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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A70642 The Russian imposter, or, The history of Muskovie, under the usurpation of Boris and the imposture of Demetrius, late emperors of Muskovy Manley, Roger, Sir, 1626?-1688. 1674 (1674) Wing M440A; ESTC R22560 101,264 264

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Auxiliaries giving out that he would plant the Kingdom with Colonies of strange Nations This fill'd the people with dreadful Apprehensions of his Tyranny and imbarked the Lords in the same prejudice to find themselves neglected in the administration of Justice and the same managed according to the appetite and fancie of the Poles To all this he gave the Jesuites publike Churches and dwellings and to all of that Perswasion the free Exercise of it He had indeed himself been brought up in the Romish Religion which might in some measure have warranted the Profession of it in his own Chappel though Henry the Fourth of France dispensed with his former Faith upon his accession to the Crown endeavouring thereby to cure the Jealousies of the people who are no way so fervently engaged as upon the the account of Conscience But Demetrius his publike despising of the Rites of the Greek Church and his so open endeavours to introduce that of the Latins abhorr'd by the people gave the first shock to their affections and then his Habit Garb and Gesture being wholly Forein the Commonalty who see but the outside and make their judgment by that conclude his Inclinations were so too But what wrought most effectually upon those that understood best was to discern a lightness in his Behaviour bearing no proportion with so exalted a Quality as he bore in the world little Gravity and less Judgment in the manage of publike Affairs measuring concerns of a different nature by the same Standard From this short-sightedness being but newly invested in the Royalty he denounced War against the Swedes and with the same vanity writ to King Sigismund that he would arm against the Turk and Tartar before he knew the Constitution of his own Empire or by what establishment an Army was to be maintained Demetrius being Crowned Emperour his next care was the matter of his Amours those Passions were still alive in him and he had so much of the Constancie of a Lover as to invite Marina to the participation of his Greatness Upon this consideration he dispatcht a splendid Embassy into Poland with a Present of the Jewels of the Crown of an inestimable value The Palatine of Sandomiria had indeed deserved well from him but the Nobility of Muscovy abhorred the thought that the Treasure of their Empire should be havocked away upon that Negotiation which no way quadrated with their Appetite however this concern fell out so far luckily for Demetrius that it respited his fate for the Conspirators having laid their designe to be put in execution some days after the dispatch of this Embassie held it advisable to delay it till that was over lest by quitting their hands of their Great Duke the Jewels of the Crown should fall short and stay in Sandomiria They therefore directed the Embassadors who were also privy to the Confederacie to make secret Articles with George Mniseck the Palatine Marina's Father before they made their Present of the Jewels to her that she should bring them with her for her Ornament to Musko There was at the same time dispatched an Embassador to the King and Commonwealth of Poland Athanasius Rosclovius the Treasurer was made choice of for this Employment who being admitted into the Kings presence did in the Name of his Master the Great Duke present his very hearty acknowledgments to the King and Nobility for the seasonable Aids he had received from them declaring that next under God he derived all his Enjoyments from their Succours and confessed that had he not been vigorously owned by them he must have wandered about the world the pity of his Friends and the scorn of his Enemies whilst an Usurper possessed the Throne due to his Birth and in which by their kindness he was seated in perfect peace And as a Testimony of his further Gratitude he had sent his Embassadors to establish a perfect Friendship and League Offensive and Defensive betwixt the Crowns which was to extend to all the Enemies of either Nation especially the common Enemy the Turk who by the advantage of misunderstandings amongst Christian Princes got ground upon Europe And that he might be the more naturally linked to the Kingdom of Poland than the Ceremony of a League could extend to he desired the Kings permission to Marry a Lady his Vassal the Palatine of Sandomiria's Daughter His Obligations to her Father being of that nature that he knew not by what other means to contrive him a proportionable Recompence He had not only owned and received him in his Exile but engaged his Person and his Fortunes in his Quarrel and he could not stand acquitted to himself if he did not communicate to the Daughter of those Enjoyments which were derived to him by the kindness and Courage of her Father The King having fully heard the Embassador did with much Civility acknowledge the respect of the Great Duke in that Address that he wished him