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A72050 The First and second part of the history of the famous Euordanus Prince of Denmark With the strange aduentures of Iago Prince of Saxonie: and of both theyr seuerall fortunes in loue. 1605 (1605) STC 10566.5; ESTC S121626 137,776 203

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of men readie to incounter theyr enemies so much had the lacke of vse of Armes since the losse of theyr King altered that florishing kingdom which in former time did greatly abound with many stout hardy Knights a great number whereof were either dead or lost in the search of their King The one halfe of which Armie béeing giuen in charge vnto the Lords of Opencade Londen marched towards the Archbishop and his confederates who with the number of 12 or 14. thousand souldiers being on the other side the riuer of Estate began to spoyle and sack the Country putting to sword all those that made any resistance against them and hauing taken Cargue and Londen two Townes of great strength placed therein garrisons then marching towards Opencade they heard of the comming of the Lords of Opencade Londen and fearing to be taken at aduantage they altered theyr course towards Rensborge where the Earle Dowglasse with his forces was landed hoping to ioyne with him which the Lords of Opencade Londen vnderstanding pursued him so eagerly that béeing come within sight almost of the Scots they set vpon their rereward putting a great number of them to the sword and euen at the same instant was the other Army which which was ledde by the Lord Itsenho and the County of Mildrop likewise come in sight which caused a great feare in the harts of the Traytors so that had it not béene for a company of two thousand Scots which came to their rescue vnder the conduct of Sir Iames Lewrence Cosin german vnto the Earle they had béen all eyther slaine or put to flight but the comming of this succor so animated theyr almost fainting courages that where before they were in a manner ready to turne theyr backes they now began to recouer theyr ground that they had lost the fight growing very hote and bloody on both sides there béeing slaine of the States aboue a thousand souldiers and of the Rebels 800. Longer had the fight continued but that the Lord Harding and the Count Hermes fearing the comming of the other power which was hard at hand caused the retraite to be sounded and so with an easie pace marched to the Scottish Campe not minding if they could chuse to fight in two or thrée daies because of the wearines of his souldiers who comming newly from Sea were many of them distempered The States likewise hauing ioynd both theyr Armies intrenched themselues thus lay they by the space of seauen dayes within view of each other daily skyrmishing together in which the States alwaies had the worst through theyr vnskilfulnesse in martiall discipline where we will for a while leaue them and returne to speake of other matters CHAP. XV. Howe the Prince Iago naming himselfe the Knight of Fortune departed out of England and arriuing in Fraunce trauailing through the Forrest of Towers hee deliuered a Lady from a mighty Giant PRince Iago hauing deliuered the Lady Beleriza naming himselfe the Knight of Fortune was greatly honoured in the English Court where at the intreatie of the King hee stayed by the space of a month where daily hee heard many strange reports of the Inchaunted Castle in the Kingdome of Fraunce and beeing desirous to try the aduenture thereof his Squire giuing him to vnderstand that there was a shippe ready bound for the Riuer of Nainse determined to passe ouer therein wherefore taking his leaue of the King and Quéene and others who had shewed him great honour during his abode in England the Lady Beleriza hauing made him many large proffers for the vnspeakeable kindnesse which shee had receiued at his hands all which hee refused but because hee would not shew himselfe altogether discurteous hee receiued a fayre Diamond which he promised alwaies for her sake to weare vpon his finger And now hauing prouided all such things as he had néed of and agréeing with the Maister of the ship for his passage he went aboord and hauing the wind fayre they set to Sea in so happy a time that within sixe dayes they arriued at a Port called Old-bay where going on shore they directed theyr course towards the Citty of Nanse where he staying awhile to rest himselfe he vnderstood that the Quéene with a great trayne of Lords Ladies were lately arriued at the Citty of Towels whether because it lay not much out of his way he determined to trauell to sée the fashion of the French Court which then florished with noble Dames among whō was the Princesse Emilia and her fayre daughter Oliua whom as before wee haue saide was begotten by the famous Prince Edward her betrothed husband the night before he departed towards the inchanted Castle together with a goodly sonne called Hendritio both which Children were very carefully educated by the good King Carolus theyr grand-father And béeing nowe come vnto the age of sixtéene yéeres the young Hendritio was exercised in riding of horses running at tylt wherin he shewed himselfe not any way vnlike to the noble Prince his Father hauing a great desire to be knighted whcih by no meanes his Grand-father would permit fearing least he would hazard himselfe in that aduenture whereof there had so many failed The Princesse Oliua in like sort béeing of most singuler and rare beautie could scarce be suffered to be once out of the sight of her Grand mother who loued her more then any of her owne Children and being now as we haue said at the Citty of Towers the Quéene partly for her owne content but chiefely for to delight the Princesse Emilia her Daughter who continually since the losse of the English Prince had spent her time in great sorrow onely the comfort which shée had in her children did a little mittigate the same did daily vse to ride foorth on hunting into the forrest which was euen hard adioyning to the Citty in which forrest there was great store of all manner of wilde Beastes And béeing the same day that the Knight of Fortune was comming to the Court gone foorth very early the Huntsmen had roused a mighty Hart which making way before the hounds caused all the Lords and Ladies to follow after and gallopping very swiftly through the Forrest had quickly separated themselues into many companies so that with the Quéene there was left no more but the Princesse Oliua and two or thrée other Ladies and some three or foure Knights when suddenly a mighty great Giant all armed issued out from the thickest of the wood and with a meruailous fierce countenance came towards them to the great astonishment of the Quéene the other Ladies who began to flie as fast as their horses could carry them One of the Knights that was with the Quéene béeing more hardie then his fellowes stayd to make resistance whilst the others escaped but alas small was the defence which hee could make being vnarmed against so mighty a foe whose huge Armour he was not able to pierce although thereon he brake his Borespeare which
Ireland and knew well how to defend himselfe but yet farre vnequall to the other who pursued him with so many huge weighty blowes breaking his shield and Armor in péeces that he caused the blood to issue foorth abundantly himselfe through the goodnes of his Armour not hauing receiued any wound so that it manifestly appeared which way the victory would bend it selfe had it not béene that the rest of Callapins company who perceiued him almost ouercome put themselues in his defence Héere againe the battell began to grow doubtfull they béeing eyght and all on horsebacke whereby they had the far greater aduantage which the good Knight perceiuing and séeing there was no way to auoyde this danger but by his owne prowesse gaue Callapin so sound a blow on the head that cleauing both Helme and head to the téeth caused him to fall dead to the ground and making as if he would haue fled hee came to Gillimo and mounting himselfe on horseback he incountred one of them who breaking his staffe on his good shield was sent besides his saddle to measure his length on the ground where to make him sure for dooing any further harme Gillimo tooke paynes to cut off his head But now was the other seauen come vnto him who all at once charged him with their Launces in such sort that his horse not béeing able to indure the incounter fel vnder him but soone was hée againe