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A56126 A tryall of a Christian shewing that it is not the outward name of Christian that differs from a heathen, but the inward life and nature ... / by Alexander Parker. Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Watkins, Morgan, fl. 1653-1670. 1658 (1658) Wing P389; ESTC R35393 33,144 44

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to the truth and witness the glory of his power revealed in me praises praises to his name for ever therefore do deny all the worlds glory and honour pleasure and profit and esteem it great riches to be worthy to suffer persecution and reproach with his dear people who are reviled of the world and scornfully called Quakers but known to me by another name and I to them by the same but to the world by Morgan Watkins A TRYAL OF A CHRISTIAN It is not the outward name of Christian that differs from a heathen but the inward life and nature TRy your selves with the touch-stone of Truth all you who bear the name and are professed Christians see and read within with a single eye whether you be in Truth what you profess in words and have the nature and life of Christ manifest in you or you have the bare name and are one in nature and life with the heathens the day is dawned which doth discover each name and nature and it is not the outward name of a Christian that will avail where the life and nature of Christ is wanting Many there be who are called Christians because they have been sprinkled with outward water which hath been called baptizing into the faith and into the Church but all are not Christians who are so called it is not the outward name nor the outward sprinkling or dipping that doth make a true Christian no more then the outward name and the outward Circumcision did make a true Jew as it is written by the Christians He is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcission which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter So it is of a Christian not the outward washing or sprinkling but the inward washing with the blood or life of Jesus whereby the heart is sprinkled from an evil conscience and the body washed with pure water so as many as are baptized into Christ by the holy Ghost have put on Christ and are one in Christ one heart one mind one soul and are like unto Christ in name and nature they bear his Image and his name is written in their foreheads and they are marked and known to be his and followers of him by their meekness and lamb-like harmlesness by their gentleness patience and long suffering by their soberness and temperance moderation and vertuous chaste conversations by their humility and true love one toward another these are tokens and marks of a true Christian but all those who have the name of Christians and profess God and Christ and scriptures and do not live according to what they do profess but are in nature like unto the heathens and so they are marked out and known by their fruits All those that live in rage envy wrath and malice these are marks of a heathen and not of a Christian and they are of their Father the Devil and bears his mark in their foreheads so every one doth bear the image of him that begat him There are two births the one from above the other from below that from above is pure and that from below is impure and these are contrary one to the other even as light and darkness all the Children that are begotten of God who is pure and born of the spirit are hated and persecuted by them who are begotten by the Devil and born of the flesh and so as it was in former ages they that were born after the flesh did persecute them that were born of the spirit even so it is now in this age but they that were born of the spirit did never persecute any but did bear and suffer even as Christ the forerunner hath lest an example and all that follow him and will live godly in him they must suffer persecution for it can be no otherwise for enmity is put between the two seeds and there is no agreement nor fellowship betwixt them so every child is of the nature of him that begat him All the Children of God who are born from above they bear Gods Image and are like unto their father as the Lord is righteous and just and loves truth and righteousness and cannot behold but hates iniquity even so all his children they are pure and loves truth and righteousness and cannot have fellowship with the unfruitful workers of darkness but it is a burden and a grief to be in company with the wicked and presses and grievs their righteous spirits as it did just Lot who was grieved with the sins of Sodom hearing and seeing their wickedness and profaneness it grieved his righteous spirit day by day so it is with the Children of God what their father loves they love and what he hates they hate also But the Children of the wicked one who are born from below are contrary in nature to the Children of the holy one and bears a contrary Image and so contrary fruits and are of the same nature with their father the wicked one which is the devil who is unclean and hates the truth and loves iniquity so all his children are naturally inclined to evil and hates the truth and lives in iniquity and loves darkness rather then the light because their deeds be evil and so are under the wo and condemnation aliens and strangers from the living God and from the covenant of promise for the wicked have no right unto the promises of life but their portion is wo and misery in the lake of fire Now thou that reads this read within thy self with that of God in thee which is light and it will let thee see whose child thou art and whose Image thou bears whether the Image of the holy one or the Image of the wicked one and what thy nature is inclined unto whether to good or to evil and whether thou takest delight in the Law of God and his commandments or whether thy delight be in the things of the world which fades away whosoever thou art whether Professor or prophane one thou canst not serve two masters thou canst not be heir of two kingdoms thou canst not have enjoy the love of God and the love of the world at one time for the love and friendship of the world is enmity against God therefore saith the Apostle love not the world neither the things that be in the world for if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him for the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eye and the pride of life this is not of God but of the world and if thy heart and affections be hankring after the things of the world whether gold or silver lands or livings wife or children goods or cattel pleasures or earthly honour or seeking earthly preferment if thy love be drawn away to any of these earthly things and there takes pleasure and delight thou art not a childe
