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A85843 Antisacrilegus: or, A defensative against the plausible pest, or guilded poyson, of that nameless paper, (supposed to be the plot of Dr. C. Burges, and his partners;) which tempts the Kings Majestie by the offer of five hundred thousand pounds, to make good by an Act of Parliament to the purchasers of bishops, deans, and chapters lands, their illegal bargain, for ninety nine years. By John Gauden, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to the Kings most excellent Majesty. Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1660 (1660) Wing G343; Thomason E1044_10; ESTC R202281 8,808 19

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Antisacrilegus OR A DEFENSATIVE Against the plausible Pest or guilded Poyson OF THAT NAMELESS PAPER Supposed to be the Plot of Dr. C. Burges and his Partners Which tempts The KINGS MAjESTIE BY THE Offer of Five hundred thousand pounds to make good by an Act of Parliament to the Purchasers of Bishops Deans and Chapters Lands their illegal bargain for ninety nine years By JOHN GAVDEN D.D. Chaplain in ordinary to the Kings most excellent Majesty London Printed by J.B. for Andrew Crook at the sign of the Green-Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard 1660. ANTISACRILEGVS OR A Defensative against the plausable Pest or guilded Poyson of that nameless Paper supposed to be the plot of D. C. Burges and his unlucky partners which temps the Kings Majestie by the offer of Five hundred thousand pounds to make good by an Act of Parliament to the Purchasers of Bishops Deans and Chapters Lands their illegal bargain for ninety nine years ALthough the Justice and Honour of the King be such as becomes the Son and Successor of such a Father who loved the Church and its just Interests more then his own life so that His Sacred Majestie will easily command such Satans to get behinde him as unworthy of his presence whose sacrilegious projects and devices deserve to perish with their money Yet that His Excellent Majestie and His two Loyal Houses of Parliament with all His good Subjects may see the craft of that design and the hook under that bait it is not amiss to discover the poyson of sin and shame of dishonour and danger of impiety and imprudence wherewith it is fraught and wherewith it seeks to infect the King the two Houses of Parliament and the whole Nation onely to ensure a few unhappy Merchants in their sacrilegious adventures First For His Majestie to do as is there unworthily because against all law and justice desired is to be God-father to those spurious and illegitimate practises which were begotten from and nourished most what by tumultuary disorderly and violent ways tending to and ending so much in the ruine of King Church and State yea the very Proposers do by their bold proposal clearly confess that they have yet no Law or Justice for their pretended purchases and consequently no very good consciences to keep them but would gladly by a new price of iniquity purchase to themselvas a right by Law for ninety nine years whereas they vapored heretofore as if they had the fee-simple that was indeed Robinhoods pennyworths at five or six years purchase considering the timber houses and Improvements Secondly By their instancing so boldly in the late Kings forced Concessions or rather necessitated deliberations about granting a Lease of improved Church Lands for ninety nine years in order to redeem His Life Crown and posterity to which redemption all the Loyal Clergy were more willing to consent then himself these Proposers do dangerously insinuate as if the present King His Son were in the same distress of life and fortunes to which fraud and force had then reduced His Royal Father Which blessed be God is not the present case of King or Church For the King is now cloathed with excellent Majestie and the Church hath put off its filthy garments and rags wherewith the Enemies of God the King and the Church had deformed her As for His Fathers Murtherers and the Enemies of King and Church they are now covered with shame and confusion of face as with a cloak And certainly it is as impudent as unseasonable a desire since some Purchasers have already drunk the blood and eat the flesh of the Kings Father since they have against all Law and Conscience destroyed many Houses of God and greedily gaped to devour all Gods portion and the Churches Patrimony that the Son now happily reigning in peace should reward such for their good works by enabling them with an Act of Parliament to strengthen their now wambling stomachs the better to digest the Churches Lands and Houses they have devoured All which His Royal and Martyrlie Father sought to preserve as much as His Life Crown and Kingdoms esteeming all injuries done to the