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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68163 A comparison of the English and Spanish nation: composed by a French gentleman against those of the League in Fraunce, which went about to perswade the king to breake his alliance with England, and to confirme it with Spaine. By occasion whereof, the nature of both nations is liuely decyphered. Faithfully translated, out of French, by R.A.; Discours politique, tres-excellent pour le temps present. English Gentil-homme francois, fl. 1588.; Ashley, Robert, 1565-1641. 1589 (1589) STC 13102; ESTC S120864 30,635 50

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of France as England as among the rest these tetmes Cullion and French dogge which is the rethoricke of Pedlers Tinkers Coblers Rogues and such kind of people not the language of honest and ciuill persons such as we purpose to intreate of in this discourse laying aside then al such baggage and tromperie let vs speake of the naturall amitie which is betweene these two Nations In the time of the Emperors Martian Valentinian about the yeare of Christ 449. Witigerne king of great Britaine desirous to repulse the Picts and Scots called to his ayd the Angles or English who dwelt then betweene the Vites and Saxons And indeede the Welchmen at this day call the Englishmen Sasses as who would say Saxons which hath beene ensured me of some learned men of that countrie It resulteth then of this discourse that the English are come out of Germanie as the French are also according to our Histories And howbeit that in respect of the French Nation I durst not affirme that they are descended of the Saxons yet so it is that the house of our kinges which at this day swayes the scepter in France drawes his stocke from thence as is best knowen to them who are best seene in Histories For Windekind a Saxon of the line of that great Windekinde subdued by Charlemayne came into France to succour Charles the balde beeing then much molested by the Normans This young Windekind had a sonne called Robert who so fortunately followed the footsteps of his father that Charles the bald made him generall of the armie which he sent against the Normans who at that time foraged the countrie of France This Robert was slaine in battell leauing a sonne called Otho who by consent of the Emperor Arnold had the gouernement of France during the minoritie of Charles the simple Whence he got him not so much reputation as in that hee was father to Hugh the great Earle of Paris But Hugh Capet sonne of this Hugh the great exceeded in glorie and splendor all the forenamed as well in that he was chiefe of the absolute estate of France as in that he left a Royall posteritie behinde him which swayes the scepter diuided into two houses namely Valoys and Bourbon So may we conclude that if the French and English may not be called by the terme of Charondas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is liuing together or according to Epimenides 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is partakers of the same smoke or as they say brought vp together at board and at bed yet may they by good right be termed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is descending from the selfe same extraction And although this alliance be of it selfe sufficiently cleared by the Historiographers yet is it better confirmed by the conformitie of maners of these two Nations and the good comportmentes of the one towardes the other The Englishman as also the French is generous and by consequent as Aristotle teacheth farre from dissimulation hating or louing openly rather led by truth then by opinion louing the effect better then the appearance free in speech louing his libertie and easily forgetting iniuries moreouer he is liberall ciuill curteous and gentle of all vertuous qualities I thinke that in them are to be found as many cleare and euident testimonies as there are places that speake of their exploites in vnpassionate Historiographers For in respect of ciuilitie what better witnesse can wee haue then Philip de Commines who himselfe had experience thereof in behalfe of the lord of Vaucler I should speake of a thing but too wel knowen throughout all the world if I should spend manie words in discoursing of their magnificence and liberalitie Certainely if that be true which Herodian writes of barbarous men namely that they are naturally greedy of money Englishmen are sufficiently discharged of the blame of barbarousnes howsoeuer some ignorant or passionate writers haue endeuoured to stayne them therewith But to what purpose is it to stande long on this point seeing the experience and testimony of noble and famous personages dooth openly ratifie my saying That good Vidame of Chartres of famous memorie who for that himselfe was one of the most liberall Lo of our time might best speake of liberalitie said openly that if there were any Nation in Christendome more liberall and courteous towardes strangers then the English he would be reckoned amongst those which talke rashly of thinges which they know not He which hath succeeded him as well in his vertues as his heritage protesteth often that he dares not to speake of the humanitie liberalitie and courtesie of the English Nation fearing to begin a discourse the entrie whereof were found much easier then the issue Odet Cardinall of Chastilion had ordinarily this saying in his mouth that courtesie had once imparked her selfe in France but that now she was passed ouer the sea This discourse would demand longer deduction but I am a Frenchman and iealous of the honor of my countrie Plutarch writes that the great Rethoritian Molon hauing on a day heard Cicero declaiming in Greeke saide lamenting that he deplored the estate of Greece whose richest ornament meaning eloquence Cicero carryed away with him For my part though I am no lesse affectionate towards the English Nation then commands the desert of their vertues yet so is it that I am sorrie to see them so richly arayed with our spoiles In so much that England may by good right be accounted at this day the very Sanctuarie of all ciuilitie kindnesse and courtesie the testimonies whereof may be seene not only towardes their friends and in time of peace but euen in time of warre and towardes their enemies Of many examples I will chuse one so notable as I knowe not whether the like be to be found in the Greeke or Latine Historiographers Amongest all the battels which were euer fought in France that of Poytiers is worthy the remēbrance not onely for the inestimable losse of the vanquished but much more for the courtesie and generositie of the vanquisher For the Nobilitie of France was there hewen in peeces many Princes and great Lordes made prisoners and namely king John himselfe fell into the handes of the Prince of Wales who had him afterwardes into England where hereceiued so good and gracious intertainement of king Edward father to the Prince of Wales that being on his fayth and hostages returned into France to giue order for his affaires after he had thoroughly considered the intertainement that was made him he sauoured and liked so well of the English courtesie that he esteemed it more honorable to die neere so noble a Prince then to liue as king of the greatest and mightiest kingdome in Christendome Porus an Indian king being taken by Alexander and being asked of him how hee desired to be dealt with at his handes I am sayth he a king let me be vsed Royally as belongeth to a king Alexander being farther instant on