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A53975 God's call to unconverted sinners to turn to the Lord Plainly shewing every poore sinner the miserableness of his estate, and how great an enermy he is to himself; that though the Lord be daily calling him, to turn and live, and professeth he deights not in the death of a sinner; yet for all this he will go and die. Allso [sic] the happy condition of the people of God, in that they have such a Father that had rather see their conversion, then condemnation. And lastly, to the terror of wicked and ungodly men is set forth: that if they will not turn to God that they may live with him in Heaven, they shall dye, and b: [sic] tormented with the Devil and his angels in hell fire. By T.P. T. P. 1662 (1662) Wing P109B; ESTC R217460 9,539 26

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Gods Call to Unconverted SINNERS To turn to the Lord. Plainly shewing every poore Sinner the miserableness of his estate and how great an enemy he is to himself that though the Lord be daily calling him to turn and live and professeth he delights not in the death of a sinner yet for all this he will go and die ALL SO The Happy Condition of the People of God in that they have such a Father that had rather see their Conversion then Condemnation And lastly to the Terror of Wicked and Ungodly men is set forth That if they will not turn to God that they may live with him in Heaven they shall dye and be tormented with the Devil and his angels in hell fire Matth. 18.3 Except you be converted and become as little children you shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven By T. P. Printed for Charles Tyus at the three Bibles on London Bridge 1662. Gods Call to Unconverted SINNERS Ezek. the 3. Chap. 11. verse Say unto them as I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that he turn from his evill way and live turn ye turn ye from your evill wayes for why will you dye O house of Israel THe Great God that made the Heaven and Earth and all the living Creatures therein and hath Redéemed you by his Son Christ Iesus You that were lost and undone sinners to you hath he sent his Gospel the glad tydings of peace and to you hath he given this priviledge that as many as believe on him shall have eternal life as many as turn to him shall live and those that turn not shall dye This is the unchangeable will and Law of God that wicked men must turn or dye For sée the very words of Christ Matth. 18.3 Verily I say unto you except you be converted and become as little Children ye cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven And John 3.3 Without holinesse no man shall see the Lord. And in the 11. Psal ver 5. The Lord loveth the Righteous but the wicked his soul hateth So that it is brought to this that wicked men must turn or dye 1. From which words you must observe First The pitty and love of Ood to lost undone soules that he condescends to reason the case with them thus Why will you dye That the Almighty and powerful God should stoop to dust and ashes Marein is his great love shown That he delighteth not in the death of a sinner but rather that he would turn and live God would not have them go in the way that leads to Hell but calls to them daily by the mouth of his Prophets to turn and live and tells them there is no peace to the wicked Isa 48.11 Isa 37.21 God tells them the love of the world is enmity with God and if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him Yet for all this worldly they are and worldly they will he If the way to hell be through the world then to hell they will go Oh that men would she the folly of their own wayes and turn to the Lord Then should they sée the Loveliness and Beauty that is in the wayes of God and the Torment and Anguish that follows the love of the World Oh that wicked men would thus converse with their own soules Is it so that I must turn or dye must be converted or condemned ' Its time for me then to look about me how have I foolishly dentured the loss of my precious soul these many years how comes it to pass that God should take more care of my soul then my self Oh God for bid that I should neglect this any longer Must I turn or dye Oh happy day oh happy hour that is that 's lest me to Repent in Now will I set on a resolution to get assurance of my salvution before I give any sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eye lids By the grace of God I le resolve presently to turn and to forsake my former courses and give my self up to goioance of the Lord God Shall the Lord be thus compassionate to my poor Soul as to delight in my Salvation And shall I Miserable Wretch delight in my Damnation shall God say unto me turn and shall I not resolve to turn 1. Consider first That it is the inviolable and unchangeable Law of God that wicked men must turn or dye Romans 8.8 Now if any man be in the flesh he cannot please God Psal 11.5 The Lord loveth the righteous but the wicked his soul hateth Psal 7.16 The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the Nations that forget God These Texts are plain enough to the view of every poor soule If thou art one that believest here is enough to satisfie thée that wicked and ungodly men they must either turn or dye be converted or condemned if you sée not ' it s because you are wilfully blind To what purpose doth God send his Messengers to warn you if you will not beliede God by the mouth of his Prophets who doth intreat you to vs reconciled yet you lend the deaf ear to them Yet let me tell you if you will not hear the voice of God here pronouncing sentence of Salvation to you yet you shall hear his voyce pronouncing the Sentence of condemnation against you hereafter I beséech you therefore as you love your souls not to quarrell with God and his word but stoop to it Are you yet unconverted know this that ers long you must be converted or else condemned I beséech you therefore neglect not your own happinesse any longer least you be guilte of your own blood Read but the 8. verse of this 33. of Ezekiel and you shall sée how the case stands When I say to the wicked wicked man thou shalt surely dye If thou dost not speak to warn the wicked man of his way the wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood wil I require at thy hands You sée there that the Ministers of the Gospel must preach and you must hear and let me tell you it is easter to hear of hell then féell it and yet though you think it a unwelcome Doctrine that the Ministers of the Gospell should galt your tender ears with truths that séeme so harsh and grievous Yet it is the duty of every faithfull Minister of Christ to deal truly and faithfully with souls for we shall in no wise escaps unlesse we strive to enter in at the narrow way which leadeth unto life For Salvation or Condemnation will suddenly bring all things to an end and when it is too late we shall here some crying out What have I done what foolish courses have I taken upon what low accounts have I ventured the eternall welfare of my poore soul would I had but considered this a little before but alas now it is too late the Sentence is past and I am hurryed into everlasting
