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A07949 The tryall of the nevv religion Contayning a plaine demonstration, that the late faith and doctrine of the Church of Rome, is indeede the new religion. By Thomas Bell. Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. 1608 (1608) STC 1832; ESTC S101552 27,259 56

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Papists Absolutus Theologus knew right wel that Popish Pardons are but a toy for Chyldren to play withall these are his wordes The Popes Pardons saith he were neuer knowne to vs by the Scriptures although some alledge S. Paule for that purpose neither were they knowne by the auncient Fathers but onely by lare Writers Saint Antoninus theyr popish Saint and famous Archbishoppe had the selfe same opinion And Petrus Lombardus their famous Maister of Sentences who collected with great diligence into one Volume all the woorthy Sentences of the auncient Fathers could neuer find the Popes Pardons or any mention thereof in any of all theyr writings For as Syluester truly said The olde Writers were not acquainted with any such thing Yea their famous Martyr and Bishop Maister Fisher in his aunswere to Maister Luthers Articles was inforced to admit the newnes of the Popes pardons and withall forsooth to yeeld this reason for the same viz. That Purgatory was not then so well knowne to the Church as it is now adayes Peruse and note wel the next Chapter which is of Purgatorie so supposed paynes First therefore seeing the great popish Syluester confesseth plainly and boldly to the popes Holines that his popish pardoning is neither found in the holie Scripture nor in auncient Fathers Secondly seeing Antoninus Fumus and many other learned Papists grant freely that Syluester saith the truth heerein Thirdly seeing their famous Bishop Fisher vvas enforced to graunt the young age noneage of popish-pardons when hee could not aunswere Ma. Luthers reasons Fourthly seeing their Maister of Sentences could not find any mention of them in all the the Fathers writings I must perforce thus conclude Ergo the Popes pardon is a rotten ragge of the new Religion brought into the Church after 1300. yeres by Pope Bonifacius the eyght CHAP. 5. Of Popish Purgatory COncerning the originall of Popish-purgatorie it shal be enough to set down the words of Iohn Fisher the late Bishop of Rochester the popes canonized Martyr these are his expresse words The Greekes to this day doe not beleeue that there is a Purgatory Reade who will the Commentaries of the auncient Graecians and he shall finde either very sildome mention of Purgatory or none at all For neither did the Latine Church conceiue the veritie of this matter at one time but by leysure Neither vvas it without the great dispensation of the holy Ghost that after so many yeeres Catholicks both beleeued purgatory receiued the vse of pardons generallie So long as there was no care of Purgatory no man sought for pardons For of it dependeth all the estimation of pardons If thou take away purgatory to what end shall wee neede pardons for if there be no Purgatory we shall neede no pardons Considering therefore how long Purgatory was vnknowne then that it was beleeued of some by little and little partly by reuelations and partly by the Scriptures and so at the last beleeued generally of the whole Church we doe easily vnderstand the cause of pardons Since therefore purgatory was so lately known receiued of the whole Church who can admire pardons that there was no vse of thē in the primatiue Church Pardon 's therefore began after the people stoode in some feare of purgatory Thus writeth the popish Bishop Fisher. Whose words I hartily wish that the indifferent Reader may ponder seriously with me For if he so doe hee cannot chuse but abhor late popery and know it to be the new Religion This Bishop was a learned man a great papist said for popery what possibly he could yet he grāteth many things of such force is the truth which quite ouerthrow popery and turne it vpside downe First we see that the Greeke church neuer beleeued purgatory to his dayes and so it was vnknown to thē 1517 yeres Secondly that the church of Rome belieued it not for the space of 250. yeres after which time it increased by little and little Thirdly that the church of Rome did not beleeue purgatory all at once but by little and little Fourthly that the inuention of purgatory was the birth of Popish-pardons as which could haue no place till purgatory was found out by fained reuelations and the people brought into some feare thereof Fiftly that the primatiue Church was neuer