all happiness and did heartily congratulate the success of his Arms in the acquirement of his just rights Adding further that he did highly commend the pious resentments he was pleased to have for the sufferings of the oppressed Christians That he would willingly enter into a League with him against the Infidels but that without the consent of the Senate and Nobility of the Kingdom he could determine nothing of that Nature As to the Proposal of his Marrying the Lady Marina he should not only have his consent but his prayers also that God would render that Marriage auspicious to both Kingdoms by propagating between them a League of everlasting Friendship The King having expressed himself to this effect the Nuptials were within eight days after celebrated at Cracow in the presence of the King and a great number of the Nobility of Poland who were invited to this Royal Solemnity His Majesty delivered the Bride with his own hand to the Embassador exhorting that now she was to be transplanted into another Nation she should retain the Memory of her own Country and her Fathers house That she should do all good Offices betwixt both Nations and above all things that she should adhere to the Catholike Religion wherein she had been educated The Church-Ceremonies being finished his Majesty entertained the Bride at a Royal Feast Prince Vladislaus his Son the Princess of Sweden his Sister the Palatine of Sandomiria the Embassadors of Persia with all the Publike Ministers then at Court were invited to it where at the last Course those Jewels sent by Demetrius to his Marina and the Palatine her Father to the value of two hundred thousand Ducats were served up to the Table instead of Fruit which in so Illustrious an Assembly spoke the Magnificence of the Russ and satisfaction of the Bride to be courted at so valuable a Rate About the end of Jan. 1607 the Bride accompanied with the Embassadors of either Nation the Palatine her Father and Duke Constantine Wisnioweski and many other Persons of Quality and a splendid Train having
and Power His Son Basilius equally happy ●dded the fair Provinces of Smolensko and Plescow to his Dominions with the Honor of Knez King and Emperor to his Titles John succeeded him who adding Industry and Discipline to the Arts of his Forefathers conquered the Kingdoms of Cazan and Astracan and extended his Empire to the Confines of Persia But he was no less cruel than brave which did much asperse the glory of so many Victories But this Prince being his Father whose Story we write we will refer the rest of him and the Reader to the subsequent Relation SECTION I. The Introduction Theodorus dies and Boris is chosen in his place He causeth Demetrius the Heir of the Empire to be slain to facilate his Election A new Demetrius appears his Education and Discovery He is acknowledged in Poland and enters Moscovy with an Army He is beaten He afterwards overthrows the Enemy in a memorable Battle Boris enraged with this loss and the Competition of a Rival transported with passion and fury dies suddenly His Elogie ALong and uninterrupted series of Succession had devolved the Dominion of the vast Empire of Muscovy upon the person of John Basilius who however preferrable for his Cruelty to the most monstrous of Tyrants did yet excel the Glory of all his Predecessors in the Lustre of his Actions and Greatness of his Atchievements For having added the severe Rules of Military Discipline to his Industry and Valour he extended the Bounds of his Dominions as far as Persia and Conquered the Kingdoms of Casan and Astracan in vain attempted by his Father before him This Great Prince having lived six and fifty Years and Reigned nine and thirty of them was forced to quit this World to search for that Repose in another which the violence of his mind had denied him in the midst of his Victories and Triumphs Anastasia his first Lady had born him two Sons John his Eldest whom he slew with his own hands upon no other provocation than that of his violent Temper and Theodorus Heir of his Empire not his Greatness though the Father labouring under the pangs of Death was not wanting to recommend with much passion to his surviving Nobles the Conduct of that Son in whom he proposed to himself the perpetuating of his Glories and Conquests He yet left behind him another Son of a second Bed the unhappy Demetrius born in the extremity of his Fathers Age and brought up by his Mother till his supposed Decease in the Castle of Vglecz The Great Dutchess a Lady of a Masculine Presence and Carriage was Sister to Boris Gedanow Master of the Horse who by the joynt Advantages of his Relation and Quality added to the dexterity of his Address and Contrivances to all which Conspired the Infirmness of Theodorus his Constitution and the easiness of his Nature had gained an entire possession of the Government This Glorious Favorite having by his Sisters Influence and his own Skill gathered into his Manage the greatest Concerns of the State had thereby the opportunity of obliging or removing the chief Officers of the Empire at pleasure And whether having tasted the sweetness of Dominion ordinarily quitted with much reluctancy or that he had from the Death of his old Master laid his