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A00481 Certayne Godly exarcises [sic] meditacions and prayers very necessary and profytable for all persons and for all times, set forthe by certayne godly lerned men, to be vsed dayly as you shalbe godly disposed, and shall feele nede thervnto. And also the letany dayly vsed in churches annexed to the ende hereof. 1565 (1565) STC 10617; ESTC S115579 46,741 130

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be corrected refourmed at thy owne wil and pleasure Most mighty god and father through our lorde Iesus Chryste thy eternal sonne with thy holy spirite gouerne and kepe thy holye catholyke apostolike church euery mēber of the same as thou hast promised saying this is 24. Esai 56. 24. my couenaut with thē my spirite which is in thee and my word which I haue put in thy mouthe shal not depart frō the mouth of thy sede for euer lighten vs alwayes with thy gospell rule cōfirme our harts with thy spirite least the Ipocrisy superstition of papistes other heretikes or the erroures wicked life of Epicures Lybertynes cause vs to fal Gouerne therfore that studies of thy church defend the policies of those realmes cities which geue harborough to thy people 25. Sacha 12. 25. powre vppon vs the spirite of grace and prayer make vs diligente and happy in the workes of our vocation take into thy custody for euer our soules and bodies our liues and al that euer we haue Be gracious and fauourable O lord to all Iewes Turks Infidels heretikes and euen oure very enemies and according to thy good wil and purpose forgeue them their sinnes Conuert vnto thy truth all those whom thou haste apoynted in Iesus Chryste to saluation Be merciful also O lord to all our bretherne and sisterne that suffer anye kynde of persecutyon or affliction whether in mynde or in body especially such as suffer for thy name and gospell geue them pacience constancy and stedfaste hope till thou sende theym full and good deliueraunce of all their troubles Be gracious to al those whom thou hast coupled and linked to vs in loue frend shippe whose hartes thou hast moued to praye for vs to wysshe vs good to succoure and helpe vs in oure necessytyes graunt vs all thy blessing and holy spyrite to sanctify vs in the vnity of fayth and dwel in vs for euer Finally oh lord haue mercy vpon my wife children and famely which thou hast geuen me and encrease thy feare in our hartes that we maye truely loue thee and one of vs an other in thee so that we maye be pure both in soule and body and bryng them vp in vertue nurture and information of the lord Plant and sowe in my harte all vertues that be necessary and required in a christiā man namely wisdome discretion tēperance pacience strēgth and boldenes and geue me grace so to vse them and all other giftes whyche I haue receaued at thy mercifull hand as may be most to thy glory and praise to my consolatyon saluation and to the profyte of thy Churche 26. Esai 64. which peticions and requestes I do not make O Lorde trustinge in myne owne ryghteousnesse which I do acknowledge with thy prophet to 29. be stayned defiled no but onely in thy great mercye and promise O heare me lord forgeue me lorde consider me and tary not ouer long but for thy owne sake doe it and for thy sonne Iesus Chrystes sake in whome all thy promyses are yea and amen whych is our onely reademer sauiour and Iustifier to whom with thee o father and the holy ghost be al glory prayse now and for euer Amen Lord let it be so Robart Coles FINIS A morninge prayer WE humbly and hartely geue thākes to thee O merciful father in and by thy derely beloneb sonne Iesus Christ our only sauiour that to thy innumerable benefites hitherto powred vpon our soules and vpon oure bodies thou hast vouchedsafe to kepe vs al this night past from many euils spiritually and corporally and nowe of thy mercye doest offer and geue vs time to repente to amend our liues so that we might lyue hence forth not as we will but as thou wilte and as our bodies do drawe cōtinually nearer and nearer their end the graue I meane so our soules myght aproche to theyr ende that is heauen not hel For in one state we stande not styll but eyther we are nearer nearer the happy state of life or els the infortunat or vnhappy condicion of death eternall Therefore we besech the to be merciful vnto vs good father that is wee praye thee as of thy goodnes thou geueste vs time to repente to liue godly so of the same thy goodnes in christ we humbly besech and pray thee to geue vs thy gracious gift of true holy perfect and perperpetuall repentaunce that we maye more and more lamente our former sinfull life trusting vnfainedly in thy rych mercye throughe the merytes of Iesus Christ for the pardone of al onr sinnes and that we maye vnfainedly purpose effectually labour to amende our liues this day and so long as we haue to liue in al our doinges and wordes and euen in oure very thoughtes to the praise of thy holye name good example of our neyghboures and bretherne And for as much as thou knowest our weakenesse our ignoraunce great vntowardnesse to cary any geeat crosse or affliction we besech thee oure swete father so to temper and order all thynges towardes vs this day and for euer that we be neuer further proued and tempted then thou wilt so helpe vs in the same as may be most to thy glory and our saluation thorough Iesus Chryste our lorde Amen R. Coles ¶ An Euening praier MOste mercyful God and tender Father whiche besides thyne inestimable mercyes declared geuen vnto vs in the making of the world for our sakes in redemynge of vs by the deathe of thy dere sonne Iesus Christe in the callynge of vs to the knowledge of thy blessed worde in keping of vs hitherto in thy holy Catholike churche in the moste gracious gouerninge of vs and all thinges hitherto for our mooste weale hast also most fatherly cared for vs and kept vs this daye from all dangers bothe of soule and body geuing vs bealth foode apparell al other thinges necessary for the comforte succour of this poore miserable lif which many other do want for these and al other thy good giftes and gracious benefites which thou of thine owne goodnes onely fatherly prouydence for Christes sake hast hitherto powred vppon vs doest presently powre vpon vs and many other wee most humbly thanke thee prayse thy holy name beseching thee euen for the same thy Christ to pardon our vnthanckefulnes our neglectynge and abusing of those thy benefites and all our sinnes whiche this daye or any tyme heretofore we haue commytted againste thy holy commaundementes And as nowe we purpose to lay our bodyes to rest so graunte the garde of thy good Aungelles to keepe the same this night and for euer And where or when so euer our last slepe of death shal come graunte that it may be in thee good father so that our bodies may reste bothe temporally and eternally to thy glory and our ioye through Iesus Christ our Lorde So be it R.C. ¶ Certaine exercises to