remounted by his Squire who brought him Callapins horse then began hee to lay on such blowes as well he gaue them to vnderstand that they could not long indure against him frō some cutting their armes from their bodies ouerthrowing others to the ground who neuer could rise againe for that the two Squires and Gillimo made them safe by cutting their throats thus continued the battell two long howres the Knight of the Lyons neuer hauing leisure to breathe himselfe so obstinate were they in the séeking of theyr owne deaths which by thys time sixe of them had gained the other two séeing theyr fellowes all slaine betooke thēselues to flight hoping thereby to saue theyr liues but béeing pursued by the Knight they were soone ouertaken leauing theyr liues for a satisfaction of theyr former offences Which when Molenda perceiued with her Daughter who by this time was come vnto her cast themselues at his féete and gaue him most hartie thankes for theyr deliuery proffering him all that they had if hée would accept thereof But hee raysing them from the ground willed them to render thankes to GOD who had sent him as a scourge to punish such wicked offenders as were those whom hee had vanquished Then taking theyr way into the Castle they remained there all that night where they were feasted by the Mother and the Daughter who séeing him so young and beautifull admired how he could be of such force to effect such déedes as hee had brought to passe therefore desiring to know what hee was Molenda beganne in this sort Most valiant Knight séeing you will not receiue any thing of vs whereby we might manifest vnto you the thankfulnes of our mindes yet I beséech you let vs know vnto whom we are so much bounden whereby in our prayers we may record this your memorable action The Knight aunswered As for that you demaund I cannot satisfie you because I know not mine owne estate but where I am knowne I am called the Knight of the Lyons by reason of these Lyons which I beare on my shield Farther they would haue questioned with him but fearing to displease him they gaue ouer and hauing brought him vnto his Chamber they committed him to GOD where that night by reason of his extreame wearinesse and his watching the night before hée slept very soundly Where wée will leaue him awhile and returne to declare what hapned in the meane time to Prince Edward of England whom you may remember in the former part of this History intended to demaund the beautifull Princesse Emilia of her Father the King of Fraunce CHAP. VII How the Prince of England demaunded Emilia of her father in marriage and of the strange aduenture that hapned in the French Court whereby all the chiefe Knights were forced to forsake the Court. IT is declared in the first part of this history how that Prince Edward of England being in the French Court where he ouercame the Duke of Orleance and after maintained the Princesse Emilia to be the beautifullest Lady in the world of whom hee grew so farre inamoured that hee determined to demaunde her of the King her father Wherefore one day being in a melancholly humor walking in a delightfull garden ioyning to the Pallace to recreate himselfe the King likewise came thether being accompanied with one page only and finding the Prince somewhat pensiue demaunded the cause thereof to which he replied The cause of this my dumpes in which you say I now am in procéedes partly from your selfe in regard I feare your deniall in a matter for which I minde to be a suter vnto you which feare driues me into a doubt whether I were best to speake in the same fearing to bee denayd or else conceals the same to my selfe which likewise may bréede a farther danger The King a while studying with himselfe what the matter might be at length gaue him this aunswere Most noble Prince the loue which I bare vnto you is such that it causeth me not to dissemble with you wherefore knowe that I cannot chuse but take these your spéeches in very vnkind part howsoeuer by you spoken for if the matter be reasonable which you would request then how farre you wrong mee in doubting my consent therein I referre to God only who knowes the thoughts of my hart If vnreasonable to your selfe who knowes what it is from ones friend to expect those things which hee cannot well without his great preiudice graunt wherefore declare boldly what it is that troubles your minde and assure your selfe you shall finde me willing to satisfie you therein if it bée not greatly to the preiudice of my honor and state of this my Kingdome The Prince hearing this friendly and to him ioyfull conclusion replied that he did greatly thanke his Maiestie for that great loue which hee did assure him of wherefore now putting all feare and doubte aside hée would declare the same vnto him which was this that being greatly wounded with the vertues and beauty of the Princesse Emilia his daughter whom in hart he had vowed to loue and fearing least he had otherwise disposed of her indéede was the cause of his pensiuenesse Which when the King heard with a smiling countenance made him this aunswere and is it possible that beautie can cause such alteration in you or else that loue can so soone take possession of your hart as comming frée to this my Court where you haue scarcely remained one month but indéede your combat with the Duke our Cosin and after hazarding your selfe in the same Challenge
Castle where he was layd on a good bedde and his wounds carefully looked vnto For Syr Pestrill who vnder the Duke his Cosin was Commaunder of the Castle was a very vertuous Knight and one who greatly pittied the Princes captiuity considering what greefe would thereby rise both to the King and all the Nobilitie of Fraunce He also caused the body of the Giant Brandofell to be brought in and cured whose wounds though they were many and great yet were there none of them mortall The Damsell séeing things sort according to her minde departed away highly contented Now returne we to the Princes Squyre who hauing beheld this vnhappy ouer-throw of his Maister together with his imprisonment not knowing whether hee were liuing or dead fared like a man out of his wits and ran raging vp and downe the Forrest crying and exclaiming against fortune and the destinies which had permitted such great inuistice and at length the morning being come hée determined to returne vnto the Citty of Parris where the next day he arriued and comming vnto the King before him and all the nobles of the Court hee recounted his Masters misaduenture together with all that hapned in the battaile with the two Giants which bred such a griefe and amazednesse in all the hearers as well you may iudge if the like euent should hapen Euery one determining to hazard their liues or to set him frée if he liued all concluding it to be an inchauntment knowing that in that place there was neuer any Castle heard of But when this newes came to the Princesse Emilia you may well thinke her griefe was not smal for falling presently into a traunce her Damsells had much to doe to recouer life in her againe and being in the end recouered bursting foorth into bitter exclamations both against the heauens and powers thereof thus continued shee all that night sounding and resounding in the armes of her Ladies and Gentlewomen the King her father and the Quéene vsing all the meanes they could by perswasions to comfort her Héere will wée for a while leaue them in this generall lamentation for the losse of the English Prince euery one making prouision to goe try the same aduenture and will returne to speake of the Prince Iago of Saxonie CHAP. IX How the Prince of Saxonie remaining discontent in his fathers Court after the departure of Euordanus departed secretly as a Knight arrant to seeke aduentures YOu may remember how discontented the Saxon Prince tooke the departure of his supposed brother the Gentleman of the Forrest who hauing séene him aboord being againe returned vnto the Court beganne to waxe so melancholy that hee séemed to take delight in nothing although the Duke his father perceauing it and for remedy for the same deuised all the meanes he could to worke his content as by proclaming Iusts and turnaments wherein he héeretofore was wont to receaue great content and other times hunting of the wilde Boare and such other exercises still fearing his departure But neither this nor yet the delightfull company of the Princesse his sister whom he intirely loued could in any sort worke him that content which he was wont to receaue