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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A88080 The glorious truth of redemption by Jesus Christ, rescued out of the hand or unrighteousnes. Or the doctrine of redemption rightly stated: wherein, 1. All Arminian and Pelagian glosses and absurdities are refuted. 2. All carnal allegations and reasonings silenc'd. 3. All concern'd scriptures seemingly discording, reconcil'd. 4. The doctrine of redemption clearly held forth, according to the harmony of scripture, and analogie of faith. By W.L. Levitt, William. 1652 (1652) Wing L1828; Thomason E681_7; ESTC R206784 25,340 46

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The glorious Truth of Redemption BY Jesus Christ Rescued out of the Hand of UNRIGHTEOUSNES OR The Doctrine of Redemption rightly stated WHEREIN 1. All Arminian and Pelagian glosses and absurdities are resuted 2. All carnal allegations and reasonings silenc'd 3. All concern'd Scriptures scemingly discording reconcil'd 4. The Doctrine of Redemption clearly held forth according to the harmony of Scripture and Analogie of Faith By W. L. Rom. 1. 18. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men which with-hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness Gal. 1 7. Which is not another Gospel but there are some which trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ 2 Pet. 3. 16. Among which some things are hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do other Scriptures to their own destruction LONDON Printed for the Author 1653. To the Worshipful Henry Langley Dr of Divinity Canon of Christ-church and Principal of Pembrook Colledge in Oxford SIR THat undeserved respect those worthless Papers of mine which came to your hand received hath emboldned me to come now a begging to the University Although it's sad to have the Father to seek when the Child is come into the World especially to a poor mother Yet this is the condition of this poor Infant which however by Divine Providence having received a Being yet is both naked and bare and unless countenanc'd cover'd and nourish'd by your care and charity it must needs remain despicable and cast out to common odium Shall I therefore commend and commit the care thereof or rather freely bestow it on you This I am sure of it will be well provided for if once under your Roof and if you as willingly entertain it as I beg However let it receive such accomodation as seems best in the eys of so skilful a Nurse I know the Herods of our times will be hunting after it but my care is over when once under yours Sir To deal plainly this poor Paper I know will meet with much opposition therefore I as boldly as humbly tender it to your protection and as I do it out of that due Respect I owe to your self so I also aim by this broken and patch'd piece to prompt and provoke some of the able Champions of the Truths of Christ to set upon a more learned and perfect Vindication of that precious Truth of Redemption so much prevaricated and adulterated in our days And give me leave to give you a little encouragement to own it although a Mephibosheth yet it 's of the Royal Race nobly descended as legitimate as any begotten by the immortal seed of holy Scripture able to derive its Pedigree from and before Adam was Therefore setting aside all excuses I once more entreat its entertainment or else I must shamelesly leave it at your Dore to the mercy of the wide world yet comforted that there cannot be less pity harboured in your heart then was found in Pharaoh's Daughter I crave leave to pay that old debt due ever since I knew you viz. William Levitt The glorious Truth of Redemption By Jesus Christ Rescued out of the Hand of UNRIGHTEOUSNES 1 COR. 15. 22. For as in Adam all dy even so in Christ shall all be made alive ROM 5. 18. Likewise as by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by the justifying of one the benefit abounded to all men to the justification of life FRom these and such like Scriptures men of corrupt and unstable minds with Pel●gius Armi●ius and others in all Ages have drawn corrupt and unsou●d conclusions so that that grand Gospel Truth of Redemption by Jesus Christ as held forth in the holy Scriptures wherein the honour of God and comfort of his Saints are pri●cipally concerned is so exceedingly prevaricated that little of either appeareth For the removal of which evils take notice of the fond conceits of some yea too many in our times wrested from such Scriptures 1. Some hence affirm and that boldly that Jesus Christ came to save all men with an eternal salvation 2. Others there are conclude hence that Jesus Christ by his death freed all men from the guilt of Adam's transgression and consequently from the punishment due thereunto which as they say is only temporal from Gen. 3. 