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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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moueth vs to pray hath alredy graunted vs our as kynge yf we aske in faythe whiche sayeth all thynges what so euer ye shall aske my Father in your prayer with belefe ye shall receyue ¶ The versycle Father heare our prayer Thaunswere And make vs to aske of the in fayth Amē The coler O God almyghty our mercyfull father whiche haste so excedyngly loued vs thy chosen chyldren that thou woldest vousaue to gyue vs thy onely and welbeloued sonne Iesu Chryste our sauyour to suffre dethe for our synnes so that all that thus beleue in hym myght not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastyng we beseche the for thy aboundaunt mercye and for that mes●ima loue which thou barest to thy sonne chryst our sauyour gyue vs of thy grace poure thy fauour in to our hertes that we maye beleue feale knowe perfectlye that thou onely arte our god our father and to vs an almyghty helper delyuerer a sauyor frome synne from all the deuelyshe pours of hel of this worlde and from deathe that by thy sone our Lorde Iesu christ Amen ¶ A prayer to the holy Ghoste Come holy spirite replenyshe the hertes of the faythefull and kyndle in them thy benynge loue ¶ The versicle Sende forthe thy spirite and men shall be created a newe Thanswere For so renuest thou the soule of man ¶ The prayer O God whiche hast instructed the hertes of the faythfull men with the lyghtnynge of the holy ghost graūt vs to sauor a ryght in the same spryte and to reioyse euermore of his consolation Which lyuest and reignest in the same spryte euer Amen ¶ A prayer to the Trini●e Delyuer vs saue vs and iustifie vs o blissed Trinite ¶ The versycle The name of god be blyssed Thaūswer From age to age euerlastynge Amen ¶ The p●ayer O Almyghty euerlastynge god whiche hast gyuen vs thy seruantes to knowlege the glorye of theuerlastynge Trinite with a faythful knowlege and to worship the one god in thy almyghty maiesty we beseche the that through the stedfastnes of this fayth we moughte be defended from all aduersyties whiche lyuest and raignest one god in the Trini●e of persons worlde withoute ende Amen ¶ The prime and hours O God bende thy selfe to my helpe Lorde haste the to helpe me Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was at the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amē Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The hympne CUme holy spyryte to the we call to stablish our infyrmyte gyue vs true faythe and hoope withall Inflame our hertes with charyte Our nature is sore vytiate and neadeth regeneratiō lyghten our myndes execate O lorde our consolation Glorye be to the trynyte the father sone spryte lyuyng which are one god ꝑsons thre to whom be prayse without endyng Deus in nomine tuo O God saue me for thy names sake delyuer me by thy power O my god here my praier lysten to the wordes of my mouthe For straunge men are rysen agaynst me and stronge tyrauntes persue my lyfe they haue not god before theyr yeis Selah But lo god helpeth me the lorde is present with them that susteyne my lyfe He shall acquyte euyll to my awayte layers for thy trouthes sake thou shalte trede them downe I shall with good wyll make a sacryfyce to the I shal magnyfye thy name O lorde for thou arte full gentell For thou wylte delyuer me from all trouble and my eyies shall se my pleasure vpō myne enemyes Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in c. PRayse ye the lorde all gentylles magnyfye hym all nations For his mery is spred ouer vs the faithfulnes of the lorde stondeth for euer Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now euer shall be amē Confytemini dn̄o MAgnyfye ye the lorde for he is gratious his mercy endureth for euer Let Israell now magnyfye hym for his mercy endureth for euer Let the house of Aharon magnyfye hym● for his mercy endureth for euer Let as many as feare the lorde magnyfye hym for his mercy endureth for euer Whan I was in a greuous straynte I called vpon the lorde and he graunted to set me at large The lorde stondeth on my syde I shall not feare what so euer mā may do vnto me The lorde stondeth on my syde with my helpers and I shal se my desyre vpon them that hate me It is better for one to cōmyt hym selfe to the tuicion and defence of the lorde then to mannes defence It is better to put our confydence in the lorde then in men be they neuer so greate Whē all the gentyles beseged me on euery syde well sayde I in the name of the lorde for I shall cut them awaye They compassed me in ye they be set me rounde aboute well sayde I in the name of the lorde for I shall cut them awaye They swarmed aboute me lyke bees and inuaded me as fearsly as fyer the drye thornes but they were sone quenched for I sayde well in the name of the lorde shall I cut them awaye I was caste with greate vyolence redye to haue fallen but the lorde sustayned and helpte me The lorde is my strenghte and the veray same whome I prayse it is he that is my sauyng helth The voyce of tryūphe and of men ioyfully publysshyng theyr sauyng helpe now brought vnto them is in the tabernacles of the ryghtwyse for the ryghte hande of the lorde hathe broughte it so myghtely to passe The ryght hande of the lorde is excellente hyghe the ryght hande of the lorde hath● broughte it so myghtely ta passe I shall not dye but lyue and shall publesh the workes of the lorde He chastised me with greuous and ernest chastmēt but yet he betoke me not to deth Open me the gates of ryghtwise men I shal entre in at them magnifie the lorde This is the gate of the lorde the ryghtewyse shall entre in therat I shall magnyfye the for thou hast graunted me hast brought me a sauynge helpe The stone whiche the buylders opprobryouslye casted awaye is made an heade corner stone Of the lorde this is done this same thing is a myracle in our minde This is that same daye whiche the lorde hath made let vs be glad reioyse therin I beseche the lorde nowe helpe vs I beseche the lorde make vs now to prospere Well happen it to that man which is commen in the name of the lorde we shal pray for your welthe to well happen vnto you from the house of the lorde The lorde is stronge and he wyll make lyghte to shyne vpon vs taye your sacrifices to be offred euen to the alters endes with cordes It is thou that art my god and I shall magnifie the thou art my god and I shall exalte the. Magnifie ye the lorde for he is gracyous
neyther yet in my selfe not in my power lernynge scyence ryches wysdome or what thynge soeuer it be that I haue or possesse I put no confydence in any creature whether it be in Heuen or in Erthe But I put my sure trust in only in one God whiche can not be seen with mans iye whiche can not be comprehended with mans wytte whiche made Heuen and Erthe and alone ruleth all creatures To hym hooly I submytte any selfe nothyng fearyng nor regardyng the malyce of the deuyll and his felowes for my god is aboue thē all Neyter wolde I put the lesse confidence in god thoughe all men dyd forsake me and persecute me Neyther wyll I truste hym the lesse because I am wretched and poore because I am rude and vnlearned because I am despysed and lack possessyons Nother yet the lesse because I am a synner for this my fayth doth farre passe all thynges as it is necessary and oughte to do what so euer eyther be or be not bothe synnes and vertues and to be shorte al thynges So that she doth puerely and hooly fyxe her self in god only as the fyrste cōmaundement teacheth and compelleth me Neyther I desyre any signe to tempte hym I trust faythfully vnto hym although he differre and tary at his pleasure I wyll not set or prescrybe to hym any ende any tyme measure or reason but I cōmytte all to his wyll with a pure fayth and a stable for he is almyghty what can I lacke that he can not gyue and do vnto me For he is the maker of Heuē Erthe lord of al thyngꝭ what thynge can hyndre me or hurt me Howe may it be that al thingꝭ shal not turne to myn vse proffet when he to whome all these thyngꝭ are subyect and obedient fauoreth me and loueth me Nowe syth he is god he knoweth wherunto he hathe ordeyned me and how euery thynge shal be best for me and that whiche he knoweth he may do and seyng he is my father it is sure that he wyll see the best for me and that for the fatherly loue that he hath vnto me When I doubte not hereof and haue such trust in hym then no doubte I am his seruaūt his Sonne and his heyre for euer And euen as I beleue so shall it be vnto me ¶ The secounde parte of the belefe And in Iesu Chryste his only sonne our lorde which was cōceyued by the holy ghost Borne of Mary the virgyne suffred vndre Pontius Pilatus crucified deed buried descēded to hel the thyrde day rose agayne from death Ascended to heuen syttyth on the ryght hāde of god the father almyghty from thense he shall come to iudge quycke and deade ¶ That is I do not only beleue that Iesu Christe is the true only sonne of god by euerlastinge and godly nature and beynge from the begynnyng euer begoten but also that all thyngꝭ are subdued vndre hym and that he is my lorde and the lorde of al creatures made ruler of them beyng man whiche he hym selfe with the father in his diuinyte dyd make ¶ I beleue that nomā may beleue in god the father or may come vnto the father neyther by science and learnynge neyther by workes neyther by theyr owne reason and wytte or by what thyng so euer may be named in Heuen or Erth. But by this and in this Iesu Christe his only sonne that is to say by the fayth in the name and power of Iesu Christ. I beleue vnfaynedly and surely that he was conceyued for my profet by the holy ghoste without all mans carnall worke without a bodely father or mannes sede and that to puryfy and make spiritual my fynful flesshly vnclene and damnable conceptyon and all theyrs that beleue in hym moued to this mercy of his owne and fre wyll the wyll of the almyghty father ¶ I beleue that he was begotten of the virgyne Mary without the losse of her pure and incorrupte virginite so that accordynge to the prouidence of the mercyfull father he sholde blysse and clense the synnes and damnable byrth of all that beleue in hym that after it myght do no hurte ¶ I beleue that he suffred passion death for my synnes and all theyrs that beleue in hym and that he therby blyssed all passyons crosses deathes so that after they might not hurte but be both holsome and merytoryous ¶ I beleue that he was dede and buryed to mortyfy and bury my synne all synnes of them that beleue Fynally that all bodely death by his death was destroyed so that it is no power to hurte but is rather made holsome and profytable ¶ I beleue that he went downe to hell to subdue and make captyue to me and to al that beleue the deuyll with al his impery subtilete and malyce to delyuer me from hell wherunto I was condemned in my fyrste father Adam takynge awey all his power that he myght not hurte me But sholde rather as by occasion be proffytable vnto me ¶ I beleue that in the thyrde day he rose agayne from deth to brynge me all that beleue into a newe lyfe that by this dede he raysed me with hym in grace and spirit not to synne after but that I endowed with all kyndes of grace and vertue myght serue hym so fulfylle his cōmaundementes ¶ I beleue that he ascended into Heuen that he hath receyued of the Father rule and honour aboue al Aungellꝭ creatures And that he now sytteth on the ryght hād of the Father that is that he is kynge and lorde ouer all the goodes of his Father in Heuen Hel and Earth wherfore he may helpe me and them that beleue in all maner of aduersytes agaynst all our aduersaryes and enemyes ¶ I beleue that from thense he shall returne the laste day to iudge quycke whome he then shal fynde alyue and deade which before were buryed And that he shall cause al men aungelles good euyl to come before the seate of his iudgement whome they shall se bodely to delyuer me and all faythfull from bodely death from all euyll and synnes And to punyshe with eternall iudgement his enemyes and aduersaryes so that we shall be delyuered frō theyr power for euer ¶ The .iij. parte of the belefe I beleue in the holy ghoste the holy christen churche the communyon of sayntes the forgyuenesse of synne the rysynge of flesshe and euerlastynge lyfe Amen ¶ That is to say I do not only beleue that the holy ghost is very god with the father and the sonne But also that noman can come to the father by Christe by his lyfe passion death what so euer was spoken of Christ or opteyne any of these thynges without the worke of this spirite with the whiche spirite I desyre the father and the sonne to touche me all faythful to sturre me vp to call to drawe and by Christ in Christe to quycken me to make me holy spirituall
