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A09677 Two sermons on these wordes of Peter the apostle, honour all men, loue brotherly felowship ... preached at Marlebrough the seuenth of Nouember, and fifth of Ianuarie 1595 / by Charles Pynner, minister of the Church of Wotton-Basset in Northwiltshire. Pinner, Charles. 1597 (1597) STC 19946; ESTC S2280 32,938 99

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Saul Saul why persecutest thou me it is hard for thee to kick against the pricke And I answered Act. 9.4.5 who art thou Lord and he said I am Iesus whome thou persecutest Yet were they indeed the Christians and the bodies of the Saints which he cast into prison and lead them bound vnto Hierusalem But note I pray you out of the place of Mathew that hee reckoneth there with the wicked on his left hand not for any other sins or for the want of that loue which properly appertaineth vnto himself but that which properly appertaineth vnto his brethren because it is best seene by louing his howe wee loue him For that sometimes toucheth the purse where loue is best tryed and that loue of the lip Lord Lorde deceiueth many and therefore Iohn saith He that hath this worlds good and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him And therefore Christ our Sauiour doth not there challenge them simply and generally for the want of loue towards his brethren but the outward workes and deedes of loue are specified of feeding and drinking of clothing and harbouring and the like For loue being once inwardly inflamed like fire it breaketh out and worketh outwardly as neede requireth or it is no loue and nothing worth and sometimes angereth more then rebuke Prou. 27 9 Therefore Salomon saith in the seauen twentieth of Prouerbs Better is open rebuke then secret loue And it gawleth the needie Brother more to heare that in Iames Iam. 2 16 Departe ye in peace be ye warmed and be ye filled when wee giue them not those things which are fitte for the body it greeueth them I dare say more that wee seeme thus to wish them well and doo them no good indeede then if wee were silent and sayd nothing And Saint Iames reiecteth it thus saying VVhat profit is in this my brethren euen as wee may also and say What loue is this my brethren it is no loue but a shadowe of loue For loue though an affection is all in action and such kinde of action that faith it selfe cannot shewe it selfe nor worke without loue which therefore is necessarily engendred of her as the heat● and light which issue from the Sun by which hee sheweth his force and vertue Therfore the Apostle in the fifth to the Galathians writeth thus Gal. 5 6 In Iesus Christ neither Circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue both inwardly and outwardly when and as oft as need requireth and means are notwanting vnto the worke And further to note the propertie and worke of loue in the first of the first to the Thessalonians hee sayth VVee giue thankes vnto God alwayes 1. Thes 1 3 for you all making mention of you in our prayers without ceasing remembering your effectuall faith and diligent loue As if without labour and diligence there were no loue euen as faith without effect or efficacie and not effectuall is no faith at all And therfore in the matter of almes Paul trieth the naturalnesse as hee speaketh of the loue of the Corinthians This say I saith he not by commandement 2. Cor. 8 8 but because of the diligence of others therefore prooue I the naturalnesse of your loue And because those works of loue do shew her most which bring most good and profit to that which is loued and none can adde to the Almightie Looke vnto the heaven sayth Elihu in Iob and see and beholde the cloudes which are higher then thou Iob. 5.5 .7 If thou be righteous what giuest thou vnto him or what receiueth he at thy hands This also is another cause why the Apostle without any expresse mention of God and the loue which we owe vnto him turneth ouer our loue vnto the brethren and setteth it a working there as if wee had nothing to doo with God who onely of his own good pleasure may haue pleasure in vs and in that wee doo but no profit at al by vs or by ought of ours that onely appertaineth vnto the Brethren God may profit vs and wee by loue may profit them and God is pleased in this loue as himselfe loued in it and therfore indeed do we loue the Brethren This Dauid expresseth in the sixteenth Psalme Saue me O mightie God psal 16 1 2 3. sayth he lo he fetcheth good from God he bringeth none to him for in thee haue I put my trust O my soule say vnto God thou art my lord good from me commeth none to thee All my delight is in the Saints that are in the earth and in them that excell in vertue This also I thought good to adde least any man should thinke the Apostle in prescribing this loue as onely due vnto the Brethren had forgotten himself or the first and cheefest parte of the Law which saith Thou shalt loue God aboue al things For al loue I confesse is not due vnto the Brethren but most specially is declared in and on the Brethren For which cause the Apostle doubteth not to say expresly as heere he doth Loue the Brotherhood or fellowship of brethren Who also when hee biddeth to loue the the brethren forbiddeth not to loue God but rather in bidding of the one secretly and by impliment hee biddeth both because of necessitie they go together