19. Dust thou art and to the dust thou shalt return 3. A third sort there are and of these although very many yet more skilful to deceive who hence publikely teach that Jesus Christ by his death hath discharged all mankinde from the eternal condemnation due to Adam's transgression yea and many of them although of as strong abilities as plausible conversations yet make it their study to maintain this Brat of their own breeding although they stretch both their brains as well as the Scriptures upon the Tenters of their opinion till they rend both asunder The unsoundness of all which opinions with their several absurdities are clearly manifested in the ensuing discourse and the doctrine of Redemption rightly held forth as founded upon the holy Scriptures both Prophets and Apostles nay Christ himself all agreeing in this necessary truth that neither the Death Resurrection Ascension or Intercession of Christ ever was or shall be beneficial to any but such as lay hold upon him by a true and lively faith according to John 3. 15 16. So God loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Where we see 1. The moving cause God's love 2. That Jesus Christ was the Father's free gift 3. The extent of God's love to the world terminated in the Believers who only have benefit by Christ Yea and this an act of free grace when he might justly have sent all to hell Come we now to the opinions themselves For the first That Jesus Christ came to save all men with an eternal salvation as well from actual as original sin This is so point blank against the very current of Scripture that few or none in their right senses dare owne it the Authors thereof being for the most part either ignorant or profane men not at all acquainted with the holy Scriptures which speak a clean contrary language as John 5. 29. And they shall come forth that have done good to the resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation So also Matth. 25. 34. Then shall the King say to them on the right hand Come ye blessed of my Father Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world c. v. 41. Then shall he say to them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire c. So also Mark 16. 16. and hundreds of Scriptures more But this not worth time Come to the second That Jesus Christ by his death hath freed all men from the guilt of Adam's transgression which they say procured
the Lord over all his creatures as is clearly held forth in Rom. 9. 21 22. 2. If men of themselves have free-will then the will of God is not only resisted but utterly rejected contrary to the priviledge the Master hath of his servant the power a Father hath over his children and contrary to the great soveraignty of God whose will indeed is uncontrollable and irresistable viz. his decreeing Will what he determines shall come to pass Psal 148. 6. Jer. 5. 22. Luk. 22. 22. Acts 2. 23. Rom. 9. 19. Ezek. 12. 25. 8. That this Doctrine destroys the very end of Christs coming in the Flesh appears For The main end of Christs coming in the flesh was to destroy the body of sin the works of the Divel his blood being the purchase of his Church and applicable to none Rom. 6. 6. Acts 20. 28. but Believers such as drink it by faith Titus 2. 14. Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and purge us to be a peculiar people to himself zealous of good works So that for whom he dies he redeems as well from all iniquity as death he never procures pardon but for his purged ones whom he purifies with his blood he came not only to save from original but actual transgression he being a perfect Saviour His end was not only to be made sin for us but that we might be made righteous in him For those for whom he Rom. 3. 25. died for them also he rose again Them whom he justifies 1 Pet. 2. 24. with his blood he sanctifies with his Spirit and them also glorifies But this opinion tells us he dyed for millions 2 Cor. 5. 21. that never partake in his Resurrection Intercession who he neither sanctifies nor glorifies and so destroys the main end of all he hath done and suffered for the sons of m●n Come we now to answer those Objections and Allegations of men contrary minded Object If this be not the meaning of such Scriptures that Christ dyed for all mankinde what then is their right sense Answ For that 1 Cor. 15. 22. As in Adam all dy even so in Christ shall all be made alive it hath no relation at all to the Doctrine of Redemption but of the Resurrection the Apostle discoursing upon that subject and so it 's true as in Adam all dy so by the power of Christ's death and resurrection shall all be raised out of the grave he being the first fruits of those that sleep Nevertheless some shall arise to the resurrection of life others to the resurrection of condemnation John 5. 29. So that some are so far from being made alive to eternity that they arise to receive the sentence and doom of everlasting death and torment But suppose this place had intended the doctrine of Redemption by Jesus Christ as that Rom. 5. 