in the company of the Gentleman of the Forrest whose want together with the desire of following strange aduentures wherein he hoped to atchieue immortall renowne by his valiant and heroick déedes which hee doubted not but so performe increased in him such an ardent desire to trauell Whereof many times being denaied by the Duke his Father at length hauing resolued with himselfe to depart he called vnto him one of his Squires whom hee intirely loued and on whose secresie and good seruice hee more depended then on any other and declaring vnto him his determination willed him to prouide for their departure which should bee with all the secresie that might bée His Squire hauing vnderstoode his Maisters resolution departed to prouide for the same and comming to the harbor found a ship ready bound for England and agréeing with the maister thereof for their passage the next night conuayed aboord both horse and armor and such other things as should bee requisite for their iourny and hauing informed the Prince héereof the next day the Prince being accompanied only with his Squire as many times he was accustomed departed from the Pallace not suspected of any one hauing left in his chamber window a letter written to his father declaring therein the cause of his departure Thus walking a foote they arriued towards euening at the port where the shippe ancored and comming aboord hauing the winde faire they set saile directing their course for Douer of which harbor the shippe was Thus beeing at Sea and hauing the winde and weather faire the Prince betooke himselfe to sléepe being with cares ouerwatched for in thrée nights before he had not slept so earnest was his minde bent on this his iourny and now being as hée thought in security from being stopped of his purpose hée slept soundly till it was towards the morning when hée thought there appeared before his sight the beautifullest Lady that euer he beheld who comming vnto him cast herselfe into his armes desiring his protection against a fierce and vgly Giant who pursued her The Prince héerewith awaking beganne to ponder with himselfe concerning his dreame musing what it might signifie but the beauty and comly grace of the Lady stucke so fast in his memory that by no meanes he could put the same out of his minde which caused him in the end to conclude that it must néedes bée some Lady whom the destinies had ordained him to loue determined to yéeld himselfe prisoner before the assault should grow too hote thus continued this amerous young Prince intangled in her beauty whom he neuer had séene minding to rest in no place vntill such time as he had found her out whom in his dreame he beheld By this time had they continued at Sea by the space of eight daies not méeting with any aduenture worth the memory hauing the winde faire and the Seas so calme as might bée till on the ninth day comming almost on shore on the caost of Fraunce they perceaued a shippe with sailes and ores as much as they could to make towards them which the Maister and the rest of the Saylers presently knewe to be a Pyrat and calling the Prince vnto them to knowe what counsell hée would giue in this extremitie they all beeing minded to yéeld rather then to fight considering the vnequalnesse of the match and the cruelty the Pyrats commonly vsed to those who made resistance But the Prince not minding to submit himselfe into the hands of such villaines gaue them counsell not to yéeld but to fight it out to the last man and calling for his Armor immediatly armed himselfe swearing them all to performe their best indeuours for to defend themselues By this time was the Pirate come vp with them and warning them to yéelde vnto his mercie the Prince standing aloft vppon
of the thieues but fell into as great or greater ill For whilst the King and the other Lords held the thieues somewhat short by defending themselues as is before declared the fearefull Quéene flying into the wood for safety strayed two and fro shee wist not whether At length béeing wearied with running and fainting still with feare shée sate her downe vnder a Iuniper bush to refresh her selfe where after shee had awhile rested her selfe shée began to call to mind and consider in what great danger shée had left her Lord husband then reprouing herselfe for that she had not rather made choyce to haue stayed and ended her dayes with him then thus to haue romed she wist not whether Then rising vp shee determined to haue returned to the same place where she left them fighting but strayed further so that tracing and trauersing vp and downe the wood shee spent the whole day to her no small griefe And now darke night hauing spred her sable mantle ouer the face of the earth the sorrowfull Quéene not knowing what to doe or whether to goe determined to take vp her lodging for that night vnder a broade branched Oake fast by a fountaines side wheras the wild beasts of the Forrest did commonly resort to drinke where good Lady shée was forced to content herselfe with a hungry pittance teares béeing her daintiest dish whereon shée fedde sometimes exclayming on cruell fortune whom shée accused to haue brought her into these miseries then presently her husbands portrature séemed to appeare vnto her minde whom she thought to be murdred by those robbers which was such a griefe vnto her that many times she was minded to haue slaine her selfe had not God mightily preserued her to a further setting forth of his glory Thus past shée away most part of the night with weeping and lamentations vntill such time that Somnus with his leaden wings seased her eye-lids and caused her for a while to slumber In which sléepe shee thought an Angell sent from God being clothed all in white rayment appeared vnto her saying Bee of good hart and feare not for these crosses which now are come vpon thée the Lord hath sent to proue thée with all and therefore it behooueth thée to beare it patiently vntill such time as the Lord shall ease thée of them As for the King thy husband he liueth but yet in bands and shall doe still vntill such time as the childe that now is in thy wombe shall be his deliuerer whom thou at his birth shalt name Euordanus this nowe am I sent to tell thee because thou shouldest not dispayre The Quéene héereat awaked out of her slumber and looking about if she might sée any body but could not then perceiuing it to be a dreame or vision meruailed what it might signifie was greatly troubled with deuising thereof so that all the night after shee could take no rest sometimes thinking of her husband and sometimes what the childes deliuerance might meane at length determined to referre all to the mercifull prouidence of God Thus sits shée poore sorrowfull Lady till such time as by the singing of the chéerefull Larke by the roaring of the wild beasts shée was preparing to forsake Dame Thetis lodging and that nights sable mantle was changed into a hoary gray When loe as was their wont the sauage beasts came vnto the well to drink there did shee with feare beholde the statelie Vnicorne with the cruell Tiger the roaring Beare and gaudy Panther the bellowing Bull foming Bore the rauening Wolfe and craftie Foxe with diuers more which put her in such feare that she had thought presently to haue béen deuoured when salling on her knées and holding vp her hands she said these or such like words O most mercifull Lord God I doe here acknowledge before thy diuine maiestie my manifolde and innumerable sins committed against thy diuine maiesty both in thought word and déed O Lord I am not worthy so much as once to looke vp to heauen much lesse to receiue any thing at thy hands O Lord. Yet mercifull Father trusting in the merits of thy déerely beloued sonne our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus I come vnto thée in his name crauing forgiuenesse of all my sinnes and iniquities And further O Lord God I humbly beséech thée to saue and deliuer mée from this present danger and perrill of my wretched life O Lord bow downe thy heauenly eye and behold mee thy wofull handmaide and likewise this poore infant that is within my wombe defend it O Lord and grant that according vnto the vision which thou by thy holy Angell hast shewed mee it may liue to set foorth thy glory and power and in the end when it shall be thy blessed will to call vs out of this wretched vale of wickednes thou wilt receiue and place vs in thy Celestiall kingdome whether O Lord for thy sonnes sake bring vs I beséech thée These or such like were the