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A56069 A prospect of Hungary, and Transylvania with a catalogue of the kings of the one, and the princes of the other; together with an account of the qualities of the inhabitants, the commodites of the countries, the chiefest cities, towns, and strong-holds, rivers, and mountains. Whereunto is added an historical narrative of the bloody wars amongst themselves, and with the Turks; continued to this present year 1664. As also a brief description of Bohemia, Austria, Bavaria, Steirmark, Croatia, Dalmatia, Moravia, Silesia, Carinthia, Carniola, and some other adjacent countries contained in a mapp affixed hereunto: in which mapp all the places that are in the power of the Turk have a crescent, or half moon over them; and those in the possession of the Christians have a cross. 1664 (1664) Wing P3808; ESTC R222509 39,973 58

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time Rakoczi besieged and took in Tyrnaw where He prospers at the request of the Protestant Preacher he used much clemency to the Popishs Bishop and Noblemer Peace made But at last a Peace was concluded betwixt him and the Emperor wherein seven Lordships in Hungary were setled upon Rakoczi ninety Churches were restored to the Protestants and the rest of their Priviledges were confirmed to them Anno Christi 1646 Ferdinand 4th King of Hunga y. His death Ferdinand the fourth in his Fathers life time was crowned King of Hungary and in the year 1648 Prince Rakoczi died and was succeeded by his young Son George Rakoczi and in the year 1653 King Ferdinand the fourth died having been Crowned King of the Romans being but two and twenty years old leaving all his Dignities and Dominions to his Brother Leopold Ignatius Anno Christi 1656 the King of Sweden Charolus Adolphus having invaded Poland and Conquered much of it invited Prince Rakoczi to his Assistance Rakoczi goes into Poland who entring into Confederacy with him raised a great Army with which he entred into Poland where he made great spoils beating down the Images in Churches out of an hatred to the Romish Religion At last he joyned with the Swede and both of them besiged Cracovia which after a short defence was surrendred to them they destroyed most of the City of Casimer which stood on the other side of the Weysel and in Lituania they took in the strong City of Biscea But the King of Denmark at this time falling into some of the Swedes Countries and the Duke of Brandenburg also renouncing the Kings Interest the King of Sweden was faign to retreat out of Poland to look to his own home and thereby Rakoczi was left in the lurch He is deserted The King of Poland in the mean time by his Ambassador at Constantinople having bribed some of the Chief Officers procured a Command from the Great Turk to Rakoczi to return into his own Country He had also made a League with the Emperor who sent him sixteen thousand men to assist him against the Transylvanian These considerations moved Rakoczi to send to the King of Poland for Peace but he returned delatory answers till they had hemmed in the Transylvanians that there was no possibility for their escape but by fighting their way through them which accordingly they did His return and so retired into their own Country This same year 1657 died the Emperor Ferdinand the third Ignatius Leopold made Emperor leaving two Sons behind him Ignatius Leopoldus and Charles Joseph the Elder succeeded in the Empire though with much regreat because he was but seventeen years old and by their Golden Bull and Custome none should be chosen under eighteen Rakoczi opposed by the Turk Prince Rakoczi being returned into his own Country a Chiaux from the Great Turk met him and commanded him to resign his Principality to one Radus but he delayed to do it and sought to strengthen himself by the help of Neighbour Princes who yet forsook him all but the Princes of Moldovia and Walachia But the Turk meeting with troubles at home suffered him to be quiet for the present yet the next year he sent an Army against him through Walachia against which the Vayvod opposing himself was totally routed by the Turks and forced with rich Presents and large promise of Hostility against Rakoczi to make his Peace Soon after the Bassa of Buda was commanded upon the same service who marching into Transylvania attempted the taking of Arad but the Transylvanian and Hungarian Forces being neer took advantage of some confusion amongst the Turks at their first coming set upon them and with their great Guns so shatered them that they were forced to fly and leave their Camp many of them perishing in the River Mur. Here were taken some of their Chief Officers which so incensed the Great Turk that he threatened to flea the Bassa of Buda unless he presently brought him the Head of Rakoczi Anno Christi 1660 the Turk sent greater Forces into Transylvania and Prince Rakoczi encountered them at Hermanstadt and he behaved himself very Valiantly