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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A40841 The famous and renowned histor[y] of Valentine and Orso[n] sons to the famous and renowned Emperour of Constantinop[le] containing their marvelous adventures in love and [...]; Valentin et Orson. English. Abridgments. 1700 (1700) Wing F361B; ESTC R215035 19,040 27

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fair weather begins to appear now he 's in hopes to bring his wishes to a good end and close up all his travels with a quiet life he is resolved to leave Angory and in habit of a Pilgrim travel to the King of India's Court and there make known that he can cure mad and lunatick People and all other diseases In the next Chapter you 'll see how this device succeeded to his purpose Chap. VIII How Valentine in Pilgrim's Habit carried away the Lady Clerimond from the Indian Court and how he took the strong Castle where the Emperour and the Green Knight were Prisoners and how Valentine unfortunately and unknow slew his own Father and other Acts which endeth this Story VAlentine being arrived at the City where the King of Indian kept his Court like a Physician takes up his lodging at an Inn in the Town His Host began to enquire of him what he was Valentine told him he was a Physician that could cure all manner of diseases and therefore desir'd him to set his Man go into the City and post up some Bills that he might make known his are whereby to get somewhat to defray his charges which his Host consented to The Man having done as he was appointed some of the Courtiers chanced to espy the Bills and reading in s● that the Man could cure Madness declares it to the King presently Valentine was sent for and the King call'd him aside and declar'd to him that he had in his Court a Lady that was lunatick whom if he would cure he should have a bountiful reward Valentine attending on the King's tale told him he would endeavour the re●oring the Lady to her senses Therefore great Soveraign cause a Fire to be made in her Chamber and I 'll be with her to night and use my Skill The King called one of his S●rvants to guide Valentine to the Lady's chamber where he left him The Lady Clerimnod beholding him began to throw things at him Valentine seeing her said Alack my dear Lady you have bought me as dear as I have you but now I hope to return to my Father's Court with you Clerimond eying him began to look strangely which caused Valentine to say Dear Love I am thy Valentine and for thee have suffered more torments that can be imagined for the Love of thee have I travelled night and day When the Lady heard her true Love's Voyce the instantly fell into a sound but being recover'd she burst forth into these speeches Ah my dear Love and lovely Valentine how many dangers have we passed thro' I for the love of thee and thou for me And now my dear Love behold the extremity I have cast my self into into what baseness I have cast my self for thee but Love dearly bought they say is the sweetest After their kind salutations were past she shewed him Pa●ol●t's horse which rejoyced his heart Valentine then set Clerimond thereon and turning the Pin they suddenly arrived in the City of Angory to the unspeakable joy of the Inhabitance The next day they were married in as great solemnity as so short a warning could afford after dinner were exercised many pastimes which lastedt ill n ght which caused these two incom●●●able Lovers to prepare for bed where we 'll leave them unto those sweet embraces enjoyed by Luvers Valentine remained a month in Angory with his beloved Lady and then thinking of his Father's Imprisonment he resolved to endeavour his release by a cunning Plot he will like a Marchant put forth ships well mann'd and richly laden and go to this Castle and proffer to sell 'em to the Lady Galazy with this resolution he put to Sea and in a short time arrives at the Castle where he armed his Men privately putting their Cloaths over their armour So Valentine went out of his ship Marchant like and coming to the gate the Porter ask'd him what he brought he cold him he had store of Iewels aboard and he desir'd to know whether the Lady of the Castle would make choice of any of them the Porter went and inform'd his Lady who sent the Governour with some Souldiers to view them being come into the sh●ps the Christians as Valentine had before commanded slew them then Valentine caused them to put on the Turks apparel and to set forward to the Castle carrying with them many Iewels the Porter thinking them to be the Men of the Castle let them pass in where