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A13918 A frutefull treatis of baptyme [sic] and the Lordis Souper of the vse and effect of them, of the worthey and vnworthy receyuers of the souper, necessary to be knowne of all Christen men, which yerely receyue the sacrament. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1541 (1541) STC 24217; ESTC S108087 24,315 66

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signifyed by y e sacramēt or figured by the figure hath euer y ● promise vpō it As in baptisme y e holy gost is promysed vs of Christ and in the souper his bodye to be brokē and his blode to be shed for our synnes ar promysed to vs y t worthely receyue them And therfore our faith stayed vpō theis promyses obtayneth vs grace and sorgeuenes of synne once knowne y t God of his mere mercy withoute all our desertes maketh to vs theis promyses for Christes sake onelye And here by the waye to the questiō whether childrē dying before baptisme w t water or aftyr ere they by hearing the exteriour worde conceyue faith be saued or no I answere That for because they ar contayned vnder y ● promyse of God made vnto Abraham Gen̄ xvij to be the God of hym and of his sead of whiche sead is y e childe seing that God is nowe the God of the gentylis and of their sead whom he calleth the childern of Abraham for his elecciōs sake therfore is euery Christen mans chylde contayned vnder the same promyse and by goddis eleccion saued dye it before or aftyr baptisme in his infancye ¶ Nowe shall ye see what godly doctryne our externe baptisme techeth all them that ar baptyzed KNowe ye not saith Paule that we who so euer be baptyzed into Iesu Crist ar we not baptyzed into his dethe Dethe therfore is the significacion effecte of the vtwarde baptisme which God neuer made the popis holy water to signifye nor to put vs in mynde of this baptisme whose exteriour acte in doping into the water techeth vs to dye with Crist y t is to saye to mortifye that olde Adam of ours to represse our sensuall carnall affectes and then are we baptized into Cristis deth to dye w t hym And when we thus dye from syn then burye we our synnes in the holes of his woundes as Paule saith we ar also buryed w t hym to ryse agen euē to be reuyued in spirit and to lede a newe lyfe in repentance nowe rysen agen with Crist. So y t baptyme bereth in it self Cristes deth his buryall his resurreccion to be practyzed in our bodyes and soules perpetually whyle we lyue Which lyfe what els is it then a perpetuall crosse euen y ● same that men call penāce but yet not it that the preist inioyneth Here ye see that repentance or changing of our lyfe is included in baptisme is all one in effecte with it hauing hir two partes Mortificacion which they call contricion out of which there foloweth viuificaciō that is to lyue aftyr the spirit ¶ Repentance what it is with hir two partes Mortification and Uiuificacion as Paule calleth them Ro. viij AT last ye se howe it is come vnto theffecte of baptyme the very mystery doctrine thereof which is the dethe buryall resurrecciō of Crist to be exercysed practyzed in vs which heuey lyfe is our perpetuall penance all one in effecte w t baptyme as ye se Ro. vi Repentance therfore is the perpetual mortifiyng of our flesshe of our olde man whiche the very syncere fere and loue of God worketh in vs at the syght of our synnes seen and knowne by faith in Cristes dethe to bring for the hir worthey frutes that is to saye to lead siche a lyfe as correspondeth declareth are pentant cōuerted herte Penance therfore is the repentāce of our synnes with a chāging of our former lyfe into a newe and beter lyuing Which beginneth of faith in Cristes dethe whereinto we ar baptized by the spirit of faith knowledging our synnes beholden in Christes woundes For many as Cayn Saule Iudas did see their synnes in the stonney tables throne agenst the grownde broken of Moses were heuye with vnfrutefull repentance in so miche that fore heuynes and shame they destroyd themselues Which declareth it playnely that they did not see their synnes in Cristes dethe y e promysed sead to come which had dyed for them indeed had they so beleued in hym But we that se them in his dethe knowe and fele them by our faithe forgeuē whiche faithfull knowledg effectuouse by loue Galat .v. dryueth vs to repentance to lament y ● euer we shuld cōmitte that thing which as it displeaseth our so louing mercifull father so did it bring his onely so derely beloued sonne that innocent lombe gyltlesse vnto the moste paynfull passion dethe Here here this corrasye freateth vs with fere shame trowblously grating vpon our consciences syghing and crying for mercye forgeuenes y t euer we shuld do that thing whiche cannot be forgeuen with oute the preciouse bloude of the sonne of God Crist God man Aftyr this mortificacion