Why then deerely beloued and why againe are wee so vaine to skippe the brethren and to leaue that wee shoulde loue and loue that wee shoulde leaue or it will leaue vs I meane the world and the things of the world Of which Iohn sayth 1. Ioan. 2 15. Loue not the worlde nor the things of the world If any man loue the world the loue of the Father is not in him and much lesse the loue of the Brethren which are his children and are not loued but for the fathers sake Alas then for the Brethren which haue lost their loue of all the worldlings who can loue nothing but this world and the things which are in this worlde But of this it is sayde All that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes Verse 16 17 and the pride of life is not of the Father but of this worlde and the worlde passeth away and the lust thereof And therfore thrise alas yea and a wo to them because they loue and loose their lust for the world perisheth to them and they vnto the world And therefore how much better were it for them if they could loue the brethren of which is sayde in the words next following Verse 17 But hee that fulfilleth the will of God abideth euer And this is his will and commandement as before we haue heard that wee loue one another Ioan. 15 12 as hee hath loued vs and so louing togither may liue togither againe 1. Ioan 3 14 VVe know that we are translated from death vnto life because
worde thus Loue the brother hood referring the word which the Apostle vseth not vnto the minde affection of him that loueth or the vertue of louing as it seemeth our English translation here doth but to the brethren themselues which must bee loued For as before he had shewed vs the matter or as we call it the subiect of our honour saying Honour all men and afterwards will shew vs the subiect of our feare saying Feare God and lastly the subiect of a particular and more especiall honour saying Honour the King so here he sheweth vs the subiect or matter of our loue or if ye will the persons on whom our loue must work to wit the brethren euen the whole society of thē So as a litle to inuert our own translation and yet to keep as neere as we may in steed of this Loue brotherly felowship we may read thus Loue the felowship of brethren So we name the whole state of the Commons of the realme the Cōmunaltie and so here the whole state of the brethren ioyned in one felowship the brotherhood or felowship of brethren Now in this sentence we haue to obserue generally these two partes The brethren which must receiue our loue and The loue it selfe which we owe vnto them And touching the brethren first we see them cōmended to vs by the name of brotherhood which is a societie or felowship of brethren and indeed such according to the force of the worde which Peter vseth I say such brethren as lay in the same belly with vs. Euen as in deed we haue all but one mother Hierusalem as sayth the apostle in the 4. to the Gal. which is aboue and yet beneath the Church scattered throughout the worlde Gal. 4 26 which is saith hee the mother of vs all In her wombe we are begotten being borne anew as Peter before saieth not of mortall seede 1. Pet. 1 23 but of immortall by the worde of God VVho of his owne will as Iames also sayeth begatte vs by the worde of truth Iam. 1 18 that wee should be the first fruites of his creatures And to our mother was the promise made in the foure and fiftieth of Esay Isay 54 13 And all thy children shall be taught of the Lorde and much peace shall bee to thy children Thus all that are taught of God and haue obeyed his worde are brethren both by father and mother and the whole number ioyned in one societie or felowship is the brotherhood which also is called the housholde or familie of fayth VVhile we haue time sayth the Apostle in the sixt to the Galathians let vs do good vnto all Gal. 6.10 specially vnto those that are of the familie of faith And againe in the thirde to the Ephesians Ephes 3 14 For this cause I bow my knees vnto the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ of whom is named the whole familie in heauen and in earth And the bande of this familie or coniunction of brethren is faith and holinesse in that heauenlie vocation vnto which they are called In which respect they are named as before we heard the familie of faith and faithfull brethren in Christ and holie brethren In the first to the Colossians Paule an Apostle of Iesus Christ by the will of God and Timotheus our brother Col. 1 1 2 To them which are at Colosse Saintes and faithfull brethren in Christ. Heb. 3.1 And in the third to the Hebrewes Therfore holy brethren partakers of the heauenlie vocation consider the Apostle and high Priest of our profession Christ Iesus VVherfore let not thine eies wander to seeke thy loue but see who are ioyned in fayth holinesse and they are the brethrē and there thou must fasten thy whole desire It is not in all the worlde besides that thou must so delight in as in them For tell mee if anie thing bee so commaunded or commended to vs as the brethren or some dutie which pertaineth to them Heere onelie wee except the loue of the Father which yet is reuealed and as it were accomplished in the loue of the brethren If yee loue mee sayth Christ keepe my commaundement Iohn 14 15 And This is my commaundement Iohn 15 12 that yee loue one another as I haue loued you And againe