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A51781 A short view of the lives of those illustrious princes, Henry Duke of Glovcester, and Mary Princess of Orange deceased, late brother and sister of His Majesty the King of Great Brittain collected by T.M. Esq., to whome the same will serve a rule & pattern. Manley, Thomas, 1628-1690. 1661 (1661) Wing M446; ESTC R8035 34,733 124

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A SHORT VIEW OF The Lives Of those Illustrious Princes HENRY DUKE OF GLOVCESTER AND Mary Princess of Orange DECEASED Late Brother and Sister to his Majesty the KING of Great Brittain Collected by T. M. Esq To whome the same will serve a Rule Pattern Ad exemplum totus componitur orbis Plus valent exempla quam praecepta LONDON Printed for a Society of Stationer 1661. TO THE Right Worshipfull SIR Robert Bolles Baronet AS Also to his most vertuous and worthy LADY BOokes have their fate as well as Cities and Kingdoms and want their Patrons as Rome did her Tutelar Gods And if he was such an one as Joseph was to Egypt they will be eternized if not for their owne merit yet by the continued freshnesse of his memory This hath been the motive which induced me to this attempt upon your goodnesse not any supposition in my selfe of knowing or being known to you and such I believe is your Candor that you will account the Authors being unacquainted rather his own than his Bookes unhappinesse and therefore hope you will own it though not for it selfe yet for the subjects sake on which it treateth which yeilds matter both of joy and sorrow to the whole Kingdome wherein there were many overjoyed hearts for such hopefull living Princes and more weeping eyes for their sudden and too immature death I shall say no more but recommend the work to your perusall wherein as I hope you shall receive satisfaction so in behalfe thereof I pray acceptance both to it and Yours to serve you T. M. Feb. 4. 1660. A short view of the lives of those illustrious Princes Henry Duke of Glocester and MARY Princesse of Orange IT hath been a rule commended unto us by antient and foregoing times Non tutum est in illos scribere qui possunt proscribere and the reason may be supposed for that the great ones of the World were for the most part so vitious that it made the old Poet cry out Difficile est satyram non scribere but such and so different is our present condition that we may venture to write since neither our greatest eulogyes can be stiled hyperbolicall nor our highest applauses flattery especially where the subject of the discourse are of the most noble strain as here issuing from the most royal Families of Europe to the greatnesse of which blood they have added a new and extraordinary luster by the most eminent virtues wherewith they were adorned for it may truly be said of our late deceased Princes as Vlisses boasted of himselfe Deus est in utroque Parente there is scarce any Family of the World so highly and nobly allyed for by birth they were the Son and Daughter of Charles the first and Henrietta Maria he by his Father sprang from the antient stock of Scottish Kings and by his Mother allyed to the Danish blood But she of the royal blood of France Daughter of Henry the fourth surnamed great and from him claiming a consanguinious relation both with the Germane Italian and Spanish Scepters From this royal stock I say issued the late illustrious Princesse Mary Princesse of Orange being born into this World on the fourth day of November in the year 1631. The sixth of her Fathers reign Lady Mary born and not long after with much state and solemnity baptized being committed to the ruition of a most honourable and religious Lady who was to take care of the tender infancy of the Princely babe In this unknown retirednesse must we let her passe her childhood although as then it was especially in charge to every hand about her that nothing tending to the disadvantage of the Protestant religion should approach her eares a● well knowing the certainty of that rule Quo semel est imbuta recens seruabit odorem Testa diu and so indeed it proved for the so early even with her milk imbibed the same reformed religion that neither the subtilty of temptation nor the power of malice could ever divert her or make her to deviate therefrom Nay so firmly was she fixed and grounded therein that when the Saternall love of her Father began now to cast his eye abroad to find a fitting match for this his Peerlesse Daughter she though the small number of her yeares did exact from her a submission to his will yet in a kind of womanly resolve did in a manner declare her dislike to a contrary religion humbly desired that her religion affection might not countercharge each other Hereupon after many ediligent guests at length the Prince of Orange is propounded and that for severall reasons first as being of the same religion secondly the next adjoyning neighbour by whose conjoyned supply of snipping the English would be the most formidable Masters of the Sea and thirdly because by that meanes both the Spanish and French were would be in their designes countermined hereupon and for divers other unknown reasons of state Suorum corda Britannum Cum socijs Belgis vindo propiore Liganda Treaty of marriage with Orange Firmandumque Vetus potiori pignore soedus A treaty is had about the same and it was concluded that William the onely Son and Heir of the most noble Prince of Orange should entermarry with the Lady Mary eldest Daughter to the King of Great Brittain according to which agreement the young Prince the 20th of February Prince of Orange came to London 1641. arrived at London waited on by a