life of the Heathen and the pure law of equity is set up to do to all as they would be done unto according to the doctrine of Christ and all who walk according to this light though they bear the name of Heathens yet their heathenism who keep the Law of equity doing unto all as they would be done unto their heathenism shall condemn those who profess Christ in words and are called Christians but do not act according to the Law of equity but cast the Law of God behind their backs such are shut out from the promise of life and have no right unto Christ who act contrary to him such are heathens of what countrey or nation soever they be who live in sin and fulfil the desires of the flesh they cannot please God for they who live after the flesh are not subject to the Law of righteousness but are heathens living in rage and malice pride and vain-glory lightness and wantonness sc●ffing and jearing reviling and persecuting lying and swearing drunkenness whoredomes murders and such like these are the marks of the heathens and all such are shut out of the kingdom of God and have no share with the Christians in the inheritance which is everlasting for there is no promise to the wicked but wo is their portion for ever So the true Christians have right to to the inheritance Christ Jesus but the heathens have no right unto the promise until they come forth and repent and be turned from darkness unto light and from the Power of Satanunto God they that are Christians are in Christ and are Christs bought and purchased by his bloud and they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts but they that are heathens are out of Christ in the world not bought and redeemed from sin but are satisfying and fulfilling the lusts of the flesh so in the name of God I do exhort every one that doth read this to try your selves with the Light of Christ in you whether you be in the faith or no or true Christians and be not deceived with a vain hope contenting your selves with the bare name when the life and nature is wanting for though you may profess all the Scriptures and can talk much of God and Christ without you yet all this doth not make you true Christians unless the word of God and the life of Christ be manifest in you as it was in them that gave forth the scriptures for the scriptures do declare of a generation that were great professours and as zealouss for God and the Ordinances of God as you can be for Christ and his ordinances as you profess yet they were blind in understanding and had not true discerning but did oppose Christ Jesus the Son of God I speak of the Jewes and that generation of scribes and Pharisees who profest a Christ to come but when he was come because he came not in pomp glory according to their expectation but in a low despised manner they called him a blasphemer and cryed out crucifie him and this was the cause of their blindness they had not the word of God abideing in them so the vail was over their eyes Christ cryed wo unto them calling them blind guids whited walls painted sepulchres and the like so I say unto you all your outside profession your going to hear Sermons and the like this you may do many years as I know you have done and be never the better but grow worse and worse ever learning laden with sin and led away with divers lusts but never able to come to the true knowledge of God for none ever knows God in truth and righteousness but as he is known by the working of his spirit within whereby he destroys the works of the Devil in the heart and creates a new heart and a new mind according to his own will and renews his own Image of righteousness and true holinesse and so man is made Gods workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works and so his members are servants of righteousness and the work of God is brought forth into the world by his servants and children whereby he is glorified in them and wisdom is justified of her children But all those of what name soever they are called whether Jews Gentiles or Christians though they may professe much outwardly and be counted godly and religious yet if their hearts be not upright to God and purified by the Word of God abiding in them they cannot serve nor worship God in truth for if iniquity do lodge in the heart and be regarded God will not hear the prayers of such nor accept of their sacrifices for it is not every one that sayes Lord Lord that shall enter into the Kingdom of God but such as do the will of God such shall know of his doctrine and such are they that are built upon the rock of ages and such do glorifie God by their godly and upright lives and so are Gods workmanship and bears Gods Image of love and meeknesse patience and long suffering and the like But thou and all you that are in rage and envy you are the devils workmanship and bears his Image drunkards swearers lyars scoffers scorners light and wanton ones you are the devils workmanship and he begot you and is your father and you bear his Image and not the Image of God All you high and lofty ones you proud Pharisaical professors you proud and covetous ones God never begat you but the God of the world the Prince of the air he rules in you and carries you up into pride and vain glory and all you ungodly ones under what name soever you be you are not in the way of God but in the way of the wicked one and your end will be misery The righteous God of heaven and earth doth not desire the death of any of you but that you might turn from your wickedness and live for this end he hath given his dear Son a light into the world who doth enlighten you wherby many times you are made sensible of your lost conditions how that you are aliens and strangers from the covenant of promise and you have been many times reproved in secret for your sins and iniquities and called and invited to come forth of your sins But have you not been rebellious and stiff-necked and resisted the councel of God and would none of his instructions But you have chosen your own wayes and you have delighted in your own abominations and so not minding the goodness and long suffering of God which leadeth to repentance all that hearken to his voice but you after your hardness and impenitent hearts are treasuring up unto your selves wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgements of God who will render unto every one according to his deeds done in the body whether they be good or evil To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for honour