18. and other Scriptures do speaking in general terms yet we must take heed of making every particular Scripture it s own Interpreter for no Scripture is of private interpretation the spirits of the Prophets being subject to the Prophets 2 Peter 1. 20 therefore we must compare one Scripture with another lest we utterly destroy that sweet and holy harmony that is to be found even in Scriptures seemingly opposite one to the other and then such places will hold forth this truth that as all that perish perish in Adam so all that are saved are saved by Christ or as all that dy viz. eternally dy in Adam so all that live viz. eternally live in and by Christ For all do not dy eternally in Adam so all do not live eternally by Christ Although there be sufficiency in the blood of Christ for ten thousand worlds yet it becomes efficacious to none but such as lay hold upon him by faith his elect his chosen ones before the world began Such who are given to him by the Father out of the world who are but a remnant a little flock compared with those that perish The intent of such Scriptures being to declare the way and means of salvation and damnation not the number of those that are either saved or perish the mistake lying chiefly in the mis-interpretation of the word all and world which are in Scripture diversly to be accepted as appears in the ensuing discourse All in Scripture often put for many and few for none as in Phil. 2. 21. All seek their own things but none the things of Christ whereas blessed be God there are many that do principally seek the things of Christ not their owne Object But if some be Elect and some Reprobate how are mens destruction said to be of themselves as in Hos 13. 9. 2 Pet. 2. 1. Answ 1 Because God gave us at first power in Adam to stand which we having wilfully lost the Lord may justly charge us with the guilt of our owne blood for all our actual transgressions and rebellions are fruits and effects of that original pollution 2. By reason there is in all that perish a desperate heart of impenitency and unbelief implacably bent against God despising and rejecting all means of grace and salvation men of reprobate minds who shall never be able to say at last at the great and general day Lord I would have believed and repented but thy Decree of Reprobation kept me back for such men know 1. That they were ignorant whether they were in the compass of that Decree 2. Their own Consciences shall tell them although it was their duty to wait upon God in the use of all means of grace and although they sate many yeers under the droppings of Divine dispensations yet they utterly abhorred all means and opportunities of grace whatsoever and chose rather to perish then to be saved by Christ For this is to be noted that Scripture saith not that God gives reprobate minds to any but that he gives them over to reprobate minds which all men naturally are of God infuses not sin but reprobates 1. By permission suffering men to go on in their sins 2. By subduction withdrawing or with-holding the gifts and graces of his Spirit he being a free Agent and not bound to bestow his graces to any therefore whom he intends and purposes to save to them he gives the grace of faith and repentance others he passes by it being his Prerogative Royal to have mercy on whom he will have mercy it being an effect of mercy that any at all are saved 3. By Tradition delivering men up to the hardness of their own hearts and power of their own lusts saying to the filthy be thou filthy still and to the unholy be thou unholy still Rev. 22. 11. and this a just judgement of God upon them Object If it be not in mens power to repent and believe why is impenitency or unbelief charged upon them as their sin Answ 1 As before God gave us power to stand after he had created us in a holy and innocent estate 2. Unbelief is a sin
men to the justification of life John 4. 42. This indeed is the Christ the Saviour of the world John 1. 29. Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world Mark 16. 16. He that believes and is baptised shall be saved he that believes not shall be damned John 3. 15 16. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life He that believes not is condemned already John 1. 5 19. The whole world lies in wickedness John 7. 7. The world cannot hate you but me it hateth 1 John 4. 14. And we have seen and do testifie that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world 1 John 2. 2. And not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world 2 Cor. 5. 9. That God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself Gal. 3. 8. In thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed John 3. 17. That the world through him might be saved John 6. 33 51. Ana giveth life unto the world Which I will give for the life of the world Other Scriptures of like concernment John 12. 47. 15. 18 19. Rom. 4. 13. 11. 12 15. 8 32. Acts 3. 16 25. Gal. 3 28. 2 Pet. 3 9. Ezek. 18. 32. 33. 11. Prov. 1 30. Mat. 23. 57. Luke 1. 7. 1 Tim. 2. 4. 2 Pet. 3 9. c. John 14. 17. Whom the world cannot receive John 17. 