magnificent train of the chiefest Nobles of his own Countrey During this Intervall of time and while these affaires were thus in managing was born the Kings youngest Son entituled the Duke of Gloucester at Oatlands in the month of July 1640. and in September following was baptized and called Henry Duke of Gl●cester born a Prince who from his birth bore the expresse Image of his Father and not onely as at first in his person but as after appeared in his vertues and for the more orderly proceeding towards his future education he was committed to the care of an honourable Lady He●ven having showr'd down his blessings on the Kings hopefull and numerous Issue from whome nothing might be expected but the future happinesse of our now long continued peace behold on a sudden the Scots in a hot spur'd zeale or rather in a fanatick fury envying so much prosperity to the King and State begin to harbour dangerous thoughts yea and proceed to rebellious actions treacherously possessing themselves of Edenhorough Castle which was delivered to the Generall of the Covenanters without any shot or resistance made by the treacherous Governor What Bulworks SCOTS troubles Fortresses or other defensive fortifications can retain or keep the possession of a Kings right when eminent Trustees for hope fear or reward betray their charge and forfeit their fidelity Dunoritton Fort once reported invincible fell next into their hands being in the custody of a person of worth well fortified and weaponed but through
the ill victualling thereof lost with little noise and lesse resistance puffed up with these successes the Covenanters march on to Dalkeyth a House of his Majesties which they took into their possession without any opposition wherein as they expected they found a plentifull store of Ammunition and beyond their expectation the Crown Scepter and other Regalia of that ancient Kingdome which they quickly removed to Edenborough Castle and there with great reverence and much care disposed them to safe custody pretending they were displaced before at Dalkeyth The newes of these occurrences arriving fresh to the Kings eare where affection before would not make him harbour an ill thought of his Countrey men now made him change his opinion and in the midst of all the pleasure and joy conceived for his young Son Duke Henry to leave both him and his Mother the Queen to provide a remedy to prevent these threatning evills By this means was the infant Prince deprived of the right and knowledge of his Father both at once KING towards Scotland his rebellious Covenanting Subjects of Scotland calling him to their more northern parts where he resolved if possible by fair means to perswade them or else by repelling force with force to reduce them to their obedience While the King is raising force to march towards them the Scots go to and against Aberdeen restlesse natures are never out of action and discontented persons ever desirous of innovation if the designe be good they undertake they still pursue it with all diligence if ill they prosecute it with no lesse industry witnesse these men who in their said march took 4000 armes that were going thither to have put the City into a posture of defence so that now the Kings armes were carried against the Kings cause there being no party through the prevalency of the averse faction that durst appear for the King nay to such a height were these men grown that they had an intention to have surprized Barwick but their intended attempt was not so closely carried and resolved on amongst themselves but that timely notice therof was attained by the English and for prevention of the same command was forthwith given for some raisements of Foot and Troop● of Horse of the Bishop-prick of Durham and the northern parts to move with speedy marches thither and there so to dispose of their power as to be able to resist any offer from the Enemy which was effectually performed SCOTS manner of proceedings The Scots perceiving they were prevented in that designe fall to Councell and knowing that there are two wayes which infallibly make rich men potent and poor men rich the first being great getting and the latter the keeping things gotten and that if there be a failing in either of these two there will be a sudden sense of the stand put to greatnesse and of the estates declining fortune do cowardly make it their study to retain the Towns and Forts they had gotten into their possession and therefore with art and expedition Leith must be fortified so that it may oppose any power that should present it selfe against in and the like they also did in other place Notwithstanding all which prodigious acts of Treason like the Adulterous Woman spoken of by the Wise Man they will not believe they have done amisse for as if they have been the truest Subjects in the world on the fifth of June the Earl of Dumfermeling presented to his Majesty a Petition at his Pavilion in the Camp which he graciously accepted and read wherein the Scots humbly sued for an accomodation and his Majesty was thereupon pleased to enter into a Treaty with them the issue whereof was that the Scots should disband their Forces and surrender to the King all his castles but the main matters to be concluded by Parliament which was to meet not long after at London whither the Scots sent their Commissioners and made a full and finall agreement By this meanes the King attended with all his Nobility made up to London where in November 1640. a black long Parliament whose actions never had a parallel met during the time of whose first sitting all things began to grow out of order yet they hearkned in some measure to the