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A40836 The famous and renowned history of Amadis de Gaule conteining the heroick deeds of armes and strange adventures, aswell [sic] of Amadis himself, as of Perion his son, and Lisvart of Greece, son to Esplandian, Emperor of Constantinople : wherein is shewed the wars of the Christians against the Turks, the death of Armato, King of Turkie, and the strange death of Melea the enchantress, the love Perion de Gaule, otherwise the knight of the sphere, to Grieilerea, daughter to the Emperor of Trebisond, and of Lisvart of Greece, sometimes called the knight of the true cross to Onolerea, another daughter to the Emperor of Trebisond : together with the acts and strange adventures of many other great lords and princes, aswell [sic] Christians as pagans : being the sixt part never before published / translated out of French into English by Francis Kirkman.; Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance) Lobeira, Vasco de, d. 1403.; Lobeira, Joâo de, d. 1386?; Kirkman, Francis, 1632-ca. 1680. 1652 (1652) Wing F358; ESTC R8908 166,622 254

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fame And Perion's who by none surpassed were In Prowesse Wisdome Vertue and in name And oft was known by the name of th'Knight of th' Sphere Here you may read of Ladies of great beautie Who courted were by many valiant Knights And you may read of some who did their duty In many warlike deeds and cruell fights Great prayses you deserve for your Translation And bringing of such famous deeds to light It having done so much good to our Nation Which now accustom'd is so oft to fight Your Loving Brother Robert Kirkman To my loving friend Francis Kirkman The good Success And usefulness Of Translations In all Nations BEspeak esteeme of this book made compleat Not Cobler like but like Translator neat Heroick hearts come read in polisht words Puissant actions of old Warlike Swords And learn for ever how to make your names Glitter as Star-light or Sol's brighter flames Come Cupid-smitten Carbonado'd hearts And fresh your selves with amorous pleasant parts The work was great delight to th' Authors minde As great delight the Readers all may finde The words are well exchang'd not put to rout Nor shall you finde at all their braines dasht out From all true Lovers of desert and Learning Acceptance of the work 's the workman's earning Then set aside all doubting and disdaine And buy out right this blossome brave amaine Proceed young Kirkman thus improve thy Reason And publish rare Antiquities in season And so become an happie Constellation To poure a strong influence on our Nation Chi parla semina The speaker sowes Chi tace raceoglia The hearer reaps La volunta supplice a la faculta The good will doth supply want of Ability Yours Thomas Heath THE SIXTH BOOKE OF Amadis de Gaule ' Which largely treateth of the great Deeds of Armes and strange Adventures as well of PERION his Son as of LISVART of Greece son to Esplandian Emperor of CONSTANTINOPLE CHAP. I. How PERION of Gaule second son of Amadis departed from London with seven other young Princes hoping to goe into Ireland to receive the order of Knighthood at the hands of the old King Cildadan and of that which happened to them THE newes of these Princes and Lords Ladies and Gentlewomen enchanted in the firme Island as you have heard was soon known by little PERION of Gaule son of Amadis who had been left by his father in Great Britaine under the Government of good old Arban King of Norwales This young Prince being then about the age of twelve or thirteen years had a resolution in himselfe to receive the Order of Knighthood at the hands of his brother the Emperor Esplandian and of none other but seeing himself frustrated of his purpose he lingred until the fourth yeare following when two of the sons of Don Florestan King of Sardinia came to visit him at London The one whereof was called Florestan as his father the other Parmenir in whose company were also Vaillides son to Don Bruneo King of Aravigne Languines and Galuanes children of Agries King of Scotland Abies of Ireland son to King Cildadan and Quedragant Lord of Sansuegue who were departed from their severall Countries hoping to be made Knights by the same hand of whom Perion should obteine this honour The young Prince received him as welcome as the neernesse of their kindred rendred him affectionate towards them especially having heard occasion of their long voyage To satisfie which desire they resolved to take their journey to Ireland towards King Cildadan there being at that time no Prince more worthy to supply the place of the Emperor Esplandian in his absence Perion having a desire so soone as he should have the meanes to bear Armes and follow strange adventures and imitate his father in Prowesse and Chivalrie wherefore desiring to have Yrguian the son of Gandalin