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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11025 A letter lately written from Rome, by an Italian gentleman, to a freende of his in Lyons in Fraunce Wherein is declared, the state of Rome: the suddaine death & sollemne buriall of Pope Gregory the thirteenth. The election of the newe Pope, and the race of life this newe Pope ranne before hee was aduanced. Thereto are adioyned the accidentes that haue fallen out, not onely in Rome, but in Naples & other parts of the worlde also. Newely translated out of Italian into English by I.F. Florio, John, 1553?-1625. 1585 (1585) STC 21292A; ESTC S116232 22,012 62

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the first time after they come to Rome and enter the consistorie they giue them the Hat These thrée cardinals were made by Gregory but they had neuer bin at Rome before The Cardinall Medici had audience of the Pope and tolde him that y e Duke of Toscana his brother desired to come and kisse his féete and doo his duetie to his holinesse but that he desired to haue audience and to be receiued in y e kings Hall the Pope answered him that at more leysure he woulde talke of it and gaue him an answere On Munday in y e Consistorie by y e resignation of Monsier Fautino y e Church of Coscenza was committed to Abbot Pastorius the Church of Concordia in Friuli to a gentleman of Venice of the house of Quirini that of Salmona to a Fryer Chaplaine to the Cardinall of Aragona Likewise two Churches in Polonia named by Cardinall Farnese were prouided of sufficiēt Pastors The same day and in the sayd Consistorie the Pope declared as Legates these Prelates folowing Cardinall Saluiati to be sent to Bologna la grassa Cardinall Colonna to Campagna of Rome Cardinall Gesualdo to Marca d' Ancona Cardinall Spinola to Perugia and Cardinall Canano to Romagna And the Pope nominated his aboue named nephew Cardinall Mont-alto gyuing him his owne Hat his Armes and hys name with seuen thousande Crownes reuenues at the first dash On the Tuesday following the sealing beeing ended Cardinall Farnese departed hence to Grotta ferrata there to solace and recreate himselfe and it is thought that he is greatly discontented The day before Mounsier Fiesco caryed a hat and a hallowed sword to the Duke of Sauoy and a Rose vnto the Dutchesse which is a ceremonie vsed of Popes in honouring of Princes for that the Duke and hys wyfe comming out of Spayne wil lande at Nizza where y e Pope hath sent Lorde Fiesco to receiue them and present them with his presents and as some thinke he shal continue with the Duke as Nuntio The same day the Duke of Sora renounced his generalship and the Marques Mario Sforza renounced his office he béeing Lieutenant Vpon wednesday Signior Bon compagno brother to Pope Gregory came hether who for some priuate grudge was not permitted to come during his brothers life There went to méete him out of the Gates these men folowing the Duke of Sora his Nephewe the Cardinalles San sisto hys sonne and Vasta villani his Nephewe with certain others who conducted him to Cardinall San sisto his house Whereby it may be séene how variably y e whéele of Fortune turneth for if he had beene permitted to come whilst his brother liued he should haue béene receiued of the Cardinalles and Lordes of the Courte and with great triumphe brought into the Pallace Neither will I forget to tel you the cause why the Pope his brother would not sée him The cause was this Before Gregory came to y e Popedome he was a very poore Cardinall and maintained his sonne Lord Giacomo as well as he coulde at studie in Padua who in time of vacation alwaies repayred to his Vncles house in Bologna where he was very ill intreated of his Aunte and by her oftentimes misused in termes spéeches as calling him asse dolt priests bastarde with the like which spéeches as you knowe with vs are counted spightfull and intollerable This poore youth sometimes gaue his father intelligence thereof by letters who writte to his Brother and tolde him that he maruayled séeing he had the gouernment of his wife he would suffer it and threatning him that if he wold not redresse it he would be so mindfull of him as hee should repent it But his brother who not onely loued but honoured his wyfe durst neuer let her vnderstande thereof though secretely to winne his Nephew he nowe and then bestowed some spending money on him who alwayes dyd commende him to his father who presentlie after he was chosen Pope sent for his sonne Lorde Giacomo causing hym most honourably to be receiued dayly aduauncing him as well you knowe Signior Bon compagno hearing of his brothers preferment foorthwith addressed himselfe