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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A94802 For those that meet to worship at the steeplehouse, called John Evangelist, in London, or, any other in that nature upon whom the Scriptures are fulfilled, in evil intreating the servants of the Lord Iesus, whom he sends to deliver his message amongst you. Or for any other that are condemned for sin, and have thirstings after righteousness ... R. T. (Rebecca Travers), 1609-1688. 1659 (1659) Wing T2059; ESTC R185428 25,680 64

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the true God you must know him in you who is over all in you all and through you all without respect Heb 7 25. Eph● 4. 6. Acts 17. 28 of persons in him we live and move and have our being who made all men of one blood and this is Gospel-news glad tydings to the poor and hungry the s●ck and lost who may come freely high and low rich and poor to him without money or without ●sa 55. 1 Esa 1. 27. price who condemns all unrighteousness judges all iniquity and redeems sin by Judgement and destroys the transgressor and saves the righteous soul which can only inherit the Kingdom which is unfaiding and undefiled feel him in you into whose hands all judgement is committed for knovv you not that if Christ be no in you ye are reprobate the Apostl travelled again in birth of those tha● Iohn 5. 22 2 Cor. ●3 5 Gal. 4 19 Iohn 4. 29 had been converted till Christ wer● formed in them and so cease from th● meanings of men and come to know the Prophet vvhich can tell you all th● evil that ever you have done is no● this the Christ truly the day is fa● spent and the night comes in vvhich none shall vvork therefore prize your Hab. 1.13 Hos 13. 9 time and repent for in sin vvill not God save any who is of purer eyes then to behold iniquity and the Lord is clear and if thou perish O man thy evil is of thy self vvho art vvarned to forsake the evil and to obey that vvhich condems the evil vvhich is good and perfect and giveth peace to the upright in vvhich I have and shall rejoyce though the Seas roar and the mountains be removed out of their place for truth is stronger then all and shall overcome and in it have I an abiding place vvhen the storm hath been great but where will you hide that sit in the seat Psal 1 1 of the scorners and stand in the vvay of sinners vvhen the black and gloomy day shal come upon you and the elements shal melt and the vvorld shall pass avvay vvith a great noise your ●ocl 2 2 2Pet 3 10 Esa 2 02 riches your honour will stand you in no stead vvhen you shal fling your Idols of Gold and of silver to the Batts and to the Moles for he shal judge in Acts 13 ●4 righteousness vvho is no respecter of persons by whom all actions are weighed who throwes Princes from their 〈◊〉 42. 6. Thrones and raiseth beggars and this is he who is given for a light to the Gentiles and a covenant to the people O that you knew him and would trust in him who all the day long stretcheth ●sa 65. 2 forth his hand to a stiff-necked and rebellious people but the night cometh in which none can work then all that resist the light shall be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth for evermore Therefore that all that thirst after everlasting righteousness might be gathered into the light do I call and write unto you these things in plainness M●● 8. 12 And now you who denie the light of Christ the living Word have set the dead Letter in his stead how doth death prevail in you And how hath darkness beset you that even while you are preaching and professing the Scripture you are fulfilling them against your seives Did not the light of the World foretel his servants what they must receive from the Worlds professors for doing his Work saying I send you forth as sheepe in the midst of Matth. 10 Mark 13 Iohn 16. wolves and they shall stone you in their Synagogues they shall put you nut of their Synagogues and in the Synagogues yo shall be beaten and they shall deliuer you upto Counsels and ye shall be brought before Rulers for my sake for a testimony against them yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doth God service and these things will they do unto you because they know not the Father nor me And this they did unto such as he sent into their places of Worship to cry against their Worship who preached the Scripture and thought therein to have eternal life as you do whilest they thus entreated them in whom the Word of eternal life was who gave forth the Scriptures And thus death works in them who set the Letter for the Life and denies the Light of Life in themselves and such would devour it in others And that his words may be fulfilled he sends forth his sheep in his spirit and power to suffer these things and the Wolves that have the outward words the sheeps clothing they tear hale beat the sheep as he hath said they should for a witness against them So search the Scriptures and compare your works and their works they denied the light so do you They thought