Kings desires for the marriage of the Lady Mary to the Prince of Orange Lady Mary married was with great state and pomp celebrated at Whitehall in May 1641. to the great satisfaction both of Prince and people as it then seemed Laetior hac nulla est unguam lux orta Britannis Vnus Hymen populo est unumque agit Anglia festum Tot que dies nitet una dies se latior ipsa Dum redit et primi non cessant gaudia festi No day more joyfull ere did Brittain see Both King and people in their mirth agree Nor for a spurt does their grand feasting last But each new coming day outvies the Fast During all these solemnities at the Court the English Parliament are driving a contrary designe inciting tumults to cry down the Bishops which was prosecuted with such violence that the King was necessitated for security of his Person to withdraw from London Janua 10. 1641. and with the Queen Prince and Duke of York to retire to Hampton Court from whence in February following accompanyed with the Queen and the Princesse of Orange he went to Canterbury and so to Dover where the Lady Mary Princesse of Orange took leave of her Father and Mother and imbarqued for Holland Lady Mary to Holland the Prince her Husbands Countrey where she safely landed and arrived but never after that day saw ●he face of her beloved Father The Princesse being now in the Low-Countreys was received by her Father in Law the old Prince of Orange as did become the Daughter of so great a King into whose presence he would never approach but with a reverence more like a subject towards his Soveraign then the freedome of a Father towards his Sons Wife by no meanes suffring either himselfe or his Son much lesse his Servants to come neer the place of her residence but bareheaded and to his dying day yea even in his death-bed maintaining the same as due to the greatness of her birth and excellent virtues And truly the Princes of Orange Father and Son did make it their study to deserve well at the King of Englands hands to whom they ever continued fast and true friends during all the time of his succeeding troubles when by the treason and sedition of his rebellious subjects he was hunted from place to place like a Partridge upon the Mountaines til at last having taken the Lords anointed in their pits they destroyed the Father expelled the Sons and endeavoured to extirpate the whole royal Family When his Majesty was by tumults driven from London he left his children behind him but afterwards sent for the Prince and Duke of York to come to him to Greenwich which they did but still there
for whom there was a stately and Prince-like preparation made for their entertainment which the whole States taking notice of their stomachs also came down and by their meanes the City of Amsterdam invited the Princesse of Orange to a magnificent feast in remembrance of the great services performed by the house of Orange for them The Dukes in this interim were retired into Flanders to their forces in the Spanish army wherein the Duke of York still continued an eminent actor but the Duke of Gloucester having as he supposed seen sufficient of the warres and hoping that God at length would restore his brother the King he intended to apply himself to such a form of life as that he might by his Counsell be able to help him knowing that most great men Tacit. Annal plura Consilio quam ●vi perfecerent have ever done as much by Counsell as by force 1 Com. C●vill Bel● This made Caesar say Non minus est Imperatoris consilio superare quam gladio A Princes conquests are gained as much by Councell as by the sword We may justly say that this young Duke did truly prove such a one as Basilius the Emperour recommended to his son 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Use such Counsellers who have counselled well in their own affaires and managed the same well not such whose imprudence hath made all things go to confusion for they who through too much carelesnesse neglect themselves and their own businesse will never be a good help or adviser to another this I say was so in him for never was any man more atrent to what he undertook nor more carefull either in his own or the affaires of others by which meanes he hoped to shut out all foreiners from counsell lest they should attract envy to his Prince because Consilia externa sunt semper infausta That maxime in him was truly verified Miseria Prudentiae bowa Mater for certainly his afflictions did infinitely refine him He might say with David It is good for me that I have been afflicted ●sal 119. for thereby I have learned not only they Law but have gained an insight into worldly Wisdome nor are Councellors onely bettered by troubles but even Princes themselves are made excellent whom a various fortune hath sometimes exercised Charles the fifth of France was endued with an admirable Wisdome and gained the sirname of Wise but few men were ever so variously tossed up and down even from his very childhood his Father King Iohn being lead away Prisoner and the Kingdome harrassed over by another Nation So Lewis the eleventh a wise Prince yet for divers years driven both from his Father Friends and Countrey and forced to live as an exile with Philip Duke of Burgundy many others we might joyn in the same rank but what need we go from home since we have among us the most religiously wise King in the World whose tryals have exceeded all before going Most true therefore is that saying of the Greeks 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a quibus laesus ab jis doctus In this condition we will leave him at his serious studies to see how the Princess of Orange his Sister speeds with her pleased