to goe to sée him hoping to be ioyfully entertained and honoured of him but the Pope foreknowing his comming sent him straight worde to come no further vppon paine of his displeasure but to returne home againe not telling him the cause why knowing that if he listed he might well conceyue it Hys brother hearing this message sorrowfull and pensiue returned backe and coulde neuer after haue leaue to come thether although Lord Giacomo earnestly sued for him The Pope immitating héerein Pope Pius the fourth who woulde neuer suffer his brother the Marques of Marignano to come in his sight neither did he at any time show fauour or fréend shippe to him or his how be it in this point Pope Gregory differed from him for hee gaue to his brothers two daughters eache of thē ten thousande crownes in mariage and caused them to be nobly and honourably matched and made one of his sonnes Cardinall gyuing hym great riches and the second Gouernour of Rauenna and vpon him he bestowed a thousande crownes euery moneth and one of hys sisters sons he made Cardinal Vasta villani Nowe to returne to the things present I say that the day folowing Sig. Bon compagno came to kysse the Popes féete who receiued him verye curteously and some suppose that he shal be established Gouernour of the Citty of Fermo during his life although the communaltie of that Cittie made sute to the Pope to graunt them for their gouernor the new Cardinall Mont-alto who answered them that as yet hee had more néede of a Gouernour himselfe then to gouerne others Mounsier Ahlobrandino is elected Chauncelour and Mounsier Basone shalbe Nuntio in Spayne and Cardinal San Giorgio in Naples Moun sier Carlo Conti Gouernour of Camerino craueth leaue of the Pope to come hether to Rome it is sayde he shall haue it and that in his place hee will sende Mounsier Maffetti At the request of Cardinall Altemps the Pope hath confirmed the olde Fiscull of Rome in hys office and hath appointed Lusimbardi ouerseer and Auditor of the Tower of Bologna We vnderstand by letters frō Spayne that the day of the Annunciation in the Church of Saragossa the Duke of Sauoy made the Lords Sig. Giacomo Battista of Sauoy his Ambassadour resident in Spayne the Marques of Ciambra Conte Ottauio san vitale Knights of the order of the Annunciation meaning also to bestowe it vppon the Marques Boba and Don Michele Bouelli at his returne into Italie and hath appoynted that the seconde ceremonie of enstaling be doone in Nizza of Brouenza His maiesty wyll accompany and bring hys daughter the spouse to Parcelona who hath vsed much kindnes and fréendship towards the Duke his son in lawe and with Cardinal Granuella only his other daughter shall be maried to y e Archduke Ernesto brother to the Emperour There is a mariage talked of betwixt
or there about of whō if wel you remēber at my last being w t you I had some cōmunication with your cousin who said y t he was y e Popes sonne I answered that Lord Giacomo was his father for so it was reported and giuen foorth at his birth after which presently he was caried to his house who to take that skandall and slaunder from his father that might haue ensued thereby was contented to father him vpō which thing was made this Pasquil which not yet thrée wéekes since was giuen me by one of his Courtiers and because the inuention thereof is pretie that I knowe you take great pleasure in readyng of such deuises I haue thought it good to set it downe héere The Pasquill The maketh of it fayneth that Pasquine hauing prepared himselfe to flie from Rome meeteth by chaunce with Marforius who entring into discourse with him sayth M. Pasquine whether goest thou in such hast P. I goe to seeke my fortune for I will stay no longer heere M. Alas what doo I heere and what is the cause that moueth thee to forsake thy deare and naturall countrey P. Because there is no more religion heere M. How many that be and if there be no Religion heere where is there any then P. That knowe not I but well I wote that the holy Trinitie is nothing at all accounted of heere M. Alas for you and where is it more manifestly knowen and openly professed then heare I dare take vpon me to make thee confesse and say that in no place else so much as in this holy Citie P. I pray thee Marforius doo mee that fauour as to make mee perceiue that which if thou doost I promise thee I will not forsake my countrey M. I would doo it willingly but I feare thou wilt but mocke mee being a thing so manifest that euery one may see it and feele it P. I will rather thinke my self beholding to thee then mocke thee wherfore I pray thee proceed M. Is it possible that thou doost not perceiue in the Popes persō the representatiō of the eternal father