 5. Abacu 2. Ose. 2. Psalm 78 S●…pi 2 Eccle. ●… ▪ Eccle. 3●… ▪ Gene. 15. 1. Reg 17. Dan. ●… ▪ Dan. ●… ▪ Mat. 16. Iohn 1 Ihon. 3. Iohn 6 ▪ Ihon. 1●… Ihon. 14. Actes 89. ▪ 15. Actes 1●… Rom. ●… ▪ ●… Rom. ●… Rom 10. Esay 28. ●…m 14. ●…lla 3. ●…la 4. ●…e ●… 〈◊〉 ●… Heb. 11. 1. Pet. 5. Math. 9. Math. 15. Mar. 9. Mar. 1●… Luke 7 Actes 5 Esay 9. Esay 25 Esay 35 Esay 64 Dan. 4 Ose. 11 Baru 5 Psal. 2. Psal. 45 Prou. 7. Eccle. 24. 2. Reg. 7. Gene. 1. Gen. 18 Exod. 3 Esay 6 Dan. 4 Mat. 1 Mat. 3. 17 Mat 16 Math. 27 Luc 1 Ihon. 1. Iohn 3. Iohn 6. Iohn 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 17. Iohn 20. Rom. 2. Colos. 1. Titus 2 Hebr. 1. Psal. 2. Act. 13. Heb. 13. ●… Iohn 3. ●… Iohn 4. ●… Iohn 5. Mat. 3. 17. ●… Math. 8. Math. 13. Math. 17. Math. 26. Math. 26. Math. 9. Mar. 15 Mar. 14 Ihon. 1. ●… Iohn ●… ▪ Iohn 6. Iohn 9. Iohn 11. Ihon. 20. Acts. ●… Gene 3. Gene. 22. Gene. 49. Num. 24 Deut. ●… 1. Par. 1●… Psal. 89 Psalm 132 Esay 7. Esay 9. Esay 11. Iere. 23. Iohn 29. Eze. 34 37 Dan. 9. Mich. 5. Zach. ●… Mal. 3 Barue ●… Gene. 22. Gala. 3. Psal. 1●… ▪ Esay 7. Esay 11. Dan. 9. Mal. 1 Esay 7. Luke ●… Luke 11 Iohn 1 Actes 2. Actes 13 Rom. 1. Rom. 9 Gal. 13 Gala. ●… Phil. ●… 1. Timo. 3 2. Tim. ●… Hebr. ●… ●… Iohn 4. Iohn ●… Luke ●… Luke 12 Luke 24. Actes ▪ 2 ▪ Rom. 9 Gal. 4 1. Tim ●… Heb. 2. Psal ▪ 11 ▪ Psal. 13 Psal. 47. Psalm 6●… Psal. 10●… ▪ Psal. 103. Psal ▪ 104 ▪ Psalm 10 Psalm 113 Psalm 115 Psalm 133 Psalm 129 ●… Reg. 8. 2. Par. ●… Iob. 11. Esay 6●… Math. 13 ▪ Math. 26. Mat. 16. Luc. 24 Iohn 24. Iohn 16. Rom. 8 1 Cor. 11. Ephe. 1. Ephe. 4 Phil. ●… Colos. 3 1 Thess. 4 Heb. 1. Hebr. 10. Heb. ●… 1. Pet. 3. Act. ●… Act. 7 ▪ Acts. 9. Gene. 4. Gene. 22. Gene. 49. Psalm 2 Psal. 3 ▪ Psal. 9. Psalm 18. Psal. 12. Psalm 25. Psalm 27 Psalm 32. Psalm 33. Psal. 34. Psal. 37. Psal. 103. Psalm 129 Esay 43 Esay 45 Esay 49. Esay 53. Exod. 12. 1. Cor. 5 Exo. 16 Sap. 16. Psal. 78. Iohn 6. Exod. 17. Iohn 4. Num. 21. Math. 9. Math. 11. Math. 11. Iohn ●… Iohn 1. Iohn 3. Iohn 4. Iohn 6. Iob. 8. Iohn 10. Iohn 11. Iohn 12. Iohn 14. Iohn 15. Act. 4. Actes 10. Act. 13. Rom 3. Rom. 4. Rom. 5. Rom. ●… Rom. 8 Rom. 10. 1 Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 5 1. Cor. 6 2. Cor. 8. Gal. 2. Gal. 3. Gala. 5. Ephe. 1 Ephe. 2 Ephe. 3 Ephe. 4 Col. 1. Tim. 1 2. Tim. 2 Titus 3. 1. Pet. 1. 1. Pet. 2. Ihon. 1. Iohn 2. Iohn 3. ohn 4. Hebr. 1. Heb. 2. Heb ▪ 5 Heb. 7. Hebr. 1●… ●…eb 10. poc 1. poc 17. ●…ath
are laden and he promiseth that he wil refresh them Christ is that true lyghte which light neth euery man that commeth into this worlde Christ is our Lord of whose fulnes al we haue receyued euen grace for grace For the lawe was geuen by Moses but grace and truth came by Iesus Christe Christ is that lambe of god whiche taketh away the synnes of the world As Moses lyfted vp the Serpent in wildernesse so must the Sonne of man be lyfted vp that euery on that beleueth in him may not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe For God loueth the world so feruently that he gaue his only begot ten sonne that euery one that beleueth in hym may not pearish but haue euerlasting lyfe For god sent not hys sonne into the world to condemne the world but that the world should be saued by hym He that beleueth in the sonne hath euerlasting lyfe but he that beleueth not in the son shall not se lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth vpon him Christe geuethe that lyuynge water whereof whosoeuer drinketh shal neuermore thirste but that water shal bee vnto hym a fountayne of water that springeth vp into eternal lyfe Christ is that bread of life whiche came down from heauen If any man eate of that bread he shall liue for euer Christe alone the Sonne of God maketh vs free Christe is the dore If any man enter in by him he shall be safe For he shall go in and come oute and ●…nde pasture Christ is that good shepeheard which gaue his life for his shepe Christ is the resurrection and life he that beleueth in him althoughe he were dead shal liue and euery one that liueth and beleueth in him shall neuer dye Christe is