detesting of our former lyfe our faith setting hyr sewer holde vpon this promyse of our fathers voyce oute of heuē adse wering vs that this is his derely beloued sone for whose sake he is apeaced well pleased w t vs nowe receyued into grace we ar counfortably reuyued feling certifyed for our faithes saak in Crist y t our synnes shall not be imputed to vs nor we neuer more obbroyded of them before God When Crist therfore is puerly preched our synnes shewd vs in his dethe there verely and faithfully knowne there foloweth in all the faithfull hertes Repentance w t hir two partes as ye se Actes .ij. when Peter had preched Cristes deth resurrecciō and remission of synnes in them then were y e peple pricked heuey in mynde crying vnto Peter and to the other disciples ye men our brethern what shal we do Repente ye sayd they and be baptized euery one of you into y e name of Iesu Crist into y e remissiō of your synnes ¶ Baptisme compared with the Lordis souper THus passe we from baptisme vnto the passouer of y e Lorde compared togither That as the vtwarde baptyme dothe signifye the inwarde purging of the soule by y e holy gost thorow our faith beleuing y e wordis of promise for by faith hertis ar purifyed Act .xv. Euen so doth the vtwarde breking of the brede powering forth of the wyne geuen vs eaten dronkē signifye put vs in mynde of the brekinge crucifying of Cristis bodye sheding of his blode geuē for our synnes eatē dronken by faith not w t our bodely tethe flesshely mouthes Also as y e visible water signifyeth the inuisible grace so doth the visible brede brokē wyne powered forth and geuen vs signifye represent the inuisible fauour beneuolēce of our heuenly father whereby thorow Cristis deth our syns be forgeuē vs. And as the vtwarde baptyme byndeth vs by our owne profession to stonde to our promyse before God to forsake the deuill and all his suggestions and to cleue to one God vnto whom we ar nowe consecrated to mortifye our flesshe to pourge our
spirituall water called the holy gost Of the first baptyme it is wryten Matth. the last Go your wayes teche all maner nacions baptyzinge them into the name of the father of the sone and holy gost Of the seconde and inwarde bapty which stondeth vpon faith in beleuing the wordis of promyse It is wryten Mar. the last Whoso beleue and be baptyzed shalbe saued Of this inwarde spirituall bapt called the regeneracion frome aboue of the spirit or second birthe by faithe It is wrytē Io. iij. Uerely verely I say vnto you except a man be borne frome aboue that is to saye of y e water there called y e holy gost for so expowneth Ihon hymself in the .iiij. .vij. and Isaye .xliiij he may not come into the kyngdome of God This birthe declareth Io. also in the .i. cap. of his gospell and in .1 Io. v. saying Euery man that beleueth Iesus to be Christ is borne of God The first baptyme may be withoute the seconde as in them y e be cristened be not chosen as was Symon Magns Act .viij. Iudas And the seconde without the first as in the elect that dye before they be baptized with water so that it be not neglected nor cōtempned of them Nether the first auayleth without the secōde The first bapt with water representeth signifyeth the secōde as it is sayd before The sacraments ar sensible signes to cōuaye the spirituall thingis signifyed by them into our hertis soulis As did the circūcision of the flesshe bring in the circuncision of the spirit into the herte Which saith Paule profiteth not yf y u kepest not the couenāt smytē in the lawe Gen̄ xvij seled w t the seal of circūcision Ro. ij When we be baptyzed into the name of the father sone holy gost It is promysed by Crist That whoso beleueth is baptyzed he shalbe saued Here is a promyse of our saluacion not for because we be baptized with water for then shulde we be saued by the creature of water and not by Crist but because we beleue the promyse of God promysing saluacion in Cristis bloude whiche beleif bringeth vs into the seconde birthe to be borne a new of the spirit Io. iii. and .i. Io. v. Nowe whoso therowe the beleif in this promyse is borne a newe he hathe yet a nother to encrease his faithe from promyse to promyse and from faithe to saithe Rom. i. ca. that as the promyses come so groweth our faithe as the mustarde sead as in Galat. iij. cap. who so euer ye be that ar baptized of the spirit ye haue done Christ vpon you To do Christ vpon vs is to be made lyke or of one mynde with hym to be incorporated or graffed into hym Ro. vi for it folowth Galat. iij. all ye ar one in Iesu Christ which doyng on Christ vpon vs was well fygured into the grete confort of Adam and Eue vs all Gene. iij. when God to kouer their shameful nakednes made them shepes pylches cotes of shepes skynnes to endewer and defende them agenst all stormey tempestes adding vnto them saying Lo Adam is made as