acquainted with the Popes pardons nor yet with his counterfeit and forged purgatory Of which as the popish Bishop telleth vs the silly people doe stand in feare Thus therefore I must cōclude Ergo Popish purgatory is a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 6. Of Popish Auriculer Confession SCotus who for his great subtile learning was of the Papists termed Doctor subtilis affirmeth resolutely that popish Auricular-confession is not grounded on the holy Scripture but onely instituted and commanded by the Church of Rome The popish Glosse of great credit with the Papists telleth them roundly that Auricular-confession can no way be defended but by tradition of the Church Panormitanus Rhenanus Richardus Durandus Bonauentura Hugo and all the popish Canonists generally approue and follow the same Glosse To this I adde that Auricular-confession was not an Article of fayth in the Romish Church for the space of 1215. yeeres All which I haue prooued at large in my Suruey of Popery and in my Motiues First therefore seeing popish Confession cannot be proued out of the Scriptures Secondly seeing it is onely commaunded by the Pope And thirdly seeing it was no matter of fayth with the Papists for the space of one thousand two hundred and fifteene yeeres I must needes conclude that it is a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 7. Of Popish veniall sinnes THE newnes and young age of Popish-Religion may be sufficiently knowne by the coyning and inuenting of Veniall sinnes if nothingels could be said therein the Thomists will haue some sinnes not against the Law but besides the law and those sinnes they call their Veniall sinnes But Durundus a famous popish Schoole-Doctor many other learned Papists affirme euery sinne to be against Gods Law And this opinion doth nowe preuaile in the popish Schoole● as I●sephus Angles in his Booke dedicated to the Popes Holinesse 〈◊〉 vs His words are these Et hae 〈◊〉 in schol● 〈◊〉 cōm●nior and this opinion seemeth now adayes to bee more common in the Schooles Where I wish the Reader to 〈◊〉 by the way this word mod● now adayes because it doth most ●●●ely and sufficiently set before our eyes the mutability of the late Romish Religion For in that he saith niod● now adaies hee giueth vs to vnderstand that their Doctrine is now otherwise their it was of old time and in former ages Behold heere the new Religion and that popish doctrine is vncertaine Againe Ma. Fisher late Bishop of Rochester granteth to Ma. Luther when he was ouercome with the force of his Reasons that euery sinne is mortall of it owne nature Iaeobus Almaynus Durandus
of the Scriptures First therefore seeing the Pope may Erre in faith and doctrine Secondly seeing many Popes haue so Erred De facto And thirdly seeing this strange faith was not hatched or heard of in the World for the space of one thousand and fiue hundred yeeres no not in Alphonsus his dayes as wee haue heard alreadie I cannot but perforce I must conclude that it is a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 9. Of the condigne so supposed merrite of workes TRue it is I freely grant that the holy Fathers doe often vse the word Merrit and doe often call the workes of the Faythfull merritorious yet this they doe not for any worthines of the works but for Gods acceptation and promise sake who hath promised and will performe not to suffer so much as one cuppe of cold water giuen in his Name to passe without reward That is to say the Fathers terme good workes merritorious because God hath promised to accept the workes of the Faythfull as vvorthy for the vvorthines of his Sonne and for his merites to reward them with heauen as if they had merited the same For which respect either euer or almost euer they ioyne Merrite and Grace together Of this subiect I haue written at large in my Suruey of Popery I will now onely say with their deere Abbot Bernard It is sufficient to merrite to know that our merrites are not sufficient True it is likewise that not onely the Fathers generally but the best popish Schoole-Doctours also Durandus Aquinas Gregorius Ariminensis Dominicus Scoto Marsilius Waldensis Burgensis and sundrie others do vniformly and constantly affirme that no mans workes how holy soeuer they be eyther are or can be meritorious properly but onely merritorious in an vnproper large kind of speech as is already said This is proued at large in my other bookes True it is thirdly that the religious Fryer and popish Bishop Iosephus Angles telleth the Pope roundly that it is the constant and vniforme fayth of all the holy Doctors that the best