Church to be as great reproaches and insolences against His God and Saviour so point blank against His Conscience as a Christian and against his Coronation-Oath as a King no less then against Magna Charta or the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom by which the Churches rights are settled and ought to be preserved Thirdly It would monstrously abate and eclipse not onely the Renown and Honour of His Majestie who is the Son of such a Father but in time it would shrink His constant Revenues part of which arise from those First-fruits and yearly Tenths which are duly and cheerfully paid by the Bishops Deans and Chapters out of their Lands and Estates while in their power and possession and improvement Fourthly This wretched project would be a continued injury and indignity put upon this Famous Church of England and its learned Clergy who have been formerly esteemed as eminent deserving and flourishing as any in the world And all this meerly upon this account and occasion because it hath been for some years past insolently stripped and abused in which its eminent Bishops and other Divines have like Jewels been trampled under the feeet of Swine men of sordid and sacrilegious spirits onely fit to devour and destroy Kings and Bishops things Sacred and Civil Fifthly It would be exceedingly to the dishonour not onely of the Kings Majestie to degenerate from the examples as of His many Royal Progenitors Christian Kings and Queens of England who were in all ages nursing Fathers and Mothers to this Church which God hath put immediately and wholly into their protection under Christ and specially from the incomparable patern of His Father of blessed memory who expressed such holy love zeal and constancy to the Rites of this Church But further it would be a most uncomely stain and reproach to the present most Honourable Loyal and Religious Houses of Parliament both Lords and Commons whom God hath blessed and eternally honoured in making them the happy Repairers of our Civil and Desperate breaches How can they then with any honour or conscience sacrifice the Church any longer to these Apollyons and Abaddons its sacrilegious Wasters and Opppressors Sixthly This design of the Purchasees if obtained would so cruelly weaken peel barkround and exhaust the plenty honour power and authority of this Church and its Clergie both as Christian and reformed in all its ancient Rights Immunities and Enjoyments which are as well settled by Laws ancient and modern as any civil estates are or can be that it would never recover its beauty and flourishing lustre of late so much deflored but both Christianity and all sober Reformation would daily decay and wither by successive attempts of sacriledge and schism till all were run to Prophaneness Atheism Anarchy and Barbarity which ever follow as the idleness and luxury so the despicable poverty and
tenuity of Church-men of vvhich Greece of old Germany of late and England last of all are evident but sad experiments 7. If such an Act of Parliament should pass without and against the consent of the Clergy who are by Law the Proprieters and enjoyers of those estates under God and the King which consent is never like to be gained as it cannot reasonably be asked It would make not onely the King and Parliament but in and with them the whole Nation shrewdly suspected if not actually guilty of that enormous sin and curse of Sacriledge which even Dr. Burges owns to be such though not in the case of Bishops and Cathedral Lands because it is his own case and great concern Let him but have his bargain with Judas he cares not whom he betrays or what truth and conscience he sells though it come up to a most apparent robbing of God his Ministers the whole Church its reverend Fathers and most eminent Sons yea the whole body and fraternity of the Faithful in the Land of that double honour both for maintenance and reverence which agreeably to the vvord of God allowing accepting or commanding such grateful and honorary retributions of their temporals to those that impart things spiritual hath been freely given piously devoted and by the Lavvs of the Land oft confirm'd as sacred and inviolable to the Church and Clergy in order to promote the Worship and glory of God vvith the good of souls by the order peace plenty honor government and authority of the Church and its Ministers both governing and governed The poor man Dr. Burges cryes out like Steutor of the gnats of his ovvn private injuries suffered from the Corporation of Wells in his Bishops Lands yet he can svvallovv the camel of his own great purchase of them though vvithout any Lavv to enable him or any consent of the Bishop or others by Lavv invested in them nay having a canine appetite he is not yet sick of the sin but onely afraid to vomit up those