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A14105 A matter of moment: or, A case of waight As great as euer was any, to be pleaded and examined in the hall of the heart and conscience of euery Christian at all times, before the receiuing of the Lords Supper. Touching that waightie charge of the Apostle Paul, in the I. Cor. II.28. Let euery man examine himselfe, and so let him eate of this bread and drinke of this cup. Set forth dialogue wise. Tye, William. 1608 (1608) STC 24414; ESTC S101785 23,867 76

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knowledge briefly for which euery one must examine themselues before they presume to the Lords supper Obiect But you said in the beginning of our speech that this examination doth consist in three thinges In the first place you haue well and necessarily placed knowledge I pray you therefore proceede vnto the second Ans Faith is the second thing for which we must examine our selues before wee come to the Lords Supper I said that the second thing for which euery one must examine themselues before they do eate and drinke the Lords supper is faith And surely faith comes as necessarily in the second place as knowledge came in the first For as there can bee no faith without knowledge so again to bare knowledge can be to no purpose without faith that is except one do beléeue that hee knoweth in Gods word Obiect Explaine it I pray you a little more plainely what faith doe you meane Answ I meane not an Historical faith which is but only a bare knowledge of the historie of those things which are contained in Gods booke Faith Historicall assenting also vnto the truth of them which faith the very diuels haue and would gladly haue it vtterly extinct and put out Iames 2. I meane not a Temporarie faith which steps a step higher that is which doth not only know and giue assent vnto the truth of Gods word Faith temporarie but doth also profes the same yea and ioy thereinto yet it is but for a small time as saith our Sauiour and not because it hath any hartie and liuely feeling of Grace offered in the word neither but for other by causes as vaine glory Mat. 17. 1. Cor. 13. worldly profit and such like I meane not a miraculous faith Faith by Miracles whereby through diuine reuelation a man may be surely perswaded that through diuine power hee can remoue mountaines or worke other miracles Faith iustifying and a true difinition thereof But I meane that sweet Iustifying faith which doth not onely know giue consent and profes But which is further a grounded and resolued assurance of Gods frée promise of Grace in Iesus Christ which being sealed in my heart by the holy Ghost through the meanes of the Gospell works of necessitie my regeneration conuersion from the old Adam vnto a new creature from the workes of darkenes vnto the works of light righteous obediēce Obiect Your meaning is now plaine Before one presumeth to bee partaker of the Lordes Supper hee must examine himselfe First for Knowledge Secondly for a Iustifying faith But by your leaue good sir a word If this Iustifying faith doth alwaies shew forth the fruits of regeneration conuersion and righteous obedience in that partie whomesoeuer it doth posses what needs then any further examination I meane what needes a man examine himselfe for a third point namely whether hee findeth in himselfe a resolute purpose to practise according to that his knowledge faith in the rest of his life Ans I answere you thus Too too many do blindly hypocritically imagine that the outward profession of their beliefe namely the Apostles créed wtout all respect had vnto life maners is a true iustifying sauing faith which indéed is but a dead carkas of faith as a dead man wanting both life spirit is no true man but a dead carkas of a man now therfore least any man examining himselfe for faith should deceiue himself with such a faith againe because euery one should haue vnto himselfe and also shewe vnto others a sure marke and euidence of a iustifying faith without all deceipt I haue added hereunto this third poynt of examination Namely that euery one should examine themselues also whether they come vnto the Lordes Supper in sinceritie and singlenes of heart all hypocrisie laid aside with a resolute purpose in the rest of their liues to practise and liue according to the same their knowledge and faith that is with a resolute purpose to abhorre and flie sin and to embrace godlinesse throughout their whole life For to this end the Apostle Iames Iames 2. reasoning very diuinely seemeth to make a double iustification of man the one from God the other from man him selfe God apparantly sées knowes as all things else visible inuisable spiritual earthly so the iustifying faith of uery man how it is seated in his heart without any helpes markes or tokens for it selfe and in it selfe without all other respects iustifying the man But to man this faith being purely spirituall cannot without his faithfull markes and fruites be séene and knowne with flat resolute assurance no not to him that hath it Therefore as God doth iustifie a man by his faith so a man must iustifie himselfe by his workes that is his faithfull actions and workes must resolue him and proue vnto him that he is possessed of a true iustifying faith allowed and approued of God least otherwise he be deceiued with a shadow visard of faith Iames 2. The wordes of the Apostle are plaine first hee saith shew mee thy faith