words which she distressed Lady then vttered when behold a mightie surious Lyon came rushing out of the wood towards her bringing in his mouth a cake of Bread which he most gently layd downe at her féete fawning vpon her as if of long time he had bin acquainted with her and would not depart from her At length somewhat to recomfort herselfe then smoothing his rough bristles with her tender hand she made much of him laying his head on her lap wherat he séemed to take great content Then taking vp the cake of bread which hee had brought her and giuing thanks vnto God imagining as sometimes in the wildernes hee had sent Rauens to feede the Prophet Elias so likewise had hee now sent the Lion to comfort and bring her foode she refreshed therwith her hungry stomacke After which repast the Lyon very softly paced towards the wood againe euer casting backe his head as if he looked whether the Lady followed him or not which shée at length perceiuing determined to follow him hoping thereby either to get out of the wood or else to finde some better place of safety Thus went they together till at last he brought her vnto a Caue vnderneath the ground with a very narrow entrance in but béeing entred shée found it a reasonable large roome Thus determining for a while to remaine th●● 〈◊〉 such time as God should send her better fortune passing away the time some whiles with walking about the woods néere the Caue otherwhiles with playing with the Lyon who euery day brought her in meate such as he got abrode in the Forrest which she sometimes scorched and dryed in the sunne otherwhiles was forced to eate it raw vntill such time as by hap one day walking abroad she found a flint stone with which afterwards shee vsed to strike fire and therewith would broyle her meate Thus continued she vntill such time that according to the naturall course of women her time of childe-birth was come When as good Lady féeling the paines thereof to her
his Helme desired his Maiestie to grant him leaue to continue the Dukes challendge when the King beheld him and saw that it was the Prince who had subdued the Duke his griefe for his hurts and ouerthrow was somewhat eased Then speaking to the Prince hee sayd my Lord I did not thinke you would haue thus delt with vs as vnknowne thus to haue put vs into such griefe as you haue doone by the wounding and vanquishing of the Duke our Cosin yet seeing it was his owne folly in making the challendge it doth the lesse grieue vs. But for your request in continuance thereof I would wish you rather to giue it ouer then to indanger your selfe therein but if so be you are so minded we fréely grant you leaue praying to God send you better hap then the Duke hath had before you The Prince humbly thanked his Maiestie and then turning to the Princesse Emilia intreated her likewise to graunt him leaue as her father had doone to defend her beautie séeing that it was his hap to obtaine the same by his good Fortune The Princesse being before hand a little touched with his loue and now séeing the paines and danger which he vndertooke for her sake was altogether ouercome wherefore dying her chéekes with a maidenly blush she told him the paines which he already tooke and that he would againe indure for her sake was vnknowne vnto her yet because she would not prooue discurtious nor ingratefull séeing the King her father had thereto consented she was content to accept him for her Knight and to alow of that which he requested The Prince héerewith beeing meruailous contented returned her harty thankes and so departed againe to the Tent where hee was met by the Spanish Prince the Duke of Yorke and Sir Henault and many others and was by them disarmed and after dinner his wounds being bound vp hee armed himselfe againe in a most costly Armor set all with true loue knots wrought of pure gold and beeing attended by the foresayd Lords he entred the Lists where hee had not long remained before such time that there came a Knight of the Kingdome of Naples a man in those parts famoused for his valor and hardinesse and being inamored on a young Damsell of that Country promised her to come into France whereby his valor hee would cause her to bee for euer famoused but his hap was so hard that at the first encounter he was sent to measure his length in the ground not being able to combat After him that day and the next day he vnhorsed to the number of 40 Knights the last day there came very fewe to try themselues the most part hauing in the fiue former daies béene by the Duke foyled by meanes whereof he past away the time in companie of the Spanish Prince and other great Lords vntill it was almost Sun set at which time there entred an ill fauoured withered face fellow something heigher then thrée horse loaues by birth a pagan but brought vp by the Quéene of Portugall as her Dwarfe this proper aplosquire falling in loue with a Damsell almost as hansome as himselfe being likewise attending on the Queene and hauing obtained her good liking on that condition that he should in all places maintaine her beauty desired the Quéene that hee might be made Knight assuring her that he would so behaue himselfe that thee and all others should thinke the order well bestowed vpon him The Quéene séeing his earnestnesse yéelded vnto him and caused him to be Knighted who no sooner hauing receaued the order and hearing of the Duke of Orleance challendge but he determined to fight against him and cause him to confesse his peate to more beautifull then Emilia Continuing in this imagination he caused her Picture to be drawne and therewith came vnto Parris entring the Lists at such time as the Prince with the other Lords were ready to depart and comming vnto the Spanish Prince demaunded which was he that had ouercome the Duke The Prince meruailing to sée such a gallant in that equipage demaunded what he would with him marry quoth the Dwarfe fight with him and cause him to confesse that the Damsell which I loue doth excell in beauty all others the Prince smilling hauing much adoe to containe himselfe from laughter demaunded who was his Lady and where her Picture was Hee aunswered she was attending on the Quéene of Portugall and therewith drew foorth her Picture at sight whereof euery one burst foorth in a great laughter The Dwarfe being héerewith angry asked the Prince whether it were he or no that he had inquired for the Prince aunswered no but showed him the English Prince withall telling him that the time was past whereby hée had lost his labor vnlesse hée could intreate him to Iust willingly Then the Dwarfe comming vnto him intreated him if the time were past that yet in courtisie he would breake a Launce with him he smilling aunswered that betwéene that and Sunne set hee was bound to Iust with any that should come wherefore he was contented Then taking each of them a Launce they ranne together the Prince missing his course of purpose but the Dwarfe with much adoe brake his Launce almost dismounting himselfe with his owne stroke The King Quéene withall the Lords and Ladies laughed hartily héereat the Dutches of Burbone telling Emilia that now her Knight was like to loose all his former honor The Dwarfe had no sooner broken his Launce but presently he drew forth his swoord but the Prince intreated him to runne one course more which he easily yéelded vnto then taking a new speare they ranne againe the Prince taking him in the midst of his Shield bare him out of his saddle a whole speares length not béeing able to rise from the ground Then was sent vnto him by the King the young Prince Phillip his sonne to intreate him to come to the Pallace whether he went béeing accompanied with diuers great Lords and Knights and was very roially receiued by the King the Quéene and their fayre daughter and feasted with many sumptuous and rare sorts of viands after supper they fell againe to theyr wonted sports of dauncing and masking where the English Prince againe made his loue knowne vnto Emilia assuring her that vnlesse shée pittied his estate he was but dead for without her he was but as a shadow without substance or as a body without a soule The Princesse who by this time was as much scorched with the flame as hee and did féele as great force of loue knew not well what to aunswere but at last yéelding to loue she told him that if he loued her as hee made shew of shée had no reason but to requite him with the like but as yet shée was young and at her Parents disposition without whose consent she could not make her owne choyse but if he could obtaine her Fathers consent shee was likewise contented to accept of him as her Lord and husband Héere will we leaue
