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A10826 Spirituall encrease: or, Conclusions for pacifying the perplexed conscience of the weake Christian Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620. 1621 (1621) STC 21098.7; ESTC S114561 50,019 237

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God beleeue of himselfe that he shall be saued And also the Apostle saith that we know that we are translated from death to life because we loue the Brethren all those things we know because our faith beleeueth all that which the word of God hath taught vs in this behalfe CON. 32. The effect of faith is to giue assurance of the present state and of perseuerance also to future glory EXPLA. As many as receiued Christ to them he gaue power to bee sonnes euen to them that beleeue in his name Now to receiue is to take in particular to a mans selfe to apply to himself to apprehend or lay hold of him with all his benefits to make particular vse of Christ so that true faith according to the measure of it assures infallibly not in general only by principall but in particular also by conclusion and application to it selfe and as of his owne good will hee hath begotten vs by the word of truth that we should bee as the first fruits of his creatures so by the same true grace of God that comfort is ministred vnto the faithfull to say Behold what loue the Father hath giuen vnto vs that we are called and are euen now the Sons of God! and we know that when he shall appeare we shall be like vnto him For thorow faith we receiue the promise of the Spirit That is Faith is the very hand into which being holden forth vnto God hee giueth the Spirit which hee had promised CON. 33. When God giueth vs this light and feeling that he is our Father there followeth necessarily a certificate that we are his children this testimony cannot be counterfeited EXPLA. Neither the spirit of man himselfe nor any other spirit can giue man that spirituall eye of the inner man whereby to looke vpon God as a Father that sincere and pure affection and inuocation wherewith the faithfull soule tendereth it selfe vnto God but onely the Sp●rit of God himselfe which beareth witnes vnto our spirit that wee are the Sonnes of God and because we are the Sonnes of God he hath sent forth the spirit of his Sonne into our hearts crying Abba Father Now this Spirit that beareth witnesse is truth being the Spirit of Truth and therefore beeing sent for a comforter surely in comforting he telleth and testifieth nothing but the truth if then the Spirit of God beare witnesse vnto vs that we are the Sonnes of God wee know that it is true and wee are sure wee are the Sonnes of God And this witnessing properly standeth in the true spirituall inuocation and calling on the name of God whereby vpon all occasion as children to a Father make our recourse vnto him for it is not incident vnto vs to haue in our hearts conscience that familiar and louely accesse vnto the Throne of Grace but vpon cōscience of the spirit dwelling in vs for this spirit of praier doth witnesse vnto the elect that they are the Sons of God CON. 34. If God hath once giuen thee assured signes of his fauour hee will neuer change EXPLA. The Testament of Christ is still new yea though it were from the beginning yet it is still the same and the day passes not in which it was giuen but it endureth still with the age of man And thus it is not possible that our works should iustifie which waxe olde and are forgotten So that the righteous man of an hundred yeares old if hee leaue his righteousnesse it hath no account the saluation of the world is not thus but alwayes new If once I bee in the couenant it is an euerlasting couenant I was not taken vnder condition of time nor no time shall preuaile against mee the saluation it selfe is not changeable as Adam was in Paradise but it is made sure in the body of Christ vnited with the person of his Godhead So the wayes also in which wee are led vnto it they are īmutable our faith is not quenched our loue not extinguished our hope faileth not nor the holy Spirit can neuer be taken from vs but still they are new euen to eternall life CON. 35. We are ioynt-heires with Christ and must attaine to our inheritance that same way which he did beeing first partakers with him in suffering as we shall be afterwards in glory EXPLA. Faith expecteth all these things from God because it is giuen vnto vs for Christs sake not only to beleeue in him but also to suffer for his sake beeing strengthned with all might thorow his glorious power to all patience and long suffering with ioyfulnes To this end as the sufferings of Christ abound in them so hee causeth their consolations to abound through Christ their hope is stedfast in this behalfe because they know that as they are partakers of the sufferings so they shall be of the consolation for faith resteth vpon that which is written hee hath said I wil not fail thee nor forsake