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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03241 Pleasant dialogues and dramma's, selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, &c. With sundry emblems extracted from the most elegant Iacobus Catsius. As also certaine elegies, epitaphs, and epithalamions or nuptiall songs; anagrams and acrosticks; with divers speeches (upon severall occasions) spoken to their most excellent Majesties, King Charles, and Queene Mary. With other fancies translated from Beza, Bucanan, and sundry Italian poets. By Thomas Heywood Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641.; Cats, Jacob, 1577-1660.; Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Lucian, of Samosata.; Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.; Ravisius Textor, Joannes, ca. 1480-1524. 1637 (1637) STC 13358; ESTC S104070 24,251 320

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By long repentance cannot be redeem'd Daphne To you I bow in duty as to a father And these affront in noble courtesie Not wronging him to shew my breeding base Scoffing your profer'd love with womanish scorne His counsels your persuasions I commend Knowing both fitting were they seasonable that Maids should love men I am not ignorant Or that the breeding world should still encrease What Progenie should reach from age to age And that the gods make 't a necessitie To have all their miraculous works admir'd All this I know but Amph. I 'le proceed But what Can you produce against this Daph. Heare me out But when I in my best considerat thoughts Ponder my youth and what it is to loue That vowes are tyes not easie to be loos'd And that the smallest finger can pluck on What not the hand and arme can well put off That Mariage is a Maze which enter'd in The line is snatcht thence which should guide us out Ere hazard then that vnknowne labyrinth Much blame me not to pause Pen. What needst thou feare Fond timerous Girle did not thy mother this Long time before thee Appid. Nay hereafter too May not your daughter do so Daph. I 'le resolve you That when I have a daughter of my yeares And tutor'd by her mother Amph. Excellent Nymph These are evasions meere vnnecessarie We know you to be ripe and our selves grown Betwixt us is equalitie in state And paritie in yeares nor is our course Irregular or indirect we come Admitted by your father as a way Plain and not interdicted nor is our suit So far with cradle it may childish seem Nor so old to appeare decrepit we are two Rivals yet friends so you chuse one of either Even he that is despis'd rests satisfied Nor is our love divided Daph. I commend you There is of you lesse danger and least feare That you should die of love when both of you Come with like premeditation to disgest A rigorous answer Appid. Pray what should we do Our service we have offer'd equally The world is wide and if we speed not here We must provide us elsewhere Daph. Worthy friends To be most plain to me most pleasing is Then take as plain an answer I confesse me Weake as I am vnworthy of your love And yet not so low pris'd but have bin courted Both by as great and good Nor can you blame me If I in adding to your worths shall spare From mine in the least kinde to derogate To you then as my equals I entreat Or if you shall deny me Daphne then Proclaimes it as her will I must retyre me For some few moneths in them to meditate What mariage is and truly study man A booke in which I yet have truanted Now if I in my more maturitie And after some cessation of your suits Can ground this Maxime Man is worthy us And we of him wee 'l breviat your long motions Within a few short termes Amph. You speake but reason And so long wee 'l attend you Appid. Most fit that such as bargain for their lives Should reade us o're and o're before they set Their hands to that Indenture We are pleas'd Daph. And I that you are so Nor can my father At this be discontented Inach. Not I Childe I would not hurry on my ioyes too fast Having such hope of them And yet sweet Daphne The more thou hasts their harvest the ripe crop Shall be to them more welcome For this time 'T is best to leave her to her privacie More leisure that she hath to meditate Lesse time you have in which to be resolv'd 'T will shorten expectation Amph. May these houres That adde vnto your yeares still as you grow Increase toward us your love Appid. Friend you pray well And in that hope I take a loving leave By kissing your faire hand Exit Daph. You understand a curtesie as well Once being done as she that knowes to do 't Farewell Where be my maids 1 Nymph My Lady at hand Daph Doth either of you know what this love is