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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17002 A seder olam, that is: order of the worlde: or yeeres from the fall to the restoring A seconde apologie for the angel Gabriels proprietie of trueth, in his holy and healthy message, of the cleernes and certainty for our redemption: and a further answere to some, litle thinking that all humane libraries may by them selues, and must by Scripture be controlde: vvith a long preface touching the humanity of the gentry of Cambridge, and higher, in fauour of ancient learning. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1594 (1594) STC 3885; ESTC S116571 23,451 46

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thy countrey and from thy kindred and from thy fathers house vnto the lande that I wyll shew thee And I wyll make of thee a great nation and wyll blesse thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing I wyll also blesse them that blesse thee and curse them that curse thee and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed So Abram departed euen as the Lord spake vnto him and Lot went with him And Abram was seuentie and fiue yeeres olde when he departed out of Charan Then Abram tooke Sarai his wife and Lot his brothers sonne and all their substaunce that they possessed and the soules that they had gotten in Charan and they departed to go into the land of Chanaan and to the land of Chanaan they came Now the former text of S. Stephen is relied vpon Gen. 15 7. where the Lord saith I am EL the Lord that brought thee out of VR of the Chaldees to giue thee this land Moses in the due place closely passeth ouer the appearing to Abraham as he doth the idolatrie of Terah And to shew Terahs repentaunce he maketh hym as principall of the iourney saying And Terah tooke Abram Lot and Sarai and they went forth with them from VR of the Chaldeans to goe into the land of Chanaan And they came to Charran and stayed there and Terah died in Charan Here only closely he maketh Abram autour of the iourney when he sayth And they went foorth with them not with him When Iosuah sayth Our fathers beyonde the Riuer woorshypped strange Gods euen Terah the father of Abraham he maketh Moses more cleere that to Abraham in VR God appeared by whom Terah was mooued to goe with Abraham Now Moses mentioneth onely the appearyng to Abraham and the bringing of hym out of VR but leaueth the speach to be gathered by the argument whence S. Stephen doth frame it by the lyke from Genesis the .12 sauing that after Terahs death God biddeth him leaue his fathers house and not his lande and kindred onely They who referre the latter speach to the first callyng make the departure from Charran to haue no calling though it be sayde And Abraham went as God sayde vnto him Of this also Bucholcherus hath written well but that he can not see how VR Chasdim should be in Mesopotamia But Abrabbaneel taketh part with S. Stephen for that and proueth VR and Charran to be neare togeather and both in one countrey and both to be the countrey of Abrahams kindred And thus much for the seconde knot of the Chronicle Of the thirde knot MAister Ioseph Scaliger affirmeth that the Temple stoode 427. yeeres that is 37. vnder Salomon and 390. after Israel fell from Iudah For the 390. I haue cited els where many Christians rightly agreeing But one Iew against their malicious and deceitefull crew is of more force then all our testimonies in our owne cause when we make the Iubilees fall out with our Lord his death and they woulde rather leape into Gehenna then suffer that brightnes of Moses and the Gospel So one Iew in this case hath more auctoritie then many of vs for Ezekiels 390. yeeres Thus sayth R. Abraham ben Dauid in Kabalah The Temple stoode 427. yeeres Of this testimony I wyll speake as Paul speaketh of Epimenides verse that it is a true testimony An Obiection VVhen we reckon the kinges of Iudahes yeeres their particulers ouerreach this summe Aunswere They are not all perfect and absolute yeres which are geuen to those kinges Amongst those kinges many fathers and sonnes reigned togeather as in Iosophat and Ioram eight of their yeeres in the one of them must be drowned vp in the accompt So three of Ioas are drowned in Amasia as many of Iotham are also common with Achas And that must be tryed by comparison with the yeeres of the kinges of Israel as of ancientie the Iewes