How be it the maner of this remembraunce is very rare and out of vse although saynte Paule and saynte Peter make of●en mencyon of it And we haue chaunged it altogether in to an outwarde apperaunce and haue thought it suf●icient to beholde the story of the passion paynted vpon the walles But there are very fewe yea almoste none that call it to theyr remembrannce for th entent to knowe theyr synnes by it or to quyet theyr tremblynge consciences or to ordre and compare theyr lyfe to this ensample ¶ Thus endeth the meditacyon and frutefull remembraunce of Christes passion whiche passeth all other contemplations ¶ A fruetfull and a very Christen instruction for Chyldren ¶ In the mornyng at thy vp rysyng thou shalte make the 〈◊〉 of y● 〈…〉 say 〈◊〉 thus ¶ In to this daye do I entre all thynges to do In the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy ghoste Then knele downe vpon thy knees or els stondynge saye this prayer folowynge WHit an humble a contrite hert with a soroufull and a repentyng spirite I sue vnto the most mercyful father besechyng the of mercy and forgyuenes of all myn offence that I haue this night cōmitted against thy goodnes slepyng or wakyng dremynge or drechynge by ony maner of vnclennes of body or of soule that I haue fallen in to by illusion of the dyuel or els by ony other occasion And I thanke the by thy deare sonne Iesus Christe that thou haste preserued me this nyghte from sodayne deathe and all other myschyef that ony persone man or woman hath ben stryken with all by thy permyssyon and sufferance knowyng of suerty that the selfe same had ligthned on my head also haddest not thou defended me and preserued me And nowe I beseche the blessed father that thou wylte 〈…〉 me thi● day 〈…〉 th● cōmaund 〈…〉 me grace to walke warely among●●t thynnumerable snares of my ghostly ennemy the dyuel and to be circumspect and prudent and diligently to consydre before hand what I shall speke and what I go about to do so that all my hoole lyfe thoughtes wordꝭ and werkes may so be ordred that in all myne interprises thyn honour laude and glory the edyfyinge of myn owne soule in vertue the ꝓfite of my Christē brother be only sought for and intended thrugh the helpe of Iesu Christe our lorde whiche lyueth and raygneth with the his father and your bothes holy spirite worlde without ende Amen ¶ The Pater noster OUr Father whiche art in Heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kingdom come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in Earthe as it is in Heuen Gyue vs this daye our daylye breade And forgyue vs our trespaces as we forgyue theym that trespace agaynst vs. And lede vs not in to tēptation but del●uer vs from euil Amen 〈…〉 ¶ The Crede I Beleue in god the father almyghty maker of Heuen and Earthe And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our lorde whiche was conceyued by the holy ghost and borne of marye the virgyne He suffred vnder pontius Pilate he was crucyfyed deade buryed He descēded to the helles and rose the thyrde daye from deathe He ascended to the Heuens and sytteth on the ryght hande of God the father almyghty And from thence shall he come to iudge the quycke deade I beleue in the holy ghost I beleue the holye chyrche euery where to be the company or the congregation of holy and faythfull men I beleue to haue forgyuenes of my synnes And that euery mā shal ryse agayn And I beleue to haue lyfe euerlastynge Amen ¶ The Grace or Blessynge of the table to be sayed of chyldren standynge before it thyr handes eleuated and ioyned to gyder sayenge thus deuoutlye and sadly THe tyes of all thynges loke vp and wayte vpon the o lorde and thou gyuest them meate in due tyme whē thou gyuest it them then they gather it when thou openest thy hande then are they well satysfyed Thou openest thy hand and replenysshest all thynges lyuynge with thy blessynge Our father c. O Lorde god our heuenly father blesse thou vs and these thy gyftes whiche we here receyue of thy blessynge and boūtuous goodnes thrughe thy sonne Iesus Chryste Amen ¶ After dyner LEt vs gyue thankes vnto the Lord for he is ryghte good his me● 〈…〉 layd forth for vs at all tymes It 〈…〉 gyueth meate vnto euery thyn● 〈…〉 He gyueth catel theyr foode 〈…〉 rauens byrdes that call 〈…〉 lyteth not in stronge 〈…〉 his pleasure 〈…〉 But he is well 〈…〉 truste in 〈…〉 we thanke the o lorde god our father by thy sonne Iesus Christe our lorde for all thy benefyties which lyuest and reignest from age to age worlde without ende Amen Our father whiche arte in heuen c. ¶ Here foloweth the Grace to be sayde before Souper CHriste which at his last souper gaue hym selfe vnto vs promising his body to be crucified his bloude to be shedde for our synnes blesse vs and our souper Amen Our father whiche art in heuen c. ¶ Here foloweth the Grace to be sayde after souper HOnour and prayse be vnto God the kynge euerlastynge immortall inuisible and wyse only for euer euer Amen Our father whiche art in heuen c. GOd almighty father of all mercy and god of all consolation gyue vs grace 〈…〉 to gyther in to the knowledge 〈…〉 thrugh Iesu Christe that we 〈…〉 mynde one mouth 〈…〉 our lorde Iesu Christe 〈…〉 c. 〈…〉 before dyner or 〈…〉 ¶ Grace to be sayde before Dyner or Supper indyfferently HE which of his inestimable goodnes fedeth euery creature hym we besech to make holsom and holy what so euer is or shall be set vpon the table Amen ¶ Grace to be sayde after Dyner or Supper indyfferently WE thanke the o Heuenlye Father which of thyne infinite power hast created all thynges whiche by thy vnsearcheable wysedom gouernest al thinges whiche of thy infinyte goodnes fedest and gyuest strenghte to all thynges Besechyng the to graunte to thy chyldren that they may ones drynke with the in thy kyngdome that swete wyne of immortalite the whiche to all them that truely and vnfaynedly loue the thou hast promysed and prepared in the merites of Iesus Christ. Amē ¶ Grace to be sayde before Dyner or Supper indyfferently BLessed be thou oh god whiche fedest vs from oure youthe whiche gyuest meate to euery creature Replenyshe our hertes we beseche the with quiet ●onscyence and heuenly felicite that we therwith endued maye aboside in all workes of mercy by the ayde of oure lorde Christe Iesu to whome and to the with the holy ghoste be glorye honour and rule for euer Amen ¶ Grace to be sayde after Dyner or Supper indyfferently GLory be to the o lorde glory be to the o holy glorye be to the o kynge For thou hast gyuen vs meate Replenishe vs we beseche the with ioye and gladnesse in the holye ghoste that we maye be founde acceptable in
of the fouler the snare is broken and we are escaped Our helpe cometh thrugh the name of the lorde which hathe made the Heuens and Earthe Glory be to c. ¶ Qui confidunt They that stycke to the lord shal neuer stacker but shall stande faste for euer lyke the mounte of Syon And lyke as Ierusalem is gyrte aboue with hylles euē so closeth the lorde his people frome this tyme vnto euerlastynge He wyl not suffer the power of the vngodly to oppresse the lande of the ryghtwise leste the ryghtwyse purforthe theyr handes to ony wyckednes Deale thou gently with good men and with men ryghte in theyr hertes Theym that swarue from the ryght waye vnto shrewdnes the lorde mought lede a way with men geuen vnto wyckednes Glory be to the. c. ¶ The anthem Esaye lvij THe vngodlye men are lyke a fearse swellynge see whiche can not reste but the waues of it reboūde with violence castyng out stynke filthynes the deuelish vngodly shall haue no reste sayth the lorde but here they shall be euer vexyng the rightwyse and after this they shall haue a perpetuall gnawynge in theyr conseyence The versicle Lorde here our prayer ¶ Thanswere And make vs to aske in faythe OUr mercyfull lorde whiche shalt saye at the dredfull hour of thy last iudgemente to these wycked vngodlye go your wayes out of my syght ye workers of wickednes we beseche the for thy paynfull passyon that thou sufferdest in thy pure innocent soule for our redemption let vs heare this ioyfull voyce of thy mouth in that tyme of our redemption and glorye sayenge cōme vnto me ye blyssed chyldren of your father and receyue the kyndome of heuen prepared for you frome the begynnynge thrugh your sauyor Iesus Chryste Amen ¶ The nyenthe hour O God bende thy selfe in to my helpe O Lorde haste the to helpe me Glorye be to the father to the sone and to the holye ghoste As it was in the begynnyng as it is now euer shal be amē Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The hympne PRayse ye our father louyngly which gentlye hathe vs preserued when we forsoke hym wretchedlye and by synne had death deserued His mercy was so boūtuous that although we thus fel. frely in Christ he pardoned vs. and by his deathe redemed from hell Glory be to the Trinite the father sonne spirite lyuynge whiche are one god and parsons thre to whom be prayse withoute endynge Amen WHen the lorde shall brynge agayne vs of Syon frō captiuite we shall be lyke men dreamyng for ioye Then shall oure mouthes be fylled with laughter and our tongues with triūphe then shal it be sayde amonge the gentyles that the lorde hathe wroughte myghtely with these men The lorde shall worke myghtely with vs we shal be refreshed with greate gladnes Brynge vs agayne from captiuite o lorde for so shalt thou fyl vs with ioye as if thou sholdeste gyue plentyouse floudes to the dwellers in that thyrsty southe deserte They that sowe with teares shall reape with gladnes When they wente forth to sowe they went wepynge takyng with them theyr seade koddes But when they shall come agayne they shall come with great ioye bryngyng their handes full of corne Glory be to c. Nifi dommus psal C.xxvij EXcepte the lorde buylde the house the buylders therof labour but in vayne Excepte the lorde keape the cytye the keapers therof watche but in vayne It is all in vayne that ye haste your selues to ryse so early and agayne to dyffer your downe syttynge to eate your carefull breade excepte god gyue it all For it is he that thus shall gyue vnto his welbeloued quyete sleape and plentyous reieccyon with good foode Lo chyldren ar the heritage which the lorde gyueth the frute of the wombe is his gyfe As arrowes are in the handes of the mighty man euen so shal be the chyldren of thy yought Blessed is that man whiche hath his quiuer fylled with these arrows for they shall not be shamed whē they shal haue to do with theyr enemies ī iudgemēt Glory be to the father c. ¶ Beati omnes BLessed is he who so euer worshypeth the lorde whiche also walketh in his wayes For thou shalt eate the labours of thyne owne handes and shalte haue prosperous encrease Thy wyfe shall be frutefull as the vyne tree within the walles of thy house thy chyldren shall stande roūde aboute thy table lyke the plantes of Olyue trees Lo thus shall that man be blessed which worshypeth the lorde The lorde shall do the good from Syon● and thou shalt delyght beholdyng the prosperite of Ierusalem all dayes of thy lyfe And thou shalte se thy chylders chyldren and the felycite of Ierusalem Glory c. ¶ The Antheme Math. the .vj. GReate is the prouysyon of god for vs which biddeth vs fyrst seke his kyngdome by feare fayth and trust in hym and then all thynges necessarye for our bodyes shall be caste vnto vs but so the we laboure in that whiche good is ¶ The versicle Lorde heare our prayer Thanswere And geue vs grace to aske in fayth amē the prayer O Our mercyfull father whiche in teachyng vs to praye by thy sone christ haste cōmaunded vs to call the father and to beleue that we are thy welbeloued chyldrene whiche styreste vp none of thyne to praye but to thentente that thou woldest heare them gyuynge vs also all thynges more effectuoslye and plentuosly then we can eyther aske or thynke we beseche the for thy sōnes sake geue vs grace to beleue and to knowe stedfastlye that thy sōne our sauyour Chryste is geuen of the vnto vs to be our sauyour our ryghtwysenes our wysedome our holynes our redemtion ●ur satisfaction and suffer not vs to truste in ony other saluacion but in the sonne by thy sonne onely our sauyour Amen ¶ Here begynneth the Euensonge in Englysshe O God bende thy selfe ī to my helpe O lorde haste the to helpe me Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the beginnynge as it is nowe and euer shall be Amen Prayse ye the lorde ¶ Beatus vir psalmus j. BLessed is that man whiche walketh not in the councell of the vngodlye and stondeth not in the way of synners and sytteth not in the seate of the pestylent scorners But hathe all his pleasure in the lawe of the lorde and vpon it his mynde is occupyed bothe daye and nyghte Suche a man shall be lyke a tree planted by the ryuer syde whiche wyll gyue forthe hir frutes in due tyme and hir leaues shall not wither for what so euer he shall do shall prospere But so shall not the vngodly for they shall be lyke duste which is dispersed with the wynde Wherfore these vngodly shall not stonde in the iudgement neyther these synners may abyde in the companye of the ryghtwyse For the lorde approueth the waye of the ryghtwyse but the waye of synners shall
