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A45484 A map of judgement, or, A pattern for judges delivered in a sermon at the Assizes holden at Guildford-in-Surrey, July 23d, 1666 before Sr. Orlando Bridgeman, Kt., Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Sr. Samuel Brown, Kt. / by W. Hampton ... Hampton, William, 1599 or 1600-1677. 1667 (1667) Wing H635; ESTC R21596 21,322 25

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obtains a Writ Admelius inquirendum and then falls from fifty to forty five from forty five to forty from forty to thirty from thirty to twenty from twenty to ten which small number had that populous City afforded he would have spared all for their sakes I will not destroy it for tens sake And he brings these words as a convincing Argument that it stood not with the reputation of the Almighty who is the great Lord chief Justice of the world to do injustice to burn innocents with nocents to flay the righteous with the wicked Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked Peradventure there shall be fifty righteous within the City wilt thou destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein That be far from thee to do after this manner to slay the righteous with the wicked and that the Righteous should be as the wicked that be far from thee shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right Not that Abraham in this expostulation doth make any doubt of the Justice of God for this Interrogation is indeed a vehement asseveration so that in this negative question is emphatically implyed an affirmative position as if he had said I know the Judge of all the world will do right Frequent in holy Writ by interrogations in the negative to affirm the more earnestly So Elisha to Gehuzi Went not my heart with thee c. Yes I know all thy tampering and juggling well enough So here Shall not the Judge of all the world do right is all one as if he had said I am sure the Judge of all the Earth will do right The words being thus resolved you may note in them three parts A Judge his Circuit and his Judgement The Judge is the Lord his Circuit very large All the Earth His Judgement most just and right or rather if you will as the Text hath four words so I will put four quaeries to be briefly discussed Quis Quos Quando Quomodo First Quis Who this Judge is and that is Christ the Lord of the World he it was that here talked with Abraham that appeared to the Patriarchs and Fathers in the Old Testament Secondly Quos Whom he shall judge All the Earth or the whole World Thirdly Quando When he shall Judge The time is to come at the end of the World noted in the Particle shall Fourthly Quomodo How he shall judge Not according to the corrupt Fashion of the world Sed secundum norman Justitiae according to the Rule of Justice according to equity and right Shall not the Judge of all the world do right And First I begin with him who is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the beginning and the end of all our actions yea of all things and that is Quis who this Judge is namely Christ the Son of God God and man the Messiah the Saviour and Redeemer of the world he is made Lord Chief-Justice of all the world and he hath it by Commission hear his own Testimony for it and we know that his Testimony is true John 5.22 The Father Judgeth no man but hath committed all Judgement unto the Son because that all men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father Upon which place St. Austin Tractat. 19. in Johan moves a doubt whether the Father shall be excluded in the last Judgement which he resolves by comparing these words with the 27th verse He hath given him power to execute Judgement because he is the Son of Man The Father saith he shall not be seen coming to Judgment but yet he shall not be excluded from giving of Judgement he hath the same power with the Son for the power of all the three persons is coaequal The Son only shall be seen in Judgement The Judge shall appear in a visible shape forma humana in a humane form They shall see him onely whom they have pierced He shall come to judgement and sit on the Throne of judgement and pronounce judgement in the very same body wherein hee suffered and dyed That Forme shall be Judge which stood before a Judge and he shall judge that was judged and hoe shall judge justly that was judged unjustly For the Father hath given him power to Execute Judgement because he is the Son of man that is because he did so far condescend and debase himself as to come into the world and assume our Nature to his God-head to be greatly humbled to do and suffer so much for our Redemption therefore the Father will so highly exalt him that in the same nature in the same forme in the same body he shall sit to judge the world He hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in Righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained Acts 17.31 But doth not the Apostle say that the Saints shall judge the world 1 Cor. 6.2 and Christ to his Apostles Ye which have followed me in the Regeneration when the Son of man shall sit upon the Throne of his Glory ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel Matth. 19.28 These places are to be understood either of judging the world 1. By their Doctrine or 2. By their good examples and holy lives as Christ said that the Queen of the South and the Ninevites should rise up in judgment against the men of that generation and Condemn them or 3. Of the attestation and approbation which they shall give to the righteous judgement of Christ Rev. 19.1 2. They shall sit Assistants with him and be by his side like privie Counsellors to the King As we see here at an Assize there be many inferiour Justices who sit on the Bench and are Assistants to the Judge not that they give sentence in any matter for that belongs to the Judge but they sit as approvers and testifiers of the just proceedings So shall it be with the Saints they shall sit as Assistants with Christ to approve and applaud the righteous dealing of that great Judge but to him alone belongs the pronouncing of Sentence 1. O what a strong consolation may this be to all the Faithful people of Christ in that he who saved them shall judge them he who is flesh of their flesh and bone of their bone he who gave his flesh and body and blood and life and all to redeem them No comfort like this to a guilty person arraigned at the Barre as to have the Judge to be his friend to speak for him to plead for him to defend to protect him But so it shall be with the faithful at that day they shall have their friend to bee their Judge their Head their Husband their Kinsman their Brother their Redeemer their Intercessor their Saviour Surely it must needs go well with them their cause shall be heard before him who loved them so dearly that he dyed for them The great Judge of all the world shall acquit them who