DEare father to whome it is more easie to do all thinges then for me to thyncke anye one good thing Lo do thou but speake a worde and thy deadly sicke seruaunte my soule shall be made whole Helpe O Lord let thy strength suffise against my weakenesse and thy holy spirite againste my synfull fleshe and olde man Thou art true and faithfull O Father who hast promysed that I shall not bee tempted further then thou wile make me able to beare 1. Cor. 10. Geue therefore thy power vnto thy seruaunt that I may with a stronge fayth in thyne infallible truthe and promysed mercy vanquishe subdue what so ouer rebelleth against thy most blessed wills Do this O Father for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake our deare Lorde and gracious redemer Amen ¶ A Prayer to God the Father for the true knowledge of the mystery of our redēption in Christ O Almyghty God and father of our lorde Iesus Christ and by hym also our father the father of all mercy and god of all consolation haue mercye vppon vs and heare our prayers We most humbly beseche thee for thy deere sonne Iesus Chrystes sake his merites and cruel death whiche he suffered to delyuer vs from eternall deathe and the power of darkenes geue into our harts the spirite of truth to worke in vs a true liuely and stedfaste faithe that the cleare lyghte and brightenesse of thy gospell the glorye of Christ may shyne vnto vs and lyghten our myndes that we may learne vnderstande the wonderfull and vnspeakeable rychesse of the misteric of our redēption in Christ and by Chryst O father of glory geue vnto vs the spirite of wisedome brynge vs vnto the true knowledge of this thy beloued sonne Iesus Christe and the knowledge of thy selfe Open and lyghten the eyes of our mindes and vnderstandinge Ephe. 1. that we maye knowe what the hope is wherunto thou hast called vs and howe ryche the glory of thine inheritaunce is vppon thy sainctes and the excedinge greatnes of thy power towardes vs that by trewe fayth vnderstanding and knowledge of thine eternall wisedome whiche is Iesus Christe we may be in deede as wee are called true christians and vnfained professours of thye holy name to worshippe thee in spirite and truthe and to sette forthe the glory of thy grace geuen vnto vs in Christ Iesus our lord Amen O dere father write in our hartes loue to thy lawe hate to all synne thankefulnesse of heart and continual heate of thy holy spirite for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake To whom with thee and thy holy spirite be all honour maiestie glory thankes rule empire and dominion for euer more ¶ A prayer to be vsed of all sortes of men and at all times O Lord God for thy great mercies sake graūt vnto me these my petycions whych I shall make vnto the in Iesus Christes name and endue me with thy grace that I maye aske of thee in such sorte as thou requirest to the honour glory and prayse of thy holy name to the furtheraunce of thy worde the profitte of thy people and to my consolation and comforte throughe Iesus Christe our onely sauiour and readeuter So be it O Lord thou great and terryble god thou that kepest couenant merry with theym that loue thee and doe thy commaundementes let thyne eares be open that thou mayst heare the praiers of thy seruaunte which I make before thee at this time haue mercy vpon me thy pore creature worke of thine handes for I haue sinned done wickedly and haue offended thy maiesty greuously in that I haue gone backe departed from all thy preceptes and iudgementes haue not folowed thy seruaūtes the prophets the spake vnto me in thy name but haue from day to day prouoked thy iust wrath and indignation agaynst me O Lorde I knowledge and confesse my manifolde sinnes and wyckednesse the whiche I haue vnrighteousely committed against thee in thought worde dede fro my youth vp vntill this day for the which I am hartely sory and do vnfainedly repent purposing euermore through the assistaunce of thy grace to walke in a newe life Remember not lord the numbre of my misdedes I besech the but accordinge to thy great mercyes thinke vpon me Call to remembraunce for Christes sake thy louing kindnes and thy tender mercy the which hath euer bene of olde Hyde not thou thy face from me nor cast not of thy seruaunte in thy displeasure for I confesse my sinnes vnto thee and hide not mine vnrighteousnesse For thy mercies sake deliuer me from al my sinnes and make me not a scorne vnto the folyshe Tourne not away thy mercy frō me but let thy most louing kindnes truth alwaies preserue me Helpe me for thy names sake and deliuer me in thy strength Heare my prayer O lord and consider the wordes of my mouth for my misdedes preuayle agaynst me O be thou mercifull vnto my sinnes Let the sorowfull sighyng of thy prysoner come before thee and according to the power of thyne arme preserue those the be appoynted to dye for thy iust cause O Lord comforte the soule of thy seruant for vnto thee do I flee for succour Teache me to number my dayes that I may apply my hart vnto wisdome Satisfie me with thy mercy and that sone so shall I reioyce and be gladde in thee all the dayes of my lyfe Looke not extremely what is done amysse in me for I haue sinned againste heauen and before thee and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne yet lorde of thy great goodnes powre down some of the cromes that fall frō thy childrens table and make me as one of the least of them Rewarde me not accordyng to my deseruings for then I must nedes perishe for vnto me perteyneth nothinge but open shame confusion and damnation but with thee ther is mercy forgeuenes and saluacion O Lorde therefore doe I come vnto thee not hopyng in myne owne righteousnes but trusting onely in thy greate mercies and promises made vnto me in Chryst Iesu my lorde for whose sake I beseth thee to clense me from al my sinnes and do away all mine iniquities For thy tender mercy sake lay not my sinnes to my charge but forgeue that is paste and geue me grace to amende my lyfe to declyne from sinne and incline to vertue that I may walke in a perfect harte a cleue comience and single eye before thee this daye or nyght and euermore Remember not forde myne offences nor the offences of my forefathers neyther take thou beingeance of my sinnes spare me good Lorde spare me whome thou hast redemed with thy most precyous blonde and be not angrye with me for euer spare me good lord spare me Put me not frō thy presence oh thou god of al comfort but incline thine eare vnto my callyng Strengthen thy Seruaunte with the power of thy right hande and helpe the Sonne of thy handmayden Replenyshe my hart with grace wisedome
