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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00397 A declaration and catholick exhortation to all Christian princes to succour the Church of God and realme of France. Written by Peter Erondelle, natife of Normandie. Faithfully translated out of the French Erondelle, Pierre, fl. 1586-1609. 1586 (1586) STC 10512; ESTC S112258 9,822 26

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A Declaration and Catholick exhortation to all Christian Princes to succour the Church of God and Realme of France Written by Peter Erondelle natife of Normandie Faithfully translated out of the French ¶ To all true louers of the pure Gospell and holy doctrine of Iesus Christ and to all those that desire the preseruation of the Realme of France Peter Erondelle wisheth health in the Lord. I Doubt not but doe stedfastly perceiue that whosoeuer shall consider of my calling wil disdain to looke vpon this briefe Treatise as proceeding frō a person vnworthie such a worke yea and will maruaile from whence J should gather such boldnesse sith I am not adorned or furnished with any humaine wisedome wherewith to beautifie or rather paint out the same But what aunswer shall J make them For it is not I that haue wrought this woorke but euen GOD himselfe through the vertue and power of the holy Ghost working in mee who word by word hath shewed and enstructed me in all that is herein set downe as vsing mee a poore and miserable sinner to indure and perswade or rather commaund all those that haue the feare of God and doctrine of Iesus Christ before their eyes to succour his afflicted people who are on euery side oppressed but principally in our France by some tyrants vnto whō J present not this briefe discourse for I am sufficiently perswaded that this kinde of people do but seeke occasion to subuert set at va●●●…nce such a Commonwealth as before remayned in peace and vnitie But vnto you my brethren doe J direct the same desiring you not to disdaine the sight therof but in equitie and without al passion other thē reason to reade it notwithstanding therein you finde some fault Neither would I herein seeke to flatter or conceale the aucthors of these present troubles namely the house of Guyze who are the chiefe Captaines and conductors thereof as also I should get nothing by concealing them as being a matter which euery man knoweth better then J can tell them how it standeth Besides I will not delay the time in beautifying this discourse with any painted speech to adorne it withall as some doe when they seeke and goe about to perswade lyes in stead of trueth vnder the colour of a pleasant phrase and painted speech which is sufficient to leade the Readers thereunto and lulling them on sleepe procureth them as afore is sayde to admit lyes in liew of truth euen as the Mermaide who by her pleasant song ouercommeth the Saylers and when they be at rest deuoureth them all J would not therefore imitate them but onely speake plainly according to all the wordes that haue fallen into my mouth whereby God hath holpen me to bring the same to passe To him therfore are we to yeeld thankes and withal to pray him to direct al our workes to the glory of his name and excellencie of his iustice as also that through the blood of his welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ he will vouchsafe vs remission of all our sinnes Amen A Prayer O Lord God almightie who knowest the hearts and thoughtes of al men so as we doe not so son● imagine what to say but thou knowest better then our selues what our tongue should pronounce that there is nothing vpon the earth or vnder the same how secrete soeuer but is manifest vnto thee Wee beseech thee O Lorde in the name of thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ that it may please thee to open and reueale whatsoeuer the wicked purposes of the peruerse whereby they may haue no meanes left to persecute thy faithful Neuerthelesse if it please thee O Lord yet to continue the afflictions of thy Church like as we know thee to be a iust and true Iudge we do notwithstanding beseech thee not to punish vs in thy wrath or according to our deserts who deserue onely euerlasting damnation but thy will be done for so it is most expedient We confesse that we haue grieuously prouoked thee against vs and are greatly endaungered to thy most iust iudgement howbeit we beseech thee O Lorde enter not thereinto with vs for our sinnes in thy sight are innumerable euen as the sand of the Sea or droppes of water of the same it may please thee therefore O Lord not to call thē to thy remembrance but through the death and passion of thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ to wipe thē away We beseech thee also that it may please thee to preserue those Kings Princes that are endued with the knowledge of thy Gospell and doe dayly fight for the same thereby vnder the shadow of their wings preseruing many faithfull poore persons vouchsafe them the encrease of thy grace Touch also the mindes of such Kings and Princes as doe vexe thy poore seruants and suffer not their hearts to be hardened like as was the heart of Pharao King of Egipt against thy people of Israell and especially O Lord vouchsafe to bring them into the bosome of thy Church so to enioye the cleare light thereof which is to see and knowe the trueth And this do we most humbly beseech thee in the name and fauour of thy dearely beloued sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ as himselfe hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in heauen c. FINIS ¶ A Declaration and exhortation to Princes c. LOng time haue we seene our France thus tormented afflicted with wars miseries and calamities vnder colour of religion and yet euen to this day do we behold how it doth daily waste and decay more and more which causeth mee to thincke that vnlesse God doe speedely set to his hand we shall in short time behold the destruction and dissipation of the most florishing Realme in Christendome at the appetite of certaine perticuler parsons who vppon a desire and vnsatiable thirst to raigne doe seeke no other but the losse or rather vsurpation thereof as seeming to them that God is blind and seeth not the torments which they inflict vppon his people in banishing some and defrauding them of their goods and in putting other some most cruelly to death They might surely thincke that if the Religion which they tearme new were not good it would soone waste and be in a moment swalowed vp but that contrariwise if it be according to God and Christ Iesus al the weapons and power of the world are not able to destroy it no not so much as any whit to diminish the same and therefore they ought rather to followe the counsayle of the Pharisaicall Doctor of the Iewish law Gamaliel who being in the Counsaile house when they sought to put the Apostles to death said that if their Religion were of Man the remembrance thereof would soone perish but if it were of God they should neuer be able to destroy it How many bloody battailes haue we seen Howe much Innocent blood shed not onely in our France but euen throughout all Christian-dome for this onely point and yet doe we see this holy