thee therefore wee may boldly say The Lord is on my side I will not feare what man can do vnto me he hath predestinated vs to be made like to the Image of his Sonne and therefore hauing receiued the spirit to reueale vnto vs this secret of predestination wee stand assured that accordingly he will accomplish in vs the Image of his Sonne that together with him wee may beare the crosse and together with him also weare the crowne and therefore shall so order all things that there shall be nothing to come that shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. CON. 36. The cause of life spirituall in vs is Christ not carnally nor corporally inhabiting but dwelling in the soule of man as a thing which when the minde apprehendeth it is said to inhabite or possesse the minde EXPLA. The minde containeth Christ by hearing and beleeuing the Doctrine of christianity with particular apprehension as the light of nature doth cause the mind to apprehend those truthes which are meerely rationall so that sauing truth which is farre aboue the reach of humane reason cannot otherwise then by the Spirit of the Almighty be conceiued as in these sentences The Spirit is our life or the Word is our life or Christ our life the meaning is that our life is Christ by the hearing of the Gospell apprehended ●s a Sauiour and assented vnto by the power of the holy Ghost CON. 37. The motions and operations of life are sometime so indiscernable and so secret that they seeme stone dead who notwithstanding are still aliue vnto God in Christ. EXPLA. The first intellectuall conceit and comprehension of Christ is the seede whereof wee bee borne new our first embracing of Christ is our first reuiuing from the state of death and condemnation Hee that hath the Sonne hath life and hee that hath not the Sonne hath no life therefore if hee which once had the Son may cease to haue
and iustified them hee glorified because hee called and iustified none but whom he had predestinated to glory and therefore giueth them perseuerance for the attainement of the same glory Yea and they also account all things but losse for the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus our Lord and doe iudge them but dung that they may win Christ and bee found in him not hauing their owne righteousnesse which is by the Law CON. 21. There was neuer any meere naturall man for Christ was God also void of all sinne EXPLA. Surely if any at any time was it must be she who by speciall prerogatiue nine moneths togither entertained Christ within the closet of her slesh the hope of all the ends of the earth the honor of the world the common ioy of men but hee of whom all things had their beginnings had his beginning from her of whose body he tooke the blood which was to be shed for the world yet of her hee tooke that which for her he payed The world cannot shew a righteous man much lesse perfectly righteous but Christ is made to vs wisedome reuealing his Fathers will Iustice in offering himselfe a sacrifice for sinne Sanctificatiō because he hath giuen vs his spirit Redemption because he had appointed a day to vindicat his children out of the hands of corruption into a glorious liberty CON. 22. There is a glorifying righteousnes in the world to come as there is a iustifying sanctifying righteousnesse here EXPLA. The righteousnesse wherewith we shall bee clothed in the world to come is both perfect and inherent that whereby here wee are iustified such as is the faith of Abraham is perfect but not inherent that whereby wee are sanctified the workes of Abraham is inherent but not perfect for the righteousnesse wherein we must be found if wee will bee iustified is not our owne for in Christ God findeth vs and the man altogether vnrighteous beeing found in Christ through faith God putteth away his sin by not imputing the same takes quite away the punishment due thereunto by pardoning it and accepted him in Christ Iesus as perfectly righteous as if he had fulfilled all that was commanded him in the law for God made him sinne for vs who knew no sinne that wee might bee made the righteousnesse of God in him that is such we are in the sight of God the Father as is the very Sonne of God himselfe this is all men had sinned God had suffered God had made himselfe the sonne of man and men are made the righteousnesse of God and the grace which elected vs is no grace at all if it elect vs for our workes sake CON. 23 There is no mans case so dangerous as his whom Satan had perswaded that his own righteousnesse shal present him pure blamelesse in the sight of God EXPLA. The more wee haue our fruite in holinesse the more we abound therein the more neede we haue to craue that wee may bee supported and strengthned our very vertues are snares vnto vs it is harder for Sathan to ouerthrow an humble sinner thē a proud Sainct if we could say as we cannot doe wee are guilty of nothing God sees farther into our hearts then we our selues can doe with