noted in Talmud Ierusalemy in Rosh hashana Perek 1. Many learned men haue taken right paynes that way Thedoret for Geeekes Genebrard for Romistes and Math. Beroaldus whom I holde to haue the right summe they differ but yeeres a peece for the whole tyme of Israel that is vnto the sixt of Ezekias afterwardes when Iudah is reckoned alone the lyke synarchy or felowshyp in gouernment falleth not out because they were not in such dayly troubles then as whyle Israel stoode Also great summes from place to place geue great light where by broken vnperfect yeeres the matter woulde be somewhat doubtfull Examples of helpes by great summes The warres of Baasa with Asa were in the 36. yeere of Asas kingdome yet Baasa dyed in the 26. of Asas reigne So the accompt from the beginnyng of Asas kingdome that of Iudah parted from Israel was the best note which was the 16. of Asas owne reigne The yeeres of Omry his house are also tolde in one summe when Achazia being but 22. yeeres olde and his father dying at 40. yet then Achazia is Ben of 42. As Saul was Ben of two yeeres not of his owne age but of the kingdome in Omryes house whence Athalia his mother was The not obseruing of that hath bred notes that trouble our teachers and learners Of the 65. yeeres in Esay 7. The head of Aramis Damaskus and the head of Damaskus is Rezin But when 65. yeeres come he shalbe broken to Ephraim from being any people Kimchi doth expound this place to take the accompt from the tyme that Amos prophecied that Aram shoulde be captiued to Kyr Iarchi and Abrabbaneel holde it spoken of Ephraims captiuity But that can not stand without denial of the 22. yeres vacation of king which was after the death of Ieroboam Ben Ioas. For it is from the death of Ieroboam Ben Ioas whereas he must die in the 15. of Vziah vnto the sixt of Ezekias and ende of Israels kingdome aboue 70. yeeres There this text of Esay putteth all to seeke better Of which place I wyll not detemine but onely would shew how great summes call many particulers to a grosse summe Such are many accomptes in Ieremy and Ezekiel The prophet Ieremy reckoneth 23. yeeres from the 13. of Iosias vnto the first of Nebuchadnezar Ezekiel reckoneth 40. yeeres alone whiche the learned many rightly make to be the time from Ieremyes prophecying to the burning of the Temple Also Ezekiel beginneth from the 18. of Iosias in the accompt of his 30. yeeres Ch. 1 1. as he is vnderstoode of Hebrewes Greekes and Latines And agayne he hath an accompt double for one vision which was In the 25. yeere of our captiuity as he speaketh and in the 14. yeere after the citie was stroken Ezek. 40 1. These places call to a further tryall any errour that falleth out in accomptes within these spaces whereby the trueth wyll be sone knowen Of vniuersall errours of the Iewes inuented continued and helde yet of malice against Christ and folowed by Christians of no small note THe last place
A SEDER OLAM that is Order of the worlde or yeeres from the fall to the restoring A seconde Apologie for the Angel Gabriels proprietie of trueth in his holy and healthy message of the cleerenes and certainty for our redemption And a further answere to some litle thinking that all humane Libraries may by them selues and must by Scripture be controlde VVith a long Preface touching the humanity of the Gentry of Cambridge and higher in fauour of ancient Learning Iob. 24 25. Yf it be not so now who will disproue me and make my wordes nothing 1594. To the right honorable Henrie Earle of Huntingdon Lorde Hastinges Hungerford Botreux Molins and Moiles Knight of the most noble order of the Garter Lord President of her Maiesties counsell established in the North partes THe register of time right Honorable which the Greekes cal Chronicon the Doctors of the Hebrew kinde tearme Seder Olam that is the Order of the worlde They haue many phrases from ancient holy men doubtlesse which the Apostles do confirme as the Worlde to come Paradise the seconde death and such In lyke sort Seder Olam seemeth to be a phrase vsed from the Prophetes tyme. It conteyneth deepe matter in it For who woulde not be astonished consideryng that God sendeth all men to learne the age ●f the worlde from the recorde of the Fathers vnto Terah vnlesse he knew the purpose to declare the fathers of whom Christ commeth Now it is more strange that thence it is not continued by Abraham Isaak and Iacob three so rare men But the course