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A68635 The pastyme of people The cronycles of dyuers realmys and most specyally of the realme of Englond breuely co[m]pylyd [and] empryntyd in chepesyde at the sygne of the mearemayd next to pollys gate. Cum priuilegio. Rastell, John, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 20724; ESTC S111873 150,895 127

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Burgoyne came and gaue the kynge .xxx. M. ●i that he shulde do no hurt in that contrey wherfore he departed thens and went towarde Parys and his hoost lodged nyghe to Parys redy to gyue battell but y e bysshoppe of Beaux chauncellour of Normādye with other toke a day of truse to conclude a peace at whiche day at a place within a myle of Charters the duke of Lan●aster the erle of warwyke and Northampton appered for kynge Edwarde for Charles than eldyst son to kynge Iohn̄ whiche before was made Regent of Fraunce there appered the sayd bysshoppe of Beaux and dyuers other lordes whiche peace was thus concluded that kynge Edwarde shulde haue all the landes that he than had in Gascoyn and Guyan to hym and to his heyres without doynge for them any homage And that kynge Edwarde shulde gyue vp all his tytle y t he claymed to the crowne of Fraunce And also that the Frenche kynge shulde pay for his raunsome .iii. Millyons of Scutes whiche amount to .v. C.M. li. And also y t kynge Edwarde shulde nat alye hym with the F●emynges nor ayde them agaynst kynge Iohn̄ nor his heyres kynges of Fraunce ¶ After whiche treatye thus concluded kynge Edwarde returned into Englande and after kynge Edwarde and kynge Iohan at Caleys were bothe ●worne to mayntayne y e sayd artycles and than kynge Iohan was delyuered and went into Fraunce whiche was .iiii. yere after that he was taken and kynge Edwarde had Iohan duke of Amo● and mayne whiche was kynge Iohans sonne and Iohan duke of Aluerne and .viii. other erles delyuered hym for hostages he with them than returned into Englande ¶ Also after this a companye of dyuers nacyons called the companyons assembled them in the contrey of Champayn wherof y e captayns were englysshemen agaynst whome the Frenche king sent .iii. erles to subdewe them with a great power with them but the Frenchemen were discomfyt and one of the erles was slayne and .ii. of them taken prisoners and these companye cōtynued .iiii. yeres to the nombre of .lx. M. And in the same tyme a lyke company assembled in Italye whiche dyd moche hurt ¶ In the .xxxvii. yere of kynge Edwarde kyng Iohan of Fraunce came ouer agayne into Englande of his free wyll to sporte hym and had great chere But the nexte yere after he fell sycke at the Sauey and there dyed and then Charles his son was crowned kynge in Parys And in the same yere the kynge of Cypres and the kynge of Scottes came into Englande to speke with kynge Edwarde Also sone after this prince Edwarde sayled to Burdeux and receyued poscessyon of Guyan that his father had newely gyuen hym dyd homage therfore to his father And in y e same season there was a great battell in Brytteyn fought betwene Charles de Bloys syr Iohn̄ Momforde for the tytle of that dukedome but by y e ayde of Englysshemen syr Iohn̄ Momforde had the victory Charles was slayne sone after that Charles than beynge kynge of Fraunce toke an order that the dukedome of Bryttayen shulde remayne to syr Iohn̄ Momforde and his heyres foreuer ¶ Also about the .xl. yere of kynge Edwarde Piers kynge of Castell was expulsed by the ayde of the Frenchemen by Henry his bastarde brother But this Peter by the ayde of prince Edwarde fought with his brother Henry and put hym to flyght and slewe .v. M. of his men and restored Peter to dyuers cityes and holdes whiche he before had lost But after that his brother Henry entred into Castell agayne and in proces wan the contrey agayne and toke his brother Peter and beheded hym ¶ Also about the .xlii. yere of kynge Edwarde the erles of Armenake of Dalbret and of Perygot with dyuers other lordes of Guyan appelled prince Edwarde to Charles the Frenche kynge that prince Edwarde had broken y e peace made betwene the .ii. kinges kynge Edwarde and kynge Iohan and one great cause that they layde agaynst prince Edwarde was because he leueyed a fowage in Guyan agaynst y e myndes of the lordes where the contrey ought to be free where vpon kynge charles sent his letters to prince Edwarde cōmaundynge hym to appere at Parys to answere there wherwith prince Edwarde was nat content ado sayde he wolde nat appere before hym but with his basenet on his hede and .lx. men of warre and sayd he receyued his lande of his father the kynge of Englande and yf any mysorder were it ought to be determyned before his father in Englande whervpon newe debate and varyaunce began betwene these .ii. kynges that kynge Edwarde sent ouer the duke of Lancaster ● whiche landed at Caleys with a stronge power and went to Turney and Ayre and wasted the contrey and after went towarde Harflete in Normandye after from thens to the contrey of Poyteou and the Frenche kynge sent the duke of Burgoyne the duke of Barre into the sayd contreys with a great power whiche toke many holdes and dyd great displeasure to the englysshemen there ¶ Also about this tyme there was a great pestylence in Englande and after a great derthe that whete was worthe .xl. d. a busshell ¶ Also after that syr Robert Knolles with the lorde fitz water and lorde Grauntson and with a great company of Soudyers entred saynt Omers and so to Aras and so to Parys whan they sawe that the frenchemen wolde gyue them no battell they returned towarde Normādye and so to the erledome of Angeo But than varyance fell betwene syr Robert Knolles and the lorde Fitz water and lorde Grauntson wherfore syr Robert Knolles with the floure of the Archers went into Brytten and than the Frenche kynge sent the marshall of Fraūce with a great power agaynst the lorde Fitz water and lorde Grauntson and gaue vnto them a battell where the englysshemen were discomfyt the lorde Grauntson was there taken .iii. C. englysshemen slayne and the rest takyn prisoners and put to flyght ¶ Also in the .xlv. yere of kynge Edwarde the Frenche kynge contynued hys warre so sore in Guyan and many dyuers skyrmysshes were betwene the Frenchemen and the Englysshemen but most cōmenly alway the englysshemen were put to the wors and many holdes and townes were taken from them for the people of the contrey fauoured nat the englysshemen ▪ because of y e great Taskes that prince Edwarde had gathered there of them and the citye of Lymoge and other cityes rebelled agaynst prince Edwarde wherfore prince Edwarde perceyuynge all this and what for lacke of money what for syckenesse and maladyes that he had he departed into Englande leauynge behynde hym the duke of Lancaster and his brother the erle of Cambryge to rule Gascoyn but sone after that they came into Englande ¶ Also in the .xlvi. yere of kynge Edwarde the kynge sent the erle of Pembroke with a great companye to fortefye the towne of Rochell but he was met in
¶ The Cronycles of Englande and of dyuers other realmes breuely compyled with the pyctures and armes of all the kynges of Englande syth the conquest Prologus WH● so wyll rede in auncyon cronycles historyes shall fynde y t after the distructyon of Troye Eneas with his son Ascanius begotten of his wyfe 〈◊〉 doughter to 〈…〉 kyng of Troy came into Italye there maryed Lauina doughter to kyng 〈…〉 of Latinus was there kinge reyned .iii. yere After whome succeded 〈◊〉 son 〈…〉 of Alba in Italye reyned there .xxviii. yere after Ascani●● reyned 〈…〉 borne in y e woddꝭ for y ● cause he was called Siluius which Siluius was 〈…〉 y ● reyned after in Alba. He was also by some wryters called 〈…〉 was 〈…〉 deth of his father Of this Siluius there be dyuers opinyons for some say 〈…〉 to A●canius ● some holde y t he was son ●o ●neas by his wyfe Lauina also some wryters holde y t Lauina ha● by Eneas a son called Ascaniu● ▪ But whether y t Ascanius son to Eneas Lauina or Ascanius son to Eneas and Crusa was the kynge of Latyns There be dyuers opinyons but all wryters agre that Ascanius was kyng of Latyn nexte after Eneas that Siluius reyned next Ascanius was the .iii. kyng of Latyns after kyng Latinus of whome Romuius discended y t fyrst bylded the citye of Rome and of hym toke the name of Rome fyrst as after shall appere in the processe of this worke ¶ And also of the begynnyng of y e inhabytacion of this realme of Englāde somtyme called Britteyn before y t called Albion there be dyuers opinyons we rede in the englysshe cronycle y ● one Diocles●an kyng of Siriens had .xxxii. doughters which were maryed vpō one day to .xxxii. kingꝭ which women all waxed stoberne disobedyent y t their husbāde 's cōplayned to their father therof which father called them all to gether therfore foule rebuked thē but all they beyng incorrygyble waxed more frowarde by one assent y e same nyght after for anger slewe all their husbandes cut theyr throtes wherfore the said Dioclesyan was so sore moued y t he intended to put them all to dethe but yet by the aduyse of his coūsell refrayned that put them all in a shyp in y e see no nother ꝑson w t ther● which women after by aduenture a ryued here in this realme whiche than was all wyldernes desolate of people called the lāde Albyon after y e name of y e eldyst syster called Albyon after y t the deuyll takyng bodyes of y e eyre mans nature ī other cōtreys shed by polusyō came lay by those women here begat of thē horryble Gyantꝭ which there cōtynued tyll y e cōmyng of Brute But this story semeth more meruaylous than trewe though it hath cōtynued here in englāde taken for treuth amōge vs englysshemen yet other people do therfore laugh vs to scorne so me semeth they may right well I meruayle ī my mynde y t men hauyng any good naturall reason wyll to such a thīge gyue credēce for no man can tell who is y e Auctour of this story nor of whome it shulde come nor of any wryter of name in this lande that euer wrote therof Nor also we rede in no historyes of any other coūtrey of any suche kyng in Siria nor of any 〈◊〉 story which story yf it were trewe wolde haue ben put ī wrytyng by some historyer in y e same 〈…〉 some other contrey cōsyderyng that in euery cōtrey they wryte of many other thyngꝭ of 〈…〉 wonder And also a man hauynge reason may well iudge y t the thynges nat onely vnlyke to be trewe but almost impossyble y t a great kyng shulde haue .xxxii. doughters all to be maryed at one day also as vnlykely y t there shulde be .xxxii. kynges maryed at one day And also very vnlyke y t all those womē shuld be of so yuell disposicyō at one tyme so cruelly mynded to do such an abhominable dede but y t amōge all thē there shuld be one of those systers at y e lest somwhat disposed to goodnesse to refrayne from y e doynge of suche a cruell dede In the whiche I trowe that women at this day wyll take my parte also very vnlykly y t suche a shyp comyng frō so farre a cōtrey shuld neuer touche lāde tyll it came hyther cōsideryng y t the cours is so longe aboue .iii. or .iiii. M. myles by see dyuers other landꝭ Ilādes betwene also y e passage so strayte daūgerous y t they must nedes come thorow many stray●ꝭ shawlles lykly to touche lande ī many other places or they coude come into this Occian see as they that be sene in Cosmografye may well ꝑceyue by y e syght of the quart or Mappa mundi And also it standeth nother w t good fayth nor reason y t the deuyll shuld by suche maner ingender w t women whiche if the deuyll had suche power than why shuld he nat nowe haue lyke power at this day wherof nowe a days we se no suche generacyon also if y e deuyll had suche power I se nat why those chylderne so gendred shuld be Gyauntes excede all other in greatnesse cōsideryng that y e sede the place where it was sowne was no nother but suche wherof chylderne be ingendred at this day wherfore I suppose no nother but that it is but a fayned fable that this lande shulde be called Albyon for that cause But yet other wryters of historyes there be whiche say that this lande was fyrst called Albyon by reason of y e whyte Cleues rockes at Douer whiche be sene farre in a bryght day was so called Albyon of the Latyns as it were the whyte lāde for Albus is latyn for whyte ¶ But ferthermore howe this lande after that toke the name of Britteyn there by dyuers opinyons howe be it y ● comen opinyons is that Brute son to Siluius son to Ascanius son to Eneas whiche came frō Troye was y e fyrst y t inhabyted this lāde whā there was no people here but onely Gyauntꝭ which sayeng we haue onely of one Ga●tridus monumetensis which wrote y t storye in the tyme of kyng Henry the .ii. about y e yere of chryst M.C.lxx. and as it appereth by his prologe he directed his boke to Robert erle of Glocester which was vncle to the sayd kyng Henry affyrmynge in the same prologe y ● one water Archedeacon of Oxforde brought hym ā olde boke writē in y e britteyn speche which he translatyd in to latē cōprehendī● y ● s●yd story of Brute al beit he writ●th not y e name of y e boke nor who was y e auctor therof but y e oldest writyng y t we rede of āny auctor is y e boke of y e cōmētaryes of
of all the peple but on●y by cōsēt of the Peres he made the diche about the town wallꝭ of Rome and was after slayn by Tarquiniꝰ his sō in law ¶ Tarquinius suꝑbus s the proud son to Tarquinius priscus was nexte king of Rome he was the furst that vsurpid and took vppon hī to be king without Eleccion of the people or of the peeris This Tarquiniꝰ suꝑbus had a sō callid Sextus tarquiniꝰ which raueshid one Lucres wife to Tarquiniꝰ Colantinus wherfore this Lucres thinkyng her self vnworthy euer after to lye by her husband and in purgyng her self because it was agaynst her wyll in the p̄lens of her husband and of diuers other stykkyd her self with a knyfe to the hart for a ꝑpetuall memory therof to be had for which cruell deed of Rauyshment done by y e seyd Sextus tarquinius the romayns did put downe the se●d Tarquiniꝰ suꝑbus from his dignyte of kyngdome banyshyd hym all his chyldren for euer and after they had name of a kyng in as gret hatred as the name of a theef wherfore instede of a kyng they made .ii. Cousullꝭ to gouern the peopu●l whose Auctorytis shuld last but for one yeer Cordell Morgan Conedak Riuallus Gurgūcius Sisilliꝰ yago Kymarcus Gorbonian Porrex Ferrex ❀ ¶ Cordell the yōgist doughter of Leyre hyld the land next after her father .v. yerꝭ the meane whyle Agamp kyng of fraūce dyed howbeit the cronycles of fraūce disagre●th herin with Galfridꝰ for they wryte of non callyd agamp that shuld be kyng of fraunce ¶ Morgā Conedak y t were sōns to y e other .ii. sisters warryd vppō Cordell at y e last to●k her put her in prison ꝑtid y e lād betwen them after Conedak slew Morgan at a place in walis now callyd Glomorgan and reynid .xxxix. yere ¶ Riuallꝰ sō to Conedak reynid next gouernid well the lād In his time it reynid blood .iii. days after y t folowid gret deth of pepull bestꝭ whē he had reynid .xxii. yere he died is buried at york ¶ Gurgūciꝰ sō to Riuallꝰ was a meeke man curteyse reynyd .vii. yere lyeth at yorke ¶ Sisillius reynyd next after as sone as he had take the crown he dyed ¶ yago ●euew to Gurgūcius reynyd nextr after but a short tyme. ¶ Kimarcꝰ sō to sisiliꝰ reynid next ¶ Gorboniā reynyd next after he had .ii. sonnys one callyd Porrex the other Ferrex ¶ Porrex ferrex strofe for the lād but Porrex slew his broder therfore his moder callid Idon with her maydyns whē he was a slepe cut him all to pecis after y t y e lād was deuidid in to .iiii. kīgdomis one was callyd Stater kyng of Skotland an other Dawaller kyng of Loigers an other Rudak kīg of walis an other Cloten king of Cornwall The lyne of Cicābers ❀ Ambro Turingus Simber Camber ❀ The hystoryes speke but lytyll of the heyris of Francyon vnto the tyme of Magius· Dictatours ❀ Largius Quintus Cincinatus Cōsullꝭ Luciꝰ iuniꝰ brutꝰ Tarquiniꝰ colatinꝰ Publiꝰ valeriꝰ publicola ❀ ¶ Lucius Iunius Brutus Tarquinius Colantinꝰ ●ere y ● furst cōsullis