ye shall finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you to preuent and drawe my will to all goodnes for none can come to thee 13. Iho. 3. ● 6 except he be drawne 13. againe excepte we be borne from aboue we cannot see the kingdome of god assiste therfore and gyde me also with thy holy spirite from time to time drawe me there fore and I shall runne after thee geue me strength and ablenes through christe our lorde to accomplyshe and fulfill the same Canti 1. lorde make me to become poore in spirite vile and lowe in my owne sight that I lift not vp my self aboue my bretherne Ihon. 1. but that I esteme my selfe to be as a seruaunt to al men to do thē good after the example of christe which came not to be ministred vnto but to minister for he hathe sayde 14. Math 5. Iames. 4. 14. Blessed are the pore in spirite againe thou resistest the 14. proud but geuest grace to the humble geue mee therefore thy grace that when so euer I be ouer taken wyth any kinde of synne and wickednes eyther in thought word or dede or that I fele my owne infirmitie or weakenesse I maye immediatly with harty repentaunce 15. 2. Timo. 2 15 which is also thy gyfte returne to thee againe and not to lie stil in the security of sin Take from me my stony vnbeleuing blynd doubtfull vnfaithfull vnthankeful hart and. 16. repose in me an hart of fleshe to bowe and encline to thy wil my carnall idle secure impenitent hart take away from me geue me an hart to feare thee to loue thee to truste in thee for euer write thy lawe in my harte graue it in my mynde that I may beleue trust and liue in thee sor euere Deliuer me frō the spirite of pryde and vaine glory all hautines of minde presumption selfe loue and selfe trust that I stand not to hye in my owne conceyt but that I may be willing rather to learne then to teach Lake from me that wicked spirite of suspicion and enuy euil gelousy vaine surmisings murmuring and grudging whispering or backbiting of any especially such as be in auctority and ministers of thy word O lord kepe me from al wrath malice and hastynesse all respecte of personnes in the faith all lying euill wordes contention flatteryng dissimulation I potresy blasphemy and vaine swering by that name of god his works or creatures from all lightnes idle wordes and all vnstablenes of hart O lord deliuer thou my hart from all filthynesse both of the flesh and spirite as heresy and errours from al vncleane thoughtes and vnlaufull desires euil concupisence and lustes of the body Lake frō me also couetousnes and mordinate care of riches all deceit and guile in my callinge and office all idlenes and slouth and geue me not ouer vnto an vnshamefast and obstinate mende Make me able and contented to beare occasions with pactence whē they be offred or geuen me and not to recompence euyll for euyll neyther to swell nor to murmure nor to be solemne nor angry Good lord make me very loth to geue occasions of euil to any man if I chaunce to geue any make me willyng to cōfesse my fault to amēd it Graunt me grace that I may be wylling and fre to geue but loth to take receaue because it is more blessed to geue thē to receiue Geue me thy grace that I neuer enuye any good mans loue or womās because they do either loue god his peple more thē I or els that they be beloued of him or his more thē I. make me to reioice in other mens gyftes not to enuy them because they be better then mine but rather to geue thankes for thē with al my hart desiring that they may be incresed in thē in me Oh lord take fro me a careful hart in al worldly thinges graunt the neyther pouerty opresse me driue me to dispatre or falsehod nether riches lift me vp to forget thee or my self but that in prosperitie I may be thankefull in aduersitie pacient humble Lord make me mery without lightnes sad without mistruste sober wythoute dulnes true withoute doublenes fearing thee with out desperation trusting in the without presumption geue me also the spirite of humblenes simplicitie mekenes gentlenes goodnes faithfulues and truth Braunt me O god the bowels of mercy and louing kindnes toward my bretheren longe suffering pacience to beare al things well that thy prouidēce shal se metee to lave vpon mee regenerate my hart with the spirit of grace dayly more and more geue me an inward taste and feling of thy fauoure mercy towardes me in Christ Iesu our lorde that I may know thee to be my god and father and my selfe to be thy chylde for euer more Lorde merease this my faith in thee and in christ thy sonne my redemer encrease and confyrine my hope in thy promyses touchinge my saluation Oh god make perfecte my loue toward thee and to my reademer and iustifier geue me a trewe and vnfamed loue to al vertue godlines and to all thy chosen people where so euer they be dispersed throughout all the worlde encrease in me strength and victory against all temptations and assaultes of the fleshe the worlde and the deuill 18. 1. corin 1 that accordinge to thy promise I be neuer further proued or tempted then thou wilt geue me strēgth to ouercome Geue me grace to kepe a good cōsciēce geue me a pure hart and minde and renue a right spirite within me geue me also the true vnderstandinge of thy holy worde that I maye neuer swarue from the true sense and meaning thereof and that my chefe felicitie may be in the same in hearing reading talking watching praying fasting mortifyinge and subduinge mine owne wyll and membres O gracious lord Iesus Christ sonne of the liuing god which wast 16. crucified and raysed againe for vs 10. Act. 2. 3 20. Act. 2. 7 21. Psal 68. Ephe. 4.22 1. Timo. 2 1. Ihon. 2 which now sit test and raignest on 20. the right hande of the father that thou mayste 21. gyue giftes vnto men and art apointed to be the onely 22. mediatoure and aduocate for vs vnto god haue mercy vpon me praye for me to thy eternall father and sanctify me with thy holy ghost as thou hast promised sayinge I will not leaue you 23. comfortlesse but will sende you the spiryte of truthe whyche shall abyde with you for euer 23. Ihon. 14. Kindle my mind and hart with thy holye spirite that I maye truely beleue in thee acknowledge and call vpon thee geue thankes and obeye thee for I feele my selfe so clothed and cloyed with infirmities and synne that I know not what to do but euen to offer vp my selfe wholy wyth all my croked and corrupte nature so muche as it is in wyll and workes vnto thy mercy to