and holiest mans works vpon earth neither are nor possibly can be merritorious or worthy of eternall life if Gods holy free promise be set aside Without the which saith Angles in the name of all the rest the best works of all are altogether vnwoorthy of so great reward His expresse words are these prorsus digna wholy vnworthy Where I with the Reader to obserue seriously with me this word prorsus which signifieth wholy for if out best workes be wholy vnworthy of the reward or glory as Iosep Angles in the name of all the holy Fathers Doctors telleth the Pope both grauely and cōstantly then doubtles the best works of all can no way be meritorious The case is cleere for to be meritorious as euery childe knoweth is to be worthy And consequently seeing to be worthy and to be meritorious is all one our workes which are no way worthy but euery way prorsus vnworthy can no way be meritorious When any Papist in the world can truly disprooue this Illation let me be his bondslaue for his reward Againe for the simple Readers helpe and capacitie this is the state of the Controuersie The Papists hold that mans works doe condignely or woorth●ly which is all one merite eternall reward I in the name of all Catholiques and good Christians doe hold and constantly defend the contrary Now to merrite is to be worthie ●s is both already prooued and of it seife euident but the best workes are no way woorthy as is alieadie proued Ergo the best workes doe no way merrit If this argument be well marked all papists are cōsounded euerlastingly True it is fourthly that the Iesuite S. R. Robert Parsons indeede I challenge the man in his supposed and pretended Aunswere to The downefall of Popery hath set downe these Cōclusions against both the Pope and hims●lfe The first Conclusion There is merite of eternall life and our supernaturall vvorkes done by Gods grace are meritorious of eternall life and glory The second Conclusion Good workes done in Gods grace are condignly merritorious of eternall life The thi●d Conclusion This condigne merrite is not absolute but supposeth the condition of Gods promise made to reward it These are the Iesuits Conclusions set down by the best aduise of his best learned friends among whom the Iesuiticall Cardinall Bellarmine must needes be one Which Cōciusions for all that doe euidently prooue as much as I desire True it is fiftly that the late popish Councell of Trent hath accused all such as 〈◊〉 or not beleeue the condigne merrit of mans works And cōsequentlie it hath made that an Article of Popish faith ô wonderment of the World which was no poynt of fayth in the true Catholique Church for the space of 1540. yeeres viz. The condigne merrit of mans work amonster lately borne at Rome Now to take away all wrangling true it is I will it not deny that the Councell of Trent hath not the word condigne but it hath another worde equiualent to the same viz. True merrite And therefore to answere as the Iesuite doth that the Councell hath onely the word true not the word condigne is meere foolery For to merrite truly and condignly is all one Otherwise let our Iesuite tell vs howe one can merrite that thing truly which he doth not worthily and condignelyd serue Yea to the Iesuites euerlasting shame and to the vtter confusion of all his lesuited brethern S. R. him selfe doth most plainly against himselfe testifie the same to all the world These are his expresse words That good workes are a condigne or w●orthy merrite of Heauen followeth of that they are a true merit thereof because as I thinke onely condigne merrite is true merrite Thus writeth our Iesuite I alledge his vvordes truly as I will auoswere before God And consequently seeing true merrite and condigne merrite is all one euen by the Aduersary his free grant it followeth of necessity that the Councell decreed the condigne merrite to be a matter of sayth First therefore seeing the Fathers and Schoole-Doctors doe all generally deny the condigne merit of mans workes Secondly seeing all the Fathers best learned Papists doe all vniformely affirme that the best works are altogether woorthy of heauen Thirdly seeing the Iesuites owne conclusions doe prooue the same against himselfe Fourthly seeing this deformed monster condigne merrite of workes I meane is yet scarce three-scote yeeres of age I cannot but perforce conclude with this incuitable illation Ergo it is but a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 10. Of Transubstantiation in Popish Masse THE popish Transubstantiation in their Masse is to themselues so vnceritaine that they cannot toll in the world what to say or thinke thereof Rupertus a famous popish Abb●r holdeth that the Bread is vnited hypostatically to the Sonne of God Caietmus Henricus and Capreolus are of an other opinion Ioha●●es Parisiensis held also that the