by thy works I wil shew thee my faith by my workes Secondly was not Abraham our father iustified by workes That is knowne by his workes before men to haue a iustifiing faith before God when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the Altar Thirdly ye sée that a man is iustified by workes and not by faith onely namely of man By which places of the Apostle it is clearer then the noone day that his iustifying faith cannot be known vnto man but by his workes That I say his resolute purpose to leade a godly and a Christian life indéed the due execution of the same must shew and make it euident both vnto himselfe and vnto others that his soule is possessed of a iustifying faith before God that in this his examination of himselfe he is not deceiued so consequently that he eateth and drinketh the Lords supper worthily vnto Gods glory and his owne euerlasting comfort Obiect This also nowe is very plaine This third point of examination is doubtlesse as necessarie as the other two and comes me thinks in a comely and diuine order I haue but one demand more good sir for a full conclusion Ans Say on I pray you Obiect I do heare your selfe and other preachers of the word daily teaching and I beleeue assuredly that you teach truly that a true iustifying faith doth alwayes bring foorth the fruits of regeneration newnesse of life and righteous obedience and doth alwayes declare it selfe outwardly by workes in the partie whom it doth possesse I know also that that notable instrument of Gods glory the Apostle Paul in his Epistles obserueth the like order and teacheth the very same who after that he hath first of all soundly layd downe the doctrine of faith and strongly proued that by only faith in the merits of Christ a man is iustified and saued Then next of all he commeth
third reason is set downe by the Apostle himselfe in that 1. Cor. 11 and it is drawne from the indignitie or heynousnesse of offence in the vnworthy eating and drinking the Lords supper in this manner That party that eateth and drinketh the Lords supper vnworthily that is otherwise then it becommeth such a supper to be eaten and drunk peruerting the right and pure vse thereof that party is guilty of the body and bloud of the Lord euen as if he should vilely contemne the same and trample it vnder his féete Therefore it behoueth euery one and euerie one is bound of necessitie to examine himselfe afore hand how he is fitted to eate and drink the Lords supper A fourth reason is drawne from the fearefull punishment and woe The fourth Reason which most assuredly they doe pull vpon themselues who doe eate and drinke the Lords supper vnworthily in this manner whosoeuer eateth and drinketh the Lordes supper vnworthily that partie eateth and drinketh his owne damnation as our first parents in paradise did eate their owne death by eating the forbidden fruit Therefore vpon paine of damnation euerie one is bound of necessitie to examine himselfe how hee is prepared to eate and drink the same If you would haue a fift reason it holdeth very strongly frō the lesser to the greater thus The fift Reason If in their earthly affaires and busines men doe thinke themselues bound of necessity before hand to examine and make inquirie as well into the affaires of themselues what and of what condition they be as into their owne selues how they may finde themselues able fit and méete to accomplish the same lest they should take them in hand vnwisely in vaine or with their losse and hurt then who will not much more thinke themselues bound of necessitie to make the same examination and inquiry in spirituall affaires but especially in this so heauenly businesse the eating and drinking of the Lords Supper wherein we cannot offend without the high displeasure dishonour of our God Wherein we cannot offend without the deserued daunger of eternal condemnation and wherin if we consider the meate drinke it selfe with other common meates and drinkes there may no comparison stand betwéen thē in any respect at all Iohn 6.55 My flesh is meat indeed my bloud is drink indeed saith our Sauiour Christ For other meates and drinkes are earthly corporall but this is heauenly and spirituall Other meate and drinke whether wée eate and drinke or not we shal surely die but this meate and drinke hée only doth die which doth not receiue and he doth liue for euer which doth receiue it Other meate and drinke doth asswage hunger and thirst but this meate and drinke I meane still being spiritually and by Faith truely receiued doth more and more sharpen the same bréeding in vs an insatiable desire and longing after them Other meate and drinke are conuerted into the substance of the eatet and drinker but this Not the elements of bread and wine abiding still the same without corruptiō doth cōuert the true religious eaters drinkers thereof into it selfe making thē of humane diuine of carnal spiritual of vngodly minded to leade a life beséeming God Iohn 6.56 For he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood saith our Sauiour hee dwelleth in mee as a member incorporated into the body and braunch into the vine And I in him namely by my spirit whereby he doth liue Other meate and drinke before they be receiued are first to bee examined tried and proued lest by any euill condition in them they hurt vs. But before we presume to participate of this meate and drinke in the Lords supper we must first examine try and proue our selues