killing seventeen men with his own hands whereupon the Turks were routed and left the Victory to the Transylvanians about seven Thousand of them being slain upon the Place and Prince Rakoczi in their pursuit received five wounds and five days after being brought to Great Waradin Rakoczi dies he there died His death gave great advantage and encouragment to the Turks who with renewed forces so pressed upon the Transylvanians that they were forced to betake themselves to their strong holds whereupon General Souches had order from Vienna to march into Transylvania and defend it against the Turks This he did and possessed himself of some strong places In July this year the Turk with one hundred thousand men besieged Great Waradin Waradine besieged which was bravely defended by the Governour Collonel Gaude a Scotchman but in August that Gallant man was slain by an unhappy shot which so discouraged the City that being without hope of relief they surrendred it upon Tearms being a passage into Transylvania Hungary and Poland Rakoczi being dead Radus Prince of Transylvania and his Cousin Radus disliked by the Turk there was one Barckay that made himself Prince of Transylvania and was assisted by the Turk by which means he took in some places pretending that he would resign them to the Emperor though it proved otherwise About this time there appeared a Comet with the Head towards Transylvania A Comet and the tail towards Dalmatia which seemed to Portend the great evils and mischiefes that did ensue The right successor of Rakoczi was Remini Janos who was owned by many of the Transylvanians but strongly opposed by Barckay and the Turks Yet Anno Christi 1661 he fought with them at Thassabat and made a great slaughter of them but at last being oppressed with numbers he was forced to leave the Country The Emperor perceiving that the Turks had a design upon Hungary he raised an Army sending part of it into Transylvania and at that time Count Nicholas Serini raised a strong Fort over against Canisia or Chanischa naming it Serinswar Serinswar built which so provoked the Turk that he demanded that the Fort should be demolished that Serini should be punished and Transylvania left to him This made the Christians to understand his meaning and to look to themselves The preparations of the Turk In the mean time the Turk raised a mighty Army and provided an answerable proportion of Victuals Ammunition and Artillery and the Emperor had in Hungary an Army of thirty eight thousand Germans whom the Hungarians favored not by reason of their difference in Religion so that by October The Emperors Army moulders away through want of accommodations and by surfeits which they took through immoderate drinking of Wine eating of Fruits it mouldred
they Elected for their King But upon the Emperors great successes in Bohemia against Frederick Prince Elector Palatine Gabor relinquished his right and hearkned to a Peace Anno Christi 1618. Ferdinand the third the Son of Ferdinand the second was chosen and Crowned King of Hungary in the Life of his Father Anno Christi 1637. And succeeded him in the Empire and Kingdom of Bohemia Ferdinand the fourth the Son of Ferdinand the third was Crowned King of Hungary in his Fathers life time Anno Christi 1646. And died before his Father Anno Christi 1653. being but two and twenty years old Leopold Ignatius his Brother the Son of Ferdinand the third was also Crowned King of Hungary in his Fathers life time Anno Christi 1653. and is now living An account of the Controversies which have happened in the Kingdom of Hungary since the Peace that was made with the Turks Anno Christi 1605 to 1663. The controversies which happened in Hungary as well for Religion as for the charges and Commands in Armies were the causes of many and great mischiefs For Botzkay Istham Duke of Kismaria and Prince of Transylvania revolted from the Emperor having drawn many Noble men of Hungary to joyn with him upon assurance of assistance from the Turk Then did Botzkay take the field with great numbers of Heiducks and made a Declaration against the Emperors Lieutenants which were four who joyning their Forces together went against Botzkay When the Armies met the Hungarians both Horse and Foot yielded to Botzkay The fight continued six hours and the Imperialists were routed Belliceuse one of their Generals fled and the Germans and Silesians were cut in pieces Pets and Pallas Lippay were taken Prisoners and Botzkay sent Pets and some Ensigns to Herder Bassa to shew his affection to the Turk and Pallas Lippay remained Lieutenant to Botzkay and they published another Declaration that they took up Arms for their Civil Liberties and Consciences and to hinder the Persecution of the Gospel Hereupon the Roman Clergy Jesuites were forced to fly to Vienna and the Citizens of Cassovia thrust the Priests and Clergy out of their Towns and became Protestants of the Augustane Confession Baste the Emperors Lieutenant published a General Pardon