destruction Consider this all you that forget God That your day of pleasure will last but a little while your Laughing will be turned to Mourning your Ioy to anguish your small and short pleasure here will be turned to eternall pains and torments hereafier 2. Consider this all ye wicked and ungodly sinners that if you will but yet unfainedly turn to God it is his promise that you shall live and not dye The Lord professeth that he takes no delight in the death of a sinner he had rather they would turn and live God doth not shut up the door of mercy against you but you shut it against your selves mercy staies for you patiently waits for you yea Christ himself waits for you Oh how happy might you be if you would but turn to him and if you turn not here is a massenger of wrath death to be pronounced against you there is a wrath that you are already under and a death you are born under and it is you have brought this death upon your selves There is also another death which is a remedilesse death and a much greater torment then the first Death and this death falls on all those that are unconverted God first offers you mercy if you will turn and to those that will not turn he sends this message that they must expect nothing but condemnation If you will come at the call of Christ you shall be converted If you will become new creatures God hath not a word of Damning Wrath or Death to speak to you but on the contrary Life and Iay and Peace Heaven and happiness the oldest sinner the worst sinner of you all if he will but turn he shall have Mercy and Salvation Oh then if you love your Sovles turn build on Christ the Rock and New Foundation Learn to mortifie the flesh and live after the Spirt If you will but turn and come into a way of mercy the Lord will be ready to entertain you If you trust in God for Salvation he is ingaged by his promise to save you The Lord will be a Father to none but his children he will save none but those that forsake the world the flesh and the Divel and that come into his family to be members of his Sonne and have communion with his Saints But if they come not to Christ and are condemned 't is long of themselves for Gods doors are open and he is still ready to receive you if you turn to him with all your heart for his promises are yea and Amen and he will not fail in the least titils of what he hath said if you repent you shall be saved and if he hath said they that repent not shal be damned his word shall be fulfilled For God is truth and in him there is no lye 3. Consider this That God taketh delight in mens Salvation but not in their Damnation He had rather they would turn and live then go on in sin and dye the conversion of sinners is the delight of his soul yet that Iustice might be executed and his Truth fully vindicated God is resolved if you will not be converted you shall be condemned Yet God is so far your friend and against your Condemnation as he beféecheth you to be recontiled warns you of the donger you lye in sets before you Life and Death and destres you to accept of his mercies and not to damn your own souls but if this will not do then he is resolved on your Condemnation and commands his Prophets to say unto you these words O wicked man thou shalt surely dye It is in rain for you to look for heaven or to hope for it for it can never be while you remain in this unconverted dark and dead condition for in this state you are his enemies by nature Yet for all this the Lord taketh pltasure in the conversion of his enemies F●or if God had rather you were Damned then Saved he would not then so much intreat you by his daily kindnesses by giving you all the means of this life to lead you to Repentance he would not set so many Examples before your Eyes no nor wait on you so patiently as he doth from day to day from year to year these be not signes of one that taketh pleasure in your death If it had béen his delight to have séen you go to Hell how easily could he have done it long agoe how eastly before this time could he have catched thée away in thy sins with a Curse or an Oath or a Lye in thy mouth in thy Pride in thy Drunkenness in thy deriding the wayes of God how eastly could he have stopped thy breath or tamed thée with his Plagues and made thée sober in another world how easie a matter is it for God to rule the songue of the Prophanest Rayler tye the hands of the most Malieious persecutor God can make them know that they are but Worms If God should but frown upon any sinner how soon would he drop into the Gave If God should give Commission to Angels to go and destroy ten thousand sinners it would quickly be done how ●astly can God snatch sinners away in a moment and set them before his Dreadful Majesty where he shall sée ten thousand times ten thousand glorious Angels waiting at his Throne and thou at the Bar pleading thy cause Should then a●k thée these words What hast thou now to say against thy Creator his Truth his Servants or his holy wayes now plead thy cause what canst thou say in excuse of thy sins now give an account to thy Maker of thy life of thy time and of all the merci●● thou hast had Oh how would thy stubborn soul have melted thy proud looks have been beaten down thy stont and proud words turned into spéechless silence A word of his mouth would take thée off this present life If he should say unto thée live no longer or l●ve in hell tho● couldst not disobey what canst thou say doth the Lord take pleasure in thy death surely he doth not If he did he would not he could not have given his Son to redeem us from death Ch●ist then would not have sweated crops of blood for us had be taken pleasure in our death he would not have béen so long in fastings praying all night not her would he have suffered his bitter and cursed death upon the Cross pouring out his soul a Sacrifice for our sins if ●e had delighted in our death If you had but heard Christ bemoaning the estate of disobedient and impenitent people in Matth. the 23. and 27 verse Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem how oft would I have gathered thee as a Hen gathereth her Chickens but yee would not If you had heard Christ on the Cross praying for his persecutors Father forgive them they know not what they doe would you thought he had delighted in the death of the wickd If you will not believe this you have the Word and the Oath of the Lord for