the light of the worlde and came into the worlde for this purpose y ● euery one that beleueth in him shoulde not abide in darknes Christe is the waye truthe and life No man commeth vnto the Father but by him Christe is that mighty prince whiche hath ouercome the world There is none other name geuen vnto men vnder heauen where in they muste be saued but onely that name of Christ. Neither is ther any saluation in any other but in him alone Christe is ordained of God a iudge of quick and dead To him geue all the pro phets witnesse that thorowe his name all that beleue in him shal receiue remis sion of sinnes Thorow Christ is preached vnto vs the forgeuenes of sinnes so that by him all y ● beleue are iustified from all things from whiche we coulde not be iustified by the law of Moyses The righteousnes no doubt whiche is good before God commeth by y e faith of Iesus Christe vnto all and vpon all that beleue There is no difference for all haue sinned and want the glorye of God but are iustified freely by his grace thorow the redemption that is in Christ Iesu to whom God hath made a ●…eat of mercy thorow faith in his blud to shew the righteousnesse whiche before him is of valoure Christ died for our sinnes and rose ●… gaine for our iustification We beinge iustified by faithe are at peace with god thorow our Lord Iesus Christe by whom we haue awaye in thorowe fayth vnto thys grace wherein we stande and reioyce in hope of the prayse that shal be geuen of God God setteth out hys loue that he hath to vs forasmuche as while we were yet sinners Christe died for vs. Muche more then nowe being iustified in his bloude shall wee be saued from wrath thorowe hym For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the deathe of hys sonne muche more seinge we are re conciled we shal be preserued by his lyfe Not onelye so but we also ioye in God by our Lord Iesus Christe by whom we haue receaued the attonement ☞ Rede the whole Chapter Euerlastinge life is the gifte of God thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. There is no dampnation to them which are in Christe Iesus which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit For the law of the spirite that bringeth life thorow Iesus Christe hath made vs fre frō the lawe of sinne and death We know that al things worke for the best vnto them that loue god whiche also are called of purpose For those which he knew before he also ordayned before that they should be a like fashioned to the shape of his sonne that he might bee the first begotten sonne among many brethren And whom he appointed before them also he called And which he called them also he iustifyed which he iustifyed them also he glorifyed What shall we thē say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs which spared not hys owne sonne but gaue him for vs all how shall he not with him geue vs all thinges also Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that iustifyeth who then shall cōdemne It is Christ which is dead yea rather which is rysen agayne which is also on the ryght hand of God and maketh intercession for vs. Christ is the end of the lawe to iustifye all that beleue Whosoeuer beleueth on Christ shall not be ashamed There is no difference betwene y e Iewe and the Gentile For one is Lorde ouer all that cal on hym for whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord shal be safe Christ is made of God our wysedome our righteousnes our sanctification and redemption Christ our Easter Lambe is offered vp for vs. We are washed we are sanctified yea we are iustifyed by the name of the Lorde Iesu and by the spirite of our God The liberalitie of our lord Iesus Christ is greate which though he were riche yet for oure sakes he became poore that we through hys pouertie myght be made rich If righteousnes come of the lawe then died Christ in vayne Christ hath deliuered vs frō y e curse of the law and was made accursed for vs. S●…ande faste in the libertie wherwith Christ hath made vs free and wrappe not your selues again in the yoke of bondage Ye are gone quite