hands we neuer offered violence yet a bloody thought doth prooue vs murtherers before him our secret cogitations are laid in the eyes of God and our best things intermingled with many defects God respects the intention of the doer which is seldome vpright our best actions are prayers but how in them are wee distracted little reuerence to the great Maiestie of God little remorse of our owne miseries little influence of his mercies doe wee feele vnwilling to beginne and glad to make an end wherefore wee must euer say Lord beare with our infirmities and pardon our offences CON. 24. Onely man can escape the iudgement of God by appealing to the seate of his sauing mercy EXPLA. God had fixed the limits of his sauing mercy within the compasse of these terms God sent not his Sonne to condemne the world but that the world thorow him might be saued and thereafter mercy is restrained to beleeuers for he that beleeues shall not be condemned hee that beleeues not is condemned already because he beleeues not in the Son of God and in another place mercy is restrained to the penitent Of Iesabel and her sectaries thus hee spake I gaue her space to repent and she repented not behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit fornication with her into a great affliction except they repent them of their work●s and I will kill her children with death If thou be therefore not altogether faithlesse and impenitent there is mercy in store for thee abundantly CON. 25. Faith is the fountaine of prayer and God in keeping of our faith continueth our prayer because the stream cannot faile so long as the fountaine faileth not EXPLA. Prayer is the breath of faith which neuer ceaseth to breathe so long as it is aliue Prayers are the beames of faith if the light of faith bee not quenched it certainely sendeth forth these beames of prayer wherefore they neuer giue ouer to pray that it may bee fulfilled in them which is promised Euery one that calleth vpon the name of God shall be saued God vseth instruction of the word and Sacraments and correction of crosses and tentation to preserue both faith prayer by afflictions he fretteth off the rust and blotteth away the ashes of carnall ●ecurity Wherefore it is said Lord in affliction they visited thee they haue powred out a prayer when thy chastisement was vpon them Thus God keepeth the fire of his Spirit continually burning in our hearts opening our eares by his corrections to cause vs to ceasse from our euill enterprizes and to heale our pride and to keepe backe our soule from the pit Wherefore when wee are iudged wee are chastned of the Lord that we may not be condemned with the world CON. 26. Doubting or distracting feare cannot stand with assurance of faith but awfull and regarding feare is an vndiuided companion of true faith EXPLA. As feare is opposed to faith we heare God appointing his Ministers to call his people from it Say vnto the fearefull bee thou strong feare not behold our God commeth with vengeance and hee will come and saue you and againe Feare not for I am with thee be not afraid for I am thy God I will strengthen thee and help● thee and sustaine thee with the hand of my Iustice And againe Feare not for I haue redeemed thee I haue called thee by name thou art mine And againe Feare not for thou shalt not be ashamed nor confounded in righteousnesse shalt thou bee established and be farre from feare for it shall not come neere thee this is the heritage of the Lords seruants whose righteousnesse is of me for Christs merit is our
sins My soule is heauy vnto death yea he was astonished at his griefe at the very entry at it for his sweat was drops of blood falling from h●m and God sent an Angell from heauen to comfort him Was this for the death of his body His seruants that receiue of his fulnesse doe they not easily despise this death that either they desire to be with Christ or reioyce in the middest of it before the persecutor The Apostles did sing in prison Paule gloried in his tribulations which were many And did hee cry out my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Here is no comparisō that which made him tremble wold haue crushed them that which made him sweate blood would haue made them sinke into the bottome of hel and that which made him cry would haue held both Angels and men vnder euerlasting woe But Christ was as water powred out and all his bones out of ioynt his heart like waxe molted in the middest of his bowels his strength was dried vp like a potsheard and his tongue cleaued vnto his iawes hee was brought with his sorrowes to the dust of death for hee bare our sinnes in his body he submitted himselfe to the death of them and by the wounds of his stripes we be healed For our sinnes deserued not onely a bodily but also a second death in hell fire hee suffered the torments of body and the anguish of the soule the wrath of his Father which wounded his flesh spirit vnto death would haue holden