By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples Iohn 13 35 if yee haue loue one to another As if the loue of the brethren were the loue of Christ because he delighteth in them yea dwelleth in them and they in him hee is one with them and they with him by a true and reall coniunction though the same not naturall and carnall but spirituall as in the seuenteenth of Iohn I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeue in mee through their woorde Iohn 17 26 21 c. That they all may bee one as thou O Father in mee and I in thee euen that they may bee also one in vs that the worlde maie beleeue that thou hast sent mee And the glorie that thou gauest mee I haue giuen them that they maie bee one as wee are one I in them and thou in mee that they may bee made perfect in one and that the worlde may knowe that thou hast sent mee and hast loued them as thou hast loued mee And so the Church considered with her head is mysticall Christ or Christ in a mysterie and so called by the Apostle in the twelfth of the first to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 12.12 For as the bodie saith he is one hath many members and all the members of the body which is one though they bee many yet are but one body so is Christ that is to say Christians in one society euen the Church considered as a bodie but with her head Christ Who by an excellency of the head aboue the members giueth name vnto the whole and it is called Christ Hence commeth this acceptation in the second of Zacharie Hee which toucheth you Zach. 2 8 toucheth the apple of his eye And in the tenth of Matthew Math. 10 42 VVhosoeuer shall giue vnto one of these little ones a cup of colde water onely in the name of a Disciple verelie I say vnto you hee shall not loose his rewarde And in the siue and twentieth of Mathew Mat. 25 37 c. VVhen sawe wee thee an hungred and fedde thee And when sawe we thee a straunger and tooke thee in and so forth Verely I say vnto you sayth Christ inasmuch as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my Brethren yee haue done it vnto mee And againe VVhen sawe wee thee an hungred or a thyrst or a straunger or naked or sicke or in prison and did not minister vnto thee These also are aunswered Verelie I say vnto you in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these yee did it not to me And in the ninth of the Acts
for our owne offences towards them with great care yea 3 Cor. 7 11 with clearing of our selues yea with indignation yea with f●are yea with great desire yea with zeale yea with punishment for reconciliation till the strong Citie bee wonne and one contentions though as harde to breake as the barre of a pallace be yet broken a sunder and our selues reunited in the loue of brethren So all at the last was forgiuen and forgotten betweene Ioseph and his brethren and their loue brast out in teares and they wept and reioyced and kissed and embraced and theyr hearts were comforted in the loue of brethren Gen. 45 The second consideration which we haue of our loue is the encrease of the same Of the which the Apostle in the fourth of the first to the Thessalonians 1. Thes 4 9 14 writeth thus But as touching brotherly lo●● fayeth hee yee neede not that I write vnto you for ye are taught of God to loue one another Yea and that thing verelie yee doo vnto all the brethren which are throughout all Macedonia but wee beseech you brethren that you increase more and more VVee are not therefore to stande at a stay in loue but still to walke forwarde from loue to loue For this is the way of the righteous and of it Salomon sayeth in the fourth of the Prouerbs Prou. 4.18 The way of the righteous shyneth as the light that shyneth more and more vnto the perfect day And the right loue of brethren is as fire which still increaseth and inflameth them with a certaine naturall affection and inclination to embrace one another of which the Apostle in the twelfth to the Romans saith Rom. 12 10 Bee affectioned to loue one another with brotherly loue And this affection or inclination cannot stay it self vntill it come to the highest degree of loue and leadeth vs to that which Peter requireth in the first Chapter of this Epistle namelie 1 Pet 1 22 That wee loue one another out of a pure heart vehementlie or as our English translation giueth it Feruentlie with all the heart and with all the soule and with all the might and so our loue become zeale which hath eaten vs vp we all in a zeale do loue the brethren Which condemneth my brethren the loue of these times the last I thinke in which it is come to passe as our Sauiour foretold that because iniquitie shall abounde the loue of manie yea manie brethren I had almost said towards brethren is waxen colde But to come to the third and last point whether wee loue little or whether wee loue much according to the measure of grace which wee haue receiued let vs yet loue purely and that loue which wee haue let it bee loue in deede Not euerie one sayeth Christ that sayth vnto me Lorde Mat. 7 22. Lorde that is which professeth himselfe my seruaunt shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen but hee that dooth the will of my Father which is in Heauen Not euerie one that sayeth Brother Brother shall haue the prayse of true loue but hee that will doo for his brother indeede 2. Sam. 20 9 10. Not as Ioab which saluted Amasa and sayde Art thou in