of Popish fayth vntill the Councell of Constance about 1414. yeeres after Christ. 13. That Priuate Masse began 1000. yeeres after Christ. 14. That it was euer holden vnlawfull for the brother to marry his naturall sister for the space of 1418. yeeres at what time Pope Martin set it abroach by the instigation of the deuill 15. That worshipping of Images was thought vnlawfull for the space of 1484. yeeres 16. That the Church seruice was euer in the vulgar tongue for the space of 443. yeeres at the least 17. That Popish Agnus Deis were not heard of for the space of one thousand two hundred yeeres after Christ. 18. That the Popes Bulls were vnknowne for the space of 772. yeeres after Christ. 19. That Popish hallowed Candles on Candelmasday were inuented 843. yeeres after Christ. That Bishops were not sworne to defend the Pope and his Canons for the space of one thousand two hundred twenty nine yeeres after Christ. 21. That Lent-fast in Popish manner was neuer heard of for the space of 427. yeeres All which and many other important poynts of Popish fayth are so liuely discouered to the first hatching thereof in this short and plaine Discourse as euery child may with all facility boldly pronounce and constantly affirme that the late Romish Fayth and Doctrine is not the Old but the New Religion Which if the silly Papists would once duly consider they would no longer obey the Pope or like of his Religion The Worke such as it is I haue dedicated to your Worships as a signe of a thankfull hart for your manifold kindnesses towards mee at all times And so I humbly commend your Worships to the protection of the Almighty From my studie the first of Iulie 1607. Yours in Christ Iesus Tho Bell. CHAP. 1. Of this name and word Pope IT is a wonder to consider how the late Bishops of Rome haue aspyred to their super-lordly Primacie and chiefest so supposed Soueraigntie in the Christian world Popery with our Iesuits Iesuited-Papists must needes be the Old Religion and that selfe same Doctrine which S. Peter and S. Paule deliuered to the Church of Rome This is their invincible Bulwarke which as they boast all the Canons of the faithfull and good Christians can neuer batter downe And this they neuer cease to inculcate into the eares and to instill it into the harts of the sillie vulgar people telling them forsooth that Popery is the Old Religion and the fayth of their forefathers in all ages I therefore to take this stumbling blocke out of the way doe purpose in God the fountaine of all goodnes and the chiefe workman of euery good act to set before the Readers eyes in a very summary succinct narration that Popery is a new Religion by little and little crept into the Church and patched together as clout vpon clout in a Beggers cloake Now for this name Pope which the silly people admire God-wote as a most sacred thing and for all that know no more what it meaneth thē how farre it is to Heauen it is a Greeke word Pappas which signifieth Father It was giuen of old indifferently as well to other Bishops as to the Bishops of Rome I prooue it first because the Clergie of Rome writing to the Clergy of Carthage call S. Cyprian the blessed Pope or holy Father Secondly because the Priestes Moses and Maximus and the Deacons Nicostratus and Ruffinus and sundry other Cōfessors did all with one assent call the same Cyprian Beatissimum Papam the most blessed Pope Thirdly because S. Hierom called S. Austen Beatissimum Papam most holy Father or Pope and this he did many times and in many Epistles But after that the Emperour Iustinianus had in his Legall constitutions named the Bishop of Rome Pope the arrogant Bishops of Rome began to challenge the Name as if it were proper vnto them alone And so in processe of time the Bishops of Rome were onely solely called Popes and of late yeeres Our holy Father His Holinesse is his vsuall Name But this Emp●rour liued after Christ his birth about 528. yeeres Ergo this poynt of Popery is a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 2. Of the Popes superoyall power BOnifacius Bishop of Rome and the third of that Name aboue sixe hundred yeeres after Christ obtayned of Phocas then Emperour of Rome that Rome should be the head of all Churches Before which time no authenticall Writer can be named who euer ascribed the Headship and Vniuersall gouernment of all Churches to the Church of Rome For first