one of vs to knowe good and euill Here they sawe by faith the seconde persone Christ God man that innocent lombe as Isay. prophecyed .liii. and Io. bapt poynted hym with his finger Io. i. to come and to be slayne for their synnes that they and we might be kouered and clothed w t his rightwysones holynes innocencye wysedome .i. Cor. i. Syn did sette God and vs at discorde The mediatour or reconcyler y t agreeth God and man is Christ Iesus i. Timo. ij By faith we ar graffed into Christ. The hyghest felicite lyfe most blessed is to be ioyned for euer vnto God the moste hyghe goodnes Christ is comē into y e flesshe to ioyne all faithfull vnto the most hyghe god wherfore he is come to geue vs this most ioyouse felicite The some of the hole gospell lawe prophetis consisteth in this That God the father hath restored his faithfull vnto lyfe by his sone Christ in whō he hath ioyned and knyt vs vnto hym that with hym for his sake only we might be partakers of all thing y t good is In this some stondeth forth all our saluacion before our eyes in euery fygure ceremonye sacrament and in euery parte of the scripture but yet diuerse wayes nowe here in playne and aperte wordis and there eftsone wrapped and kouered vnder figures and sweet similitudes In playne wordis as in Io. his first ca. of his .i. epistle and of his gospell saying and that worde was made mā and dwelt in vs also that our felowship might be with the father and with his sone Iesu Crist .i. Io. i. That thei might be one also as ar we saith Crist to his father Io. xvij that is to saye that thei mought all be of one felowship with vs partakers of our comon glorye Oh holy father saith Crist now I praye y e not onely for theis my apostels but also for all them that ar to beleue in me thorow their preching that they mought all be of one faithe spirit of one cōsent into our glorye as ye rede Ro. xv That y e worlde might beleue y t thou hast sent me that I haue geuē them the glorye which y u hast geuē me that they might be of one felowship consent partakers of the same glorye that we haue Io. xvij Here ye se howe the gospell tēdeth into a vnite knot whereby we ar ioyned togither with God the father Crist by his spirit Of the whiche vnite Baptisme and the Lordis souper ar the sacraments In figures also is y e same thing spokē in many places which fyguratyue speches as thei haue some obscurite so haue they a certayne grace ar mich pleasaunt in them selues As when Io. expresseth this vnite societe of man w t God Crist vnder the names of father sonnes calling vs the sonnes of God goten by faithe in our seconde baptisme of the sead of the worde thorow the spirit as in Io. i. as many as haue receyued hym he gaue them power to be made the sonnes of God c. in the first pistle of Io. v. .iij. Also this vntō coniunccion of vs w t God is fygured in y t he calleth hymself the wynestok vs the braunches Io. xv Also by y e mariages in the gospell calling hymself the brydegrome vs the spowse yea by y e eating of his flesshe drynking of his blode Io. vi he can drawe vs no nerer nor cowyle vs no faster to hym then hymself to be in vs vs to dwell in hym Thus ye se howe the sacraments that is to saye the faith annexed vnto gods promises ioyned to the sacramēts getteth vs more grace fauour encreased growing out of one promyse fygure into another For y e thīg
ordinance there is nothing not so miche as the name or very litle lefte of what vnworthey sorte ar these men God se to it be iuge Cypriane in his pistle vnto Cecilium warneth ernestely sharpely y t in the administraciō of the sacraments we shuld not in any wyse nor in nothing swarue from y e precepts of the gospel But the disciples shuld obserue that at their master Crist taught did it And he denyeth also those men worthey to be called ether the frends or disciples of Crist whiche violate or breke their masters commandemēt or altere his ordināce as did certayn men in his tyme put onely water into the cuppe when Crist cōsecrated wyne no water of whom Crist testifyeth in his gospell saying ye ipocrytes ye cast away my cōmandements to setfast your owne tradiciōs I wylnot here tell y t at euery man knoweth euen the licenciouse fraude of them which to nourissh their own priuate filthy lucre filthyer idyl bellyes haue turned this holy souper not without a grete mystery celebrated in the euening which tyme the apostles euer aftir obserued this comon communion for many togither to receyue into a priuate I wilnot saye chorlissh breakfast selling it vnder y e cloke of their owne merits And somiche the more gilty of the lordis body blode ar they for that they entreate handle behaue themselues so filthely so cruelly that y e scripture in euery place cryeth so out agenst them y t their indignite lothely vnworthenes nether may nor ought no lenger to be suffred Also Chrysostom saith