they slew all the Infidels and broke open the doors till they came to the Lady Galazy's chamber and demanding the keys of the prison she delivered them wherewith they opened the Prison released the Emperour the Green Knight and the Peers of France As soon as this enterprize was finish'd Valentine sailed to Angory and left his Father the Emperour and the others to take their rest The Emperour soon after hearing the City of Angor was begut with brand-ster's Hoast resolved to leave the Castle and to ship himself and ten thousand Men and being at Sea they engaged with a Fleet that was going to aid Brandiffer and soon overcome them The Emperour commanded his Men to put on the Pagans armour that they might safely land which stratagem prov'd fatal as you shall hear and just as they arrived Orson attended with one hundred valiant Knights came into the Port also to the great joy of the Emperour Now the Christians in Angory for want of provisions resolved to give the Pagans battle and so were devided into ten Bands led by ten valiant Captains whose courage and conduct added valour to all the others The Pagans knowing their design put themselves into fifteen bands standing in battle-array the Christians issuing suddenly out of the City presently put all in confusion resolving to die or conquer great courage was shewed on both sides Valentine slew a Pagan Commander at the first onset and meeting the Indian King unhorsed him and had he not been rescued by his Followers he had lost his life by Valentine's keen sword and if fresh Succours had not come the Pagans had been put to flight which renew'd the fight so that the air was darkned with the smoke and nothing was heard but cries and confusion of voices but on a sudden news came that a great Fleet of Sarazens were arrived at the Port and just landing Valentine hearing this made great hast to the Port with a select Party to strengthen the Guard there but little need was there of it for these were Christians commanded by the Emperour his Father joyned by his Son Orson and his Knights Valentine being ignorant who they were charged them furiously and the first that he engaged he run quite thro' the body which unfortunately was the Emperour Orson seeing his Father slain began to weep and knowing Valentine by his armour said to him Alas Brother Valentine here 's small conquest in this for you have slain your Father Valentine hearing this broke out in such a grievous lamentation that it grieved
seen as she heard two Strangers were there she viewed them out at a window seeing Valentine began to be in love with him and she enquires if they had any token from her Brother Valentine shewing the ring was admitted into her presence whose beauty he greatly admired desirous therefore to break silence being a wonder to each others eyes Valentine began Divine Paragon of Beauty I was driven hither by the report of a brazen-head that remains in your Castle that can tell wonders therefore if it please you to admit us to the sight we shall remain your Bond servants in all respects Clerimond granted their request and brought 'em where the head was which thus began to speak Thou famous Knight of Royal Parentage thou art call'd Valentine the Valiant thou art the Man that ought to marry the Lady Clerimond thou art Son to the Emperour of Greece and thy Mother was in Portugal in the Castle of Ferragus who hath had the keeping of her twenty years the Wild-man who accompaineth thee is thy Brother born in the Forrest of Orleance and was nourished by a bear and be shall not have the use of his tongue till a thread be cut under it Now thou art come my time is at a period and so bowed down and never spoke more Valentine immediately embraced his Brother and presently cut the thread under his tongue and he spoke Valentine receives Clerimond as his esopused Lady and she him as her Lord but defers the marriage till he had deliver'd his Mother and seen his Royal Father and she setled in Constantionple Chap. V. How Patolet an Enchanter gave Ferragus Clerimond's Brother the knowledge of all that past of the Delivery of the Lady Bellisant how Valentine and Orson were imprisoned by Farergus and escaped again and Ferragus's Resolution thereupon IN the mean time while these Lovers admired one another is little Dwarf that Clerimond kept was an Inchanter and he gave Ferragus an account of all their proceeding in the Castle of Clerimond for he could in a day's time come and go for by his art he had made a wooden horse with a pin at the head and which way he turned the pin and the horse mounting in the air he could be at the place design'd