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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18573 The rooting out of the Romishe supremacie Wherein is declared, that the authoritie which the Pope of Rome doth challenge to him selfe ouer all Christian bishops and churches, is vnlawfully vsurped: contrarie to the expresse word and institution of our sauiour Iesu Christ: who did giue equall power and authoritie to all the apostles, bishops, and ministers of his Church, whereof he is the true corner stone, and only heade. Set foorth by William Chauncie Esq. Chauncie, William. 1580 (1580) STC 5103; ESTC S107788 51,564 146

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now within these three yeares pleased God to giue me his grace to read his holy scriptures and other good authours and Doctours of his Church to my great comfort and consolation Whereby I was stirred vppe to gather in this little treatise these thinges which moued me to see and know the trueth that if it were Gods will they might doe some good to the instruction of others also to the only glorie of his sonne our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ who haue your honour alwayes in his gratious protection May. 1580. Your good Lordships most humble at Commaundement William Chauncy To the Christian Reader THe moste excellent thing that Almightie God hath giuen to mankinde is the knowledge of the trueth the treasure of his wisdom expressed in his holy scriptures For without it we can neither know God nor Iesus Christ his sonne our Sauiour and Redeemer who saith of him selfe Ego sum via Iohn 14. veritas Vita I am the way the trueth and the life and no man commeth to my father but by me and he that knoweth me knoweth also my father But the knowledge of this truth which lightneth our mindes with the faith of God and of his sonne Iesus Christ by his holy word deliuered in the Scriptures hath bene many hundred yeres couered and hidden from the most part of all temporall men as they are called yea from mightie Emperours Kings Princes and Magistrates of this world through the craftie practises of the Bishoppes of Rome Who to extoll themselues and their Cleargie aboue all Emperours and princes haue by wicked pollicie hidden and withdrawen from them and from all Christians the sacred Scriptures conteined in the old and in the newe Testamentes that thereby the detestable pride of the Bishops of Rome and their Cleargie might not be knowen to men least they should perceiue how farre they did varie frō the example of Christ and the humble godly liues of his Apostles and disciples of Bishops and ministers for the space of vj. hundred yeares after the church was planted by our sauiour Christ So that it came to passe that the Bishops of Rome raged and raigned like Gods vpon the earth and no temporal prince durst as much as looke vpon the worde of God nor haue any bookes of the holie scriptures least they should haue bene excommunicated for heretikes An vngodly pollicie deuised of them to the intent that their deuelish pride intollerable ambition might not be reformed by the doctrine of Christ which is most cōtrarie to their vsurped authoritie supremacie which they haue chalenged and vsed sith the time that the Emperour Phocas more then sixe hundred yeres after Christ did grant vnto Boniface the third of that name the title and authoritie of vniuersal Bishop ouer all other Bishoppes a thing most contrarie to our Sauiour Christes institution and commandements Wherefore gentle Reader to the intent that good Christian people should be no longer abused deceiued through the crafty practises of the Bishop of Romes decrees and counterfet gloses whereby he hath vsurped his most vniust authoritie and title of supremacy with which he hath almost blinded all Christian people kingdoms I haue in this treatise briefely declared the truth of our Sauiour Christs two cōmissiōs giuen ioyntly to all his Apostles in suche manner that they should be in like authoritie and power not one aboue the other in any degree I haue also shewed how earnestly and straightly Christe did forbid all superioritie and dominion to be amongest thē which I haue approued both by the holie Scriptures and by Godly auncient writers I haue noted farther what account was made of the Bishop of Rome in the foure first generall Councels euen the same which was made of other Bishops of the chiefe Sees in Aegypt in Asia in Greece and other prouinces I haue declared when this vsurped supremacie did first begin and by whome moreouer how greatly the Bishops of Rome did fall from true Godlinesse from