y t they ar not only gyltye of the blode of Crist whiche in tēples by the abuse of holy sacramēts seke folowe terrene vnlawfull lucre cōuerting y e honorable religiō into thoccasion of vngodly merchandise but also thei that bye sell y e giftis of god when thei shuld know it writē That thīg frely to be geuē which thei frely receyued wherfore nedis must thei be giltye of y e body of the Lorde which inuyte compell men for their giftis in bying selling to do that thing which violateth subuerteth y e doctrine tradiciō of crist And sewerly Ambrose speking of the vnworthey eaters saith Those men to be vnworthy of y e Lorde aftir thapostles mynde which wotherwise celebrate this mystery then it was delyuered of the Lorde for he may not be deuoute godly which presumeth and taketh it otherwyse then it was geuē of the firste autour It wolde gladly be knowne what shuld be answerde vnto theis holy fathers which all with one voice deteste dampne this violated ryte abuse of the sacramēt thus deformed so prophanely abused popisshly celebrated as ye se it this daye which also vtterly denye it y t it is lawfull Cristis cōmandement instituciō abrogated despysed to be turned into y e doctrynes decrees of mē And that thīge which was once done iustly according to the scriptures in all chirches so manye yeres we may not suffer it to be altered of men by no autorite of scriptures by no example of the olde holy doctours by no iuste cause but onely for the filthy lucre vnreasonable giftis of a fewe hyerlings to stond still thus violated deformed and prophaned Thei therfore vnworthely eat his flessh drink his blode whiche thirsting the innocent blode of Cristes pore chirche persecute sley those good men that speke or write agenst their blody actes deadis of whō the prophete Isay saith Swift ar their feet to shede blode Nether take they the wordis of the apostle any lesse flesshly then did the blody caparnaites take Cristis when they sayd How may this man geue vs his flesshe to eate It is therfore manifest that theise blodye flesshly eaters drīkers receyue Crist w t as vnpure hertis as filthy mouthes as did thei that nayled him to the crosse woūded his body gaue hym gall to drinke Also it is manifest that the gylte syn cōsist not nor is not cōmitted in the bodely towching of his naturall bodye but by the contempt abuse of so holy a sacramēt As contrary wyse the frute therof stondeth not in the towching vse of his corporall present bodye but in the spiritual enbrasing therof by faith wherby the spirit of faith eteth verely the flessh of crist and verely drinketh his blode Aftir this maner somtyme mē were called gilty of the maiestye or traytours which contumeliously despysed the glorye or dignite of the Romās And they called iniuriouse vnto y e emprowr that threwdown his image or rased his picture or any letters from hym which thīg was as haynously takē as though thei had layd violent hādis vpon themprowr himself And euē so ar thei verely gilty goddis maiesty and traytours to hym whiche violate cōtempne the institucion lawe of hym do contrarye to y t thing which he cōmāded ordened So ar thei gilty y e bodye blode of crist which coming to his table nether w t the dewe honour vnto the lorde nor w t that discipline that the souper requireth nor w t the same mynde faithe y t the body blode is receyued prosecute not this mystery instituted of y e lorde but ether negligētly litle regarde it or vtterly cōtempne it as thei were wonte whiche as the Apostle writethe Crucifye Crist a fresshe in themselues set forthe the blode of the couenāt for a laughing stok tredīg it vnder fote by which they were sanctifyed for it is sayd That y e greter the maiestye is y e greuouser is the syn the more is the indignite vnworthines committed agenst it Also these Iewes gētyles ar giltye of the mistik bodye of Crist which draw forth and shed the blode of his chirche which is euē y e very blode of Crist And thus ar the wyked couetuouse curates called in scripture giltye the blode of Crist which fede not their flok with the sode of goddis worde but famisshe them for hunger And thei ar innocent of the blode which w t all diligence fede Cristis chirch redemed with his blode with the worde of God And thei ar giltye of the body bloud y t beleue not for so is eting takē Ezech. iij. where he is cōmanded to eate the bok And they ar vngilty aftir Austen y t eat the flesshe drinke y e blode of the Lorde according to Cristis saying I am that lyuing brede which am comedown from heuen whoso eat of this brede he shall lyue euer And at last as it were by y e waye to take awaye y t carnal sense of the trāselemented symbols which the papistik scolemencal transsubstanciaciō of the brede wyne that is to saye adnihilacion or naught making of them destroying the substāce of them bothe so y t their remayneth nomore brede