immediately when Ferragus heard Pacol●t's cal● he grew exceedingly enrag'd at his Sister for granting leave to a Christian Knight swearing by the Gods to be revenged on them both After Pacolet's return Clerimond commanded him to go and see it Bellisant Valentine's Mother were there or no which he did and brought word she was in health In the mean time Ferragus provides a Fleet and came to his Sister's Castle and was very pleasant with Valentine and Orson and desires them and his Sister to accompany him to Portugal there to be married which they did but when they were upon the Sea in the dead of the night he caused them to be took out of their beds bound 'em and cast them into a dungeon and when they came to Portugal they were put into a Castle and there left to bewail their 〈…〉 Alas said Valentine how soon are our ioys blasted and mirth turned into mourning Bellisant hearing two Christian Knights were in the Castle left her chamber and came to have a sight of them and to ask them whence they were but Ferragus being enraged would not suffer her Clerimond had not long been in the Castle but she esp'yd Valentine's Mother and being private together she declar'd to her how her Sons were Prisoners there 〈…〉 for joy to hear they were alive In the mean time Pacolet comforted them and told them he would set Valentine and Orson at liberty and them too and he was as good as his 〈◊〉 but as soon as he saw 〈◊〉 oppertunity by his art he opened all the doors and came where the Prisoners lay who hearing the door opened expected nothing but 〈…〉 Pacolet said My Lords fear not I am come 〈…〉 So leaving them where Clerimond and Bellisant were 〈…〉 before their Mother craving her blessing but 〈…〉 away but Pacolet seeing no time to 〈…〉 and they presently arrived at Clerimon 〈…〉 they had refresh'd themselves they journey'd toward Aquitain But let us return to Ferragus to see how 〈…〉 the Iaylor came to unlock the doors and found them 〈…〉 and looking found his Prisoners 〈…〉 told Ferragus who enraged thereat resolves to 〈…〉 Castle 〈…〉 assembled his Men of war declaring his 〈…〉 mean 〈◊〉 Valentine and Orson 〈…〉 also Pacolet were safe arrived at the 〈…〉 they where received with much 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 accomplish'd 〈◊〉 Fezon 〈…〉 Duke of Aquitain so both their 〈…〉 Ferragus who not 〈◊〉 for when 〈…〉 Castle he sailed to Aquitain with 〈…〉 revenge for these 〈…〉 upon 〈…〉 as a 〈…〉 about twelve foot high and much feared by all his Neighbours having a prosperous gale he s on landed his army King Trompart being with him to aid him accompanied with the Inchanter Adramain who was to further Trompart's design in getting the Lady Clerimond intending with the consent of Ferragus to take her to Wife Chap. VI. The admirable Feats of Arms performed by Valentine and Orson in a famous Battle before Aquitain and the Success thereof and how Valentine and Pacolet went to Constantinople to help his Father and Uncle who were besieged by the Sarazens THe couragious Duke of Aquitain hearing of the landing of his potent Enemy suddenly prepared great Forces to resist him to the great content of Valentine and Orson and at last seeing their Town besieged by Ferragus they issued out with their Army resolving to give them present battle Here you might see the rare exploits perform'd by gallant Warriors Valentine and Orson working wonders wheresoever they came making every one give way to their keen swords Here the Giant Ferragus triumphed over his Enemies intending a final conquest The valiant Duke of Aquitain cleared their ranks and fought manfully but venturing too far in the press was taken Prisoner and carried to Ferragus's Tent but Orson accompained with Pacolet rush'd through the Enemy resolving to free the Duke or die on the spot came at last without the Camp putting on Pagans shields went into Ferragus's Tent and brought the Duke from thence and plac'd him in the head of his Army who seeing him released fought like desperate Men and made havock of their Enemies crying Long live the Duke of Aquitain the Pagans hearing this and knowing him released were discomfitted and fled to their ships As soon as this battle was ended Valentine and Pacolet resolve to go to Constantinople to aid his Father who was besieged by the Sarazens Pacolet made ready his wooden horse and the same night they arrived at Constantinople in the great hall before the Emperour who sat at supper with King Pepi● who came to aid him against the Sarazens and the Green Knight was present who espying Valentine knew him King Pepin said Behold here one of your own Blood a valliant Knight and your