and life Io. 8. Gal. 5. Ro. 8. 1. Pet. 1. Ephe. 5. Ephe. 2. Heb. 4. Ro. 3. Mat. 25. Iohn 14. Luke 12. Luke 22. Apo. 2. Phil. 3. Ephe. 2. Ephe 1. Apo. 13. that by hym alone thou doest acknowledge vs to be thy chyldren and heires that by hym alone we haue entrance to the throne of thy grace that by him alone we are possessed in our spirituall kingdome to eate and drinke at his table with whom we haue our conuersation presentely in heauen and by whom our bodies shal be raysed vppe agayne from the dust and shal be placed with him in that endeles ioye whiche thou O father of mercie hast prepared for thine elect before the foūdatiō of the worlde was layed And these most inestimable benefites we acknowledge and confesse to haue receiued of thy fre mercie and grace Ro. 3. Ephe. 2. Tit. 3. by thine only beloued son Iesus Christe For the whiche therfore we thy congregation moued by thy holy spiryte Ro. 8. render to thee all thanckes prayse and glory for euer and euer ¶ A Thankesgeuinge after the receauiuge of the communyon * MOste mercyfull Father we render vnto thee all prayse thankes honour and glory for that it hath pleased thee of thy great mercies to graūt vnto vs miserable sinners so ercellent a gift and treasure as to receaue vs into the felowship and company of thy deare sonne Iesus christ our lord 1. Cor. 10. whom thou hast deliuered to death for vs and haste geuen him vnto vs as a necessary fode nourishment vnto euerlasting life Rom. 4. Io. 6. And nowe wee besech thee also O heauenly father to graunt vs this request the thou neuer suffer vs to become so vnkind as to forget so worthy benefites but rather imprint and fasten them sure in our hartes that we may growe increase dayly more and more in true faythe Luke 17. whych continually is exercised in all maner of good workes Gala. 5. and so muche the rather O Lorde confirme vs in these perilous dayes and rages of Sathan 1. Tim. 4. Ephe. 5. 2. Pet. 3. Mat. 5. 1. Pet. 2. that wee maye constantly stande and continue in the confessiō of the same to the aduancement of thy glory which art God ouer all thinges blessed for euer So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayde before meate ** O Eternall god Ebre 13. the very god of peace all consolation whych broughtest againe from death our lorde Iesus the great shep herde of the shepe throughe the bloud of the euerlastinge couenante make vs frutefull in all good workes to do thy will worke in vs that which is acceptable in thy sighte sanctify vs throughout and kepe our whole spyrite soule and bodye fautlesse vnto the comming of thy deare sonne our lord Iesus Christ Thou art faythfull O father who haste promysed this who also shall bringe it to passe to thee therfore be geuē euerlasting praise honour and glory Amen ¶ A Thankesgeuing after meate MOste bountifull gracious god which feedest all fleshe and haste promised that asking of thee we shall not lacke if we first seke thy kingdome and the righteousenes therof we felinge presently the benefite of this thy gracious promise in feeding our bodies with these corporall benefites do render vnto the most harty thaks for the same besechīg the likewise to fede our soules with that heuenly fode which perisheth not Ihon. 6. but abideth into euerlasting life so that we being noryshed by thy goodnes both in body and soule may be apte and redy to doe all good workes which thou hast prepared for vs to walk in through Iesus Christ our Lorde Vnto hym that loued vs wasshed vs from our sinnes in his bloud and made vs kinges priestes vnto God his father 1. Pet. 5. be all glory power and dominion for euermore Amen ¶ A prayer for true mortification O God my creatour preseruer euerlastinge defendour where fyrst in my creatiō I was made lyke vnto thyne owne likenesse the deuyll alas hath synce by Adams faule made me oughlye monstruous and lyke euyll fauoured to hym selfe For what are now lord mine earthly mēbres Colo. 3. but as is written in the .iii. to the Colloss adulterie whoredome vncleannes vnnatural lustes euyl cōcupiscence couetousnes which is the worshippynge of Idoles and suche other for the whiche thy wrath is wōt to come vpon the children of vnbelefe Neuerthelesse lorde of thy gret mercie and goodnes against this very great mischiefe a much greater remedy thy fatherly prouidence hath ordeined 1. Io. 3. For thou hast sent Iesus christ thy deere and onely naturall sonne into this worlde the vale of miseries to lose the workes of the deuyll and to take away my sinnes Therfore Sathan hath now nothing to bragge of for through Christ all that beleue in thee and so become thy children 1. Ihon. 5. do ouercome the world the fleshe and the deuyl 1. Ihon. 5. And this is the victorie whiche ouercommeth them all euen our Fayth Io. 3. That Faith I meane which is perswaden that who so euer be leueth in christ shal not perishe but haue euerlasting life 1. Iohn 5. That fayth whiche beloueth the testimonie to be true whiche thou God the Father doeste testifie of thy sonne so making thee no lyer and this is that testimonie that thou haste geuen vs eternall life Ro. 8. That faith wheche beleueth that thou father who raysedst vp Christ frō death shalt also quicken our mortall bodies through thy holy spirite dwellig in vs. Io. 14. That faith whiche beleueth it to be true which thy son Christe affirmed with a double othe saying Verely verely I say vnto you he that beleueth in mee the workes that I do the same shall he do and greatter workes then these shall he do because I go vnto my father Iohn 12. And fynally that fayth whiche beleueth that now Christ hath ben lifte vppe on the crosse he shal draw all thinges vnto hym this fayth I say is the victory whicke ouercommeth our ennemies the deuyll the worlde and our fleshe Iohn 14. Thou therfore lorde father whiche hast promised to geue what so euer I shall aske in thy deere Sonne Iesus name for thy great mercy and infallible truethes sake do nowe in mee the thynge that he came for lose in me the workes of the deuyl 1. Iho. 3. and take away my synnes I beseche thee make stedfast my Faithe confidence in thy promised mercies merciful promises Iohn 3. so that I assuredly beleuīg in thee may haue as thou promisest euerlasting lyfe makynge thee deere God no lyar maye beleue feele and knowe in my hart and conscience the the same euerlastyng lyfe is thy mere free gift vnto me yea already of thy great goodnesse vndoubtedly geuen mee beinge now translated frō death to life Of a thanckefulnes wherof Lorde cause me now dayly