obediet herte a meke herte and a newe spirite put thou in to vs and make vs walke in thy cōmaundementꝭ hate and slee that thou forbyddest vs loue folowe that thou cōmaundest vs. Iac. j. Lyghten oh father of lyght frome whome all goodnes doth descend lyghten our blynde hertꝭ Eph. iiij blynded with errour ignoraūce wrong iudgment euyl affections myne the most blynd of all blynd lorde father I aske the mery lyghten them I beseche the with the true lyghte of thy worde that we maye knowe thy wyll loue it lyue therafter psal C xviij for thy worde sayth thy prophete dauyd is a lantorne to my fete and lyght vnto my pathes Lu. j. Gyue vs this lantorne blessed father gyue vs this lyght Shyne vnto vs that syt in darknes in the shadowe of death psal xij for thou arte be that lyghteneth our lantornes oh lorde lyghten thou our derknes psal xlij Send out thy lyght and the truthe of thy worde and they shall lede and brynge vs in to thyne holy mountayne which is also thy tabernacle ꝓuer xxj The kynges hert is in thyne handes Oh lorde that where thou wylte thou mayest inclyne it for soo sayeth thy scrypture Inclyne his herte to this purpose oh father that it wyl please hym to cōmaunde his prelates of his realme no lenger to kepe from his people his louynge subiectes the lyght of thy worde the lyght of holy scrypture the lyght of the testament of thy deare sonne our sauyour Iesu christ the lyght wherin he that walketh erreth not neyther stumbleth at ony stone put it in his mynde lorde to cōmaūde that lyke as thrugh thy secrete inspyratiō other nations alredy haue so his people also by his cōmaundement maye haue in to theyr tonge truely translated thy holy scrypture wherin they may learne perfytely know thy godly wyll pleasure obedyently submyt theym selfe vnto the same folowe it expresse it in theyr lyuynge Da. ix O lorde god heare these thy seruauntes prayers depe desyres bowe downe thyne eares heare Open thyne eyes and beholde the thycke derknes that we wanderin psal xxx lyghten thy shynynge face vpon thy seruātes that truste in the that flee vnto the that cleaue fast vnto thy promesses we are synners lord haue lyued vngodly and haue iustly deserued to be depriued of thy lyght and to be throwen forth in to this palpable derknes be cause we dyd not knowe what daunger we were in we sought not vnto the to helpe vs out of it but now lorde god seynge that thrughe thy goodnes we are brought to feele and perceyue our derknes with deape syghes we sue vnto the for to be with thy lyght illumyned Lorde for thy mercy sake heare vs lorde for thy truthe sake graunt vs lorde for thy benygnite sake come agayne in grace with vs. Lorde for thy ryghtwysnes sake attende vnto our peticion and brynge this thynge to passe But now we thynke I heare soūdynge in myne eares that fearful and ouer true worde that thou longe a go spakest by the holye prophete Esaie .xxix. chapytour this people draweth vnto me with theyr mouthes and with theyr lyppes they gloryfye me but theyr herte is ferre from me For they synne dayly without repentaunce Rom. ij Despisinge the riche plentifulnes of my goodnes pacience and longe suffringe not considerynge that my benignite styrreth calleth them to repentaunce but for their hardenes impenitent herte they saye vp as it were in stoore and treasurye myne ire wrathe and vengeaunce agaynst the daye of wrath and ryghtfull iudgemēt Truthe it is oh lorde and ouertrue we cōfesse it to the which knowest al our nough●●nes Hie. xxxj But now cōuert thou our impenitent hertes blessed father which can not repente of them selues and myne most impetent of all impenitentes lorde father I aske the mercy conuert them blessed father vnto repentaunce throughe thyne almighty power Eph. j. whiche thou shewdest in Christe Iesu thy sonne in raysynge hym from deathe for it is no lesse poure to conuerte a synner than to rayse vp a man frō death no not a whit les●e than to make the whole worlde of nought Cōuert thou vs therfore oh moste blessed father whiche art of abilite mighte and powre to do it Hier. xxxj Conuert thou vs and than shal we be truely conuerted for thou arte oure lorde god whiche only wylte and canste do it and yf thou conuertest vs than shall we erneastly repente and do true penaunce And yf thou ones shewest vs oure synnes we shal sinyte our selues on the thyes and euer be cōfussed and ashamed in our selues of it and els al is but very hiprocrice what so euer without thy spirite we inforce oure selues to do psal lxxxiiij Conuert thou vs therfor we beseche the oh almighty father and turne away thy wrath from vs. Gyue vs grace blessed father to haue a spiritual taste and a gostly fealynge in our hertes of thyn infinite goodnes mercy and exceding kyndenes that thou haste so many wayes declared and setforth vnto vs ī and by our swete sauiour Iesu Christe whome thou hast geuyn vp to moste paynfull and after the worldes estymation moste shamefull death for to redeme vs thy moste wreched seruantes from euerlastynge death damnation that we hadde deserued in oure father adam and so innumerable wayes also by our owne abhomynable synne and wrechednes and I most wretchedly of al wretches lord father I aske the mercy and to make vs thy chyldren and heyers brethrē and inheritours togyther with thyne onely naturall sonne our sauiour Iesu Christ. Graunt blessed father that we beynge myndefull of this excedynge kyndenesse maye so condemne oure vnkyndenesse and our abhominable synne and wretchednes hate it and euē abhorre it in our hertꝭ as we shold do Graunte that we maye cease from it leaue it resiste agaynste it and withstonde in tyme of temptation as we sholde do Graunte that with vnfayned fayth with sure beleue in thy promesse we maye aske and obteyne of the forgyuenes of it with grace to amende our vngracious lyues as we sholde do Graunte that we maye be kynde and thankefll for uthy greate benefites that we haue receyued and daylye do receiue of the and laude the loue for them as we sholde do Graunte that for loue of the we maye also loue thyne holy cōmaundemētes as we shold do Graunt vs ghostly eyes to se the bewty of vertue that is cōtayned in them and so consequently an inwarde delectation a ghostlye luste pleasure to muse thynke of them yea a syghyng desyre with a feruēt prepensed purpose an ernest wyll to obserue and keape them as we sholde do Graunte vs thy contynuall assistence and ayde with a constant determination of our mynde not wantynge abilite power nor strenghte to perseuer in them forgettyng that good which thrugh thy grace we haue done neuer thynkynge that we haue done ynoughe neuer wery of well doynge but euer lokynge forwarde
earth I wyl drawe al vnto my selfe verefie thy wordꝭ draw me after the let vs rūne to gether in the swetenesse of thyne oyntmentes Besydes that thou saydeste Math. xi Come vnto me all ye the laboure and are laden and I wyll ease you Loo I come vnto the laden with synnes laboryng day and nyght in the sorow of myne harte refresh and ease me lorde that thou mayste be iustefied and proued true in thy wordes and mayste ouercome when thou art iudged for there are manye that saye he shall haue no socoure of his god God hath forsaken hym Ouercome lorde these parsones when thou arte thus iudged of them forsake me not at any tyme. Gyue me thy mercye and holesome socoure and then are they vaynqueshed ¶ They saye that thou wylt haue no mercye on me that thou wylte cast me clene out of thy fauoure no more receyue me thus art thou iudged of men and thus do men speake of the and these are theyr determynacyons but thou whiche arte meke merciful haue mercy on me and ouercome theyr iudgemētes shewe thy mercy on me and let thy godlye pytye be praysed in me Make me a vessell of thy mercye that thou mayste be iustefied in thy wordes haue the vyctorye when men do iudge the for men do iudge the to be firce and inflexible Ouercome theyr iudgemēt with mekenes beneuolence so y● men may lerne to haue compassion on synners and that malefatours may be enflamed vnto repentaunce seynge in me thy pytye and mercye Lo I was fasshoned ī wyckednes my mother cōceyued me poluted with synne ¶ Beholde not lorde the greuousnes of my synnes cōsidre not the multitude but loke mercifully on me whiche am thy creature Remēbre y● I am dust that al fleshe is as wytherd hay for lo I am fasshoned in wickednes in sinne hath my mother cōceiued me My naturall mother I say hath conceiued me of cōcupiscēce in hir am I polluted with originall synne What is originall synne but the lacke of originall iustice of the ryght pure innocēcy which mā had at his creacyon therfore a man cōceiued barne in suche synne is hole croked out of frame The fleshe coueteth against the spirit Reason is slender the wyl is weake man is fraile like vanitie his sences deceiue him his ymagynacyon fayleth hym his ignoraunce leadeth him out of the ryght way he hath infinite īpedimentꝭ which plucke hym frome goodnes and dryue hym in to euyll Therfore oryginall synne is the rote of all synnes the nurse of all wickednesse for all be it that in euery man of theyr owne nature it is but one synne yet in power it is all synnes Thou seiste therfore Lorde what I am and of whence I am for in origynall synne which conteyneth al synnes and iniquites in it am I fasshoned and in it hath my mother cōceaued me syth then I am hole in synnes and enuyroned with snares on euery side howe shall I escape for what I wolde that do I not but the euyll that I wolde not that do I. For I finde a nother lawe in my membres rebellynge agaynste the lawe of my mynde and subduynge me vnto the lawe of synne and deth Therfore the more frayle and entangled thy godly beneuolēce seeth me so much the more let it lyft vp and confort me who wolde not pytye one that is syke who wolde not haue compassion on hym that is dyseased Come come swete Samaritane take vp the wounded and halfe deade cure my woundes poure in wyne and oyle set me vpon thy beest bringe me into the hos●ry cōmytte me vnto the hoste take out two pence saye vnto hym what so euer thou spendest aboue this when I come agayne I wyll recōpence ye. Lo thou hast loued truth the vnknowne secrete ●gyngꝭ of thy wysdome haste thou vttered vnto me ¶ Come most swete Samaritane for beholde thou haste loued truthe the truthe I saye of thy promyses whiche thou hast made vnto mankynde theym haste thou truly loued for thou haste made and kepte them so that thy loue is nothynge els but euen to do good for in thy selfe thou art inuariable immutable thou vsest not now to loue anon not to loue as mē do neyther doth thy loue so come go But thou art suche a louer as dothe neuer chaunge for thy loue is very god Thy loue therfore wherwith thou louest a creature is to do it good and whom thou most louest to them art thou moste beneficyall Therfore what meaneth that thou louest truthe but that of thy gracious mercy thou makest vs promyses and fulfyllest them for thy truthes sake Thou dydest promyse vnto Abraham a sonne when he was aged thou fulfilledst thy promyse in olde and bareyn Sara because thou louedst truth Thou promisedst vnto the chyldren of Israell a lande that flowed with milke and honye and at the last didest geue it thē for thy truthes sake ¶ Thou madest a promyse to Dauid sayenge I shall set vp thy seate regall one of the frute of thy bodye and it came euen ●o passe because thou woldest be founde true There are other innumerable promyses in which thou hast euer bene faithful because thou louedst truthe Thou haste promysed to synners which wyll come vnto the forgyuenesse and fauour and thou hast neuer defrauded man for thou hast loued truthe That vnthryftye Sonne Luce. xv that toke his iourney in to a farre countre and wasted all his goodes with royatous lyuynge when he came to hym selfe he retourned vnto the sayenge father I haue synned agaynst heuen and before the now am I not worthye to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hyred seruauntes When he was yet a greate waye of thou sawest hym and haddest cōpassion on him and rannest vnto hym fallynge vpon his necke and kyssynge hym thou broughtest forth the best garment and puttest a rynge on his finger and showes on his fete thou kylledst that fatted calfe and madest all the house mery saieng let vs eate and be mery for this my sonne was deade and is alyue agayne he was lost and is now founde ¶ Why didest thou al this lorde god surelye because thou louedst truth Loue therfore o father of mercies this truthe in me which returne vnto the frō a far cūtre runne towardꝭ me geue me a kys of thi mouth geue me those chefe garmētꝭ draw me ī to thy house kyll y● fatted calfe that all which truste in the maye reioyce in me and lette vs eate together in spyrytuall feastes Oh lorde wylte thou exclude me alone wylte thou not kepe this truth vnto me yf thou shuldest loke narowly on our wickednesse o lorde Lorde who myght abyde the But lorde thou wylte not be soo strayte vnto vs for thou louest truth ye and that with a feruent and incomprehensyble loue ¶ Whiche is the truth that thou so louest is it not thy sonne that sayde Iohan. xiiij I
thou wast not sent but vnto the shepe that were peryshed of the house of Israel What sholde this woman do when she herde these wordes verelye euen dyspeyre as concernynge the grace that she requyred and yet dispeyred she not but trustynge in thy mercye prayed yet agayne sayenge Lorde helpe me vnto whose importunyte Lorde thou answeredst it is not good to take the chyldrens breede and caste it to houndes as thoughe thou sholdest haue geuē her a full answere and sayd departe from me you Canaanites ar dogges ye are Idolatres the precious gyftes of heuenly fauour perteyne not vnto you I ought not to take them away from the iewes which worship tho true and liuyng god and to geue them to such dogges as ye are whiche worshyp ydols and deuyls What shalt thou now do thou woman of Canaan thou mayste nowe be a shamed and gette the away for the lorde is angry not with the alone but also thy hole nacyon Oh lorde god who wolde not haue bene cōfounde haue pyked hym away at these thy wordes who wolde not haue mumbled and grudged agaygst the who wolde not haue iudged the to be cruell And yet did this woman contynue styll in prayer She cast not away hir confydence she toke not these harde wordes heuelye she was not angry but she hūbled hir self the more and abode styll in hir petycyon and sayde with good fyaunce It is truthe lorde that thou sayest but I axe no breed I axe not the fauoure that the chyldrene sholde haue I am a lytle whelpe and desyre the cromes which fal frō the childrens table Let them floryshe aboundde with myracles other gracioꝰ fauours but let not me be destitute of thꝭ crūme of grace that my doughter maye be delyuerd frome the fendes possessyon for the whelpes do eate of the crūmes which fall from theyr masters tables Beholde what faythe what trust and what humylyte was in this woman therfore thou not dyspleased with her importunate instaunce but reioysynge in her excellent cōstauncye dydst saye O woman greate is thy fayth be it vnto the as thou wylte Why are these thynges wryten lord god that we may lerne to trust in the that we may humbly and deuoutlye contynew in prayer for thou wylte geue it yf men be greadye But the kyngdome of heuen suffereth vyolence and they that make vyolence vnto it catche it for what thynges so euer are wryten are wryten for our lernynge that thrughe patience and confort of the scryptures we maye haue hope Caste me not therfore lorde from thy face which stonde wepynge and waylynge daye and nyght before thy face not that thou sholdest delyuer me frome the bodelye oppressyon of deuylles but that thou wylte delyuer my soule frome his spyrytuall power and domynyon Let me not be shamed O