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A66866 The unlimited God, not limited by any of the children of light, but by them who are in the darkness and straitness, such would be limiting the unlimited God from the Spirit of the Lord is this given forth, that all such may read with the eye which is not busie, nor looks into things above its reach : from one who becomes all to all, to gain some to Christ ... : also, a warning, and a charge from the Lord God, to all the Baptists teachers every where ... : also, a true discovery of the way to the kingdome within ... / given forth from the Spirit of the Lord, in Humphry Wollrich ... Wollrich, Humphry, 1633?-1707. 1659 (1659) Wing W3303; ESTC R39138 18,663 24

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for betraying his Lord as many of this Nations teachers do for money O England that thou wouldest but consider lest this glorious day of Gods everlasting light and love passe over you and the night come when thou canst not work therefore all you prophane ones that seem to be religious but your tongue is yet at liberty and unbridled O what will ye do upon your death beds Where will ye hide your selves when the Judgement begins in the Temple and the songs of the house be turned into howling what will ye do and how will ye give an account for every idle word which ye in your life time have spoken for which ye have been condemned by Gods Witnesse in your Consciences you that live in sinne and not in Christ and cannot cease from sinne it is because they are gone from the power even the light of the world which is the way of righteousnesse in which whosoever walks stumbles not nor sins not the well is neer come down into the deep come to the Rock eat honey and be satisfied and let your souls delight it self in fatnesse love not the world nor the pleasures delights and vanities thereof but love the light which is not of the world for if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him But thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and this is the strait way and a gate too narrow for any lustfull one to walk in the vain talker is not here it is a path too narrow for all them which are speaking of Christ the strait way but themselves their tongues and their hearts at liberty in the flesh And O that you would consider you that spend your dayes in vanity will not this prove bondage and bitternesse in the latter end O that you were wise to lay it to heart That you would consider your latter end the glorious liberty which is not in the flesh nor in the lusts thereof which the servants and Sons of God enjoy whom you are accusing as the worst of men did you but possesse one day surely you would cast away all your lovers and say What have I to do any more with Idols I call you all to partake with me who are afar off and separated from the Lord by sin as I have sometime long been and in that state I was reading and studdying the Scriptures and the vail being over my heart I could not see them for they were a parable to me as now they are to you But now hath the Lord in his unsearchable loving kindnesse which is great towards me and I cannot utter it hath revealed his Sonne in me which makes manifest and reveals the Father yea he hath commanded his light to shine out of darknesse which was vailed over in my heart while I was in darknesse and could not comprehend it therein I say it was his love to me when I was in hatred and enmity against him following the imaginations of my evil heart and being in captivity and bondage to diverse hists and sin was entred and death by sin reigned over the seed to whom all the Promises were the seed is Christ the Son of God and the grace of God and manifestation which bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men and did all but obey it not rebel against it or grieve it it would be a sufficient Saviour of it self to every man and this you must all feel working rising and operating in your hearts and in meekness and lowliness of mind must ye receive this ingrafted Word that ye may grow thereby and here is the true growth in grace rather then words or wisedom in purity and power rather then in a painted profession of which there is enough and too much in the world because they are sayers and not doers professing Christ which they possess not And oh how sad is it to hear people saying They hope to be saved by Christ and that they are accepted with God in Christ Jesus and yet this hope doth not purifie them as he is pure and so must needs be but as a Spiders web for sin is a shame for any people but all who comes to know the true hope which is Christ in you the hope of glory it makes not ashamed for it purifies the heart and redeems man both out of sin and shame and what is your faith that leaves you thus in this world and gives you not victory over it is not your faith vain and all vain while Christ is not risen in you you are in your sins and your righteousness is it any better if so good as the Scribes and Pharisees which made clean the out-side but inwardly are full of all abomination therefore come to that and feel the Lords Talent in you and hide it no longer in the earth but improve it to the utmost for that will not be to give an account with joy but grief this talent is the grace and light of Christ which to every man and woman hath appeared and this is not common grace as your Teachers tell you but it is the saving grace and would save every man and would not the death of any man did they but obey it and not always rebel against it therefore hear this all yet rebels even to you I speak which have long grieved and vexed the good Spirit of the Lord with whom he is yet striving be ye never so wicked and vile though your sins be as red as scarlet and though you have deeply corrupted your selves and your spot is not the spot of his children to you I say in the Spirit of the Lord give not sentence against your selves by saying Your wound is incurable yea though you have betrayed and crucified the innocent in you do not say that your punishment is greater then can be born nor your sin greater then can be forgiven for be ye as far off as ever the Prodigal was or as far off as ever I sometime was yet if ye do but say in your heart I have sinned and it profiteth me not I will go and return to my Fathers house against whom I have sinned the father himself will come out to meet you as he did me even I who was disobedient and afar off being led away of divers lusts which ruled in my heart while the God of this world had blinded my eye which should have seen my Saviour and then shewed and smote me for in my Conscience even me hath he gathered off the mountains to himself yea he hath brought me very neer and reconciled to himself by the blood of his Son that I might make known unto you his everlasting kindness in calling sinners to repentance while they are in their sins and that in the mouth of two or three Witnesses this Truth may be confirmed to you all I with Ezekiel and Peter do set to my Seal and bring in my Testimony