CERTAYNE GODLY EXARCISES MEDITACIONS AND PRAYERS VERY necessary and profytable for all persons and for all times set forthe by certayne godly lerned men to be vsed dayly as you shal be godly disposed and shall feele nede thervnto And also the Letany dayly vsed in Churches annexed to the ende hereof Ephesians vi i. Timothe ii ¶ Praie alwaies euery where with all maner of praier and that in the spirite lifting vp pure hartes and handes with out wrath or doubtinge ¶ IMPRINTED London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George neere to saincte Dunstons churche by VVyllyam Powell ¶ Vse often and hartye prayer to God knowing that it is no lesse necessary for your soule therby to liue and contynue in godlines then water is for the life of fishe or dew is for the growth of grasse and herbes but if you wyll haue youre praier accepted of god se that you accept his worde For accursed be they sayth Sallomon and their prayer that wyll not heare the worde of god If I behold with fauour any wyckednes saith Dauid in my hart god will not heare me for he heareth no such synners as retainethe styll the purpose to continewe it sinne as hee stoppethe not hys eares to heare the prayers of the pore penitents but often before they pray he graunteth them their hartes desire I B. ¶ Occations to meditate to stirre vp the harte to praier IN your praiers thinke vpon the remission of sinnes promysed by and for Chryste and let there be in your remembraunce some most euidente and playne sentence to inflame stirre vp the mind as this Aske and ye shal haue c. And verely verely I saye vnto you what soo euer you shall aske the father in my name he wyll geue it you c. Asking al spiritual gifts without condicion and all temporall vppon condicion As Christ did Father if it be thy wyl let this cuppe passe frō me c. God commaundeth vs to aske of him We breake his commandment in not askynge We do his cōmaundement in asking of hym He promiseth to vs our askinge He is debtour to vs tyll he fulfill our askinge We make god a liar if we mistrust to obteine our askynge He is glorified in his sonne by giuing vs our askynge He longeth to haue vs aske of him loketh for it at our handes If we therfore turne not oure eares from his lawe but call vpon him wyth a stronge Faythe he will moste gladly geue vs our askynge Because we are necligent in askinge he doth of his fatherly goodnesse by necessities and troubles dryue prouoke vs to aske of hym And because we are ignoraunt in askinge he teacheth vs by his holy spirite sent into our hartes and by the prayer that therfore is called the lordes praier how what we shulde aske of him Let vs therefore in our necessitie and troubles aske of god our father and he for his sonnes sake will geue vs our askinge whose very nature and propertie is to relieue suche as are in necessitie and in deede our necessities are as lowde cryinges in his merciful eares A meditation vpon the Lordes prayer QVr father which art in heauen We gloriousely formed vnto the Image of thy deuine maiestie created by thy gracyouse goodnesse vnto highest honour how be it by our own sinfulnes diffigured with vilenes deseruinge dampnation and yet by Christes death redemed and restored vnto grace to be Citizens with sainctes of the family of God Nowe altogether in Christian vnitie as members of one body we pray desyre and trust to obtayne of thee our heauenly father accordinge vnto thy gracious goodnes mighty power and faithefull promise vnto vs that aske aboundaunce of thy grace That thy name may be halowed That thy diuine power and glorious maiesty may be certainely knowne and reuerently honoured That the hartes of vs men by thy word and prayer maye be sanctified from all sinne and vanity so that we with al that we haue seruing thee in holinesse righteousenesse may so shine afore men vpon earth that they therby may be occasion to honoure thee our father which art in heauen Thy kyngdome come Thy worde be so fruitfully preached amongest vs thy peple that we may be throughly instructed taught to brydle our sensual apetites by natural reason and to submit our wyttes reasons vnto a good godly spirite and to trye our spirites by the true scriptures So that within vs may raigne the kingdome of God which is neither meate nor drink whiche is neither supersticious ceremonies voluptuous pleasures nor vayne glory but righteousnes peace comforte in the holy ghost by the which we now tasting of thy heauenly ioyes may be made frō henceforth wery of al worldly vanities continually loking prayinge for the apperance and comming of thy eternall and euerlasting kyngdom Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen In heauen the angelles of reuerente loue do thy will and commaundement with comfortable courage ioyful pleasure In hel the wicked spirits through malice and enuye repininge and grudging do torment and vexe them selues what so euer they be doinge And vpon earth men being subiect vnto sinne do thinke it a labour and paine to be occupied in any thing that is good and godly Wherfore we pray that the grace of thy heauenly spirite maye so worke in our earthly bodies that we being delyuered from sinne and vanitie may frely delite and take pleasure to do thye wyll and commaundement being men vpon earth as thy glorious aungels do whiche be in heauen Geue vs this day our dayly breade We hauinge great nede not hable of our selues to deserue any thing beseche the of thy fatherly goodnes to geue frely vnto all vs in general So that none be hurt nor hindered seuerally this day when as we crye constrained by present nede not craftely crauing for vayn care against to morow our dayly bread our daily and necessarie foode reliefe both bodely and ghostly And especially so that the spiritual foode of Christes flesh and his bloud by dayely preachinge of the gospell and ministracion of the sacramentes maye replenishe our hartes mindes with continual remembrance of Christes deathe and his passion dayly to be vsed for necessary and spirituall consolation Forgeue vs oure trespasses as we forgeue them that trespas against vs. Geue vnto vs that feling and knowing oure owne synfulnesse do nede and desire thy mercifull forgeuenes of oure fautes trespasses which we haue committed against thee so that we frely forgeuing all other that haue offended vs in any thyng what so euer it be may be sure that mercy springyng in thee hathe proceded vnto vs and being graciousely offred of thee hath ben thankefully receaued of vs and beinge charitably vsed of vs towardes other shal most certainly be confirmed and enlarged of thee toward vs So that by free mercy sprynging and proceding from thee al fautes maye be freely forgeuen euen as those
