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A60345 Epithalamium, or, Solomons song together with the songs of Moses, Exod. 15, & Deut. 32, the Song of Deborah, Judges 5, the Song of Hannah, I Samuel 2, the Churches song, Isa. 26 / digested into a known and familiar meeter by Samuel Slater. Slater, Samuel, d. 1704. 1653 (1653) Wing S3963; ESTC R26920 28,049 98

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to jealousie with strange gods with abominations provoked they him to anger 17. They sacrificed to Divels not to God to gods whom they knew not to new gods that came newly up whom your fathers feared not 18. Of the rock that begate thee thou art unmindful and hast forgotten God that formed thee 19. And when the Lord saw it he abhorred them because of the provoking of his sons and of his daughters 20. And he said I will hide my face from them I will see what their end shall be for they are a very froward generation children in whom is no faith 21. They have moved me to jealousie with that which is not god they have provoked me to anger with their vanities and I will move them to jealousie with those which are not a people I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation 22. For a fire is kindled in my anger and shall burn unto the lowest he and shall consume the earth with her increase and set on fire the foundations of the mountains 23. I will heap mischiefs upon them I will spend mine arrows upon them 24. They shall be burnt with hunger and devoured with burning heat and with bitter destruction I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them with the poison of serpents of the dust 25. The sword without and terror within shall destroy both the young-man and the virgin the suckling also with the man of gray hairs 26. I said I would scatter thē into corners I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men 27. Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely and lest they should say our hand is high and the Lord hath not done all this 28. For they are a Nation void of counsel neither is there any understanding in them 29. O that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their latter end 30. How should one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight except their rock had sold them and the Lord had shut them up 31. For their rock is not as our rock even our enemies themselves being judges 32. For their vine is of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorah their grapes are grapes of gall their clusters are bitter 33. Their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruel venome of Aspes 34. Is not this laid up in store with me and sealed up among my treasures 35. To me belongeth vengeance recompense Their foot shall slide in due time for the day of their calamity is at hand the things that shal com upon them make haste 36. For the Lord shall judge his people and repent himself for his servants when he seeth that their power is gone and there is none shut up or left 37. And he shall say where are their gods their rock in whom they trusted 38. Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings let them rise up and help you and be your protection 39. See now that I even I am he and there is no god with me I kill and I make alive I wound and I heal neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand 40. For I lift up my hand to heaven and say I live for ever 41. If I whet my glittering sword and mine hand take hold on judgement I will render vengeance to mine enemies and will reward them that hate me 42. I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy 43. Rejoyce O ye nations with his people for he will avenge the blood of his servants and will render vengeance to his adversaries and will be merciful unto his land and to his people The SONG of DEBORAH JUDGES V. verse 2 PRaise ye the Lord for that he did revenge for Israel take When as the people of themselves did willing offer make verse 3 Hear O ye kings ye Princes eke give ear unto this thing Even I will praise the Lord yea I didst to Israels God will sing verse 4 Lord when thou went'st from Seir march out of Edoms field The earth did tremble heaven drop the clouds did water yeild verse 5 The mountains frō before the Lord even they on melting fell Yea Sinai from before the Lord the God of Israel verse 6 In days of Shamgar Anaths son and eke in Jaels days The common paths were left men did travel in by-ways verse 7 They that in villages did dwell they ceast in Israel Till I arose I Deborah within a mother in Israel verse 8 They chose new gods and then the gates did war appear Mongst forty thousand Israelites was there a shield or spear verse 9 Towards Israels rulers is my heart that did with free accord Offer themselves among the flock for this bless ye the Lord. verse 10 Ye that upon white asses ride see that ye speak and talk Ye also that in judgement sit and by the way do walk verse 11 They that are freed from the noise shal and fear of Archers fierce Where they did draw their water Gods righteous acts rehearse The acts perform'd for Villagers in Israel that were Then shall the people of the Lord within the gates appear verse 12 Awake awake O Deborah I say awake awake And to the uttering of a song do thou thy self betake Barak do thou also arise and now perform thy part Lead captive thy captivity Abinoams son that art verse 13 Then over Nobles of the folk he made him rule to have That did remain ore mighty ones to me the rule he gave verse 14 Gaist Amaleck there was a root of thee from Ephraim Among thy people after thee O tribe of Benjamin And out of Machir governours came down and likewise men From Zebulun that handle well the skilful writers pen. verse 15 The princes eke of Issachar with Deborah they were Even Issachar and Barak too with her they did appear Into the valley was he sent yea sent on foot but lo Reubens divisions they did cause great thoughts of heart to grow verse 16 Why didst thou bide among the folds the bleating flocks to hear Reubens divisions they did cause that great heart-searchings were verse 17 Beyond the river Jordan did Gilead make his abode And why did Dan remain within his Ships that were at rode After continued on the shore the sea was at his side And in his breaches he remain'd yea there he did abide verse 18 But Zebulun and Nephtali were people that did yeild To run the hazard of their lives fought even in the open field verse 19 Kings came yea Canaans kings in Tanaach by the brook And water of Megiddo they no gain of money took verse 20 They fought from heaven yea the stars that in their courses were Against the