Saint Policarpus would not yeelde to Anicetus Bishop of Rome in the controuersie about Easter which for all that he would must haue done if the Bishop of Rome had had any true prerogatiue ouer him Secondly S. Iraeneus other holy and learned Bishops of Fra●nce ioyning with him reprooued Victor then Bishop of Rome very sharply and roundly as one that had not due respect to the peace and vnitie of the Church Which doubtlesse those holy learned Bishops would not haue done if the Bishop of Rome had had in those dayes the supreame Soueraigntie ouer them Thirdly S. Polycrates and many Bishops of Asia did stoutly withstand the same Victor thē the Bishop of Rome in his presumpteous proceedings touching Easter Fourthly S. Cyprian roundly opposed himselfe against Stephanus then Bishop of Rome contemning his Decree and deriding his reasons Fiftly the Apostles at Ierusalem sent Peter and Iohn to cōfirme the faythfull in Samaria And consequently if the Pope be not aboue Peter but his supposed Successor he may be sent of the Bishops his Brethren as Saint Peter was But who is that Bishop and where dwelleth he that at this day dareth doe to the novve Pope such supposed villany Sixtly the Fathers of the famous Affrican Counsell in which Saint Austen that holy Father and most stout Champion of Christes Church was present to the great honour and credite thereof would in no wise yeeld to Celestine then Bishop of Rome in the controuersie of Appeales concerning Appiarius And when Pope Celestine alledged for himselfe and his supposed Soueraigntie that the auncient and famous Councell of Nice gaue libertie to appeale to Rome the Fathers of the Councell answered roundly that the true copies of the Decree were otherwise Where I wish the Reader to obserue with me these two poynts seriously First that the Pope could not and therefore did not alledge any better reason for his vsurped and falsely pretended Primacie then the authoritie and Decree of that famous Councell of Nice Secondly that the Pope Celestine falsified the canon and Decree of the Councell so to gaine credit and authority to himselfe if it might be Seauenthly the famous Councell of Chalcedon gaue the Bishop of Constantinople equall authoritie with the Bishop of Rome in all Ecclesiastical affaires Eightly the councell of Nice prescribed limits as well to the Bishop of Rome as to other Patriarkes First
words Neuerthelesse when the deede was done Martin the fift dispensed with one who had consummated marriage with his own● naturall Sister Angelus de Clau●sio a religious Franciscan fryer Vicar generall of the Cismontim Minor hath these words Wherevppon my L. Archbishop of Florence affirmeth that hee heard men of good credit say that Pope Martin the fift after hee had consulted with many learned Diuines and Canonists dispensed with one who had married his owne naturall sisters Card 〈◊〉 faith Barthol Fumus affirmeth roundly that the Pope can dispence in all the degrees of consanguinitie and affinity saue onely with the Father and his daughter and with the mother and her sonne Martinus Nauarrus a famous popish writer desendeth the opinion of Caietan greatly Yea Caietane himselfe in his Commentary vpon Leuiticus which he dedicated to Pope Clement with the Popes good liking and gratefull acceptance singeth the selfe lame song This doctrine was neuer heard of for the space of 1418. yeeres At which time the Pope brought it from hell Ergo such popish dispensation is nothing els but a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 15. Of worshipping of Images THe worshipping of Images is this day high●●e esteemed in the Romish church insomuch that the Priestes themselues on Good-Friday are inioyned to salute the Crosse three seuerall times and that both kneeling and with their shooes put off Yea adoration and worshipping of Images and Reliques is this day growne to such excessiue superstition as it is almost incredible to be told Yet Gregory the great in his time sharply reproued the worship done to Images albeit he disliked Serenus the good Bishop of Mas●l●ae for breaking the same in the Church Yea Gabriell Bieto a religious popish Frier and a very learned Schoole-Doctor who liued long after Gregory and Serenus euen one thousand foure hundred eighty and foure yeeres after Christ doth sharply inveigh and reproue the worship done to Images Ergo the worshipping of Images is but a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 16. Of Church-seruice in the vulgar tongue SAint Iustine S. Ambrose S. Augustine S. Chrysostome S. Cyprian S. Hierom S. Gregory Sozomenus Lyra and many others