is broken of at Terahs death and soone after a new order is taken how many dayes or monethes after I dare not discusse But presently thence in the narration from the promise of Christ the Epoche goeth and Abrahams age is tolde what it was then which can not be exactly gathered how from his fathers age it dependeth as the Learned cast all from Adam to Charans byrth at Terahs seuentyeth yeere exactly From the perigrination vpon the promise of Christ vnto the Lambe the yeeres are to the very day and lykewyse thence to the Temple what day of what yeere from the Lambe it was buylt in what yeere of the king the buylder and how long he reigned and how long after the diuision euen to what day of what moneth it was brent for idolatry Then the exact accompt for day and moneth is not layde downe though the whole Captiuity be recorded for the iust yeeres VVhen it is ended thence a new vpon a rare occasion to a rare man by an Angel the onely of any created that hath a proper name of Angel the tyme is pared out in a rare phrase of speach vnto the death of Christ our sauiour vnto the very tyme of the euenyng offeryng when he offered vp him selfe The speach and the matter is so heauenly and precious that as of olde tyme that prophecy was openly read of all the Iewes and knowen of all the East it doubtles Iosephus meant bell Iud. 7 12. So all the worlde from their Childhood should read it and all the learned shoulde styll reduce the new Testament vnto it and expounde the olde Testament by it For it is the abridgement of the New and the key of the Olde The state after our Lordes death is called A new Heauen And his death ended the last Olam or Iubilee or yet the later part of the olde worlde as that part before the flood is tearmed of S. Peter Thus Seder Olam shalbe a goodly title for the Ebrew accompt from since the first Adam stoode on the earth vntyll the seconde Adam arose from the dust and went into the heauens Certaine obseruations I haue writted for this space registred by the wysedome of God to keepe the holy text in his natiue clearenesse agaynst entanglementes of Iewes and Gentiles I coulde wysh the dexterity of Daniels wit For the matter is worthy And that which my paynes coulde breede I was desirous to commende to your Lordshyp Some remembrance I woulde leaue how much I am beholdyng to your Honour though none writes in a Calender all good thinges done to him Of your Lordshyp I may say out of Homer that you haue been vnto me as a father to the sonne and I wyll neuer forget that tenderyng I founde many honourable Patrons but your Lordshyps charges were the greatest The Archbyshop of Canterburies grace was the meanes sone after my comming to Cambridge in my young yeeres to procure me a continuall profession of Homers tongue Whervpon with al speede the rest of my successe proceeded vntyll Sir VValter Mildmayes Lecture in Greeke with the gyft of six Scholershyps as I woulde and his fatherlike fauour better encoraged my paynes And I shoulde iniury all the Gouernoures of Cambridge yf I woulde not acknowledge continuall singuler cherishing and one poynt in offering whether Lecture I woulde of Iapheth and Sems chiefe tongues But there to me your Lordshyps charges was fiue and twentie times more then the priuate Greeke profession and about ten tymes the Value of a Felowshyp by yeere The greatest alowance that any Noble man graunted any Scholer So great a desire you had that my paineful and chargeful race of study which you iudged by your experience able to go through the pikes agaynst common errours shoulde there haue practise and tryall And when good desart and the best then taken in hand vpon graue request and orderly vsed was least regarded and worst recompenced in all mens sight by a good mans errour not of yll wyl yet so that you heard and hundreths more saw an iniury the same alowance you continued to my priuate labour VVhereby my Greeke translation of the Hebrew Prophetes was wrought That diligence calling all East and VVest forces of study togeather Hebrew Babylonian Chaldean Syrian Arabian al together mixt in the Cabala Greekes of all sortes Latines of all sortes all vsed skilfully seruantes to the Temple That diligence made me enterprise the Herculean labour of the Harmony I thinke you remember D. Penyes censure vttered to your Lordshyp of the Table entituled A Sinay sight how by conference in those poyntes he thought that he learned the whole