health my brother Faigned loue and hee tooke Amasa by the ●eard with the right hand to kisse him But with his sword he smote him in the fifth rib and shedde out his bowelles to the ●round This was not loue but dissimulation which ought to bee farre from the loue of brethren So the Apostle commaundeth in the twelfth to the Romās Let loue saith he be without dissimulation Rom. 12 9 And Peter in the first Chapter of this Epistle requireth brotherly loue vnfaigned 1. Pet. 1 22 VVith brotherly loue vnfaigned saith hee not of a pure heart loue ye one another feruently Therefore this loue which kisseth killeth which marrieth and burieth all in a day is not worthy of mention with the loue of brethren No nor a better loue then this Idle loue a better I call it because it doth no harme and yet is not good inough because it dooth no good If a brother or asister saith Iames be naked Iam. 2 15 16 and destitute of daily foode and one of you say vnto him Depart in peace beeye warmed and be yee filled not withstanding yee giue them not those things that are needefull for the body what helpeth it This lip-loue Saint Iames refuseth and Saint Iohn wil none of it saying in his first Epistle and third Chapter My little children let vs not loue in word neither in tongue onely but in deede and in truth 1 Ioan. 3 18 As if there were no trueth in loue without the deede if do it can and doth it not And yet againe there is another loue not aright which doth some good and leadeth to some duties which are profitable but not for loue sake but because wee receiued some good before or may receiue profit by the fame againe And this we may call a seruile loue Seruile loue because it worketh for wages and nothing els and is no better as our Sauiour teacheth vs but that sinners and Publicans may haue the like Matth 5 46 47. Luke 6 32 33. But to leaue these loues which are none of ours to note that which indeede the Apostle meaneth Simple loue it is a simple loue pure voyde of all respects loueth the brethren for the brethrens sake Of which we may say as Salomō speaketh in the fourteenth of Prouerbs of the sense and iudgement of the mind towards mirth or mourning The mind saith hee acknowledgeth his own bitternes Prou. 14 10 or what is better to it selfe and in the mirth therof no strange thing doth mixt it selfe That is it trieth al things and taketh what it loueth leaueth what it liketh not And euen so this loue of brethren it hath her proper iudgemēt nothing it aloweth but what is like hir self It admitteth no respects of rich or poore wise or vnwise strong or weak profitable or vnprofitable but looketh to the brotherbood or cōpany of brethren as Peter requireth in the name of brethrē as Christ speaketh in the tenth of Matthew Matth. 10 that is as brethren and in the onely nature of Brethren it embraceth them and nothing in them besides Paul saluteth Timothie thus Vnto Timothie my naturall Sonne in the faith 1. Tim. 1 2 so calling him because he had a true and a naturall faith For there is a naturall faith which bringeth foorth a naturall loue of which wee speake and there is a bastard faith of which is ingendred a bastard loue of false Brethren These also are amongst vs but they are not of vs and how little worth their loue is I neede not speake the white of in egge or a sticke hath as much tast as it And these as they lie in out way needes wee must deale with them
but still we scare them as a quauer mice that shal●eth vnder vs sometime or other they will deceiue vs. The Apostle in the eleuenth of the second to the Corinthians reckoning vp all his ●e●illes to make vp●e the heape 1. Cor 11 26 at last addeth this I● perilles amongst false brethren And who of vs my Brethren in casting vp the summe of all our troubles can leaue out this In perils of false brethren or if for the present wee can the time may come that it may be added For the broode of Ismael doth spawne apace Hee that eate bread with me Psal 41 10 Ioan. 13 18 hath lift vp his heele against me saith Dauid saith Christ And how should anie Christian looke for better Most men saith Salomon in the twelfth of Prouerbs Do prayse each man his own kindnesse but who can finde a faithfull man Prou. 3 6 to wit which sheweth so much as hee saith he is Thus many say they loue but proofe maketh all VVherefore saith the Apostle to the Corinthians 2. Cor 8 24 in the second Epistle and eight Chapter Shew towardes them to wit Titus and another brother sent vnto them shew saith he towardes them and before the Churches the proofe of your loue and of the reioycing that wee haue of you And what proose or testimonie of our loue my Brethren shall I call for heere surely none at this time but this which none will denie but loue will yeelde it or none at all it is so light it is so little and yet I would to GOD our loue would yeeld it And this it is namely that at the least we would come together and see one another and talke together as louing brethren of our father and of our mother and of our elder Brother in whome and whose loue wee are adopted children of theyr loue towardes vs and our faith towards them as likewise of our loue one towardes another of our necessities of our afflictions of our ioyes and comforts of our hope of our happinesse of the crowne of our inheritaunce laide vp in heauen further to instruct to exhort to comfort to admonish and edifie one