designs of placing the Crown upon his own head is scarce questionable However it was the way seemed already smoothed by the indisposition of the Duke and the acquired favour of the Nobility who preferments passing through his hands gave them a necessary dependence upon him none being advanced to any place of Honor or Trust but as they were presented by this Prince-minister Add to this that Theodorus was Childless though Married in his Fathers life-time who by reason of his Wives Barrenness had oft commanded him to put her away a Practice consistent with the Power of those Princes but he consulting more his Affection than his Interest had all that time delayed it and now what the Dutchess by her Influence had before exercised for the raising of her Brother to the Great Dukes Favour is by his insinuations upon the Affections and Passions of the Prince returned to her with advantage who for his sake continued her as he had formerly for hers received him He had indeed attained to a very great perfection in the Art of Government which with the powerful Charms of Flattery and a well-dissembled passion for his Masters Interest as it rendered Boris absolute in his greatness so it rendered the Empire secure in the Fidelity and Watchfulness of so excellent a Minister that laying aside the present Care of his Dominions he was consequently as little thoughtful of a Successor but indulging himself in his private Pleasures and Retirements he became insensibly devested of the Majesty of one of the Greatest Princes of the Christian World The main obstacle to the growing Ambition of Boris was the Life of Demetrius Brother to the great Duke and Heir apparent to the Crown His destruction was therefore judged necessary to precede in whom the Blood-Royal determined there would want only the death of the Great Duke to make way for the Election of a new Emperor And the Constitution of that Government then considered Boris might reasonably propose to himself the suffrages of the Nobles and People who were actuated by his Counsels and imployed or discontinued in order to his Interests and Designs Bloody Tyrants never want Bloody Instruments witness that most horrid of Murthers perpetrated in our own Land upon the best of Princes neither is any Relation proof against the Charms of Ambition and Avarice in a degenerate mind Boris by the aid of vast Presents and promises of greater had gained four of Demetrius his Servants to murther their Lord. The horridness of so sad an Assassination made them for some time suspend its execution till hurried on by a consideration that they were too far advanced to retreat with safety by threats of the Tyrant and by the hopes of becoming suddenly Great they resolved upon the cruel performance of what they had so wretchedly undertaken All the difficulty now is how it should be compassed and several ways being proposed they at length conclude as followeth An obscure gloomy Night is made choyce of as most proper and sutable to so black a deed and the Town being set on fire in many places at once these miscreants fill all with Tumult and the terror of the Burning This done they fling themselves like men amazed into the Princes Bed-chamber and awaking him with a sudden Fright alarm his already-disturbed Spirits with the approaching danger Demetrius starts up at the noise and running to the window to see the Flames is set upon by those he trusted most and pierced in several places of his Body with long poysoned knives prepared for this inhumane Butchery While the unhappy Child lay wallowing in his Blood and strugling with his Fate these Villians by the advantage of the Night and the confusion they had raised and upon
to Musko to behold the Majesty of our presence to which end we have commanded Post-horses to be prepared for you by the way and when you are come to Musko you shall Address your self to our Secretary Offenasis Ulassou Written in our Majesties Camp at Thula in the year of the World 7113. Sir Thomas Smith having received his dispatches from Boris and being in his way homeward was overtaken at Archangel by an Express from Demetrius with the following Instructions and Letters Demetrius Evanowich great Lord Emperour and Great Duke of all Russia hath commanded Savarela to repair to Volgoda and then to the new Castle of Archangel or any other place where he may overtake the English Embassador Sir Thomas Smith When he hath overtaken him Savarela shall send his Interpreter Richard Finch to the Lord Embassador with notice that the Great Lord Emperour and Great Duke Demetrius Evanowich Sole Commander of Russia hath sent one of his Courtiers unto him touching his Majesties Affairs and after about two hours respite Gavarela shall himself go to the said Embassador and deliver unto him his Majesties Message as followeth DEmetrius Evanowich Great Lord Emperour and Great Duke of all Russia and many other Kingdoms Lord and Commander hath commanded thee Thomas Smith English Embassador to certisie unto James King of England Scotland France and Ireland that We are by the just Judgment of God and his strong Power come and succeeded into the place of our Father and Predecessors as also the Throne of the Great and Famous Kingdom of Uladomir