lest we dishonour them and become hurtfull to our selues through our owne fault Obiect I would to God your reasons were knowne not vnto mee alone here by priuate conference but vnto the whol world also by publike writing For I think they are of force not onely to wrest from the most vntoward and crooked spirit that is a free confession that it is so but also to force out of the hart of flint a floud of teares to bewaile euery former neglect thereof and further to driue it euer heereafter diligently and carefully to put the same in practise and neuer in any case to omit this godly wise and carefull examination of ones selfe before the receiuing of the Lords Supper But good Sir from your present speech nowe mee thinkes doe arise two doubtes more wherein I pray you satisfie mee in a word An. I pray you say on Obiect Is then the examination of others by the Minister before the receiuing of the Lords Supper forbidden or needelesse Ans It is more then plaine by the holy scriptures that examination by the Minister of those committed to his charge where néede shall be Gen. 18. Iosh 24. Ministers fathers and housholders ought to examine their parishioners children seruants by the father of his children by the Master of his seruants is not onely not forbidden but straightly commanded and highly commended howsoeuer alas it bee too carelesly put in practise of such as one day wil tremble and quake to come to their answere for it And so much the more commended if it be done with that care and conscience that it ought namely not for auricular confession and then all is well as the Papists dreame or for custome and shew but for to proue how they knowe their dutie therein to teach them if they know it not yea and not euen then to thrust it into their mouthes when they are to receiue the Supper but in such due season as they may be sure to bee perfect in it Vnto the which examination as euery Minister father and master is bound so likewise is euery parishioner childe seruant reuerendly willingly to submit themselues therevnto before they come vnto the Lordes Table But yet notwithstanding this examination by an other cannot secure neither is any safe warrant for any man for one man may deceiue an other the examined may deceiue the examiner in most points but no man can deceiue the iudgment of his own cōscience Though the former examinatiō of one man by another be néedfull necessary cōmanded commended though one be examined by an other a thousand times yet the examination of ones self is in no wise to be omitted but carefully to bee held fast because it is most certain cannot deceiue and therfore the Apostle saith rather Let a man examine himself in an other place 2. Cor. 13. Examin your selues know ye not your own selues Ob. You haue fully satisfied me herein also But this one question more Is it not required that one do examine and inquire into those with whom he is to communicate that he do find them worthily prepared before hee can safely communicate with them An. Hereto I answer you Some
seales to strengthen and confirme this my faith in that his mercy promised and offered in his sonne namely his word and two Sacraments Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. The seauenth degree of knowledge In the seauenth place by examination I must find my selfe to know before I presume to come vnto the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper that in a Sacrament two things are to be considered The first is a visible and outward signe the second an inuisible and inward grace signified thereby And in the sacrament of baptisme the visible and outward signe to be water sprinckled vpon the bodie of the partie baptized to the washing away of the filthines of the bodie The inuisible or inward grace signified thereby to bee the bloud of Christ sprinkled vpon the soule by faith wrought by the holy Ghost whereby the spirituall filthines of the soule is washed away and forgiuen the righteousnes of Christ imputed vnto the partie the olde man of sinne mortified and slaine the new man of righteousnes raised vp and reuiued answerable vnto the death and resurrection of Christ by which Sacrament the Lord first of all doth admit vs into his Church and family Also in the Sacrament of the Lords supper the visible and outward signes therein to bee First bread broken and eaten secondly wine distributed and drunke the inuisible and inward Grace signified thereby to be First the Body of Christ broken and crucified Secondly the bloud of Christ shed for to pacifie Gods wrath and to satisfie his iustice for my sinnes Againe that thereby is signified a full satisfaction of Gods iustice and a perfect saluation purchased without any thing wanting because not onely bread is broken signifying his body crucifyed but also wine is distributed signifying his bloud shed Thirdly that thereby is signified the violence of Christes death his soule being drawne and seperated from his bodie because there is seene breaking and diuision of bread Fourthly That thereby is signified our Vnion vniting and growing into one bodie and nature with Christ receiuing him by faith euen as surely and as certainely as the bread and wine which wee eate and drinke in the Lordes Supper are vnited and grow into one bodie nature with vs. And that therefore séeing so by faith we become the true members of Christ Bone of his bone and fleshe of his fleshe and doe growe into one bodie with him euen as