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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20818 The harmonie of the church Containing, the spirituall songes and holy hymnes, of godly men, patriarkes and prophetes: all, sweetly sounding, to the praise and glory of the highest. Now (newlie) reduced into sundrie kinds of English meeter: meete to be read or sung, for the solace and comfort of the godly. By M.D. Drayton, Michael, 1563-1631. 1591 (1591) STC 7199; ESTC S116525 25,418 50

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THE HARMONIE of the Church Containing The Spirituall Songes and holy Hymnes of godly men Patriarkes and Prophetes all sweetly sounding to the praise and glory of the highest Now newlie reduced into sundrie kinds of English Meeter meete to be read or sung for the solace and comfort of the godly By M. D. LONDON Printed by Richard Ihones at the Rose and Crowne neere Holborne Bridge 1591. To the Godly and vertuous Lady the Lady Iane Deuoreux of Meriuale GOod Madame oft imagining with my selfe howe to manifest my well meaning vnto your Ladishippe and in my loue towardes you most vnwilling to bee founde ingratefull either in the behalfe of my Countrie or the place of my byrth To the one your godlie life beeing a president of perfect vertue to the other your bountifull hospitalitie an exceeding releefe Then good Ladie my selfe as an admyrer of your manie vertues and a well-wisher vnto your happie and desired estate doo here present the fruites of my labours vnto your modest and discreet consideration hoping that you will measure them not by my abilitie but by their authoritie not as Poems of Poets but praiers of Prophets and vouchsafe to be their gracious Patronesse against any gracelesse Parasite And endeuour your selfe with this good Debora Hester and Iudith whose songes of praise I here present to your Ladiship to the aduancing of Gods glorie and the beautifieng of his Church Thus committing your Ladiship and all your actions to the protection of the Almighty and my short translation to your curteous censure I humbly take my leaue London this 10. of Feb. 1590· Your Ladiships to commaund in all dutifull seruices Michaell Drayton To the curteous Reader GEntle Reader my meaning is not with the varietie of verse to feede any vaine humour neither to trouble thee with deuises of mine owne inuention as carieng an ouerweening of mine owne wit but here I present thee with these Psalmes or Songes of praise so exactly translated as the prose would permit or sence would any way suffer me which if thou shalt be the same in hart thou art in name I mean a Christian I doubt not but thou wilt take as great delight in these as in any Poetical fiction I speak not of Mars the god of Wars nor of Venus the goddesse of loue but of the Lord of Hostes that made heauen and earth Not of Toyes in Mount Ida but of triumphes in Mount Sion Not of Vanitie but of Veritie not of Tales but of Truethes Thus submitting my selfe vnto thy clemencie and my labours vnto thy indifferencie I wish thee as my selfe Thine as his owne M. D. The Spirituall Songes and holy Hymnes contained in this Book 1 THe most notable Song of Moses which he made a litle before his death 2 The Song of the Israelites for their deliuerance out of Egypt 3 The most excellent Song of Salomon Containing eight Chapters 4 The Song of Annah 5 The Praier of Ieremiah 6 The Song of Deborah and Barach 7 A Song of the Faithfull for the mercies of God 8 Another Song of the Faithfull 9 A Song of thankes to God 10 An other Song of the Faithfull Other Songes and Praiers out of the bookes of Apocripha 11 The Praier of Iudith 12 The Song of Iudith 13 A Praier in Ecclesiasticus of the Author 14 The Praier of Salomon 15 A Song of Ihesus the sonne of Sirach 16 The Praier of Hester 17 The Praier of Mardocheus 18 A Praier in the person of the Faithfull 19 A Praier of Tobias FINIS The most notable Song of Moses containing Gods benefites to his people which he taught the Children of Israell a litle before his death and commanded them to learne it and teach it vnto their children as a witnesse betweene God and them Deutronom Chap. xxxii YEe Heauens aboue vnto my speach attend And Earth below giue eare vnto my will My doctrine shall like pleasant drops discend My words like heauenly dew shal down distil like as sweet showers refresh the hearbs again Or as the grasse is nourish'd by the raine I will describe Iehouahs name aright And to that God giue euerlasting praise Perfect is he a God of woondrous might With iudgment he directeth all his