him in that condemnation for euer if he had not bene stronger then we that had deserued it but beeing the Sonne of God in whom the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelled bodily the eternall Spirit that was within him did loose the chaines of death and hell of which it was impossible that hee should bee holden and hath left his enemies the Deuill death and hell in ignominy and darknesse and hath abolished them for euer CON. 76. We are presented faultlesse before the presence of Gods glory by beeing made one with Christ. EXPLA. Of Christ onely is it true This is my well-beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased this is the Saluation wee haue by him to bee grafted in him and made partakers of his life All the faithfull before Christ were righteous in him for wee must leaue all our works in the earth where they were done and they must dye with the corruptible hands and feete with which they are wrought we must go naked and bare and offer nothing but that which is Christs yea our selues wee must present in his body for in our owne persons wee cannot possibly be accepted Euen as the Vine branch can haue no life except it abide in the body of the Vine no more we either life or righteousnesse except wee be and abide in Christ. He is our substance and being in the inheritance of glory his righteousnesse is ours his loue ours his life our life his Spirit our spirit of his fulnesse we receiue all This is a great mistery which the eye seeth not nor heart can vnderstand yet it is a reall ioyning with him faith comprehendeth it and when wee shall see that wisedome which is called vnity in one person God and man wee shall see the wisedome which hath made vs all the body of that head and members one of another In him he is well pleased I say with vs. If that couenant wherin it was once promised to Abraham to giue a land vnto the Iews and all their rebellion could not falsifie his promise in him wee haue a couenant greater and better therefore let vs trust vnto his promise which cannot change his grace nor repent him of his mercy for euer for this is a holy couenant which shall not be broken but God will make all our enemies our footstooles and will surely take vs vp into his glory and briefly the presence of God to which Christ leadeth vs is a throne of Grace for by his merits we bee brought vnto God as before a Iudge who from his tribunall Seat doth acquit vs for euer of his own grace and free mercy For whosoeuer looketh to bee iustified by any other thing the Lord can no more shew mercy vnto him then he can change the property of his Iudgement seate to make it no more the Throne of Grace CON. 77. A perfect beauty of all excellent loue appeareth in the great worke of Christs mediation for hee became man Secondly Hee was ordained to accomplish whatsoeuer was betweene God and man Thirdly This was giuen to Christ by God both by word and by oath and all was to haue compassion on vs. EXPLA. Neither Angell nor Archangell nor Principalities nor Powers can doe this worke to present flesh and blood vnto the Maiesty of God when themselues are but spirits He tooke not the Angels nature but the seede of Abraham But in his sufferings his loue is most euident in that it was so feruent and so deepely rooted that neither feare nor trembling nor any anguish of spirit could make him shake nor the force of death nor any bloody sweats could pull it out of his bowels this is the depth of the Gospell which the Angels doe desire to behold it skilleth not how many our sins are and how great in our eyes the Lord will scatter them as the clouds from the heauens and they shall not turne away his louing countenance from vs if our sinnes bee as scarlet and not ours onely but the sinnes of the whole world they rested all vpon Christ he prayeth for deliuerance and hath obtained and therefore we may say with boldnesse forgiue vs our trespasses We then which are laden but with our owne sins should lift vp our hearts in the great assurance of hope and heare with ioyfulnesse the word of promise I will be mercifull to their vnrighteousnesse and I will remember their sins and iniquities no more There is nothing comparable to his passions by whose stripes we are healed and therefore may bee fully perswaded that nothing shall separate vs from the loue of God in Christ for the Lord hath appointed to giue to all that mourne in Sion beauty for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse for hee was wounded for our transgressions and broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him his prayers are ours his supplications for vs availeable for more sins then we are able to commit This is the victory that shall ouercome the world euen our faith For his Father hath broken him with one breaking vpon another so he kindled his wrath against him and accounted him as one of his enemies hee cryed out aloud in silence he could finde no ease his face was wrinckled with weeping and the shaddow of death was vpon his eyes whē he was the brightnesse of glory and the Sunne of Righteousnesse that