holy dwelling place verse 14 The people they shall-hear of this and fear shall them oppress And such as dwell in Palestine sorrow shall them possess verse 15 Then Edoms dukes shal be amaz'd and trembling shall take hold On Moabs mighties Canaans folk shall melt when this is told verse 16 Yea fear and dread shall fall on them and they shall be each one By greatness of thine arm and power as still as is a stone Until the people which are thine O Lord are passed over I say until the folk which thou hast purchased pass over verse 17 Thou Lord shalt bring this people in and planted they shall be Even in the mountain which belongs dwell as heritage to thee The place O Lord where thou wilt and where thy house shall stand The sanctuary which thou hast establish'd with thy hand verse 18 The Lord shal reign for evermore verse 19 For Pharaohs horse did go With charets with horsemen eke into the sea below The Lord then made the sea return and over them to stand But Israels folk in midst of Sea did walk upon dry land 1. I will sing unto the Lord for he hath tryumphed gloriously the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the Sea 2. The Lord is my strength and song and he is become my salvation he is my God and I will prepare him an habitation My fathers God and I will exalt him 3. The Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name 4. Pharaohs chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea his chosen captains also are drowned in the red sea 5. The depths have covered them they sank into the bottome as a stone 6. Thy right hand O Lord is become glorious in power thy right hand O Lord hath dashed to pieces the enemy 7. And in the greatnesse of thine excellency thou hast overthrown them that rose up against thee thou sentest forth thy wrath which consumed them as stubble 8. And with the blast of thy nostrills the waters were gathered together the floods stood upright as an heap and the depths were congealed in the heart of the Sea 9. The enemy said I will pursue I will overtake I will divide the spoil My lust shall be satisfied upon them I will draw my sword my hand shall destroy them 10. Thou didst blow with thy wind the sea covered them they sank as lead in the mighty waters 11. Who is like unto thee O Lord among the Gods Who is like thee glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders 12. Thou stretchedst out thy right hand the earth swallowed them 13. Thou in thy mercy hast led forth the people which thou hast redeemed thou hast guided them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation 14. The people shall hear and be afraid sorrow shal take hold on the inhabitants of Palestina 15. Then the Dukes of Edom shall be amazed the mighty men of Moab trembling shall take hold upon them all the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away 16. Fear and dread shall fall upon them by the greatnesse of thine arme they shall be as still as a stone till the people pass over which thou hast purchased 17. Thou shalt bring them in and plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance in the place O Lord which thou hast made for thee to dwell in in the Sanctuary O Lord which thy hands have established 18. The Lord shall reign for ever and ever 19. For the horse of Pharaoh went in with his chariots with his horsmen into the Sea and the Lord brought again the waters of the Sea upon them but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea DEUT. XXXII GIve ear to me ye heavens high and I will utter speech And hear O earth attend unto the words my mouth shal teach verse 2 My doctrine as the rain shall drop my speech as dew shall pass As rain that 's small on tender herb as showers upon the grass verse 3 Because that I will utter forth and publish all abroad His name who is the Lord ascribe ye greatness to our God verse 4 He is the rock perfect his work his ways all judgement be A God of truth without all sin yea yea just and right is he verse 5 They have themselves corrupted yea the spot which they do bear Is not his childrens spot perverse and crooked ones they are verse 6 And do ye in this sort requite the Lord O ye that are A foolish people and unwise so ye your selves declare Is not the Lord thy father yea and hath he not thee bought Hath he not made stablish'd thee Oh hath he not thus wrought verse 7 Look back unto the days of old do ye the same remember The many generations past do ye likewise consider Ask thou thy father and enquire and he to thee will show Ask thou the Elders they will tell and thou by them shalt know verse 8 When the most high divided to the Nations their estate For heritage and Adam's sons did likewise separate Then did he set the peoples bounds within the same to dwell According to the number of the seed of Israel verse 9 For why the Lord his people doth his portion take to be The lot of his inheritance Jacob alone is he verse 10 Even in a dry and desart land he found him to be cast And in the houling wilderness both desolate and wast He did him gently lead about instruction also gave And as the apple of his eye he did him keep and save verse 11 As Eagle stirreth up her nest and flutters o're her young Spreads forth her wings doth take bear them on her wings along verse 12 So did the Lord him lead guide yea he himself alone And as for other stranger god with him there was not one verse 13 Upon high places of the earth he made him ride that he Might eat of such increase as in the fields abroad should be Yea from the rock he made him suck honey and thereon feed And likewise oyl which did from hard and flinty rock proceed verse 14 Butter of kine and milk of sheep was that whereon he fed Yea also fat of lambs and rams that were in Bashan bred On goats he fed yea with the fat of kidneys of the wheat Yea and the pure blood o' th grape thou drankest with thy meat verse 15 But Jesurun he waxed fat and did begin to kick Even thou I say art waxen fat and likewise art grown thick Covered with fat then he forsook God which did him redeem The rock of his salvation he lightly did esteem verse 16 With strange gods unto jealousie they did him much provoke And with abominations they his anger made to smoke verse 17 To divels not to God they did their sacrifice present Yea unto Gods they did not know their wicked heart was bent New gods I say whom they did serve newly come up they were They were such gods as formerly