waies He onely true and without sinne to trust Righteous is he and he is onely iust With loathsome sinne now are you all defilde Not of his seed but Bastards basely borne And from his mercie therefore quite exilde Mischieuous men through follie all forlorne Is it not he which hath you dearly bought Proportion'd you and made you iust of nought Consider well the times and ages past Aske thy forefathers and they shall thee tell That when Iehouah did deuide at last Th'inheritance that to the Nations fel And seperating Adams heires he gaue the portion his Israell should haue His people be the portion of the Lord Iacob the lot of his inheritance In wildernesse he hath thee not abhorr'd But in wild Deserts did thee still aduance He taught thee still and had a care of thee And kept thee as the apple of his eie Like as the Eagle tricketh vp her neast Therein to lay her litle birdes full soft And on her backe doth suffer them to rest And with her wings both carie them aloft Euen so the Lord with care hath nourisht thee And thou hast had no other God but he And great Iehouah giueth vnto thee The fertilst soyle the earth did euer yeeld That thou all pleasure mightst beholde and see And tast the fruit of the most pleasant field Honey for thee out of the flint he brought And oile out of the craggie rocke he wrought With finest butter still he hath thee fed With milke of Sheep he hath thee cherished With fat of Lambes and Rammes in Bazan bred With flesh of Goates he hath thee nourished With finest wheat he hath refresht thee still And gaue thee wine thereof to drink thy fill But hee that should be thankfull then for this Once waxing fat began to spurne and kicke Thou art so crancke and such thy grosenesse is That now to lust thy prouender doth pricke That he that made thee thou remembrest not And he that sau'd thee thou hast clean forgot With Idols they offend his gracious eies And by their sinne prouoke him vnto yre To deuils they doo offer sacrifice Forsake their God and other goddes desire Gods whose beginnings were but strange new Whom yet their fathers neuer fear'd nor knew He which begat thee is cleane out of mind The God which form'd thee thou doost not regard The Lord to angre was therewith inclinde His sonnes and daughters should him so reward And there he vow'd his chearfull face to hide To see their end and what would them betide For faithlesse they and froward are become And with no God moue me to ielousie To angre they prouoke me all and some And still offend me with their vanitie And with no people I will mooue them then And angre them with vaine and foolish
the last iudgement day For he such quenchlesse fire and gnawing wormes shal send Into their flesh as shal consume them world without an end A Praier of the Authour In the xxiii Chap. of Ecclesiasticus LOrd of my life my guide and gouernour Father of thee this one thing I require Thou wilt not leaue me to the wicked power Which seeke my fall and stil my death desire Oh who is he that shall instruct my thought And so with wisdom shall inspire my heart In ignorance that nothing may be wrought By me with them whose sinne shall not depart Least that mine errors growe and multiplie And to destruction through my sinnes I fall My foes reioice at my aduersitie Who in thy mercie haue no hope at all My Lord and God from whom my life I tooke Vnto the wicked leaue me not a pray A haughty mind a proud disdainfull looke From me thy Seruant take thou cleane away Vaine hope likewise with vile concupiscence Lord of thy mercie take thou cleane from me Retaine thou him in true obedience Who with desire daily serueth thee Let not desire to please the greedy mawe Or appetite of any fleshly lust Thy seruant from his louing Lord withdraw But giue thou me a mind both good and iust The Praier of Salomon In the ix Chap. of the book of Wisdome OH God of our forefathers all of mercie thou the Lord Which heauen and earth and al thinges els createdst with thy word And by thy wisdome madest man like to thy selfe alone And gauest him ouer thy workes the chiefe dominion That he shoud rule vpon the earth with equity and right And that his iudgments should be pure and vpright in thy sight Giue me that wisdome which about thy sacred throne doth stay And from amongst thine own elect Lord put me not away For I thy seruant am and of thy handmaid borne A sillie soule whose life alas is short and all forlorne And do not vnderstand at all what ought to be my guide I mean thy statutes and thy lawes least that I slip aside For though a man in worldly things for wisdome be esteem'd