friends of Holland the Sta●es having upon their second and better thoughts reconciled themselves to the Prince his Mother as a testimony thereof gave them a magnificent entertainment being welcomed by the chief of the Town accompanied with many horses richly accoutred and many Coaches the Burgomasters at their reception giging high thanks to the Princess fo● dignifying them with her presence As a recreation after the Feast wa● presented in various shews the memorable Acts of the five last Princes of Orange the Emperour Adolp● of Nassaw and others of that family in the shew was placed a representation of the present young Princ● in the Arms of Religion nothin● was wanting that might grace s● solemne an accasion but onely the Prince of Orange himself the People longing with an unsatisfied expectation to see his person for now as he grew up apace so he began to draw the eyes and observation of most men in those parts towards him as the person ordained to reduce things to the antient lustre as they were wont to be in the dayes of the Princes of Orange his predecessours Which others of a more factious and wicked nature murmured at rather desiring that he might be layd aside This made his Mother to looke about her and with care to keep correspondencies especially with those Provinces that refused a confaederacy with the English like a good Prince minding Patriae beneficium the advantage of the Country more then her own private ends and that the world might take notice thereof she bore her Son company to Leyden when he went thither to be instructed in the Languages and Sciences and were by the Magistraces of that City honourably received The Princess Royal being returned to the Hague and intending to go thence to Bredah her Son the Prince came thither for a few dayes from Leyden to take his leave of her and as soon as she was gon he returned back again to his studyes The Duke of Glocester all this while remained private only sometimes visiting in publick his Illustrious brothers being grown famous by his retirement and his Councils looked on as Oracles his knowledge being weighed not by the length of his life but the observations he made upon all occurrents proving thereby that he that liveth long and seeth much but observeth nothing shall never prove any wise man There was not any the meanest action whereof he took not notice weighing the coherence of causes effects counsels and successes with the proportion and likewise between nature and nature fortune and fortune action and action state and state time past and time present thereby being able to render an account both of the manners and customes both of the places and people wherein he had resided The Princess of Orange was now at Bredah where she was carressed and courted by many forraign Princes and States onely the King of France by what or whose instigation is not certainly known began to play foul for while the old Princess Dowager of Orange and she were with some heat contesting about the Guardianship of the Principality of Orange the French King surprises the same takes into his own possession the Ammunition and Arms with all other strengths thereof and gives out that he will keep them all for the young Princes use during his minority and as a faithful Steward deliver them all up again when he comes to full age A fair pretence but much to be feared that it will with great difficulty be performed it being too generally found true that Great men many times do wrong because they have a power in their hands and so long as that power lasts they will and do maintain the same by doing greater But although the Princess and all her friends did much both doubt and fear such
remained at Saint James's the Lady Elizabeth one of the Kings Daughters who since dyed and Henry Duke of Glocester both of so tender years that they were neither sensible of their Fathers sufferings nor capable to releive them so that their innocent harmlessnesse on any account not only protected them from the malice of their enemies but proved to be a meanes to work on their evil mindes to provide for them not only an honorable sustenance but a royall attendance He never knew his Father In this manner did the young Duke lead his life almost ignorant that he had a father for he had never seen his face so as to be able by knowledge to distinguish the same from that of a stranger being born in 1640. and his father mother and brothers forced to fly in 1641. so that he was a stranger to his own kindred and to them that kept him in effect no better than a noble prisoner in all which time such was the seriousnesse of his tender age as wrought admiration in his attendants for he proceeded in so sweet a method that he was able in point of Religion wherein he was excellently well grounded to render an account beyond many whose yeares should have manifested a surer and more certain judgement The heat of the warre between the King and Parliament now growing more slack by the weaknesse of the Kings forces who were so over powered by their Enemies that they utterly left the field yea and upon sight of the other Army quit and surrendred their garisons without any blow the King himself fled to the perfidious Scots Army then at Southwell King to the Scots and by them sold to the English and shortly after Oxford the chief of all his garisons fell into the hand of General Fairfax by composition and with it the Duke of York Duke of York taken prisoner at Oxford 1646 the Kings second son whom the General sent up to the then Parliament to dispose of as they should see convenient they to shew him what he must expect for the future as a special mark of their favour