swete Iesu for in the onely haue I trusted I haue no helthe nor confort but in the o lorde for all haue forsaken me euen my bretherne ●hildrē haue cast me of myn own bowels abhorre me I haue none other helper but only the Cast me not therfore away frō thy face and take not thy holye spirite fro me There is no man which can say that Iesus is the lorde but the holy ghost therfore yf I cal vpon the lorde Iesu that do I in the holy ghoste Yf I be sorye for my synnes whiche are passed yf I are forgyuenesse this do I verely by the holy ghoste Therfore I beseche the take not fro me thy holye ghoste but that it maye be with me and laboure with me for we wote not what to desyre as we ought to do But the spirite helpeth our infirmities and maketh intercessiō for vs that is maketh vs to praye with suche sorowfull groninges as can not be expressed with tungue therfore take not awaye this thy holye spirite fro me that he maye teache me to praye and helpe me in my laboure and maye cause me to contynue in prayers and teares that at the lengthe I maye fynde fauoure before thy face and maye serue the all dayes of my lyfe Make me agayne to reioyse in thy sauynge healthe and strengthen me with a pryncypall spirite ¶ It is a great thyng that I desyre o lord how be it sith thou art god a great Lorde and kynge ouer all goddes he dothe the iniurie which asketh smal thynges of the. All transytory and corruptible thynges ar but small in thy syghte but spirituall and euerlastyng thynges are great precious Take away the spirite and soule from the bodye and what remayneth but most vile dunge duste and a vayne shadowe therfore euen so muche dyfference there is betwene the spirite and the body as it is betwene the body and his shadowe so maye I conclude that he whiche asketh bodely thynges asketh but vayne tryfles but he that desyreth spiritual thynges doth surelye desyre greate thynges but specallye he that desyreth thy sauyng healthe What is thy sauynge healthe but Iesus thy sonne whiche is very god and euerlastynge lyfe why shall I not then aske of the this thy sauyour syth thou art a myghty and most lyberall father whiche gauest hym vnto the deathe of the crosse for me Nowe syth thou hast so offered him for me why shold I be a shamed to aske hym of the It is a greate and noble presente neyther am I worthy to haue suche a gyfte how be it it becometh thy worthye lyberalite to gyue suche noble gyftes for this therfore thyne ineffable gentlenes I dare p̄sume to come boldely vnto the and to desyre thy sauyng healthe in whome I myght f●lly reioyce ¶ For yf of his carnall father ony sonne aske fyshe wyll he reache hym a serpen●●● And yf he aske an egge wyll he gyue hym a scorpion or if he aske breed wil he geue hym a stone Nowe yf carnall fathers beyng euell synners wyll geue vnto theyr chyldre good gyftes whiche they haue receyued of the howe moche more thou heuenlye father whiche of thyne owne substance arte good and wylte geue a good spirite to them that desyre it of the Behol●e thy sonne whiche is returned from a farre cuntrey sorowyng and repentyng asketh of the the fyshe of faythe for as the fyshe lyeth secrete vnder the water euen so is faythe or suche thynges as are not sene be asketh I say a true fayth that he may reioyce in thy sauyng helth wi●t thou re●ch him a serpent wilt thou geue hym the venome of vnfaythfulnes which procedeth frō the olde and croked serpent the deuyl I desyre of the o lorde the egge of hope that euē as out of an egge we hope for a chykē so thrugh hope that thou wylte graunte me to come vnto the syghte of thy sauynge healthe that oute of my hope maye come this holsome syght as the chycke doth out of the egge I desyre the egge of hope that my soule throughe hope maye be sustayned in this vale of teares may reioyce in thy sauing helth wylt thou geue me the scorpyon
shal cast out all drousye sluggyshnes and false confydence and be hooly enflamed and made perfayte with the burnynge fyer of goddes loue Then shall the bysshoppes and preachers put calues vpō thyn altare for after they ar cōsummate in al kynde of vertue replenysshed with the holye spiryte they shal not feare to geue theyr lyues for theyr sheepe What is thyne altare swete Iesu but thy crosse where vpon thou wast offered What signifyeth a wanton calfe but our bodye Therfore then shall they put calues on thyne altare when they shal offer their owne bodies vnto the crosse that is vnto all afflyctions and euen vnto the verye deathe for thy names sake ¶ Then shall the churche floryshe and dilate her coostes then shall thy prayse be noysed from the laste ende of the worlde then shal ioye and gladnes fulfyll the hole worlde Then shall thy sayntes reioyce in glorye and shal make myrth in theyr mancyons waytynge for vs in the londe of the lyuynge Accomplyshe in me euen nowe Lorde that then whiche I so ofte name that thou mayste haue compassion on me accordīg to thy great mercy y● thou mayst receyue me for a sacryfice of ryghtwysnes for a holy oblacyon for a brente sacryfyce of good lyuynge and for a calfe to be offered on thyne altare or crosse by the which I maye passe from this vale of miserye vnto that ioye whiche thou hast prepared for them that loue the. Amen ¶ To fyll vp the lefe we haue touched certeyne places whiche we thought most necessary to edefye the congregaciō of Christ. ¶ Of faythe FIrst dere bretherne ye ought to geue dylygent hede that you maye purelye vnderstonde what faythe is and what frutes procede out of her And to conclude the summe in fewe wordes fayth is a sure perswasyon and full knowlege that god for his truthe and ryghtwysnes sake wyll fulfyll suche promyses as he hathe made vnto vs of his mercye and fauoure which sure perswasion must be geuen from god 1. Corin. xij For it can neither be goten by mannes power nether yet retayned therfore with feare and tremblynge performe that helthe whiche is begonne in you for it is god that worketh in you both the wil and also the dede euen at his owne pleasure And se that with all mekenes ye submyt your selues vnto the vocacion of god not seking the lyberty of the fleshe nether yet despysyng good workes for faith doth mortefye the fleshe and her workes the spirite of god whiche resteth in a faythfull man helpeth our ins●irmitie and fyghteth without intermission agaynste synne the deuyll and the worlde ¶ The power of faythe The power of fayth is to iustefye vs that is to dispoyle vs frome all our vices and laye them on Christꝭ backe whiche hathe pacefyed the fathers wrathe towardes vs and to endue vs with an others ryhtwysnes that is Christꝭ so that I and all my synnes are Christes Christ with all his vertues are myne for he was borne for vs and geuen vnto vs. Esaye ix Roma viii To obteyne this ryghtwisnes god the father requireth nothing of vs but that we beleue in hym and make hym no lyar He that beleueth that god of his mercye hath made vs these promises that for his truthes sake he wil fulfyl them he setteth to his seale that god is true But he that beleueth not or doubteth of this as much as in him is he maketh him a liar .i. Iohn̄ v. for why sholdest thou doubte in hym excepte thou thoughtest that he were a lyar wold not kepe his ꝓmesse which he made Now yf thou counte God whiche is the verye truthe to be a lyar arte thou not worthye a thousande dampnacyones ¶ The worke of faythe FAyth worketh by charite for when my ragyng conscience which fealeth her syn̄e is pacefied set at one with God thrughe fayth then remembrynge the feruent loue of god towardes me I can not but loue my neyghboure agayne for there is no man that hertelye loueth the father and can hate the sone and althoughe the sonne be naught and unthriftye yet for his fathers sake he wyll helpe to better hym and euen lament and be sorye for y● sonnes wyckednesse Lykewyse yf we hertely loue god for his infinyte benefytes done vnto vs then can we not hate that creature which he hath made after his own lykenes whō god the father loueth so tenderly y● he gaue his owne sonne vnto the death to redeme him yea whom he hath adopted thrugh Christe to be his sonne and heyre Nowe all be it we se no kyndenes in this man for whiche we sholde loue hym yet hath god shewed vs kyndnes ynough for the which we ought to loue hym socoure hym at al tymes Let vs therfore loue hym for y● loue that god his creatoure hathe shewed vs beare his infyrmitye yf he faule let vs lyft hym vp agayne and endue hym with our wysdome all our workes euen as Christ hath done with vs and this is an euydent token that thou louest god when thou louest thy brother .i. Iohn .iiij. and seakest al meanes to helpe hym these are the good workes that folow fayth and are euydent tokens that thy faythe is ryght and pure Thus seest thou how good workes flowe out of faythe through charite charite or loue is the fulfilling of the hole lawe Ro. xiij ¶ Good workes AMonge good workes the chyef art to be obedyente in all thynges vnto kynges prynces Iudges and suche other offycers as farre as they cōmaunde ciuyle thynges that is ●o say such thynges as are indyfferente and not contrarye vnto the cōmaundemētes of god for then must we rather obaye God then men actes in the fyrst chapitre although we shold lese both our substaūce and lyfe therto To honour rulers To promote peace To praye for all comynaltyes And to applye al our studyes to profyte them ¶ The nexte are to be obedyent vnto father mother To prouyde for our householde both nouryshyng our famylye with bodelye sustenaunce and also to enstructe them with the worde of god and so to be theyr gouernour carnall and spirituall ¶ Then muste we loke howe we oughte to behaue ourselues towardes our neyghboures knowlegynge that al the gyftꝭ which are geuen vs of god are not geuen vs for our owne selfe but for the edefyenge o● the cōgregacyō .j. Corynth xij yf we bestow them not on that maner we shall surelye geue a rekenyng for them before the lorde Emonge these ought we to haue respecte vnto the preachers and mynesters of the worde that they maye be had in honoure and well prouyded for And aboue all thinges good bretherne addresse your selues unto that necessary worke prayer Remembre to praye for all estates for that is a worke that Chryst his apostles full dylygently exhorted all men vnto promysynge them that they sholde obtayne theyr petycyons Iohn̄ xvj also .j. Iohn̄ iij. yf they be accordynge to the wyll of god and for his glorye .j. Iohn̄ v. ¶ Here endeth the exposition vpon the lj Psalme called Miserere mei deus Imprented at Londō in Flete strete by Iohn̄ Byddell dwellynge next to Flete brydge at the sygne of our lady of pytye for Wyllyam Marshall Cum priuilegio Regali
and also to his sayntes yet by cause thei were garnished with gloryous tytles and with redde letters promysyng moch grace and pardon though it were but vanite haue sore deceiued the vnlearned multytude one is called the gardeyn of the soule another the paradyse of the soule by cause I wyll be short loke thou thy selfe what dyuerse and glorious names be gyuē vnto them wherfore here nedeth sherpe reformation yea and many of them be worthy to be vtterly destroied The same iudgement and reformation is olso to be had of the bokes of passyons sayntes lyues called legendes for in these are also many thynges added wherof Sathā is author how be it syth neither time suffycyent is gyuen to one man neither the burthē of this reformation of one may be susteyned I thought it ynoughe in this place onely to haue monyshed you trustīg that god in tyme commynge shall adde to those thynges bothe tyme conuenyent also lyght Therfore here as entryng my mater fyrst I wyll declare after a symple playne maner by the which euen as by a glasse thou shalt knowe what the knowlege of sinne is and how we ought trulye to pray folowyng the rehersal of the commaundementes and of the Pater noster And I duobte not but this one prayer is sufficyent ynough to them that pray how often soeuer it be or what soeuer they requyre yea yf they take but one lytle parte of it which so euer it be for a good prayer stondeth not nether cōsysteth in the multytude of wordes as Christe sayeth in the syxte of Mathew But here stondeth the pythe that thou syghe to god often from the botom of thyn harte for to haue strenght to do his wyll to fulfyll his cōmaundementes and this syghe ought to endure contynually Therfore I desyre al persones that from hensforth they forget suche prayers as be saynte Brigittes and other lyke whiche greate promyses and perdons haue falsely aduaūced And you shal retorne vnto this symple prayer nedefull for euery Christen whose comē vse doeth yet perseuer amonge all men yf they dyd vnderstonde it and applyed they re myndes to it Suche vertue hathe the Pater noster that the longer and the more thou vse it the swetter and more acceptable it is whiche I desyre that the master of this prayer cōferme Iesus Christe whiche is blessed eternally So be it IT was neuer ordeyned withoute the synguler prouidence of god that the multitude of Christen people shuld learne by herte the tenne cōmaundementes the Crede and the Pater noster for truely he that vnderstondeth these hath the pythe of al those thynges which holy scripture dothe conteyne and what soeuer may be taught necessary vnto the Christen and that purely and plentyfully besydes that so bryefly and clerely that noman can cōplayne or excuse hym selfe iustly syth that whiche is required to the blessed lyfe is neyther ouertedyous nor yet so harde but it may be performed Thre thynges there be necessary to be knowen to obteyne eternall lyfe The fyrste is that thou know what is expedient to be done and what to be vndon The secunde when thou perceyuest that thou of thyn owne strenght cannest neyther doo neyther yet auoide that which thou art bounde to do or to eschewe that then thou knowe of whome to seke fynde and receyue this strenght The thyrde is howe thou shuldest seke and