the faith of Christe after they had obtained of the Emperours that proude vngodly title of vniuersall Bishoppe Wherein I haue touched the wicked behauiour of a fewe of them to giue as it were a taste of the fruites of their supremacie Lastly I haue opened the dealinges of good princes againste their wickednesse and tyrannie in our owne countrie making thereby manifest that King Henrie the eight was not the first king of this realme who did expell that vsurped authoritie but that almost ful two hundreth yeares before King Henrie the eight it was spurned at and diuers lawes and statutes were made by diuers Kinges of this Realme against it So that by reading ouer of this little worke they that desire to see the truth of this matter shal wander I trust no longer in the doubtes of darkenesse for lacke of knowledge of the trueth whiche is reuealed to vs by the worde of God that CHRISTE our Sauiour teacheth vs euen hee who doeth say Ioh. 8.12 Ego sum lux mundi I am the light of the werlde Doubtlesse he that walketh in this light shall knowe the trueth and shall not wander in darkenesse of any Popish traditions and superstitions which is the most daungerous and deadly kinde of darkenesse Now it is saide of Christe Ioh. 12.35 Qui ambulat in tenebris nescit quò vadit He that walketh in darkenesse knoweth not whether hee goeth Let vs therefore heare our Sauiour Iesus Christe Ambulate dum lucem habetis ne vos tenebrae comprehendant Whilest ye haue the light of Gods worde walke in it least the darkenesse come vpon you and you returne againe vnto it 2. Pet. 2.22 Pro. 26.11 ut canis ad vomitum sus ad volutabrum As a dogge to his vomit as a sow to her wallowing in the filthie mire of Popishe superstitions To the which entent my trust is in God that this little booke shall somewhat helpe you forward by satisfying the consciences of good people who will reade it with desire to learne the trueth GOD graunt that we may all both learne it and followe it that we neuer flie from it vnto errours of vaine deuises of men but onely put our whole hope our confidence and trust in the death and passion of our sauiour Iesus Christ and leade a holie life according to his worde to the glorie of God to whome be all honour Dominion and Maiestie for euer and euer Amen ¶ The rooting out of the Romishe supremacie wherein is declared that the authoritie which the Pope of Rome doeth challenge to himselfe ouer all Christian Bishops and Churches is vnlawfully vsurped Chap. 1. That in controuersies of religion the truth must be tried by the holy Scriptures That by the Scriptures no apostle nor Bishop hath a supremacie ouer others IN al maner of doubts controuersies which may arise in our Christian religion the trueth therof must be tried with the touche of Gods word as well in matters that concerne godly instruction as
in those thinges which doe belong to a Christian conuersation Doctrine And first there must be brought in nothing into the Church of God but that which God commaundeth Moses therefore in giuing of lawes to the Israelites Doctrine diuerse sundrie times hath this saying Dominus locutus est Exo. 20.1 The Lord spake these wordes And in the dayes of Ahas when the seruice of God was polluted and they sacrificed their sonnes daughters vnto diuels by causing them to passe through the fire 8. Isay 20. the Prophet willeth them to repaire to the law to the testimony if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them And therefore the fearce wrath of the Lorde was powred vpon Nadab and Abihu Leui. 10.1 sonnes vnto Aaron the high Priest because contrary to the lawe of God they offered strange fire And this was the cause that Vzzah was stroken slayne because contrary to Gods commandement he would haue stayed vp the Arke of the Lord. And albeit the man had a good intention an honest meaning yet the spirite of God reproueth the fact and saith God smot him in the place for his Fault 2. Sam. 6.7 there he died by the Arke of God And in the new Testament our Sauiour doth acknowledge that the doctrine was not his but his fathers and speaking of the spirit he saith that it shall call vnto minde those things which he hath spoken and the Apostle did deliuer nothing else vnto the Corrinthians but that which he had receiued of the Lorde Iesus And therefore Christ in the Gospell saith Iohn 10. My sheepe heare my voyce and as for a stranger they will not heare And this therefore moued the men of Berea to proue Pauls preaching by the writinges of the law and the Prophets Act. 17.11 and this moued Paul to denunce an accurse against those which went about to preach an