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A72894 A briefe discourse of royall monarchie, as of the best common weale vvherin the subiect may beholde the sacred maiestie of the princes most royall estate. VVritten by Charles Merbury Gentleman in duetifull reuerence of her Maiesties most princely Highnesse. Whereunto is added by the same gen. a collection of Italian prouerbes, in benefite of such as are studious of that language. Merbury, Charles. 1581 (1581) STC 17823.5; ESTC S112612 39,761 95

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the ballances the kinge of BOEMIA And yet for all that the Electours were neuer so few the factions and ciuill discordes Difficulties and dissentions in the choosing of Princes that ensued were neuer a whit the lesse LEWIS of BAVIER and ALBERTE of AVSTRIKE were both chosen Emperours at one time whervpon they continued 18. yeares in warres one against the other In like maner the Colledge of the Cardinalles haue bene as is before saide sometimes two sometimes three yeares together in choosing of one Pope And at an other time they haue chosen three at a clappe and often times two together VVherfore they are now faine to shutte them selues into the CONCLAVE of Saint Peters Pallaice there to remaine vntill the two thirdes of them do fall to agreement As it is also more straightly obserued at MALTA now called VALETTA in the choosing of the great Maister of the order of Saint IOHN For there the 24. Electours appointed by the KNIGHTES of the great Crosse are walled into a strong place where within a certaine time limited vnto them they must without all delaye choose one that is not of their number So we see that the difficulties A number of Popes Emperour murdered about their Election and dissentions which proceede from such Elections are infinite The Murders also and massacres that do insue of them are no lesse frequent both amongest th'Ecclesiasticall Prelates and temporall Princes Of Popes there haue bene at the least 22. beheaded about their Election as the Registers of the VATTICANE doe certifie besides a number of Cardinalles and of common people that for the like cause haue gon the same waye with them VVe reade that in the Primatiue Church there were 600. Romanes slaine at one time about the choosing of DAMASVS and VRSINVS Of temporall Princes there haue bene within these 360. yeares since th' Empire fell into the subiection of the Lordes Electours eight or nine EMPEROVRS slaine and poisoned Of 15. SOVLDANES that haue bene chosen kinges of EGYPTE seuen of them dyed with the sworde Of Romane Emperours after the death of AVGVSTVS there were seuen all in a rowe murdered and three of them in one yeare It would greeue me to rehearse and weary you to heare all the piteous examples which might be recited in this behalfe wherof both English Latine and Italian histories are euery where full These few may suffice to shew what slaughters Murders Massacres haue bene cōmitted about The benefit of Succession the choosing of Princes Neither could there any order be found either for the sauftie of a kinge or for the quietnesse of a kingdome vntill such time as a lawfull sonne or sonne made by Adoption succeded vnto his father without Kingdomes assured by meanes of Succession any further Election As TIBERIVS TITVS TRAIAN ADRIAN ANTONINVS PIVS MARCVS AVRELIVS who all succeded prosperously one vnto th' other in the Romane Empire The Germaines also for all their great Titles of Election are faine at the last to flye vnto this refuge and to fetche their sauftie and quietnesse from Succession Suffering the house of AVSTRIKE these hundreth and three skore yeares solely and successiuely to possesse th' Empire As after SIGISMONDE FREDERIKE then MAXIMILIAN then CHARLES the fifth then FERDINANDE then MAXIMILIAN the seconde and so vnto RADVLPHE who now raigneth In POLONIA likewise BOHEMIA HONGARIE DENMARKE where the states stand so much vpon their Priuileges they are glad and faine of later yeares for the auoiding of ciuill warres and other of the aforesaid inconueniences to acknowledge the benefit of this Succession choosing for the most part him that is next of the blood Royall and next of kinne vnto the predecessed kinge So precious a thing it is as they that hate it are constrayned to seeke it And they that haue it are glad to holde it SPAINE NAPLES CICILLE NAVARRA SCOTLAND and FRAVNCE also whose Lawe SALIKE for ought that I can see is nothing else but a limited or nice kinde of Succession haue not for these many yeares knowen any other kinde of gouernement But of all nations there is none that more amplie