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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22095 The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe latelye martyred in Smythfelde, by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist, with the Elucydacyon of Iohan Bale. Askew, Anne, 1521-1546.; Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1547 (1547) STC 850; ESTC S109052 47,906 146

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21 The lawe is turned to wormewood Amos 6. And there cāno ryght iudgement go forth Esaie 59. Iohan Bale Marke here how gracyouslye the lorde kepeth promyse with thys poor serua●nt of hys He that beleueth on me sayth Christ out of hys bellye shall ●owe ryuers of lyuynge water Ioan. 7. Neyther lasheth thys woman out in her extreme troubles language of dispayre nor yet blasphemouse wordes agaynst God with the vnbeleuynge but vttereth the scriptures in wonderfull habundaunce to hys lawde and prayse She rebuketh here the most pestylent vyce of ydolatrye Not by olde narracyons and fables but by the most pare worde of God as ded Daniel Steuen And in the ende she sheweth the stronge stomacke of a most Christen martyr in that she is neyther desyerouse of the deathe neyther yet standeth in feare of the vyolēce or extremyte therof What a constancye was thys of a womā frayle tēdre yonge and most delycyouslye brought vp But th●● Christes sprete was myghtye in her who bad her be of good chere For though the tyrauntes of thys worlde haue power to slee the bodye yet haue they nopower ouer the sowle Mathei 20. Neyther haue they power in the ende to demynysh one heare of the heade Luce 21. She faynteth not in the myddes of the battayle 1. Cor. 9. But perseuereth stronge and stedefast to the verye ende Math. 10. Not doubtynge but to haue for her faythfull perseueraūce the crowne of eternall lyfe Apoc. 2. So merye am I sayth she good creature in the myddes of Newgate as one that is bowne towardes heauen A voyce was thys of a most worthye and valcaunt witnesse in the paynefull kyngedome of pacyence Apoca. 1. She faythfullye reckened of her lorde God that he is not as men are fyckle Numeri 23. But most sure of worde and promyse Psalme 144. And that he wolde most faythfullye kepe couenaunt with her whan tyme shuld come Apoca. 2. She had it most grounded lye planted in her hart that though heauen and earthe ded passe yet coulde not hys wordes and promes passe by vnfulfylled Luc. 21. Ashamed maye these carnall Helchesytesbe whych haue not onlye denyed the veryte of their lorde God but also most shamefullye blasphemed dishonoured both it and themselues for the pleasure of a yeare or ij to dwell styll in thys fleshe They cōsydre not that he with whome they mocke hath power to sende them to helle for their blasphemye Luce 12. They shall nor fynde it a matter lyght for their inconstancye to be ●ometed out of the mouthe of God as vnsauerye morsels Apoca. 3. Neyther shall they proue it a Christmas game to be denyed of Christ before hys heauenlye father and hys angels for denyenge here hys veryte Math. 10. Anne Askewe Oh forgeue vs all our synnes receyue vs gracyouslye As for the workes of our handes we wyll nomore call vpon thē For it is thu lorde that arte our God Thu shewest euer mercye vnto the fatherlesse Oh if they wolde do thys sayth the lorde I shuld heale theyr sores yea withall my harte wolde I loue them O Ephraim what haue I to do with ydolles anye more Who so is wyse shall vnderstāde thys And he that is ryghlye enstructed wyll regarde it For the wayes of the lorde are ryghteouse Soch as are godlye wyll walke in them And as for the wycked they wyll stomble at them Osee 14. Iohan Bale All these wordes alleged she out of the last chaptre of Useas the prophete where as he prophecyed the destruccyon of Samaria for the onlye vyce of ydolatrye In the worde of the lorde she declareth her selfe therin to detest and abhorre that vyce aboue all and to repent frō the hart that she hath at anye tyme worshypped the workes of mennys handes eyther stone wode breade wyne or anye soch lyke for the eternall lyuynge God Consequentlye she confessyth hym to be her onlye God and that she had at that tyme trust in non other els neyther for the remyssyon of her synnes nor yet sowles cōfort at her nede And lyke soch a wone as is vnfaynedlye cōuerted vnto the lorde she axeth of the spirytuall Ephraimytes in hys worde what she hath anye more to do with ydolles or whye they shuld so tyrannouslye enforce her to the worshypynge of them consyderynge that