in his Masters name but it prevailed nothing He also besieged Cassovia in vain the Garison consisting of six thousand men Having raised his Siege in his return he took Epper and some weaker places upon condition to suffer them to enjoy their Religion according to the Confession of Ausbourg But being pursued by Botzkay he lost thirty Waggons laden with Silver and store of Clothes that came from Vienna This so amazed the neighbour places that the Germans and other Strangers were cut in pieces Then did Baste perswade Botzkay by his letters to hearken to peace and to draw the Emperors Subjects to their obedience Botzkay answered that he was content upon condition that he should enjoy the Principality of Transylvania and be the Emperors Lieutenant in Hungary That the French and Walloons should depart the Country That the Souldiers should be paid That the Protestants should not be molested in the exercise of their Religion That Belliceuse who was the cause of these troubles should be delivered into his hands to do justice upon him and that the Emperor should come in Person to the Estates at Ponson and in the mean time the Germans should not stir out of the Garisons to plunder the Countrey Baste seeing these demands so high returned no answer All Transylvania obeyed Botzkay and he received Money from the Turk wherewith he paid his Souldiers and called the Estates of Hungary to a General Assembly upon the last of April In the mean time the Earls of Herin Nadaste and Buda who before had fought with the Turk fell to Botzkays Party having an Army of twenty five thousand men Moldovia and Wallachia also obeyed him This made Matthias the Archduke in the Emperors name to seek for peace and Botzkay sent Helias Hali Helias Hasky who met with the Emperors Commissioner and told him that his Master would not refuse Peace if the Emperor would grant him the Conditions which he had before propounded as also that no Bishop should be of the Senate in Hungary but he onely that was Chancellor Then did Botzkay send Ambassadors to Vienna Peace concluded where at last a Peace was concluded in the year 1606 and the Moneth of September which consisted of these six Articles 1. The Articles with the Emperor That they should enjoy liberty of Conscience throughout all Hungary namely the Catholicks Lutherans and Calvenists and that no other Religion should be tollerated 2. That the Archduke Matthias should be Lieutenant General for the Emperor through all Hungary and that all things should remain in the same estate as they were in for the present 3. That Botzkay should continue Prince of Transylvania Earl of Sicules and Palatine of high Hungary and for want of Heirs Male all should revert to the Emperor and that Botzkays Daughters should be married according to their quality at the Emperors charge 4. That from thence-forth the Palatine and the General Treasurers should be chosen by the Estates of the Country 5. That a General pardon should be published to the end that all matters might be forgotten on both parts 6. The Chambers and New Courts to be abolished the Hungarians to redeem the Castles pawned to the Germans the Government of the Kingdom to be administred by the Hungarians only Raab and Comorra may be Governed by deserving Germans and that Bishops descended of the Nobility to have voice and place in Council others not Bonefires were made at Vienna and all other Places for this happy Peace Shortly after also a Peace was concluded between the Emperor and the Great Turk for twenty years The Articles with the Great Turk whereof these were the Articles 1. That every one should return into his Possessions reedifie his Houses and Castles and remain in the same Estate that he was in before the War 2. That the Emperor should be called Father and the Turk Son which titles they should give each to other by their Ambassadors and in their Writing should use the word Emperor and not King 3. That the Tarters should be comprehended in this Peace with a prohibition not to make any spoil in the Emperors Country nor in Hungary 4. That all the Signiories belonging to the House of Austria should be comprehended in this Peace 5. That all Acts of Hostility should cease and transgressions be punished by exemplary Justice 6. That neither Part shall surprise any Fort Town House nor take any Prisoner nor send any Spy into Hungary 7. That the Treaty of Peace made with Botzkay should be truly observed 8. That Merchants might pass and Traffique freely through their Countries and that there should be four or five Fairs in every year in such places as should be appointed 9. That the Bassa of Buda the
