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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84053 The second centurie. 1. Cornelius Holland, his father died in the Fleete for debt, ... El., M., fl. 1648.; Elsynge, Henry, 1598-1654, attributed name. 1648 (1648) Wing E317C; Thomason 669.f.13[22] 6,783 1

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and the zealous Commissioner of Yorkeshire 33 Phillip Lord Listle Generall for Ireland had an allowance of 10. l. per diem as my Lord of Essex had besides pay for his Regiment and came safe of at the Battell of Rosse 34 * Arthur Owen Collonel 35 Henry Darly 36 Richard Darly Given to their father for them 5000 l. 37 Thomas Toll hath the Customers place of Linne in his sonnes name worth 300. l. per an yet it is anothers by Grant 38 * Elize Grimes Captaine 39 Thomas Hatcher Collonel Governour of Lincolne and plunder Master Generall of the County 40 * Thomas Lister Lieut-col and Deputy Governour of Lincolne 41 Sir Christopher Wraye Collonel since dead 42 * William Wraye his sonne Collonel 43 Henry Pelham Recorder of Lincolne in the place of Sir Charles Dalison 44 Sir William Armin Agent in Scotland for the State 45 William Armin his sonne Collonel 46 Richard Barveyes Collonel Governour of Carlile 47 * Francis Russel Collonel Governour of Cambridge 48 Richard Shuttleworth Collonel and hath very many of the Recusants Lands in Lancashire in Sequestration himselfe being the chiefe Commissioner for Sequestrations 49 John Hampden Collonel of foote killed at Chalgrove field where hee made his first muster 50 Arthur Goodwine Collonel of foote since dead 51 Anthony Nicolls Mr. Pyms nephew by him is made paymaster to the Messengers of Intelligence by which in a shorttime hee put himself into a Parliamentary equipage of Coach horse and attendants got mony and contrary to the priviledge of Parliament payed his fathers debts but was afterwards suspended the house 52 Robert Cecill son to the E. of Salisbury Col. of horse procured one Collins to be made Auditor in chief for the Revenues of the King Queen and Prince worth 2000 l. per an but in trust for the Col. 53 VVilliam VVhite Collonel and was Treasurer at Warre to the Army in the North under the command of the old Lord Fairfax 54 * Francis Bacon Recorder of Ipswith in the place of Mr. Laney 55 Alexander Popham Collonel 56 * Edward Popham Collonel 57 * Bramton Gurdon Collonel 58 * Sir Thomas Barnardiston Collonel 59 * George Fleetewood Collonel 60 Serjeant Wilde Justiciarius itinerans anglice journey-man judge had after the hanging of Capraine Burlye 1000. l. out of the privy purse of Darby-House 't is thought he afforded a great penniworth in his service which another would not have done for 10000. l. and it is affirmed hee had 1000. l. more upon the acquitall of Major Rolfe so it is all one to him whether hee hangs or he hangs not A LIST Of such Aldermen and Common-Councell-men as have great profits by the continuance of the Warre Excise Taxes and proceedings of the two houses of Parliament 1 JOHN VVarner Lord Major before his time One of the Treasurers at Warre hath three pence a pound for what hee receives in and as much by Ordinance for what hee payes out besides great gratuities to helpe men to their monies and buyes good penniworths of bad debts then payes himselfe Hee is also Treasurer for receipt of all monies that were due upon the Ordinance of the third of August 1643. and by the Ordinance of the 18. of August 1643. hee is made Treasurer for lone money Judas carried but one bag and is said to bee a theefe Warner thou seest hath three but my modesty will not say say so of him yet hee hath purchased at easy rates the Arch Bishop of Yorkes best house the Castle and Mannour of Caiwood but hee is one of the new Militia for London and therefore the City forces must justify whatsoever hee dooth 2 Sir John Wollaston Alderman at first hee was one of the Treasurers for plate c. a Treasurer at Warre Treasurer for lone money hee is Say Master of the Mint A trustee for safe of Bishops lands and hath bought the Bishop of Londons land at Highgate and hee is one of the new Militia 3 William Gibs Alderman was a melter of the Guildhall plate and bodkins by which hee got 7. or 8000. l. he was one of the Treasurers for 200000. l. to pay the Scots which was done in Earemarked halfe-Crownes call'd Gibists Hee is a trustee for Bishops lands and Treasurer for Rents and money raised by them and for what hee receives and what hee payes hath 1. d. per pound allowed by Ordinance besides what hee allowes