he so ernestlye abhorreth them Fynallye ij sortes of people she reckeneth to be in the worlde and sheweth the dyuerse maner of them The one in the sprete of Christ obeyeth the worde the other in the sprete of errour cōtempneth it And lyke as S Paule doth saye To the one part is it the sauour of lyfe vnto lyfe and to the other the sauour of deathe vnto deathe 2. Corinth 2. Anne Askewe Salomon sayth S. Steuen buylded an howse for the God of Iacob Howbeyt the hyest of all dwelleth not in tēples made with hādes As sayth the prophete Esa. 66. heauē is my seate the earthe is my fote stole What howse wyll ye buylde for me sayth the lorde or what place is it that I shall rest in hath not my hande made all these thynges Acto 7. Woman beleue me sayth Christ to the Samarytane the tyme is at hande that ye shall neyther in thys mountayne nor yet at Hierusalem worshypp the father Ye worshypp ye wote not what but we knowe what we worshypp For saluacyon commeth of the Iewes But the houre cōmeth and now is wherin the true worshyppers shall worshypp the father in sprete veryte Ioan. 4. Laboure not sayth Christ for the meate that perysheth but for that endureth into the lyfe euerlastynge whych the sōne of mā shall geue yow For hymgod the father hath sealed Ioan. 6. Iohan Bale Here bringe she iii. stronge restymdnyes of the newe testament to confirme her owne Christen beleue therwith and also both to confute and condempne the most execrabyle heresye and false fylthye beleue of the papystes The first of them proueth that the eternall God of heauē wyll neyther be wrapped vp in a clow●e nor yet shutte vp in a boxe The seconde declareth that in no place of the earthe is he to be sought neyther yet to be worshypped ▪ but within vs in sprete and veryte The thirde of them concludeth that Christ is a feadynge for the sowle and not for the bodye More ouer he is soch a meate as neyther corrupteth mouldeth nor perysheth neyther yet consumeth or wasteth awaye in the bellye Lete not the Romysh popes remnaunt in Englāde thynke but in condempnynge the faythe of thys godlye woma● they also condempne the veryte of the lorde vnlesse they can discharge these iij. textes of the scripture with other iij. more effectuall As I thynke they shall not nisi ad Calendas Grecas If they allege for their part the saynge of Christ Math. 24. Lo here is Christ or there is Christ. They are confounded
Who so euer ly●eth and beleueth in me shall neuer dye Ioan. 11. He that heareth my wordes and beleueth on hym that sent me hath euerlastynge lyfe and shall not come into dampnacyon but passe from deathe vnto lyfe Ioan. 5. The lattre examinacyon of Anne Askewe latelye martyred in Smythfelde by the wycked Synagoge of Antichrist with the Elucydacyon of Iohan Bale Anne Askewe stode fast by thys veryte of God to the ende Psalme 116. The veryte of the lorde endureth foreuer I wyll poure out my sprete vpō all flesh sayth God your sonnes and your doughters shall prophecye And who so euer call on the name of the lorde shall be saued Iohel ij Iohan Bale to the Christen Readers IN the prymatyne churche as the horryble pe●secucyōs increased manye dylygēt wryters collected the godlye answers and tryumphan̄t sufferynges of the mattyrs as necessarye examples of Christen constancye to be folowed of other Of thys nōbre was Lucas whych wrote the Apostles actes Sowere after hym Linus Marcellus Egesippus Meliton 〈◊〉 Abdias Babylonius Iosephus Antiochenus Clemens Alexandrinus Antherus Phileas Eusebius ●icephorus a great sort more Fabianus not a chayre Byshopp but a pulpet Byshopp of Rome ordayned in hys tyme for that onlye offyce vij deacōs so manye notayres aboute the yeare of our lorde CC.XXXVI that they shuld faythfullye regestre ther martyrdomes to holde thē in contynuall remembraunce as witnesseth Platina Polydorus Masseus soch other chronyclers No lesse necessarye is that offyce now though fewe mē attempt it nor no lesse profytable to the christē cōmōwelth than it was in those terryble dayes For now are persecucyōs all Christendome ouer so wele as were than Now are the true Christyanes vexed of the syttynge Byshoppes for their Christen beleue so wele as than Now are they reuyled ponnyshed imprysoned haue all euyll spoken agaynst them for Christes verytees sake Math. 5. so wele as than And what can be more confortable to the sufferers than to knowe the ernest constancye of their troubled companyons in that kyngedome of pacyēce Apo. 1. or to marke in them the stronge workynge of faythe beholde the myghtye mageste of God in their agonyes what