Kingdome of Spaine a noble man called Segnior Adresto famous for his vertues and Chiualry and hauing passed ouer a great part of the world in séeking and following of strange aduentures alwaies hauing fortunate successe in all his enterprises especially in his loue which hee bare towards a noble Lady of his owne Country called Leonarda daughter and sole heyre vnto the Duke of Tolledo one who for beauty and comlinesse of body was the only paragon of all Spaine sought vnto by many but only inioyed by Adresto betwéene whom there grew so great loue that whosoeuer had séene or knowne the same would haue sworne that then loue there had béene no greater dietie Which when the Duke her father vnderstoode being loth to match her vnto one of so meane estate although for his vertues he might compare with any yet was his liuings very small therefore he often warned her to auoyd his company and at length grew in great displeasure with her threatning to disinherit her if she did not obey vnto his will héerein Which the young Lady doubting at their next méeting made him priuy withall assuring him that for his loue she could be contented to forsake all But yet séeing that in time her fathers good will might bee obtained she would intreate him for a while to absence himselfe assuring him that for her part she would alwaies continue faithfull and constant vnto him and neuer accept of any other husband though thereby she were disinherited Adresto hearing her kind and louing spéeches aunswered that séeing it was her pleasure he was contented although to be out of her presence would bee a hell vnto him and whereas shée had made him so frée a graunt of her loue he protested before the heauens likewise neuer to forsake her and that before he would consent to loue any other thē herselfe he would be torne to péeces with wilde horses then deliuering each other asigne of their passed faiths he departed And within short time after left the Kingdome trauelling many strange and vnknowne Regions till at last comming into the Kings of Ireland hee hapned to fall in likingly with a beautifull Damsell of that Country but of meane parentage her father being but a Marchant of that Country On whom he so doted that he had cleane forgotten and forsaken the chast and vertuous Lady Lenarda although the good Lady hauing intelligence héereof by a friend of hers a skilfull Magitian oft times sent vnto him to cause him to call to minde his former loue At length the Duke her father dying and leauing her sole Mistirs and Dutches of his Dukedome shee hauing with great pompe solemnitie celebrated his funerals one day sent for her friend the Magitian to come vnto hor of whom she demaunded if there were no meanes to recall her louer Adresto againe without whom she was like to spend her life time in care and heauinesse Adriano for so the Magitian was called made her aunswere that he could not directly aunswere her demaunde because that she whom he so loued wore alwaies on her finger a Ring which was the only stay of his loue which except they could get from her it was impossible euer to remooue his affection Also this Ring had one other vertue which was that whosoeuer did weare it should not loose so much as a drop of blood in any battaile whatsoeuer wherefore when he combatted with any one as oft times he did for her loue then had he the Ring And vnlesse there could be found a Knight that might by force conquer him in single battaile and take away the Ring from him it was impossible to get the same by any deceit whatsoeuer Lenarda hearing this was as one halfe besides herselfe but being comforted by Adriano who assured her he would trie the vttermost of his skill to find out the Knight as he had spoken of Then taking his leaue of her he returned home where by his art he framed a most rich and faire sword excellent curious to the eye and to cut the best that was then in the whole world this sword he inchaunted in such sort that no man but hée to whom the conquest of Adresto appertained might drawe the same then bringing it to Lenarda willed her to send one of her Squires therwith to séeke out the Knight who should by his vallor recouer her loue then deliuering it to one of her Squires whom she estéemed for his truth and secricie with this commaunde that whosoeuer should offer to draw foorth the sword should first make promise of a boone which was to goe ouer into Ireland and to combat with Adresto accusing him for falcifying of his faith to Lenarda Thus the Squire hauing the sword trauelled to all the Princes Courts in Spaine and Countries thereabouts then into Fraunce Italie and Germanie neuer finding any one that could once mooue it in the Scaberd although many stout hardy Knights made triall thereof to this great griefe fearing his trauell should neuer haue end nor his Lady ease of her sorrowe In this manner hauing trauelled through most part of Germanie he arriued at the Court of Saxonie desiring the Duke that his Knights might make triall if it were any their fortunes to accomplish that for which hee had trauailed she greatest part of Christendome Then shewing his sword hee declared that bearing the same a whole yeere he could neuer finde any one that might draw the same The Duke wondring héereat immediatly after Dinner caused all his Knights to make triall therof himselfe béeing the first but al to no end applyed they their forces Which when the young Prince Iago and the Gentleman of the Forrest beheld they presently fell on theyr knées before the Duke desiring his grace to grant them the order of knight-hood hoping that for one of them this Aduenture was reserued The Duke béeing vnwilling at the first by reason of their young age that béeing knighted they would hazard themselues in séeking after strange aduentures aduised them to stay a yéere or two more before they tooke so waitie a charge on them affirming that it was vnlawfull to dubbe any one before the age of twenty at which time they would be strong and able to indure the weight of their Armour and trauell and not before All which could not cause them to desist from theyr sute but still more earnestlie they craued the same alleaging many sundry examples of those who at younger yéeres had inured themselues to as great labours as Reynaldo at the age of fiftéene yéeres stealing from his fathers court went into Palestina to the Christian Armie where vnder great Godfry of Bullen he obtained to be the chiefe scourge to the Sarasins and without whom it had béene impossible to haue wonne the holy Citty of Ierusalem This and many other such like arguments they alleaged wherby at length they obtained the Duke to consent vnto them willing them for that night according to the auncient custome to watch in the Chappell Then
did cause me in sort to imagine that you were somewhat intangled in those nets But now to the purpose as she is my daughter so doe I thinke shee will not make her choise without my consent neither I being her father will force her consent where she doth not loue but if by faire meanes shee may be wonne héereunto assure your selfe that the house of Fraunce is most willing to linke it selfe in loue and amitie with the Prince of England whose noble vallour deserues to bée highly had in estimation The Prince for this his kinde graunt would néedes haue kist his royall hands which the King would not suffer him to doe but imbracing him in his armes departed immediately into the Pallace and comming into the Queenes chamber of presence called for the Princesse Emilia and willing all saue the Quéene and her to a voyd the presence hee demaunded of her whether there were any loue betwéene her and the English Prince at which demaunde she dying her Princely chéekes with a maidenly blush and falling on her knées aunswered Most gracious father considering that in concealing the truth from you being therof demaunded I shall not only breake the bounds of duty by being disobedient but also offende God in making of a lie know therefore that since the day wherein he ouercame the Duke of Orleance I haue so intangled my selfe in his loue which before being by him sued vnto I made scorne of that I can finde no way to alter the same but by death only which rather then it should be to your dislike I would willingly indure were it neuere so cruell The King beeing ioyfull héereat yet séeming to be