wee shall receiue in him that promised EXPLA. If we consider our meri●● we must despaire but wee must depend vpon his promise and his oath that by two immutable things wherein it is vnpossible that God should lye we might haue strong consolation which haue our refuge to lay hold vpon that hope that is set before vs and this is a commendable presumption when wee challenge God vpon his owne bond and not vpon any sufficiency of our workes Wherein notwithstanding faith receiueth comfort and strength by the good fruits and effects of grace in the feare and loue of God in faithfull care and conscience duty towards God and men tokens of Gods secret election fore●●kens of future happinesse so that a man called to God by fear and framed to righteousnesse by loue presumes that hee is of the number of them that shall bee blessed CON. 17. To proue whether wee be in the faith is to prooue whether Christ be in vs for truly faith is that whereby Christ dwelleth in our hearts EXPLA. Wee haue receiued not the spirit of this world but the spirit which is of God that wee may know the things that are giuen vs of God The origin●●● of all other gifts is the giuing of Christ vnto vs For vnto vs a child is borne and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen in whom all the promises of God are yea and amen and for his sake first made and in him performed whom the Father giuing to vs and for vs had altogether with him giuen vs all things the gift of the Spirit the gift of repentance the gift of faith the gift of righteousnesse the gift of loue the gift of suffering for Christ the g●ft of all things pertaining to life and godlinesse the gift of eternall life yea all manner spirituall blessings in heauenly thing these be the vnsearchable riches of Christ preached ●●to the Gentiles a mystery which from the beginning of the world was hid in God and not opened to the sonnes of men nay not to the very Angels was it knowne so that when it was done they did euen desire and delight to looke vnto it the accomplishment of which riches is in the ioy of heauen And so now we are the sonnes of God but yet we know not what wee shall be for sinnes depriued vs of Paradise a place on earth but by the purchase of his blood wee are intitled to a farre higher euen the Kingdome of heauen and his blood is not onely the blood of remission to acquit vs of our sins but the blood of the Testament to bequeath vs and giue vs estate in that heauenly inheritance and all these things wee haue by faith in him by which hee purified our hearts and dwelleth therein by his Spirit whose Temples we are CON. 18. As wee haue a measure of true righteousnesse against sinne wherein wee doubt not but God accepted vs so haue we also a measure of true assurance against all feare and doubt whereby our hearts rests perswaded that God will for euer preserue vs. EXPLA. God our wise father both giueth comfort to his children and also prouideth to keepe them within their bounds that tasting of the ioy of saluation and finding it thence-forth bitter and grieuous vnto themselues to be distracted by perplexities and feares from the quiet enioying thereof they may the more carefully endeuour to cleaue fast vnto him beware of any thing that should interrupt their ioyfull peace We are ready by corruptiō to abuse comforts and therefore God so ordereth the same that they are euer out of our owne nature or afflictions nipping and snipping vs that wee grow not proud and rely on our selues to the destruction of our selues God maketh sin the whetstone of righteousnesse and affliction trouble of minde by distresse and fearefull doubts whetteth and sharpeneth our faith and assurance which by fighting increased and the longer it wrastled the stronger it waxed as a man in danger of drowning catcheth for hold to saue himselfe so God sendeth variety of disturbances that the minde should not gnaw and waste it selfe away whereof the one is drawne away with the other that wee should not be steeped and dissolued with sorrow for if God correct with the rod of men his mercy hee doth neuer take away CON. 19. By this wee may know we are in God and God in vs because hee hath giuen vs of his Spirit which promised to men fellowship with himselfe immortality to vs mortall Iustification to sinners glorification to vs being abiects EXPLA. The originall of all this consisted in Gods election wherein he hath made vs his children and heires touching the hope of euerlasting life which we expect by title of inheritance not by purchase of merit hauing receiued for earnest and pledge therof the spirit of Christ sanctifying and preparing vs thereto for not of the works of righteousnesse which we haue done but of his mercy hath hee saued vs. Iohn the Baptist sayd he was not worthy to loose the lachet of his shooe who can then be thought