though they were afore synners of the worlde Saynt Bernarde sayth in hys homelyes vpon Salomons cantycles that the godlye sufferaunce of martyrs hath geuen as good erudycyon to the christen churche as euer ded the doctryne of the sayntes Than is it mete that some be sterynge and not that all men in these dayes be ydell concernynge that godlye offyce Manye haue suffered in thys realme of late years by the bolde callynge on of Antichristes furyouse aduocates whose lattre confessyons causes and answers are a great deale more notable godlye if they be ryghtlye wayed than euer were the confessyons causes and answers of the olde canonysed martyrs whych in the popes Englysh churche haue had so manye solempnytees seruyces and sensynges Manye haue also most desperatlye recanted through their most wycked persuasyons and threttenynges in whose vayne recantacyons are both to be seane their blasphemyes agaynst God and manyfest treasons agaynst their kynge Now in conferrynge these martyrs the olde with the newe and the popes with Christes I seclude first of all the Brytayne churche or the prymatyue churche of thys realme whych neuer had autoryte of the Romysh pope Her martyrs in dede were agreable to that Christ spake afore in the Gospell concernynge hys martyrs wherby we shuld knowe thē as we euydentlye fynde in the lyues of Emerita kynge Lucyes syster Amphibalus Albanus Aaron Iulius ●i●nothus soch other I ●ende yow forth sayth he as shepe amonge wol●es Mē shall delyuer ye vp in their counsels and synagoges Ye shall be brought before rulers and kynges and be hated of all men in a maner for my names sake Mathei 10. Cast not afore in your myndes what answere to make For I in that houre shall geue ye both vtteraunce and wysdome whych all your aduersaryes shall not be hable to withstande Luce 21. They shall excommunycate yow or condēpne yow for heretykes Yea they shall brynge yow in soche hate of the world that who so euer kylleth yow wyll thynke he doth God great good seruyce And thys shall they do bycause they knowe ryghtlye neyther the father nor yet me Ioan. 16. Manye other lyke sentēces left the forde Iesꝰ Christ in hys holye Gospell that we shuld alwayes by thē dyscerne hys true martyrs frō the popes Mahome●es con̄terfe●t martyrs In Englād here sens the first plātacyon of the popes Englysh churche by Augustyne other Romysh monkes of Benettes superstycyō ij kyndes of martyrs hath bene ●ne of monasterye buylders and chaunterye founders whom the temporall prynces secular magistrates haue dyuersiye done to deathe sumtyme for dysobedyence sumtyme for manyfest treason as we haue of Wallenus of Crowlande Thomas of Lācastre Rycharde Scrope Becket soch other The ymages of these haue bene set● vp in their tēples lyke the olde goddes of the paganes haue had ther vygyls holye dayes ryngynges sacryfysynges cādels offerynges feastynges moch a do besydes as they had The other sort were preachers of the Gospell or poore teachers therof ī corners whā the persecucyō was soche that it myght not be taught abroade And these poore sowles or true seruauntes of God were put to deathe by the holye spirytuall fathers Byshoppes prestes monkes chanons fryers for heresye Iollerye they saye These Christen martyrs were neuer solēpnysed of thē No they had not so moch ●s a penye dyrge or a grote masse of Requ●em nomore than had Iohan Baptyst and Steuen amonge the Iewes But they haue bene holden for condempned heretykes euer sens Who euer hearde anye goodnesse yet reported of Dionothus with hys M. CC. companyons whom Augustyne caused to be slayne at Westchestre in hys churches begynnynge bycause they wolde not preache as he ded apoynt them nor baptyse after the Romysh maner neyther yet hallowe the eastre feast as they ded Manye a blessed creature both men womē haue bene brēt sens Iohā Wyclenes tyme afore for onlye dysclosynge the pharysees yokes teachynge the Gospels lyberte And thē haue that bawdye bloudye Synagoge of Sathā dyffamed blasphemed condēpned execrated cursed to hell as most detestable heretykes and dogges Where as if they were of Christ they ought in case they were their haters or enemyes to suffre thē to saye wele of them to do them good to praye for them Math. 5. Luce 6. and not thus to vse more tyrannye ouer them than euer ded Saracene Turke Tyra●̄t or deuyll A great dyfference is there of the martyrs whom they make from the martyrs whom they canonyse Of them whom they dampne from them whom they worshypp Yea so great a dyfference or dyuersyte betwyn them if ye marke them wele as is betwixt golde and