obteyne it And hereunto I wyll gyue the an ensample to th entent that thou mayst the more euydently perceyue it a man which is diseased with any maner of syckenes Fyrste enquireth with what kynde of sycknes he is infect then cōsydereth he what strength he hath what he is able to do and what he can not do thē searcheth he for a medecyne to ley to his dysease so that by this meanes he may get his helthe that he may afterwarde be able to do and leaue vndone all thynges as the hole Fynally when he hathe founde this medecyne he wyl take it and vse it lykewyse the cōmaundementes of god do teache a man to knowe his infirmite that he may vnderstonde and fele what he can do what he can not what he can leaue and what he can not so that he maye knowlege hym a vitious person and a synner after he hath knowleged hym selfe so that then he may learne by faithe where to fynde remedy and grace whereby he may be restored and iustified and so may be able to fulfylle the cōmaūdementes For faythe pleynly declareth god and his mercy shewed and gyuen in Christe But the Pater noster dothe teache how we shulde desyre aske and obteyne this bountuous fauour as in a well ordered meke and faithfull prayer whiche getteth all these thynges so that fulfyllyng the cōmaundemētes of god we may be saued made blessed wherfore as I haue saied in these thre cōsisteth the hole scripture wherfore it is expedient to begyne at the cōmaundemētes so that we maye by theym learne to knowlege our synne and malyce as the spirituall infirmyte which maketh vs feble and weake so that we can neither do neither leaue that which we be bounde to do or to leaue ¶ The tenne cōmaundementes THe fyrst and most excellent table of Moyses conteyneth thre cōmaundementes and doth shewe vnto vs what we owe to god that is to saye what we ought to do or eschew concernyng those thyngꝭ whiche specially apperteyne vnto god Therfore in the fyrst of al the cōmaūdementes we be taught what god requireth in euery mans harte and what man ought to iudge and thynke of hym that is that he loke euer for the best of hym euen as of a father or of a speciall frende and that withoute doubtynge or any mistrust with constant faithe truste loue euer fearynge to dysplease hym euen as kynde chyldren feare to dysplease they re natural fathers for very nature dothe teache that there is one god of whome all our goodnes spryngeth whiche is our socour in all aduersyte for this thyng euyn the hethen dyd attribute and graūt vnto theyr ydolles ¶ The wordes of this cōmaundement ar these Thou shalt haue no straunge goddes ¶ The secounde precept teacheth vs how we ought to ordre our selfe towardꝭ god as consernynge our outewarde workes before men also inwardly in our owne consciences whiche is that we honour the name of god for noman can shew god as he is in his owne nature neither to hym selfe neither yet to any other but by his only name ¶ The wordes of this commaundement ar these Thou shalt not take the name of god in vayne ¶ The thyrde precept doth shew how we ought to behaue our selfe towardes god in outwarde workes in worshyppyng hym ¶ The wordes ar these Thou shalt kepe holy the saboth day ¶ Here mayste thou see howe a man in these thre preceptes is taught to ordre hym selfe towardes god in his vnderstondynge thoughtes of the herte wordes workes that is to say thorough oute all his
so to brynge me to the Father for it is he which with the father by Christe ī Christ worketh quickeneth al thyngꝭ ¶ I beleue that in al the world be it neuer so greate there is but one comē Christē churche which is none other thing but the cōgregatiō cōmunyō of holy men that is of rightuous faythfull men on the earth that this churche by this holy spirit is gadered and maynteyneth thorough whome also it is gouerned encreased dayly by the sacramentes and worde of god ¶ I beleue that noman can euer be saued which is not founde agreable and consentynge with this cōgregation in one faith in one worde in one sorte of sacramentes hope charyte And that none of the Iewes or Gentilꝭ can be saued with this church except they reconcyle them selfe vnto it come in fauour with it conformyng them selues in all pointes therunto ¶ I beleue that in this cōmunyon or christente all the prayers and goode workes of this congregation do necessaryly helpe me weigh on my syde and conforte me in all tymes of lyfe and deathe ¶ I beleue that in this congregation and comen welth and in none other place is forgyuenes of synnes And that without this all great good workes how many soeuer there be of them do nothyng profet to forgyuenes of synne And contrarywyse in this cōgregation the multitude greatnes and often cōmytting of synnes do no thynge hurte nether let the forgyuenes of synne But that this forgyuenes doeth cotynue whersoeuer and how longe this excellent churche doth endure To whome also Christ gyueth his keys sayth Mat. 18. What so euer ye lose vpon Erth it shal be losed in Heuē Lykewyse Math. 16. he sayth to Peter alone In the name stede of this only church what so euer thou lose vpon Earth it shall be losed in heuen ¶ I beleue that there shall be a rysynge of them that are deade in the whiche rysyng the holy ghost shal sturre vp al flesshe that is all men concernyng the body and flesshe good and euyll so that the veray flesshe whiche was deade buried and consumed or by other wayes destroyed shall returne and lyue agayne ¶ I beleue that after this resurr●ction I my selfe and all true Christen people shall haue euerlastynge lyfe of god the Father in the kyngdome of his welbeloue sonne not for by nor through the workꝭ of ryghtwisnes that we haue downe for all passions and martyrdomes that maye be suffred in this world are not countreuaylable to the glorye to come whiche shall be shewed in vs but by the grace and mercy of God by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu that is to saye by his precyous death and most paynfull passyon for truly the guerdon reward stipend of synne wherwith we all are manyfolde wayes poluted by spotted and defyled is death yea that euerlasting but by the grace of god it is that we repentynge of our synnes and belyuyn●e stedfastly ●is promes●es shall haue euerlastynge lyfe in Iesu Christe our lorde ¶ Amen that signifieth that in good ernest wi●hout doubt al these thynges be true The prayer of the lorde called the pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name Let thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Gyue vs this dat our dayly breade And forgyue vs our trespasses euen as we forgyue theym whiche trespasse agaynste vs. And leade vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs from euyll So be it A goodly interpretation or declaration of the pater noster OUr Father whiche arte in heuens looke mercyfullye vpon vs thy wretched children heare in earth gyue vs thy grace that bothe thy holy name among vs and al●o thrughout the hole worlde maye be sanctyfyed and praysed thrughe the true pure preachynge of the worde of god and also that synnefull maner of lyuynge and all wicked and erroneouse doctrynes may cease for by these thynges thy name is dishonoured and blasphemed Cause that thy kyngedō may come and be encreased that all synners and all those whiche beynge blynded thorugh ygnoraunce leue in the kyngedom of satan may come to the knowledge of fayth in Iesu Christe that by suche meane thy churche may increas and waxe more and more full of people Cause also that the holy ghoste do confyrme and establesshe vs that we may obay thy wyll and plesure and sustayne beare the crosse as wel in lyfe as in death as wel in prosperyte as in aduersite that we may mortyfy our owne wyll and offer it to god as a sacrifice Geue to vs our dayly brede Take from vs couetuosnes rare for the belye that we may loke for all good thynges from the that we may receyue them of the. Forgyue vs our trespaces as we do forgyue them that trespasse agaynste vs that our herte may be quiete and carelesse and our cōscience not fered with the syght of our synnes Lede vs not in to temptation But helpe vs by thy spirite in mortyfienge and subduynge or ramynge of our flesshe that we may learne to despyse the worlde with al the desyres studies and exercyses belongynge vnto it and that we may vanqueshe and ouercome the crafty gyles of sathan Fynally delyuer vs o almyghty father from all euyll aswell temporall or transytory as euerlastynge as well of body as of soule who so euer coueteth desyrith these thynges vnfaynedly and hertely let them say Amen ¶ And let thē beleue without ony doubte that god hath graunted al these thynges and that theyr prayer is harde all redy accordynge to the promysse of Christe when he sayde what so euer thyngꝭ ye aske and desyre by prayer beleue that ye do receyue it and ye shall haue it ¶ The prayer of the lorde called the Pater noster where in are conteyned .vij. peticions ¶ The preface and introduction to aske these .vij. peticions is conteyned in these wordes Our father whiche arte in heuen ¶ The vnderstondyng of the wordes ALmyghty God syth thou of thyne infinite beneuolence and mercy hast not only admitted vs but also taught yea and cōmaūded by thy only and dere sonne Iesu Christ that we trustynge in his merytes and protection he beynge our in●ercessor shulde beleue that thou were a louynge father vnto vs. And that we shulde also call the father though worthely and by greate ryght thou myghtyste haue ben an angry and greuous iudge agaynste vs synners whiche so ofte and abhomynable haue done agaynste thy godly and moste holy wyll and haue gyuen the occasyon of displeasure agaynst vs. Gyue vs we beseche the by the same beneuolence mercy that we may haue in our hertes sure trust without feare of thy fatherly loue And make vs fele this acceptable smell swetnes whiche the moste sure chyldly truste doth get vnto vs that we may with glade mynde call the father knowlege the loue the and crye on the
in al ieopardyes Kepe vs we humbly besech the that we may contynue thy louyng chyldren and not deserue to haue the moste mekest Father our terryble iudge nor suffre vs not to be thyn enemyes whiche ought to be thy chyldren and heyres Thou wylt also not only symply be called a father but that we with a comen voice shulde call the our Father And so with a special prayer of vnyte pray for euery man wherfore gyue vnto vs an agreynge brotherly loue so that we may perceiue euery one of vs that we are truly brothers susters and may pray to the as to our comen mercyfull father euery one for other euen as kynde chyldren entreate theyr father one for another Graunt ●hat none of vs seke that whiche is his owne or els forget other in thy lyght but that auoidynge all hate enuye and discention as it becometh the true chyldrē of god we may loue togyther with due fauour so that we may saye with a faythful herte not my father but our father Sythe truely thou art no bodely nor earthely father whome we may se in earth but art in Heuen our spirituall father whiche dyeth not neyther art changeable or incōstant or such which art not able to helpe thy selfe as is ī an erthely bodely father wherby it is euydent vn●o vs howe moche thou art a better father which teachest this temporal fatherhodes contrey frendes rychesse flesshe and blode to be despysed for the. Graunte vs to dere father that we maye be thy heuenly chyldren Teache vs to regarde none other thynge then our soule helth and the euerlastynge herytage so tha● this temporall contrey and worldly herytage whiche entangleth and combreth vs labourynge to make vs erthely and lyke vnto it selfe deceyue vs not so that we maye saye truely and with a faythfull herte O our heuenly Father gyue vs thy grace that we may be thy heuenly chyldren ¶ The fyrste peticion Thy name be halowed ¶ O god almyghty our most dere heuenly father thy godly name euen nowe in this tyme in this vale of misery alas for shame so many waies is dishonoured miserab●y blasphemed applied to many thyngꝭ wherin stondeth not thy honour and glorye ye and many abuse it to theyr greate confusyon whiche thynge is so comen and often vsed that this fylthy lyfe may well be called a sclaūder dishonestynge of thy moste gloryous name Therefore endue vs with thy godly grace that we may auoyde suche thyngꝭ as are agaynst the honour prayse of thy moste holy name Make thou all wytchecraftes and false charmes s●ortly to decay Cause all cōiurynges by the whiche Sathan or other creatures are enchaūted to ceasse by thy blessed name Make that all false fayth by that whiche either we mystruste the or put more confydence in other then is nedefull maye quyckly be destroyed Made that all heresyes and false doctryne which pretende a colour of thy name may sodeynly vanyshe awey Make that al hyprocrysy or faynynge of truthe ryghtuousnes or holynes deceyue no man Make that noman swere by thy name lye or deceyue Kepe vs from all false hope whiche vnder colour of thy blessed name o●fereth i● s●l●e vnto vs. Kepe vs from spirituall pryde from the vayne honour of worldly gory name Graunte vs that in al parelles and hur●e we may cal vpō this thy holy name Graunt that in the straytnesse o● cōscience and ieopardy of death we neuer forget thy blessed name Graunte that in our goode wordes and workes we may only prayse and magnyfy the so that we nether seke nor calenge to our selfe any name or honor but to the only whose alone are all thynges Kepe vs from the most dānable synne of vnkyndnes Graunt that by our lyfe goode workes all other may be moued to good and that they honour and praise not vs but thy name Graūte that by our euyl workes and synnes noman may take occasion to sclaunder thy name or dymynyshe thy prayse kepe vs that we desire nothyng eyther transitorye or euerlastynge whiche shulde not retorne to the honour prayse of thy name And yf we aske any such here thou not our folyshenes Make that our lyfe be suche that we may truly be founde thy chyldren