warning for vs that we set not vp our selues against thy holy wil graunt free passage to thy holy word that it may worke effectually in vs the worcke of life blessed hope of our saluation to the eternal praise of thy maiestye throughe our mediatoure Christ Iesus to whom wyth the father and the holy ghost thre persons and one god be praise and thankesgeuing in all congregations world without ende So be it Ia. P. ¶ A prayer for the common peace and quietnes of our countrey necessary for this our tyme. MOst mercifull god which hast created man after thyne owne lykenesse to lyue thereafter in godly peace and concorde take away all strife and debate not onely in priuate causes betwyxte man and man but especially betwixt realme and realme cuntrey and cūtrey douchsaf to pacify the troublous affections of worldly mens hartes who inflamed by that spirite of discorde labour to breake that godly knotte of peace and concorde which most besemeth thy elect seruauntes and desciples to performe Gide thou vs in the vnitie of thy spirite that we maye in thee be of one mynde aswell in matters touching the truth of religion as also outward ciuill that all maner groundes of discorde and war being taken away we may liue in holy peace quietnes to the aduauncement of thy glory and the settyng forth spreading abrode of thy gospell Geue good successe O Lorde to the trauayles and counsailes of our gouernoures directed to the safety quietnes of this realme Defend and aide the ministers and trauailers about the same Bryng to naught all the subtill deuises of Sathan of Antechrist and his mēbers deuised againste the veritie of thy word ouerthrow their counsailes and bring their conspiracye to naught beate backe their proud boldnesse in aduancing lies and suppressing of the truth and so make an ende at last of their outragious tiranny that we thy seruauntes may quietly consent and rest in thy truth hauinge both the inwarde peace of minde and conscience also the outward concorde aswell amongest our selues as wyth all forren natyons and cuntreis graunt this O lord for Iesus Christes sake Amen ¶ A praier for the whole church of christ and for euery state and degree therof accordinge to the petitions of the Lordes prayer ⸫ ALmighty god our heauenly Father since thou hast promised graciouslye to heare vs and graunte our requestes whiche we shal make vnto the in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ thy welbeloued son Ihon. 16. And we also are taught by him and his apostelles to make our common prayer in his name promisyng that he wyl be amonge vs Math. 18. and make intercession for vs vnto thee for the obteinynge of all suche thinges as wee shall godly desyre here in earth And moreouer since thou hast commaunded vs to pray for such as thou hast appoynted rulers and gouernours ouer vs 1. Timo. 2. and also for all thynges nedefull for thy people we therfore cōceauinge boldnesse throughe thy holy worde and leaninge assuredly vnto thy most vndoubted promises do make our earnest suplication vnto thee our moste mercifull god bountifull father that for Iesus Christes sake our onely sauyour and mediatour it would please thee of thy infinite mercye freely to pardon our offences and in suche sorte to draw and lifte vppe our hartes and affections towardes thee that our requestes maye bothe procede of a feruent mynde and also be agreable vnto thy moste blessed wyll and pleasure We beseche thee therfore O heauenly father as towchinge all princes and rulers vnto whom thou hast commytted the administration of thy iustice and namely as towchinge the estate of oure moste gracious Queene that it woulde please thee to endue her and all her honourable Counsaile with thy plentiful grace and principal spirite and increase the same from time to time in her that ●e may with a pure faith acknowledge Iesus Christ thy onely sonne our lorde to be the kynge of all kynges 1. Timo. 6. Act. 17. Math. 28. and gouernour of al gouernours euen as thou hast geuen al power vnto hym bothe in heauen and in earthe and may vprightly and zelously seke and earnestly maynteine thy true glory minister iustice punishe synne and defende the ryght rulynge her subiectes whiche be thy creatures and the shepe of thy pasture euen as she is taughte and commaunded by thy worde We beseche thee also most deare father for al Pastours and ministers vnto whom thou hast cōmitted the charge of mennes sowles and the ministery of thy holy gospel that it wold please thee so to guide theim with thy holy spirite that they may be founde faythfull zealous of thy glory directing alwais their whole studies vnto this ende that the poore shepe which be gone astray out of the stocke may be sought out brought againe vnto the lorde Iesus who is the chiefe shepeharde head of al Pastours wherby they may frō day to day 1. Pe 5. growe and increase in him vnto all righteous●nes and holines And on the other part that it wolde please thee to delyuer thye churche from the daunger of suche idols shepehardes ●●che 11. wulues and hirelynges as seeke them selues and their bellyes and not the settinge forthe of thy glorye and the safegarde of thy flocke Moreouer we make our prayers vnto thee most mercyfull father for all men in general the as thou wilt be known to be the sauiour of all the world by the redemption purchased by thy onely sonne Iesus Christ euen so suche as haue ben bytherto holden captiue in darcknesse ignoraunce for lacke of the knowledge of thy gospell maye throughe the preaching therof and the cleare light of thy holy spirite be broughte into the righte way of saluatiō which is to knowledge that thou art only very god and that he whom thou haste sent is Iesus Christe Iu. 17. Likewise that they whom thou hast already indued with thy grace and whose hart thou hast lightened with the knowledge of thy word may continually encrease in godlinesse and be plenteousely enryched wyth spirytuall benefytes so that we may altogether worshippe thee both with hart and mouthe and render due honour and seruice vnto thee accordingly In like maner O lord of al true comforte we cōmend vnto thee in our prayers all such persons as thou hast visited and chastised by thy crosse and tribulation all such people as thou hast punished with pestilence warre and famin and all other persons afflycted with pouerty imprisonment sickenesse banishmente or any like bodely aduersitie or hast otherwise troubled and afflycted in spirite that it will please thee to make them perceaue thy fatherly affection towardes thē that is that these crosses be nothinge ells but fatherly chastisinges for their amendment to the intent that they should vnfainedly turne vnto thee that they cleauinge vnto thee mays receaue ful comfort and be deliuered from all maner of euill Finally most deare father we