that time it was the seat Royal of the Kings of Hungary and the chief City of the Kingdom As now it is the seat of the chief Bassa or Lord Lieutenant for the Grand Signior 2. Abba Regalis by the Dutch called Stul-Weisenburg situated between the Danow and the Dravus strongly but unwholsomly seated in the midst of an inaccessibile Marish which is joyned to the firm land by three broad Causeys blocked up at the ends with three great Bulworks But notwithstanding its strong situation it was taken by the Turks Anno Christi 1543. Before which time it was the usual place both for the Coronation and Interment of the Kings of Hungary 3. Volue on the Danow taken in the same year also 4. Fiese-kirken called in Latine Quinque Ecclesiae from five Churches in it A Bishops See It was this last year burned down by Count Serini which was taken by the Turks Anno Christi 1566. and gave them a great command upon the River Dravus upon which it is seated 5 Sirmisch situated between the Danow and Savus noted for yielding the best Wines but it is a City otherwise of no estimation for the present though formerly of the most account in all this Province the Metropolis of Pannonia inferior honoured with the presence and personal residence of many of the Emperors and in those respects made the Stage of many great and memorable Actions Here was held a Council against the Heretick Photinus Bishop of this City who held that Christ had no existence of God the Father till he was conceived and born of the Virgin Mary Anno Christi 356. 6. Zigeth a strong Town situate on a Marish ground on the North side of the River Dravus which was taken by Solyman the Magnificent Anno Christi 1566 who there ended his Days 7. Keresture nigh unto which in the year 1596 Mahomet the third gave unto the Christians so great an overthrow that probably if he had pursued his Victory he had made a full Conquest of all Hungary 8. Mursa upon the confluence of the Dravus and the Danow 9. Belgrade on the confluence of the Savus and the Danow called by the Dutch Greek Wessenburg It s called Belgrad from the beautiful situation of it It s hemmed in on the North with the Danow on the East with the Savus on the other sides its defended with very strong Walls deep Ditches and impregnable Ramparts It belonged anciently to the Despots of Servia by whom it was consigned over to Sigismund King of Hungary as best able to keep it the Despot being satisfied with Lands and other Territories of a better value Heretofore it was the Bulwork of Christendom against the Turks who received before it many great and notable repulses of which the most memorable were those of Amurath the second and Mahomet the Great It was taken at last to the great loss and shame of the Christian world who relieved not the besieged in due time by Solyman the Magnificent Anno Christi 1520. On the North side of the Upper Hungary there is 10 Pesth over against Buda on the River Danow 11. Vaccia on the same River a Bishops See 12. Colocza an Archb shops See on the same River also 13. Zegedin on the West side of the River Tibiscus 14. Temeswar on the East of that River towards Transylvania which is the ordinary residence of a Turkish Bassa 15. Gyula a strong Town on the Borders of Transylavania which was betrayed by Nicholas Keresken the Governor thereof in the last year of Solyman upon promise of a great reward But Selimus the Son of Solyman caused him to be shut up in a Barrel knocked full of nails with the points inwards and so to be tumbled up and down till he dyed most miserably On the Barrel there was this Inscription written Here receive the reward of thy Covetousness and Treason Gyula thou soldest for Gold If thou best not faithful to Maximilian thy Natural Lord neither wilt thou be true to me 16. Singidon on the South side of Gyula betwixt which and Belgrade are the Fields of Maxon famous for the slaughter of fifty thousand Turks slain here in Battel under the prudent conduct of John Huniades Anno 1456. The People of Hungary are strong of Body The quality of the People but somewhat rude of behaviour respecting neither the Liberall Arts nor Mechanick Trades The greatest aspersion is the name of a Coward which cannot be wiped off without the killing of a Turk after which they are priviledged to wear a Feather and by the number of their Feathers to shew how many Turks they have slain in Battel They delight in Wars like no Trade better desiring rather to live upon other mens labors then upon their own They are extream covetous yet they have rather a desire then any Art to enrich themselves permiting the Dutch to ingross all their Trading and to mannage such Commodities as their Country yields which is the cause seconded by the oppressions of the Turks and Austrian Family under whom they are that none of them rise to any considerable Wealth And for such as have lands they grow poorer every Day then other For though the Females be excluded from inheriting their Fathers Possessions to whom they give no Portion but new clothes on their Wedding day yet seeing the Sons do equally share their Fathers estate amongst them as such who hold in Gavelkind do here in England it must needs be that by so many Divisions and Subdivisions the greatest Patrimony that is will be brought to little Both Sexes in their education are inured to hardship being not