chosyn in Rome but sone after Tarquinius Colantinus was put out because of Hatered that the Romayns had to the name of Tarquinius one Publius Valerius Publicola was made consull in his sted ¶ Publius Valerius Publicola thus beyng consull made warr agayns Tarquinius superbus and slew of his people aboue ·xviM for the which victory he was the furst of the consu●lis that euer rod in a chariot Triumphant in the cyte of Rome he was a man of grete Iustyce equite after that he had be .iiii tymis consull he made warr agaynst the sabyns dyscomfytyd them the prayes prycis that he toke there brought to Rome wherefore when he was ded the people of Rome dyd spend the .iiii. part of there goodis at his beryeng and cost at his funerallis Also after that there was a new order dygnyte made among the romayns which was callyd a Dictator a ●reter dygnyte aboue the consullis which had auctorite to make ordynances and lawis and was as master of y e people but this Dictator was chaungeable euery half yere sometyme after at euery thryd yeere as some wryters affyrme and some tyme at euery v· yere when his yerys was past and he dyschargyd of his auctocyte he shuld be than answerable to all byllis complayntis that any of the people coud alegge agayn hym and ponyshed for euery thyng that he had done contrary to Iustyce therfore ther was euer so good īdyfferēt Iustyce vsyd and had among the romayns that all the world spake of thē honor the executyng of which good and indefferent Iustyce cawsyd them to grow in ryches to be of power strenght aboue āny people in the world therfore wold good it were so vsyd at this day in the rea●me of England that euery Iugge and other offycers hauyng auctoryte to execu●e y e lawis or to gouerne or to rule in āny office shuld be remouable at .iiii. or .v. yere or lesse thē to answere to all cōplayntis that shuld be allegid agayns him and to be ponished for euery offence that he had committid in his rome and then ther wold not be so mich extorcione and oppressione of the pore people nor so manny iniuries as is now adays The furst that euer was Dictator in Rome was was callid Largius and with hym was another chosyn to be master of y e chyualry of whō y e furst was callyd Spurius cassius ¶ Also after this ther was one chosyn Dictator which was callyd Quintus Cincinatus which was an husband man which as he was dryfyng his cart was requyred by the senate to take vppon hym y e dygnyte of Dictator which he refusyd but at the last they constraynyd hym therto this Quintus Cincinatus and one Lucius Tarquinius which was elect captayn of cheualry had grete victory of theyr enmyes but this Quintus Cincinatus cawsyd all the prayse and pryses to be dystrybutyd to y e men of warr nothyng reseruyd to hym selfe therof Dūwallo Belinꝰ brēniꝰ Gurgūciꝰ quītilliꝰ Sisilliꝰ kimaurꝰ dauiꝰ ¶ Dūwallo sō to Clotē after y e deth of his fader was ā hardy mā a fayr passing all over of y e bryttēs his fader Clotē was next heyr to y e hole lād therfor Dūwall slew Stater Rudak in playn batell so cōqueryd all the hole lād was y e furst that euer ware crown of gold ī briteyn ordenyd diuers lawis wherof one was y t he y t had dō neuer so gret offēce cā to y e tēple for sauegard y t no mā shuld hurt hī but thē he might after y t go to what cōtrey hym lyst he reynyd .xl. yeer lyeth at new troye ¶ Belinus and Brenius sonnis to Dunwallo reynyd next Ioyntely They
at the last one Coyl duke of colchester arose agayns hym slew hym in pleyn batell ¶ Coyll duke of colchester was then made kyng the yere of Cryste CC.lxii he was fader to seynte helene In his tyme cōstancyus which late before had conqueryd spayne cam from rome with a great people in to brytayn to subdew y e bryttayns of whō Coyll beīg a ferd gaue hym Helene his doughter to wyfe wherby pease was made Coyll dyed with in a monyth after Walter ¶ walter son of clodyon was after his fader kyng of frēchmen the yere of cryst CC.xCviij In his tyme was great persecucyon of crysten men by dioclisyan maxymian he had but lytyll warr in hys tyme but dyed after that he had reynyd .viii. yere Also when the ēperour constacyus was opressyd of the allmayns about langres the sayd Artsard gaue vnto hym sych eyde that at the last he had vyctory because that constācyus wold be the more stronger agaynst the allmayns he maryed helene doughter to coyll king of bryttayn after besegyd the cytte of treues therfore the sayd Artsard cōtynued great famylyaryte with the seyd ēꝑour Melchiades Siluester Marcꝰ ¶ Melchiades born in affrik was pope the yere of cryst CCC.ix. he hild the se .iiii. yere he ordeynid that none shuld fast vppon the sonday was martyred vnder Galeryus Maxymyanus ¶ Syluester the furst a romayn born was next pope he hyld the see .xxiii. yere he ordeynyd y e fyrst of y e .iiii. generall coūcels in y e cyte of Nycee agaīst y e ariēs ¶ Mark a romayn hyld the see .ii. yere in the time of constātyne the graūt Cōstāciꝰ galeriꝰ cōstātine the graūt ¶ Cōstācius galeryus maxymianus were both made emperours the yere of cryst CCC.vii they partyd the empyre in two partis Maxymyan had all illyrycie or venys Asye all the oryēt Cōstācyus had for his parte Ittalye affirke spayne gallya he maryed Helene doughter to Coell kyng of great bryttayne Looke more of hym among the kingis of bryttayne Constātyne the graunt son of constancius seynt helyn was next emperour the yere of cryst CCCix both of rome cōstantinople In hys tyme Maxēce son to maximyan was by dyuers men of war made ēꝑour but he was put doūe by y e seyd cōstātyne vnder whych maxēce seīt Katerine was martiryd some say y t this cōstantyn gaue furst possession to rome Cōstācius cōstātine the graūt ¶ Cōstācius because his wyfe Helen was next heyr was thē made kyng the yere of cryste CC.lxxxix Thys helen foūd the crosse where vppon cryst suffred his passyō thys constancyus maryed Nopces doughter of the kyng of Cipres in perse whych was his furst wyfe by her had a son callyd Costus y t was father to seynt Kateryne thys Cōstans dyed in brittayn is buryed at yorke ¶ Constātine the graūt son of constācyus helen was next kyng of great brytteyn ▪ the yere of cryste CCC.ix. there welbelouyd because he was born in brytton there dyd good Iustyce he came from britteyn to rome at y e īstāce of diuers of y e romayns there droue one maxēce out which had vsurpyd the empyre at the last this maxence was slayne constantine made ēꝑour lyuyng his fader cōstās Some storyes afferme y t he was the furst that euer gaue landis possessyons to the church of rome but this constantyne at the tyme of the deth of his fader was occupyed in the warrys in gallia was emperour before y t he was kyng of bryttayn Dagobert Clogiō Clodomer Genebault ¶ Dagobert sonne of walter was after hys father kyng of frenchmē the yere of cryste he was a good man Iust he was in all cawsis so indyfferent that it cowde neuer be prouyd that euer he did wrōge to any man or sufferid any to be done to his knolege he had .iii ▪ sonnis c●ogion clodemer and genebault ¶ Clogiō eldist sō of dagobert was next kīg of frēchmē he reyned but .ii. yere laft .ii. yong sonnis which succedid not hym because of they re yong age ¶ Clodomer the second son of dagobart brother to clogion was next kyng of frenchmen he made pese betwen the sānis the thuringiens and becawse he fauorid the thuryngiens they gaue hym a cōtrey lieng betwen them the sānis which contrey Clodomer gaue to genebault his yonger brother which with gret people did inhabit it callid it fraūce oryētall where now the cytee of wyrciburg is set merciandus ¶ Merciandus son of artsard was after his fader duke of tongres brabād also had the gouernaūce of the prouynce by y e see cost for the emꝑours romayens wan māny grete ●hingis for them and specially in the lyfe of his fader taking part with constantine the graunt agayns maximian and licinius Iulius Liberius Felix ¶ Iulius a romayn was next pope the yere of cryst CCC.xxxix and hild the see .xv. yere vnder hym was the creacion of the pro●onotarys ¶ L●berius a romayn hild the see .vi. yere after some x. yere this lyberius became an herityke of the sekt of arientꝭ ¶ Felyx a romayn hild the see .i. yere more he sufferyd martirdome by the aryēs but seynt Ierome pu●●ith not him in the nomber of popis Cōstācius Iuliān Iouian ▪ ¶ Cōstancius the second sonn of constātyne the graūt was next emꝑour the yere of cryst CCC.xl vnder him was the .xi. parsecucion of crysten men for he fell to the sekt of ariētis ¶ Iulian apostata son of cōstancius brother to constantine the graunt was next ēperour he made y e xii· parsecu●ion agaynst the crysten mē vnder hym was mar●●rid seynt Iohn̄ seynt poll●romaīs s. donat s blase s striace s Iuliane with many other he was namid apostata because he forsoke the feyth of cryst after did the seyd parsecuciō he was slayn̄ at a battell agayn the parses after that he had reynyd .i. yere .viii. monethis the cronicles here in coūting of yeris do gretly dyscord ¶ Iouian born at panone was next emperour he reynid but .viii. monthis Octauius ¶ Octauius duke of cornwall after the departing of constātine made hym self kyng of bryttayn the yere of crist CCC.xxix slew them that constantine had made gouernours wherfore cōstātine sēd ouer one Traherus or Traben which made grete war agaynst octauius droue hym out of the lād traherus was kyng for a sea●on but afterward octauius by the ayd of gou●●ertus king of norway which sēd with hym a grete nūber of people ēterid in to the realme slew trahe●us so recouerid his kyngdome agayn hild it in pease long tyme. therfore this traherus is not acoūpti● amōg the kīgis of brittayn this octauius had no heyr but a doughter which by councell of his lordis was maryed to one Maximian that came
from rome whcih was vncle lonn to constantine Dagobert Rychemer Clodiō Theodomer ¶ Dagobert son of genebault was after his fader duke of fraunce oriētall he with a gret host passid the ryne tooke the cyte of treues in gallia After hym one Clodion was duke of fraunce orientall ¶ Rychemer son of clodomer was after his fader kynge of frenchmen he with the help of genebault wan many battells agayne the romayns gallis but at the last he was slayne by the romayns ¶ Theodomer ●one of rychemer was after his fader kynge of frenchemen he hade many bateylls in gallia agayne the romayns but at the last he was takyn he dyd· ti●ātis vsurpatours of the ēpyre becawse ●hereof merciādus by priuelege imꝑiall extēdid y e l●●netꝭ of his gouernaūce thorow owt all the cūtreys of heynault ar●oys and pycardy and died after that he had be duke .xl. yere damase siricius Anastace Innocent ¶ Damase a spanyard was pope the yere of Cryst CCC.lxviij hyld these .xix. yere In hys tyme was the secōd generall councell in the cite of cōstātinople he approuid .x. werkis of saynt Ierome ¶ Siricius a romayne held the se .xvi. yere ¶ Anastace a romayne held y e see iij. yere he ordeynid y e men shuld stād while y e gospell was reding ¶ Innocent borne at albanie hyld y e see .xv. yere he ordeynid pax to be born at mas valētinian Valēs Graciā ¶ Valentinian born at panonie or hongarie with his brother Valens were ēꝑours the yere of Cryst CCC.lxvii this valentinian was a good cristen man made warr agaynst the saxons germayns did them discomfit died after that he had holden the empyre .xi. yere ¶ Valens his brother suruiuid kept the empyre with gracian valentinian son to valentinian before sayd this Valēs executid y e .iii. ꝑsecucion agaynst y ● cristē mē for he was an ariē sēd to the gotꝭ doctours to īstruct thē in the law feyth of the ariēs but yet he was by them slayn ¶ Gracian son of valentinian ouer liuid valens his vncle then was made emꝑour the yere of cryst CCC.lxxxii he ioynid with him in the empire of constantinople Theodose whyle that valentinian the yonger reynyd in the occident he put doune the ariens restorid the church put it in good estate Here endith the cronicle of seynt Ierome which lyuid vnto this time Maximius ¶ Maximianꝰ sō to leoniꝰ a britteyn vncle to saīt helin was next kyng the yere of crist CCClxxxii he cōqueryd the land amoricā y t now is callid littell britteyn slew y e kyng with helpe of the britons gaue y e lond to Conon moredak a briten so callyd it litell brittayne wherfore his people callid him ēperour after maximian went to rome by the way subduyd a grete part of germania a grete part of gallia fraunce wherfore the ēꝑours gracian valentiniā made sore ware agayns hym cōmyng with a grete host yet for fere of maximian valentine fled to constantynople and gracian to lyons in fraūce where he was slayn In this tyme conon morodak send in to gret britteyn to dionotꝰ duke of cornwall to haue meydens of they re owne nacion to be theyr wyfꝭ which as galfridꝰ writeth sēd to hī vrsula his doughte● .xiM. other meydēs which by rēpe●t of y e se were driuī to a place ī germania Clogiō Mercomer ¶ Clogion son of theodomer was after his father kyng of frenchmen the yere of cryst CCC.lx this Clogion to reuenge the deth of his fader with a grete host passed in to gallia and toke the cite of cambrey and slew all the romayns therin he conquered gallia vnto the flood of seyne ¶ Marcomer son of Clogion was after his fader kyng of frenchmen he had many grete bateylls agayn the romayns gallꝭ but at the last he was s●eyn in germayn in an army agayns valentinian thē the frenchmen were with out kyng Taxāder ¶ Taxander sonn of Marciandus was after his father duke of tongres braband he was norisshid in the court of ●racian emperour which reynid the yere of cryst CCC.lxxxij he was there accusyd by eugenius grāmaticus one zozinꝰ Bonifa●e Celestine ¶ zorinus a Greke was nexte pope the yere of cryst CCCC xx he helde the see one yere in his tyme Pharamound began to reyne in fraunce ¶ Boniface a Romayne helde the see .ij. yere in his tyme saynt Ierome dyed ¶ Celestyne a Romayne borne in Cāpayne was pope the yere of cryst CCCC xxv helde the see .ix. yere in his tyme the .iii. generall counsayle was kepte in the cyte of Ephese agaynst the Nestoryens the Pellagiens heretykes at whiche counsayle there were CC. bysshoppes Theodose Archadius Honorius ¶ Theodose the graunte a Spanyarde borne was nexte Emperour the yere of cryst CCC.lxxxviii s. after the deth of Gracian for before he helde the Empyre of Constantynople .vi. yere with Graciā and after helde it .xi. yere and than dyed at Mylleyne his body brought to Constnople in his tyme saynt Austyn lyued ¶ Archadius honoriꝰ sonnes to Theodose were ioynt ēperous the yere of Cryst iiiC.xcviii but archadius was at constantinople honorius in the west ¶ Honorius ouer lif●id Archadius then began to be ioynt ēꝑour with Theodose the yōger sonne to archadius the yere of cryst CCCCxi he held the empyre xv yere Graciā amōg y e pagā people where on Gwanꝰ beīg king melga his brother seīg theyr bew●e wold haue deuoured thē because Vrsula her maydens wolde not cōsent therto they were therfore put to deth at a place where now y e cyte of Coleyn is sett but other storyes as Iacobus Philipꝰ anthoniꝰ sey y t they shuld not be sent furth of gret Bryttayne nor martired about y e tyme but in the time of Mercianus Emꝑour This Gwanus Melga were sent by the sayd emꝑours Gracian Valentinian into grete bryttayne which there dystroyd churches of crystys fayth slew y e people wherof Maximiā hauīg knolege sēta knyght of his thider callyd Gracianꝰ which droue out Gwanus Melga deffendyd kept the land to the vse of Maximian In his time Theodosius ēperour of the Est with a grete power drofe Maxymian in to a towne in Italy callid aquil●a where he was takī he did aft whos deth gracianꝰ beīg in britayn herīg therof a non made hī self there kīg ¶ Graciā after y e deth of Maximiā was made kyng of bryttayne the yere of cryste CCCxc after that was so cruell vsid sich tirranny execucōn vppō the britteyns y t at the last they rose agaynst hym by one assent slew hym after that he had reynyd there .iiii yere Mercomer Pharamoūd xv yere durīg which tyme .ii. dukis one aft another dyd gouern y e people y t is to sey furst dagobert broder to mercomer .v.