frame of the Bible better then by all his Englysh and foraine paynes and conference and that one yeere vpon such tryed groundes woulde doe more then ten from the common course The learned D. tolde me what he told your Lordshyp to harten me agaynst the busy but hartened already enough by rare olde tendering I must heere craue leaue of a further digression to leaue a memoriall of tenderyng shewed to my young studies For as sone as I coulde be Graduate vpon sodayne disputations in the Greke tongue wherin the readiest of the ancient Maisters came to reply many were encoraged to the tongue worde was sent me that I should choose where I woulde be Felow I choose to be where first an election was euen foure dayes after I was eligible and to that
generations as the blood of Abel was vpon Cayn And as those Iewes which sayd We haue no King but Caesar knew a better and confesse with R. Akiba in Massecheth Taanith O our father our king we haue no king but thee O our father our king for thy owne sake take pittie So to this day Daniels last wordes O Lord heare O Lord forgiue O Lord attende and doe and differ not for thy owne sake O Lord These wordes are in their dayly prayers once twice thrice neare togeather that yf they would heare yf they would haue forgiuenesse yf they would attende for the next wordes for Christ they myght see that our Lord differred not but in due tyme performed all goodnesse Yet they so often resisted the light that their sinne came to the highest degree as them selues expounde Esai the sixt that they sinned agaynst the holy Ghost the certainty of the tyme being no lesse cleere then the brightnesse of the Sunne Iosephus confesseth not onely that Iesus was vniustly killed by Pilate and arose the thirde day and was the Christ for which name he went to Gabriel in Daniel but also that al the nation did then looke vnto the prophecie that a king should be amongst them which shoulde rule all the worlde That prophecie doubtlesse can be no other then that of Daniel of whose prayer to this day they keepe euen the last wordes them which were yet in Daniels mouth when the Angel came flying vnto him told of the time which fel out with the last Iubilee to ende at once all the ceremonies of the partition wall And this farre the iourneyes of the Sunne be recorded by the holy Ghost and no farther then to our Lords death that his name Shemesh in the holy tongue in our Albion A Seruant shoulde herein shew his chiefest seruice and we not onely know that Christ is come but be able to shew out of the Prophetes when he was to come for our owne strength for conuicting the aduersarie and cleereing of the manifolde Scriptures for tymes which hereupon depende and haue no lesse vse in the body of the holy volume then the Nerues in a mans body for the vse of motion And for my resolution touching my aduersaries in this case I wyll speake from Iob All the while breath is in mee God forbid that I shoulde graunt your cause to be right For in the holy recorde of tymes is the wysedome found and there is the place of vnderstanding The Cethem from Ophir the Paz from Vphaz the Topaz the Onix the Gabis the Pearle the Saphir the Christall are not so goodlie The name of Christ Palmony the wonderfull numberer hither vnto belongeth how from the beginning he draweth out the tyme vntyll he becommeth Eschol Copher the cluster of Redemption which ought to finde a lodging betwixt all faythfull brestes FINIS * Ierusalemy in Rosh hashana ‡ Odyss 1. § At Terahs death That worke is ancient compiled about our 300. yeeres * Exod. 12 4. Gal. 3 17. Act. 7 3. Gen. 11 26. Gen. 12 1. ‡ Gen. 11. Ester 2. Ezek. 4. Ier. 52. * Aben ezra vpon Dan. 9. * Tull. 1. off ‡ About so much shoulde be by some late Chroniclers § Before the 36 yeere after the returne the Temple for stone worke was finished § Iude. 7 22. * As namely two of Oxf. M Koph and M. Car-warden Vpon Dan. 9. Mid. Psa 10. Rambam in Iobal Tal. Ierus in Hauebodekin In tryalles it must be examined in what Iubal the matter fell out Cha 10. Pag. 22. Cha. 9. In Chether malcuth Crowne of kingdome pag. 315. 316. 318. t● be vsed thrise in expiation feast Rambam Repentance cha 6. Mat. Mark Luk. Iohn Act. § Ioseph Antiq lib. 18. cap. 4. ‡ as all the east did Ioseph de Bello Iud. lib. 7. cha 12. Tacit. li. 21. Sueton in Vespasian ‡ For the expiation feast Cyppur for Christ is taught of Capper in that feast and in Daniels 9. cha Dan. 9. ‡ Song 1.