2 9. Thou hast given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to them thou hast given him I pray not for the world but for them thou hast given me out of the world Mat 15 24. I am not sent but to the lost sheep of Israel Rom 11 7 Then Israel hath not obtain'd but the election Rom 9 27 Though Israel be as the sand yet but a remnant shall be saved Eph. 1. 4 5. Chosen us in him before the foundation of the world John 10. 15. I lay down my life for my sheep Jude 4. Men of old pre-ordained to destruction Other concern'd Scriptures Mat. 20. 16. 24. 22 24. 29. 34. Luke 13. 23. 1. 68. 18. 17. Mar. 13. 20 22 27. Act 13. 18. Rom. 8 29 30 33 9 11 23. 11. 5. Tit. 1. 1 2. 1 Pet. 1. 2 20. 2 Pet. 1. 10. Eph. 3. 11. 1. 4 9. 2 Tim. 1. 9 Rev. 14. 4. Gal. 5 17. Forasmuch as that 1 Cor. 15. 22. first mentioned to maintain that pernicious doctrine of Universal Redemption hath no relation at all to the doctrine of Redemption but of the Resurrection I shall not speak much to it only this It 's true that by the power of Christ's death and resurrection all men both godly and wicked shall arise at that great and terrible day of the Lord but withal consider that as some shall arise to the resurrection of life so also others to the resurrection of condemnation the day of resurrection is so far from being any benefit to unbelievers as that it 's only the taking them out of prison to receive their last and dreadful doom and so to be hurried to the place of execution But as for all other Scriptures that seem to plead this heresie if we compare them with others we shall finde them directly opposite to that opinion For as it is said the Lord Christ bealed all sicknesses and diseases and evert one possessed with divels c. in like sense he dyed for all and becomes a Saviour to all to wit all that are given to him and come to him by Faith For as millions of men in the world never received cure by Christ of their corporal diseases that neither came nor were brought to him so millions perish that never lay hold upon Christ by faith his blood being beneficial to none but such as come to him and eat his flesh and drink his blood by faith It 's unreasonable contrary to harmony of Scripture derogatory to the excellency of the blood and merit of Christ overthrows the omnipotency and very being of God denies his soveraignty over the creature tramples under foot that precious doctrine of election and predestination makes the eternal decree of God of no effect destroys the doctrine of free grace and instead thereof sets up free-will or a Law of works as already hath been plainly manifested with many other gross absurdities attending to hold that Christ shed his blood for all universally and indefinitely that he hath freed all from the guilt of Adam's transgression and puts every man into a state of innocency that all men have power to stand or fall to repent and believe c. But that Christ laid down his life for his sheep for those whom God the Father hath given him out of the world for all that believe that many are called but few chosen that Christ's flock is a little flock that none but the elect nay the elect of Israel obtain mercy that but a remnant even of Israel shall be saved that certain men are elected and chosen to be vessels of honour and some pre-ordained to condemnation before the world was that no man can come to Christ unless drawn to him by God the Father that we are not able of our selves to think a good thought that it's God that works in us both to will and to do of his good pleasure that we are all by nature children of wrath and disobedience dead i● trespasses and sins that faith is the gift of God and that without faith none can receive the least benefit by the death resurrection or intercession of Christ that all men dying in a state of unbelief perish eternally that the ungodly and hypocrite shall be in hell tormented for ever while the godly and such as believe in the Lord Christ shall reign● with him eternally in glory This Scripture clearly holds forth as by comparing one Scripture with another he that runs may read The main cause of this error as aforesaid is a misconstruction and mis-interpretation of the words all and world which are severally accepted for even the elect may be called the world not unaptly considered in themselves being very many Rev. 7. 4. read there of an hundred forty and four thousand of the Tribes of Israel sealed and verse 9. a great multitude whom none could number and yet all these compared with those that perish but a remnant a little flock and in this sense is the word world to be taken in 1 John 29. and 2 Cor. 5. 19. and divers other places And whereas it is said As in Adam all dy even so in Christ shall all be made alive If that Scripture had any reference at all to the doctrine of Redemption it should be thus interpreted That as all that dy eternally dy in Adam so all that live eternally live in Christ the way and cause of salvation being there intended not the number that are to