That men so much affect it 2 Nymph Trust me not I I never lookt so far into man and most sure I am man never yet entred so farre into me that I should know how to define it But can you tell the reason why this little god is still portraid like childe Daph. I think because that dotage which he breeds Only belongs to children 1 Nymph But why naked Daph. Either t' affright the Modest or to such As vow to him to expresse their impudence 2 Nymph But why with bow and arrowes Daph. That denotes Inconstancie because the shafts of love Are ever shot at random 1 Nymph Wherefore hood winkt Daph. Howe're his shafts are aim'd it shewes his kind Because they strike the eies of Reason blinde 2 Nymp. Then am I with Love quite out of love because at these yeres I should be loath to have one to lead me Daph. Yet do I love the beauty of the spring To listen to the birds with various layes To welcome in his comming I affect The pride and warmth of Summer to behold Aboundant Autumne poure his harvest forth In plenteous sheafes to see the presses bleed A flowing vintage But I most admire The glory of the Sun who comforts these For without him what were the earth what heaven If all were darknesse who should then discerne The lustre of the one or of the other The fresh fertilitie proudly adorn'd With choise and change of all discolour'd floures More than a cas'd up Iewell what were Beauty Without the Sun to give a brightnesse to 't What 's ornament without the Sun to iudge it What to be faire or foule without the Sun To censure and distinguish which is best The Sun 's the deity which I adore Here then upon this verdure cast your selves And rest a while not long 't is e're he will In all his glory mount the Eastern hill They lay themselues downe then enter Venus and Cupid Venus Here on the top of the mount Ericine Ambush thy selfe a place sacred to me Where thou mayst boldly front the god of Light Who hath by this already chac'd hence night I 'le leave thee now strike but strike home my son I 'le in these shades absent me whil'st 't is done Cupid He mocks my bow but Phoebus soon shall finde Cupid hath power to strike the Sun-god blinde Enter Apollo with his glittering beames Apollo The stars are frighted from the firmament And at the sight of our illustrious beams Darknesse vnto the blacke Cymmerians fled Now to our daily progresse through the Signes But stay what 's he that with our honors arm'd The Bow and quiver proper sole to us Braves us upon high Erix Promontorie I know him now 't is Paphian Venus son To whom some fooles have vow'd a deity I 'le know the reason why the bastard brat Dares thus assume my trophies 'Morrow Cupid Cupid As much to Phoebus Phoeb. Weake brat resolue me
taske is done and Jo thou now free Cuts off his head Exit Enter Iuno Iuno The dying groans of Argus call'd down To know what of his lustre is become What all extinct and is no memorie Extant of their knowne brightnesse hath one night Whose nature should be to be proud of stars Shut at one time an hundred nay at once Should euery piece of time deprive so many How shortly would these lights innumerable Be vanisht into nothing But deare Argus That all may know thou hadst a louing mistresse Grieuing thou shouldst thus perish for her sake And that these eies now blinde in after-times May giue a light to perpetuitie And memorize thy name thy faith and fall Thy hundred eyes who wast for Iuno slain I will transport into my Peacocks traine Whilst such a bird hath breeding and can bee Her painted feathers shall remember thee Enter Iupiter and Mercury Jup. And whilest an heifer graseth on the plaine Io her hoofe shall still imprint thy name My Iuno are we friends Let her long divorce My faire intreats with Inachus exclaimes Invoke thy love and pitty by my life Iuno You vse me like a sister not a wife My bed is still so empty Iup. Now by Styx An oath no god was ever knowne to breake Signe her release she shall hereafter be To Iove as a meere stranger Iuno Since by that you sweare What 's past is lost it cuts off future feare Saving my quarrell Mercury to you Merc. Madam I did your seruant no great wrong Save teaching him to relish a new song Iuno Where jars are mediated vain it were Call injuries in question As with Iupiter With you we are atton'd Iup. Now Mercury Since Iuno is appeas'd fetch Io hither In her owne native beauty whom we will Restore vnto her father Merc. Sir I shall Enter Inachus with the other Riuers c. Inach. O Iupiter ô Iuno Iup. Inachus Surcease exclaimes thy prayers have had accesse Thy teares been pittied and thy losse bemoan'd Argus is slain and faire Saturnia pleas'd And Io to her pristine shape restor'd