to mortifie my erthly membres Ro. 8. Yea dere father sithe thy spirite which raised vp Christ frō death dwelleth within mee do thou who raisedst Christ frō death quickē my mortal body through thy spirite so dwellyng in me I beseche thee Iohn 14. Yea lorde Iesu according to thy promise because thou art now gone to thy father make me work this wōderful great worke the thou speakest of I meane make me Collo 3. being of my self but a lumpe of synne and a monster moste ougly as the vyces whereon the membres of my earthly body aboue declared to be compacte doo proue make me I saye yet throughe thy grace to hate abhorre flee and subdue all adultery whoredome vncleannes vnnaturall lustes euyl concupiscence vnordinate desyres wantonnes tendernes delicatenes idlenes drunkennes gluttony slouthfulnes distruste dispaire ignoraunce weakenes wilfulnes Idolatry superstition hypocrisie heresye errour sectes variaunce strife wrath enuie slaunders lyeng swearing cursyng vayne glory pride couetousenes thefte disceite flattery and what so euer elles lord feighteth or rebelleth against thy holy spirite And then lorde Father I will boast and make vaunte agaynste myne ennemie the deuyll that I haue doone greater workes then thy dere sonne Iesus dyd at what tyme he spake these wordes amōg the iewes because Iohn 14. albeit he vanquissehed Sathan yet in as muche as he hym selfe was vtterly without synne the victorie semed the wore easy But I to vanquishe sathan being my selfe altogether synful yea contrary to my most synfull nature to subdue synne the deuyll and myne owne fleshe it seemeth a more victorye and greater worke then the other For the whiche neuerthelesse I wyll with all submission acknowledge vnto thy diuyne maiestie taht the whole victory lord in deede is thine and thy holy spirit the begynner and fynisher bothe of the will and worke Nowe therfore Lorde Iesu strēthen me with thy grace myght that thou mayste by me a moste synfull wretch drawe al these my earthly membres and horrible vices before rehersed vnder my feete that I maye not onely mightely fyght againste them but also subdue them so that they may al turne to the best for me Rom. 8. Io. 12. as mete matter wheron I may exercise my fayth powre forth harty prayer and geue thee most hartye thanckes for victorie whereby I maye learne haue experience that thou haste in me drawen althinges vnto thee in so muche as thou thus lord of thy diuine power drawest bothe the deuill and the synne that dwelleth in mee to set forth thy honour and glory whiche thyng for thy mercies sake brynge to passe O God my creatoure preseruer and euerlastinge defēdour ¶ A Prayer of a christian man expressing his great anguishe heuines of minde that he had before time for his sinnes for that he felt not his hart cōforted in the ioy of gods great loue towardes him with the maner of his prayers groninges which he then made nowe powreth forth againe vnto god for his grace assistance in his new assaultes wherby the broken harted afflicted for their sinnes maye learne to stirre vp strengthen their faith and hope in like dangers and trouble of conscience 1. EVen in the myddes of the desperate assaultes of my soule the intollerable heuinesse of my minde hath heretofore Lorde cryed as shrill in thine eares as thoughe I had shryked and with lamentations cryed out saying Help helpe me my god my creatour my most prouident keper and euerlasting defender for beholde I peryshe 2 On this occasion Lorde that heauines of mynd did heretofore assault me I remembred that thou haddeste manye tymes set before myne eyes the wonderfull greatues of thy most tender loue towardes me by great multitude of thy benefites powred vpon me whiche benefytes euery of thy workes as they came before mine eyes gaue me iuste occasyon to be mindefull of 3 Wolde not thought I if I had in a maner any grace at all wolde not suthe loue brynge nowe into my harte a wonderfull delectation comforte ioye in god for the same 4 And againe coulde suche delyghte in goddes swete mercy and tender loue towardes me if I were not as euyll as a cast awaye that were none of goddes chyldren be without lothing of my syn and lust desire to do goddes holy wyl And these thinges thought I fye vpon the vnthankeful wretche are either not at all in me or elles in deede so coldelye and sclenderly that they beynge truelye waied and compared to righteousenes Esa 64. are more vile then a sylthye clothe starched in corrupte bloudde 5 Oh thought I I am aferd I haue deceyued my selfe for thy seruauntes at al times I trowe feele otherwise then I nowe do the fruites of thy spirite as Loue Ioye Peace and suche lyke But my loue alas towards thee what is it my ioye oh woe is my hart therefore is not once almost felte of me for my very soule within me as Dauid in his heuynes said refuseth comfort and fareth as though it dyd vtterly despaire Psal 77. And what peace can I feele then or certaintie of thy fauoure and loue Iustely may I powre out this dolorous lamentation of Sion the lorde hath forsaken me Esai 49. and my lorde hath forgotten mee 6 Euen in the middes I say of these my former desperate assaultes myne in tollerable heuines cryed to my god and from heauen he heard my gronynges therupon first prepared my hert to aske comfort of him then he heard my praier and gaue me plētefully my asking 7 Oh my soule consider wel that thou art neuer hable to declare the excedynge goodnes of god in this that he heard the very desires of thee being afflicted who is soo redy fauourablye to graunte the requestes of the afflicted that often tymes he taryeth not vntyll they do call but or euer they cal vpon him he fauourably heareth thē as the psalmist saith the desires of the afflicted thou heareste O lorde thou preparest theyr hartes thine care heareth fauourably Psal 10. 8 Oh lorde my god marueilous thinges are these whether I consyder this marueilous maner of thy hearing orels the marueilous nature and propertye of thy goodnes Marueilous no doubt is that thy hearinge wherby the very desires of the afflicted are hearde but muche more marueilous is this thye goodnesse which taryeth not vntyl the afflicted do desire thy help but prepareth first their hartes to desyre and then thou geuest them their desires 9 Yea Lorde worthye of all praise it can not otherwise be For how shouldst thou do otherwise then thy nature and propertie is art not thou very goodnes and mercy it self how canst thou then but pitie and helpe miserie 10 Art not thou both the creatour and also the conseruer of all thinges In so much as the lyons whelpes roaryng after their pray do seeke their foode at thy handes Psa 104. Psal 147. and the rauens byrdes lackyng meate