to have eternal life in the Scriptures so do you They fulfilled them upon the sheep in their Synagogues even while they were preaching in them And how many of your synagogues is there in this Nation where some of his sheep have not suffered the self-same things from this generation They haled before Rulers and how many Rulers is there in this Nation before whom some or other have not born this testimony for a witness And when they had done all this to them then their time came to kill them and think that whosoever did it did God service And your time is at the door and you are hasting apace towards it and some have already finished their testimony herein and are at rest where you cannot come And thus with the light which youdeny are you comprehended weighed measured marked to be no sheep but Wolves in sheeps clothing and by your fruits you are known and the true Shepherd who is not an hireling hath sent forth his sheep amongst you who meets with no fruits amongst you but briars and thorns and who returns from you beaten push't and haled kick't and cast down in your Synagogues and dirted in your streets and thus we return to him that receives the oppressed in whose Name we are sent and the best we can say for the best of you is Father forgive them they know not what they do not knowing the Father nor the Son And herein you are found as he sends to prove you and to receive your fruits all professions forms notions gatherings and herewith are you numbred the best as a briar and the most upright as a thorn-hedge Teachers and People in the tearing devouring nature all from the Vine and as clearly to be seen by your works in which you are found to be out of the nature of them whose words you profess as a dog may be known from a lamb or a thorn from a vine So read the Scriptures the Lambs sufferings and the Wolves actings and read your selves by your fruits amongst whom you
wants of others by wasting that which should releive them spending as much one of you upon your lust and vanity as would feed two plentifully if not ten And this is all the care of proud men and women and gluttonous men and women and drunken men and women to serve your selves and feed the devourer in you with the mercies of God which he gives freely that all might be feed and praise him therein And then you say you spend but your own and it 's for you that are rich to live thereafter c. But then what do you to profess the knowledge of God or name of Christ or redemption that is in him If you live as the heathen Gentiles do then bear their name and pollute not the name of Christ and live as do the Gentiles not knowing Christ in you to restore all things in you to God that you may see them to be his and not your own know him in you to order them who made them which all the redeemed of Christ Jesus doth in whom the restauration is wrought by Jesus Christ and all things of God as in the beginning before the prince of pride the glutton the whoremonger the drunkard or the false Prophet that teacheth lyes entred into man or was exalted in the seat of truth to deceive and bewitch people by calling evil good and good evil as in you he doth who they preach practise and profess to devour which Christ comes to restore and your life to condem and to deliver the creation from the waster and destruction and to redeem it to the guiding of God the service of God in his will and not the will of men nor the blind boaster who saith I spend but my own And who is exalted in Pride and excess because of abundance who knows not redemption to him that giveth all things but are out of the fear far from restauration for were you redeemed to God your selves you would also know that all you have was restored to God in your redemption out of the power of the destroyer and into the disposing of that spirit which works the repemption for the redeemed indeed are no more their own much more is not that they have received Wherefore men be sober minded and take heed what you plead for and boast not in your wickedness then double your iniquity by professing the pure name of God the nature of redemption lye not against the truth of Christ Jesues ●n saying our redeemer our redeemer further then yo● konwhis spirit power living in you t●nlighten and quicken you against ●●se evils by which his holy spirit 〈◊〉 the creation suffers and power in 〈◊〉 over them and the Prince there●● that you may serve his spirit in you 〈◊〉 a new life not serving divers lusts 〈◊〉 serving your bellyes but in fear 〈◊〉 sober meekness of spirit serving 〈◊〉 Lord in your souls and bodyes ●●d estates and this only is redempti●● without a lye or without hypocri●● And this is the confession of Christ ●ome in the flesh in life and power to ●●ucifie the flesh the affections and 〈◊〉 thereof which wars against your ●ouls and against Christ so long as ●ou live therein and in works you de●y Christ to be come in the flesh ●hough in vvords you confess him ●herefore let that mouth be silent that ●eaches lyes and let truth speak in ●ou all and