as I haue prooued in my Suruey at large doe aftirme constantly vniformly that the people in their dayes were not as owles parrets crowes pyes and other birds which were taught to sound they knewe not what but as godly Christians who both knew what the Minister said and made answer to the same Whosoeuer readeth my Suruey of popery cannot stand in doubt hereof Sozomenus sheweth plainely in his Ecclesiasticall H●story that in his time which was 400. yeres after Christ the people and the Ministers of the Church sang psalmes together in the church I therefore cannot but conclude that to celebrate Diuine seruice in an vnknowne tongue is a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 17. Of the antiquity of popish Masse and the parts thereof THe Canon of the Masse which the late Papists haue in great esteeme rare admiration is both vncertaine variable of young yeres S. Gregory telleth vs that one Scolasticus composed it Platina a famous Papist and Abbreuiator Apostolicall sheweth plainly and cōpendiously both at what time and by whom euery peece of popish Masse began Peter saith Platina vsed only the Lords prayer when he celebrated the holy Mistery Iames the Byshop of Ierusalem increased the holy Mistery Basilius likewise added to them and so did others For Celestine the Byshop of Rome added the Introite Gregory the Kyrie Eleyson Telesphorus glortain excelsis Deo Gelasius the Collectes Hieronimus the Epistle and Gospell Hallelu-ia was borrowed of the Church of Ierusalem the Creed was receiued of the Nicene Counsell Pelagius inuented the commemoration of the dead Leo the the thirde Incense Inuocentius the firste the Pax and Pope Sergius the Agnus dei This beeing so I cannot but conclude that euerie patch and p●ece of the Romish Masse is but a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 18. Of the profound Misteries of Popish Masse POpe Sergius is the Author of Christs threefold body the body of our Lorde saith Sergius is threefolde the part that is put into the Chalice signifieth Christs body risen againe the part eaten Christ yet walking on earth the part remaining to the end of the Masse Christs body in the graue And that the Reader may the better know the mutability of Popish Masse I giue him to vnderstand that this practise of reseruing one part to the end of the masse is at this day wholy changed for the Priest eateth vp aleuen in the church of Rome O wonderful Nouelties in the disholy popish Masse which for al that are as old as Pope Sergius his nose Ergo popish foolish Misteries are but rotten rags of the New Religion CHAP. 19. Of kissing the Popes feete IVstinianus the Emperor after hee had sent for the Pope Constantinus to come to him at Nicomedia receyued him very honorably and sent him back But first of a certaine fondly conceiued humility hee fell downe and kissed the Popes feet This Emperour reigned about 700. yeares after Christ heere first began the kissing of the Popes feet which kissing as it was then done by the Emperor vpon a fond zeale so is it this day continued with intollerable superstition Ergo it is but a rotten rag of the new religion CHAP. 20. Of praying vpon Beads AFter that the people of God had liued aboue a thousand yeares vsing altogether godly books of prayer one Peter an Eremit a French-man borne perceiuing the Nature of men to bee so desirous of Nouelties was the first that inuented praying vpon Beads From hence sprang their Rosaries their Corones their Lady Psalters and a thousand superstitious kinds of Prayers whereof the rehearsal of the Originall is a sufficient confutation Ergo to pray on Beads is but a rotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 21. Of changing the Popes Name POpe Sergius the second being some-what ashamed of his auncient name because it sounded not pleasantly in mens eares for he was called Os Porei Swines mouth or Hogs-snoute If ye will he changed his old name and termed himselfe Sergius He liued aboue 840. yeeres after Christ from which time it hath beene the manner of Popes or Byshops or Rome to change their names so soone as they aspired to the Popedome What a pride is this For the Popish Byshops of Rome to change their names which they had giuen in their Baptisme No maruell if they be ashamed of Christs religion Well I must per●orce conclude Ergo the changing of the Popes name is but arotten ragge of the New Religion CHAP. 22 Of the Paschall Torch THe Papistes vse vpon East●r-Eue to hallow a Torch or Taper of Wax which they call Caerea Pasch. lis into which they instill and sasten Crosle-wise fiue of their hallowed greines To this