other Gospell yea if it were himselfe or an Angel from heauen Gal. 1.8 And therfore Augustine hath this worthy saiing Audi dicit Dominus Epist 48. non dicit Donatus aut Rogatus aut Vincētius aut Hilarius aut Ambrosius aut Augustinus sed dicit dominus Heare the Lord saith it not Donatus saith it or Rogatus or Vincentius or Hilarius or Ambrose or Augustine but the Lord affirmeth aduoucheth And the same in an other place Aug. de nuptiis concupiscentia lib. 2. cap. 33. Ista controuersia iudicē quaerit iudicet ergo Christus cui rei mors eius profecerit ipse dicat This cōtrouersie seketh a iudge let Christ then iudge and let him tell what thing his death hath profited And this did that good most Christian Constantine in the councel of Nice for the appeasing of Sectes which were crept in to the Church referred the Bishoppes the councel to the scriptures of God Trip. lib. 2. cap. 5. But heretikes cannot away with the word of God as it may appeare in the Pharisees which did greatly regarde the doctrines of men Mat. 15. contemning despising the commandements of almighty God In Montanus 1. Tim. 4.3 who being delighted in the doctrine of Deuils forbidding meates mariage did leaue the word and did flee to reuelations in madde Manicheus who for the establishing of his errours did shroud him selfe in the harbour of his hellish inspiratiōs Chrisost de sancto adorando spiritu in Adimantus his disciple infected with the poyson of his master who did bend him selfe fully and wholy to dispraise the scriptures of God Aug. contra Adimantum cap. 3. but moste manifestly in the papistes which for the maintenaunce of their most vile and abominable superstition haue called the worde of God a nose of waxe or a shippmans hoose as of late did that fleshly carnall Cardinall Cusanus or a blacke or an inckie gospell as did of late time Eckius Pighius two princiall pillers of the popish Sinagogue or Semen Turcicū a turkish seede whereas it is the seede of the immortall and euerliuing God 1. Pet. 1.23 as some time did that pestilent prelate I meane poysoned Poole Therefore leauing these mē in their errours let vs remember that are the Children of God if there be any errour in doctrine to referre our selues to the written word of God And as in doctrine Conuersation so in like manner for the ordering of our conuersation and for the amendement of our leude liues And therefore by Moses Deu. 12.8 Num. 15.39.40 almightie God saith Let not euery one doe that which is right in his owne eyes but that which I commaund you shall obserue Yea god calleth the following of a mans owne fācie and the seeking for to accomplish the desire of his owne heart whoring And whereas the Iewes had a great opinion of their fathers doinges being drawen thereto by a natuall affection God reclameth them and by his prophet he saith You shall not goe in the wayes of your fathers I am the Lorde your GOD Ezech. 20.18 walke in my preceptes Psal 109. And therefore Dauid woulde haue a yong man to rule himselfe according to Gods worde and this would the graundmother of Timothie 2. Tim. 1.5 and therefore she trained him in the scriptures from his verie youth Verily verily the wayes of the Lord are righteous and the iust will walke therein but as for the vngodly which haue solde them selues vnto sinne do break in sunder the cordes of Gods lawe because they hate and abhorre to be reformed And therfore hauing committed the workes of darkenes doe enuie and mallice at nothing so much Iohn 3. as at the light for Qui malè agit odit lucem He that doth euill hateth the light As it may appeare in the Popes of Rome who will not haue their doinges to be called in questiō as it may appeare by that speach of Paul the second Platina in vita Pauli secundi Pontifex sum mihique licet pro arbitrio c. I am Pope I may do as I list And therfore this is decreed in their decretals Sacrilegij esset instar Distinct 40. si Papa in glossa disputare de facto Papae It should be accounted sacriledge for any man to reason of the Popes doing And the rest of the popish cleargie are sicke of a disease called Noli me tāgere But cleane contrary is it in the Church of God where the mēbers do committe themselues fully wholy to be censured by the worde of God neither going vnto the right hande or to the left and whereas they are called Gods building are gladd to be squared by the rule of the scripture and therfore no doubt but peace euen that peace which passeth all vnderstanding shall come vnto them which so walke Gal. 6.16 and mercy to the Israel which doth appertaine to God And therefore both in thinges which doe concerne doctrine or