sacred morsels and would fain have a retentive cordial from the King and two Houses who have hitherto and in them the whole Nation been by a special providence kept from that sin and shame For what ever in this kind of chaffering hath hitherto been done in England during our troubles was but the counsel and practice of some few men without and against all Laws of God and the Land which teach all honest men to abhor Sacriledge as Idolatry as a sin of the first magnitude against every precept of the first Table condemned in all ages by all men morally just as being against the light of Reason and natural Religion to rob God Therefore detested always by Jews and Gentiles Greeks and Barbarians by Christians and Mahometans by all Protestants and Papists as not to be dispensed withall but in a case of higher charity and necessity for Gods glory and the Churches good and this with unfeigned purpose of making when able full restitution in kind or in something equivalent Which Justice is asserted by the Old and New Testament by the Laws of this Kingdom and of all Empires antient and modern by the Canons of all Churches by all Councils Fathers Church-Historians and learned Divines on all sides as Dr. Burges is forced to confess being a most impudent and detestable sin never to be palliated or excused seldom or never pardoned or repented of because it abhors any restitution as we see in Dr. Burges his terrors and clamors but is usually punished with hardness of heart and searedness of conscience in private persons ever fatal and unprosperous to Prince and people justly revenged by God and man to many generations by lasting and unexpiable curses to which the King Parliament and Nation ought not to be exposed upon any terms Eighthly Thus to peel and pillage the Church and Clergy of England after so many and long exhaustings will give joy and satisfaction to none but the enemies of the King the Church and Nation Either the envious Papists or the covetous and cruel Fanaticks who are as the locusts caterpillers palmerworms of this Church the one hoping to devour what the other leaves Nor is there any reason that the best and most of the Nation rich and poor should be all injured scandalized and robbed by the Church and Clergies diminution and undoing only to gratifie a few unreasonable and undeserving Purchasers of Church lands who are neither good to the Tenants nor to the poor nor to their Prince nor to their Saviour Ninethly This alienation and long diversion of the Churches revenues will much discourage all learned industry and proficiency in this Nation it will damp the the spirits and studies of both our famous Vniversities which now begin to flourish again It will debase and cripple the dignity and authority of this Church and the Clergy both Bishops and Presbyters who of old did many great and good works It will much defeat his Majesties charitable design and declared pleasure for augmenting Vicaridges out of Church Impropriations It will obstruct and dry up the stream of charity and hospitality which should be most exemplary in the Clergy and it will only make way for avarice ignorance anarchy and confusion in the Church which cannot but endanger the peace and safety of King and Kingdom as of late we have seen to our woe Tenthly To answer the temptation of present gain which as the devil to Christ in the wilderness that serpentine paper offers to his Excellent Majesty as if the liberal and loyal purchasers would advance 50000 l. for his Majesties service 1. It is a goodly sum indeed if it came out of their own estates and purses which it doth not but it is too sinall a sum to engage any honest man upon so great a sin as Sacriledge to which all the worlds gain will not tempt a King or any true Christian who knows how to value his soul or the Church of Christ or Gods glory or his Kingdoms and consciences peace or his own and the Nations honor or his Clergies merit and usefulness 2. His Majesty deserves and enjoys so much of the hearts and loves of his people that he needs not fear any vvant nor vvill he be ever driven to make use of such crafty Merchants or to partake of their filthy lucre who vvould fain dravv the King to be their partner and to crown their Sacrilegious projects with his Princely Diadem and while to save the common people of the Nation a few pounds His Majesty should contract upon his Throne and Kingdom his Conscience and People the sin and shame of Sacriledge 3. Experience tells us which Sir Henry Spelman observes that as no private Families so nor any Kings ever grew more comfortably rich or lastingly prosperous by any Sacrilegious practices from the appearance of which all severe consciences should abstain being to the reproach and injury not onely of the Clergy who are amongst the best of Subjects but