wyllyam Rufus kynge of Englande And than the Duchye of Normandye was vnder the dominyon of the kynges of Englande many yeres afterwarde Victor ¶ Victor was nexte pope he contynued the sentence agayns Henry the Emperour but he was impoysoned by venym put in his chales after that he had be pope one yere But about this tyme a great plee and debate was bytwene one Thomas Archebysshop of yorke and Lamfranke archebysshop of Caūterbury whether the archebysshop of yorke shulde be vnder the rule of the archebysshop of Caunterbury whiche matter was appelled to Rome And from thens sende downe to be determyned in Englande where the Archebysshop of Caūterbury recouered and optayned that the archebysshop of yorke shulde be sacred of the archebysshop of Caunterbury and make to hym othe with professyon of obedyence ¶ About the .x. yere of his raygne Roger erle of Harforde and Rafe erle of Northfolke and Suffolke and one erle walreffe conspired agaynst the kyng but it was disclosyd wherfore the erle of Harforde and the erle of Northfolke fledde and were outlaude the erle walreffe was behedyd Also about the .xv. yere of his raygne Robert Curteyse the kynges eldyst son with the helpe of Philyppe the Frenche kynge made warre agaynst his father and gaue hym a great batell in Normandye where kynge wyllyam was sore hurte and fayne to forsake the fylde The cause of that batell was sor that that kynge wyllyam wolde haued resumyd from his sonne Robert the Duchye of Normandye for his wyldnesse which he before y e tyme had gyuen to him ¶ This wyllyam made the newe forest in Hampshyre and therfore cast downe dyuers churches by the space of .xxx. myles In his tyme he kept the englysshemen so lowe that fewe of them bare any offyce of honour or rule but somwhat he fauored the citye of London Also he buylded two abbayes in Englande that is to say the abbaye of Battell where he wanne the fylde agaynst Harolde and the abbaye of Barmesey in Southwarke besyde London and also he buylded .ii. other abbayes in Normandye ¶ Also in the .xix. yere of kynge wyllyam his raygne the kyng beynge in Normandye araysed a great trybute in Englande caused to be gathered of euery hyde of lande whiche contayneth .xx. acres .vi. s. And soone after that enteryd Fraunce with a great armye and brent a parte of the citye of Meaux and many other cityes townes but as some wryters say in that hete by the lepe of a horse he toke suche a disease that it was the cause of his dethe And made his testament gaue to wyllyam Rufus his seconde sonne the kyngdome of Englande and to Rober Courteyse his eldyst sonne the Duchye of Normandye And to Henry his thyrde sonne he gaue his treasour and warned wyllyam to be to his people louynge and lyberall and Robert to be to his people sterne and sturdye And dyed the .ix. day of September the yere after y e incarnacyon of Chryst M.lxxxvii after y t he had be kyng of Englande xx yere and duke of Normandye .lii. yeres was buryed in the citye of Cane in Normandye ¶ wyllyam ¶ wyllyam duke of Normandye was nexte erle of Flaūders by the ayde of the Frenche kynge willm̄s rufus Vrban ¶ Vrban was nexte pope The yere of Chryst M.lxxxviij he hylde the see .xii. yere and more Vnder hym was determyned the voyage to Ierusalem by Godfrey de Boleyn other chrysten men whiche wanne the citye of Ierusalem ¶ Wyllyam Rufus WIllyam Rufus or Wyllyam the redde the seconde son of wyllyam conquerour was crowned nexte kynge of Englande the .xxvii. day of Septembre the yere of Chryst M.lxxxvii Sone after that wyllyam Rufus had taken vpon hym the kyngdome His brother Robert Courteyse came out of Normandye and landed at Hampton to the intent to haue expulsed his brother from the kyngdome but wyllyam Rufus herynge therof sende to hym embassadours requyrynge hym that he myght inioye it duryng his lyfe payeng to hym yerely .iii. thousande markes with condicyon that whiche of them ouer lyued other to inioye the kyngdome To the whiche Robert by y e aduyse of his counsell assented returned agayne to Normandye This wyllyam Rufus was somwhat vnstable of maners and couetous and solde benefyces of the churche and bysshoprykes so that betwene hym and his lordes was oft discencyon wherfore well nere all the Normans toke parte agaynst hym so that he was forced of necessyte to drawe to hym the Englysshemen ¶ Also sone after Robert Courteyse duke of Normandye layde his dukedome to plegge to his brother kyng wyllyam Rufus for .x. M. li toke his voyage into y e holy lande Also in this tyme Malcolyn kyng of Scottꝭ enteryd Northūberlāde there dyd great distruccyon but yet after many cōflyctꝭ betwene y e kyng and hym Malcolyn was sworne to be obedient to kyng willyam ¶ The .iiii. yere of his rayne a great wynde was in London y e 〈◊〉 downe .v. C. howses and y e rofe of Bowe churche and dyd great hurte in wynthester in dyuers other places In this tyme also the welchemen rebellyd but they were subdued theyr duke or kyng called Ryse was slayne whiche was accompted the last kynge of wales After that Malcolyn kynge of Scottes rebellyd came into Englande w t his retenewe whome one Robert erle of Northūberlande inconteryd there the kynge Malcolyn was slayne and by the ayde of kyng wyllyam Edgare his son was made kynge of Scotlande ¶ About this tyme the order of Cysteaux was fyrst brought into Englande by one water Espeke that founded the fyrst Abbey of that religyon at Ryuall ¶ This kynge wyllyam was a very couetous man a proude a wylfull and pylled both● 〈◊〉 sperytualte temperalte with sellynge of Bysshoprykes Abbeys benefyces and leuyenge vnresonable taxes trybutes on the temperalte specially by the onely counsell of one Ranulphe hys procuratour whiche ryches the kynge dyd spende vpon the Towre of London some say vpon the makynge of westmyster halle but yf y e sayenge be trewe of westmyster halle it must be some olde halle there nat the newe halle that is nowe For the armes that appere in the halle y t nowe is aswell in y e stone worke as in the tymber worke be y e armes whiche kyng Rycharde the seconde gaue which be .iii. Lyons with y e flour delyce quarterly the whyte hart for his badge For there was neuer kyng of Englande y t bare the armes of Fraūce whiche be the flour delyce before kyng Edwarde the thyrde for in his tyme the armes of Fraūce was fyrst ioyned to y e armes of Englande wherfore it shulde seme euydently that westmyster halle y t i● nowe was nat bylde in the tyme of kynge wyllyam Rufus except it were onely the foundacyon therof or els it was y e halle in westmyster aboue the steyres which is nowe called y e whyte halle By the
prisoner then by medacion of fryndes they agreed vpon eschaunge of prisoners So that the kynge was delyuered for the erle Robert and sone after that the kynge waxed more stronge of people and besegyd the Empresse at Oxforde That the Empresse was fayne to clothe her and her people in whytte apparell and in a nyght whan the grounde was couered with Snowe she by that meanes escaped and fledde to walyngforde and sone after that with a small companye departed into Normandye to her husbande Geffrey Plantagenet but yet after this Robert erle of Gloucester and the erle of Chester were so stronge of people that the kynge was nat abyll to venquysshe them dyuers and many conflyctes was bytwene them yet at a batell at wylton bytwene them the kynge lost the fylde and was lyke to haue ben takyn but yet he escaped In this pastyme dyed Geffrey Plantagenet and Henry his eldyst sonne was made duke of Angeo and Normandye ¶ It was nat longe after but that Eustase sonne to kynge Steuyn with helpe of the Frenche kynge made warre vpon this duke henry in Normandye but he preuayled nat Sone after this duke Henry came from Normandye and with a great armye entred into Englande and wanne the castell of Maluysburye and dyd moche harme to the kynge and at the last came into London and wanne the Towre more by polecye and fayre promyse than by strength and after wanne walyngforde and many other stronge holdes that the kynge had so moche warre that he wyst nat whether to go But the kynge caused Theobalde Archebysshop of Caunterburye to make meanes to the duke for a peace whiche at the last was concluded about the feest of Epyphanye some say it was agreed that Steuyn shulde be kynge terme of his lyfe and the duke heyre Apparant to be kyng after his dethe And some storyes say that the lande was deuyded bytwene them but howe so euer the peace was concluded trewth it is that kynge Steuyn dyed as men sayde for thought and care in the .xxv. day of Octobre nexte folowynge The yere of Chryst M.C.liiii For he was in warre and trouble and in great vexacyon all the terme of his lyfe and he is buryed at Feuersham ¶ Margaret Baldewyn ¶ Margaret syster to Philyppe was maryed to Baldewyn erle of Henaude whiche was nexte erle of Flaunders ¶ Baldewyn sonne to Baldewyn was nexte erle of Flaunders and Emperour of Constantynople Henricus .ij. Adryan Alexander Lucius Vrban Gregory ¶ Adryan an Englysshe man was next pope y e yere of chryst M.C.liiii he hylde y e see .iiii. yere ¶ Alexander was nexte pope he hylde the see .xxi. yere but parte of the eleccyon dyd chose one Victor whiche was called the Antepape and was mayntayned by the Emperour Fredrycke but yet peace was made betwene them ¶ Lucius was nexte pope he hylde the see .iiii. yeres ¶ Vrban was next pope in his tyme Ierusalē was won by y e Sarazyns he hylde the see .ii. yere ¶ Gregory was nexte pope he hylde the see .viii. wekes Fredrycke ¶ Fredrycke Barbe was next Emꝑour y e yere of chryst M.C.lii he hylde y e empyre .xxxvii. yere Henry HEnry the seconde and son to Geffrey Plantagenet erle of Angeo Maude the Empresse was crowned kyng the .xx. day of December the yere of Chryst M.C.liiii This henry was fortunate in his begynnynge and vnfortunate in his ende for fyrst he put downe all the newe castelles that were longynge to the crowne whiche kynge Steuyn before tyme had geuyn to dyuers men fortefyed them agaynst Maude the Empresse He put vnder his owne dominyon the kyngdome of wales and there let fall downe many great woddꝭ and made hye wayes he wanne Irelande by strength He subdued wyllyam kynge of Scotlande whiche at that tyme hylde a great a parte of Northumberlāde vnto Newe castell vpon Tyne and ioyned Scotlande to his owne kyngdome from the southe Occean to the Northe yles of Orkeys and made all these landes as vnder one pryncipate he had in his rule Normādye Gascoyn Guyon Angeo and Chynon and made subiecte to hym Aluerne and by the tytle of his wyfe Elynor doughter to the erle of Petowe he optayned y e Moūtes Pyranye in Spayne that we rede of none of his progenytours that had so many contrey● vnder his dominyon About the .vi. yere of his reyne he wanne the citye of Tolowys ¶ Also for dyuersacies that the kynge procured to be made agayne the lybertes of the churche There fell a great debate betwene hym and Thomas then Archebysshop of Caunterbury that the bysshoppe fled vnto Rome But after whan Thomas came agayne to Caunterbury .iiii. of y e kyngꝭ knyghtes because the kyng beyng in Normādye they harde y e kyng say these wordes if he had any men about hym he had ben a venged vpon y t traytour longe or that tyme. Therfore these knyghtes came fro the kynge beynge in Normandye and slewe this Thomas in the cathederall churche in Caunterbury at saynt Benettes auter whiche Thomas is nowe by the churche canonysed for a holy saynt dyuers myracles auctorysed by the churche that god hathe shewed for hym This kynge henry let crowne henry his eldyst sonne kynge of Englande and went hym selfe into Normandye but his son henry dyed before his father and therfore he is nat accounted in the nōbre of kynges of Englande This Henry his son and his .ii. bretherne Iohn̄ Rycharde made warre agaynst theyr father Some say the cause of the warre was because the kynge imprisoned Elynor his wyfe whiche was kept in prison tyll the kynge dyed and he kept the wenche Rosamonde ¶ Also about the .xi. yere of his reyne wyllyam the kynge of Scottꝭ by the assent of all the lordes of Scotlāde dyd homage to kynge henry at yorke where y e kynge willyam graūted by his letters patentes that he and his heyres and successours for euer shulde do homage vnto the kyngꝭ of Englande ¶ This kynge henry in the later ende of his dayes was neclygent to do his duetye to god holy churche and also declygent in executynge of his lawes and was warned oft tymes to amende these thynges but he forced no suche monicyon nor regarded no counsell And therfore in his later dayes all thyngꝭ went agaynst hym For fyrst about the .xxx. yere of his reyne he sent his son Iohn̄ into Irelande whiche there dyd preuayle but lyttell And in the nexte yere the kynge went thyder hym selfe but fortune was to hym contrary y t he lost his trauayle And about the .xxxii. yere of his reyne he lost Aluerne agaynst the kynge of Fraunce And the next yere after he lost Butyrecan and the nexte after he lost Cenomenea Turyne with many holdes to them belongynge And in the next yere after in the .vi. day of Iuly the yere Chryst M.C.lxxxix he dyed and is buryed at Founteuerarde ¶ Ferrande son to the kyng of Portyngale maryed ●o Iohan eldyst
many hurtes in Gascoyn and Guyan for the erle of Artoys skyrmysshed ofte tymes with the englysshemen and at the last toke syr Iohn̄ saynt Iohn̄ syr willyam Mortymer and dyuers other prisoners whiche were conueyed to Fraunce to dyuers prisons ¶ Also about this tyme the cy●ezens of London were restored to theyr lybertes whiche in some parte had ben kept from them by the space of .xii. yeres so that in stede of Mayres there were custodyes or gardayns whiche was because they mysordered the Iustyce of the citye But for this restorynge they payde .iii. M. markes ¶ In the .xxvi. yere kynge Edwarde went ouer into Flaunders to ayde Guy erle of Flaunders agaynst the Frenche kynge and the frenche kynge drewe towarde the kynge but by mediacyon of fryndes at y e last a peace was made betwene them all But in this whyle the Scottes herynge of the warre in Flaunders because theyr kynge was fled into Fraūce made them a newe kynge called walys and rose agayne and entred into Northumberlāde but the kynge sent his letters to the lordes of Englande whiche by his cōmaundement gathered a great power and went into Scotlande where betwene them was skyrmysshes and many englysshemen slayne for the Scottes kept theyr holdes wolde nat come to no playne fylde But the nexte yere after kyng Edwarde gathered a great power and went hym selfe into Scotlāde where the Scottes with a great hoost met him at a place called Fankyrke where betwene them was fought a cruell battell but in the ende the Englysshemen had the victorye and slewe of the Scottes to y e nombre of .xxxii. M. and but fewe of the Englysshemen But yet the nexte yere after the kynge layde sege to the castell of Estreuelyn where at the last the Scottes that were therin yelded the castell and sware them selfes to the kynges ●legeaunce and walys herynge therof fledde into the mareyses for his suerte for feare of the kynges hoost kept hym so longe tyme that all the cōmons of Scotlande presented them selfe to the kynge by great companyes put them into the kyngꝭ grace and the rulers offycers of cityes townes boroughes were sworne to kynge Edwarde Celestyne Bonyface ¶ Celestyne hylde the see nexte .vi. monethes ¶ Bonyface hylde the see nexte .viii. yere he caused Celestyne to resygne his company to hym by fraude and after lyued lyke a lyon and dyed lyke a dodge ¶ Sone after this kynge Edwarde returned into Englande where many complayntes were made to hym of his offycers as of Mayres Sheryffes baylyffes exchetours and dyuers other wherfore he ordayned his Iustyce to make inquisicyons therof whiche after was called Trolbaston where by forfeytours fynes the kynge recouered innumerable treasour agaynst suche offenders and fylled his cofers agayne Neuerthe●●●●● this kynge dyd great good within the realme of Englande for those offenders were well chastyced and were moche more meker and better and the pore cōmons lyued in moche more rest and peace ¶ Also about this tyme syr Edwarde the kynges eldest sonne by the wanton counsell of Piers Ganeston brake the bysshop of Chesters parke and ryottuously distroyed his game wherfore the kynge imprysoned his sonne and other that were with hym and after banysshed the sayde Piers out of Englande ¶ Also about the .xxxiii. yere of kynge Edwarde walys the Scotte was taken and brought to London drawne hanged quartred and anone after that the bysshoppe of saynt Andrewes Robert le Bruse syr Symon Frysell erle of Dumber syr Iohn̄ Cambres erle of Atlas and syr Iohn̄ Comyn with many other came to westmyster by theyr voluntarye wylles were sworne to be trewe to kynge Edwarde and to kepe Scotlande to his vse But sone after that Robert le Bruse contrarye to his othe gate a dispensacyon for his othe of pope Clement the .v. and toke vpon hym to be kynge of Scotlande slewe syr Iohn̄ Comyn and his brother that counselled hym to the contrarye And sone after kynge Edwarde came into Scotlande agayne with a stronge power and Robert le Bruse met hym with a great nombre at a playne nyghe saynt Iohans towne where there was fought a cruell battell but the Scottꝭ were discomfyt and .vii. thousande Scottes there slayne there were dyuers bysshoppes and abbottes taken dyuers other temporall lordes And Robert le Bruse fled vnto the kynge of Norwey and kynge Edwarde sent the bysshoppes and Abbottes that were taken in the fylde to the pope and sent the temperall lordes and other of the Scottes that were takyn vnto London where they were put to dethe ¶ Also in the .xxxv. yere of kyng Edwarde as he returned towarde Englāde he fell sycke wherfore he sware his lordes to be trewe to Edwarde his eldyst son And also charded his sayd son vpon his blessynge that he shulde neuer suffer Piers of Ganeston to returne into Englande sware his lordes to stycke to the same and the kynges son and they all graunted therto and in y e vii day of Iulii in the yere of Chryst M.CCC.vii he dyed and is buryed at westmyster Edwardus .ij. ¶ Benedicte ¶ Benedicte was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.CCC.iii he hylde the see .ix. monethes Henry ¶ Henry was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M.CCC.viii he hylde the Empyre .vi. yere Edwarde the seconde EDwarde the seconde of that name and son to Edwarde the fyrst borne at Carnaruan was crowned kynge the .xxiiii. day of February the yere of Chryst M.CCC.vii after the countynge of Englande This kynge was fayre stronge of body but vnstydfast of condicyons for he refused the company of his lordes and wyse men and haunted the company of vyle persons and gaue hym to great drynkyng and lyghtly wolde discouer thynges of great counsell whiche turned hym after to great hurte and the realme to great vnquietnesse This kynge as sone as his father was buryed sent for Piers of Ganeston his olde compyre and aduaunced hym to great honour contrary to the promyse that he made to his father This kynge in the seconde yere of his reyne went ouer into Fraunce and maryed Isabell doughter to Philyppe le Belle kynge of Fraunce and after with her returned into Englande This kynge for the displeasure done before to hym by y e bysshop of Chester put the sayd bysshop in the Towre in strayte prison but the lordes whiche y e kynges father in his dethbede sware to be trewe to his son came to the kynge and spake so to the kynge that contrary to the kynges mynde this Piers was banysshed into Irelande but the kynge secretely comforted hym with great gyftes and made hym chefe ruler of the contrey but after that for the auoydynge of grudge betwene y e kynge and the lordes the sayd Piers was suffered to come into Englande agayne and had the rule of all the kynges iewels and spende wasted moche of the kynges treasure that shortely after by y e labour of the lordes he