in the Lord Giacomo that of Iesus Christ his sōne in yoūg Philip begotten of the Pope and fathered vpon L. Giacomo that of the holy Ghost proceeding both from the father and the sonne P. Ha Ha Ha by my faith thou sayest true I must needes confesse that the Trinitie is not so apparently knowen in any other place as it is in Rome and therefore I will euen get me home againe and stay the euent of the Romaine Trinitie And thus endeth the Pasquill But to come to my purpose againe where I left I say that commonly the day after y e Pope is dead they are wont to conuey his carkas in a litter alongst Strasteuere attēded on by his wonted Garde of Swizers and light horsemen to the Consistoriall chamber in Saint Peters Pallace where beyng Pontifically apparelled al in white garments euen as if he should celebrate the sacred seruice he is layd vpon the beare couered with a cloth of gold and silke with letters about it saying Gregorius 13. Pont. Max. and two Cardinals hats at his feete and so he is left vntill the euening at which time the whole Colledge of Cardinales beyng assembled there with all the Bishops and Prelates that then are in Rome and with all the Canons of Saint Iohn Laterane and of S. Peter with their richest Coapes on hee is carried into the Popes Chappell before the high Altar where the Bishops Prelates and such people as be there do kisse his féete after which ceremonie he is carried by the Canons of S. Peters layd before the Sacrament Chappel his Pensioners goyng before with theyr Polares the head downeward accompanyed with the Cardinals apparelled in Purple which maketh a goodly showe where beyng layde the woonted funerall ceremonies vnto the dead carkas are celebrated by one of the Canons of the sayde Church after that he is caried into S. Sixtus his Chappell where for thrée dayes space he is left with his féete towardes the grate to the end that those that list may kisse his féete he being attyred as I haue sayd before with many Torches burning day and night about him with a multitude of Priests tending on him for feare he shoulde run away Thrée dayes being ended he is buried in the sayde Church where it pleaseth best his kinsmen wh●●e nyne dayes after continually many Torches are burning for so long his funerals doo last and therefore they are called Nouendalie which importeth in English nine dayes workes A very high scaffolde in the forme of a Piramides beyng made in the middest of the Church couered all ouer with blacke cloth with his armes rounde about but without the Keyes with letters saying Pope Gregorie the 13. which Piramides is vpheld by many pillars vnder which dooth appeare an Hearce all couered with cloth of golde with coushins of the same where euery morning there is a Masse sung by some Cardinall created by the last Pope which Masse being ended he with foure Cardinals more in black Veluet robes and the Subdeane hauing sayd the Epistle taking the crosse in hand the master of the ceremonies and other his officers assisting all the other Cardinals following they goe about the scaffold or Piramides The dead Popes whole houshold sitting about the same vpon fourmes all in mourning apparel with burning torches in their handes some bigger then other some according to the degrées of the men at each corner of the sayd scaffolde is placed a stoole couered with black vpon which the foure Cardinales in black Veluet doo sit and he that hath sung Masse sitting vpon another stoole in the middest of that side that looketh toward the Altar Then he that sitteth at the right hand beginneth to giue holly water to the beare lying vnder the Key and vntill such time as they haue agréed about the Popes election they be so fast that they can not by any meanes come out Many yéeres since it was woont to be but one hall deuided into so many little chambers with hangings of Tapistrie as there were Cardinals but considering that for want of roome and and ayre many dyed before the election there are nowe two great roomes deuided into more then thrée score litle chambers each one of them being more then sixtéene foote square euery one of them hauing a little cabinet or closet ioyned vnto it for the Cardinales seruing men to be in before the Chambers there is a long gallerie for the Cardinals to walke in No Cardinal can bring in more then thrée men that is to say a Secretarie a Gentleman and a Chamberlaine who so long as the election lasteth can not by any meanes come out All which chambers are dressed as it followeth Those which pertaine to the Cardinales created by the last Pope are hanged with purple with all furnitures pertayning to it of the same as Bedsteds Valences Curtaines Couerlets Pillowes Cushines with silke fring