How Succession is tendered in England hath enioyed it and which doth more willingly reteine it then our owne Seeing therefore that Lineall Succession is so sure a foundation as all good kingdomes both do and may boldly builde theron And contrarily ELECTION so weake a sande or rather so daungerous a Sea as it is able to sinke the tallest shippe of Citie or Countrey that saileth therin it is good reason that in this our discourse of ROYALL MONARCHIE as we desire to frame the same the best and the most perfecte common weale we embrace the one as a sure grounde and shunne the other as a most daungerous sande preferring Succession before Election and consequētly before all the other forenamed kindes of kingdomes the which all are either kindes of Election or else they are of lesse importance and such as are not to be estemed for their owne worthynesse but for some Necessitie sake As where Succession faileth that there is none lefte of the bloode Royall mall nor femall to inheritte the Crowne then men are faine to goe to drawing of Lottes to Neyinge of horses to choosing the Noblest the wisest the Eldest the Mightiest the Richest But the best and most Royall Prince is not to receiue his Scepter by any such happe or hazarde of fortune as DARIVS did his Nor to come to his kingdome by the vncertaintie of voices as all chosen Princes doe Nor yet by Gifte by Custome by Pollicie or by Conquest as it hath bene saide that kinge IVBA Duke COSIMVS and many other Princes did come to theirs But he is to come vnto his Crowne and kingdome first and principally by the grace of GOD and secondarily by the waye of lawfull and Lineall SVCCESSION It followeth that we speake of the maner of estate of this most ROYALL MONARCHIE and best kinde of kingdome Come sta how and in what case it standeth as touching the Power and authoritie appertaining thervnto For it is not sufficient that so ROYALL a Prince be descended Lineally and lawfully into his kingdome But he must also possesse and exercise such ROYALL and princely Power therin as is most fitte for his worthynesse and for his subiectes happynesse Neither in so extreame maner as to make A god of him selfe as ALEXANDER the great would haue done and slaues of his vassalles as the Great TVRKE at this daye doth Neither yet in so slender sorte as to haue the sworde caried after him as the Duke of VENICE hath and to be but a litle better then a sipher or shadowe of a Prince What power appertaineth vnto a Royall Prince He is for to haue therefore by the grace and Permission of Almightie God that Power which the Greekes call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Latines MAIESTATEM Th' Italians SIGNORIA The Frenchmen SOVVERAINETE That is Power full and perpetuall ouer all
and Swethlande adopted HENRY Duke of Pomerane for their heires and successours in all their dominitions So in king HENRY the fifth of England byside the interest of his auncesters and his owne interest vnto the Crowne of France was added an adoption by his father in law the french kinge CHARLES the sixte Some kingdomes are Kingdomes by Lotte translated from one to an other by lotte or P●ouince of fortune as it happened vnto DARIVS one of the seuen Lordes of PERSIA who was made kinge because his horse first neyed Kingdomes by Pollicie Some estates are gotten by Pollicie as in olde time CECROPES HIERON GELON PISISTRATVS gotte theirs and as of later yeares COSMVS of MEDICES added the state of SIENNA vnto his Dukedome of FLORENCE Kingdomes by Cōquest A number of kingdomes also are gotten by conqueste As FERDINAND of ARAGON the first king of Spaine got the kingdomes of NAPLES NAVARRA SICILE and after him his daughters sonne CHARLES the fifte got the kingdome of THVNES the dukedome of MILAN the Soueranitie of Artois and Flanders Kingdomes by Election Others go by Election as the kingdome of POLONIA doth And of this kinde there are diuers sortes For some are chosen kinges for their Noblenesse of birthe As CAMPSON kinge of Caramania was by the Mammelucs chosen for their SOVLDANE the Vycountes of ANGLERIE were for their noble birth made Lordes of MILANE Some for their Iustice as NVMA POMPILIVS was by the Romaines Some for their olde age as the auncient ARABIANS did choose alwayes the eldest Some for their great possessions and mightie power AS HARAVLDE sonne to GOODWINNE Earle of Kente was after the death of kinge EDWARD surnamed the Sainte because of the good and wholesome lawes which he in this our countrey instituted chosen the last SAXON kinge in Englande Some for their strenght of body as MAXIMINVS Others for their beautie as HELIOGABALVS