was exyled agayne into Flaunders to the kynges displeasure ¶ About this tyme the knightes of saynt Iohans wanne the citye of the Rodes from y e Turkes Also the Templers landes for that they vsed thyngꝭ contrary to the faythe of Christ were gyuen to them of saynt Iohans and the Templers were distroyed thorowe out all Chrystendome and about this tyme the order of the Crossyd freres came fyrst into Englande This Piers of Ganeston was suffered to come agayne into Englande whiche than demeaned hym selfe moche wors than euer he dyd before and waxed proude and reuyled so the iordes that they were sore moued agaynst hym that sodaynly they rose and beseged hym in the Castell of Scarbrugh and at the last wanne it and toke it and brought hym to a place besyde warwyke and there stroke of his hede wherwith the kynge was greatly displeasyd ¶ About the .vi. yere of this kynge Robert le Bruse herynge of the dyuisyon betwene the kynge his lordes came agayne into Scotlande there was admytted as kynge wherfore kyng Edwarde prepared a great armye and went into Scotlāde agaynst whome came Robert le Bruse with a great power of Scottes they met at a place nyghe a ryuer called Bannokisborne where was fought a great batell but the Englysshemen lost the fylde and many of the lordes and great men of Englande were slayne and taken and the kynge with a fewe of his hoost fled and escaped with great daunger into Berwyke wherfore the Scottꝭ were so inflamed with suche pryde that they made this eyme ye maydens of Englande nowe may ye morne For ye haue lost your ●emans at Bannokes borne with heue a lowe what weanes the kynge of Englande So sone to wonne Scotlande with rumbelowe ¶ In the .ix. yere of kynge Edwarde Robert le Bruse kynge of Scottes gatte Berwyke which was by treason as the fame went And the nexte yere after the Scottes entred Northūberlande and brent and slewe man woman and chylde and the contrey therby greatly hurte And yet to ¶ Lewys Huten ¶ Lewys Huten son of Philyppe le belle was nexte kynge of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.CCC.xiiii he made the court of parlyament of Fraunce to be holden contynually in Parys he reyned .ii. yere and lafte his wyfe the quene with chylde ¶ Iohn̄ son to Lewys was borne after his fathers dethe and reyned but .viii. dayes ¶ Robert ¶ Robert son to Guy countie of Flaunders was nexte erle of Flaunders Clement ¶ Clement was nexte pope he hylde the see in Auinyon .viii. yere and more ●his myschefe was ioyned another that vytell and corne was so scant that the people were fayne to eate hors flesshe dogges flesshe and some stale chylderne and ete them many for defaute of vytell dyed after insued great pestylence 〈◊〉 that the people of Englāde wondersly decayde yet these monicyons mended nat the kynge of his yuell lyuynge ¶ Also about the .xi. yere of his reyne he assembled a great hoost of the Southe Eest partes of Englande came and beseged Berwyke wherfore the Scottes gathered a great company and came into Englande another way into the marches of yorke shyre there slewe moche people wherfore the Archebysshop of yorke and other Abbottes pryours clerkes withe husbandemen assembled a great companye gaue them battell at a place called Mytton where the Englysshemen were discomfyte and many of them slayne but the Archebysshop and the Abbot of Selby dyuers other there escaped But because there were so many spirituall men there slayne it was called therfore the whyte battell And whan kynge Edwarde harde therof because it was nyghe wynter he brake vp his sege and returned into yorke Also about this tyme there was nothynge done but by the aduyse of Hughe Spencer the father and Hughe Spencer the son the cōmons had them in as great hateryd as they had Piers of Ganeston before ¶ Also in the .xii. yere of this kynge two Legates whiche came from Rome made great labour to conclude a peace betwene the kynge of Englāde the Scottes but that auayled nat wherfore kynge Edwarde gatte a curse of pope Iohn̄ to accurse Robert le Bruse all other that toke his parte that had hurte the reame of Englande that to stande in strength tyll they had recōpensed for all harmes done to Englande but it auayled nothynge but put Englande to great cost for the optaynynge therof Also when the barons of Englāde sawe this mysterye that y e Spencers mysgouerned all the realme they assembled them to gether made a re●uest to the kyng that he shulde remoue the Spencers from his person wherfore there was a parlyment called at Lōdon the barons came thyder with a great company in iakettes of yelowe and grene and a bande of whyte cast ouerthwarte and therfore it was called the parlyment of whyte bandes At whiche parlyment bothe the Spencers were banysshed the lande for terme of theyr lyues and they toke shyppynge at Douer ●o voyded the lande But it was nat longe after but the kynge contrarye to that ordynance made in the parlyment sent for these Spencers agayne set them in hyghe auctorite ruled all thynge after theyr sensuall appetytes nothynge regardynge Iustyce nor the cōmen welthe wherfore the barons intendyng agayne to reforme these myschefe assembled their powers but the kyng made so hasty spede gathered his people so sone was strōger than they and pursued them so in dyuers places that the barons euer fled that in the ende Thomas erle of Lācaster was taken by one Andrewe of Harkeley whome the kynge sent w t a great power at y e battell of Borough brygge where many other of the barons were s●ayne and taken And after that the sayd erle of Lancaster and dyuers other of the barons and knyghtes were put to dethe after that the kynges power and the Spencers powers greatly increasyd the barons powers decayde by the space of .v. yere contenuynge In whiche tyme one Robert Baldocke whiche was a man of euyll fame was Chaunceler of Englande by whose meanes the kynge gatheryd many forfettes and fynes of his people contrary to good order of Iustyce ¶ In the .xv. yere of this kynge one Edwarde le Bruse brother to the kynge of Scottes with a great power entred into Irelande intendynge to haue wonne that lande but the people of Irelande quytte them so well that they venquysshed the Scottes and slewe Edwarde le Bruse many of the nobles of Scotlande and many other and droue the resydewe out of the contrey ¶ Also the .xvi. yere the kynge prepared a meruaylous great armye as some wryters reporte to the nombre of C.M. and inuaded Scotlande But the Scottes for fere of the great multytude drewe them to moūtaynes other places y t the Englysshe hoost preuayled lyttell agaynst them wherfore the kynge returned agayne into Englande because many
of his people there perysshed for ●●●ke of ●yrell wherfore syr Iames Dudglas with a great nombre of Scottes folowed and 〈◊〉 with the kynge at a place called Leylande in Northumberlande where was betwene them ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe le longe seconde son of Philyp●e l●bell was nexte kynge of Fraunce he ordayned but one weyght and mesure to be thorowe all Fraunce Iohn̄ ¶ Iohn̄ was nexte pope he hylde the see in Auynyon .xix. yere a great battell but the Englysshemen lost the fylde the kynge fled escaped with great daunger In whiche battell the erle of Rychemonde was taken prisoner many men slayne dyuers other men taken ●nd the kynges treasure his ordynaūce was takyn and conueyed into Scotlande But this fylde was loste by the treason of the sayd Andrewe of Harkeley whome y e kynge had made erle of Carlyll whiche had a great nombre of people cōmynge to the ayde of y e kynge toke secretely a great sōme of money of the sayd Dudglas so betrayed the kynge came nat at the fylde whiche was cause y t the kynge lost the fylde for the whiche dede the sayd Andrewe was after drawne hanged quartered About this tyme warre began agayne betwene the Frenchemen the Englysshemen Gascons in Guyan For the pacifyenge of whiche warre kyng Edwarde sent ouer the quene his wyfe to her brother the Frenche kynge and whyle she was there Edwarde y e kyngꝭ eldyst son beynge .xiiii. yere of age asked leaue of his father to go into Fraūce to his mother to se his vncle Philyppe le Belle kyng of Fraunce and had leaue and departed And because kynge Edwarde had denyed to do homage to the kynge of Fraūce for the Duchye of Guyan the sayd kynge Philyppe there made Edwarde the kynge of Englande his eldyst son duke of Guyan wherwith kynge Edwarde was nat content dyd exyle bothe the quene his sayd son out of Englande by the counsell of the Spencers of syr Robert Baldocke his Chaūcellour wherfore the kynge made opyn Proclamacyons that yf the Quene her son came nat into Englande by a certayne day that they shulde be take as ennemyes to the kynge before the whiche day they came nat wherfore the kynge seased all the quenes landes his sons landes toke the hole profyte therof And after the kynge sent suche worde thretenynges to the kynge of Fraunce that he was compelled to auoyde the quene out of Fraunce wherfore she and her son went to the erle of Heynaude where Edwarde her son was shortly after contracte to Philyppe y e sayd erles doughter And whan this was knowen dyuers men of name of Englāde came ouer to the quene and sone after the erle of Henaude prepared .v. C. men of armes of the whiche one syr Iohn̄ of Henaude the erles brother was captayne and sent them ouer with the quene and her son into Englande whiche landed besyde Harwiche in Suffolke to whome a great nombre of people anone resorted to her ayde and than she came with great spede towarde London where the kynge at that tyme was whiche herynge therof for fere ●led towarde walys with a small companye and lefte the bysshop of Excester behynde hym to gouerne London And than the quene sent a letter to the Mayre and cōmynalte of London whiche letter was tacked vpon the crosse in Chepe and dyuers copyes therof set vp in dyuers other places wherfore this bysshop of Excester sent to the Mayre to haue the keys of the citye spake to hym so sharpe wordes that they fell at suche a varyance that the cōmons of the citye in a rage toke the sayd bysshoppe brought hym to the standarde in Chepe and smote of his hede and two of his seruantes hedes a cyteners hede called Marshall that was syr Hughe Spencers spye Than the kynge went to Brystowe and ordayned syr Hughe Spencer the father there to kepe castell and the towne and the kynge with Hughe Spencer the son and syr Robert Baldocke his Chauncelour and the erle of Arondell went into walys And the quene sent the erle of Kent and syr Iohn̄ of Heynaude after them with a great companye whiche so pursued them that fyrst they toke Hughe Spencer the father at Brystowe and after pursued the kynge into walys and there toke the kynge and sent hym to the castell of Kenelworthe and toke Hughe Spencer the son and syr Robert Baldocke and the erle of Arondell and brought them all to the towne of Herforde anone after syr Hugh Spencer the father and Hughe Spencer the sonne were drawne hanged and quartered and syr Iohn̄ of Arnudell was beheded and syr Robert Baldocke put in Newgate in London and there shortly after dyed amonge the theues anone after at a parlement holden at westmyster the .xxv. day of Ianuarii the yere of Chryst M.CCC.xxvi The kynge was deposyd of his kyngly dignyte and he is buryed at Gloucester ¶ Charles ¶ Charles the thyrde sonne of Philyppe le belle was nexte kynge of Fraunce Edwardus .iij. Benedicte Clement ¶ Benedicte was next pope y e yere of christ M.CCC.xxxiiii he hylde y e see in Auinyon .vii. yere ¶ Clement hylde the see nexte .xi. yere he ordaynde that the Iubely shulde be euery .l. yere Lewys ¶ Lewys was nexte Emperour he hylde y e empyre .xxiiii. yere he was deposed by pope Clement he had great warre with Fredrycke duke of Austryche whiche was also chosyn Emperour Edwarde the thyrde EDwarde the thyrde of that name son to Edwarde the .ii. of Isabell onely doughter of Philyppe le belle was crowned kynge the .ii. day of Februarii the yere of christ M.CCC.xxvi whan he was but .xv. yere of age In the fyrst yere of his reyne the Scottes entred into Englande the kynge with a great power came to them at the parke of Stanhope and set them rounde about yet the Scottes escaped that the kynge lost that iourney and returned with lytell honour And in the ende of the fyrst yere he maryed Philyppe the forsayd erles doughter of Henaude at yorke Sone after that the kynge made with the Scottes a peace and released to them theyr homage and delyuered vnto them theyr charter or indenture called Ragman as it was sayd by the counsell of the olde quene and syr Roger Mortymer whiche anone after was made erle of Marche And the olde quene and he toke vpon them the rule of the hole realme wherby many thynges grewe out of order ¶ About the thyrde yere of this kynge the erle of Kent the olde kynges brother supposynge his brother had ben a lyue deuysed certayne letters secretely to be sent to his brother for his delyuerance wherfore he was accused and by auctoryte of parlyament condempned and therfore was beheded This Roger Mortymer was so cruell couetous and so proude that the lordes and the people disdayned hym by secrete meanes brought him
he was put to dethe But of the maner of his dethe be dyuers opinyons for some sayd that he was famysshed and kept from mete .v. days wherfore he dyed for honger and some sayd that one syr Piers of Exton with .viii. of his company fell vpon this Rycharde late kynge slewe hym But as sone as they smote at hym he shortely recouere one of theyr axes and slewe .iiii. of them but at the last he was wonded to dethe by the handes of the sayd Piers. And when he was deed he was layde open vysaged in the minyster of Pountfret after that brought to the citye of London and layde agayne in Poules with open vysage to the intent that his dethe myght be openly knowen And after he was caryed vnto Langley and there buryed but after he was remoued by kynge Henry the .v. in the fyrst yere of his reyne and buryed in westmyster ¶ After the deposynge of this kynge Rycharde kyng Henry founde great treasour what in his treasourye what in other places in money iewels to the value of .vii. M. li But yet here ye must note that .xl. s in those dayes was better than .xl. s is at this present day whiche is nowe the .xxi. yere of kynge Henry the .viii. for at those dayes .v. grotes made an ounce and nowe at this day .xi. grotes maketh an ounce ¶ Also in the same yere the kynge sent Isabell late quene and wyfe to kynge Rycharde into Fraūce vnto her father the Frenche kynge with great ryches in discharge of all her dowery in Englande whiche was after maryed to one Charles son and heyre to the duke of Orlyaauce ¶ Also in the seconde yere of this kynge a knyght called Roger Claryngton his .ii. seruantes and the prior of Launde and .viii. freres Mynours or gray freres and some of them bachelers of dyuinyte were drawyn and hanged at Tyborne for treason In this tyme a discencyon fell betwene one Owen of Glendor a welcheman and the lorde Gray of Ruthyn whiche Owen toke the lorde Gray prisoner and compelled hym to marye his doughter and kept hym styll in wales tyll he dyed wherwith the kynge toke displeasure came into wales with a great power and Owen with his people fled into the mountaynes and there kept hym that the kynge cowde nat wyne vnto hym wherfore the kynge returned ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe duke of Burgoyne son to Iohn̄ kynge of Fraūce maryed Margaryt doughter to Lewys erle of Flaūders and by her was erle of Flaunders Gregory Alexander ¶ Gregory was nexte pope but he was deposyd ¶ Alexander was nexte pope he hylde the see one monthe ¶ Also in the .iii. yere of this kynge a discencyon fell betwene the kynge syr Thomas Percye erle of worcester that the sayd erle and syr Henry Percye his neuewe son and heyre to the erle of Northūberlande gaue the kynge a great battell at Shroysbury where the sayd erle was taken and syr Henry Percye slayne on the kynges parte Henry the kynges eldyst son beynge prnce was wounded and the erle of Stafforde was slayne many other noble men and other were slayne vpon bothe partes after the erle was beheded And sone after this the Duches of Bryttayne came into Englande and was maryed vnto the kynge Sone after this the Emperour of Rome called Robert came into Englande to se the contrey and to disporte hym and had great chere of the kynge ¶ Also about the .vi. yere of this kynge Rycharde Skrope archebysshop of Caunterburye and the lorde Mombray marshall of Englande with other to them alyed gathered great strength to the intent to haue put downe the kynge wherfore the kynge gathered his power and sodaynly mette w t them besyde yorke where at a skyrmysshe made betwene them they were bothe taken For whiche rebellyon they were there demyd to dethe and after they were bothe beheded ¶ Also in this kynges dayes and ofte tymes in the tyme of kynge Rycharde the seconde there were many chalenged other and appelled other for treason For the whiche they waged battell he y t was vanquesshed was put to dethe as a traytour whether he were appellant or defendāt ¶ Also about the .ix. yere of this kynge one Ryse Apdee a welcheman for fauour that he bare to Owen of Glendour rebelled agayne the kynge but at the last he was taken and brought vnto London and there drawne hanged and quartred ¶ Also sone after that about the .xii. yere of his re●●●e the kynge sent his sonnes Thomas duke of Clarence Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde and Vmfrey duke of Glocester and dyuers other lordes with a great power into Fraūce to helpe the duke of Orlyaunce agayne the duke of Burgon whiche landed in Normandye and so forthe went to Burdeux and toke many holdes and many prisoners and after returned with them into Englande ¶ Also in the .xiiii. yere of his reyne kynge Henry intended to take a voyage to visyte the sepulture of our lorde at Ierusalem and made newe Galeys therfore because there was a Prophecy sayd that he shulde neuer dye tyll he had be at Ierusalem and in the preparynge of this he fell sodaynly sycke at saynt Edwardes shryne at westmyster wherfore they bare him into y e abbottes place there into a chambre And whan the kynge was somwhat come to hym selfe he asked where he was his seruantes tolde hym he was in the abbot of westmysters place in a chamber called Ierusalem and whan the kynge harde that the chambre was called Ierusalem he knewe well y t he shulde dye And therfore he made hym redy vnto god and there shortely after dyed in the .xx. day of Marche the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xii And after was brought to Caunterburye and there buryed Henricus .v. Iohan. ¶ Iohn̄ was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.x he hylde the see .x. yere and more and was deposed at the counsell of Constaunce Sygismounde ¶ Sygismounde was nexte Emperour the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xi in his tyme were .ii. generall counsels at Constaunce and Basell Henry the fyfte HEnry the fyfte of that name and son to Henry the .iiii. was crowned kynge of Englande the .ix. day of August the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xii he was borne at Monmouthe in wales and therfore he is called kynge Henry of Monmouthe This Henry before the dethe of his father applyed hym selfe to vyce and insolence and vsed ryotous wylde companye But after that he was admytted to gouerne y e lande he became a newe man and turned all his wyldenesse to sobernesse and his vyces to vertue And than he gaue sufficyent rewardes to all his olde wylde cōpany that were his familyers charged all them vpon payne of theyr lyues that they shulde nat come within .x. myles of his presens And after his coronacyon he caused the corps of kynge Rycharde the .ii. to be taken vp at Langley with great solempnyte