Musko and the Empire of Casan Astracan and Sibiria and of all the Kingdoms of Russia Moreover we calling to minde the Correspondence Love and Amity which was between our Father the Great Lord Emperour and Great Duke Evan Vasilowich of Famous Memory as also our Brother the Great Lord Emperour and Great Duke Fedro Evanowich Sole Commander of Russia and their Sister Queen Elizabeth Queen of England In the like manner we do purpose to have Entercourse and to be in love with your Lord King James and more than hath been in former times and in token of our said Love and Amity we do intend to favour all his Subjects within our Dominions and to give unto them more liberty than they have had heretofore And you his Embassador we have commanded to be dispatched without any delay or hinderance Therefore we would have you to notifie to your Lord King James our Majesties love and as soon as God shall grant the time of our Coronation to be finisht and that we are Crowned with the Imperial Crown of our Predecessors according to our manner and worthiness then we the Great Lord Emperour and Great Duke Demetrius Evanowich of all Russia Sole Commander will send our Messengers to salute each other according to the former manner As for those Letters which Boris Gedanow sent by you we would have you deliver them back again to our Courtier Gaverela and after the delivering of our Speeches to return him to the Emperour Vnderwritten by the Chancellour Offanafie Evanowich Ulascan These and some other publike affairs being dispatched Demetrius judged it very conducible to his establishment to have the Solemnities of his Coronation speedily performed the Celebration of which were therefore appointed to succeed upon the Kalends of September for 't is then that the Russians do as the Jews of old did begin their year But Demetrius impatient of delay in that material Circumstance would have it done upon the 29th of July after his enterance into Musko upon which day he was by the Patriarch crowned with the Imperial Diadem of those Kingdoms after which he caused the Corps of Boris to be taken up out of that Sepulchre wherein he had been interred being that belonging to the Royal Family and buried without Solemnity in a private Church-yard without the Town Before the Coronation 't was judged advisable that the supposed Mother of Demetrius who had for many years been shut up in a Monastery by Boris should be sent for to Court as a reputation to the Solemnity which by Demetrius his art was improved to the utmost for upon advertisement of her being within a League of the Town he went forth in Person to meet her and being come within view of her Coach he alighted from his horse and making his Addresses to her with all imaginable Humility she received him with great demonstrations of Affection She would have come out of her Coach but he would not permit it neither could she prevail with him to come up to her protesting that as she had given him life so would he pay it her back in his Obedience that the Crown of Russia was hers and should be only born by him the better to execute her Orders And with these and some other obliging entertainments of this kind she was conducted to the Palace Demetrius following the Coach on foot bare-headed till the Empress stopping declared that unless he would get up on horse-back she would accompany him on foot Being come to the Palace she was conducted into the usual habitation of such who were Widdows of the Royal Family where being alighted she embraced Demetrius with great passion acknowledging him before all the Lords and Courtiers present to be her Son begot by Duke John Basilius evidencing the same by many particular marks and tokens which gave great credit to the Impostor if it were one His stature and proportion had a resemblance to that of the true Demetrius his hair was black and hard like his with a mark upon his nose and the right hand as the Prince also had And though the Lady might well remember the features of her own Demetrius whom she had lost but seven years before and that this in reality was not he yet she wisely dissembled the matter it being grown too far for her to contradict and besides that she lay under a double obligation to him having not only enjoyed her liberty but the satisfaction of an entire Revenge by his means upon Boris and his Family However it was she treated him with all the demonstrations of a warm and sincere Affection while he honoured and reverenced her with a more shan filial Duty so great a tenderness appearing in their caresses that their Tears of Joy were attended with a deluge from the eyes of the Lords and all others upon the ●lace And to be thus owned by the Empress in the face of the whole World gave a greater confirmation to the reality of his Birth than all his other Testimoies together there being now no room ●eft to question his Extraction confirmed by the open declaration of her that bare him 'T is to this day a controverted point in Russia whether he was an Impostor or not Common fame since his misfortune seems to render him such and Petreius in his Chronicle of Muskovy hath a Jury of Arguments to confirm it But his Testimony is not to be believed but with caution he being employed in