suffered to lie in Beds till the night of their marriage The Hungarians at this day contemn ease and pleasure and live not in Towns but as strangers with a design to be soon gone Great men lodge their delights in their Gardens and Baths and care not for their Buildings but desire to live at large The Common People live in Cabins and little lodgings ill made Their Habit. Their Garments are long and stately their Womens Garments are straight and cover them unto the neck they wear upon their Gowns long Cloaks and they cover their Heads with Vails or Linnen Cloth and hide all but their eyes and nose and most of them wear Pearls and precious stones Also both men and women wear Buskins up to the calf of the Leg they mourn a whole year for their Friends and Kinsfolks when they die and sometimes two years they shave their Beards and leave nothing but their Must●ches which are sometimes very long They have a particular Language which differs not much from the Bohemians and they have also a perticular form of Letters The Sclavonian Language yet most commonly they use the Roman Characters they are very proud and haughty strong in War and are better Souldiers on Horseback th●n on Foot they are very obedient to the Prince and his Leiutenants In the parts adjoyning to Germany the Dutch
and Silver amongst the People Which done the King went by a Gallery from St Martins Church to another called the Deschausses where after they had read the Gospel he made two and twenty Knights Then being attired in his Royal Ornaments and the Crown upon his Head he went to Horse and was brought to a bank of Earth which he leaped thrice over and then he flourished his Sword thrice in the air in form of a Cross which done he returned to the Castle where the Feast was prepared The Germans discharged The Ceremonies being over he was forced to deprive the Germans of the Dignities Charges Estates and Offices which they held in Hungary and so having pacified the Country and reduced under his Crown that which the Christians held there he returned to Vienna Thus in the space of seven Moneths he caused himself to be Crowned King of Hungary and to be acknowleged Archduke of Austria and Marquess of Moravia Botzkay a little before his Death declared Valentine Hamonnai for Prince of Transylvania But the Transylvanians not pleased therewith chose Sigismund Rakoczi Rakoczi Prince of Transylvania who was very desirous to have evaded it but they forced him to Clausenburg and made him assume the Principality the Turk also consenting and confirming him therein About this time Matthias King of Hungary held a Diet at Cassovia where Sigismund Rakoczi as Prince of Transylvania did him Fealty and soon after resigned the Principality to Gabriel Bathori He resigns to Bathori wherein he shewed his great modesty in declining the Soveraignty and transfering it to an other when he was so beloved and honoured by the People Jesuits wickedness Shortly after by the instigation of the Jesuites Matthias infringed and invaded the Hungarians liberties about their Religion but the Electors of Saxony and other Protestant Princes arming themselves in their behalf overruled Matthias whereby they were suffered to live in Peace Then did Radulo the Vayvod of Walachia refuse Homage to Bathori whereupon he raised a very great Army and it came to a Battel betwixt them wherein Bathori was totally routed and forced to fly into the Mountains Matthias King of Hungary taking advantage of this his overthrow seized upon Clausenburge and some other strong Holds that belonged to Bathori yet shortly after Bathori raising a new Army beat the Kings General out of his Dominions and forced him to hide himself in the Woods of Bohemia after he had suffered very great extremities yet Bethlem Gabor was by the Great Turk made Prince of Transylvania which so enraged Bathori Bathori murthered that he committed great ravages amongst the People and at last being forced to fly from Clausenburg to Varadine he was there murthered Bethlehem was immediately owned by the Transylvanians Bethlem Gabor succeeds and confirmed by the Great Turk and Matthias who was now Emperor his Brother Rodulphus being dead shortly after died also leaving his Crown to Ferdinand the second who the next year was Crowned King of Hungary at which time three Suns appeared in the Heavens portending the Wars and mischiefs which shortly after ensued Ferdinand after his Coronation being excited thereto by the Jesuites brake the Articles of Peace made with Botzcai and recalled the Jesuites in hatred to the Protestants Presently after also the States of Bohemia being wronged by him in their liberties both Civil and Religious Frederick chosen King of Bohemia conferred the Kingdom upon Frederick Prince Elector Palatine the Issue whereof is so well known to all that I need say nothing of it Anno Christi 1624. Ferdinand Ernestus the eldest Son of Ferdinand the second in his Fathers life time was Crowned King of Hungary at Ovarum and