then shall lay any thing to their charge It is God that Justifieth saith St. Paul who then shall Condemn It is Christ that Judgeth there is therefore no Condemnation to them that are his 2. And this also shall strike confusion to his enemies They shall see him coming in the Clouds of Heaven and sitting on the Throne of Glory whom they pierced Whom they pierced with their bands with their sins with their tongues with their oaths with their blasphemies and impieties he whom they despised whose call they neglected whose Gospel they rejected whose Word they contemned whose Mercy they abused whose Ministers they slighted whose Ambassadours they wronged he shall be their Judge For he is of such omnipotency that he shall force his enemies and all to appear before his Tribunal And thus having briefly discussed the first quaerie Quis who this Judge shall be I pass to the second Quos whom hee shall Judge All the Earth A very large Circuit other Judges are Judges of but some small Circuit or corner of the Earth Judges of earth and Judges who when their breath goeth forth must fall to the earth and turn to a little lump of earth as well as others but this is the Judge of all the Earth Judex totius mundi the Judge of all the world All the world yea all the men of the world must appear before his Tribunal We must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ 2 Cor. 5.10 Before him shall be gathered all Nations Mat. 25.32 All Nations and Countries all People and Languages all men of what estate or condition soever The King that Ruleth the Judge that Judgeth the Lawyer that pleadeth the Client that sueth the witness that sweareth the Jury that censureth the Pastour that speaketh the people that heareth high and low rich and poor young and old we must all appear before this mighty Judge He is Judex vivorum mortuorum Judge of the living and the dead Those who are found alive at his coming shall in a moment be changed those that dyed before shall in a moment be raised all shall appear All that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they shall conse forth they that have done good to the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the Resurrection of condemnation John 5.28 29. All that are in the Graves yea and more than all that are in the Graves all that have dyed since the beginning of the world though they have been drowned in the Sea and devoured by fishes though they have been burned in the fire and consumed to Ashes though their flesh hath been made a banquet to the beasts of the field and fowls of the Air yet at the Trumpet of the Arch-Angel at the voice of the Son of God they shal all revive the Trump shall sound and the dead shall rise and come to judgement There shall not miss one man woman or childe from the beginning of the Creation All shall appear every one propria persona in his own proper person no Proxie no Atrourney shall serve the turne at that day Thus much St. John affirmeth Rev. 20.12 Where was revealed to him the Majesty of this mighty Judge and the manner of this grand Assize I saw a great white Throne and one who sate upon it from whose Face fled away both the earth and the Heaven and I saw the dead both great and small stand before God for the Sea gave up her dead which were in her and death and Hell delivered up the dead that were in them and they were judged every man according to their works But some may say shall all be judged as well the Godly as the Godless as well the faithful as the faithless have we not the Judges own Word and Warrant for the contrary confirmed with a double Seal that the faithful who hear and obey his Word and believe in him shall not bee judged Amen amen dico vobis c. Verily verily I say unto you hee that heareth my word and believeth in him that sent me hath everlasting Life and shall not come into Judgement but passeth from death unto life Joh. 5.24 To which I answer That the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which properly signifieth judgement is sometimes taken for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth condemnation as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to Judge for to condemn often in the Scripture So that when Christ saith the faithful shall not come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into judgement the meaning is into condemnation as St. Austin well noteth on the place There is saith he Judicium absolutionis Judicium condemnationis the Judgement of absolution and the Judgement of condemnation Or as Aquinas aptly distinguisheth in the last Judgement are two things discussio peccatorum retributio praemiorum a discussion of sins and a retribution of rewards All shall appear both the faithful and the faithless though to a different judgement The faithful to the judgement of absolution ad retributionem praemioruns to partake of the reward the wicked to the judgement of condemnation ad discussionem peccatorum to answer for their sins Their sins shall be discussed searched and sifted most narrowly their most secret sins shall be laid open to the view of the whole world before that great assembly both of Men and Angels and not onely laid open but laid to their charge the Book of Conscience shall be opened and accuse them more than a thousand witnesses and according to their sins shall a fearful doom be pronounced an everlasting separation from that most beatifical Vision of the Deity to a terrible Habitation and association with wicked Devils Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Mat. 25. But as for the Godly and Faithful who are reconciled to their Heavenly Father by the blood of Jesus Christ his blessed Son though they appear also at this great Assize yet it shall be to the Judgement of absolution to be acquitted pardoned saved There shal no discussio peccatorum pass upon them their sins shall not be laid open nor laid to their charge nor hamed nor mentioned nor brought forth at that day so much as to accuse them or grieve or shame them much less to condemn them but they shall all be washed away in the blood of the Lamb blotted out forgotten and forgiven as if they had never been For I will forgive their iniquities and I will remember their sin no more Jer. 31.34 and again Jer 50.20 In those dates and at that time saith the Lord the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for and there shall be none and the sins of Judah and they shall not be found for I will pardon them whom I reserve So shall the Prophesie of Balaam be fulfilled He shall see none Iniquity in Jacob nor transgression in Israel Numb 23.21 Their sins indeed shall be sought for