worthy of that heauenly Kingdome The Centurion of whom Christ gaue testimony that he found not so great faith no not in Israel cōfessed of himselfe I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter vnder my roofe who then is worthy to enter vnder the roofe of heauen but euery faithfull man may say with Daniel To thee O Lord belongeth righteousnesse but vnto vs belongeth confusion of face and with Dauid Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for in thy sight no man liuing shall bee iustified and againe If thou straitly marke what is done amisse who shall bee able to stand CON. 20. By what our faith assures vs of present standing by the same and as farre it secures vs against future falling EXPLA. Faith looketh vpon God as a Father who himselfe teacheth all his children that they may be sure to learne as a good shepheard that so gathered the sheepe that none of them shall bee lacking as a good husbandman that so senced his vine keepeth it night and day that none assault to hurt it as a Rocke strong sure that the gates of hell shall not preuaile against the Church of the faithfull that are founded and builded vpon it It lookes vpon Gods promise I will put my feare into their hearts that they shall not depart from me It looketh into the Mediation of Christ who had not prayed for Peter onely That his faith might not faile but for all that beleeue in him Holy father keepe them in thy name wherefore wee are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation Hee that keepeth vs by faith must be vnderstood to keepe our faith not by any power of ours but by his onely power for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance whom hee called
righteousnesse And all this is because wee should rest in full assurance of safety without feare or doubt because hee promised to preuent all occasions whence any feare should arise And so he deliuered them out of the hands of their enemies without feare and Christ died that he might deliuer them who for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage and now wee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare any more but the spirit of adoption to cry abba Father for God hath not giuen vs the spirit of feare but of power and of loue and of a sound minde for there is no greater bondage then that feare when we are vncertaine what shall become of vs but he said Feare not little flocke for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you the Kingdome Now that other commendable feare doth not shake assurance of saluation but the faithfull finding that in him doth gather the greater assurance to himselfe For the punishment of God is fearefull vnto him that dreades Gods iudgements abhorreth wicked courses laboureth in righteousnesse is strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and doe work their saluation with feare and trembling with humility and acknowledgement of their own frailety and neuer to commit themselues to themselues but to him who hath wrought all our workes for vs for by his owne might shall no man be strong Now there is difference betwixt absolute doubting weake assenting and interruption in assent with some feare for the seeds of all impiety land in the corruption of the heart whereby we are assaulted with doubt of the principall poynts of our beleefe the wisedome power iustice mercy of God yet do not wholly relinquish the assent thereof CON. 27. In application of our generall faith to particular occasions wee many times goe halting and lame and stagger somewhat at that whereof our faith should giue vs full assurance by the will of God EXPLA. Thus did Sarah cast doubt of Gods promise touching the hauing of a child who yet is said through faith to haue receiued strength to conceiue when she was past age because she iudged him faithfull that had promised Thus did Moses call in question the power of God as touching prouiding flesh for the people of Israel when God promised so to do So Dauid and Habacuck staggered as touching the prouidence of God and his care of the iust and righteous men So did the Disciples murmure concerning the Godhead of Christ and the hope of redemption by him which before they had imbraced surely when we look vnto our selues in our greatest perfections we are subiect to that amazed distraction as to say Who shall ascend into heauen as if Christ were not ascended to make way for vs and Who shall descend into the deepe as if Christ had not died to deliuer vs from thence we can neuer satisfie our selues how either to escape the one or to attaine the other CON. 28. They are not faithlesse which are weake in assenting to the truth EXPLA. As many as hold the foundation which is precious thogh they hold it but weakly and as it were with a slender thread although they frame many base and vnsutable things vpon it things that cannot abide the triall of fire yet shall they passe the fiery triall and be saued which indeed haue builded