partes thereof to all in generall to the end not onely to preserue it whole and sound but also more and more to encrease it so that if one prince careth but for part of the Church as of that of Germany or Scotland and the whiles contemneth and abandoneth an other part that is oppressed and it lieth in him to succour he hath abandoned the Church for Christ Iesus hath bnt one only Spouse dispersed throughout the whole world whom euery prince ought so to defend and keepe that she may not be any where defiled if possibly hee may neither is it to any purpose to excuse himselfe by such vsurpation as a Prince might take hould of in an others country for who so is led by a wil procéeding from the spirit of Iesus Christ can not vnder such a false title expell his neighbour out of his patrimony as being a matter farre repugnant to Gods commaundement which is that hee shall not couet any thing that is his neighbours Such superfluous allegations are not therefore to be feared for whatsoeuer is guided by the holy ghost can yeld nothing but what proceedeth from the same and sith the holy ghost proceedeth from the wholy perfect goodnesse namely God who is conteined in the three parsons the Father the sonne and the holy ghost who proceedeth frō the two we must needes beleeue that who so is guided by God can doe nothing contrarie to his will I say therefore and it is most certaine that God willeth Christian Princes to take armes in defence of his afflicted people which are of the Church examples whereof we find in sundry places of the holy scripture We see that in the time of Ezechias King of Iuda the kingdome of Israel had long continued in subiection to the Assirians therfore if onely the Church of Iuda and not the vniuersall Church had bene committed to the charge of Ezechias also that if in the preseruation of the Church he ought to haue kept like measure as in the deuision of the lande no doubt Ezechias would haue cōteined him selfe within his owne bonds when the Assirians ruled ouer the rest but hee sent Postes throughout all Israel to summon them to the obseruation of the Passeouer Doe wee not reade also of good K. Iosias that he put out Idolatrie not onely forth of his realme but also out of the kingdom of Israel that iustly for when the kingdom of Christ is in question there is neither bounds nor limites that shoulde staye the zeale of Christian Princes These examples of such and so good princes might stand for a Lawe but let vs also looke what God himself pronoūceth by y e mouthes of his holy Prophets against those that make no accompt of his Church besides wee doe roade that the Gadites Rubenites and the halfe tribe of Manasses required Moyses to alot thē their portion on this side of Iordan which Moyses did graunt to condicionally that they should not onely helpe their other brethren the Israelites to conquere the Land of Canaan but also should marche formost make the auantgarde Haue we not testimonies enowe to proue the duetie of Princes to succour the Church surely if we would alledge all other the examples that might bee found in the word of God wee might haue enough to make a very large volume but because I meane to write onely a short declaration I would make no further mention therof as also this is enough and therefore wee want onely goodwill Alas I feare God wil one day reprooue vs of vnprofitablenesse in this world And what you Kings and Princes doe you not feare that God will aske accompt of you for your gouernments wherfore it is that he hath made you his ministers and preseruers of his Spouse Is this the oath that you make at your admissions when you take the sword into your hand and looke both East West South and North as if you would inferre that there shall be no corner in the world but you will indeuour therein to mainteine and encrease this Spouse This Church of Christ is it comprehended within your dominions and is it not vniuersall ouer the whole face of the earth No no wee can haue no lawfull excuse truely I doubt the reproche of the Prophetesse Debora against the Rubenites will fall vpon vs as also the iudgement for we professe our selues to bee Christians and yet charitie dwelleth not in vs when we suffer our brethren who also are members of Christes Church to be thus tyrannized I beseech you let vs eschue the iust iudgement of God that is readie to fall vpon our heades let vs giue ouer all excuses for we haue none sufficient Let vs leaue all amities for the Church of Christ Iesus for it is he onely that can saue vs let vs immitate the good Princes Iosias and Ezechias also that vertuous Prince Constantine who with open Warre assailed Licinius euen in his own countrie because he prosecuted the Christians But as saith the comon prouerbe It booteth not to preach to him that careth not for wel doing neither is it to any purpose for me to alledge examples sith they will not be followed We tearme our selues Christians and knowe the duetie of Christians and yet doe not the workes of Christians Christ Iesus teacheth vs that he is more worthy of punishment that knoweth his masters will and doth it not then he that not knowing it doth it not Hauing therefore attained to my principall purpose which is to desire all Christian Kings and Princes that doe professe the pure doctrine to Christ Iesus to graunt succour to his people in France afflicted by tyrants and meere bloudsuckers who drawe forth mans bloud to glut therewith a forrain famely and hauing shewed as well by Gods word as by good holy testimonies takē out of the same how by all law as wel of God as man they be bound to doe the same I haue no more to doe but to require the Readers to reade and consider of this discourse with reason and throwly to way the matters therein contained without any passion and to iudge according to equitie so shall they perceiue that it proceedeth not of my selfe but of God and therefore not to haue any respect to my age or calling for any man knowing me may well iudge that of my selfe I am vtterly vncapable of such a deede Take it therefore as proceeding frō God who for the most p●rt reuealeth him selfe to the ignorant and doultes and hydeth himselfe from the wise of the worlde Consider Saint Peter who was a simple Fisherman also the rest of the Apostles who were but of meane calling For likewise God hath vsed me in this worke whome I doe beseech to open the heartes of Kinges and Princes and to deliuer them from blindnesse which stoppeth their sights and to make them partakers of his cleare light which is the knowledge of his will So be it