discontented said In faith and is it possible that thou most fond and foolish gearle shouldest so much forget the bounds of dutie and vertue as without my consent so to settle thy fancie on a stranger but I doubt not but thou wilt as soone repent thy choise as thou hast forgotten thy duty in choosing for who knowes whether he being a young amorous Prince hath not made some other choise already where then are thy hopes or what will become of thy loue The Princesse hearing her father in these tearmes knewe not well what aunswere to make but at length with teares in her eies and fetching a déepe sigh from her hart shée besought him to consider she force and power of loue which was of such might that who most sought to striue against it was the more cruelly therewith in the end wounded and that as yet her loue being knowne to none séeing it so greatly disliked his Maiestie she would for euer kéepe close although it did cost her her life which shée was sure it would doe séeing it had taken already such déepe rooting in her hart The King séeing her constancie loth to grieue her any farther tooke her by the arme raising her from the ground bid her to be of good comfort for séeing that her affection procéeded from vertue and not of any wanton or lustfull appetite hee did both alowe of it and yéeld consent vnto the choise which she had made willing her farther to estéeme of the Prince as one who not only déerely loued her but also was worthy to be beloued both for his vallor magnanimitie of mind of the greatest Lady in Christendome Thus leauing her not a little comforted he went to impart the same to the Prince vnto whom this newes was more welcome then to haue béene made Lord of the greated Kingdome of the world And taking order with the King for the day of their marriage against which time there should be prepared a great Turny hee also sent ouer into England the Duke of Yorke to certifie the King his father héereof which was to him most welcome newes béeing now greatly striken in yeares Also there were many Heraults sent foorth to proclaime this great Turny which should beheld in the Citty of Parris at the nuptials of the Prince of England and the beautifull Emelia against which time there came daily many braue and gallant Knights from diuers Kingdomes as well Christians as Sarasines for that the King had graunted by his proclamations a safe conduct for all commers Now in this meane time the Duke of Orleance being throughly recouered of his wounds which he had receaued against Don Edward and finding that with the losse of his honor he had likewise lost his loue grew therewith into so great rage that he would haue slaine himselfe had it not béene for some of his seruants who alwaies gaue dilligent attendance vnto him and deuising with himselfe on reuenge at last resolued by vnknowne trechery to bring it thus to passe There was in this his Dukedome a great Inchaunter who with his accursed spells was able in a manner to pull the starres out of their places to this man the Duke resorted and making him priuie to his intent desired him to deuise some meanes how vnknowne hée might be reuenged on the English Prince The Inchaunter willing to showe his loue vnto the Duke immediately deuised a meane how not only to be reuenged on the prince but also on as many as were welwillers vnto him which he did bring to passe in this sort There was in the Kingdom of Fraunce some tenne leagues from Parris a great Forrest in which this Inchaunter by his deuilish art erected a stately Castle inuironed about with high walls déepe ditches so as it séemed one of the strongest and fairest Castles of the Kingdome likewise he inchaunted it in such sort that though a thousand Knights had sought for it yet notwithstanding there should none haue found the same but such as they thought should not be of such force as to conquer the gardants who were two fierce mighty Gyants farre excéeding the common stature of others of that kind Also there was a Knight a kinsman of the Dukes who being accōpanied with 20 or 30 attendants alwaies remained héerein the Giants who kept the gard the one of them was called Brandofell with him first must those Knights haue to doe that came to make triall of this aduenture the other was named Furioll excelling in strength all the Giants of his time to him belonged the combat with those Kinghts to whom fortune was so fauorable as to ouercome Brandofell In this manner hauing prouided for the garde of this inchaunted Castle they deuised a meane by which to bring the Prince vnto the same which was in this manner The Inchaunter Ligustargo for so was he called had a daughter indifferent faire who in dissimulation was as skilfull as her father in the art of Magicke for she had her teares at commaund and could so well frame her countenance to sorrowe that there was none but would haue taken her to be very sorrowe it selfe to her was referred the meanes to seduce the Prince who comming vnto the Court with her haire disperssed about her shoulders her garments rent and torne and beeing conducted into the
throughly resolued of the innocencie of her Lady was desirous to sée her to know whether she would accept of him as her Champion And being by the Damsell conuaied vnto the place where shee remained imprisoned he was by her most kindly welcomed giuing him a thousand thankes for his proffered kindnesse by her not any waies deserued and admitting him for her Champion she sayd Noble Knight I heere fréely deliuer vnto you the defence both of my life and honor desiring God no other way to spéede you then according to the truth and equitie of my cause which he knowes best assuring you farther that the death of my brother for which I am accused is more grieuious vnto me thē any torment I can indure It is true replied the prince euery vertuous wight regardeth more the losse of their friends then of themselues and I belieue the same of you wherefore I doe not doubt but to your eternall fame I shall make manifest your innocencie Thus departed he away making preparation against the battaile what happened therein you shall reade in the Chapter following CHAP. XI How the Prince Iago fought with Roberto and caused him to confesse his treason against Beleriza THe day being come in which the beautifull Beleriza was either to present her Champion or suffer death for the surmised murther of her brother The King with diuers of his Nobles being already placed on their scaffold to behold the battaile the prisoner was brought fourth attired all in blacke hauing a farre white Laune cast ouer hee head being accompanied with many beautifull Ladies of the Court attired also in mourning apparell bewailing her misfortune thus was shee conducted vnto a scaffold appointed for her after her came the Appelant mounted on a stately bay courser all in tauny armor as sorrowing for the death of his kinsman And comming before the King bending himselfe in his Saddle as doing obedience to his Maiestie spake as followeth Most dread Soueraigne I humbly beséech you to cause that detestable murtherer either presently to bring foorth her Champion if she be of any one prouided whom I may foorthwith to the manifestation of her crime ouercome or if she be not prouided that then according to the lawe shee be foorthwith executed The King disliking this is presumption as also greatly affecting Beleriza for her fathers sake sayd Signior Roberto I know not whether the prisoner be prepared of a Champion or no but your presumptious boldnesse in going about to teach mee what I haue to doe causeth me thinke that your great pride will soone take a fall for you might well haue stayed your hast vntill I had caused the trumpets according to the vse of Armes to summon the deffendant and then if he had not come foorth at the third summons you might boldly haue demaunded iustice Then staying a while the trumpets were willed to sound to warne the defendant who foorthwith being mounted on a milke white Stéede his Armor all gréene beset with Couslips of gold and bearing in his shield in an Azure field a beautifull Lady with his word in letters of gold Vbi nescio representing thereby the Lady whom he sawe in his dreame In this manner entred hee the Lists and trotting with a comly soft pace towards the King with his Beauer lifted vp to whom he did reuerence demaunding which was the Knight who had so falsely accused the sorrowfull Lady The King beholding his comly grace and perceauing by his spéech that he was a stranger most courtiously