Others for their greatnesse and tallnesse of stature As they were wonte to doe in AETHIOPIA All which are kindes of kingdomes and they may be good and lawfull according as they are well and lawfully vsed But they are not of that excellencie which is required in our best kingdome For there is yet an other kinde farre more excellent then any of them more commendable more sure lesse subiect to corruptiō more capable of perfection VVhich is when a Which is the best kinde of Kingdome kingdome descendeth by right of Succession vnto the next of the blood royall In the which point we are cōtent to swarue from him whom hitherto in the waye of Philosophie we haue most followed who was of opinion that kinges were rather to be chosen calling them people Barbarous which did take their kinges by way of Succession preferring therefore the Carthaginians That Succession is to be preferred before Election before the Lacedemonians because these receiued their kinges by Succession those by Election But perhappes ARISTOTLE would haue differed herein from him selfe if he had liued a litle longer for to haue sene how the MONARCHIE of Macedone hauing continued fiue hundreth yeares from the father vnto the sonne in the right Line of HERCVLES was after for want of Royall and Lineall Succession brought vnto vtter confusion Or if he had liued in these dayes of ours to haue seene how kingdomes goe now how they florish how amplie they distēde them selues he would doubtlesse haue changed his opinion and neuer haue called Barbarous so many goodly countryes and so diuers sondry sortes of nations both of ASIA as the Persians Medians Parthenians Turkes Tartarres Arabians of AFRICA the Aethiopians Barbarians Numidians of EVROPE England Scotland Fraunce Spaine Naples Sicile preferring before all th'afore saide riche and florishing Estates a few colde countryes of Polonia Demnarke and Swethland because these haue their kinges by Election those by Succession But he neuer needed for to haue liued so long for this matter For if he would but haue looked backe with an indifferent eye into his owne countrey of Greece the which he commended to be so ciuill he should haue found that th' Athenians Lacedemonians Sicyonians Corinthians Thebanes Epirotes Macedonians for the space of sixe hundreth yeares neuer had any other gouernement but of kinges and those by the right and lawfull waye of Succession vntill such time as ambition pride and priuate Interest blinded their vnderstanding and made them change their kingdomes into DEMOCRATIES and ARISTOCRATIES missterming the same by the false name of libertie The like may be said of the auncient Toscanes and of the olde Latines who many hundreth yeares before the building of ROME had their kinges and gouernours descending lineally one vnto an other As we reade that AENEAS by the right of his wife succeded vnto LATINVS TIBERIVS of whome the riuer of Teuer or Tyber which runneth by ROME was so named vnto AENEAS and so forth vntill the kingdome came to ROMVLVS by the waye of his mother RHEA daughter to NVMITOR and Nece to AMVLIVS kinges of the Latines VVhereby we maye gather that in those dayes neither Election was vsed nor yet any exception made of kinde or Gender But some man will say O how happy is that coūtrey where the estates of the people do make choise of a iust and righteous Prince who feareth God aboue all thinges honoreth vertue oppresseth vice giueth rewarde vnto the good and punishment vnto the wicked that hateth flatterers keepeth his fayth and his promisse banisheth out of his Courte the Inuentours of new exactions reuengeth the iniuries that are done vnto others forgiueth those that are done vnto him selfe These are faire speeches and they seeme to cary with them great good apparences Sed lates anguis in herba they shew not id manticae quod in tergo est But as we are wonte to carie alwayes two sachelles about vs one before to put other mens faultes in and an other behinde wherin to hide our owne So they make no mention of the daungers and discommodities which are incident vnto such kinde of Elections As what What Incōueniences do proceede from Elections a monsterous Inconuenience is that when Sede vacante after the Prince is deade and before a new can be chosen the whole state remaineth in a very ANARCHIE without kinge or any kinde of gouernement like a shippe without a Pilote in hazarde to be cast awaye with euery winde Then may you see all lewdnesse and licentiousnesse set at libertie Theeues robbe by the highe way side without punishment Murderers commit their treasons without controllment For the first thing that is done Sede vacante is to breake open the prisons kill the iâylors reuenge iniuries oppresse the poore with all insolent and vniust meanes As we reade that the MAMMELVCS were wont to doe sacking and spoiling the poore people of EGYPTE whilest their SOVLDANE was a choosing And this Impunitie of vice for the most parte lasteth vntill such time as the ELECTORS doe fall to agreement which happeneth not some times in