escaped vengeance yet his hoar-head was not suffered to go down to the grave without blood 1 King 2.5 6. How justly doth he scourge Whoremongers and Adulterers with the not and canker even in those parts wherein they offend do we not ever and anon hear of some notorious drunkards drowned in ditches and puddles or taken away by some sudden disaster in the midst of their disorder when they have neither wit not will to repent nor to cry so much as Lord have mercy upon us I have read of a Thief strangled and so executed by the sheep that he stole tying it by the legges and carrying it on his head and sitting down to rest upon a great stone by the way the sheep strugling pulled him over the stone and choaked him so that he was found dead in the morning and the sheep alive at Ailton in Huntingtonshire Dr. Beard Judg. pag. 570. So he doth punish those with disobedient children who have been disobedient to their Parents Erasmus writeth of one that did beat his own Father and being reproved as guilty of so vile a fact he answered when he was as I am he did beat his Father and I make no doubt but there stands one pointing to his Son then a childe who will hereafter do the like to mee Therefore by the nature of our punishment we may know the nature of our sin for commonly the same measure is returned that we have measured Do we finde men ungrateful to us let us search have not we been ungrateful to our God if so no marvel if men be so to us By this means Alphonsus King of Arragon came to see his sin I have said he advanced many to honour and preferments and heaped great favours upon them and yet I still finde them to be ungrateful but searching mine own heart I do not much wonder at it for I finde that I my self being advanced by God and having received great blessings from him have been unthankful to his heavenly Majesty and it is but just that men should make such a return to me as I have made to my God Are we punished with the loss of our worldly goods and substance Is it not because we have set our hearts too much upon them or with sickness did not health make us wanton and forgetful of our frail condition Let us thus by the kind of punishment search out our sin that repenting we may obtain pardon Thus have I shewed that God doth sometimes use martial Law against the wicked by remarkable stroaks of his Justice upon them in this world because otherwise men would think there were no God or at least that he were not Just but these examples are but now and then if he should punish all in this world men would think there were no Judgement to come but that all were dispatched here and after this life no more ado therefore he defers the main execution of his Justice till the end of the world and then he will do right to every man he will as St. Paul saith render to every man according to his works Rom. 2.6 both secundum qualitatem secundum quantitatem according to the quality and according to the quantity thereof First He will judge us according to the quality of our works he will render good for good and evil for evil not evil for good not good for evil To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honour and immortality he will give eternal life But unto them that are contentious and do not obey the Truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Greek Rom. 2.7 8 9. The good Tree that bringeth forth good fruit shall be cherished and preserved The evil Tree that bringeth forth evil fruit shall be cut down and burned O the vanity and folly of many worldlings who go on in all sin and wickedness and yet hope to have a reward in Heaven as well as the best I but God is an upright Judge as he will not requite good with evil so he will not reward evil with good Do men gather Grapes of Thorns or Figs of Thistles If a man sow Tares can he expect a crop of Wheat or if he sow Cockle can he look for a harvest of Barley Be not deceived saith the Apostle God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal. 6.7 8. Secondly He will judge us according to the quantity of our works they that have most sins shall be adjudged to most torments they that have most good works to most glory The sentence is past already on the Whore of Babylon quantum in diliciis fuit for so much pleasure give her so much pain so much for so much a most righteous Judge The ignorant servant shall be adjudged to few stripes the negligent servant to many stripes Luk. 12.47 48. Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites for ye devour Widdows houses and for a pretence make long prayers therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation Mat. 23.14 So that some shall have greater damnation than others See here the pittiful folly of some desperate wretches who being given over to a reprobate sense to commit all filthiness with greediness and being reproved and admonished to run better courses and shewed the danger of their waies how they will bring bitterness at last sollace themselves with this miserable comfort oh we know the worst of it we can be but damned Alas alas they know not consider not what it is to be damned an horrid hideous unexpressible irrecoverable mischief to be damned and how there are degrees of damnation too the more sins the more stripes and how that those who sin against light knowledge and conscience careless and wicked Christians shall be thrust deeper into Hell and scorched in hotter flames than Infidels and Pagans for our Lord assures us in the Gospel That it shall be easier for Tyrus and Sydon than for Bethsaida and Corazin at the day of doom and that sinful Sodom shall speed better than proud Capernaum at the last day Doubtless Tyrus and Sydon and Sodom shall be damned and have most dreadful punishments in Hell in that lake which never shall be quenched where the worm dieth not and the fire never goeth out But Bethsaida Corazin Capernaum shall have more dreadful punishments more fearful torments why because Bethsaida Corazin Capernaum had means of salvation heard Christ and saw Christ heard his Doctrine and saw his miracles and yet repented not believed not whereas Tyrus Sydon Sodom had no such means therefore their punishment shall be lighter the others heavier He will also reward our good works according to their quantity so much for so much though he will not reward