showed him Signior Roberto vnto whom Iago spake as followeth Sir Knight I doe not a little meruaile how you béeing a man honorably discended could harbor so base and vild a thought as to accuse this Lady your kinswoman of a murder wherein your selfe séemeth to be an Actor otherwise you would not so suddenly haue killed that wicked homicide your seruant but haue suffred him to haue liued and openly to haue confessed that which you in your conscience did greatly feare hee would denie but I doubt not but God by my arme will manifest that which by his death you did hope to haue concealed Roberto raysing him selfe in his stirrups and raging to be so touched with the truth and trusting in his owne might and force replyed in this manner Foole-hardy Knight thou shalt soone know what thy folly hath gained by béeing allured with her lookes to hazard thy life in a cause so vniust as this is which thou doost defend and how farre thy false and opprobrious spéeches hath incensed my choller against thée that whē as recreant thou shalt aske mercy in stéed thereof thou shalt receiue cruell death The King hearing these proude spéeches commanded the Iudges of the field to take the othes of both knights then the trumpets sounding warned thē to prepare to the battell Thus béeing by the Iudges placed in the lists hauing wind and sunne equally distributed vnto them they set spurres to their horses placing theyr Launces in theyr rests they met together with such fury that breaking their staues to theyr hands Roberto was throwne frō his horse and the Prince hauing likewise lost one of his stirrups passed on without any great semblance of moouing and comming to the end of his course turning about his horse hee saw Signior Roberto addressing himselfe for the foote combat which he no sooner perceiued but alighting from his horse drawing foorth his sword went to méet him where betwéene them began a most cruell and doubtfull combat no man knowing to which party victory was like to insue Don Roberto béeing a very strong and mightie Knight layd on blowes amaine as trusting in his great strength which surely was much and had hee beene indued as well with vertue as vallour he might well haue béene estéemed for one of the best Knights in England Don Iago on the other side béeing very nimble quicke of body although not altogether so strong as his enemy auoyded his blowes with very great skill many times wounding his aduersary both with thrusts and blowes himselfe sometimes receiuing wounds likewise so that the ground was besprinckled with theyr blood which issued out in many places through theyr Armor Thus continued they by the space of one whole howre neuer so much as once taking breath by which time their Armor was broken in many places especially that of the Prince Iago which béeing not altogether of the best though gallant to the eye was broken the sooner with his huge blowes although on the contrary side Roberto had receiued more great dangerous wounds through the thrusts which the Prince had made And now béeing both breathlesse they rested themselues awhile viewing each other and studying which way most how to indammage his aduersary At length they hauing well rested thēselues they fell to theyr combat afresh the Prince Iago séeming more lustie and quicke then at the beginning began now to follow his aduersary with many mighty blowes and sharpe thrusts causing him in a manner
had séene when first he left his owne Country Whilst they were thus discoursing of loue they perceaued a great troope of Knights comming galloping towards them which when they were come néere vnto them the Princesse knewe them to be the Quéenes Knights who being gathered together and finding her wanting were sent to pursue the Giant and now hauing found her so well rescued they were not a little glad thereof meruailing greatly how she had escaped And demaunding of her were giuen to vnderstand the whole discourse before recited wherein shee did not faile to extoll the Knights vallor to the vttermost but hee attributed his victory more to her beauty then his owne vallour Thus rode they on till they came to the Citty one of the Knights carrying the Giants head to the great wonder of the whole Citty who highly commended so vallerous a déede And comming to the Court they were receaued with great ioy by the Quéene and the Princesse Emilia who assuredly estéemed her lost but when they vnderstood the manner how shee was deliuered they gaue God harty thankes greatly honoring and commending the Knight of fortune feasting and intertaining him with all the kindnesse that might be and being lodged in the Pallace was euery day during the cure of his wounds visited by the Princesse Emilia and her daughter vnto whom many times hee declared his passions which the Princesse perceauing to be extreame beganne something to pitty him which Cupid perceauing and minding to showe his diuine power wounded her to the hart with one of his impoysoned shafts whereby shee could neuer bée in quiet but in his presence which hee perceauing beganne farre sooner then otherwise he could haue done to recouer his strength so that within fiftéene daies he was throughly whole and being able to beare Armor againe determined to trauel towards the inchaunted Castle but first he thought good once more to try the Princesse as you shall heare in the Chapter following CHAP. XVI How the Knight of Fortune made himselfe knowne to the Princesse Oliua and hauing obtained her loue departed towards the Inchaunted Castle and how he was there taken prisoner THE Knight of Fortune béeing throughly healed of his wounds which he had receiued in fighting with the Giant Latron when as he deliuered the Princesse Oliua and minding to make triall of the aduenture of the inchaunted Castle one day finding the Princesse sollitarie walking in the Pallace garden came vnto her and after salutations past betwéene them began as followeth Most excellent beautious Princesse if the cruell paines of a faithfull Louer may any way mooue compassion in a Ladies hart or the endlesse sighes and teares of a Knight wounded by Cupids shafts may deserue to be pittied then I beseech you Madam to behold him that not onely languisheth but is euen ready through the extreame passions which I féele to suffer death for your loue béeing appointed by the Destinies to loue you before euer I had sight of this your heauenly and diuine beauty since which time it hath so increased in me that I finde no other remedy if you prooue cruell but death onely which if you should would be to me most welcome The Princesse hearing this which vnto her was most pleasant answered Knight of Fortune what other name to call you by I am vtterly ignorant of the loue which you say you beare vnto me may be great neither doo I thinke the contrary as the hazarding of your selfe to saue my life I must néedes confesse deserues the greatest recompence that I can bestow on you But how farre vnfitting it is for one of my estate to place my affection on a stranger whose name nor Country I know not yea peraduenture on such a one who though now he seemes to loue yet hauing gayned what he séekes for may as soone leaue me but put case I were so fondly bent as not looking before I leapt should place my affection on you doo you thinke that eyther the King my Grandfather or the rest of my friends would giue consent to my choise surely I am perswaded they would neuer yéeld thereto The Knight hauing attentiuely listned to her discourse and withall noting her change of culler whilst that she was speaking especially when shée séemed to make doubt of his constancie replyed Worthy Princesse whose beautie excelleth the most fayrest and whose wisedome excelleth that beautie my name which vnto none since I left my owne Country I haue declared is Iago my natiue soile the Dutchie of Saxony where my aged Father gouerns not knowing what is become of me his vnhappy sonne who for the desire of séeking strange aduentures stale secretly out of his Court what since hath befalne me I thinke partly by my selfe and my Squire you haue already heard But where you séeme to doubt of my loyaltie I beséech God no longer to permit my life then vnto you I proue faithfull whereas you likewise doubt your friends consents thinke not but both your Grandfather yea and the Prince your Father likewise who I doubt not ere long to sée at libertie wil easily giue their consents séeing you desirous to accord thereto The Princesse no longer able to conceale the loue