a yeare or twaine otherwhiles not in tenne The Empire of Germanie laie voide 18. yeares together after the death of th' Emperor VVILLIAM Earle of Holande The Sea of ROME after the death of CLEMENT the fifte remained two yeares and a halfe without any Pope after NICHOLAS the third three yeares after Pope IOHN fiue yeares and sometimes the Sea hath bene vacant tenne yeares together In all the which time a Romane coulde not stirre out of his dores without daunger a stranger could not trauaile on the highe wayes without perill of his life And at this daye there are so many FVORVSCITI vpon the borders as that no man will ryde betwene ROME and NAPLES without the PROCACCIO and 40. or 50. horse in his companie VVheras in euery other parte of ITALIE that I haue bene in and I haue bene in the most parte a man may ryde safly with his purse in the palme of his hande But you will saye that there may be therefore in time of vacation A gouernour apointed to administer Iustice and to punish vice So shall all this tempestuous Sea be quieted all those mischiefes remedied I graunt well but yet with a greater How daungerous a gouernour is Sede vacante mischiefe For if the gouernement be committed vnto one only with absolute power and authoritie to rule and commaunde vntill the Prince be elected let me aske you who shall lette such a one as hath the lawe in his owne handes to make him selfe if he liste of a gouernour a king as GOSTAVVS father vnto IOHN kinge of Swethlande did If he haue Legions of souldiers at his commaundement who shall let him from making him selfe of a Consull for a time a Dictator for euer as IVLIVS CAESAR did Againe if the gouernement be laide during th' Election vpon sundry persones as it is now vsed in POLONIA and as it was wonte to be some times in ROME The daunger is no lesse lest the mightiest of them that haue such power laie not handes vpon the Fortresses and strongest holdes of the Countrey As POMPEIO COLONNA and ANTONIO SAVELLA did who in the like case seazed vpon the CAMPIDOLLE crying vnto the people of ROME Libertie Libertie So we see that the woundes are well nighe incurable which such countries receiue at the death of their Princes The paines are no lesse and the daungers as great or greater which they sustaine in choosing of their new kinges As what a worlde of trouble was that Troubles and daungers incidente vnto Elections of late yeares in the kingdome of POLONIA about th' Election when the Pollackes were faine to sende into Fraunce so many miles thorough so many countryes for the Duke of Anioue now HENRY the third of Fraunce to be their king and what successe all their paines and trauailes had who knoweth it not Did not the Duke so soone as his brother CHARLES dyed that a greater kingdome fell vnto him leaue them and retourne into his owne countrey as right and reason would that a man should be more carefull of his owne Nation then of strangers And the like did LODOVIKE kinge of Hungarie before him who being chosen and crowned kinge of Polonia retourned straight after into his owne countrey leauing a Lieftenante behinde him to gouerne the Polonians withall A thing odious vnto men of valour and greuous vnto all free people when they can not see the face and countenance of their Soueraine Prince but must be controlled with the pride and ouerlayed with the couetuousnesse of inferiour Magistrates The which burden how vnwillingly it is borne MILAN NAPLES SIENA SICILE and FLANDERS to their cost and paine haue knowen But let vs imagine that a Prince hauing two kingdomes one by succession an other by Election and being lothe to leaue either of them will make what shifte he can to be personally residente vpon them both the which he can hardly doe excepte they be very neere adioyning one to the other who doubteth then but that he will make if he can one kingdome of them both or of both kingdomes one MONARCHIE AS CHARLES the fifth would haue done with the countryes of Germanie hauing brought his sonne PHILIPPE purposely into those partes for to haue made him king of the Germanes if the french kinge HENRY the first had not by aiding of them distourned him from that his pretended and commenced course But though th'Emperour