war and against you all is it already proclaimed and your utter destruction and ruine is determined of the Lord God of power unlesse ye come down to the light in your Consciences and take hold of that which is his strength and so make peace and agree with your adversary quickly while he is in the way He is not come to bring salve for you but a sword not to build but to destroy and pull down the wall you have built that 's daubed with untempered morter Now is the Sword of the Lord drawn and made ready for the slaughter and shall be bathed in Heaven and made fat with the bloud of Bulls Rams and Goats even in the blond of all them who are in the stubborn fighting and tearing nature which have devoured grieved and oppressed the innocent lambs and scattered the sheep of my Fathers pasture now is the axe laid to the trees root which hath cumbred the ground read within Christ the light of the world which lighteth every man and Satan hath been exalted in the temple of God and in you hath shewed and sate as God and upon the land of my people is come up thorns and briars and man which was made upright and perfect is gone from the light within in which he was created and hath sought on t many inventions and there hath been seeking the Lord in his thoughts where God was not to be found Come all you Professors Priests and people and Magistrates to the light in you for there is a way in the wilderness which no other eye can see read Job 28.7 if you have an ear to hear there is a path which no fowl knoweth and which the Vulters eye hath not seen the Lions whelp hath not trodden it nor the fierce Lion passed by it Isai 35.8 in the habitation of Dragons an highway shall be there and a way and it shall be called the way of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it but the redeemed of the Lord shall return and walk therein and the ransomed of the Lord shall come to Sion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads they shall obtain joy gladness sorrow and sighing shall flee away in this day shall be fulfilled that which is written by the Prophet With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of Salvation Isai 12.5 Sing unto the Lord for he hath done excellent things this is known in all the earth cry out and shout thou inhabitant of Sion for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee and then shall the mountain of the Lords House be established on the top of all the mountains of Israel where the sheep have been scattered even when the Lord hath thorowly purged away your dross and taken away all your Tin and Sion redeemed with judgement and her converts with righteousness mark your body is the house where judgement must begin and the destruction of the transgressors and sinners shall be together they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed for they shall be as an Oak whose leaf fadeth and as a garden that hath no water read and understand Isai the first The wise men with the ear that can hear and the strong shall be as tow and the maker of it as a spark and they shall both burn together and none shall quench them And I will restore thy Judges as at the first and thy Counsellors as at the beginning Remember Moses the Judge and Counsellor who was faithful in all his house afterwards thou shalt be called the Citie of righteousness the faithful Citie and this is that new Jerusalem which is free and the Mother of us all and the Citie and the way wherein no unclean thing shall enter but they that have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Consider this all ye that speak of being justified by Christ but live at ease and pleasure and are yet in your sins Rev. 7.13 And one of the Elders answered saying unto me What are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they And he said to me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have followed me in the regeneration and are come from far out of the degeneration and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple consider there is no night there and he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst any more neither shall the Sun light on them nor any heat mark ye hot Professors for the Lamb that is in the midt of the Throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and these are they which sing the new song who are passed from the old things from death to life and stand before the Throne of God and these have the new name even their Fathers Name and the Name of the City of their God which name none knows but they that have it written in their foreheads and here is our joy and our glorying is not in the flesh nor our boasting in self but we glory in God and our souls shall make their boasts in the Lord this shall trouble the prond but the humble shall hear thereof and be glad That we know our Redeemer liveth and our election made sure unto us which cannot be deceived and our Names written in the Lambs Book of life before the foundation of the world was laid in mans heart oh every one that hungreth and thirsteth eat of the bread which satisfies and feed no longer nor spend your money for that which satisfies not come all to the waters which he hath shewed us as he did to John Rev. 22.1 A pure river of water of life clear as chrystal proceeding out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb in the midst of the streets of it come down to the eye and see the River that hath streets and of either side of the River was there the tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruits and yeeldeth her fruit every moneth and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the Nations This is the first resurrection the first and the last the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end and abides a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedeck without beginning of days or end of life Consider this all ye that are accusing us for denying the resurrection but are yet in your sins and have no part in the first resurrection which we are witnesses of for they are blessed and holy that hath part of the first resurrection for on such the curse death and hell hath no power blessed are they that do his Commandments yea more blessed then they that talk of them for they shall have right to this