on the 9th of July 1646. discharged all his servants and thrust them away from him D. Yorks servants whose fidelity could never be either reduced or frighted to leave him in times of the greatest hazard and danger By this meanes the young Duke hath gotten his brother for his co-partner the same servants waiting on both so that one might truly see between them the old proverb truly verified Amicorum omnium communia This new society was exceedingly pleasing to the young innocent who began now to hearken to his brothers discourses with a manlike attention imbibing from his lips a new though natural affection towards his unknown and distressed father who about this time was sold by the Scots to the English and by them strictly guarded conveyed as a Prisoner to a house of his own in Northamptonshire called Holmby King at Holmeby and taken thence by Joyce where he had not long continued before one Joyce a fellow of desperate principles employed by a factious party in the army came and seized his person and hurried it from place to place till at last they brought him to Hampton-Court At Hampton-Court from whence he was by perswasions deluded into the Isle of Wight where he was immediately secured and kept a strait prisoner in Carisbrook Castle The Duke of York seeing affaires to be managed in so rigorous a manner against his father began to think of providing for his own safety Du. Yorks escape from St. James's to which end finding some honest and private correspondents in whom he might put trust he proposes his escape whereunto by a mutual consent the engaged persons undertook to provide conveniencies for him which they brought effectually and with secresie to passe in Aprill 1648. so that on the 20th of that moneth he left St. James's and was not missed for several houres after his his departure by which meanes he clearly got away with safety and retired into France leaving his enemies and pretended keepers to lament their own misfortune while himself rejoyced in his own security and having stollen himself from them This losse added new affliction to the Duke of Gloucester not having lost only a brother but a comforter and instructer so that he began to grow melancholy especially receiving daily intimation from that mirror of her age his dear sister the Lady Elizabeth of the hourely danger both themselves and father stood in and indeed it began to appear more and more every day for the Army under Cromwell had violated the treaty in the Isle of Wight and once more laid traiterous hands on the sacred person of over clouded Majesty carrying him first to Hurst and at length brought him to St. James's near London where they most barbarously murdered him On the 29th of January which was the day before he dyed he desired he might see and take his last farewell of his children D. Gloucester comes to the King and his answer to him which with some regret was granted and the Lady Elizabeth and the Duke of Gloucester brought to him The King taking the Duke upon his knee said Sweet heart now they will cut off thy fathers head mark child what I say they will cut off my head and perhaps make thee a King but you must not be a King so long as your brothers Charles and James be living for they will cut off your brothers heads when they can catch them and cut off thy head too at the last and therefore I charge you not to be made a King by them At which words the child smiling said I will be torn in pieces first which falling so unexpectedly from one so young made the King rejoyce exceedingly The same day the King urged it again to the little Duke that he might not take the Kingdome if he regarded the good of his soul and therefore commanded him upon his blessing not to accept thereof unlesse it lawfully redounded to him to whom he answered to this effect that he hoped God would give him grace to be more contented with the legal title of Gloucester then the usurped authority of that right which from God and nature belonged to another and after that day he never saw his fathers face more Near upon two yeares after this he continued at London although the Juncto had now ordered they should have no longer any honour used towards them which a little startled our young Princes D. Gloucester and Lady Eliz. to Carisbrook in the Isle of Wight but what a condition may we imagine them to be in when newes arrived to their eares that they were ordered to be carried Prisoners to Carisbrook Castle the same fatal place where their father had suffered so many indignities This I say did strike somewhat close to them especially when on the 31 of July 1650. they were necessitated to go thither with untoward
attendants and lesse respect which together with the other sorrowes that they had daily undergone wrought so on the spirit of the discerning though disconsolate Lady Lady Eliz. dyed that she soon fell into a Consumption and on the 8th of September in the same year dyed at Carisbrook and on the 24th of the same was privately interred at Newport in the Isle of Wight D. Gloucester order'd to be sent beyond Sea Now is the little Duke totally left alone to take comfort onely in his solitary meditations when those monsters at Westminster fell into consideration what to do with him after many various and unmannerly debates they resolve to ship him away beyond Sea which coming to the Dukes hearing being now about eleven yeares of age he gave God thanks that he should be so delivered and that he had so restrained their malice that though they had the will they had not yet the power to hurt him My father told me said he to one about him that God would provide for me which he hath abundantly done in