Yet if thy wisdom want in him his is but folly deem'd Thou chosest me to be a King to sit on royall throne To iudge the folk which thou of right dost chalenge for thy own Thou hast commanded me to build a Temple on thy hill And Altar in the self same place where thou thy selfe doost dwel Euen like vnto thy Tabernacle in each kind of respect A thing most holy which at first thy selfe thou didst erect Thy wisdome being stil with thee which vnderstands thy trade When as thou framedst first the world and her foundation laid Which knew the thing that most of all was pleasant in thy sight Thy wil and thy commandements wherein thou takst delight Send her down from that heauenly seat wheras she doth abide That she may shew to me thy will and be my onely guide For she dooth know and vnderstand yea al things doth foresee And by her works and mighty power I shall preserued bee Then shal my works accepted be and liked in thy sight When I vpon my fathers throne shall iudge thy folke aright Who knoweth the counsell of the Lord his deep and secret skil Or who may search into his works or know his holy will For why the thoughts of mortal men are nothing els but care Their forecasts and deuises all things most vncertaine are The bodie is vnto the soule a waight and burthen great The earthly house depresseth down the mind with cares repleat The things which here on earth remain we hardly can discern To find their secret vse and trade with labor great we learne For who doth search or seek to know with traueill with care The secrets of the mightie Lord which hie in heauen are Who can thy counsels vnderstand except thou doo impart Thy wisdome and thy holy spirit doost send into his heart For so the waies of mortal men reformed are and taught The things that most delighteth thee which wisdom forth haue brought A Song of Ihesus the sonne of Sirach In the last Chap. of Ecclesiasticus I Will confesse thy name O Lord And giue thee praise with one accord My God my King and Sauiour Vnto thy name be thankes and power I haue bene succoured by thee And thou hast still preserued me And from destruction kept me long And from report of slaunderous tongue From lips stil exrcisde with lies And from my cruell enemies Thou me in mercie doost deliuer Thy blessed name be praisde for euer From monsters that would me deuoure From cruell tyrants and their power In all affliction paine and griefe Thou succourest me with some reliefe From the cruell burning flame Poore I inclosde within the same From the deepe infernall pit From venom'd tongues that poison spit From speeches that of malice spring From accusation to the king From all reproch and infamy From slander and like villanie My soule to death praise thou the Lord And laud his name with one accord For death was readie thee to take And thou neare the infernall lake They compassed me round about But there was none to helpe me out I look'd when succour would appeare But there was none that would come neare Vpon thy mercies then I thought And on the wonders thou hast wrought How from destruction thou doost saue Such as in thee affiance haue In praier then I did perseuer That thou from death wouldst me deliuer Vnto the Lord I crie and call That he would rid me out of thrall Therefore I still will praise thy name And euer thanke thee for the same My praiers shall of thee be heard And neuer from thy eares debard Thou sau'st me from destruction And other mischiefs more than one Therefore wil I praise thee O Lord And in my songs thy name record The Praier of Hester for the deliuerance of her and her people In the xiiii Chap. of Hester O Mighty Lord thou art our God to thee for aid I crie To help a woman desolate sith danger now is nie Euen frō my youth I oft haue hard my predecessors tel That from amongst the nations all thou chosest Israell And chosest those our fathers were from theirs that went before To be thine owne and hast perform'd thy promise euermore Now Lord we haue committed sin most grieuous in thine eies Wherfore thou hast deliuered vs vnto our enemies Because that to their heathen gods with worship we haue gone Knowing that thou art God the Lord the righteous Lord alone Yet not content nor satisfied with these our captiues bands But with their Idols they thēselues haue ioin'd shaken hands Quite to abolish and subuert what thou appointed hast And this thine owne inheritance euen vtterly to waste To shut and stop the mouthes of those that yeeld thee thanks and praise Thy glorious temples to defile thine Altars vp to raise And to induce the heathen folke to laud their Idols