for his Squire he dispatched a Gentleman of his towards Gandales who at that time lived in the Castles of Archelaus which Amadis had given him earnestly intreating him to fend Yrguian to him wherewith Gandales was content He therefore being arived and these young Princes having provided all things necessarie for their journey taking their leave of King Arban they went straite to the Port of Fenuse where they imbarqued And as they were on the Sea they discovered a Barque with foure oares green as emeraulds wherewith foure Apes did row and there was with them a very faire Damsel costly adorned These Barques followed one another so closely that they were joined and landed together And as Perion and those of his Company were ready to mount on horse-back the strange Damsel approached neer to them carrying on her neck a sword excellently garnished and in her hand a black sheild in the middle whereof was painted a golden Sphere Shee addressed her selfe to Perion and kneeling on the ground spake thus Gentle sir God forbid that I should ever part from your feet until you have granted me the Boon which I shall aske you Perion whom shee much pleased readily answered Aske it then and you shall not be refused Truly said she I hoped for no lesse Shee rising from the ground took him apart and they talked so long in walking together that they came neer to the barque where the Apes were into which the Damsel prayed him to enter alone Then Perion knew very well that by too rashly promising he had lost his company And although he was as much troubled at it as at any thing that could happen to him whatsoever even seeing himselfe frustrated of his purpose and hindered from his voyage into Ireland neverthelesse knowing that his honour would be questioned if he did not accomplish that in which he had voluntarily obliged himselfe he passed on and called his Companions to whom he declared that which the Damsel had requested him and the cause wherefore he followed her wherefore he intreated them earnestly to excuse him You may easily judge whether they were well pleased But seeing that they could not remedie it they recommended him to the keeping of our Lord assuring him that so soon as they had received Knighthood they would put themselves in search of him wheresoever he should be They had hardly spoken these words when the Apes began to row and the winde sate so faire that in a small time they were far from Land and they lost the sight of him So let us leave him to the Seas at the pleasure of fortune and returne to the others being resolved to persue their enterprize And therefore they went to the Court of old Cildadan who knowing of their arrival honorably received them and after they had sojourned a smal time in his Countrie he gave them the order Then they tooke leave of him and entring into their ship they set saile to Constantinople where they sound Lisvart son to Esplandian who was then esteemed the most faire and accomplished Gentleman in the world The old Emperor who by reason of the absence of his Children had left his solitary life
taken upon him the Government of Thrace knowing that they were arrived at the Port went downe and welcomed them add from thence conducted them into his Pallace where he and young Lisvart feasted them for the space of twelve dayes who having understood the losse of his Uncle Perion and the enterprise of these new Knights which was to go seek him where ever he was he resolved to keepe them company And for that purpose the thirteenth day afterwards as the Emperour arose from Table he came and cast himselfe upon his knees before him humbly entreating him to grant him one boon The good man having the teares in his eyes tooke him up and granted him whatsoever he would Sir said he I have understood by these Knights that my Uncle Perion of Gaule hath been lead by a strange Damsell and no man knows whither May it therefore please you not to be displeased if I goe my selfe to seeke him for I never had a desire to receive Knight-hood of any other then of him being sure that of a better I cannot attain to such honour seeing that he is the Son of King Amadis Father to my Father who hath surpassed all others in great prowesse and wisdome My Son answered the Emperour this parting will be very grieveous to me for your presence gave my old yeares some comfort in the absence and losse of your Parents Neverthelesse seeing that I have agreed to your demands I am willing that your will be accomplished At this time Lisvart might be about the age of seventeen yeares he was so great and well formed that one would have esteemed him more then twenty He therefore having the Reynes on his owne neck to doe what seemed him good he endeavoured in all diligence to provide and furnish three great ships into the one of which he entred accompanied with Florestan Parmenir his Brother and Galuanes brother of Languines