frō Christ as many as are iustifyed by the law and are fallen from grace For we looke in spirite to be iustifyed thorow faith For in Iesu Christ neither is circumcision any thing worth neither vncircumcision but fayth which by loue is mightie in operation God forbyd y ● I shoulde reioyce in any thing but onely in y ● crosse death passiō of our Lord Iesus Christ. Blessed be god the father of oure Lorde Iesu Christe whiche hath blessed vs with all manner of spirituall blessings in heauenly things by Christ. By christ we haue redemption thorow his bloud euen the forgeuenes of sins according to the ritches of hys grace which he shed on vs aboundauntlye in all wisedome and prudence God whiche is
heare me ye shall eate the good fruites of y ● earth If that ye will not but prouoke me to anger the sworde shall deuoure you for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Put your burnt offerings to your sacrifices eate the flesh For when I brought your Fathers out of the lande of Egypt I spake not one word vnto them of burnte offeringes and sacrifyces but thys I commaunded them saying heare my voyce and I shall be your God and ye shall be my people See ye walke in all the wayes that I haue commaunded you that ye may prosper I hate and vtterly defie your holy daies and where as ye sense me when ye come together I will not accept it And though ye offer me burnt offeringes yet will not I receaue your giftes Awaye from me with the noyse of thy songes for I can not abyde the hearyng of thy playeng at the Organs Prouide that equitie may followe as the water and righteousnesse as a mightie streame for in these thinges haue I delight and pleasure sayeth the Lorde I will mercy and no sacrifice sayth the Lord and the knowledge of God do I set more by then burnt offeringes What shall I offer worthy the Lorde Shall I bowe my knee to y ● hie god Shall I offer vnto him burnt sacrifices calues of a yeare olde May the Lorde be pleased with a thousande fat Weathers Or with many thousandes of lustie Goates Shall I geue my first begotten for my wickednesse Euen the fruite of my wombe for the sinne of my soule I will shewe the●… Oman what is good and what the Lord requireth of thee verely to do iudgement to loue mercy and carefully to walke with thy God How long will ye halte on both partes If the Lord be God follow him If Baall be God follow him ☞ Examples out of the old Testament NAdab and Abihu of a good entent offered incense to the Lord w t straunge fyre yet for all their good zeale they were consumed with fyre so that they dyed before the Lord. King Saule thought that he had done great worship vnto God when in the absence of Samuell he offered burnt offeringes but Samuell said vnto him thou hast done folishly neither hast kept the cōmaundements of the Lord thy God which I commaunded thee Saule also of a good zeale contrarye to the commaundement of God spared Agag the kyng of Ameleche aliue with the best and fattest flockes of sheepe oxen ●…c Pretending that he reserued them for to offer vnto the Lorde But Samuell sayd vnto him for asmuche as thou hast caste away the word of the Lord the Lord hath cast away thee that thou be no more king Willeth the Lorde burnt offringes and sacrifices and not rather that it maye be obeyed vnto his worde Obedience is better then sacrifices and to geue eare to the lordes commaundement is more then to offer the fatte of Weathers Oza thought y ● he had done God highe seruice when he stayed the Arke of God in the waine being in ieoperdie of falling but yet was y ● Lord angry with him because he touched it contrarye to hys word in so muche that he was striken and sodenlye dyed King Ozias toke vpon him to burne incense vnto the Lord thinking that by this meanes he should highlye please God but for all his pretensed holines he was strikē with leaprosie and so being cast out of the house of the Lorde he continued a leper euen vnto his death ¶ Sentences out of the new Testament THese people draw nighe vnto me with their mouthes honour me with their lippes but their hartes are farre