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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29305 A tender visitation and friendly exhortation to all the children of truth to be valiant in this day of trial Brend, William, d. 1676. 1664 (1664) Wing B4362; ESTC R23805 4,937 10

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let all that have a part and portion in this Kingdom of Peace be as Israel of old in such a capacitie as they were that eat of the Passeover ready with their staves in their hands to passe out of Egipt to the land of Rest with resolved mindes to encounter with all the difficulties that stands in the way and that may pursue behind that the Victorie may be known to be obtained by the Lambs povver O the Lord doth sight for Mount Sion as I said and for the hill thereof and my dear friends great is the love of God unto his people in this day as in the daies of old and his Cause the same And much more glorie is to be revealed it being the last daies O let none stay behind but as the Lord invites and draws forth and inclines the heart and mind so let obedience be to him and every one be readie prepared to take part with the sufferings for the Lords sake and his innocent Cause in this day And let every one take heed of that spirit that draws back and seeks to hide its head till the storme be over and leave some of the weak ones to the heat of the battail who are but young and tender O let the strong come forth and shew their strength that the weak may be strengthened and the feeble be supported by their Valour and Faithfulness that have had a time of growth and have known the goings forth of the vvonderful povver of God in the daies that are past vvhen they vvere young and tender O it is a day that everie one must be tried and the faithfulness of the upright to be knovvn therefore let everie one shake themselves from the dust of this vvorld and put on strength and courage to come forth to meet vvith the dark enemie by the arme of light to encounter vvith him and to put him to flight in all his shifts and holes in vvhich he seeks to hide his head and ever and anon to start forth when he thinks he hath advantage to deceive and if he cannot deceive by his wiles and subtilties then he will with rage and furious madness come forth to devoure and destroy if he could the innocent Yet so to be found like valiant souldiers of the Lamb as not to start back nor be afraid of any of his assaults wiles threats nor cruelties but to stand still in the strength of the Lambs power in which the victorie is obtained over all and certainlie the victorie is sealed unto the faithful Warriors and followers of the Lamb and we do see and feel that Victorie is obtained and obtaining day by day so that the Lord is known to take part with his innocent people in this the day of his mighty power and we are more then conquerors in the life of the Lamb which is over all And that in the time of the greatest need he is neere unto to stand by and defend us and to plead the cause of himself that he hath be trusted us with and hath counted us worthie to suffer for and to bear in our bodies the dying of our Lord Jesus that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh so that his life may raigne and rule in all our hearts and we to be subject to him so that we may raign with him as certainlie we shall and do as we suffer with him and therefore let us arm our selves with patience and wait to be armed with his power in a holy resolution and with a godlie fear and sinceritie to undergo a great fight of affliction and to endure hardship as good souldiers of Jesus Christ and not to fear none of the threats nor cruel dealings of our adversaries nor to be afraid of departing from our native countries and relations which may be neer and dear to us but let the precious truth of our God be unto us the nearest and dearest of all And let us give up life and libertie and all unto the Lord who takes care for us and will never leave any that trust in him And this is my friendly exhortation and brotherlie invitation to all the followers of the Lamb in this the day of his battail and war with the dragon and his power Dear friends great is my love unto you all who are faithful and great is the tender desires and breathings of my life for all the weak and feeble ones and strong is the consolation that will be witnessed in all that stands out of themselves in this day of trial And in that which teacheth to deny self in which the comfort and consolation is known which is beyond all words And so in the living eternal Word of God which lives and abides for ever feel to live in in all times that in it you may be inriched with all spiritual Wisdom and understanding and so to depart from all that that would lead from God into the love of this world from which we are called for therein is the darkness and the death therefore let none of us in this day love the world nor the things of the world knowing this that he that loveth the World the love of the Father is not in him so the mightie God of my life and my strength preserve you in the pure fear of his great Name that is become as a pleasant oyntment to all his beloved Virgins which are chast unto him and not joined unto any other lover but he alone is the onely beloved of their souls so my dear friends and brethren in what state and condition of sufferings you be or out of sufferings let us all be readie with our Lamps trimmed and burning that when the Lord calls to do his will for us to be witnesses for his Name sake we may be alvvaies readie and casting of every vveight and burthen that nothing may hinder us in our journie to War vvith the povver of darkness that is risen to make War vvith the Lamb and his follovvers but that vve may follovv the Lamb vvhether-soever he goes And so this is my friendlie Visitation unto you and a bidding of you to farevvel in the God of my life vvho is my rest and peace in this time of my outvvard imprisonment for the testimonie of his everlasting truth and by the vvills of men sentenced for Transportation but free in him vvho hath made free from sin and death and hath set our feet upon the everlasting rock against vvhich the gates of hell shall not prevaile But in the everlasting arme of his Povver vve shall be kept for ever as vve follovv him fullie so God Almightie preserve you all Amen saith my soul William Brend From Nevvgate London the 20. of the 11. month 1664. THE END