so that this thy name father be not called in vayne or falsely in vs. ¶ To this parte of prayer spiritually appertayne all psalmes prayers with whiche we prayse worshype synge gyue thankes to god fynall all the prayse of god ¶ The secounde petition Let thy kyngdome come ¶ This wretched lyfe is the kyngdome of all synnes and myschief whose lorde is the wycked spirite chief author and grounde of all malice and synne but thy kyngdome is the kyngdome of all grace and vertue whose Lorde is thy beste beloued Sonne Iesus Christe the hed and beginnynge of all grace vertue wherfore helpe vs most dyre Father and take vs agayn● in to thy fauour Gyue vs before all thynges true constaunt fayth in Christe hope without feare in thy mercy agaynste al infirmities of our weake conscyence and pure loue towardes the and all men Kepe vs from in fidelyte desperacyon and malyce whiche at the last myght be the cause of our destruction Make vs to auoide the foule desyre of lechery Gyue vs loue to virginyte and to all clennesse Delyuer vs from dyssentions batelles dyscorde and stryfe Make the vertues of thy kyngdome to come reygne within vs. Gyue vs peace concorde and tranquilyte so that wrathe or ony other bytternes haue not his kyngedome in vs but rather through thy grace the symple swetnes brotherly behaueour all kynde of frendshyp good maner gentylnes and kyndnes Graunte vs that the inordynate anguyshe and heuynes of mynde haue no place in vs. But make that reioysyng and plesure in thy grace and mercy rule haue dominion And to be shorte that all synne may be alyenate from vs and that we replenished with thy grace vertue and good workes may be made thy kyngdome that all our herte mynde and wyttes with all our strenght inward outwarde may suffre them selfe to be ruled by the to serue the thy cōmaundementes thy wyl not them selfe or the flesshe the worlde or the deuyll Make that this thy kyngdome ones in vs begone may be encreased go forward dayly and growe Leaste the subtyle malyce or slewth that we haue to goodnes oppresse vs leste we loke backe againe and fal in to ●ynne Geue vs a stable purpose strenght not only to begynne this good lyfe but rather to procede ●oldly in it and ●o per●o●me it as 〈◊〉 say●e Lyghten myn lyes le●●te I slepe or be wery in the good lyfe ones begone and so myn enemy ●o bryng me agayne in to his power Graunt that we may so contynue And that thy kyngdom which shall come may fynyshe performe this kyngdome which ●s begonne by the. Delyuer vs from this perilous and synful lyfe whan it shall please the. Make vs desyre
neade to brynge them in to any farther daunger whom he knewe to fyghte with theyr feete rather than with swerde for yf theyr enemies had espied thē armed with any weapen to resyste they wolde haue bene more fearse vpon them also the tyme was cōme that he wolde gyue hym selfe wyllyngly to dye not withstandynge yet Peter kepte one of the swerdes for the glory of god but vnwares Luke ¶ The seconde parte contaynynge the prayer of Christ in the garden AS he was thus commyng with his disciples they came to a village called gethsemane Mathew Marke where was a garden in to wiche Christe entred with his disciples Iohn̄ and some of his disciples cōmaunded to syt downe at a certeyn place whyles he wente in a lytell farther to praye he toke vp with hym Peter the two sonnes of zebedei whom also he had before admytted to other secretes and had promysed them in the hyll to se his glory ¶ Before thes thre men beganne he now to be in a greuouse anguysshe greate heuenes of mynde sayenge full heuy is my mynde euen in to dethe so wolde he shew hym selfe to be very man and to be like vs his brethern in all poyntes as concernyng temptacyons he wolde verely caste out a greate and greuouse multytude of synnes from his chosen wherfore it behoued hym to be so greuously tormented not only in body but in mynde for what is the tormēthynge of the body yf the mynde feale it not when he was in this paynfull affliction of mynde so that he was nyghe deade for he was heuy euen into deathe he fled vnto his father as it was his maner and is the maner also of all sayntes whom because he wolde call in to his helpe more ernestly and with more fre spirite at his pleasure he wente furthe a lytell farther from these thre disciples although he loued thē dearly he went from them as ye wolde saye a stones cast ther he fell downe flat vpon therthe and prayed sayeng Father yf it be possible beare ouer this passion from me neuertheles not my wyl but thyn be done for he made rather his complayte here be fore his father then desyred his passion to be turned from hym for he cam in to this honour wel wyllyng but with how heuy and tremblyng mynde for that his deathe was now at hand no man maye expresse here he shewed his father his feruent desyre to death and how presently his nature felt it wherfore it was shewed hym thus to be his fathers pleasure and so was he well counforted ¶ When he had thus prayed that is to say when he had thus poured furth the feruēt desyres of his herte thus wounded with horroure and feare euen into deathe into his fathers bosome that doubtlesse with many a deape syghe with sore sobbynge feruent thoughtes and thus he stedfastlye consyderynge his fathers wyll on this maner to require of hym the helth of the worlde he toke curage and herte vnto hym selfe turned to his disciples lyke as that man whose mynde is greuously vexed and trobled can not abyde longe in one place And whan he cam he founde thē all a slepe where because Peter had answered hym more boldly than other he chalenged him fyrste by name sayenge Simon not one houre mayste thou not watche with me wher is now I praye the that bolde spryted herte of thyne that was so redy to go with me euen in to deth Awake awake fal to prayer least ye fal in to that greuous temptacion whiche hangeth nowe ouer your headꝭ as your spirites wer then al to bolde so is you flesshe now all to weake to endure longe ye shulde haue rather prayed then slepte yf ye had ben wyse But so it behoued them to be tought by theyr owne foly not only how feable is theyr flesshe but also howe vnable it is all to gyder to any goodnes and that al strenght cōmeth of god not withstondynge at this tyme toke they full lytel heade to theyr maisters rebuke chalenge Then turned he agayn to prayer when he se that in his most deare chosen and trusty there was no counforte whiche thynge verely moch more encresed his heuenes for so it behoued hym to suffre affliction on euery syde ¶ He prayed agayn the same prayer that he dyd before that is to saye he layed the troble of his mynde in the wyll of his Father desyrynge his consolation and from thense agayne he wente vnto his disciples whom he founde lykewyse a slepe as before for they coulde not holde vp theyr iyes neither they thus blamed myght aūswere theyr mayster any thynge at all Thus agayne receyued he affliction and heuynes of them of whom he shulde haue had consolation and counforte The thyrde tyme lykewyse he gaue hym selfe to prayer and prayed somwhat lenger for he was all to tormented and in suche an agony that his swet ran done with blody dropes in to the erth And thus when his agony and heuynes of mynde wer greater then he myghte any lenger suffer there appered an angell vnto hym conforted hym settyng doubtles before his minde effectuously that meruelous ryche sauyng helth which he shold perfourme and finyshe by his passyon and also the glorye of his father whiche therof sholde be greatly set forthe sprede a brode so that this cōsolation receyued he rose vp and returned hym vnto his disciples And when they were yet a sleape he sayde vnto theym after a scornfull maner thus sleape now and take your rest as who shold say is there suche tranquilite peace towarde vs that ye maye sleape so surely withoute feare Oh how insensyble are ye and lyke stones nothyng fealyng or perceyuyng all these thynges which I tolde you before as cōcernynge this stormy tempest euen now at hande Aryse Aryse ons for ye haue sleapte ynough beholde the hour draweth nyghe of the whiche I tolde you Nowe the sonne of man shall be betraied and betaken in to the handes of synners Aryse and let vs go mete them he is very nyghe that betrayeth me Mathew Marke ¶ This thyrdde parte conteyneth his takyng and what betyde in his takyng IUdas verelye knewe this place of prayer and howe often tymes Chryste with his disciples went thyther to praye wherfore he gote hym a companye with the seruauntes of the bysshops scribes pharisais and prestes and they cam thither with lanterns fyerbrādes and weapens Iohn̄ And he beynge amonge them Christe yet comynge on with his disciples gaue them whom he broughte with hym this token that whom he shulde kysse that man to be Christe and warned them that as sone as they had taken hym they shulde leade hym wysely carely fearynge leaste as he sene hym do somtymes before he shulde slyppe awaye from them by his godly powre he hym selfe shulde not haue satysfyed his promyse so to haue lost his money here may ye se how deape falleth the blynd vngodlynes how bolde she is to do
also the soldyers mocked hym Luke Besydes al this one of the theues that hanged by hym casted these opprobries blasphemyes in to his tethe sayeng yf thou be Christ saue thy selfe and vs also for so behoued it him to be blasphemed of all maner of folke but the other thefe answered and blamed his felowe sayenge fearest thou not god beynge in lyke damnacion with other as for vs we suffre worthely for we haue deserued this death but as for this man is an innocent then he sayde vnto Iesus Lorde remembre me whan thou shalt come in to thy kyngdom And Iesus answered hym verely verely I saye vnto the this daye shalt thou be with me in paradise partaker of my glory whiles all these thynges were a doynge the syxte houre which is the thyrde porcion of the daye conteinyng these our thre houres i. ij.iij drewe fast to an ende and great darkenes was rysen ouer al therthe vntyl the nynthe houre that is the laste parte of the daye whiche contaynethe these thre of our houres foure fyue syxe Iesus cried with a lowde and stronge voyce sayenge Ely Ely Lama Sabathtany whiche is as moche to saye as My god My god wherfore hast thou forsaken me And then some of the standers by hearynge this sayde This man calleth Helias and some sayde holde your peace let vs se whether Helias shall come delyuer hym Math. Marke After this Iesus knowynge that all thynges sholde be now ended and that the scripture sholde be fulfylled in all thynges as concernynge the prophesyenges of his passyon sayde I am a thyrste then was there a vessell brought hym full of vinaigre Iohan And they fylled a sponge with this vinaigre and hisope and put it vpon a reede and lyfted it vp to his mouthe Mathew Marke Iohan. when Iesus then hadde taken the vinaigre he sayde It is done For nowe had he broughte all thynges to an ende which were ꝓphecied of his death Iohan. And when Iesus hadde cried with so myghty a lowde voice he sayde father I cōmyt my sprite into thy handes Luke And when he had sayde these wordes he smyte downe his heade let go his breath And lo the veile of the temple was cut in two partes from the rofe to the grounde Mathew Marke Luke And therthe quaked The stones were cut and broke in sundre graues were layed wyde open many faythful mennes bodyes which had slepte dyd vprise whiche goynge forthe of theyr graues after his resurrection cam in to the cite and appered to many men Mathew ¶ Then when a certeyne petye captayne whiche stode ouer agaynste hym and they that were with hym keapynge Iesus se that he with so loude so stronge a voyce leate go his breathe beholdynge also the meruelous Erthe quake with the other wonderful tokens that there now chaunced were meruelouslye affrayed glorified god sayenge This man was the very sonne of god Math. Marke Luke And all the comen poore symple people that thether came to se consyderynge these vnwonte and wonderfull thynges that thus happened in tyme of his deth knocked theyr selues vpō theyr brostes with greate feare reuer●ce Luke Then stode al they that knew hym a farre and the women of Galile that folowed hym ministring vnto hym emong whom there was Marie Magdalene and Marie the mother of Iames the lesse the mother of one called Iose a nother woman called Salome the mother of the sonnes of zebedei with other manye whiche came with hym vnto Ierusalem stode also a farre ¶ This is the tenthe and laste parte of the passion conteynynge the buryenge of our sauyour Christe THen the Iewes because it was the greate Saboth eauen in the whiche saboth daye they shulde keape holye theyr passe ouer thynkynge it vnworthy and vnsemely the bodyes of suche hanged men so vncomly to remayne vpon the crosses especially in so solempne a Saboth daye desired Pylate that theyr thyghes broken they myght be taken awaye wherfore the souldyers went and broke the thyghes of bothe the thuees but when they came to Iesus he was deade wherfore they broke not his thyghes but one of the soldyers pearsed his syde with a spere and euen by and by there gusshed forthe bloude water whi●he thynge Iohan testifieth hym selfe to haue hadde sene affirmynge it to be true that we also shulde belyue it forther more he saythe these thynges to haue ben done that the scripture shulde be fu●filled sayenge ye shall no● brecke any of ●is bones and agayne a nother scripture They shall se whom they pearsed ¶ After this he eueanynge vpon whiche begynneth wi●h them at syxe of the cloke at nyghte for it be as nowe theyr nyenth houre the laste porsion of the daye there came a certeyn riche man and an honest senatour called Ioseph a very good man a iuste whiche cōsented neither to the coūcell nor to the deade of the Iewes borne in Arimathea a city of Iury whiche abode and loked for the kyngdom of god he was one of Christes disciples but preuelye yet for feare of the Iewes This man now toke herte vnto hym and wente boldely to Pilate asked the body of Iesus Christe our sauyour Mathew Marke Luke Iohan And Pilate doubtynge whether that he shulde be now deade so sone called vnto hym the petye captayne askyng hym whether he was yet dede assone as he knew it he gaue Ioseph his body And then cam Nicodemus which fyrste came vnto Iesus our sauiour be nyght bringynge a contection made with myrthe and aloes about an houndred pounde wayghte and then toke they the body of Iesus and wounde it in a fyne cleane lynen she●e with this swere and precyouse contection well pouldred as was the maner of the Iewes so to burye then was there a gardeyn in the place where he was crucified and in the same gardeyn a new tombe or sepulcre which tombe Ioseph had caused to be hewen oute of stone for hym selfe in the whiche as yet was there no man layed And there because of the Iewes Saboth euen and for the graue was very nyghe they layed in Iesus and lated a stone vpon the mouth of the graue Mathew Marke Luke Iohan. And thus was he buryed gloriously which was put to dethe so shamfully for now began he to be glorified And now was it theyr saboth euen in the whiche daye they prepared agaynste the feaste daye that was at hande euen on the morow and this nynthe hour that is the last portion of the daye was at an ende so that it was now aboute syxe of the cloke at nyghte ¶ Then folowed them these women that came with hym from Galile and they se the graue and howe his bodye was layed there in Mathew Marke Luke Then after this returnyd they agayne to theyr harboure and prepared swete confections and oyntmentes And on the Saboth day folowynge they rested as it was cōmaunded by the law of Moyses Luke But on the morowe after this frydaye