themselues vpon the Rocke which is the foundation of the Church CON. 29. The foundation of faith is not onely the generall ground whereupon we rest when wee beleeue the writings of the Prophets and Apostles but also it is the principall thing which is beleeued that is Christ. EXPLA. There is a foundation of our faith God manifested in the flesh iustified in the Spirit and this Thou art the Sonne of the liuing God thou art the King of Israel and that of the inhabitants of Samaria This is Christ the Sauiour of the world Which who directly doth deny doth vtterly rase the very foundation of faith for Christ in the worke of mans saluation is all without our workes for hee is that seede in whom all the Nations of the world shall be blessed and among men there is giuen no other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued other foundation can no man lay CON. 29. The holy Spirit in the very moment when first he is giuen of God bringeth with him infused vertues proper and peculiar to the Saincts of God EXPLA. There bee two kindes of christian righteousnesse the one without vs which wee haue by imputation the other in vs which consisteth of Faith Hope and Charity as Abraham had not onely the one because the things beleeued was imputed to him for righteousnesse but also the other because he offered vp his son They are both Gods gifts and the first by accepting vs for righteous in Christ and the second by working christian righteousnesse in vs by the spirit of adoption which we haue receiued into our hearts which maketh two kindes of sanctifying righteousnesse habituall and actuall CON. 30. The wicked haue not such faith as that wherewith a Christian man is iustified EXPLA. It is the Spirit of God which worketh faith in the Elect the things which they beleeue are not apprehended onely as true but also as good and that to vs as good they are not apprehended by the wicked as true they are The Christian the more hee increaseth in faith the more his ioy and comfort aboundeth but they the more sure they are of the truth the more they quake and tremble at it for the wicked doe rather wish that they might then thinke that they shall ceasse when they ceasse to liue because they hold it better that death should consume them into nothing then God reuiue them vnto punishment On the contrary to the Elect there is no grief nor torment greater then to feele their perswasion weake in things whereof when they are perswaded they reape such comfort and ioy of the Spirit CON. 31. Faith giueth vs the comfort of saluation because it beleeueth that which the word of God hath deliuered concerning them in whom the signes marks of our Election are found EXPLA. Faith giueth assurance of saluation by the Word of God not only by apprehending the promise of life and saluation but also obseruing such marks and tokens as the Word of God setteth down to discerne them vnto whom this saluation doth appertaine and therefore it doth not onely looke to that which Christ saith that whosoeuer beleeueth shall haue euerlasting life but because Christ also saith hee that is of God heareth Gods word therefore the faithful man delighteth in the word of God beleeueth concerning himselfe that he is of God because the Apostle saith Euery one that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saued and this also doth the faithfull man vnfaignedly calling on the name of
shined in the world yet to see his dayes as it were at an end and his enterprizes broken his carefull thoughts to bee so deepe grauen in his breast that they changed euen the day into night vnto him and al light that approched into darkenesse When his excellency was such aboue all creatures that the world was not worthy to giue him breath yet hee to bee made a worme and not a man a shame of men and contempt of the people all that saw him to haue him in derision and to shut vp his life in shame and reproches so vnworthy a reward of so precious a seruant He was righteous aboue measure yet was he accoūted among the wicked and briefly hee was called a glutton but had his appetites bridled with all holy moderation his behauiour without all reproofe yet slandered as a friend of Publicans hee loued the Law of his Father that he would not suffer one iot or title vnaccomplished yet accused as enemy to Moses he loued his Father with all his heart and was obedient vnto him to the death euen the death of the Crosse yet they said he blasphemed He was an enemy to Sathan euen to death and by death ouercame him that brought death into the world he hated him with so perfect hatred and held stedfast the enmity that was betweene them vntill hee had spoyled his principalities and powers and trampled ouer them in an euerlasting victory yet they said he had a deuill such a loathsome sinke was couered in the heart of man and now the thoughts of many hearts made open And if Moses Ieremiah Isaiah and Paule had sorrow for the Iewes of their time how did Christs