was of that his purpose so disapointed and could not be suffred to vnite the countryes of Germany vnto his other kingdomes yet it is well knowen that he lost not all the benefitte of his Election nor all his labour and time in vaine which he bestowed in those partes But so long as he liued and sate in the seat of th' Empire their are many that can yet remember how he made his Haruest of them and rept what commodities he could of the said countryes drawing forth of them from time to time both men money and Munition to serue his other priuate purposes withall As in his Italian warres against the French king FRANCES the first he had at one time vnder the conducte of CHARLES of BORBONE his Lieftenant 18. thousand at the lest of the Dutch Nation By meanes of whome and of a few Spagniardes more he droue the French men out of all their possessions in Lombardie he impatroned him selfe of the Dukedome of MILANE he impropriated to his one vses the Cities of PARMA and PIACENZA he altered for his owne aduantage the states of FLORENCE SIENA and of GENOVA he sacked ROME and in briefe by meanes of the Germaines he subdued and brought all Italie vnder his yoke In like maner when he went to ALGIERS An enterprise which could no kinde of waye benefit the Germaine Nation no nor yet any whit the Estate of Christendome but tending altogether vnto the benefit and aduancement of his owne countryes of Spaine he vsed not onely the bodies but the goods and substance also of the Germaines causing them by waye of a Counsell or Diette which he called purposely to the same end to contribute vnto the Glorious in the setting forth therof though not in the fequelle successe of the same charges of that his glorious voiage He was therefore a Prince if you regarde the greatnesse of his minde the hautinesse of his Enterprises the number of his victories the hugenesse of his possessions his valour his wisedome and his temperance he was I say a Prince most worthie of that fame and great name which he caried in the mouth and th'opiniō of the world But if you looke into his doinges and whereto they tended you shall finde and I haue heard an honorable personage that knew him well and most of his proceedinges affirme the same that he was the lest beneficiall Emperour vnto the common weale of Christendome and the most hard and heauy Prince vnto the states of Germanie of a great many others that went before him and of any that as yet are come after
Royall Prince is not tributarie vnto any SPAIGNE Neither shall he paye tribute vnto any forreine Prince as the Common weale of CARTHAGE after it was subdued by SCIPIO AFRICANVS did vnto the people of ROME Neither yet any annuall pension is he to paye as some great Princes of Christendome haue done vnto the greate Turke The Common weales of VENICE GENOVA RAGVSA for the countreyes they haue confining vpon him doe yet the like And as not long since LEWIS th'leuenth of FRANCE payed 50. thousand crownes a yeare vnto kinge HENRY the eight of noble memorie for to haue peace with him and with our Nation Much lesse shall he be Liege Vassall vnto any as the kinges of SCOTLAND were wonte to be vnto the kinges of ENGLANDE The Dukes of BRITANNIE vnto the kinges of FRANCE Neither shall he The most Royall Prince holdeth not in Fee or in Fealtie of any holde in Fee or Fealtie of any as most of the Cities in ITALIE doe of th' Empire and the kingdomes of NAPLES and SICILLE doe of the Pope The Knightes of MALTA of the kinge of SPAINE these giuing yearly a Faulcon those a white amblinge Geldinge some one thing some an other VVhich all are certaine kindes of subiections and spyces of Seruitude carying with them a number of rightes duties honours and reuerences vnworthie of the dignitie of a ROYALL Prince VVho must be as the Gramarians saye a Noune Substantiue able to stande of him selfe without the helpe or aide of an other without paying Tributes doing Homages swearing Fealties and Inconueniences proceding from Subiectiōs Loyalties vnto any forreine Prince COSMVS Duke of FLORENCE of late remembrance might not be made kinge of TOSKANE although Pope PIVS the fourth had a good will to make him Because he helde his Cities and Tounes of the Empire VVherefore the Emperour hearing of his sute saide Italia non habet Regem nisi Casarem The French kinge FRANCES the first of that name for to let CHARLES the fifth as then Archeduke of AVSTRIA from being chosen Emperour shewed vnto the Electours how that the Imperiall Maiestie should be to much imbased if they made of his vassall their chiefe and Souueraigne VVhich made the saide CHARLES hauing after taken FRANCES