and vnderstanding Comforte my soule with thy swete promyses and let thy mercies couer my infirmities For the deathe and bloudshedynge of thy Christ O Lord consider myne infirmities which are many and helpe to heale myne imperfection delyuer me from al kyndes of euilles that I do not obey vnto them as from adultery fornication vncleannesse wantonnes ydolatry good lord deliuer mee Frō witch craft lyeng hatred varyaunce zeale wrath strife sedition good lorde delyuer mee From sectes enuiyng whyspering backebityng bringing vp of euyll tumours good lorde delyuer mee From murther drunkennes gluttony and from the spirite of euyl telosie good lorde deliuer me From enuiynge of other which loue thee thy people more then I or be beloued of thee or of thye people more than I am from swelling at other mennes giftes good lorde deliuer mee From surmisynge murmuringe lowring grudging mutteringe when wordes be not spokē to my mind good lorde for thy great mercies sake deliuer mee and geue me grace that I do at no tyme enuye any good man or womaunes loue but labour to increase it that their prosperstie in worde prayse of other may be my consolation and reioysynge O lord graunt me that I may be low in myne owne syght to submit my self to beare all occasions to wrestle wyth fleshe and bloudde and get the victory Graunt me this gyfte that I maye be swyft to heare slowe to speake slowe to wrathe that my hart do not go after any euyll and wicked imaginations Geue me grace to walke soo that I geue none euill occasions and to auoid all suspitious thinges wherby euyll occasions maye growe O Lorde assist mee with thye spirite that I may labour to mainteyne peace to increase loue and to further vertue Graunte O mercifull father that I may prosper in all vertue in long suffering gentlenes goodnes faithfulnes mekenes temperaunce strength and pacience with all suche like vertues as are cōmaunded in thy holy law for mee to walke in O lorde geue me ioye in thy holy spirite that I may reioyce in thy holy scriptures that al my whole pleasure felycitie and consolation may be in thy holy woorde night and daye in readinge thinking talkinge of the same to thy glory and my edifienge Assist thy seruaūt against this world with the vaine pompe pleasure beautie thereof that it maye be vnto me as vile dust slime fylthynes and asshes that I maye vse it as thoughe I vsed it not and that it may serue me and I not it that I may take my part therof vnto my necessitie with thankesgeuing that I do not vse thy creatures voluptuousely but that I may at al tymes liue righteously soberly and godly in this lyfe Geue me grace to walke with a good conscience bothe before thee and towardes all men in bying and sellinge and in all other my doinges to cast away allyinge craft and disceite that I be not a reader of thy holy worde and a talker onely but that it may appere also in my lyfe and conuersation O Lorde graunte vnto thy seruaunte the strengthe of thy holy spirite to subdue this bodye of synne with the whele lustes therof that it may be made obedient both in wyll minde membres to do thy will that it may be weake vile simple and of no reputation in it selfe by the way of fastinge prayer and meditation of thy lawe that I may be low harted humble minded gentle spryted and to all vertues obedient Geue me grace O lorde to brydle my mouth from al vayne and lyght communication and geue me an vnderstāding hearte with suche discretyon that neyther fylthynes nor folishe talkinge nor iestinge whiche are not comely procede out of my mouthe but rather geuing of thankes O Lord my sauiour increase my faith in thee and in thy Christe and make it stronge to beleue thy promyses O Lorde my redemer increase in me a loue to do thy wyll and to thy ryghteous people O Lorde my iustifyer increase in me a sure hope of my saluation withoute doubt or wauering in aduersitie with out pride or presumption in prosperytie so that in aduersitie I maye be pacient and geue thankes in prosperitie serue thee with reuerence and godly feare all the dayes of my lyfe Increase in me Lord al other vertues agreable to a godly lyfe for I come vnto thee my god as vnto the wel euerlasting fountaine of health and saluation O heauenly father graunt vnto mee al other wheresoeuer they be dispersed throughout the whole world which professe thy holy worde so to lyue that we may dye to sinne and leade a godly conuersatiō walking innocētly before thee Preserue and defende thy seruaunte from all false opinions that I be not deceyued and caryed awaye in errour of the wicked but that I maye growe in grace and knoweledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ O Lord geue me a reuerent and pure vnderstanding of thy holy word that I may therby auoyde al rashe iudgemente and peruerse interpretations O Lorde geue me wisedome knoweledge and vnderstandinge to perceyue those false lying flatteryng spirytes whiche doe deceyue the hartes of innecentes and begyle vnstable soules O Lorde make me to be content with thys woman which thou hast geuen me to be my wyfe that we maye godly lyue together accordynge to thy holy ordynaunce Geue her an hearte of vnderstanding and set thy feare alway before her eyes that she may be obedient in word dede and thought to all that is thy wil. O Lord geue vs the power of thy holy Spirite to rule gouerne and bryng vp these our children and familie in al god lye feare and knoweledge of thy holye worde and that we maye be vnto them an example in all godlynes and vertue to the prayse of thy holy name Saue my soule oh my God whether it be throughe prosperitie or aduersitie losse or gayne sickenes or health life or deathe Ayde strengthen succour and defend thy seruaunt in all aduersitye tribulation and temptaciō and suffer not him to be tempted aboue his strength Increase my ioye that I may reioyce in persecution embrace it to my cōsolacion comfort thinke my felfe happie and blessed when I am counted worthy to suffer rebuke for thy names sake Take from my hearte the care of all worldly thinges only set before my eies the ioye of the crosse of Christe that I maye take comforte therin and despyse the shame for the great rewarde that is laide vppe in heauen for all those that with pacience suffer in aduersitie continue in well doinge vnto the ende O Lorde neither lay thou presumption vnto thy seruauntes charge nor loke not vppon my vilenes whiche am but dust earth and ashes yet lorde I haue taken vpon me am bolde to come vnto thee throughe the merites of Chrystes death and bloud shedyng to lay my prayers before thee requiringe merry pardon and forgeuenesse of all my sinnes and also the assistance of thy