of humiliation and your Lecture dayes as they are called it is all abomination to the Lord Though ye make many prayers the Lord will not hear you your hearts are polluted and your hands are full of blood Therefore fear the Lord and depart from the evil of your wayes cease to do evil and learn to do well and let every one that nameth the Name of Jesus Christ depart from iniquity Rev. 14.7 2 Tim. 2 19. Luke 17.20 Seek no longer the kingdom of God in observations without you neither spend your money for that which is not bread Isa 55.1 Luke 15.17 Mat. 11.28 29 but return home to your fathers house and there you shall find satisfaction the candle being lighted and the house being swept you will find the lost groat in your own house Hearken to the voice of Christ which cryes in your consciences for equity and reproves you for the evil of your doings that is a sure testimony it is the light of Christ Eph. 5.13 and you cannot be deceived in following the light Joh. 8.12 for saith Christ I am the light of the world and whosoever follows me shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life This light is alwayes present with you and from this nothing can be hid Heb. 4.12 Prov. 20.22 this light doth discover the evil thoughts and the evil intents that arises out of the evil heart and as sin is discovered in any one wait upon the Lord for his power that it may be destroyed and so the axe comes to be laid to the root of the tree and every tree that brings not forth good fruit Mat. 3.10 1 Thes 5.21 is hewn down and cast into the fire And none be hasty in believing false reports but try all things and hold fast that which is good And this is that which we labour to bring all unto even pure truth in the inward part that so they may offer up a sacrifice in righteousness Psal 51.6 Deut. 33.19 from the pure heart to the pure God and so have peace with God and dwell in safety sitting under their own Vine and eating their own bread being built upon the Rock 1 Pet. 2.5 Mat 7.25 where the stormy tempests and the raging persecutors cannot move their foundation but stand sure being built upon the foundations of the Prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone in whom all the building fitly framed together Eph. 2 20.21 groweth unto an holy Temple in the Lord. And so though we the servants of the Lord be counted deceivers and the truth a Sect 2 Cor. 6.8 and the way heresie as formerly it hath been I confess as Paul did Acts 28.22 That after the way which they call herefie so worship I the God of my fathers believing all things Acts 24.14 not only what is written in the Law and the Praphets but likewise what is written in the testimony of Christ the Apostles and it is not any breach of Christs commands in denying the shadows and rudiments of the world no more then it was in Paul Col. 22.20 21 Heb 9.10 11. Col. 1.27 2 Cor. 4.11 1 John 5.10 in denying the carnal commandments and shadows of the Law witnessing the substance which is Christ within the hope of glory which I bear testimony unto even the life of Christ manifest in mortal flesh and seal it with my spirit and sign it with my name Alexander Parker To all who are hungring after the liing bread and hath not wherewith to satisfie themselves in their own houses but are seeking without and begging from others and are spending their money for that which is not bread A word of love to invite them to come into my fathers house where they shall find full satifaction with a word of exhortation to all who are called to be Saints by way of remembrance to stir up their pure minds AWake dear friends the day of the Lord is dawned and the glorious day-light is breaking forth arise out of your deep sleep and stand up from the dead that Christ may give you light the night is far spent and the day is at hand put off therefore the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light Wisdom cryes and calls unto you to come forth of darkness and all unrighteousness Oh give ear and be obedient and willing to give up all and to follow the voice of Wisdom this pure voice is near unto you even in your secret Closet secretly reproving you for your rebellion and hard-heartedness and calls unto you for purity and uprightness hearken diligently to this still voice hear and your souls shall live You have long been wandring astray and following the dead doctrines of men and have been feeding upon the dry husks and have spent your money for that which is not bread and your labour but are not satisfied and you have rejected the counsel of God and have rebelled against him and would not turn at his reproof though many times you had secret checks and reproofs by his light within you but you have not been obedient but have cast his Law behind your backs and turned from his free grace and love into wantonness and vain delights of this present world Oh return home to your Fathers house wander no longer in your dark imaginations but wait on the Lord in his fear and you shall find satisfaction take his yoke upon you and learn of Christ meekness and lowliness of spirit so shall you find rest unto your souls And all you my dearly beloved ones to whom the Gospel of peace hath been declared in the demonstration and power of the spirit who in love and tenderness have received the word of the Lord my love is enlarged and floweth forth freely unto you and my prayers to my heavenly Father for you is that you may all be preserved and kept by his mighty power through faith unto salvation All you whose understandings are opened with the light of the Lord and whose minds are turned from the darkness and false wayes and worships of the world to the living God him to worship in spirit and in truth As every one hath received of the Lord so every one wait and walk worthy of so high a calling whereunto the Lord hath called you that as you are separated from the world outwardly in a measure so the separation may be made inwardly that you may be in truth what you seem to be in shew outwardly otherwise in vain is all your profession and all your meetings together if you be not guided and led thereunto by the pure movings of the spirit of the Lord for except your righteousness do exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God Therefore all of you in the pure fear of the Lord try and examine your selves and search your own hearts and see what garments you have on and how you