prisoner at the famous battaile fought in the Parke of PAVIA that he would neuer condescende vnto his deliuerance vntill he was first exempted by FRANCES from all kinde of Seruices and Subiections which he owed vnto the Crowne of FRANCE for the Countreyes he helde of ARTOYS and FLANDERS It seemeth so base a thing vnto the Maiestie of a ROYALL Prince to become the Liege man of an other to sweare Fayth and Loyaltie vnto an other ioyning his handes within the handes of an other to fall downe on Seruices annexed vnto the foresaide Subiectiōs his knees as TIRIDATES kinge of ARMENIA did before NERO to kisse the Thresholde of the dore as PRVSIAS kinge of BITHINIA did when he entered into the Senate house of ROME to call him selfe the Seruant of an other as ASDRVBALL called him selfe the FACTOR and PROCVRATOR of the people of ROME These I saye and such like Indignities proceeding from Protections Tributes Fealties Loyalties and the other kindes of the forenamed Subiections are so much abhorring vnto the Soueraignitie of a ROYALL and absolute Prince as he will choose rather to parte from whole Countreyes then to incurre and indure such indignities VVherefore quarells were made against the kinges of England her MAIESTIES most ROYALL predecessours touching the Dukedomes of GVYENNE and NORMANDIE The Earldome of POITOV and MVTTRELL and many other goodly Possessions which they helde in FRANCE because they vouchesaued not to be bounde to doe Honours and Homages for the same But no meruaile though great kinges can not abide Subiections whē the Prince of ORANGE this mans father refused of the French kinge LEWIS th' eleuenth tenne times so much as his Principallitie was worth because he would not be subiecte to Seruices and Vassallties CALISTENES also the Nephew of ARISTOTLE being but a priuate man chose rather to dye then he would according to the maner of the Persians fall downe prostrate and adore ALEXANDER as a God aboue the estate of man And I haue harde how an Imbassadour for the VENETIANS at CONSTANTINOPLE when he was to haue audience of the Great TVRKE vnto whome he coulde not haue accesse but thorough a litle lowe place made of purpose because men should come stoping and kneeling vnto him The VENETIAN Imbassadour supposing in him selfe the reuerend Hienesse of that estate creeped thorough the hole with his backe forewardes A thing which the GRAN SIGNOR can in no maner of waye abide to see a mans taile towardes him But for to retourne vnto our most ROYALL Prince we will conclude that he is not to doe Homage or Honour vnto any not to paye Tribute or Pension vnto any not to be subiect either at home or abroade vnto any not to holde in Fealtie or in Loyaltie by Protection or by Commission nor for a shorte time or season But to rule really fully and perpetually Conclusion of the Treatice according as we haue in a generall maner hitherto discoursed I coulde wishe to speake more particularly of the ROYALTIES and prerogatiues belonging vnto the Maiestie of a Soueraine Prince as of his power and authoritie in allowing and disallowing of maters propounded to be Lawes in proclaming of warres and concluding of Peace in choosing and refusing of Magistrates in coyning and rating of money in erecting of Fortresses in graunting Pardons Licences Liberties and Priuileges c. But because they are matters of more waight and therefore doe require good aduisement and better authority I thinke good to suspende them vntill a more conuenient time or else to commende them vnto those that are of more approued Iudgement and better warranted to deale with them In the meane while I hope that these fewe lines of ours concerning the maner and forme of the best Common weale shall not seeme altogether impertinent to shew the Excellencie and Dignitie the Power and Maiestie of ROYALL MONARCHIE VVhereby all good subiectes seeing the greatnesse which God hath indued Princes withall to be as it were his LIEFTENANTES to gouerne vs here vppon Earth may respecte and reuerence them with all humilitie Serue and obaye them with all Loyaltie heare and speake of them with all honour PROVERBI VVLGARI RACCOLTI IN DIVERSI LVOGHI D'ITALIA ET LA maggior parte dalle proprie bocche de gl'Italiani stessi PER Carlo Merbury Gentil'huomo Inglilese ILQVALE NE FA PRESENTE DI COSÌ FATTA SVA INDVSTRIA à gl'amici patroni suoi honorati della lingua Italiana studiosi A I NOBILI ET ILLVSTRI SIGNORI DI CORTE ET ALtri gentil'huomini honorati della lingua Italiana intendenti IO non sò Signori Illustri che luogo habbia trouato ne ' vostri cortesi concetti quel mio precedente discorso se riguardando all'altezza