A Tender Visitation And Friendly EXHORTATION To all the children of Truth to be Valiant in this day of Trial. UNto you the chosen and beloved of God born of the Royal seed and brought forth of the womb of eternal love and children of one Father nursed and brought up by the nourishment of the sincere milk of the living eternal Word growing into the stature of Christ and of his fulness receiving strength day by day by which you are begotten unto this lively hope to know the resurrection of the Just and holy off-spring and vertuous life of the only Son of God who is the brightness of the fathers glory and is full of grace and truth O how is my heart affected with the unchangable love and life which dwells with him for ever who is the fountain of living water and from him doth plentifullie flow forth of the same into the hearts of them that he hath freely called and chosen to bear his name in their foreheads and hath received the lively image of his eternal power which worketh mightilie in all that believe and have waited for his salvation which is now revealed in this the day of his might and power O the great and notable day of God that is come to us with his wonderful arme of everlasting strength to prepare us for himself and to arm us with his armour that is invincible that no assault of all the weapons of unrighteousness can prevaile against O now we are warriors in the lambs power and with him do fight the great battail in this the day of God almightie what remains for us but to fill up the measure of his sufferings that if we suffer with him we may raign in the glorious life which riseth in our hearts to give us the victorie over sin death and hell and him that is the Prince of the power of the aire the spirit that now rules in the children of disobedience which are such as disobeys the light by which they are lighted and so persecutes the children of the light and still invents new weapons of deceiveablness of unrighteousness with their wiles and snares if it were possible to draw us into the pit of darkness in which they wallow up and down and are drunk with the spirit of darkness which makes them reel to and fro but God hath made known unto us the stable everlasting truth and only way of salvation that we may be a fixed people not like wandring stars nor blazing Comets to make a great appearance and shew in the time of prosperitie when no persecution is but when the Dragon is up with the strength of his power of darkness and that he appears in the open field like Gog and Magog to incamp the Saints of the most high And so appearing as if he would devoure and swallow up and destroy all before him and when the Captain of the Philistine Band comes forth to defie the God of Israel and to destroy his little Camp then not to hide the head but in the faith of little David to come forth as with a sling and a stone to the wounding of this great Goliah and so to discomfit the whole Hoast of the Philistine Band of carnal Warriors O my friends we do not now Wrestle with flesh and blood but against principalities and against powers and the rulers of the darkness of this World and against spiritual wickedness in high places and therefore had need to be furnished with the spiritual Armour of God and to be filled with his righteous power And that now in this day to put on the whole armour of him not here a little and there a piece but to be like armed souldiers that is going into the open field into a hot battail and in the face of a cruel resolved enemie to kill and lay waste all before him so that in this the day wherein every one having a testimony in their hearts for God may feele him preparing and furnishing them with a full resolution to encounter and give this cruel resolved enemy battail that we may see the Lord fighting for mount Sion and for the hill thereof O my friends and brethren of this camp of God we have a faithful and valiant Captain whose cause it is that we are ingaged in and can there be a more Nobler and Honourable cause then the cause we have undertaken and God hath called us by the sound of his eternal Word that hath awakened our hearts and is a furnishing and arming of his with the spirit that yet was never overcome nor conquered nor never shall be though many of his faithful Warriors have not loved their lives unto death for this cause and so have falne a sleep as to the outward man yet hath been Conquerors in the Lord and life of the Lamb over all the enemies and have had an eternal Crown of life and peace set upon their heads And so it 's not being conquered because of suffering but it 's a Crown and Victory won by being faithful unto death and continuing in the well-doing And therefore this is a Visitation and a brotherlie and friendly Invitation or Exhortation to all to come forth in the true armour of light to ingage in faithfulness in this blessed War and Work of God O let none be intangled with the fears of the loss of this carnal outward life neither let the hearts of any be incumbred with the many things of this World O let all that makes mention of the name of the Lord and of his living truth not be drawn aside from the holding of it forth by any fears of the loosing these outward enjoyments but let all be given up to the Lord and for his living truth that must raign and rule for ever that so none may lose their part and portion in it when it shall have the throne over all O we that are chosen and faithful are the lambs Warriors and must War in faithfulness unto the end of our race we have to run while we have a being in this mortal that mortalitie may be swallowed up of life O every one that is turned to the light of the Lord and from the darkness of this world is concerned in this day of the lambs War and all who have waited for the great day of Gods salvation to be redeemed out of the many things into that World that hath no end O the Kingdom that we War for is glorious and shall endure for ever It is a Kingdom of righteousness and of peace it s a Kingdom of life and love rest and assurance for ever a Kingdom that hath no end It 's a Kingdome that raigns over all the Kingdoms of men and all that are begotten by the Word of this Kingdom and into the measure of this hope to wait to feel the resurrection of the Just one are subjects of this Kingdom and have a part and portion therein and so are concerned in the weightie matters of it O my friends