commyng ouer it which they seyd in laten de aduentu auium ¶ Procas siluius son to Auentinus was next kyng of Latyns Albayns ¶ Amulyus siluius the yonger son of Procas was next kyng of Albayns he expulsyd his elder broder Numiter slew Lansus his sonne cawsyd Rehea his doughter to be a nonne of sych an order that yf she brake her vyrgynyte she shuld dye but that not with stondyng she was gotten with chylde by one vnknowyn had .ii chyldern at a byrth which after were callyd one Romulꝰ another Remꝰ wherfore Amulius causyd Rehea to be burned quik the ·ii cheldern to be cast in the water of Tiber but yet by ꝑuycyō deuyne they were p̄seruyd by the water syde foūd alyue by one Faustulꝰ which norryshed them tyll they cam to age which chyldern than slew the seyd Amulius Ebrank Brute greenshyld Leyle Ludebras Bladud Leyre ¶ Ebrank sō to menpresyus reynyd next he cōqueryd fraūce wan there grete tresure cam agayn byldyd a cyte calfyd Eborak after his name which now is calleyd york byldyd Edinborow castell ¶ Brute grenshelde callyd viride stutun reynyd after his fader Ebrank .xxx. yere ¶ Leyle son to Brute reynyd next after he made the town of karlell in his tyme Salamon made y e temple of Ierusalem this Leyle reynyd .xxii. yere ¶ Ludibras son to Leyle reynyd after hym he made the ceties of Canterbury wynchester shaftisbury he reynyd .xxx. yere ¶ Bladud son to Ludibras reynyd next he made the cyte of Bath as the story seyth he was a grete nigromancyer by y t craft made there y e hote bathys but other clerkis hold opynyon that they come naturally of y e grounde be cause ther be manny sych in other placis as in darbyshyer at boxtone and many other in Italye dyuers other landis some phylozophers holde that y e cause therof is thus that whā there is a hote fume which perpetuall comyth fumyth out of the yerth wherof ye may se manny of th●m by experyence in Italy which be euer perpetually hote fumyng smokyng out of the yerth lyke wyse as welspryngis come out of the yerth perpetually when anny welspryng brekyth out at any place of the yerth where sych a hote fume is nygh Ioynīg thā if y e hote fume be bygger of power thē it will naturally make the water hote because y e hote fume welspryng be both of theyr naturis perpetuall that hote bath of water must be perpetually hote but whether men will beleue the history or the phylozophers euery man is at his lyberte This bladud reynyd .xxi. yere ¶ Leyre sō to Bladud reynyd next he made y e town of Leycet after his name he had .iii. doughters because the eldest doughter Genoril seyd she louyd hym better than her lyfe the .ii. callyd Rogane seyd she loued hym passyng all creaturs the .iii. doughters called Cordell seyd that she louyd hym as she ought to loue her father he therfore maryed his eldest doughter to the kyng of skotland the .ii. to the yerle of Cornwall nothyng regardyng his yongist doughter gafe his hole realme land in his lyfe to his two eldest doughters but y e king of fraūce callyd Agamp herd speke of the bewty goodnes of Cordell toke her to wyfe though y e father had nothyng to gyfe her after this Leyr soiornyd with his eldest doughter a whyle with .xl. knyghtis squyeris waytyng on hym so long tyll y t she was wery of hym wherefore he departyd thēs went to his other doughter in to Cornewall there soiornyd so long tell y t she was also wery of hym wherfore he departyd preuely in to fraūce to his yongyst doughter whiche there reseuyd hym louyngly when kynge Agampe knewe how vnkyndely his .ii doughters seruyd hym he sent hym ouer agayne with his doughter agrete people with hym whych ī strōg bateyl had y e victory so Leyr had his lād again lyffyd after y ● .iii. yere ī all reynyd .xl. yere ¶ The lyne of cicambres ❀ Torgotus Tungrys Teutho Agrippa ¶ Pryam after the deth of Cicamber was next kyng of Cicambreys after whō succedyd one Hector other as the lyne petegre aboue shewyth as the frenchmen hold oppynyon 〈…〉 Ancus marciꝰ Tarquimꝰ pris●us Sermus tulliꝰ Tarquimus suꝑbꝰ ¶ Romulus Remus bredyrne ●wyndels after that they had slayne An●●ius byldyd a cyte in t●e place where they were cast in the water to haue been drownyd But because it was not knowyn who was the elder brother some dyscord grewe Betwene thē who shuld haue the name of the Cyte wherfore it was agreed after the custome of they re old wichcraftys that eyther of them shuld stand vppon dyuers hyl●●s ouer whose hed so euer it were that most nomber of Byrdys callyd vulturus dyd fle y t he shuld haue the preemynēc● wherof the fortune fell to Romulꝰ wherfore he namyd the cyte Rome But incontinent after this Romulus slew his broder Remus because he went ouer the wallys of the Cyte contrary to his broder● cōmaundement wherfore then Romulus abode soole kyng of Rome This Romulus ordeynyd that there shuld be a C. of the wysyst of the people elect whiche were callyd Senatours by whose councell all matters shuld be dyrectyd This Romulus was slayn in a tempest of thunder lyghtenyng that no man coud tell where his body became Therefore the rōmayns seyd that he was translatyd into heuyn wherfore afterward they honouryd hym as a god ¶ Numa pompilius a Sabyne born was next kyng of Rome because ther was oft dyscord betwen the Romayns Sabynis it was agreed that bothe cuntreys shuld be as one the kyng to be chosyn by eleccyon and agreemēt of both people which Numa so chosyn gouernyd y e people by sych maner that he was without any war duryng his lyfe wherfore the Romayns incresyd meruelously both in strenght and ryches ¶ Tulliꝰ hostiliꝰ a romayn was next chosyn kīg he made war agaīst y e Albayns subduyd the king callyd Caius Ciuilius and b●e●t and dy●lroyed the cyte of Alba And made all the people subduyd to Rome This Tullius was slayn with thonder and lyghtening ¶ Ancus marcius son to Numa was next chosyn king of Rome He adioynyd to the cite of Rome y t mountꝭ Auentyne and Iamcule and was the furst that byldyd the bryge ouer Tyber ¶ Tarquinius priscus borne in the cite of Tarquia was next chosin king of Rome ●e dubled the nōber of the Senatours and made a nother C. which were callid Peeres or Faders of y e yōg senatours He fortefied gretly the cite of Rome he gaue his doughter in mariage to Seruius tullius wherefo●e by the menis of the chileren of Ancus he was in his ●ales slayn by treason ¶ Seruius tulliꝰ was next king Not made by the cōsēt
called Catenesey but y e brytons dysdeyned to gyue theyr doughters to thē in maryage therfore they aquaynted thē with Irysshmen maryed theyr doughters therfore y e lande as appereth in policronicō was fyrst called Irelande after Pictauia lastly Skotlāde After y t this Maurꝰ cōtynued in loue with y e Romayns payed his trybute to Rome ruled Brytayne doynge good Iustyce after dyed lyeth at Carlell Odemer therfore that coūtre was called a whyle Fraunce after y t Marcomere by the duke called Marcomere whiche had a sone called Brandon whiche bylded y e towne of Brandenburgh wherof the markes Brandonburgh one of y e elizours of y e Emperour at this day bereth his name ¶ Odemer sone of Rychemere was after his fader kynge of y e Frensshmen he kepte peas bothe with y e Romayns Galle●s he augmented gretely y e sacrefyse to the goddes specyally he caused to honoure y e god Mars for by hym the people trusted for vyctory Octauius Aqsgranū which is y e cyte of A●ō where y e emperour now taketh his fyrst crowne ¶ Octauius sone of Iulyus was after his fader duke of Tongres Brabande he kepte lege with the Romayns wherfore y e Emperour Troiane made hym gouernour of Gall belgik In his tyme saynt Martyn cōuer●ed to y e fayth of cryst the cytees of Collen Tongres Sixte Thelesphore Higeme Pius Anicet Sother ¶ Syxt a Romayne was next pope y e yere of Cryste C.xxi. he helde the see x yere more in the tyme of Adrian vnder whom he was martyred ¶ Thelesphore a greke was next made pope the yere of cryste C.xxxi he held the see xi yere .iii. m●ne this he orderid the tyme of lent to be fast that at cristenmas a preest shulde sing iii masses also orderid y e gloria in exelcis shulde be song at mas he sufferid marterdome vnder Anthonius ¶ Higenie a greke held the see .iiii. yere he ordeynyd godfaders godmoders after was martiryd ¶ Pius ā Italyō helde the see xi yere he ordenyd ester to be hallowid on the sōday also that who so euer vsurpid y e gooddis of y e church shuld be ponishid for sacralagie he was martirid by āthoniꝰ ¶ Anyceta syryā helde the see .x. yere was in rtyred by Anthonius Marcus ¶ Sother born at campayn held the see ix yere he ordeynid mariage to be opinly solemnisid and after was martired Adrian Anthoniꝰpiꝰ Marcꝰāthoniꝰ ¶ Adrian son of ely adrian cosyn to Troian was made emperour the yere of Cryste C.xix he was expert both in greke tong laten he restored the cyte of Alexander in Egypt late dystroyed by the romayns he reedified y e cite of Ierusalem set the sepulcre of Cryste within the same ¶ Anthoniꝰpiꝰ begottyn of adriā his sō adoptyfe was after adriā made ēꝑour reynid .xxiiii. yere ¶ Marcus aurelius anthonin callid the trew Lucius the trew his broder sonnis to Marcus held the Empyre ioyntely after theyr fader .xi. yere thē Lucius dyed Mercus contynnued ēꝑour .viii. yere he made the .iiii. percecusion vppon the cristen men Coelus Luciꝰ ¶ Coelus son to maurꝰ was made next kyng of bryttayne the yere of Cryste C.xxvi because he was brought vp in youth among the romayns he louyd thē kept pease with thē in his tyme payed tribute he was welbelouid of his people for his liberalite he suffred the ryche to kepe theyr ryches dyd grete almys to the poor nedy ¶ Lucius son to coelus was after his father kyng of brittayn the yere of Cryste C.lxxx he sēd to elu●terus pope of Rome to be crystynyd which sendin to bryttayne .ii. legattis one callyd faganus the other damianꝰ which baptisyd the kyng y e people In that tyme there were .iii. archflāmis .xxxviii. flāmyns of the panym fayth which thē were chaungyd in to .iii. archbyshoppꝭ .xxviii. byshoppꝭ one was y e archbyshop of lōdō y e other of york y e .iii. of gloceter which york yet cōtinuith but the other were after chaungyd so all the ydols in the panym temples were dystroyed the temples were dedicate made churchys of the crystē f●ayth this lucyꝰ as sō wryters afferme reynid .lxxviii. yere after dyed without issue is buried at gloceter Mercomer Clodomer ¶ Mercomer sonn to odemer was after his fader kīg of frenchmen the yere of Cryst C.xxvii he maryed Athyld doughter to maurus kyng of greate bryttayne had .vii. sonnis y t is to sey Clodomer mercomer that byldyd the cite of mercoburg Clogion Francus Meredak nichanor odemar duryng this mercomers tyme the frenchmen had no warris therfore they īcresid in grete ryches ▪ he reynyd .xxi. yere Clodomer son of mercomer was kīg ●fter his fader In his tyme the Galles prepared to make warre vppon him but by his wisdom he pacefied it y t they did no hurt he reynid .xvii. yere Goddard ¶ Godardus sonne to octauiꝰ was after his father duke of tongres brabād y e yere of Cryste C.xl. he was gouernour of gallis belgyk by y e romayns as his fader was before Eluter Victor zepherī ¶ Eluter a greke was next pope the. yere of crist C.lxxvii he hild the see .xv. yere was martirid ¶ Victor hild y e se .x. yere ī y e time of āthoniꝰ comodꝰ holie ꝑtinax Iuliā seuerꝰ ēꝑours was martird ¶ zepherin a romayn hild the see .xvii. yere he ordeynid that euery man woman of .xiiii. yere shuld receyue at ester the body of crist consecrate Lucius Helius ꝑtinax dedius saluius seuerꝰ ꝑtinax basianꝰ caracalla ¶ Lucius aurelius anthonin callid comodus son of mercus was after his father emꝑour the yere of crist C.lxxxii he was lyke to nero of wykkydnes therfore of skorn he was callyd comodus that is to sey profitable for he was vnprofitable to euery man hurtfull in cōclusion was slayne in his bed ¶ Helius partinax was next made emperour agaynst his wyll by the senat the yere of crist C. xc.iiii was slayne by one dedius saluius Iulianus after that he had holdin the empyre .vi. monethis ¶ Dediꝰ saluiꝰ Iulianꝰ a great cōnīg man of y e law after y e deth of helius whom he slew was made emperour but he was slayne within .vi. monethis after therfore some counte him for no emꝑour ¶ Seuerus ꝑtinax born in africa was emperour the yere of cryst C. xx.v he came with a great host in to grete briteī Also he did the .v. ꝑsecuciō vppon y e cristen mē where seynt hirenie archebisshope of lyon seīt lyonide ii saītꝭ ꝑpetue felycyte were martered he dyed in grete brytein lyeth at yorke ¶ Basianꝰ called caracalla sō to seuerꝰ by a brittē womā was next ēꝑoure after his fader y e yere of crist CC.xiii he was a lecherꝰ mā lay by
Aureliꝰ shuld be a romayn ¶ Aurylambrose or Aurelius ambrosius was then crounyd kyng of bryttayn the yere of cryst .iiii. C.lxxx he had many cōflyctys wyth the saxons sped dyuersly In thys tyme one Ella a saxon cam in to the south parte of bryttayne slew many bryttons there made hym selfe furst kyng of southe saxons s southsex the yere of cryst .iiii. C.lxxx after hym reynyd there his .iii. sonnys Symen Idlenkingus Eissa Also in thys tyme one Vffa began furst to be kyng in Estangles the yere of cryst .iiii. C.xcii whych people therfore were callyd vffynys ¶ Thys Aurylābrose dystroyd the panym lawys reedyfyed churchys of crystendome he was poysonyd at wynchester was buryed at stoneheng vnder the grete stonys whych stonys the bryttons say y t one Merlyon which was begotin of a womā by the deuyll brought out of yrelād by the craft of magyk whych dyuers men thynk stondyth nother with good fayth nor reasō also the bryttons say that thys Marlyon told wrote many k     k   Ella   S     Vffa A Clouis wherfore they put out Gelyō toke Chelderyk agayn as kyng which after subdued to his obeysaūce all the contrey from thoronaunce to the flood of Leyre after dyed ⸫ ¶ Clouys sonne of Chelderyk was after hys father kyng of fraunce the yere of cryst .iiii. C.lxxxiiii He was cruell at the furst agaynst crystēdome for he pyllyd the churchys thē brent after be maryed to encrese they re domynyōs the romayns to dekey toke part with Chelderyk kyng offraūce seyd he cam of hys blood that is to sey of Sycamber sonne of Francus Hormisida Iohn̄ Felix ¶ Hormisida born at chāpayn was next pope the yere of cryst vC.xvii he held the see .ix. yere more ¶ Iohn̄ a tusque was next he held y e see .ii. yere he dyed prisoner in the cyte of Rauēs for y e crystē fayth ¶ Felix samien was next held the see .iiii. yere more he foūdid y e church of cosme damyā at rome Iustin ¶ Iustyn the auncyon was then made emperoure the yere of cryst .v. C.xviii he was protector of the crysten feyth he put all the arryens out of constantynnople vter pēdrago prophesyes wheron they gretely beleue But other clerkis and grete lernyd men gyue lyttyll credēce to them also they sey that those stonis were neuer brought out of yreland by merlion but y t they were made by craft of men as of semēt morter made of flynt stonys one reasō they alege therto because those stonis be so hard that no yryn tole wyll cut them without grete bysynes and also they be of one facyon and bygnes saue only there be .ii. sortis so most lykly to be caste and made in a molde that men thynke it a thyng almoste vnpossyble to get so many grete stonys owte of anny quarre or rokk that shold be so herd so equall of bygnes fassyon a nother reason they ley y t it is not well possyble to haue so many gret stonis to be all of one color of one greyn thorow and in euery place but that some stone shuld be more darker of colour in one place or a nother or at the lest haue some vaynys of other colours in them as grete stonis of merbell and other gret stonis commynly haue But these stonis at stonehenge be all of one gryt without chaunge of colour or vayne all of one facyon therfore many grete wysemen suppose them to be made of a morter of flynt or other stonys· ¶ Vter pendragon broder to Aurelyus was next made kyng of brytteyn the yere of Cryste .v. C. He louyd one Igwarne or Igorne wyfe to Garloys duke of cornewall therfore made war vppō hym and slew hym and after maryed the sayde Igwarne and by her had a son callyd Arthur after this vter was poysonyd k       k S ●ymen Idlenkyncꝰ Eissa S A       A Croytyll dougter and heyre to Chelperyk kyng of Borgoyn this Croytell exortyd her husband to be crystenyd but he euer refusyd tyll at the last at a battell that he had agaynst the allmayns he made promyse to cryst that if he wan the victory he wold be crystenyd so he had ther the victory then accordyng to hys ꝓmyse he reyseyuyd baptysme of seynt Reny archbyshop of Reynys there ānoyntyd hym as a sacryd kynge Hyt is seyd that .iii. flowre delyse in a feld of asure was sent to kyng Clouys Austrucius ¶ Austrusius sonne of Lando was after hys fader duke he was welbelouyd wyth Chelderyk kyng Boniface Iohn̄ Agapit ¶ Boniface a romayn was next pope the yere of cryst .v. C.xxxiiii and helde the see .i. yere and more ¶ Iohan a romayn held the see next .ii. yere ¶ Agapyt a romayn was next pope y e yere of cryst .v. C.xxxvii thē was y e .v. general councell in cōstātinople wher the emperoure Iustynyan was conuertyd to the crystyn fayth he ordenyd to haue processyon euery sondaye Iustinian ¶ Iustynyā sone to the syster of Iustine was next emperour the yere of crist .v. C. he was a grete wyse man he causyd y e lawis of rome to be orderyd in the bokis of y e dygest and other bokys And thoughe he were greatly gyuen to study of bokys yet he had greate Arthur ¶ Arthur sone to Vter pendragon as galfridus writith was next kynge of y e britteyns the yere of cryst .v. Cxviii of thys Arthur is rehersyd by galfryde a lōg story whych from other wryters is gretly dyscordant how beit Beda that wrot Eclesiastica historia gentis anglorū about y e yere of cryst .vii. C.xx whych wrote of the bryttayne kyngys reynyng both before the tyme of Arthur and at the tyme of Arthur supposyd and of the britteynis kyngis after the tyme of Artur and also of the saxō kyngys reynyng both before y e tyme after yet he spekyth nothyng of Arthur And willm̄s de regibus seyth that this Artur is he of whom the welchemen tell fantasies and fablys but yet this galfridus a wrytyth that thys Arthur fought .xii. batteylls agaynst the saxons in all those had the vyctory but yet he myght not clerely auoyed them the lande but that they kepte theyr cūtreys for both in Arthurs tyme and after they styll incresyd but some wryters aferm that they held theyr cuntreys as trybutaryes to Arthur This Arthur slew in one daye as galfridus wrytyth C.xl. saxons by help of our lady whose Image he bare in his shylde In the .v. yere of Arthur supposyd the yere of cryst .v. C.xxii. the kyngdome of westsaxons began vnder a saxon callyd Cerdicus whiche reynyd long kyng there kenricus hys sonne reynyd after hym wyth thys Cerdicus Arthur had great war long tyme but finally he gaue to the seyd Cerdicus as apperyth in