your fathers did not fear verse 18 Thou art unmindful of the rock even him that thee begate Yea thou forgotten hast the God that form'd thee to this state verse 19 And when the Lord saw this they were abhorr'd of him therefore Because his sons and daughters eke provoked him so sore verse 20 And being thus provok'd he said I will now from them hide My face and likewise I will see what end shall them betide For why a generation of froward ones they be Yea they are children in whose hearts no faith at all I see verse 21 With that which is not god they made my jealousie to smoke To anger with their vanities they did me much provoke I will them move to jealousie their anger eke shall rise And be provok'd by such as are no people folk unwise verse 22 For in mine anger kindled is a fire which I will shew Yea I will make it burn unto the deeps of hell below The earth with her increase it shall consume and waste away Foundations it shall set on fire whereon the mountains stay verse 23 Yea mischiefs I will multiply by heaps upon them send The arrows also of my wrath I will upon them spend verse 24 They shall be burnt with hunger and also a burning heat Bitter destruction shall devour and eat them up like meat Yea I will send the teeth of beasts wherewith they shall be crusht Together with the poyson of the serpents of the dust verse 25 The sword without terror within shall stroy and shall not spare Yongman nor Virgin sucking babe nor him that hath gray hair verse 26 I said that I would scatter them and into corners chase And cause that their remembrance should w th men have any place verse 27 Were it not for the enemy that I his wrath did fear And adversary should himself strangely behave and bear And lest that they should speak say our hand full high it is And lifted up as for the Lord he hath not done all this verse 28 For they are such a Nation as is void of counsel sound For understanding there is none they in them for to be found verse 29 O that these men were wise that hereto their minds would bend To understand this thing and would ponder their latter end verse 30 How should one chase a thousand men and two ten thousand put To flight except the Lord their rock had sold and shut them up verse 31 For why their rock it is not like the rock whereon we stay Our enemies themselves if they be judges thus will say verse 32 Their vine of Sodom is the vine and of Gomorrahs field Yea grapes of gall and bitter are the clusters which they yeild verse 33 As Dragons poyson is the wine that doth thereout proceed Yea cruel venome of the Aspe even such it is indeed verse 34 Is not this laid in store with me my treasures seal'd among verse 35 Vengeance recompense it doth of right to me belong Their foot shal slide even in due time the day that shall them waste It is at hand the things that shall come on them do make haste verse 36 For God shall judge his folk and shal repent when he shall see His servants power is gone and that shut up or left none be verse 37 And then the Lord himself shall speak yea on this wise shall say Where are their gods their rock in whom they trusted and did stay verse 38 Which of their sacrifices ate the fat and drunk the wine They offer'd let them rise and for your safety now combine verse 39 See now that I even I am he and with me there is none No God with me I kill I make alive even I alone I wound and I do heal again and surely there is none That can deliver from my hand or rescue no not one verse 40 For I lift up my hand on high to heaven and then I give This word and of my self do say for ever do I live verse 41 If I my bright glittering sword shall go about to whet On judgement if my hand take hold and thereunto be set Vengeance I render will on them mine enemies that are And eke they shall rewarded be to me a hate that bear verse 42 Mine arrows they shal drunken be with blood which shall be shed My sword also shall flesh devour therewith it shall be fed The blood I say even of the slain and them that captives be From the beginning of revenge upon the enemy verse 43 Rejoyce then O ye nations with his people for he will Avenge his servants blood upon all them that do it spill Upon his adversaries he the vengeance just will send But to his land and people he his mercy will extend 1. GIve ear O ye heavens I wil speak and hear O earth the words of my mouth 2. My doctrine shall drop as the rain my speech shall distil as the dew as the small rain upon the render herb and as the flowers upon the grasse 3. Because I will publish the name of the Lord a scribe ye greatnesse unto our God 4. He is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways are judgement a God of truth and without iniquity just and right is he 5. They have corrupted themselves their spot is not the spot of his children they are a perverse and crooked generation 6. Do ye thus require the Lord O foolish people and unwise is not he thy father that hath bought thee hath he not made thee and established thee 7. Remember the days of old consider the yeers of many generations Ask thy father and he will shew thee thy Elders and they will tell thee 8. When the most high divided to the Nations their inheritance when he separated the sons of Adam He set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel 9. For the Lords portion is his people Iacob is the lot of his inheritance 10. He found him in a desart land and in the waste howling wilderness he led him about he instructed him he kept him as the apple of his eye 11. As an Eagle stirreth her nest fluttereth over her young spreadeth abroad her wings taketh them beareth them on her wings 12. So the Lord alone did lead him and there was no strange God with him 13. He made him hide on the high places of the earth that he might eat the increase of the fields and he made him to suck honey out of the rock and oyl out of the flinty rock 14. Butter of kine and milk of sheep with fat of Lambs and Rams of the breed of Bashan and goats with the fat of kidneys of wheat and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape 15. But Iesurun waxed fat and kicked thou art waxed far thou art grown thick thou art covered with fatness then he forsook God who made him and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation 16. They provoked him