at the same time Bethlehem Gabor married Catherine the Daughter of John Sigismund Marquess of Brandenburgh at Alba Julia and 1626 Bethlem advanced with an Army into Hungary to joyn with Count Mansfield and the Duke of Saxon Weymar but hearing that forty thousand Tartars his Confederates were slain in Poland he made peace with Ferdinand and retreated into Transylvania and not long after dyed Gabor dies whereby all the places granted to him in Hungary reverted to the King After the Death of Gabor Rakoczi chosen Prince of Transylvania George Rakoczi was made Prince of Transylvania by the Election of the People and confirmed in it by the Turk At which time the King of Hungary sent Esterhasius the Palatine of Hungary with a great Army to possess himself of Transylvania but Rakoczi being now setled sent an Army into Hungary that met with Esterhasius and overthrew him and took severall Cities the Grand Signior also sent him ten Thousand men in testimony of his affection to him who wasted the Countrey all about yet the Emperor not willing to fall out with the Turk sat still Ferdinand de Gratz dies Jesuites wickedness Anno Christi 1636. Ferdinand the second died and left all his Dominions to his Son Ferdinand the third which change probably would have brought Peace to Hungary and Transylvania but the Jesuites wrought new troubles and the Catholick Nobles of Hungary grutched that the Protestants by the late Wars had procured some things in favour of their Religion and the Lutherans had built a very beautifull Church in Presburg The Emperor incensed hereat sent to prohibite them and disallowed his former concessions The Protestants hereupon had recourse to Rakoczi who was offended with the Emperor upon this account There was found at Varadin in the Vault of Ladislaus and Sigismund some Treasure together with a Crown Scepter and Jewels one being a Diamond of a vast bigness that shone like a Torch there being a curse added to any that should presume to meddle with them till some extream necessity should require it These Ferdinand sent for and Rakoczi refused to deliver them Another thing that widened the difference was this Some Hungarian Nobles turned Catholicks and others that were such got Lordships where the Protestant Religion was professed and these took upon them to restrain them from the exercise of their Religion and took their Churches from them and placed Priests in them These irregularities Rakoczi complained of to the Emperor desiring him to remove them and to observe those immunities and priviledges which he and the Estates had confirmed to the Protestants and whereas the Emperor had caused three hundred of the Protestant Churches to be shut up he desired that they might be restored to them But the Emperor slighted him and put him off with delays Hereupon Rakoczi proclaimed open War against the Emperor Rakoczi proclaims War against the Emperor raised an Army of seventy thousand with which he invaded Hungary publishing a Manifesto to justifie his proceedings He took in divers Castles and forced Cassovia to a surrender To stop his Progress the Emperor sent an Army of twenty thousand men under Count Bucaine but the Hungarians daily falling to Rakoczi the other did little or nothing In the mean
last King of those Countries Anno Christi 1248. Under the Raign of Bela the fourth The Tartars invade it the Tartarians to the number of five hundred thousand fighting men brake into Hungary and like a violent whirlwind carried all before them tyrannizing here for three years together comitting many merciless Massacres and infinite ravages wheresoever they came In the Raign of Steven the fourth Mysia and Bulgary were made Tributaries to the Kingdom of Hungary The Dukes and Kings of Hungary Cusala the first Duke or Captain of the Hungary He subdued Transylvania and the Upper Hungary and passed over the Danow but was slain in his Wars against the Dutch who then possessed Pannonia Toxus the next Duke who subdued Pannonia or the Lower Hungary Grisa the Son of Toxus was the third Duke Stephen the fourth Duke and the first King of Hungary Anno Christi 1000. Peter surnamed the Almain and Nephew of Stephen He was deposed by Andrew and Bela the Sons of Ladislaus the Son of Geisa the first and Brother of Stephen the first King Anno Christi 1039. Andrew who was the eldest Son of that Ladislaus Anno Christi 1047. Bela the Brother of Andrew succeeded him Anno Christi 1059. Solomon the Son of Andrew who was expelled his Kingdom by Geisa Anno Christi 1062. Geisa the second the Son of Bela. Anno Christi 1075. Ladislaus surnamed the Saint who was Brother to Geisa the second Anno Christi 1078. Coloman the Son of Geisa the second Anno Christi 1096. Stephen the second who was Son of Coloman Anno Christi 1114. Bela the second the Nephew of Geisa the second by his Son Almus Anno Christi 1132. Geisa the third the Son of Bela the second Anno Christi 1142. Stephen the third the Son of Geisa the third Anno Christi 1162. Bela the