from me Beholde they worship me in vaine teaching doctrines euen the cōmaundements of men Woe be vnto you ye Scribes Pharisees yea very ipocrites which deuour widowes houses vnder the pretence of long prayer ye shall therefore receiue the more greuous dampnation God hath deliuered vs from the hand of our enemies that we should serue him in holines and righteousnes all the daies of our life The houre commeth and now it is whē true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirite and truth for the father seketh such that should worship him God is a spirite they y ● worship hym must worship him in spirite and truth The time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you shall thinke that they do vnto God an hie good seruice God is my witnesse whom I serue in my spirite Be ye fulfylled with the spirit speaking with your selues in psalmes and hymnes spiritual songes and making melodie to the Lord in your hartes geuing thankes alwayes for all thinges vnto God in the name of the Lord Iesus Christ. Unto god king euerlasting immortall inuisible and wise only be all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen ¶ Examples out of the new Testament OUr Sauiour Christ whan he liued in thys worlde dyd all thinges according to hys heauenly fathers commaundementes as he hym selfe sayth as my father hath geuen me commaundement so doe I thys dyd he to geue vs example that in matters of religion we shoulde attempte nothing as due seruice vnto god but that only which we haue learned out of his holy worde The apostles of Christe bothe taughte and wroughte that onelye whiche they had receaued of their Lorde and maister Iesus Christ. Of these aforesaid Scriptures histories maiest thou learne that God is not worshipped as carnall reason and fleshly wisdome imagineth and prescribeth but as god by his holy worde biddeth appointeth and commaundeth A Christen man oughte to followe Christes steps and to walke as he hath walked Against mens traditions and vnwritten verities IF Sathan or any of his impes vnto the derogation of Gods glorye shall at any time tempt thee with mans tradicions or vnwritten veryties for to geue no les credite vnto them than vnto the word of God auoyde him with these scriptures ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament YE shall not ad vnto the worde that I speake nor take ought from it Ye shall not turue vnto the right hand nor vnto the left hād but by the way that the Lord your god hath commaunded you ye shall walke that ye may liue and haue good luck Keepe the commaundementes of the Lord thy god and the testimonies and ceremonies whiche hee hathe commaunded thee and do that whiche is pleasaunt and good in the Lordes sight that thou maiest haue good luck That I cōmaūd thee do y ● only neither put to any thing nor take ought away Put nothing to his wordes least thou be reproued and found a lier Wo bee vnto them that cal euill good good euil which make darknes lighte and light darknes that make sower swete and sweet sower Wo be to them that are wise in their own sight and think them selues to haue vnderstanding Wo be vnto you that make vnrighteous lawes and
had lost his sight grudged not aginst god that the plage of blindnes chaunsed vnto him but remained stedfast in the feare of god and thanked God ●…l the dayes of his life Ezechias being warned of God by the Prophet to prepare himselfe vnto death●… death prayed vnto god in the time of hys sicknes and obtained fifteene yeres longer to liue Manasses being afore an Idolatour a maintayner of Idolatry after that god had plagued ●…i euen whē he was in tribulatiō He besoght y e Lord his god humbled him self excedingly before y ● god of his fathers made intercessiō to him He hard his pray er brought him againe to Ierusalem into hys kingdome Examples out of the new Testament IF any man wil come after me let hi for sake him self take his cros folow me By manye tribulations must we enter into the kingdome of heauen ▪ We reioyce in tribulatiō for we know that tribulation bringeth experience experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed If we suffer together we shal be gloryfied together For I suppose that the afflictions of this life ar not worthy of y ● glory which shal be shewed vpon vs. Be patient in tribulation If we liue we liue to be at the lords wil And if we dye we dy at y ● Lords wil whether we liue therfore or dy we are y ● lords While we are punished we are corrected of the Lord lest we shuld with this world be condemned We are not weried but though our ont warde man perishe yet the inwarde man is renewed day by day For our exceading tribulation whiche is shorte and lyghte prepareth an excedinge and euerlastinge weyght of glory vnto vs while we loke not on the thinges whiche are seene but on the thynges that are not seenne For thinges whiche are seene are temporall but things which are not sēe are eternall Reade the fist Chapter of the seconde to the Corinth My strength is made perfect thorowe weaknesse Uery gladlye therfore will I reioyce of my weakenes that the strength of Christe maye dwell in me c. Reade the. 12. chapter to the Hebrues Be pacient aud settle your hartes for the commyng of the Lord draweth nye Take the Prophetes for an example of suffring aduersitie and of long patience whiche spake in the name of the Lorde Be hold we count them happy which endure ●…e haue heard of the patience of Iob and haue knowne what end the Lorde made for the Lord is very pitiful and mercifull The Lord knoweth how to deliuer the godly out of temptacion Examples out of the newe Testament The prodigall sonne before hee was plagued gaue his mind to all kind of riot and vnthriftye rule but after that he was striken with pouertye he knowledged his faulte he submited himself to his fathers wil pleasure and so was receued again into fauour A certayne man after he had bene punished with sicknes for his sin by the space of thirty eight yeares was made whole of Christe There haue bene many good men both in the olde new testament of whom som were racked and woulde not be deliuered that that they might receiue a better resurrection some tasted of mockinges and scourgings some of bondes and emprisonmente some were hewen a sunder were tempted were slayne wyth swoordes walked vp and down in sheues skinnes in goates skins in neede in tribulation and vexatiō which the world was not worthy of they wandred in wildernes in mountaynes in dens in caues of the earth c. ☞ Against the temptation of the deuel for not satisfiing the lawe of god and for nby sinfull liuinge If Sathan at the houre of death or any other timet would pluck the from thine assuered stedfast faith in Christs bloud and perswade thee that thou art but a dampned wretch forasmuch as thou hast not so trayned thy life that thou hast satisfied the law of God but rather liued wiakedly and therfore deserued euerlasting damnation be on good comfort des●… paire not harken not to this wicked suggestions neither haue thou respecte to thy workes deedes which whan they be moste righteous and pure ax as the Prophet saith like a cloth polluted with m●… strue if they be cōpared to that puritye and cleanes whiche the law requireth and shoulde be iudged of Gods righteousnes according to their desarts but settle thine eyes stedfast on Christ and his merites consideringe not what thou haste doone but what Christ hath done for thee if thou repent and beleu●… and alwayes haue these moste comfortable Scriptures in thy remembrance Sentences out of the olde Testament AL they that put their trust in thee shall not be put io confusion Call to remem brāce O Lord thy tender mercies and thy louing kindnes which haue bene euer of olde Oh remember not the sins offences of my youth but accordinge vnto thy mercy thincke thou vpon me O Lord for thy goodnes sake Mine eyes are euer looking vnto the Lord for he shal plucke my feete out of the net Because he hath put his trust in me I wil deliuer him I wil defēd him because he hath knowne my name Reade the. 104. Psalme I know that thou wouldst maliciously offend sayth God Therfore haue I called thee a transgressoure euen