to say a sacryfyce for our synne that we thrugh hym myghte be that ryghtousnes whiche before god is alowed Nowe the more that thy cōscyence boyleth and ryseth agaynst the the more shalte thou cleaue to these and suche other comfortable sentences and put thy hole fyaunce in Christe as they teache the for yf thou go oboute thrugh thy contricyon and satysfaccyon to pacefye and aswage thy ragynge conscyence thou shalte neuer be in surety but after intollerable laboure and toylynge thou shalt fall in to vtter desperacion For the conscience can not be quyete when he fealeth his synne but estemeth it greater then that we of our owne power sholde be able to quenche it Notwithstondynge yf he sawe that Christ whiche is bothe god and man had taken them vpon hym had veynqueshed them by his death ye and rysynge agayne had tryumphed vpon deth hell and the deuyl then sholde he soone perceyue how weake the stynge and power or synne is for euen as the paynes of his woūdes and panges of his detth do nowe no more remayne in his body euen so are all our synnes vanyshed awaye lyke smoke To this well agreyth the sayenge of Paule Ro. iiij that Christe dyed for our synnes and is rysen agayne to iustyfye vs. That is the passyon and deth of Chryste doth open and dectate our synnes vnto vs and ●o doth take them awaye but thorughe his rysynge agayne are we iustefyed made free from all our synnes yf we beleue ¶ How be it yf we feale our vnbelefe that we can not be surely perswaded that these thynges are true then is the nexte remedy to fall vnto prayer for this also is in the hande of god neyther is it geuen to euery man but some haue it more and some lesse for god dirstibuteth al at his pleasure Not withstondynge there are certayne meanes and smale pathes by the whiche a man may haue as it were an entraūce in to his fayth Fyrst turne thyne eyes and beholde the herty loue and bounteous kyndnes of Chryst whiche so tenderly loued the that he wold take on hym self all thy synnes and louynglye enbrace the to heale thy wounded conscyence yf thou remembre and thynke on this amytye thy herte shall somwhat be refresshed and so shall thy trust in Chryst be the more encreased and stablyshed ¶ After that thou haste perceyued this ferueut fauoure that Chryst had towardes the then shalt thou sone marcke what good wyll the father owed the for then shall it appeare that Chryst coude not endue the with suche greate benefytes except it had bene before so decred of his heuenlye father for vnto hym dyd Chryst obey when he suffred for thy transgressions And so shalt thou se the flaming cheryte of god the father towardes the thoroughe Chryst shalt thou be so drawne to the father that thou mayst perceyue the sayenge of christ Iohā iii. God so loued the world that he gaue his onely sone for th ētent that none whiche beleue in hym shold perysh but sholde haue euerlastyng lyfe And this is the true knowlege of god when we beholde and magnyfye not his puyssaunte maieste or his incomprehensyble prudence for they make a man a frayde of God but rather his curtous and mercyful beneuolence wherin he may put his confidence and may be hooly in god renued ¶ And when thy herte is so confermed in Christe that thou begynnest with full entent to hate thy synne not for feare of payne but for the loue that thou haste vnto god because thou woldest not dyplease hym whiche is suche a mercyfull and louynge father vnto the then is it expedyent that thou take this passion for an ensample by the whiche thou mayst ordre thy lyfe But this remembraūce is farre vnlyke the fyrst for hetherto haue we recounted it as a secrete mystery whiche sholde worke in vs renue vs thrugh repentaunce and when we haue obtained that profyte then let vs considere it as an ensample or rule to order our lyfe and workes euer comparynge thē vnto Christes passion on this maner as foloweth ¶ When thou art dyseased with ony sorow or malady then thynke how smal y● payne is yf thou sholdest compare it with Christꝭ croune of thorne and the nayles whiche perced his tendre flesshe ¶ When thou art constrayned to do or leaue vndone ony thynge whiche thou woldest not then remembre that Christe was bounde and tossed from post to pyller euen as it pleased his cruell enemyes ¶ If thou be tempted with pryde lordlynesse then marke how vnworthely Christe was mocked yea and crucyfied betwene two theues that he myghte be reputed as one of theyr nombre ¶ If thou be assayled with wantonnesse or with the luste of the flesshe then behold howe cruellye the tendre flesshe of Christe was scourged torne and moste pituouslye wounded ¶ If thy herte boyle with hate or enuye be full sette to take auengeaunce then cal to thy remembraunce how Christe with a lamētable voyce dyd praye vnto his father for the and other his enemyes whom he might by good right haue punished perpetually ¶ If thou be vexed with ony other afflictions what so euer they are whether secrete or open take them on good worth be not dysquieted but thynke with thy selfe on this maner It were a greate shame yf I sholde not suffre paciently this small trouble syth that Christe my lorde and sauyour suffered in the garden suche panges that he swette droppes of bloude for what is more shame then that the seruaunt sholde take his ease and lye slugyshly in his bedde what tyme his maister stondeth in ieoperdye of his lyfe ¶ Beholde on this maner mayst thou cōforte and stablysh thy herte with the passion of Christe agaynst all vexations And this is the true meditation and remembraunce of Christes passion out of which the aforesayde commodytyes sprynge ¶ Therfore they that excercyse theym selues dylygentlye in it are moche better occupyed then yf they herde a thousande tymes the storye of the passion or sayde as many masses And these only at the true christen which on this wyse do expresse in theyr lyte or maners the name and lyfe of Christ as saynt Paule sayth they that belong to Christe haue crucyfied theyr fleshe and concupiscences with Christe Neyther is it ynoughe that we coūtrefayte hym in oure outwarde behaueoure and wordꝭ but we muste do our endeueraunce perfytly to expresse his passion in all oure conuersacyon from the botom of our hertes whiche thyng Paule exhorteh vs vnto Hebre. xij Loke vnto Iesus the captayne of our fayth whiche for the ioye that was sette before hym abode the crosse and despysed the shame and is set downe on the right hande of god Consider therfor how that he endured suche speakynge agaynste hym of synners leste ye sholde be weryed or faynte in your myndes And saynt Peter i. Pet. iiij sayth foras moche as Christe hath suffred in the flesshe arme your selues lykewyse with the same mynde
the sone and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shal be Amen ¶ Celi enarrant THe heuens declare the gloryous maieste of god what are his workes One daye folowynge another whettch cōtynually our thoughtes one nyght folowynge another encreaseth our knowlege These creatures haue neither speache nor wordes neyther is theyr voyces ony where herde And yet theyr poyntynge and shewynge hathe taught all the worlde theyr dūme speache hathe gone forthe in to all the costes of the worlde He hath fastened in them a tabernacle for the sonne and he cometh forth of his cloudes lyke a brydegrome ye lyke a freshe valyaunt knyght ●o make his course From the farthest este parte of the heuēs cometh he forth hauyng his recourse vnto the other extreme neither is there ony man that may hyde hym from his heate The lawe of God the lorde is perfecte refresshynge the soule the testimonye of the lorde is faythfull mynisirynge wysedome to the vnlearned The cōmaundementes of the lorde ar ryght makyng glad the herte Tho thynges which god cōmaundeth are playne and pure and they lyghtē the eyes The feare of the lorde is pure and holye abydyng for euer the pleasures of the lorde are true and ryght in euery par●e More worthy to be desyred then golde and precyous stones sweter thē the hony combe when it droppeth And thy seruaunt is taughte monisshed by theym that same obseruynge of them is a greate gyfte Who may attayne to the knowlege of his synfull nature pourge me fro my secrete synnes Ye and turne thou these greate synnes frō thy seruant lest they haue dominion ouer me and then shall I be pure from euery greate synne Let the speches of my mouth the thoughtes of my herte be pleasaunte and accepte vnto the lorde my defender and redemer Glory be to the father to the Sonne and to the holy Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ Domini est terra THe Earthe is the lordes and all that is contayned therin the rounde worlde and all that inhabyte it For in the see hath he set hir foūdacions and hath buylde hir aboue the floodes Who shall clyme in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall abyde in his holy place An innocent in his deades and he that is pure in herte that hathe not extolled hym selfe proudely vnto vanite neyther hathe sworne for ony deceyte This man shall be fed with the blyssynge of the lorde and with the mercy of god his sauyour This is the nacion gyuen all vnto hym seketh him this is the very right Iacob selah O ye gates lyfte vp your selues ye gates euerlastyng be opened and this gloryouse kynge shall entre in Who is this kyng that is so glorious it is the myghty valyaunte lorde noble in power a lord excellent in strength to wage batayl O ye gates lyft vp your selues ye gates euerlastyng be ye opened and the gloryous kynge shall entre in Who is this kynge that is so gloryous● it is the lorde of hostes it is he that is this gloriouse kynge Selah Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnyng as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ The Antympe the iij. to the Romans All we are synners and haue neade of the glorye of god ¶ The versicle The fyrst to the ephesians In what thyng stondeth the glory of god The responsorye ¶ In the free forgeuenes of synnes of his cleare mercy onelye ¶ The pater noster OUr father whiche arte in heuen halowed be thy name let thy kyngedome come ouer vs. Thy wyll be fulfylled as well in earthe as it is in heuen Geue vs this daye our suffycyent fode And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And lede vs not in to temptation But delyuer vs frome the euyll spyryte Amen ¶ Lede vs not lorde in to temptation But delyuer vs from the euyll spirite Amen ¶ The blyssyng Lorde we beseche the of thy blessyng R. Blessed ar they that suffre persecution for the ryghtewysnes of faythe for theyrs is the kyngdome of Heuen Amen ¶ The fyrste lesson Mat. x. LO I sende you forth as shepe among wolues se therfore ye be wyse as serpentes and innocent as doues beware of men for they shall delyuer you vp to the counsayles and shall scourge you in theyr synagoges and ye shall be brought to the heade rulers kynges for my sake in wytnes to them and to the gentyles but whē they put you vp take no thoughte what or how ye shall speake for it shall be gyuē you euen in the same houre what ye shall saye for it is not you the speake but the spirite of your father whiche speaketh in you And lord thou haue mercy on vs Responsorie Iohn̄ .xvj. These thynges haue I sayde vnto you because 〈…〉 to god The 〈…〉 shall they do vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nor yet me ¶ They shall excommunycate you ye the tyme shall come that who so euer kylleth you shal thinke that he doth hygh seruyce to god ¶ The blyssynge Lorde we beseche the of thy blessynge Blessed are the poore in spyryte for theyrs is the kyngedome of heuen Amen ¶ The seconde lesson Hebre. xij THe burden of synne cast awaye let vs runne with patience vnto the batayl that is set before vs lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynysher of our faythe which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame is set downe on the ryght hande of the throne of god Consydre therfore how that he endured suche speakynge agaynste hym of synners lest ye sholde be weryed faynte in your myndes for ye haue not yet resysted vnto bloudeshedynge stryuynge agaynst synne And ye haue forget the consolacyon whiche speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldren My sonne despyse not the chastenynge of the lorde neyther faynte when thou arte rebuked of hym for whome the Lorde loueth him he chasteneth ye and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receyueth But thou lorde haue mercy on vs. ¶ The Respont Hebrew the .xij Ye ye shall endure chastenyng god offereth hym selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes what sonne is that whom the father chastneth not ¶ The verse Yf ye be not vnder correction wherof all are pertakers than are ye bastardes and not sonnes What sonne is that whom the father chasteneth not The blyssynge ¶ Lorde we besche the of thy blyssynge Blyssed are all men that truste in the lord AMEN ¶ The thyrde lesson to the wyse man .v. IN the laste iudgemente when these vngodly shall beholde the ryghtwise men they shall be troubled with horryble feare and shall maruayle at theyr so soden helth vnlocked for waylyng for the sorowfull anguishe of theyr mynde sayeng within them selfe beynge heuy mornynge for the anguysshe of theyr mynde These are they