himselfe hee also is one of the new Militia because hee must stand upon his guard 4 John Fowkes Alderman hee was a Commissioner for the Customes refused to account upon oath because his tender conscience might not discover ought against his profit hee hath reformed cheated is obsolete Jewes and Gentles Papist and Protestant for the Jewes hee saieth hee may under the Gospell as well borrow their car-rings as they under the Law did the Egyptians his Christian reformation would fill as much paper as the Declarations and Ordinances of the houses for forraigne Reformation enquire of Maddock Sawes a Greeke of Zant for whom hee was Factor for home Reformation you may learne from Mr. John Plumpton Thomas Milsoy Mr. Clearke a Cooper Mrs. ●eadell c. all whom he hath reformed he is so terrible in the City that at his name children hide theire nuts and apples fearing a reformation he was treasurer for payment of Waggoners hee is a trustee for Bishops Lands and controwler of accompt for them had first 200. l. per annum and after by an additionall Ordinance 300. l. a yeare more standing fee and were it more the K. deserves it 5 Tho. Atkins Alderman is a Member of the House of Commons and the Treasurer at warre that lick't his fingers as before 6 Isaac Pennington Alderman a member of the House of Commons while Lord Major hee got much money by passes out of towne more by turning men out of their places for pretended malignancy and putting others into them Hee was Lievetenant of the Tower of London Hee was trusted by Sir John Pennington with 6000 l which hee discover'd begg'd and had it By priviledge of Parliament hee is protected against creditors and therefore will not pay debts yet hath bought store of the Bishops lands 7 Francis Packe Alderman Commissioner for customes treasurer at Warre hath 3. d. per pound for all money paid to him or received from him hath bought the Bishop of Lincolnes Mannor and house at Bugden and one of the new Militia 8 Thomas Andrewes Alderman before the Parliament a great dealer in projects was treasurer for the plate and money brought into Guild-Hall hee is treasurer at Warre hath 3. d. per pound as others and was a Commissioner for customes 9 Samuell Avery Alderman a Commissioner for the customes a treasurer for sepuestrations and a trustee for sale of Bishops lands 10 Thomas Culham Alderman Commissioner for excise worth 1200. l. per annum 11 John Kenrick Alderman Commissioner for excise worth 1200. l. 12 Thomas Foote Alderman Commissioner for excise worth 1200. l.
The Second Centurie 1 CORNELIUS Holland his father died in the Fleete for debt and left him a poore boy in Court waiting on Sir Henry Vane then Controller of the Princes house hee is still Sir H. Vanes Zanie But now a cc-Commissioner with his Master for the Revenue of the King Queene and Prince Hee hath with the helpe of his Master made himselfe Farmer of the Kings feeding grounds at C●…slow in Buckinghamshire worth 1800. or 2000. l. per an at the Rent of 200. l. per an which hee discounts Hee is possessor of Somerset-House where hee and his family lives Hee is Keeper of Richmond House for his Countrey-Retreate Hee is Commissary for the Garrisons at White hall the Mues He hath an Office in the Mint Hee hath ten children and lately gave 5000. l. with a daughter after which rate the State must finde 5000. l. for portions 2 Sir Henry Vane senior hath the Bishop of Durbam's Mannor Park and Demeasnes of Evenwood had given him 5000. l. Is Chair-man for the King 's Queene's and Prince's Revenue the Epitomy whereof is Lord Treasurer His man Cozens is Clearke to the Committee and gets 1500. or 2000. l per an by it And if the Man such profits have What then must hee that keepes the 3 Sir Henry Vane junior sonne to the elder Hath totally outed Sir William Russell and is sole Treasurer to the Navy a place worth at least 6000. l. per annum in time of warre especially when the Lord Treasurer as his friend more when hee is his Father 4 Sir Thomas Trenchard had given him 1200. l. thus Hee married his daughter to a Malignant gave security for payment of 1200. l. portion beside Parliamentary courtesies got his sonne in law sequestred discovers the debt and hath it given him for his fidelity to the State A very Parliamentary way to pay Portions 5 John Trenchard brother to Sir Thomas but a better father in Lawe Hee is Governor of Wa●ham Hee married two of his daughters to Master Bingham and Master Sid●nham hee procured them to bee made Collonels of horse and foote and Governors of severall Garrisons gets them to bee chosen Members