another Without the which I see not how loue can worke Wherefore the Apostle in the tenth to the Hebrewes exhorteth thus Heb. 10 24 25 Consider sayth hee one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes Then hee sheweth the meane Not forsaking saith hee the fellowshippe that wee haue amongst our selues as the manner of sonne is And who are those some but euen wee which shoulde consider one another to prouoke vnto loue and to good workes which wee do verie little and all because wee forsake the fellow shippe that wee haue or should haue amongst our selues each man contenting himselfe with himselfe when lawfully and without let wee might ioyne with many Brethren Did Christ so who neuer almost went without his Brethren or did Paul so who so earnestly prayed for a iourney to Rome to see the faithful For I long saith he to see you that I might bestow among you some spirituall gift that you might be strongthened that is that I might be comforted saith out Translation together with you But the words of the Originall I interpret thus That there might be ioynt exhortation amongst you that is that I might exhort together with you or ioyne my exhortaion togither with yours For this is the spirituall gift which beforech saith he reth to bestow vpon them by their ●●●tall faith that is by each others gift and knowledge in the faith or doctrine of faith both theirs and his But all are not Apostles all are not ministers Yea but are all brethren as the Thessalonians and the Apostle in the sift of the first exhorteth thus 1. Thes 5 11 VVherefore exhort one another and edifie one another euen as yee do Which how can it be better done then whē we come together Which though it be not alwaies nor cannot be yet as ofte as it may bee let it bee my brethren and when it may not be let it be as it may And howe is that let the hand be the mouth and the penne our speech and our Epiftles and Letters as the liuely characters of our hearts and mindes let them present vs vnto the bretheren For I am ashamed almost to thinke that wee are not ashamed of so many bunches and bags full of Letters written onely for the things of this perishing life and scarse one or two in a yeere if anie at all sent or receiued of this kinde I meane concerning the loue of Brethren As if neither Saint Peter here nor any Apostle besides had euer saide Loue the brotherhood or as if we could loue them and do nothing for them neuer so much as fee them speake with them or heare how they do And this deerely beloued maketh our greater and publike assemblies which what are they also but certaine holy communications betweene God his people when either hee by the word preached doth speake vnto vs or wee by our prayers do speake vnto him this I say maketh them so colde and fruitlesse that afterwards wee putte our sparkles on the cold hearth single our selues one from another haue not these priuate and lesser meetings betweene our selues to confer of the things which we heard before As if before we had assembled but for a fashion onely which is not to assemble but to dissemble Paul though absent in the flesh Colossi 2 5 yet was present in the spirit reioycing as himselfe sayth and beholding the order of the Colossians in comming together But wee as present in the body but absent in the spirit which is absence indeede haue no such ioy in the vnities and societies of our holy Brethren Whereby wee euen hazard the loosing of our Fathers blessing who loueth to call vs and to see vs togither and then and there to blesse vs as Iacob his ' children Gen. 49 1 2 whome hee called togither and then hee blessed them For this is a promise to the plurall number not so expressely giuen vnto the singular VVhere two or three are gathered togither in my name Matt. 18.20 there am I in the middest of them And in the hundred thirtie and third Psalme Psal 133 Beholde sayeth Dauid howe good and pleasant a thing it is brethren to dwell togither in vnitie It is like the precious Oyntment vppon the heade that ranne downe vnto the bearde euen vnto Aarons beard and went downe to the skirtes of his cloathing Like as the dewe of Hermon which fell vpon the Hill of Sion And why so precious and why so pleasaunt The reason is added Verse 3. For there this worde hee vseth significantlie and as we say emphaticallie there as if hee sayde there and not else-where as there The Lord promiseth his blessing and life for euermore Balaam beguiled with the wages of vnrighteousnesse Iude ver 11 Num. 22 13 woulde haue cursed the righteous And yet hee cryeth out Let my soule die the death of the iust Num. 23 10 and let my latter ende bee like vnto theirs All woulde die the death of the brethren and manie professe the faith of brethren but all will not liue the life of the brethren for the life of the brethren is their loue which dieth not but liueth euer 1. Cor. 13 13 As Paule sayeth Nowe abideth faith hope and loue euen these three But the chiefest of these is loue For it abydeth nowe and euer Whereupon Saint Iohn concludeth thus and with this I conclude also By this wee knowe that we are translated from death to life 1. Iohn 3.14 because wee loue the brethren For wee and our loue must liue togither The God of peace and loue encrease this loue and knowledge in vs and present vs blamelesse in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be prayse for euer Amen FINIS