that he deliveteth me as a Lamb out of the pawes of the devouring Lyon According to the said foretaken resolution they order his going beyond Sea and send a Tutor along with him giving him in charge First that he should go and study at a Protestant School Secondly that he keep correspondence with the Parliament by letters and that his tutor should render them an account of his progresse and proficiency in learning Thirdly that he should not go near his mother or brothers or have any thing to do with them but in all things utterly disown them and fourthly that he shall immediately return upon notice from the Parliament to him given to that purpose and upon these and the like termes he goes away with an allowance of 3000 l. a year but see the gallantry of this young Princes spirit he is no sooner at liberty H●s allowance he quits and the reason why but slighting all these propositions he goes to France visits his mother and brothers takes the blessing of the one salutes the other and after a short stay for the future improvement of his learning he goes to Leyden and there settles to study While the Duke of Gloucester is thus preparing to fit himself to enter into the world Prince of Orange ●yes the Prince of Orange husband to the Lady Mary passeth out of this world into another by death on the 8th of October in the year 1650. when he had brought the stiffe-necked Hollander to reason who began to wince at his superiority and was in hopes to have seen issue of his own loynes for in November while his funeral was not yet past the Lady Mary Princess Dowager of Orange was delivered of a son Princesse Dowager 〈◊〉 brought to bed of a son to the no small joy of his mother and all her relations to whom this was looked on as a prosperous Omen of future happinesse for that thereby was setled a continuance of amity between the Hollander and English on behalf of the King of England whose quarrel they shortly after endeavoured to maintain in several sharp battels at Sea though not with such successe as was hoped and expected from such a powerfull assistance When the Princesse was well recovered of her childbed the States of the Country had taken order for the solemn funerall of their deceased Prince Prince of Orange interred solemnly which was with great state celebrated on the fifteenth day of March following being attended with a gallant number of Gentry and followed with a noble equipage of valiant souldiers till he was interred among the rest of his famous ancestors whose worthy deeds when living are a more lasting and honourable tomb then ought can be inscribed on brasse or marble The English rebels having as aforesaid murdered their Sovereign and banished his sons to seek their fortunes in foreign lands the Scots who had betrayed the father seek to make amends to the son by restoring him to his paternal inheritance King C. 2. ●●th his ●ister of Orange at Bredah whereupon a treaty is had with the said Scots at Bredah a town belonging to the Princesse of Orange for there with most security he durst intrust his person well knowing he might cast himself into the armes of his dearest sister who had neither spared time labor friends or money to advance his interest so trampled on by daring Treason We left the Duke of Gloucester at Leyden following his study D. Gloucester at Leyden being grown a most compleat Gentleman and rarely accomplished of complexion much like his father his hair of a sad or dark brown of a middle stature strong judgement a deep and reaching understanding and a most pleasing affable delivery so that it might truly be said of him Mens formosa tegi formoso corpore gaudet And indeed this made him be beloved and honoured in the fight of all men His eanestnesse to attain learning for such was his forwardnesse and zeal to learning and to attain the Arts that he would steal from his houres of rest to adde to them of his study Iliad 8. taking that of Homer as if spoken to himself 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 id est Conciliarium non licet integram dormire noctem And Plautus saith In Ruden Vigilare decel hominem Qui vult sua tempore conficere beneficia Nam qui dormiunt libenter sine Lucro Et cum malo quiescunt Striving to imitate that famous conquerour of the world Alexanander the great who being asked how in so short a time he had done such great things which another could revolve in his mind in the same time answered 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 noting thereby a continued industry with which he did alwayes follow his occasions and constantly persevere in the pursuit of his proposed end letting no occasion of well managing his his businesse rashly or negligently slip out of his hands And indeed out Duke fell short in nothing of that Heathen for he never would contract or let fall his spirit His industry so as he might seem to be overpressed but rather would chearfully and freely not as of constraint meet occasions and by all meanes endeavour to forward never with a fine-spun complement to delay or procrastinate any design Imbue Puerum Pro. 22.6 Instruct a child saith Solomon in the way wherein he should walk and when he is old he will not depart therefrom for as the teaching is such will the manners according to that Morum quos fecit praemia doctor habei This rule being closely followed by him in his childhood was never after forgotren for he made it his chief work to satisfie his judgement in the controversies of Religion His religion as knowing that Principis est virtus maxima nosce Deum And herein certainly he was so perfect that all about him were admiting hearets of his profound discourses His Eloquence