Eue being formed and taking of the substance of the bodie of Adam her husband became as it were parte of him nay one fleshe with him That therefore I say it must needes follow of necessitie Christ his Members must needs liue by his spirit that wee must take life from and bee gouerned by one and the selfe same spirit of Christ as all the members of one body take life from Iohn 6. Iohn 15. and are gouerned by one and the same soule Wherupon if followeth necessarily againe the so many as haue not a godly care in their liues conuersatiōs to expresse the fruits graces of the holy spirit but do stil delight slauishly to serue Satan sinne so many do in vaine flatter themselues that they are the members of Christ and that they haue receiued Christ in his holy supper his death and passion to the forgiuenesse of their sinnes Because Christ cannot bee drawne from his spirit neither receiued without his spirit but he that eateth his body and drinketh his bloud truly by faith must needs eate and drinke his spirit also and so consequently expresse the fruits of the same spirit in a regenerate life Secondly because I say who so doe eate the bodie and drinke the bloud of Christ crucified and shed vpon the crosse truely by faith to the forgiuenes of their sinnes they are members vnited vnto Christ they are grafted into Christ they dwel in Christ and Christ in them And they that are grafted into Christ must néeds take part of and liue by the spirit and life which is in Christ euen as the branches which are grafted into the wine do participate and liue of the sap and life of the vine In the fift and last place by examination of my selfe I must find my selfe to know that whereas we doe feede not of sundry kindes of bread and drinke not of sundrie cuppes but al of vs of one bread and one cup in regard of the institution and Sacrament hereby is taught and signified our vnity and communitie one with another also that we ought to be of one bodie that we ought mutually to loue one another as members of one bodie and as those which are fed and nourished by one bodie by one meate by one drinke Here in this Sacrament all are one and one is all All come to one and one is made of all For in an other respect we see of many graines of corne is made one bread of many grapes is made one wine whereby is signified further that an especiall end and drift of this Sacrament is of the multitude of the faithfull as of many members to make one bodie and to knit them togither in one mutuall relation and loue It is reported by Salust a noble humane Historiographer that they which conspired with Catiline against Rome dranke all of them aforehand mans bloud whereby they would all make as it were a Consanguinity and affinitie among themselues whereby they would all bind themselues to will one thing all to meane and doe one thing and not any one to open the conspiracie or to disagree one from another in any sort therein they iumped ioyned together euen vnto the death Now can the drinking of a mortall mans bloud so inuented by mans malice in a wicked practise of a multitude of men make one man of many men make one body one mind one will one consent one heart and bring all to an vnity And shall not the drinking of the bloud of Christ by faith nay the eating of his fleshe also found out by the endles wisedōe goodnes of God for mans redemption make all one First with Christ secondly one with another make all one body make one mind one will one consent one heart and bring all to an vnity in Christian loue mutuall affection and brotherly charitie one with another which is the sūme and whole scope of all christian Philosophie and wisedome Surely light cannot agree with darkenesse nor the spirit of God with the spirit of Belial No more can diuision and discord agrée with vnitie This Sacrament is a Sacrament of vnity therefore it cannot abide neither admit a clouen heart diuided from his brother And thus as by the Sacrament of Baptisme our God doth admit vs into his house and family not as seruants but as children So likewise by this Sacrament of the Lordes Supper as a prouident Father doth hee féede and nourish vs in the same with the liuing breade of his deare sonne vnto a true and blessed immortalitie And this is the
vnto exhortation to manners and integritie of life thereby plainely affirming as much as you say Namely that Christians must adorne their faith and profession with good workes and that a true iustifying faith is euer abundantly fruitfull in the same good workes Nay that which is more I doe know that many zealous christians euen now in our times doe confirme the same doctrine by their liues and liuings who as they do dayly pray for a true iustifying faith and constantly professe themselues to haue the same so do they also walke in all christian and dutiful obedience to the commandements of God euer endeuoring themselues to doe well and to do good So that when I do lay their outward profession of a iustifying faith on the one side and their liues on the other side together me thinks it doth strongly proue this doctrine to be alwayes infallibly true That a true iustifying faith and good workes are inseperable and not to be found asunder no more then the Sunne can be without his light or fire his heate This I say I do heare this I do know both by the Scriptures and examples of these times and this I do hold for truth But the truth is my selfe as many thousands moe do not yet in reason