which she bare him and knowing him to be the Prince of Saxonie whose forwardnesse long before by fame had béen bruted in the French Court together with that of his supposed Brother the Gentleman of the Forrest demaunded whether it were himselfe or his Brother that had atchieued the aduenture of the inchaunted Sword The Knight answered that it was his supposed brother whose absence was the chiefest cause of his trauell And herewithall hee declared vnto her the strange finding of Euordanus together with the great loue and affection betweene them as is before declared at which discourse the Princesse tooke great delight and in the end hauing fully resolued with herselfe she was contented to take him for her husband And hauing thus vowed each to other fayth and loyaltie hee tooke his leaue of her with many a chast kisse the next day preparing himselfe to trauell towards the inchaunted Castle where within sixe dayes after hee arriued reasonable betimes in the morning And béeing come euen to the Bridge foote hee was willed by a Squire to passe no further then presently came foorth the Giant Brandofell mounted on a mightie Courser bearing in his hand a Lance big enough to haue béen the Mast of a small shyppe Which when the Knight of Fortune beheld hee greatly admired the same yet not béeing any thing afraid he set spurres to his horse addressing his shield and placing his Launce in his rest which he directed right against the Giants breast who by reason of his huge stature bare his Launce so hie that cōming together he ranne the same cleane ouer his head not so much as once touching him therewith but the Knights Launce hitting in the midst of the Giants shielde brake into a thousand shiuers causing the huge tower to bend backwards
Adresto to be sent for and his wounds to be dressed declaring vnto the Prince Iago that it was the same Knight for whom he left Saxonie to goe into Ireland to combat with all Héere after they had rested themselues by the space of fiue daies hauing sent word of this fortunate deliuerance to the Court of Fraunce they determined altogether to ride thether where in thrée daies they arriued with easie iournies by reason of the wounds of Adresto And at their comming foorth of the Castle with a mighty clap of thunder the Castle and dead bodies of the Gyants were vanisht cleane out of sight to the great astonishment of them all And now being as I haue sayd come to the Citty of Parris they were royally welcomed and intertained by the King the Quéene the Princesse Emilia Oliua and all Nobles of the Court vnto whom the Prince of England declared the whole discourse of euery particuler accedent touching their imprisonment and deliuery Which when the King had heard he made a solemne vow to be reuenged on the Duke of Orleance and his whole family but at the intreaty of the Prince he pardoned Sir Pestrell who afterwards prooued a good and hardy Knight Thus passed they away the time in the French Court by the space of thrée wéekes each friend recounting to other their seuerall aduentures and making preparation for the solemnizing of the marriage betwéene Prince Edward the Princesse Emilia in which time Adresto was fully recouered of his wounds and being desirous to see his old loue the Dutches Lenarda hastned on the Knight of the Lions to depart whereunto he was very willing by reason of the desire he had to speake with Adriano CHAP. XIX How the Knight of the Lions departing from the French Court with Adresto landed in Holland where comming to the Castle of Coruew hee deliuered the King his Father ANd now beeing ready prouided to depart they came both into the great Hall where with many ceremonious courtisies they tooke their leaue of the King the Quéene the Princesse Emilia and Oliua with all the rest of the Nobles of the Court The two Princes Edward and Iago séeing they would néedes depart accompanied them two daies iourny onwards on their way during which time the Prince Iago desiring pardon of his brother for not bearing him company made knowne vnto him his loue to the Princesse Oliua which by his abode in Court he doubted not but to obtaine considering the great loue and amity which was betwéene him and her father The Knight of the Lions being well contented héerewith desired him at his returne or sending into Saxonie to remember his duty to the Duke and Ductches and his beautifull sister the Princesse Egisena whom hee intirely loued assuring him that as soone as he could learne any certainty of that which he now went to séeke for he would returne thether likewise which hee did not doubt but would hapen very shortly Then taking their leaue of each other with many kind imbracements the Prince Edward most earnestly intreated him to sée him at his returne out of Spaine at the English Court to which he easily consented Thus they departed the two Princes towards the Court the Knight of the Lions Adresto towards the Sea-side where their ship remained for them where béeing arriued and setting into Sea they sailed merrily by the space of two daies but on the third day the wind altring and the Seas growing very foule they were forced to put to hull and being thus tost to and fro by the wind and Seas by the space of fiue daies they were at last put on shore on the coast of the Dutchy of Holland where going on shore and taking their horses and Armor minding a little to take the aire after their storme at Sea they rode onwards in a narrow way fast by a pleasant groues side where they heard one very pittifully weeping and listning attentiuely they might heare these few words pronounced And is it possible that God will suffer such cruell and iniust customes to continue to the destruction of so many braue and hardie Knights as haue béene by this wicked custome of Coruew destroyed O false and disloyall Griffory that fearing to shew thy malice openly hast ordained so vild a custome The two Knights hearing this complaint and imagining thereby that there was some cause extraordinary which mooued the party so to complaine alighted and went into the Groue where they found a Squire lying on the earth his face all blubbred with teares and demaunding him the cause of his sorrow was giuen by him to vnderstand of the custome of Coruew where not long since the Duke of Litsenburge his Lord and Maister hauing bin by the space of 20. yéeres trauelling in search of his soueraigne the noble King Frederick of Denmark during which time he had accomplished many great and hardy déedes of Armes and now returning home into his owne Country with intent no longer to séeke after the which was impossible to be found trauailing along by a Castle not passing a daies iourney hence where the Duke of this Country hath erected a custome that no Knight shall passe that way but first he shall leaue his horse and Armor behind him vnlesse hee conquer the Gardants which is a thing impossible because of the number and then he declared the fame as it is more at large expressed in the first part of this history The Knight of the Lyons and Adresto hearing of this custome and greatly pittying the losse of so many hardie Knights as were there daily imprisoned beganne to grow into a great longing to make triall of the same wherefore sending backe Gillimo vnto the ship for such things as they wanted and to giue direction to the Marriners that if with in ten dayes they did not returne that then they should direct their course for Spayne whether they would peraduenture trauell by Land and willing Gillimo to follow them with as much spéede as hee could they departed towards Coruew that night lying at a Village not passing a league and a halfe from the Castle And the next day early in the morning hauing heard Diuine seruice and taking a small repast they rode directly towards the Castle Adresto hauing desired to make the first triall of his vallour and now beeing come vnto the place where the Shield hung at the bridge-foote Adresto strooke the same so hard and rudely with the blunt end of his Launce that he caused the whole Vally to resound with the noyse thereof Presently issued foorth one of the Knights gardants and mounting on his horse came vnto Adresto demaunding what hee sought Entrance aunswered Adresto which if it be denied I will purchase with my sword Then setting spurres to theyr horses they met together with such fury that the Knight of the bridge was sent headlong to the ground and after him came foorth another who was likewise sent to beare him company breaking his necke with the