bald sonne to lewys the mylde was next kynge of fruance the yere of cryst .viii. C.xl. after the deth of Lewys sonne of Lothayre he was made emperoure and after that he was in fraūce Andoquyre ¶ Andoquyer son to Ingecan was after his father forester of flanders Iohn̄ Benet Nicholas Adrian ¶ Iohn̄ Anglos born at magunce beyng a womā so profited in lernyng in the vniuersite of athenis feynid her selfe to be a mā cā to rome was chosin pope y e yere of cryst .viii. hild y e see .ii. yere ¶ Benet a romayn hyld the see next .ii. yere and more ¶ Nycolas a romayn hild the see next .vii. yere he ordeynyd that no laye man myght take goodys parteynyng to a preste ¶ Adryan a romayne hyld the see next .v. yere and more Charlꝭ the bald ¶ Charlys the balde son of lewys the myld was next ēperour after y t he had be chosyn kyng of fraūce and after that he retornid from rome and came into fraunce where he was there poysonyd Etheldredus ¶ Etheldredus the .iii. son of Ethewoll●hus began to reyne ouer the west saxons and moste parte of Engl●nde the yere of cryst viiiC.lxiii in the begīning of his reyn the danys landyd in estangles but they were compellyd to forsake the contrey and from thens saylyd to Northumberland wher Osricus or of bright Ella kyngis gaue them bateyll but the danys with the help of them of the countrey which were gladder to lyue vnder the danys then vnder the kyngꝭ of westesaxons had the vyctory wan the cyte of yorke and after slew both those kyngis of northumberland wan the hole countrey and kept it vnto the tyme of kynge Ethelstone Also after this the seyd danys cam in to Marcya or myddyll Englond and wan part therof with the towne of notyngam wherfore the kyng with helpe of Burdredus than kyng of Mercya leyd sege to the towne whereupon the danys by apoyntemente departyd and retornyd agayne to york also after that those danys with a nother newe company that cam from denmarke that met them in the see of which theyr pryncis or leders wer callyd Hunger and hubba saylyd to estangles and ther landyd slew the good kyng ther callyd Edmond for whom god shewd after many myracles and lyeth now at seynt Edmundisbury he was furst shot with arowys and after behedyd because he wold not at the request of those danys reny the crysten feyth after this the seyd danys with theyr shippis landid in Suchsex and cam in to Suthrey and to Redyng with whom the kynge had oftymys warre and sped dyuersly after that a nother prynce of Danis callyd Osryk or os●g callyd kyng of denmark enterid the land with mo danyz but that Osryk was anone slayne but after that the danys made a newe battell besyde Marton agaynste the kyng and had the vyctory where the kyng was woundyd so what for pensifnes and for malady of his woūd he dyed poysonyd in his tyme the danys beyng panymis of beleue enterid first the cuntrey of Fraunce spoylyng the cuntrey and sleyng the people and so contynuyd long tyme after Baldewyn ¶ Baldewyn son of Andoquyr was by the emperour Charlys the bald made the furst yerle of Flaun he maryed Iudyth doughter to the seyd Charles Iohn̄ Martyn Adrian ¶ Iohan a romayn was next pope the yere of cryst .viii. C.lxxiii he toke part with Charlis the bald Lews the stutter agayns Charlys Charlom ā chyldren of Lewys kīg of germayn he ordeynyd atacoūsell at troys that who so euer were a morderar shuld be irriguler vnable to receyue holy orders ¶ Martyn borne in Fraunce hyld the se next one yere and more ¶ Adrian a romayn hyld the see next one yere he ordenid that the emperour from thens forth shuld not medyll in the eleccion of the popis but only the clergy Lews Charlis ¶ Lews callyd the stutter son of Charlys the bald was next ēperour the yere of cryst .viii. C.lxxviii and was also kyng of Fraunce and reynyd but .ii. yere ¶ Charlys the graunt sone of Lewys kyng of germayn was next emperour after he waxyd vnprofitable to y e comyn wele was put out therfore by the pryncis of y e ēpyre after y t he had holdin it .x. yere Aluredus ¶ Aluredus or Alfred the .iiii. son of Ethelwolphus was next kyng of westsaxons of y e most parte of englond the yere of cryst .viii. C.lxxii he was .xii. yere old or y t he went to skole but than he profitid meruelously was very conyng subtyll of wy● he brought vp hys chyldren in lernyng causyd his-doughters to lerne the sciens of gramer with many other goodly vertwis he causid his lordis people to be obediēt to hym more by iustyce fayre behestys thā by war or cruelte he warryd oft agaynst the danys but at the last by agrement he voydyd them the west contrey wherfore they drewe toward London there spoylyd and robbyd and afterwarde they went to Mercia and there slewe the kyng Burdredus and put in hys place one Chelwolphus theyr seruant but after this the kyng kept the danis so short that he constraynyd them to gyue hym pledgys for the pease also to agre to avoyde the land as sone as they myght haue shippyng after that appoyntment after the deth of Chelwolphus he cam to mercia seysyd that domynyon Ioynyd it to his own westsaxōs but yet the danys continuyd incresyd more by reason of the cōminge of a nother prynce of danis callyd Gutteron or Gowrmond callyd kyng of demmark wherfore kyng Alured was feyne to fle to the wodis in sommyrsetshyre but after as it is sayd by the ayde and myrracle of sent Cutberd he droue the danys out of that cūtrey forsed them to sewe for pese which was thus concludyd that this Gouteron shulde be crystenyd certeyne of his dukys which so performyd he grauntyd to them Estangles to dwell in and the contre of northumberland they that wold not be crystynyd departyd to fraūce which after Lews Lews y e stutter sō to charles y e bald was next kyng of frāce also ēꝑour y e yere of rryst .viii. C.lxxviii Baldewyn ¶ Baldewyn the bald sonne of baldwyn was the .ii. yerle of Flaūders he lyffyd .xxxix. yere Stephen Formose Boniface Stephen Romayne Theodore Iohn̄ Benet Leo. Cristofer Sergius ¶ Stephen a romayne held the see next .vi. yere the yere of Cryste .viii C.lxxxvi ¶ Formose a parauāt hyld the see next .v. yere and more ¶ Bonyface helde the see next .xxvi. dayes ¶ Stephen held the see a yere and more ¶ Romayne a spanyard held the see next .iii. monythis ¶ Theodore a romayn helde the see next .xx. days ¶ Iohn̄ a romayn held the seee next .ii yere ¶ Benet a romayn was next pope the yere of cryst ixC.ii he held the see .iii. yere and more ¶
some were slayne at the seges some forsoke the Frenche kynge But at the last these .ii. prynces mette with .ii. great hoostes in a playne fylde where there was fou●●● a cruell battell but the Frenche kynge lost the fylde and many of his people were slayne 〈◊〉 he hym selfe fayne to flee but after these princes were agreed and wyllyam the eldyst son of kynge henry dyd homage to the kynge of Fraunce for Normandye the fre men of Normandye dyd homage to wyllyam the kynges sonne ¶ After this done kynge Henry sayled into Englāde but the shyppe wherin wyllyam his eldyst son was and Rycharde his brothe rthe erle of Chester and his suster the kynges doughter the countes of Percye the kynges nyce and many other great estates and other to the nombre of C.lx. parsons strycke vpon a rocke and was sodaynly brokyn where they were all drowned saue one man that escaped ¶ About the .xxi. yere there was a great coūsell called in Lōdon for y e correccyon of the vicyous lyuynge of preestes to be done by the kynges offycers Sone after this Henry the Emperour dyed and Maude the empresse came to her father kynge henry whiche caused Dauyd the kynge of Scotlande and the more parte of the lordes of Englande to do othe and fealte to the Empresse and to kepe the lande to her if the kynge dyed without issue male ¶ Also about the .xxviii. yere one Geffrey Plantagenet erle of Angeo maryed the sayd Maude and after by her had issue Henry whiche henry after kynge Steuyn was kynge of Englande as shal be shewed after ¶ This kynge henry the fyrst buylded the Abbey of Redynge released to the Englysshemen the Dane gelt Also this kynge henry beynge in Normandye in the .xxxv. yere of his reyne the seconde day of December in the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxv dyed Some say he dyed of a surfet and some wryters say that it was by a fall of a horse and his body was brought into Englande and is buryed in the Abbay of Redynge Stephanus Innocent Celestyne Lucius ¶ Innocent was nexte pope the yere of Chryst He made the lawe y t none shulde ley no violent hande vpon a clerke payne of cursynge and he hylde the see .xiiij. yere ¶ Celestyne was nexte pope he hylde the see .v. monethes ¶ Lucius was nexte pope he hylde the see one monethe ¶ Conrade ¶ Conrade was next Emperour the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxviij In his tyme one mayster Arnolde preched in Rome agaynst the ryches superfluytes many men alowed hym therin and folowed hym But at the last he was put to deth because of y e hatered y t the clerkes had vnto hym ¶ Steuyn STeuyn erle of Boleyn and syster son to kynge Henry than toke vpon hym to be kyng of Englande For when he harde of kyng Henryes dethe he passed the see and came into Englande thorowe counsell of many of the great lordes of Englande contrary to their othe made to Maude y e Empresse and was crowned kynge vpon saynt Steuyns day the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxv after the count of Englande by wyllyam Archebysshop of Caun●erbury whiche fyrst made othe to Maude the Empresse This Steuyn the fyrst yere of his ●aygne araysed a great hooste to haue made warre agaynste kynge Daued of Sco●lande but he came and made a peace with hym But he dyd hym none homage because he had done homage before to Maude the Empresse Nat withstandynge yet Henry the eldyst son to kynge Daued dyd hou●●ge to kyng Steuyn But after that this Daued repented hym ●f that and entryd into Northumberlande with a great hoost brent and slewe the people in 〈◊〉 cruell wyfe and slewe man woman and chylde But the kynge sent one Thurstone with 〈◊〉 ●reat hoost agaynst them betwene whiche there was a great battell where the Scottes lost 〈◊〉 fylde and many of them slayne and the resyde we fled into Scotlande And after that this kynge Steuyn hym selfe made a great voyage into Scotlande but he dyd there but lyttel to his pleasure or profyte ¶ This kynge Steuyn beseged dyuers castels of dyuers by sshoppes and other lordes and toke them by force and fortefyed them with his knyghtes seruauntes to the entent to withstande the Empresse whose commynge he euer feared ¶ About the .vi. yere of his raygne Maude the Empresse came into Englande by the comfort of the erle of Glocester bastarde son to kynge Henry her father and of the erle of Chester but the kynge raysed so great a power y t the Empresse was fayne to go take the citye of Lyncolne for her refuge helpe and the kyng her beseged longe tyme but at the last she and her company escaped and than the kynge toke the citye And than the erle of Chester with a great power of welchemen and the erle of Glocester brought a great power to the Empresse and came agaynst the kynge betwene whome there was fought a cruell batell that dured a longe season it was harde to knowe who shulde haue the better but at the last the kynges people gaue backe and fledde And the kynge abode with a fewe of his knyghtes and was takyn prisoner and brought to the Empresse and after sent to Brystowe to prison ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys son to Lewys the great was nexte kyng of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.C.xxxvii This Lewys beynge longe from the companye of his wyfe on a tyme fell sycke and his Phesicyons counselled hym to take a wenche but he wolde nat and sayd it was better for hym to dye vpon goddes hande than to lyue in spouse breche and sone after that he receyued helthe Eugenye Anastase ¶ Eugenye was nexte pope he hylde the see .viii. yere and more ¶ Anastase was nexte pope he hylde the see one yere ¶ After this fylde so wonne the Empresse thought her sure of the hole realme but she was disceyued for the kentysshemen toke parte with the kyng The quene also kynge Steuyns wyfe made great labour to haue the kynge delyuered promysynge that he shulde surtendre the lande to the Empresse he to go to religyon but the Empresse her coūsayle wolde nat graūt therto ¶ Also they of the citye of London made great labour to the Empresse to vse saynt Edwardes lawes and nat the lawes that the Empresse father had ordayned whiche was more strayte straunge to them than the other but the Empresse and her counsayle wolde nat graunt it For these sayd causes the Citezyns of Lōdon were discontented wolde haue takyn the Empresse but she hauynge knowlege therof departed and fledde to Oxforde And the quene with ayde of the kentysshemen her fryndes raysed a great hoost y t the Empresse for feare fled to Gloucester and in this whyle the erle Robert of Gloucester araysed a great people and in a playne fylde besyde wynchester the erle was discomfet by them of the quenes parte there therle was takyn
cōmynalte by settynge of taxes alterynge of tolles customes to theyr owne singuler ●ucr● whiche byll was cast in the kynges wardrobe whiche after came to the kynges handes that the kynge sent downe his Iustyce other of his counsell whiche discharged the Mayre Sheryffes Chamberlayne and made inquisicyon of the truthe but the offenders by theyr lerned counsell longe tyme defended them selfe and delayde the tryall And yet dyuers places of syttynge were appoynted aswell in the Guylhalle and at the Folkemo●e at Poules crosse in the Escheker y e kynges grace there beynge present where in the ende the Mayre Aldermen were arrested and cōpelled to put in great suertyes at the last they put them in the kynges mercy and made theyr ende and lastly restored agayne to theyr roumes but nat without great fynes payenge Also about this tyme there was a great derth that whete was worth .xxiiii. s. a quarter ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys the .viii. son th the seconde Philyppe was nexte kynge of Fraunce the yere of Chryst M.CC.xxii he beseged the towne of Auynnion and wanne it ¶ Guy ¶ Guy son to Margaret was nexte erle of Flaunders Innocent Alexander ¶ Innocent was next pope he hylde y e see .xi. yeere ¶ Alexander hylde the see nexte .vii. yere Wyllyam ¶ wyllyam was nexte Emperour he hylde the see .vii. yere ¶ Also about the .xliii. yere of this kynges reyne the kynge at a court of Folkemote at Paulys axed lycence of the cōmons of the citye accordynge to the sayd ordynauace to passe the see and so went vnto Burdeux into Fraūce and had great chere of the Frenche kynge Lewys or that he came agayne he gran̄ted all his ryght that he had in Normandye Gascoyn Guyon to the said Lewys toke agayne Guyon Angeo and Mayn to holde of the Frenche kynge and was called in Fraunce duke of Guyon dyd homage to the Frenche kynge therfore Also about the .xlv. yere y e Barons of Englande by force of those forsayd ordynances toke vpon them to chaūge the kynges Iustyce the kynges Sheryffe and dyuers other offycers y t the kyng had admytted and put other in theyr places wherwith the kynge was nat content publysshed his bull of a●solucion wherfore the barons assembled to gether in the marches of wales with a strōge power sent a letter to the kynge praynge hym to obserue the said ordynaūces wherto he was sworne to whome the kynge sent no answere Then the barons came forwarde with banners displayde and moche people resorted to them they put in prison and punysshed all them that toke the cōtrarye parte and at the last came into London for the citye toke y e barons parte But sone after agrement was made betwene the kynge and his lordes whiche contynued nat longe for y e hyng caused syr Edwarde his eldyst son to take the castell of wyndesore by a trayne and the kynge secretely departed from westmyster and rode into the sayd castell many of the lordes that toke his parte came to hym And the barons and the other that toke their parte drewe to London but yet by some well disposed persons a concorde was takyng thus that bothe partes shulde abyde the iugement of Lewys the Frenche kynge concernynge the kepynge of the sayd ordynances wherfore the kynge and syr Edwarde his eldyst son went ouer to the sayd Lewys and for the barons parte there went syr Peter de Mountforde and other before whiche kynge Lewys the mater was argued but in conclusion kynge Lewys gaue sentence that the sayd statutes ordynances shulde be clerely voyde and the kynge set at lyberte After whiche sentence gyuen y e kyng all the other returned into Lpndon but the barons nat content with this sentence reputynge parcialyte in kynge Lewys departed and went into the Marches of wales gathered a great nombre of people and came into London and than because some varyaunce was betwene some of the rulers of the citye and the cōmons The cōmons made them two captaynes callynge them Constables of the citye at whose cōmaundement all the cōmyns by tollynge of the great bell of Polles shulde be redy in harnes to wayte vpon them whiche Constables with the cōmons by the exortynge of Hughe Spencer Constable of y e Towre went to Thystelworth beyonde westmyster and there spoyled the maner of the kynge of Romayns whiche dede was the great cause of the warre for the kynge toke it greuously and gathered great power and at the last came to the towne of Lewys in Sussex but the wardens of the fyue partes kept the see with shyppes y e no straungers shulde entre to ayde the kynge And than the barons with a great multytude of y e citye of Lōdon and with a great hoost of other people came agaynst the kynge betwene whome the .xxiii. day of May was fought a maruelous cruell battell at Lewys and the Lōdoners that gaue the fyrst assent by reason of the sharpe shot of Arowes and strokes gyuen by them of the kynges partes began to drawe backe But the barons incurraged theyr men in suche wyse y t they nat onely set vpon them with fresshe cheu●en but incurraged so them that gaue backe y t they turned agayne fought so fersly that the kyngꝭ ꝑte gaue backe the kyng lost the fylde where the kyng hym selfe the kyng of Romayns Edwarde the kyngꝭ son were takyn prisoners many other mo and .xx. M. men slayne for this battell cōtynued y e more part of the day After whiche battell endyd they brought their prisoners to London where the kynge agreed y t all the said ordynaūces shulde stonde in effecte and if any were thought vnresonable to be correctyd by .iiii. noble men of the realme s. ii spirytuall men ii temperall men many instrumentꝭ and wrytynges were made for the assurance of the same ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys the .ix. called saint Lewys was next kyng of Fraūce the yere of Chryst M.CC.xxvii he made two voyages into y e holy lande in the fyrst he was takyn prisoner in the .ii. he dyed ¶ Vrban Clement ¶ Vrban was nexte pope he hylde the see .iii. yere and more ¶ Clement was nexte pope he hylde the see .iii. yere Rychyrde ¶ Rycharde and Alfons were in discorde by the electours who shulde be Emperour which discorde so contynued .xvi. yere After this a great discencyon fell betwene y e erle of Glocester the erle of Leyceter whiche were two of the barons y t were agaynst the kynge wherfore sone after syr Edwarde the kynges son deꝑted to the marches of wales accōpanyed the erle of Glocester the lordes of the marches assembled a great power came to Glocester wherfore syr Symon the erle of Leyceters son by his fathers cōmaundement assembled a great power came to wynchester toke it by force and after came to Kyllingworth where syr Edwarde