of the House of Commons and so makes them free of his owne Trade by their Fathers Copy 6 * William Bingham Coll. of horse and foote Governor of Poole and had given him 1000. l. 7 * John Sydenham Coll. of horse and fooote Governor of Waymouth and Melcom Regis and Commander in chiefe of Dorsetshire had given him 1000. l. 8 John Browne married Sir Thomas Trenchards sister is a prime Comm tree-man for the County seized 1000. l. worth of the Stock and goods of Farmer Wades in Portland the Committee quitted him of Malignancy but could not his goods being in the hands of a Member so they are Malignant still and secur'd in Mr. Brownes hands 9 Richard Rose hath the house and furniture of Master Bagley the Kings glasier which hee got thus Hee and Master John Trenchard went to severall houses about the Strand to hyre lodgings for Maliguants gave good rates but would have the best furniture and they being Members of the house would secure them Master Bagleyes was one Master Rose caused it to bee Sequestred and got it to himselfe for which hee and Master Trenchard fell out But Bagley though an honest man got not his goods againe Which crosses the Proverb 10 Dennis Bond a most insolent woollen Draper hee takes by his trustees his Sonnes and Brother one sonne hee made Master of Trinity-hall in Cambridge another Auditor of the Excise worth 500. l. per annum and his brother Governour of Portland and Receiver of the Kings rents in Southampton and Somerset 11 John Glynn made Recorder of London and Clearke of the Pells in Sir Edward Warders place worth 1000. l. per an Hee hath made his father in law Master Squib Clarencieux Herauld in Sir William Neve's place worth 800 l. per an and hath made his creature and kinsman Folconbridge Controuler of the excise worth 500. l. per an and also receiver generall of the King Queen Princes Revenue worth 2000. l. per an Mr. Glynne confer'd on his Cosen Lawrence Swetnam the wine Office worth 300. l. per an made him Receiver of the first Fruits worth 200 l. per an But Mr Swetnam dying Mr. Glyn got both places for his Brother in Law Mr. that they might not go out of the tribe 12 John Bell Apothecary to the body Politique hath as little given him as hee deserves in honest times but to preserve the Priveledge of the house is protected for what hee can get hee is a trustee for the poore of Westminstor Received of Mr. Antrobus and others money for the poore was sued for an Accompt said he could not answere without breach of priviledge of Parliament and that he durst not by which m●anes Parliament-men are the surest keepers of a trust 13 Sir Walter Earle Collonel of horse and Lieutenant of the Ordnance in Sir John Heydons place worth 1000. l. per an in time of Peace but in time of Warre worth 5000. l. per an 14 Thomas Earle sonne to Sir Walter Captaine of a Troope of horse seldom attends the house but followes his businesse in the Countrey where hee is a great Committee-man punisheth his and his fathers enimies and rewards himselfe and his friends 15 Thomas Atkins Alderman as honest as sweet he was a Treasurer at Warre and lick't his fingers 16 Gregory Clemens Marchant in both senses hath beene a member two monthes protests he hath scarce cleared the purchase money which was but 60. l. but saith Trading will mend 17 John Rowles Marchant hath given to him 1500. l. out of Sir John Worsenhams estate 18 Sir Thomas Jarvis hath Mr. Webbs place in Richmond little Parke 19 Edward Ashe Woollendraper Treasurer for the providing of Clothes for the Irish Souldiers 20 Sir John Danvers Collonel after the death of his brother the Earle of Danby he proved him to bee a Malignant and by Parliamentary proceedings ovorthrew his brothers will outed his sister Gargrave and Sir Peter Osborne of the State worth 30000. l. and hath it 21 * Thomas Harrison Major when the Warres began hee was Servant to Mr. Hulke an Atturney at Law 22 Edmond Dunes Constable of Wallingford-Castle 23 Sir Robert Harlow Mr. of the Mint in the Place of Sir Ralph Freeman and Sir Thomas Alesbury Before the Parliament was much indebted very poore and could not pay now hee is rich and will not pay 24 Edward Wingate Captaine of a Troope of horse 25 Thomas Grantham Collonel of horse 26 * William Ashcough Captaine of a Troope of horse 27 James Fienn●… Captaine of a Troope of horse 28 Sir John Merticke Major Generall 29 Henry Herbert given him 3000. l. and the plunder of Ragland Castle 30 * Fenwick 500. l. so small a some deserves not a Christian name 31 Gilbert Millington given him 1000. l. 32 Sir Henry Chomley Collonel of horse