Enter Mercury with Io. Inach. Thanks you immortall gods Merc. No sooner was this mighty Queene appeas'd But the rough haire dropt from her tender skin Her hornes fell off her eies appeard to shine In a lesse orbe her mouth and lips contracted Both into compasse and their native sweetnesse Her shoulders are restor'd fingers and hands Her parted hoofe diuided into five Now with two feet contented for on them She straightway stood erect and of a Cow Save whitenesse nought retaining and even yet She feares to speake lest she in stead of words Should bellow forth her minde Is Yet will I dare To give my father greeting Inach. O my childe Iuno I am still jealous of that face What 's he That makes but a mean sport of wedlocks breach But thinkes to violate an oath no sin Though calling testates all the Stygian gods Great King and Lord Brother and Husband too If I be worthy of those attributes Yourself have daignd and all the gods approve Grant me a second boon Iup. For thy remisnesse In Io's late affliction speake 't is granted Iuno Then from these fields of Tempe banish her As far as into Egypt Inach. From her father Iup. Be you pleas'd And Iuno shall I hope be satisfied Io you shall to Egypt be confin'd Be that your punishment for Iuno's hate Which executed you shall taste our love In Egypt held a goddesse thou shalt be Ador'd and worshipt in thine heifers shape Oblations shall be daily offer'd thee And Incense burnt to thy divinitie And this for ever Iuno in vain you sorrow Ioves word is past and cannot be revok'd And now with this one Maxim we conclude Where lust is punisht though the bloud be tainted It after such long Penance may be sainted Exeunt FINIS APOLLO and DAPHNE The Argument AFter many a louing greeting Mars and Venus point a meeting And that Vulcan might not haue Least note thereof they chuse a Cave Obscure and darke to which they trust Intending there to sate their lust But when themselues most safe they thinke The rising Sun pries through a chinke Sees all and what hee sees discovers To Vulcan touching these two Lovers Th' inraged Smith taking foule scorne To be affronted with the horne Provides for them a subtill ginne In hope to take them both therein His plot prevail'd and now being fiery In iust reuenge by strict inquiry To finde where these by custome met He by his art contrives a Net More fine than is the Spiders thred And yet of wire which he so spred About the place all things compact So well he tooke them in the act And then doth all the gods invite Who came at once to view that sight Some jeer'd some pitty'd their disgrace One wisht himselfe in Mars his place Tet for all this the churlish Sir So kept them that they could not stir Mars chafes and threats and strugling keeps But Venus blushes first then weeps And when the gods could laugh no more Then Vulcan freed them not before Now Venus knowing all this done Was first discover'd by the Sun Against him open war proclaimes And at him her revenge she aimes Cupid she vseth as her instrument And that 's of our Scoene the sole argument Enter the riuer Peneus the father of Daphne Daphne Amphrisus and Apidanus two Riuers that were Suiters unto her two Nymphs Attendants on Daphne Peneus WHy lovely Daphne will you lose your Youth And let your best houres passe you Well you know Beautie 's a Floure which not being cropt in time Soone withers on the stalke and then alas Will neither serve for vse nor ornament You owe me sweet grand-children pretty babes Even for your birth you do it is a debt That I would see discharg'd I to my parents Paid it in thee it is a Bond stands firme 'till canceld in thy sweet posteritie See I have brought thee Suitors choise ones too Two noble Rivers both residing neere Amphrisus and still-flowing Appidans Yong and of means both active and of strength To wrestle against barrennesse and give The hugge the foile Being dead I live in thee Live thou too in thine issue so successively Our Line and memory shall never perish But last as long as Time Amph. Your father Daphne Counsels with iudgement and this argument I could by many reasons amplifie As That without succession one age past Mankinde should cease to be O what a punishment Deserve they from the gods that would destroy So glorious a creation and to leave So wonderfull a fabricke as the world is To no admirers Appid. Save the Plants and Beasts And what can they distinguish Pen. Therefore Daughter Make vse of time a season being past Can never be recall'd no not a moneth A moneth no day no houre no minute can Therefore make use of opportunitie Which throwes it selfe vpon thee but being streightned Will after prove a stranger the least instant