out of the deceitful and wicked heart and the Devil he is the father and the Author of it and of all sin and whosoever commits sin is of the Devil and so out of the heart from the cursed ground it springs and arises for lust after it hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death for the wages of sin is death Therefore every one in particular mind the leadings and movings of the pure spirit of Light for there is your strength near you and if ye thorow the spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body then shall ye live and be made sensible of the workings of God destroying the Devils works and defacing his image and renewing in you a pure image like unto himself and so the pure Truth ye will really be possessed of that which the Lord doth love and desire even Truth in the inward parts and offer up a sacrifice in righteousness to the Lord which is a broken heart and a contrite spirit which ever was and is acceptable in the eyes of the pure God for God is pure and loves righteousness and to know him and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent is life eternal Now to have a literal knowledge of him and so to speak of him from the Scripture letter and not from the spirit and power of God within this is not a saving knowledge but puss up into pride and soto reject and despise the cross of Christ Such a knowledge had they who crucified the Son of God and such a knowledge have many in our age but are persecuting the appearance of Christ in his Saints But this I say none knows the Lord in Truth and Righteousness but as he is revealed and manifested by his spirit within for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep and hidden things of God So all turn in your minds and wait upon the Lord in the Light of his spirit that into his house you may be led there to feed upon the living bread soul-satisfying food upon the hidden Manna that which the world knowes not but it is hid from them who be without feeding amongst the swine upon the husks and empty shadowes but through love and mercy is revealed unto us by the spirit of our God and freely imparted unto you to invite you to come in to our Fathers house that you may eat with us and be satisfied and praise the Lord with us in the Land of the living for ever and ever Oh my dearly beloved whom my soul longs and breaths after whom in the truth I dearly love you are as a lively Epistle written in my heart and I cannot forget you go on in the Name and Power of the Lord look not back there is nothing behind you but death and darkness for if any one draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in them therefore press on towards the mark for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus let not the rage of the heathen daunt you knowing that it is our portion from that wicked and untoward generation to be reproached and reviled But blessed are ye when men revile you and reproach you and persecute you and speak all manuer of evil against you falsely for the Name of Christ rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the Prophets and the holy Apostles which which were before you for if you were of the world then would the world love you but because Christ Jesus hath chosen you out of the world to be unto him a holy People therefore do they of the world who know not God hate and revile you but herein they are discovered and made manifest of what generation they are of even of cursed Cains who slew his brother and where envy and rage is they bear the mark of Cain and so in this day of the Lord they are made manifest for wherever persecution is it is a mark of the beast that makes war against the Lamb and it is not the mark or token of a Christian for the Nature of a Christian is to suffer and not to persecute therefore though ye suffer and be reproached yet be not discouraged but put on the strength of God the armour of righteousness whereby ye may all be kept safe and the fiery darts of the wicked cannot pierce you Dwell in meekness and love and pure innocency these are the Garments of the Lamb which the world cannot stain though they may cast dirt and filth upon you by their lies and false slanders yet your innocency and uprightness shall stand a witness against them and so their mouths shall be stopped and the witness of God in their own consciences shall testifie against them and answer for you and for the Lords Truth which you profess and make them to acknowledge though against their wills that God is in you of a Truth I do by the power of the Lord charge you all in the presence of the Lord who profess the light that you walk in the light that every one may be in life and substance what you seem and profess your selves to be in words that no hypocricy may be amongst you nor deceit nor feigned love nor seeming shew of feigned humility for that is gross and wicked abomination in the eyes of the pure God but that indeed and in truth your love may flow forth one towards another without dissimulation for this is a true mark and token that you are the Lords chosen ones for hereby shall all men know that you are followers of the Lord if ye love one another for love is of God and all who dwell in love they dwell in God for God is love Oh let this love constrain you to deney your selves freely and follow him who by his love invites you to come and eat and drink freely at his Table Let not the love of the world nor any other earthly enjoyment draw away your hearts and affections from the pure love of God into the love of the visible and creaturely enjoyments and so for a messe of pottage Esau like sell your birth-right for want of a small thing of self-denyal chusing the pleasures of the World as many do rather then to suffer with the people of God despising and counting the Cross of Christ foolishness and so lose the Crown of glory Oh let it not be so with any of you but take up the Cross willingly and despise not the day of small things but whatsoever the light of Christ doth shew you to be evil or vain cast off and deny that evil and vanity otherwise you cannot have true peace for whilst the wild nature is at liberty and the unruly affections and lusts they war against the soul therefore saith Christ take my yoke upon you and learn of me I am meek and lowly in spirit and you shall find rest unto your souls So the yoke of Christ being laid upon the