cease to say pride is not ●n your hearts when it hath taken ●oot there and is grown as a covering and hath over-spred you in the ●ight of all men and say not you do it to releive the poor for shame blush at such deceit and let not the drunkard say the same with you for you are seen to be the devourer and destroyer of the creation nor let the glutton say the creatures are made for him for the day is at hand that he must vomit them up and then he will know that they were not made for him when truth comes to judge in you all and to devide aright between the oppressed and the oppressor this will be confessed nor let the covetous person say his Idolatry is but providing for them of his houshould nor the swearer say it 's but to confirm the truth which is found out of the truth which saith swear not at all nor the wanton person say there is a time to be merry whose times are not in the Lord Jesus nor ever knew the man of sorrows nor him that in secret mourns for that abomination which wantons lives in whose time of mourning is to come which you that now laugh ●●ould remember for truth must come to sit as Judge upon all your pretences then these things will not cover you nor lyes be a safe refuge for you Wherefore wait to know the truth of Christ Jesus the light of the world in your own hearts to give you the good understanding which wil let you see that this is from the root of wickedness in your hearts that these things ●rise and that piety and pitty mercy is but a pretence to cover the destroyer in you while he gets his work wrought of his servants lest he should be seen in your selves or by others and that you are but wise to do evil and plead for it whereby you do but shut your selves out from the power of truth and feed upon lyes and put on false covers which God vvill rend in judgement and your wisdom of words cannot cover your works from the light which sees the covetous proud envious gluttons drunkards and all lyars and vain persons and cursed speakers to be without God not knowing in you the povver of an holy life nor him that is made redemption and sanctification though in vvords you profess Father Son and Holy Ghost do you knovv God in you of vvhose off-spring all these good creatures are vvhich you wast and by vvhose vertue they are made to spring in their kind and vvhose life suffers vvhere they are spent on the lust Do you know the Redeemer in you vvhose vvork is to restore all things to God in you who say you spend but your own when you are reproved Or do you know him in you to live to who sayes you must live after your riches Are you richer then he that had all fullness in himself and yet said let nothing be lost this would you say also did you know that life in you that gives it forth which your lust devours who is pressed therewith as a Cart with sheaves who is broken with your whorish hearts and made to serve with your sins whom you know not though he be not far from every one of you yet his knowledge you have loft and your hearts are too hard to hear his voice and your wisdom is too high to bow to his government in you but being got above the meek you have lost the way which gives light to the blind and grace to the lowly and that which should measure and search your hearts is out of your sight who are seeking without for that you have buried within under your pride and fullness lyes the pearl shut up in the earth and the key of knowledge you have lost in your wisdom by your wanton living on the earth the holy one and the just you have slain the man of God is fallen into your streets the man of mercy and pitie is perished by the proud and there is no Judgement nor deliverance in you for the ear is stopt that should hear the cry And where this is so within what knowledge of God is there but man is become like the beast that perisheth The End
to the light which is the true light and then you might see what God requiers Truth in the inward parts which Psal 51. 6. though it may be you have red oft yet are not come to it while you despise the light and have not as I know none has out of the light found that God requiers and what stead will all that stand you in which he requireth not and so all men and women come to the light It is the words of Christ Jesus He that walketh in the light stumbleth Iohn i. 9 10 not and all from it have and do stumble and fall and therefore as you love your souls and prize your everlasting welfare give heed to the most sure word of Prophesy then that voice which come from heaven your teachers tell you that 's the Scripture but thus it is written You do well to take ●eed to the more sure word of Prophesy as 2 Pet. ● 19 to a light that shines in a dark place till the day dawn and the day star ar se in your bearts as to this you come the subtlety of the deceiver which hath beguiled man and led into the transgression may be manifested and you shall come to see what thou wert and what thou art and what thou must be before thou come to inherit the purchased inheritance for thou wert made in glory O man and woman in the Image of God but by transgression art become as a brute beast that perishes and knowest nothing but what thou knowest naturally as from that wisdom which is sensual and devlilish for here sits the Devil in the sensual fulfilling the lusts slaying the soul and yet seeming religious here 's Cain's offering Esaus tears but not the blessing for that 's to the seed for ever and ever and in the Gel. 3. 