out of the kingꝭ fauour whervpon by the kynges mynde this syr Roger Mortymer was by a trayne taken in the castell of Notyngham where the kynge the quene and the olde quene that tyme lay And yet syr Roger kept the keys hym selfe and after at a parlyament at London he was condempned as a traytour after drawne and hanged for dyuers artycles that were layde vnto hym one was that by his meanes and treason the Scottes scaped at Stanhope And another was that he caused the forsayde indenture of Ragman to be delyuered to the Scottes wherby they were relessed of theyr homage and caused Dauyd kynge of Scottes son to Robert le Bruse to mary Ione syster to kynge Edwarde Another was that he had gotten the kynges treasure in his owne handes and wasted it Another was that he had broken the ordynance made at the coronacyon that .xii. lordes shulde haue had the rule of the kynge and that without them there shulde no thynge be done and that nat withstandynge he with the olde quene ruled all hym selfe to the great hurte of the realme Another that he had caused Edwarde the kynges father to be conueyed from Kyllyngworth to the castell of Barkeley and after by a letter deuysed by hym selfe in the kyngꝭ name sent to the keper caused hym to be murdred As touchynge the dethe of this Edwarde of Carnaruan late before kyng it is sayd y t after that syr Roger Mortymer had sent the sayd letter to the kepers they caused a great table to be layde vpon his bellye beynge a slepe in his bedde pressed it downe with great weyghtes And afterwarde they toke an horne and put it into his foundament and toke a spytte hote brennynge and put it thorowe the horne into his body and so cruelly murdred hym ¶ About the .iiii. yere one Edwarde Baylolle son to syr Iohan Baylolle somtyme kynge of Scottes with the eyde of .ii. M. englysshemen by kynge Edwardes consent entred into Scotlande and claymed the crowne agaynst whome a great hoost of Scottes came and gaue hym a fyers battell but Edwarde baylolle had the victorye and after was shortely crowned kynge ¶ Philyppe ¶ Philyppe de Valoys son of Charles was next kynge of Fraūce the yere of Chryst M.CCC.xxvii he eyded Lewys the erle of Flaunders agaynst the flemynges that wolde nat obey hym slewe .vi. M. of them at Casell restored y e erle agayne to his cōtrey from whens he was dryuen ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys son of Lewys son of Robert after his grandefathers dethe was nexte erle of Flaunders he was slayne by the englysshemen at the battell of Cressy Innocent ¶ Innocent was nexte pope he hylde the see in Autnyon .x. yere Charles ¶ Charles was nexte Emperour he hylde the Empyre .xxii. yere of Scotlande And after that kynge Baylolle come to kynge Edwarde at Newe castell vpon tyne and dyd to hym homage for the lande of Scotlande returned agayne into Scotlande but sone after the Scottes rebelled agaynst Baylolle wherfore kynge Edwarde Baylolle sent vnto kynge Edwarde of Englande requyrynge hym of helpe And the kynge of Englande promysed to helpe hym and gathered a great hoost and came towarde the towne of Berwyke and thyder came kynge Edwarde Baylolle with his companye whiche .ii. kynges beseged the towne a longe tyme but at last a great hoost of Scottes came to the rescuynge of the towne aboue the nōbre of .lvi. M. and at a place called Hallydone hyll besydes Berwyke there was betwene these two hoostes fought a marueylous cruell battell where the kynge of Englande had the victorye and there were slayne of the Scottes .viii. erles and .ix. C. knyghtes barons and baronettes and .iiii. C. esquyers and aboue .xxx. M. of the cōmon people and of the Englysshemen were slayne but fewe persons And on the morowe the towne and castell of Berwyke was yelded to kynge Edwarde kynge of Englande Than the kynge of Englande be toke the guydynge of Scotlande to Edwarde Baylolle kynge of Scottes Than Dauyd sonne of Robert le Bruse beynge before kynge of Scottes fled with his wyfe into Fraunce to Philyppe de Valoys there beynge kynge whiche receyued them ¶ About the .vii. yere of kynge Edwarde Philyppe kynge of Fraunce sent a crewe of Frenchemen to ayde the kynges enemyes in Scotlande but kynge Edwarde of Englande went thyder and subdued them ¶ About the .xii. yere of kynge Edwarde because he intended to make tytle to the crowne of Fraunce by the tytle of Isabell his mother he went into Flaunders into Almayne and there ioyned him selfe in Amyte with dyuers of the lordes and with many other townes in Flaunders wherfore Philyppe the kynge of Fraūce supposynge that kynge Edwarde wolde haue inuaded Fraunce that yere gathered a great strengthe of people and lay at Amyas but kyng Edwarde entred nat that yere This Philyppe also the same tyme had a great Nauey vpon the see and xiii sayle of them met with .v. englysshe shyppes betwene whome there was a great fyght but the Frenchemen had the victorye and toke two great shyppes of Englande with great ryches and caryed them with them into the Frenche stremys and cast the men ouer the borde ¶ In the .xiiii. yere of kynge Edwarde he returned into englande and called his parlyament at westmyster and there by the aduyse of the hole realme toke vpon hym the tytle to be kynge of Fraunce and ioyned the armes of englande to the armes of Fraunce and bare them quarterly and asked an ayde towarde his charge that is to say the .v. parte of euery mannes goodes and the custome of wolles for .ii. yere to be payde before hande the .ix. shefe of euery mannes corne whiche thynges were there graunted but or it was gathered the people grudged sore therfore the kynge borowed before hande of dyuers ryche men great sommes of money to be repayde of the money of the forsayde graunt wherof the citye of London payde .xx. M. markes ¶ In the .xv. yere of his reyne as the kynge sayled towarde Flaunders with a Nauey of CCC sayle The Frenche kynges Nauey met them in the see nyghe a place called Sleuse with .iiii. C. sayle betwene whiche there was a cruell fyght that the lyke was neuer sene vpon the see But in the ende kynge Edwarde had the victorye in that fyght there were slayne as wryters testefye xxx M. frenchemen but the frenche cronycle sayth there were .xxx. M. slayne vpon bothe ꝑtes Sone after this kynge Edwarde sent an armye whiche entred into the borders of Fraunce layde sege to the towne of Torney lay hym selfe with a nother great hoost nygh to the same And Philyppe the kynge of Fraunce came with a nother great hoost lodged hym selfe within iii. myles of kynge Edwarde but sone after by the treatyse of the Countes of Henaude mother to the quene of englande and syster to the Frenche kynge a meane was made betwene the two ¶ Vrban ¶
Caleys where echone departed from other with great gyftes and thankes ¶ Also in the .iiii. yere of kynge Henry the duke of Bedforde the erle of Marche had a great battell vpon the see with a f●ote of Ianuays and the englysshemen had the victorye toke .iii. of the greatiest of theyr Caryckes ¶ Also in the .v. yere the kynge hylde his parlyament at westmyster where there was graūted to hym towarde his warres a fyftene of the temperalte a disme of the spiritualte shortely after the kynge made prouisyon for his voyage with a great hoost landed in Normādye and than tythynges came to y e kynge that a great Nauey of frenchemen intended to lande in Englande wherfore the kynge sent the erle of Marche the erle of Huntyngton with other with his shyppes to incounter with them whiche shortely met them in the see ● betwene whome was a great fyght but the englysshemen had the victorye the vycont of Narbon which was captayne of y e frenche flete was taken Also in this whyle the kyng leyde sege to the towne of Touke whiche was delyuered vnto hym after he went forwarde to Cane wan it the castell And than he seuered his armye into dyuers ꝑtes whiche euer as they went wan dyuers stronge holdꝭ townes Also in this yere there was a derthe in Englande that a busshell of whete was worthe .ii. s ¶ Also in the .v. yere of kynge henry the kyng cōtynuynge his warres he layde sege vnto y e citye of Roan whiche citye because they had no rescue by y e Dolphyn was gyuen vp to kyng Hēry but the frenchemen sayd the losse of that citye was because there was diuisyon amonge the citezyns ¶ Also sone after that the kynge went forth on his iourney towarde Fraūce and subdued many townes holdes as he went somwhat by the ayde helpe of Philyppe duke of Burgon whiche toke parte w t kynge Henry because Iohn̄ his father was slayne by the Dolphyns seruantes in y e presens of the said Dolphyn Than after this the frenchemen made meanes for a peace treatye to be made betwene bothe y e realmes wherfore by y e meanes of y e sayd duke of Burgon at Troys in Chāpayne y e kynge maryed Katheryn doughter to Charles the Frenche kynge a peace was cōcluded w t certayne artycles that is to say because the frenche kynge was visyted with a contynuall syckenesse as is before sayd Kynge Henry as regent of Fraūce shulde haue the hole gouernaunce of the realme of Fraunce defence of the same specyally to withstande defende the Dolphyn whiche agreed nat to the same peace And also y t kynge Charles shulde haue the name to be called kynge of Fraunce durynge his lyfe naturall after his dethe kynge Henry of Englande to be his heyre and kynge bothe of Fraūce and of Englande that bothe these realmes shulde be vnder one monarchy with dyuers other artycles for the suraunce of the same peace After whiche artycles concluded kynge Henry w t his newe wyfe dame Katheryn sped hym vnto Parys where he was honorably receyued After this kynge Henry with dyuers of the lordes of Fraunce layde sege to dyuers townes whiche toke the Dolphyns parte and wanne them And when kyng Henry had thus done moche of his purpose in Fraūce he toke his leaue of his father the frenche kynge with the quene his wyfe sayled into Englande brought her to westmyster where she was crowned quene of Englande and left his brother the duke of Clarence his depute in Fraunce ¶ Also in the .viii. yere of this kyng Henry after this feest of the quenes coronacyon fenysshed the kynge made prouisyon for his warre in Fraunce agaynst the Dolphyn and the kynge thus beynge occupyed the duke of Clarence beynge in Fraūce was ouercome in battell slayne by a frenche captayne called Iohn̄ de la Rose the erle of Huntyngton and Somerset with many mo gentylmen of Englande in Gascoyne taken prisoners ¶ Also in the .x. yere of his reyne the kyng toke shyppynge at Douer and landed at Caleys so went into Fraūce makyng warre styll agaynst the Dolphyn And after his departynge y e quene was brought to bedde in wyndesore the .vi. day of Decembre of a sonne called Henry and after that the quene went ouer the see to the kynge and was honorably receyued of her father and of her mother And kynge Henry the quene sat bothe at a great feest in Parys crowned whiche had nat be sene before the kynge Charles than kept no estate nor great rule And anone after that kynge Henry fell sycke at Boys de vincent ordayned there many thynges for his soule and than there after that dyed the .xxxi. day of August the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.xxii and after was brought ouer into Englande and buryed at westmyster ¶ Also in the monethe of October nexte folowynge dyed Charles the frenche kynge Henricus .vj. Eugeny ¶ Eugenye was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.iiii C.xxxi he hylde the se● .xvi. yere there was a varyaunce betwene hym and the duke of Sauoy who shulde be pope whiche duke at the last was admytted at the counsell at Bassel and called Felyx Albert. ¶ Albert was nexte Emperour the yere of chryst M.iiii C.xxxviii he hylde the empyre .ii. yere· Henry the syxte HEnry the syxte of that name and son to Henry the fyfte beynge of the age of .ix. monethes was proclaymed kyng of Englande the fyrst day of Septēbre the yere of Chryste M.iiii C.xxii. Also in the monethe of October nexte Charles the Frenche kynge dyed And sone after that the corps of his father kynge Henry the .v. was brought ouer into Englande and in the .vi. day of Nouembre with great solempnyte buryed at westmyster And than anone after a parlyament was holden at westmyster where aswell the gouernynge of this yonge kynge as of bothe the realmes was prouyded for And than the duke of Glocester the kynges vncle was made protector of Englande and the duke of Bedforde the kynges other vncle was made regent of Fraunce ¶ Also in the seconde yere of kynge Henry the .vi. the kynge with the quene his mother remoued vnto westmyster where than was holden a parlyament and the yonge kynge was set in his sete in the parlyament chambre amonge his lordes and in the same yere the duke of Bedforde as regent of Fraunce made stronge warre vpon charles the Dolphyn whiche of his fauourers was accompted kynge of Fraunce and gatte many stronge holdes of hym But at the last the sayde Charles sent the duke of Ataūson w t dyuers other great lordes of Fraunce with a great armye whiche mette with the duke of Bedforde the regent and his hoost at Vernoyll betwene whome there was fought a great battell but the victorye fell to the Englysshemen for in that fyght was slayne the erles of Turon and Boucam̄
the vycount of Narbon̄ and dyuers other men of name and of the commons .v. M. And there was taken the duke of Alaūson the marshall of Fraunce and dyuers other This Charles the Dolphyn whome the Frenchemen called kynge Charles the .vii. by some wryters is affyrmed to be son to Charles the .vi. And some affyrme hym to be sonne to the duke of Orlyaunce borne of the quene wyfe to Charles the .vi. And some affyrme hym to be the sayd kynge Charles bastarde sonne borne of his paramour called fayre Agnes And also is lyke that he shulde nat be Legittymate son to Charles the .vi. because that that kynge Charles by the consent of his lordes wylled the realme of Fraunce to Katheryn his doughter wyfe to kynge Henry the .v. ¶ Also in the .iii. yere of kynge Henry the .vi. the duke of Glocester the lorde protectour whiche had maryed the Duches of Holande sayled ouer thyther with his wyfe and was honorably receyued but sone after he returned into Englande leauynge his wyfe behynde hym And after y t she was taken by the duke of Burgoyne and kept in prison but yet after she escaped wherfore y e duke of Glocester sent the lorde Fitz water ouer with a great power into zelande but they were there at theyr landynge incountred of theyr enemyes and dryuen backe and fayne to returne agayne to theyr shyppes and so into Englande and preuayled nothynge ¶ Also in the .v. yere of kynge Hynry the erle of Salisbury syr Thomas Mountegue with other lordes leyde sege to the citye of Orlyaunce and wanne dyuers holdes nyghe the citye and as he stode in a bay wyndowe one of the citye marked hym and leuelyd a gonne at hym smote the tymbre of y e wyndowe whiche tymber brake and so smote hym vpon the face wherof he dyed within .iii. dayes after And this was called by the Englysshemen indicium malorum for after his dethe the englysshemen lost euer in Fraūce theyr possessyons moche more than they wanne ¶ Charles ¶ Charles the .vii. was nexte Frenche kynge y e yere of chryst M.iiii C.xxii. he had great wa●●e with the englysshemen to whose helpe there came a mayde of Fraunce whome the frenchemen called la pusell de dieu but she was take and brent by the englysshemen But in the ende this Charles wanne all that agayne whiche the englysshemn had gotte before that is to say Parys y ● co●treys of hye Champayne Normandye and Guyan and dyuers other ¶ Philyppe son to Iohn̄ was nexte duke of Burgoyne Nycholas ¶ Nicholas was nexte pope for Felix resygned to hym he hylde the see .viii. yere Fredrycke ¶ Fredrycke was nexte Emperour he hylde the empyre .xlvi. yere and than dyd assocyate vnto hym Maximilya● his son by y e consent of the electours hylde the empyre with his son .vii. yere ¶ Also in the .viii. yere of kynge Henry he was crowned at westmyster and then after that he passed ouer the see into Fraunce ¶ Also about this tyme a mayden called Iane a poore mannes doughter in Fraunce came to Charles the Dolphyn of Fraūce whome the frenchemen called kynge Charles the .vii. and said she was sent to hym by god to helpe to releue the misery of Fraunce whervpon they gatte her armour and accompanyed her with knyghtes and soudyars which went forthe and gaue many great conflyctes to the Englysshemen and wanne from them many great townes and holdes And as some wryters say she by her prouydence caused the sayd Charles to be crowned kynge of Fraunce at Reyns But other wryters say he was neuer crowned tyll after the dethe of the duke of Bedforde This sayde mayde called by the Frenchemen Le pusell de dieu or the mayde of god put the Englysshemen oft tymes to the wors But yet at the last she with her cōpanye at a place called Champanye came to remoue a sege layde thervnto by y e duke of Burgon and the englysshemen and gaue them battell in whiche fyght the frenchemen were discomfyt and there the sayd mayde was taken by a Burgonyon knyght after brought to Roan where she was by the Englysshemen iudged to dethe and brent ¶ Also in the .x. yere of kynge Henry he was crowned in Parys and after that he returned into Englande leauynge the duke of Bedforde as regent of Fraūce behynde hym And about this tyme was a great blasynge sterre sene in Englande ¶ Also in the .xii. yere of kynge henry the lorde Talbot with a great cōpanye went into Fraūce and dyd moche hurte to the frenchemen Also about this tyme there were many conflyctes betwene englysshemen and Frenchemen in Fraunce and Normandye and in other contreys dyuers holdes beseged But about the .xiii. yere of kynge henry there was a treatye of peace holdyn at Aras in Pycardye for bothe y e realmes by the meanes of the pope whiche sent thyder the cardynall of saynt Crosse for the same purpose but that treatye toke none effecte and as the frenche cronycles say the cause therof was for the obstynacy of the englysshemen wherfore Philyppe duke of Burgon by meanes of the sayde cardynall forsoke there the englysshemens parte returned to Charles the Frenche kyng whiche gaue vnto hym the countye of Poytewe dyuers other lordeshyppes in recompense of his fathers dethe whiche was before that ●layue And sone after this the duke of Bedforde regent of Fraūce dyed at Roan was there buryed After whose dethe the englysshemen by lyttell and lyttell lost all that they had wonne before ¶ Also in the .xiiii. yere of kyng henry the duke of Barre accompanyed with the Burgonyons wanne Hareflewe and after that wanne the towne of saynt Denyse and slewe therin aboue iiii C. englysshemen After this one Notycia a knyght of Orlyaunce came to Parys and lay at the charterhouse beyonde the ryuer of Sayne and confetered with certayne citezyns of Parys to betray the citye and to brynge it out of the englysshemens possessyon whiche persons beynge hedes of the citye so labored and turned the hartes of the cōmons from the englysshemen that sodaynly they a rose and slewe as many of the englysshemen as they coude fynde and they that fled and fought by the stretes the women and other persons cast vpon them stones hote lycour so that the englysshemen were slayne taken prisoners they that fled escaped with great parel Than the other hoost that lay at the charterhouse entred at the gates of saynt Germayne saynt Myghels saynt Iakes so came ouer the brydges into the citye and towne ar theyr pleasure after that the englysshemen that were in the towre of saint Denyse and other holdes were fayne to gyue vp the sayd holdes hauynge theyr lyues so deꝑted And in theyr departure they were mocked scorned of the frenchemen without measure the englisshemen y t taryed were fayne to gyue fyne and raunsome were sworne