from my mothers womb Neuertheles for my names sake I will withdrawe my wrath and it shal be for my honours sake if I patiently forbeare thee and roote thee not out By the knowledge of him whiche is my righteous seruaunte sayth God the father of christ He shal iustefy the multitude forasmuch as he hath borne away theyr sins To know thee O Lord is perfect righte ousnes yea to know thy righteousnes and power is the roote of immortality Examples out of the olde Testament Adam transgressed thē commaundement of God in Paradise and by his transgression made both hymselfe and all vs bound to eternall dampnation Nohe fell into the sinne of dronkennes Lot was not onelye dronken but also lay with his owne daughters and so committed the greuous sinne of incest Abraham denied his wife Moses committed manslaughter Dauid committed both manslaughter and whoredome Salomon was an idolator All these wyth manye other of the olde Testament were sinners and offended the Lord their God by breaking of his lawes yet for theyr fayth whiche they had in that blessed seede which was so oft promised of God the father euen Iesus Christe they were saued Sentences out of the newe Testament We are not vnder the law but vnder grace The law of the spirite that bringeth life thorow Iesu Christ hath made me free frō the law of sinne and death Christ is the perfect fulfilling of the lawe to iustefy all that beleue No man is iustefied by the law in the sight of god The iust that is the faithful christian shall
and likenes in righteousnes true holines Suffer vs not to geue ouer our selues againe vnto our olde lusts and conc●…piscences where with we were led when we knewe not thee nor thy So●… Christe but euē as thou whiche hast called vs art holy so likewise graunt y t we may●… be holy in all our conuersation O mercyful god not the hearers of thy law but th●… ful●…llers of it shal be iustified Neither sha●… euery one that saith vnto thee Lord Lord enter into the kingdom of heauē but the that do the wil of thee our Father which art in Heauen To confes thee with our mouth and to deny thee with our deedes worketh rather our damnation then saluation For the true knowledge of thee consisteth not in talking but in working not in fauouringe but in folowinge not in louinge but in liuinge To promise thee by mouth that we wil worke in thy vineyarde and yet worke nothing at all declareth not vs to bee thy sonnes but rather bastardes To bragge of the iustification of faith and not to bringe forthe the fruites therof to glorye in the merites of thy sonne Christe in his bloude death and passion and not to liue worthy in his kind nesse to profes thy holy gospel and not to walk according to the doctrine thereof to be baptised in thy name and not to morti●…y our members which are of the earth nor to walke in a new life to be partakers of the deuine misteries and not to bee made one spyryte wyth thee what auayleth it Wee are thy freendes if wee doo those thinges that thou commaundest vs. We are thy seruauntes if we be obediente to thy will Wee are thy Sonnes if we honour and reuerence thee according to thy woord We seeke thy glory if we attempt nothing whereof thou shouldest be dyshonoured Leadinge a life confirmable to thy blessed will wee shall prouoke the ve ry enemies of thy truth to prayse thee but cōtrariwise thou shalt be euel spoken of Graunt therfore we beseech thee that our life may answer to our professiō and that the light of our good workes may so shine before men that they seinge our godly cōuersation may gloryfye thee our heauenly father Amen ¶ A short praier to be sayd at the receiuing of the mystery of Christes bodye at the holy communnion O Heauenly and blessed father I render vnto thee most harty thanks for all thy benefites which thou hast shewed vnto me most wretched sinner but specially for y ● most swete smeling sacrifice which thy only begotten son offred vnto thee on the aulter of the crosse by geuing his most pure and vndefiled body vnto the deth for the redemption of mankind in the remenbraunce wherof according to thy