River and an entrance shall be ministred to this tree of Life which grows in the midst of the Paradise of God here are those glorious things witnessed and known in them in whom Christ is glorified which are spoken of the City of our glorious God into which none shall enter but such as are purified and made glorious within it s not every one that saith Lord Lord that shall enter in Hear O ye Professors but such as do the will of my Father which is in Heaven the Kingdome is within and none but the pure in heart can see it but are crying Lo here and lo there contrary to Christs doctrine which saith Go not out after them the kingdom is within the seed even the light of the world was within the Jews and was sown in them but not grown in them which did crucifie him Matth. 24. Read and see whether your Teachers be not the same false Teachers deceivers and false Christs which Christ said had the sheeps clothing but were inwardly ravened and did not walk in but hated the light wherewith he had lighted them because their deeds were evil In the Epistle of John John sayes Little Children ye have heard say Antichrist shall come in the last time by this we know it is the last time for many Antichrists are come already And in the Revelations ye may read That the World went out and wondered after the Beast and false Prophet and said Who is able to make war with the Beast which made war with the Lamb and slew the Saints and them which kept the testimony of Jesus And this is that Mystery of Iniquity which began to work in the Apostles dayes even Mystery Babylon the great that had in her hand a golden cup full of Fornication and Abomination and the Beast carried her which made all Nations multitudes tongues and people Drunk with the wine of her Fornication and this is 16. hundred years since John said they were come which Christ said should come and the world went after them and they that would not receive the mark of the Beast and fall down to those Laws which he made then and ever since have been looked upon as deceivers and have been excommunicated burnt and tortured and have not been suffered to buy or sell for this many Generations these went out from the true Apostles which preached freely and coveted no mans silver gold or apparrel Paul said They preached for filthy lucre their god was their belly and their end destruction and from such turn away who have a forme but not the power Peter sayes Wo unto them for they ran greedily after the errour of Balaam 2 Pet. 2.14 15. And loved the wages of unrighteousnesse John who preached freely said They went out from them who were in the power and light of Christ Mark they went out from us who were in the light which is not of the world into the world they went and the world loved them and heard them because they were gone from the light which reproves the deeds of the world but had the words and the form as the true Apostles had these the world went and wondred after and these were they that was like Jannes and Jambres which Paul complained of 2 Tim. 3.8 5. Having a form of godlinesse but denied the power thereof and life thereof from such turn away And these are they that tell you you cannot be made perfect while you live and creep into Steeple-houses and your old Masse-houses when they have got an Order from the Beast or received his Mark from Oxford and Camebridge and there they learn the Letter Hebrew Greek and Latine and set that as the Jewes did above Christ and would not come unto him that they might have life and so they are become Ministers and feed people with the Letter and Minister that instead of Christ And herein they are preaching and doing like the Ministers of Christ as Jannes and Jambres Pharaohs Inchanters did Exodus 7.11 So that there is nothing in the true Church which is in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ but there is the likeness in Babylon the false Church and synagogue of Satan there is preaching praying and singing among swearers lyars and drunkards as there was amongst the holy Saints but it is done by another power and Spirit as Pharaohs Inchanters did who was acted by the dark power of Egypt and not by Christ as Moses was Now Moses declared saying A Prophet like unto me shall the Lord God raise up in the midst of your brethren him shall you hear in what soever he saith unto you So all that hearken not to Christ Esay 55.1 which saith Every one that thisteth come ye to the waters and him that hath no money come ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and milk without money or without price wherefore do ye spend your money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which satisfies not incline your ears and come unto me hear and your souls shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you even the sure mercies of David Consider this how long your Ministers have fed you with the Letter which killeth instead of the Spirit which giveth life is the Letter the Water here spoken of or is it the bread which satisfies seeing you have been feeding so long at your Teachers table and not come to the knowledge of the Truth which is Christ the Bread and giveth life to the Soul Consider and deal plainly with your selves doth not the Lord say That all his children shall be taught by him and he will write his law in their hearts and put his fear in their inward parts Jer. 31.31 33. And I will be their God and they shall be my people and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them unto the greatest and I will forgive their iniquities and I will remember their sins no more saith the Lord. Therefore all turn into the Light and walk in the light of the Lord and prise this day of your Visitation before it be hid from your eyes And from the Lord God this is a warning to you all that you own that which smites you in your Consciences obey it follow it and love it which discerneth and sheweth you when there is but an evil thought ariseth in you as I said before not to bring peace but a sword to convince the World of sin and with his sword to cut down the man of sin and to bring to light the hidden things of dishonesty and to search out the hidden things of Esau whom God hateth Esaus nature is the same as ever it was Judas and Cain is yet alive in all the children of Disobedience and betrayers of the Lord they are all which are in their sins though they are preaching against Cain for killing his brother Judas