see how it doth come to passe My last suite therefore vnto you is that you would prooue by some-sound reasons that a iustifying faith whersoeuer it doth rest must needes bee effectuall and fruitfull in holinesse of life good workes For doubtlesse though it be the truth yet because they do not clearely see it by manifest arguments and reasons a great number cannot tell whether they should beleeue it or not And therefore though they haue but only a bare Historicall faith without all respect vnto workes and manners yet they flatter themselues that the same is a true iustifying faith whereas if they were able to conuince them selues by sound reasons many of them I am perswaded would be as ready to forsake their error they would be as willing to embrace the true iustifying faith and to expresse the same by all dutifull obedience to the commandements of God in their liues as euer they were to maintaine a bare Historicall faith with loosenesse of life And now I atend your answer Ans If you desire my answer for your resolution then marke it well None can throughly know what a iustifying faith is but he onely that hath it As no man can vnderstand or comprehend what hony and his séetnes is though you speake neuer so much thereof saue he only that hath séene and tasted it 7. So no man can vnderstand or cōprehend what a iustifying faith and the force therof is saue he onely that hath it and doth beléeue And as hee that hath séene and tasted hony A iustifying faith it selfe is the best reason of all other to proue the effectual working of the same We beleue not thorow the light of naturall reason and vnderstanding but we vnderstand by beleeuing néeds no reasons to proue vnto him the swéetnes thereof so he which hath a iustifying faith and doth beléeue néeds no reasons to proue vnto him the effectuall force and working of the same it will proue and shew it selfe Neither comes a man by reason and vnderstanding to faith and to beléeue but rather by beléeuing hée comes to vnderstanding For in humaine Phylosophy and matters of the world we will first by the light of reason vnderstand the matter to be so and then afterward wee will beleeue it But in spiritual things and heauenly mysteries faith goes before reason and vnderstanding comes after For here by the light of the word we doe beléeue those things which neither sence can perceiue cogitation conceiue nor vnderstanding of the mind comprehend without the word And hence it was Iohn 3. Iohn 20. that Nichodemus and Thomas were so sharpely reprooued of our Sauiour Christ euen because they would not beléeue except they might bee brought vnto it by their naturall reason and sence Now therefore the summe of mine answere to your demaund is this First if a iustifying faith doth not ground it selfe vpon the light of naturall reason to doe that it doth and to beleeue that it doth beléeue but doth effectually worke and do that it doth of i●●●e without reason beyond the c●●●city of man Then surely it is impossible to shew the effectuall force and working of the same by arguments and proofes of any reason Secondly if none can comprehend what a iustifying faith and force thereof is but hee onely that hath it and doth beléeue then doubtles he that hath it not cannot comprehend the sanctified force and operation of the same in the life and conuersation by all the reasons in the world to him they are all in vaine Thirdly if a iustifying faith bee reason sufficient of it selfe and the best reason of all other to proue the effectuall working thereof in the life of that partie whomsoeuer it doth possesse Then what needs a man to seeke further Then for him which seekes reasons to proue that a iustifying faith must néeds be fruitful in a godly life and workes The best course is to procure vnto him this iustifying faith it selfe which as all other good graces and gifts besides is had and obtained by that strong and euer preuailing meanes with the Lord faithfull feruent The neglect of praier is the Canker of Religion and diligent prayer the neglect and colde practise whereof is the decay and Canker of all religion FINIS A Prayer and meditation before the receiuing of the holy Communion in no wise to be forgotten in thy Chamber priuatly O Eternall almightie and most mercifull Father which of thy tender mercie to thy children hast alwaies fed them with spiritual and heauenly food féeding to blessed immortalitie which is the bread of life and this bread of life is thy sonne as it is written Iohn 6.5 ver 35. I am the bread of life which came downe from heauen he that cometh to me shall not hunger in any wise and hée that beléeueth in mee shall neuer thirst and the bread which I shall giue is my flesh which I will giue for the life of the world O most swéet bread heale thou my sicke soule and féeble heart that I may tast the swéetnesse of thy loue heale mee of all mine infirmities that I delight in no fairenesse besides thée I doe acknowledge O Lord that I am not worthy the least of all thy mercies and most vnworthy to receiue thée vnder the roofe of my soule by participating thy most precious body and bloud For horrible are the sins wherewith I am defiled Woe is me Lord for I am a man of polluted lippes and dwell among people that haue vncleane hearts And yet againe my heart is wonderfully lightned when I call into mind that thou the déere sonne of Almightie God camest not into this world to call the righteous but the sinners to