peryshe Glory be to the father c. Quare fremuerunt gentes psal ij WHerfore do the gentyles thus swel and cluster togyder wherfore do the people of the Iues thus gnaste in vayne Wherfore conspyre the kynges of therthe and the cheyfe prestes thus cast theyr headꝭ togyder agaynst the lorde his anoynted Sayenge let vs breake theyr bondes and let vs cast of theyr yokes But he that hath his resydence in heuen derideth them it is the lorde that scorneth them Then shall he thruste them downe in his wrathe and in his indignacion shall be all to trouble theym I haue constytute ordeyned my kynge to be ouer Syon my holye hyll I shal shewe forth the lordes cōmaūdement for he sayde vnto me thou arte my Sonne whom I haue nowe openly declared Aske of me and I shall gyue the the nacions in to thy heritage to be thyne owne possessyon thrughout all the worlde Thou shalt smyte them togyder with an yerne sceptre shalt breke them lyke erthē vesselles Now therfore ye kynges be wyse and vnderstonde ye rulers of the erthe be content to be monyshed lerned Serue ye the lorde besely study to gyue him his honour ioyfully with reuerence Kysse ye the sonne lest he beynge wroth your life ꝑishe for his angre shal be shot●ly kyndled And then blessed are all men that truste in hym Dūe quid multip psal iij. LOrde se what a sorte there are that trouble me full many there are that ryse agaynst me Many there are that thynke thus vpon my soule surely there is no helthe to be loked for from god vnto this man But thou lorde thou art my helpe my glory thou liftest vp my heade The lorde I called vpon with my prayer and he answered me euen from his holye hyll Selah I shall lye downe and sleape I my selfe shal vpwake me for the lorde susteyneth me I shall not feare ye thousandes of folke althoughe they be sege me rounde aboute Aryse lorde saue me my god thou shalt ●yue all my enemyes such a clap on th●yr chekes that a non the tethes of these vngodly shall be broken It is the lordes properte to saue thy people it behoueth to be holpen endued with thy benefites ¶ Non nobis dn̄e psal C.xv. NOt to vs lorde not to vs but to thy name gyue the glory and prayse for thy mercy and for thy trouthes sake Wherfore then sholde the gentyles saye where is nowe theyr god When our god is in the heuens he dothe what so euer lyketh hym Theyr ymages are but golde and syluer euen the very worke of mannes hande They haue mouthes and yet speake they not eyes and se not eares and heare not nose and smell not They haue handꝭ and nothynge fele they feate and go not with theyr throte make they no noyse Unto these ydols are they lyke that make them and as many as truste vnto them But Israell truste thou in the lorde for he helpeth them and is theyr shylde Ye of the house of Aharon se that ye truste in the lorde for he is their helpe their shylde Ye worshipers of the lorde se that ye truste in the lorde for he is to them helpe defender The lorde wyll haue vs in mynde it is he that wyll do good he wyll do good to the house of Israel to the house of Aharon He wyll be benyficiall to the worshypers of the lord as wel to the lytell as to the grete The lord mought increase his good mynd towarde you towarde you and towarde your chyldrene Ye are they to whom the lorde doth good which hath made heuen and the erthe The heuens the verye heuens are the lordes but therthe hath he geuen to the chyldren of men The deed in no maner of wyse shall prayse the lorde neyther they that go downe to the place of scilence But we shall magnyfye and prayse the lorde frome this tyme in to euerlastyng ¶ praise ye the lord The Antheme To the romans xv ¶ We the which are stronge sayth paule ought to beare the frailnes of them which are weake and not to stonde in our owne conceytes ¶ The Chap. Roma xv LEt euery man please his neyghbour vnto his welthe and edefyenge for Christe pleased not hym selfe but as it is wryten The rebukes of them which reuyled that fell vpon me Thankꝭ be to god BLessed be god father almyghty whihath strēghened his feble flocke with stedfast faythe and bolde spirite to bere his crosse burden and youke These ar the last dayes perelous frely Christes gospell to professe come downe lorde shortly to iudge vs. and take vs from this heuenes Amen ¶ The versicle What thynge is precyous in godes sighte Thaūswer The deth of his faithful mē ¶ The songe of our Lady My soule magnyfieth the Lorde And my spirite reioyseth in god my sauyour For he hathe loked on the poore degre of his hande mayden Beholde nowe from thence forthe shall al generations call me blessed For he that is myghty hathe magnyfied me wherfore blessed be his name And his mercye is ouer theym that feare hym throughoute all generations He hathe declared his myghte by his power he hath dyspersed the proude men by the vayne study of theyr owne hertes He hathe plucked downe men of power from theyr seates and hathe lyfted vp the poore lowlyones The hungry men he hathe satisfied with goodnes and them that appered ryche he hathe lefte voyde He hathe taken vp Israell his seruaunte thynkynge vpon hym to be saued for his mercyes sake Lyke as he promysed to our fathers as to Abraham to his seade for euermore Glorye be to the father c The Anthem Luke the .j. .ij. SOmtyme the scrypture with the gospell was so fre that they were preached of the mouthes of holy women as of our blyssed lady of Anna phāneles doughter of the foure doughters of phyllyp but now beholde sayth the lorde by his prophete Amos I shal sende an hūgre in to the erthe not the hungre for bodely fode nor thirst for water but hungre and thurste to here the worde of the lorde and men shall go frome the one see to the other cōpassynge aboute frome the northe to the easte sekynge the worde of the lorde they shal not fynde it ¶ The versycle Oh lorde sende vs the preachers of thy worde Thanswere And geue vs grace to beleue it amē orati O mercyful father which by thy worde madeste all thynges and by it shalt vnmake agayne at the tyme appoynted and with thy fearfull worde dydeste caste downe Adam with thy confortable worde lytfedest hym vp agayne also thrughe thy worde thou hast declared thy wyl geuen vs the knowlege of the by the fathers and ꝓphetes at the last by thyn owne sonne christ sendyng hym to preache it as a thīg soo necessarye that without it there is no knowlege of the no faythe no saluation no helthe wherfore we beseche the for thy wordes
for the lorde wyll not rekē hym gyltlesse that taketh his name ī vane ¶ The fourth cōmaundment Remembre the saboth daye that thou sanctifiest it ¶ The fyfte cōmaundment Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thou mayste lyue longe vpon the lande whiche the lorde thy god geueth the. The sixte cōmaundement Thou shalt not kyl The seuenth cōmaundement Thou shalt not breke wedloke The eayght cōmaundemēt Thou shalt not stele The .ix. cōmaūdemēt Thou shalt beare no false wytnesse agaīst thy neyghbour The tenth cōmaundemēt ¶ Thou salte not couet thy neyghbours house neyther shalt thou desyre thy neyghbours wyfe his man seruant his mayde his oxe his asse or any thynge that is his Quest. What meanest thou by the fyrste cōmaundement Answ. I know therby that I am cōmaunded to beleue to truste to cleue to the lorde which promyseth hym selfe to be my god to worshipe and to loue hym alone with all my herte mynde and power of my soule and that it is he onely of whom al godnes is geuen me and vnto whom I muste fle and call vpon in all my troble for he only delyuereth me Quest. what meanest thou by the secunde cōmaūdement Ans. Euen as the wordes shew playnly for whē the lorde spoke vnto you sayth Moysed in the fourth of deutronomie then se ye no image or simylytude of hym leaste ye deceyued sholde make you images The voice of his wordes ye herde but as for ony shap or similitude of him in no maner of wyse haue ye sene ye shal not make you syluer goddes neyther golden goddes shall ye make you Exodi the xx.c Also ye shall make me an altare of Erth but yf ye wyl neades make it of stones yet shal ye not hewe them for yf ye set any instrument of yerne to them then shall they be defyled All this I beleue was ernestly spoken with so many wordes to auoide al karuynge and curyosite in settynge forth of imagꝭ to be worshypped as gods when Chri●t declarynge the same sayde that the very true worshipers ar they that worship the father in spirite of truthe for god is a spyrite Ioh the .iiij. Q. For as much thā as god is a spirite and maye not be imagined of our wyttes howe shall we knowe hym Ans. Faythe and truste fynde hym when we are in parell and shew hym vnto vs and yet this fayth to fynde hym muste he geue vs for yf we gete vs a fayth of our owne fasshonynge wherby we beleue and truste in ony other thynge then god then make we vs an ydole for it is the faythe and trust only in our hertes that maketh other god or ydole for yf oure faythe and truste be ryght and pure then haue we the very true god but yf it be false and fayned then muste we neades fayne vs a false and a lyenge god for true fayth and god ar ioyned to gyder with one knotte so that in what so euer thynge thou trustest and beleauest that same is thy god here now maist thou well se that in these two fyrst cōmaūdmētꝭ god requireth asketh all our hoole hertes and in the thyrde he asketh our mouthes and tongues to be vsed for his prayse and holynes of his name Q. Why what meanest thou by the thyrde cōmaundemēt An. Then take I the the name of god in vayne when I vse to confyrme a lye or to hurte my neighbour ye when neither by it god is glorified nor yet my neighbour by it ꝓfited Also yf I fle not to him for helpe in my trouble nor thanke hym for his benefites in my prosperite welthe then take I his name in vayne Also if I entende do not all thyngꝭ for his names glory then take I his name in vayne Q. What meanest thou by the fourth cōmaundemēt A. I sanctifye the Sabboth daye when I gyue my selfe whole to heare the holy scripture taughte me or to reade it and so occeupye my mynde in it or when I geue my selfe to any other holye workes or as Esaye faythe when I ceasse to do myne owne wyll or to folowe my nowne wayes although they appere to me ryght gloriouse and good for thus me thynketh the Prophete expoundeth this poynte of the lawe in the .lviij. chapitour And for the fulfyllynge of these two laste named Preceptes we praye sayeng Thy name be halowed and thy wyl be fulfylled and not oures Thus mayste thou se these fyrste foure preceptes to pertayne to the glorye of God and to the halowynge of his name ¶ The Question Wherfore then commaundeth he the other syxe The answere For our neyghbours helthe and profite to serue them and especiallye our Father and Mother whom nexte god we oughte to honoure to reuerence to obaye to counforte to helpe and to folowe theyr godlye monycyons and instructions ¶ The Question What meanest thou by the other An. That in no maner of wyse I shulde hurte my neyghbour But to do to hym as I wolde be done vnto no not to desyre or to couet any thynge of his The Quest. why is thought then synne The Answere Ye verely for so expoundeth our sauiour that saw in the fyfte chapitour of Mathew sayenge that who so euer casteth his lye wātonly vpon a nother mans wyfe desyryng hir hath cōmytted aduoutry with hir alredye in his herte Quest. Why are we all synners then and haue we all broken godꝭ cōmaundemētes Ans. We are all synners and haue neade of the mercy of god yf we were not all synners the mercy of god shold take none effecte in vs wherfore the scrypture concludeth that all men are synners that as manye as shall be saued sholde be saued by goddes mercye onely ¶ A prayer for the molifieng and suplyeng of our harde hertes the lyghtnynge of our blynde hertes and the true cōuertyng of our impenitente hertes O Most mercyfull father which by the mouthe of our swete sauyoure Iesu Christe saydeste vnto vs. Math. vij Aske and it shall be geuen vnto you seke and ye shall fynde knocke and it shall be opened vnto you psal C.xlij. Here I beseche the my prayer receyue my supply catyon in to thyne cares for thy trouthes sake heare me in thy ryghtwysnes Da. ix For not in our ryghtwisnes do we lay forth our prayers before the our most blessed father but in thy mandfolde mercyes .ij. Cor. j. Heare therfore our prayers oh father of mercies god of al cōsolacion Haue mercy vpon vs thy most wretched chyldren and vpon me most wretched of all lorde father I aske the mercy Molifie and make softe our harde hertes ble●sed father whiche be indured hardened with the cursed custome of synne and wretchednes myne most harde of al lorde father I aske y● mercy Molifie them bl●●sed father with the swete due of thy grace fulfyll thy promesse made vnto vs by thy prophet Hieremie Hie. xxxvi Take away from vs moste blessed father this stonyshe herte and geue vs a flesshen herte a softe herte an