great loue boyle in sorrowes of heart to see their destructions ouer whom before hee had wept but prayed still Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe Behold therefore his person here and know his loue it was griefe to see all vertue troden vnder feete by them and yet it was more infinite to behold Satan to preuaile against man to his euerlasting condemnation and which is more the sin that he hateth bee must take it vpon his owne body and beare the wrath of his Father that was powred out against it the anger of his Father burned in him euen vnto the bottome of hell O! who can stand before his wrath or who can abide the fiercenesse of his wrath his wrath is powred out like fire and the Rockes are broken before him Yea maketh the forlorne wildernesse to tremble For thus the Sun is darkened the Moone doth not shew her light the Stars of heauen doth fall away and the powers of heauen are shaken Heere then is the picture of perfect loue being full of goodnesse is rewarded of euill full of obedience is punished as wicked full of faith yet had the reward of a sinner Lord of all yet nothing to doe him duty the God of glory yet compassed with shame the Author of life yet wrapped in the chaines of death the onely begotten and best beloued of the Father yet cast off as a stranger the beauty of the highest heauens yet throwne down into hell well might he say The snares of death compassed me and the paines of hell tooke hold vppon me I haue found trouble and sorrow he did say My God my God why hast thou forsaken me CON. 78. We know then best how we loue the Lord when we feele by experience what we will suffer for hts sake EXPLA. It is an easie thing to bee valiant before the combate to dreame of a good courage before the heart bee tried but indeed to be vnshaken in the middest of the tempest to stand vpright when the ground trembleth vnder thee this is to know assuredly thou art strong indeede The heauen earth elements were Christs enemies his Father in whom he trusted shewed him an ang●y countenance yet said he still Thy will be done O Father We must account it for an exceeding ioy when we sal● into sundry troubles for what can be more ioyfull to the heart oppressed then to giue this in experience that neither height nor depth shall remooue him from the Lord This was Abrahams glory that hee would forsake his Countrey and kinred and fathers house at the commandement of God to goe whither hee would shew him Iob his patience was not thorowly knowne till all his goods were spoyled and wee must haue witnesse that our election is sure when wee may speake by experience that neither life nor death can remooue vs from the loue of God Thus the good ground is knowne what it is when the heate cannot scorch it nor briers and thornes turne the good corne into weedes but through all stormes it will giue nourishment vnto the seede till it giue greater encrease to Gods honor and glory This is a profitable experience for before it come vnto vs we know not how great the rebellion of the flesh will be The Apostles bragged they would neuer forsake their Master he alone had the words of eternall life and they would not change him for another they beleeued him that they knew him to be the Christ the Sonne of the liuing God and there was no other Sauiour but whē they saw the Crosse at hand their courage fell downe they forsooke him all Peter said he would dye for him drew his sword that he had almost slaine one but this boldnesse was but a blast of words he swore hee knew him not So experience is the greatest warrant to know what our selues can beare The Lord and our duty requireth that wee shold approue our selues the witnesses of the Gospell in patience in afflictions in honour in dishonour in shame in life in death but how violently the flesh will fight against vs wee cannot well declare till wee haue made the triall And therefore in griefe of body learne to say with patience I haue held my peace O Lord because thou hast done it If thy minde bee full of sorrow say I will waite patiently vpon the Lords leasure he will heare my prayer CON. 79. We should not be discouraged vnder the Crosse since Christ is the patterne whose similitude we beare EXPLA. Those whom God hath fore-knowne hee hath also predestinated to be made like vnto the image of his Sonne Death once reigned through sinne and hee hath found a way to rise from it again into greater glory This victory because it was too great for Sainct or Angell to obtaine he had appointed it to be the worke of his onely begotten Sonne hee tooke vpon him our nature to make and in his owne person hee filled it with the fulnesse of miseries with all sorrowes of flesh with all anguish of minde with persecutiō with death with sinne with hell with condemnation and from all these by the mighty power of his Godhead hee is risen againe in our flesh ascended vp into glory and sitteth on the right hand of Maiesty being a mighty Sauiour vnto