Edwarde battell and than the kyng sent to hym to come to hym and he shulde haue his pardon but he sent answere to kynge Edwarde that he trusted nat his promyse but thought he wolde deale with hym as he dyd with his father But at the last whan kyng Edwarde with his power drewe nere to hym this syr Robert welles fled but anone after that he was taken and with hym one syr Thomas Dynmoke whiche shortely after were bothe put to dethe Also about this tyme there arose a great varyaunce betwene Northernemen and the welchemen to the whiche welchemen the lorde Harforde was captayne whiche mette to gether at a place called Egecot besyde Banberye where betwene thē was fought a great battell where the Northynmen had the victorye where the lorde Harbarde was slayne with many great gentylmen of wales Also in this season the duke of Clarence deꝑted from kyng Edwarde went to the erle of warwyke and toke his parte but the sayd duke and erle perceyuynge theyr lacke of power agaynst kynge Edwarde toke the see sayled into Fraūce to Lewys the Frenche kynge where quene Margaret that tyme was to whome the frenche kynge promysed helpe and ayde And whan these lordes were thus departed into Fraunce kynge Edwarde caused them to be proclaymed as traytours And in this meane whyle a newe styrrynge began in the Northe contrey by the lorde Fitz hughe wherfore kyng Edwarde sped hym thyderwarde wherof herynge the sayd lorde Fitz hughe departed into Scotlande ¶ Also in the .x. yere of kynge Edwarde the forsayd duke of Clarence with the erles of warwyke of Penbroke and Oxforde and with many other gentylmen landed at Dertmouthe in Deuonshyre and made proclamacyons in kynge Henryes name where the cōmons of y t contrey drewe vnto them in great nombre And than the Kentysshemen waxed wylde and came to Ratlyffe saynt Kathernes nyghe Lōdon and robbed and spoyled the flemynges dyd great hurt And than the sayd lordes holdynge theyr way towardes kynge Edwarde whiche than was in y e Northe contrey and hauynge with hym but small strength wherof some were nat to hym very trusty toke a secret companye with him and passed ouer the wasshe in Lyncolneshyre with great daunger nat without losse of dyuers of his companye And after passed ouer into Flaunders and came to Charles his brother in lawe than duke of Burgon and whan quene Elysabeth beynge in the Towre harde therof she went into westmyster and there regystarde her selfe as a sentwary woman so dyd many of kynge Edwardes fryndes Also these sayd lordes heryng of kynge Edwardes departynge sped them vnto London and the day of October they toke kynge Henry out of the Towre and lodgyd hym in the bysshoppes Paleyse at Poules and ●o he was than agayne admytted and proclaymed for kynge thorowe out the hole lande from the sayd day of October all wrytynges and recordes were made and ●ated thus Anno ab inchoatione regni regis Henrici sexti quadragesimo nono et anno readoptionis su● regn magestatis primo That is to say the yere from the begynnynge of the reyne of kynge Henry the .vi. the .xlix. and the fyrst yere of the readopcyon of his royall estate Also in the begynnyng Sextus ¶ Sextus was nexte pope he hylde the see .xiii. yere of this readopcyon the erle of worcester whiche for his crueltye was called the bocher of Englande was taken and atayned at westmyster and atteynt of treason afterwarde at the Towre hyll beheded ¶ Also in this sayd fyrst yere of the readopcyon quene Elysabethe beynge at westmyster was delyueued of a yonge prince called Edwarde ¶ Also in the .xxvi. day of Nouembre there was a parlyament called at westmyster where kyng Edwarde was proclaymed vsurper of the crowne the duke of Glocester his brother traytour and bothe atteynted by the ouctoryte of the sayd parlyament The erle of warwyke than rode thorowe London and so to Douer for to haue receyued quene Marget cōmyng out of Fraūce but the wynde was so contrary that she lay at the see syde from Nouembre to Aprell and coude haue no passage wherfore the erle of warwyke was fayne to returne without hauynge of his purpose But than in the begynnynge of Aprell kynge Edwarde landed in the Northe contrey at a place called Rauyn sporre with a small cōpany of Flemynges and other whiche in all had nat past a M. men and came towarde yorke makynge his proclamacyons in the name of kynge Henry and sayd he came for no nother intent but to clayme his inherytaunce of the dukedome of yorke and so passed tyll he came to yorke wherfore he was there refresshed for a season and after departed towarde London and by fayre wordes passed the daunger of the lorde Markes mountegue whiche lay in y e cooste with moche people double to the nombre of kyng Edwardes men And whan he was thus escaped the power of y e said Markes sawe howe that his strength increased and that the people dayly drewe to hym he than proclaymed hym selfe kinge of Englande and so hylde his way tyll he came to London and vpon Shere thursday in the mornyng the archebysshop of yorke beynge with kynge Henry in London to the intent to moue peoples hartes towarde kynge Henry rode with hym and shewed kynge Henry to the people whiche rather drewe mennes hartes from hym than otherwyse and the same Shere thursday at after none kynge Edwarde came into London and was receyued in the citye so rode into Poules and there in the bysshoppes paleyse he founde kynge Henry with fewe persons about him for all suche lordes and other as were about kynge Henry whan they harde of kynge Edwardes commynge they fled and euery man was fayne to shyfte for hym lelfe And than kynge Edwarde toke kynge Henry there and put hym in safe kepynge and than he harde tell of the cōmynge of the duke of Clarence his brother and of the erle of warwyke the lorde Mountegue and other lordes with a great power towarde London wherfore kynge Edwarde toke kynge Henry with hym and departed with his hoost and vpon Eester euyn came to Barnet But the duke of Clarence his brother sodaynly agayne forsoke the erle of warwykes parte and with the strengthe that he had he came to his brother kynge Edwarde wherfore the erle of warwyke and the other lordes were somwhat dismayde but by the excytynge of the markes Mountegue and the erle of Oxforde they kept on theyr iourney where on the morowe beynge Eester day in the mornyng bothe the hoostes mette on the playne beyonde Barnet And the erle of Oxforde hauynge the vawewarde quytte hym so well that he bare ouer that parte of the fylde whiche he set vpon and beate them backe vpon that parte nexte Enuylde chase that tydynges came to London that kynge Edwarde had lost the fylde but in conclusyon kynge Edwarde beynge
the kyngꝭ son mete them dyd discōfort them and syr Symon fled dyuers of his cōpanye were takyn prisoners But after that syr Symon Mounforde the erle of Leyceter hym selfe gatheryd a great cōpany met with the sayd syr Edwarde at Enesham where betwene them was fought a cruell battell where syr Symon the erle was slayne and many other that toke the barons parte And after at a ꝑlyment holden at wynchester all the statutes ordynaūces made at Oxenforde were vtterly adnulled all bondes wrytynges made for the same were cancelled brokyn And after y t the kynge came to wyndsore intendynge to haue dystroyed the citye of London but the Mayre Aldermen other of citezyns put them into the kynges mercye and grace at wyndsore whervpon they were cōmytted to prison put out of theyr offyces the Cōstable of the Towre made custos of the citye But after they were restored and pardoned and the citye payde to the kynge for a fyne .xx. M. markes ¶ After this at a parlyament holdyn at Northampton many y t toke the barons parte were disinheryte whiche therfore gathered them to gyther went to the yle of Elye kept it w t strength ¶ Also about the .l. yere of his reyne he ordayned the statutꝭ of Marlebryge And about the .li. yere the statuꝭ were made ordayned for weyghtes mesures that is to say that .xxxii. greynes of whete drye rounde takyn in the myddes of y e ere shulde wey a sterlynge peny .xx. of those sterlyng pens shulde make an vnce .xii. vnce shulde make a pounde troy and .viii. pounde troy shulde wey a galon of wyne .viii. galons of wyne shulde make a busshell of London whiche is the .viii. ꝑte of a quarter Also that .iii. barly cornes drye rounde shulde make an ynche .xii. ynches to a fote ●iii fote to a yarde .v. yardes a halfe to a ꝑche or pole .xl. pole in lengthe foure in brede to make an acre of lande this stādardes of weyght were cōfyrmed the xv yere of Edwarde the .iii. And also in the tyme of henry the .vi. and Edwarde the .iiii. and lastly cōfyrmed in the .xi. yere of Henry the .vii. Howe be it in the tyme of kynge Henry the .vi. it was ordayned y t the same vnce shulde be deuyded in .xxx. ꝑtes called .xxx. pens in kyng Edwarde the .iiii. his tyme into .xl. partes called .xl. pens And in kynge Henry the .viii. his dayes into .xliiii. partes called .iii. ● viii d but the weyght of the vnce troy the mesure of the fote was ordayned euer to be at one stynt In the .lii. yere of his reyne y e erle of Glocester refused the kyng in the marches of wales gatheryd moche people many of the cōpany disinheryted drewe to hym whiche came to the citye of London by intretye and fayre meanes polecye came into the citye and many of the cōmons toke his parte fortefyed the citye with Bulwarkꝭ Barbycans shortely after the kynge came to Stretforde of the bowe with a great cōpany But by the meanes of one Octobanus y ● popes Legate whiche than lay in London a peace was takyn so the warre was endyd Also durynge the whyle of all this sayd besynesse after that syr Edwarde the kynges son had the victory tyll almost the later ende of this kynges reyne There were but fewe Mayres of the citye of London but the franches of London were seasyd into the kynges handes and there were ordayned custodyes gardens and no mayres who that was cōstable of the Towre was also c●stos of the citye In the .lv. yere of this kynge syr Edwarde the kyngꝭ son toke his iourney into the holy lāde whiche went to the citye of Acres defended it from the Soudan of Surrey whiche after his cōmynge beseged it with C.M. Sarazyns whiche citye had byn lost if the sayd syr Edwarde had nat come manfully defendyd it Also in the .lvi. yere of this kynges reyne his son Edwarde thus beynge in the holy lande kyng Henry fell sicke at westmyster dyed the .xvi. day of Nouerbre the yere of Chryst M.CC.lxxii and is buryed at westmyster Edwardus .j. Gregory Innocent Adryan Iohan. ¶ Gregory was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M.CC.lxxi he hylde the see .iiii. yeres ¶ Innocent hylde the see nexte .vi. monethes ¶ Adryan hylde the see nexte .xxxix. dayes ¶ Iohn̄ hylde the see nexte .viii. monthes ¶ Radulphus ¶ Radulphe was nexte chosyn Emperour the yere of chryst CC.lxxiii and confyrmed by pope Gregory he hylde the see .xix. yere Edwarde the fyrst EDwarde the fyrst of that name and sonne to Henry the thyrde after he harde of the deth of his father came from the holy lande and was crowned kynge at westmyster the .xix. day of Auguste the yere of christ M.CC.lxxiii at whiche tyme Alexander kyng of Scottꝭ was present and dyd homage to kynge Edwarde In the seconde yere of this kynges reyne the kynge went into wales and there subdued Lewellyn prynce of wales whiche after y e rebelled and was subdued agayne payde to the kyng a fyne of .l. M. markes Also in the .iii. yere of this kynges reyne were made the statutes called westmyster primer where ben contayned goodly statutes fyrst howe clerkes indyted of Felonye shal be delyuered to the ordynaryes of Assise of plees of lande of Arteyntes and many other goodly statutes ¶ In the .vi. yere of this kynge the Chauncery cōmyn place and Escheker were remoued to Glocester where dyuers statutes were made but the courtes contynued there but for one terme and about this tyme there was a parlyament at London for reformacyon of the kynges coyne whiche was clypped and wasshed by the Iewes and almost .iii. C. Iewes were cast therfore about the same tyme began the foundacyon of the house of the freres prechours at Ludgate ¶ In the .x. yere of this kynge Lewellyn prince of wales rebelled agayne and the kynge sent thyther therles of Northumberlande and Surrey with many other knyghtes but Dauyd brother to Lewellyn with a great power met with them nere to a place called Hauardyne where betwene them was a great battell where the welchemen had the victorye and the erles fled many of the englysshemen slayne taken But the next yere after y e kyng sent thyther a more power to besege y e castell of Snowden but many of thenglysshemen were drowned beynge vpon a brydge made of barges and plankes but after that they pursued ●o the welchemen that Lewellyn and Dauyd his brother fledde but after Lewellyn was takyn by syr Edmonde Mortymer whiche smote of his heed and sent it to the kynge and after by dome of all the lordes he and his heyres were disinheryte for euer And after that Dauyd his brother was taken and after drawne hanged and quarterde And after
realme he was than by all theyr assentes deposed and discharged of all kyngly honour and dignyte And than by the auctoryte of the sayd counsell agrement of all the cōmons there present Edwarde erle of marche than the eldyst son of y e duke of yorke was elected and chosen for kynge of Englande After whiche admyssion the sayd Edwarde erle of Marche the .iiii. day of Marche the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.lx accompanyed with all the lordes and a great multytude of the cōmons was brought into westmyster there toke possessyon of the realme syttynge in the seate royall in the great hail of westmyster with his septer in his hande a questyon was axed of all the people yf they wolde admytte hym to cōtynue as kynge to the whiche with one voyce all the people cryed there ye And than there after the custome vsed he toke his othe and after that went into the abbey and there was receyued w t precessyon and conueyed vnto saynt Edwardes shryne and there offered as kynge and after that receyued homage fealte of all the lordes And vpon the morowe folowynge he was proclaymed in dyuers places of the citye of London Edwarde the .iiii. than kynge of Englande Sone after this this kynge Edwarde with his lordes and a great companye and bande of men toke his iourney Northwarde to subdue his enemyes met w t them at a place called Towton ix myles from yorke with whome he had than a cruell and mortall battell but kynge Edwarde had the victorye that in the fylde chase there were slayne aboue .xxx. M. men there was slayne the erle of Northumberlande the erle of westmyrlande the lorde Clyfforde the lorde Egremounde Andrewe Trollope and many other And in the same fylde was taken the erle of Deuonshyre the erle of wylkeshyre whiche erle of Deuonshyre was after at yorke beheded But kynge Henry and the quene the yonge duke of Somercet the lorde Rose other beynge than at yorke herynge of the losse of this fylde fled towarde Scotlande and vpon the morowe folowynge kynge Edwarde entered into yo●ke with his people and there hylde his estate And after that he 〈◊〉 the erle of w●rwyke in the Northe to see the guydynge therof and he hym selfe costed the contrey Southwarde and Eestwarde and so came towarde London Edwardus .iiij. Pius ¶ Pius was nexte pope the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.lviii he hylde the see .vi. yere Edwarde the .iiii. EDwarde the .iiii. son to Rycharde duke of yorke came to London and there was crowned kynge at westmyster the .viii. day of Iune the yere of Chryst M. CCCC.lx In the fyrst yere of his reyne the erle of Oxforde y e lorde Aubrey syr Thomas Todenham willyam Tyrell and Iohn̄ Mongumery were beheded at the Towre hyll Also in the same yere Margarete late quene of Englande came out of Fraunce into Scotlande and from thens into Englande with a strength of Frenchemen and Scottes wherfore kynge Edwarde went towarde them w t a stronge hoost and than the quene perceyuynge she was nat able to resyst kynge Edwardes power returned toke the see and so went agayne into Scotlande And after that the yonge duke of Somercet other that toke the quenes parte submytted them to the kynges grace ¶ Also in the .ii. yere of kyng Edwarde the duke of Somercet herynge y t Henry late kynge was cōmynge agayne into Englande forsoke kynge Edwardes parte returned vnto Henry late kynge whiche entered agayne and at a place called Exham in the Northe the lorde Iohn̄ Montegue hauynge the rule of the northe contrey with a great power to hym gathered met with thē and skyrmysshed with them and had the victorye where the sayd duke of Somercet the lorde Hungerforde the lorde Roose were taken prisoners whiche .iii. lordes were sone after put to dethe and beheded and dyuers other that were there taken were after put to dethe ¶ Also in the .iiii. yere of kinge Edwarde secretely in a mornyng at Grastcon nyghe to Stonystretforde the kynge maryed Elysabeth whiche was late before wyfe to syr Iohn̄ Gray knyght doughter to the lorde Ryuers where with the erle of warwyke was nat content but secretely in his mynde grudged there at Also in this yere Henry late kynge was taken in a woode in the northe contrey by one Cauntlowe and presented to kynge edwarde whiche sent him as prisoner to the Towre of London And anone after quene elysabeth was crowned at westmyster with a great solempnyte and sone after she was delyuered of her fyrst chylde called Elysabeth ¶ Also in the .vi. yere of this kyng the bastarde of Burgon chalenged the lorde Scalys for certayne feates of warre whiche were done in Smythfylde but the lorde Scalys had the victorye and honour ¶ Also in the .viii. yere of this kynge Margarete the kyngꝭ suster was sent ouer the see honorably maryed to Charles the duke of Burgon ¶ Also in the .ix. yere of kynge edwarde the erle of warwyke absented hym selfe from the kyng and confetered vnto hym the duke of Clarence the kynges brother whiche before had maryed y e erle of warwykes doughter whervpon the cōmons of Northumberlande began to rebelle and chase them a captayne called Robyn of Ryddysdale dyd many great feates but at the last this Robyn of Ryddysdale bare hym selfe so wysely that he all his companye were pardoned had no hurte but durynge that rumour and sterynge the Lyncolnshyre men toke the lorde Ryuers and syr Iohn̄ his son at the mewys at Charynge crosse and brought them to Northamton and there beheded them anone after proclamacyons were made in London y t the kynge had pardoned all those ryottours aswell for the dethe of the lorde Ryuers as for all other displeasures ¶ Lewys ¶ Lewys son of Charles was nexte frenche kynge the yere of Chryste M. CCCC.lxi he had great warre with Charles the duke of Burgon ¶ Charles ¶ Charles son to Philyppe was nexte duke of Burgon he had a doughter called Margarete whiche was maryed to Maximilyan that was electe emperour Paulus ¶ Paulus was nexte pope he hylde the see .vi. yere ¶ But sone after this a newe styrrynge began in Lyncolneshyre by meanes of the lorde welles for whome the kynge sent by feare meanes and as it was sayd promysed hym to come safe and goo safe but whe●her the kinge made to hym any suche promyse or nat yet he was shortely after beheded And also sone after this a concorde and vnyte was labored betwene kynge Edwarde and his brother the duke of Clarence and the erle of warwyke wherfore they met all at London at Baynardes castell where the duchesse of yorke theyr mother than lay But anone after y e erle of warwyke sodaynly departed to warwyke and there gathered a great strength And in this whyle syr Robert welles son to y e lorde welles before put to dethe assembled a great power purposynge to gyue kynge