16 light only must thou come to know the promised seed which is to break the Serpents Gen. 3. 1● head So to that of God in every man I speak who has not left himself without a witness in the worst of you that you harken diligently to that which hath at somtimes shewed your iniquities and called you out of it for it is better to harken then to offer the sacrifices of fools and till you hear him that called Abraham how far are you Sam. 15. 22 H●b 11. ● from the election that cannot be deceived in the deceit in the error and yet talking of others to be Hereticks and deceivers but we know who holds the truth in unrighteousness who neither hear nor obey the call of God Mind Titus 2. 11. 12. people who are talkers so much of free grace what have you learned of it are you sober that hail and pluck and fight and laugh and scoff even in your most holy assemblies Have you learned to deny all ungodliness and wordly lusts who are in the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life Do you walksoberly and righteously in this present world Are your women the Daughters of Sarah that wear not gold nor silver nor pearl not brodered hair Are you the men whose moderation and temperance is seen unto Isa 56. 12 all who live in the excess eating and drinking and in pride and covetousness Rom. 2. 11 and wantonness respecting persons that are rich and oppressing the poor despising the needy and in the middest of all these your iniquities call your selves Christians and say you are justified by Christ Jesus and saved by his blood Will not the Lord be avenged for these things Will not the righteous God do righteously Doth he justifie the wicked or wil he save the ungodly Psal 7. 11 Exo. 34. 6 7 or acquit the guilty nay a due recompence wil be rendered unto all the workers of unrighteousness who are puting the evil day afar off and are crying where are the dayes of his coming things are as they were let ns eat and drink for to morrow we must dye but Mark 9 44 the Worm which must never dye wil be your torment for as the tree stands it shall fall and after death comes judgement and in righteousness wil he rain who shall give to every man according to his works done in the body whether they be good or evil and in vain wil a talk of salvation be in that day for all you that are out of the covenant and I knowing assuredly that God is revealed from heaven in flames of fire to take vengeance on all that knowes him not 2 Thes 1. ● 18. cannot but warn you while you have time to cease from all your imaginations of God which are vain and to come to that which is only able to redeem from the powers of darkness and bonds of Satan whereby you have been and are captivated and all having a gift to profit with all come to know it in your selves for by this must all be presented before God who is just in all his judgements and requiers of no man according Rom. 6. 2. 2 Tim. 1. 6 to that he hath not but according to that he hath his own is he come ● Pet. 4. ●0 for and though the unprofitable hide it yet it is good and perfect O that you knewit and the power thereof for this only can redeem your souls out of the pit and break all the bonds of iniquity and clense from sin which hath seperated Luke 2. 48 you from God and this was it which the Prophets witnessed to set Psalm 4. 1 their souls at liberty before they could say the Lord is my righteousness and you that know not this gift which is from the father of spirits to be your leader and guide and teacher your best works are but self-righteousness Heb. 6. 1 dead works and to be repented of but we who have gained to that which shewed us the evil of our wayes and the vanity of the world with the glory thereof have been brought to cease psalm 4. 2 from our own works and words and come to stillness in which the still voyce hath been heard of God who complains of all you that are walking in vanity turning your makers glory into shame by speaking deceit and following after lyes and in this stilness standing are we come to possesse sure salvation by his redemption that saves his people from their sins and so it is God that works all our works in us and for us and self and the boaster are shut our by the powers of the eternal word of seperation and so our joy and boasting is in God all the day long but you out Mat 1. 21 Esa 26. 13 from the light disobedient to that which shews your misdoing have nothing to warn you or to rejoyce you or give you peace but wat is from the fire of your own kindling and this you shall have at my hands saith the Lord Esa 50. 11 to lye down in sorrow and this is the truth