welbeloned sonnes ordinance I now receiue this holy bread most entierly beseching thee y e I may both be partaker of the merites of thy deare sonnes body breaking and also lead a life worthy of so great a benefit vnto the glorye of thy name Amen A Prayer to be sayd at the receyuing of the mistery of Christs bloud in the holy communion O Blessed and merciful Father thy loue toward me sinful creature is so exceading great and vnspeakeable that I cannot but geue vnto thee most hūble thāks ▪ namely for the sheding of the moste precious bloud of thy dear Sonne Iesu Christ by the vertue wherof thy wrath stirred vp against mee wretched sinner is pacified My raunsome is payed the lawe is fulfilled my enemies are ouercome and put to flight In remembraunce of this so noble a victorye and of so great a benefite I am come to this thy table O mercifull father to drink of this cup. Desiring thee that as my outward man is comforted by the drinking of this wine so likewise my inward man may be comforted and made stronge by true faith in the precious bloude of thy moste deare son O Lord my heauenly father geue me thy holy spirit which may so rule and gouerne my hart that I neuer be vnthankful nor forgetful of this thine exceading great kindnesse But so traine my life according to thy blessed wil that what soeuer I do speake or thinke may be vnto the glory of thy blessed name and the helth of my soule thorowe Iesu Christe oure Lord. Amen For all them whiche lye in the extreme panges of death or otherwise O Pitiful Phisicion and healer bothe of soul and body Christ Iesu Uouch safe to cast thine eyes vpon this poore sinfull creature N●… who lyeth heere captiue and boūd with sicknes turning his weaknes to thy glory and to his helth And bout safe good Lorde to send him pacience and sufferance that he maye with a true and perfect faith fight manfully against all tētations of the Deuil that he maye no longer continue So be it ☞ A confession for all people to be sayd in the morning O Merciful and most louing father whose loue is infinite whose mercy endurethe for euer We sinful creatures trustinge in thine vnspeakable goodnes and loue towards vs do appeare this morninge before thy deuine maiesty most lowlye confessing our manifolde sinnes and in innumerable transgressions of thy commaundements and fatherly wil. Against thee onlye against thee O Lorde haue we sinned therfore we confesse our sinnes we knowledge our offences we accuse our selues vnto the O mercifull Lord and wil not hied our vnrighteousnes We find in our selues nothing but ignoraunce of thy wil disobedience mistrust doubtfulnes in thy goodnes incredulitie hatred and con tempt of al spiritual thinges selfloue con fidence in our selues and f●…ruent lustinge after carnal thinges of this worlde And this tree of our corrupt nature bringethe forthe continually in vs none other fruit but rotten and vnsauery workes of the flesh in thoughtes wordes ▪ and doinges vnto condemnation Wherfore we humbly besech thy fatherly goodnes euen for thy sonne Iesus christes sake whom thou hast set forth for a purchaser tōwardes vs of mercy throughe faithe in his bloude to make our hearts cleane Take away our stony hartes and geue vnto vs a true and a liuelye taith whichshal worke continually by loue through Christe Haue mercy vpon vs forgeue vs our sins for thy sons sake Certefy our cōscience of remission of the same by thy holy spirit by whose operation we maye so mortefye in vs our old man the whole body of sinne that we continually dyinge vnto sinne may walke in newnes of life to the glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our lorde So be it Then say this 86. Psalme treatably BOw downe thyne eare O Lord and heare me for I am pore and in misery O preserue my soule for I am holye my God saue thy seruant that putteth his trust in thee Be mercifull vnto me O Lorde for I will call dayly vpon thee Comforte the soule of thy seruaunt vnto thee O lord do I lift vp my soule For thou lord art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them that cal vpon thee