third the Brother of Stephen the third Anno Christi 1172. Emaricus the Son of Bela the third Anno Christi 1191. Ladislaus the second the Son of Emaricus He Raigned but six Moneths being slain by Treason when he was very young and died without Issue Anno Christi 1201. Andrew the second the Son of Bela the third and Brother of Emaricus Anno Christi 1201. Bela the fourth the Son of Andrew the second Anno Christi 1236. Stephen the fourth the Son of Bela the fourth Anno Christi 1271. Ladislaus the third the Son of Stephen the fourth Anno Christi 1273. Andrew the third Nephew to Bela the fourth by his Brother Stephen Anno Christi 1290. Charles surnamed Martel the Son of Charles King of Naples by Mary the Daughter of Stephen the ●ourth against whom was chosen Wenceslaus King of Bohemia Son of King Wenceslaus the second and Anne his Wife who was the Daughter of Bela the fourth and after three years Otho of Bavaria descended from Elizabeth another of the Daughters of Bela the fourth was chosen also by a Faction against Wenceslaus But Wenceslaus surrending his title to Otho and Otho being not long after forced to surrender his title Charles Martel remained King of Hungary Anno Christi 1302. Lodovicus Nephew to Charles Martel by his Son Carlcobert succeeded not only in the Kingdom of Hungary but of Poland also in the right of Elizabeth his Mother Sister of Casimir the second Anno Christi 1343. Charles the second King of Naples descended from Charles of Naples and Mary the Daughter of Stephen the fourth before mentioned by their Son John of Durazzo one of the younger Brothers of Charles Martel which Charles the second after a short raign was poisoned by the Widow of the former King to make way for her Daughters coming to the Crown Anno Christi 1383. Sigismund Emperor of Germany King of Bohemia and Duke of Luxenbourg was chosen King of Hungary in right of Mary his Wife who was the youngest Daughter of Lodovicus Anno Christi 1387. Albert of Austria Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia in right of Elizabeth his Wife the Daughter of Sigismund Anno Christi 1438. Ladislaus or Vladislaus the Son of Jugello King of Poland succeeded in the minority of Ladislaus the Son of Albert he was unhappily slain at the Battel of Varna against the Turks together with thirty thousand of his men He had made and sworn a truce with the Turk But the Popes Legate upon a seeming advantage perswaded him to break it and absolved him from his Oath and when they came to the Battel the Christians at first had the better Whereupon Amurath the second against whom they fought drew the writing out of his bosome and with his eyes lift up to Heaven he desired Christ to look upon the perfidious dealing wherewith his followers dishonoured him and so encouraging his men he obtained the Victory Anno Christi 1440. Ladislaus the fifth the King of Bohemia the Son of Albert by Elizabeth the Daughter of Sigismund and Mary succeeeded Anno Christi 1444. Matthias Corvinus the Son of the famous Huniades after the Death of Ladislaus the fifth was chosen King of Hungary Anno Christi 1458. Vladislaus the second or Ladislaus the sixth the Son of Casimir the fourth of Poland and of Elizabeth the Daughter of Albert succeeded in the Kingdom of Hungary and Bohemia Anno Christi 1491. Ludovicus the second King of Hungary and Bohemia who in the one and twentieth year of his age and the tenth of his Raign was drawn into the Field against Solyman the Magnificent the Battel was fought at a Village called Mugace betwixt Belgrade and Buda in which nineteen thousand Hungarians were slain and the young King drowned in his flight Lewis thus dead John de Sepusio Vayvod of Transylvania was by the States chosen King of Hungary But Ferdinand Archduke of Austria chalenged the Kingdom in the right of Anne his Wife who was Daughter and sister to Vladislaus and Lewis Kings of Hungary and Bohemia On this prentence he invaded the Kingdom and drove out John who to recover his right called in Solyman the Magnificent who took such fast footing in Hungary that his successors could never since be removed Anno Christi 1571. John de Sepusio Vayvod of Transylvania and King of Hungary Anno Christi 1527. Ferdinand of Austria Brother to the Emperor Charles the fifth was Elected King of Bohemia in respect to Anne his Wife Sister of Ludovicus the second and in the same right laid claim to the Crown of Hungary whereunto he was chosen by a party prepared for him but upon the Death of John de Sepusio he was received by all Anno Christi 1540. Maximilian the Emperor was King of Bohemia and Hungary and Archduke of Austria He was the Son of Ferdinand Anno Christi 1562. Rodulphus his Son succeeded him in all Anno Christi 1572. Matthias the Brother of Rodulphus succeeded him Anno Christi 1608. Ferdinand the second of Gratz next heir to Matthias of the House of Austria intruded against whom the Hungarians called in Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transylvania whom