in the other Vaillades and Quedragant and in the third Languines with Abies Then having taken leave of the Emperour they commanded to weigh anchors and hoise the sailes and sayling in the maine Sea in an hours space they lost the sight of the great City So we will returne to Perion and the fortunes which he had we will leave the others alone untill we shall have more leasure CHAP. II. How the Damsell Conducted Perion of Gaule to a place where he received the Order of Knight-hood and of that which hapned to him ONe week and more sailed Perion in the barque of the Apes with the strange Damsell and the seventh day following they drew neare to the shore of the fairest Country that could be possible There they tooke Port and soon after the Damsell named Alquefa took out of her Coffers a black Harnesse embelish't with the like Spheres as those of the Sheild which she carried then she said to Perion Gentle sir It is meet before we passe further that you arme your self with these Armes for behold the place where you must begin the accomplishment of the promise which you have made me And what wil a shield armes profit me said Perion I not being a Knight You shal be made a Knight quoth she when God the time shal permit wherefore do not delay Which he agreed to in such sort ●hat he put on the Coat of Maile and the rest of the Harness except the Helmet which she took between her armes and issuing out of the barque they began to goe up into the Island so long that they came into a great plain where Perion asked her in what place they were but she answered him no otherwise but that he should know hereafter And so discoursing they saw a great City the circuit whereof seemed in appearance to containe more then three miles and the nearer they came to it the more lofty the place seemed to Perion were it in highness of Walls strength of Towers or great Bulwarks And hee would very willingly have pressed his guide to tell him the name of the place but her former answer contradicted his desire to enquire further in such sort that he held his peace until they entred into it Then he very well knew that the excellency of it without was nothing comparable to that which he saw within as well in faire Houses as golden Pallaces as well of people as of magnificent Temples Collosso's and things of antiquity that he knew not what to thinke Which the Damsell knowing she said to him Now it is good for your profit and honour that you speake not one word to any man who shall talke to you before that I command you otherwise evill may happen to you Damsell answered Perion I will hold my peace then seeing that it is your pleasure And so discoursing they came to the entrance of a Pallace being the Principall of them all as it might easily be perceived before which many Knights and other persons walked who seeing Perion and the strange Damsell goe up the steps followed them to see what adventure it might be And entring into a very great Hall hung with Tappestry Perion perceived under a Canopie of cloth of Gold an honourable old man having on his head an Emperours Crowne and near him many Kings Dukes Earls and Barons who all did greatly honour and reverence him and towards whom Alquefa holding Perion by the hand approached and kneeling on the ground said to him Most high excellent and redoubted Emperour my Father your humble servant kisseth the hands of your Majestie and humbly entreateth you that without delay you bestow Knight-hood on this Gentleman for he shall as well imploy it as any other living The Emperour presently knew the Damsell as her whom he had many times scene with her Father Alquif the Negromancer wherefore he kindly received her and casting his eyes on Perion he seemed so fair and of so goodly a stature that he was moved to speake these words Truly it is easie to believe that of so excellent a person should issue no other then faire and Knightly deeds wherefore Damsell I will satisfie your Fathers will seeing that he prayes me And so addressing himself to Perion he asked him from whence he came but he answed never a word according to the promise which he made to Alquefa who spake for him saying to the Emperour Sir I intreat you to pardon him for without falsifying his faith he cannot at present discourse with you or any other of this Court Well answered he he shall another time in the meane time lead him to the Ladyes to th' end that they may see him and to morrow after the watch I will give him the Order Alquefa arose and was led with Perion into the Chamber of the Empresse whom she saluted as she knew well how to doe then she said to her Madam my Father hath sent you this Gentleman whom he prayes you to receive as him who deserves being issued of a Linage very well knowne amongst the best Knights in the world Then
nothing but a faire winde to saile into Italie There the Knights enquired of the custome of the Countrie and what newes there was Sirs answered the Merchants a few dayes since we saw the strangest adventure that could be imagined And what was it said Lisvart I pray let us intreat you out of courtesie to let us understand what it was Know then said one of them that the Emperor being in his Palace in the Companie of the Empresse and their two daughters there entred a Damsel richly clad carrying on her neck a Sheild and Sword richly garnished and this woman did lead by the hand one of the fairest young Gentlemen that ever I beheld being armed at all poin a with a black harness except his head which was naked Then he recounted every thing that happened to Perion of Gaule and A●quefa and by that meanes Lisvart and his Companions did easily know that the Merchants did speak of him for whom they had taken so great paines to finde nevertheless marveling what adventure should bring him thither And for this cause they thought good to Land and goe to the Emperour of whom they might have more certaine tydings So they furnished themselves so well as they could especially Lisvart who was one of the fairest Creatures that could be and mounting on Horse back they went into the Towne and came to the Palace where they did alight and passing further they came into a great Hall where the Emperour was in company of many Knights and wise men At their arivall every one did reverence them and gave way to them to approach neare his Majestie Lisvart who marched before them all spake thus to him Sir your high renowne and great bounty knowne throughout the whole world hath moved my Companions and me to come into this your Court not onely to doe you reverence as your Majesties greatnesse doth deserve but also in hoping to have good newes of a young Gentleman who as it hath beene told us you have made Knight not long since at the request of a Damsell who lately brought him hither to you And Sir for asmuch as I never had intention to receive Knight-hood at the hands of any other then his and that my age summoneth me to take more upon me then I have heretofore done I humbly intreat you to tell us what you know to th' end that having found him I may have that which I hope for and desire above all things The Emperour being a gracious and affable Prince answered Lisvart that hee and all his Company were very welcome And as for the young Knight said he which you seek assure your selves my friends that at present I know no news of him at which I am grieved for I love and esteeme him as much as any other that I know because of the great beginning of Knight-hood which I saw in him and assure your selves that I am altogether ignorant of the rest of his Estate for he left this Court after so strange a manner that when I thinke thereof I believe to have dreamed Sir answered Lisvart I will certifie unto you that he is sonne to the hardy Knight Amadis de Gaule King of great Brittain tain and the faire Oriana Aha said the Emperour you tell me wonders that he to whom I have given Knighthood should be the Sonne of the most renowned Prince in the World By my faith I never had more desire to recover any man then I have to get him wherefore if I can once more get him he shal give me satisfaction for the little courtesie he hath shown me in so hiding himselfe And looking upon Lisvart very earnestly I believe said he that you are of his kindred for you are very like him Sir answered Lisvart until it shall please God to make me such a one that I may by my deeds dare to name my Parents I have no intention to be known further Wherefore the Emperour enquired no further but called Dukedelafonte and commanded him to lead him and the other strange Knights to the Empresse and say to his Daughter Gricilerea that she should doe them all the honour she could especially to Lisvart for they came in search of her Knight The Duke obeying to his commands tooke Lisvart by the hand who being come before the Empresse kissed her hands and she embraced him telling that he and his companions were welcome And Lisvart seeing the Infantaes Onolerea and Gricilerea made great reverence to them and the Duke Delafonte told them what the Emperour said In good faith answered Gricilerea he hath good reason to command me to honour this Gentleman for besides his being one of the fairest that ever I saw I thinke him to become of high Linage at the least I doe not remember that ever I have known a person more resembling my Knight then he which causeth me with a better will to obey his commands And therefore faire Sir said she to Lisvart I would entreate you to let me truly know who he is that you seeke and would by no meanes speak to us During these speeches Love who is not a respecter of persons wounded the hearts of Lisvart and Onolerea with one and the same shaft to whom the eye being messenger of the heart would give pre●ent remedy Contenting both their minds by a regard which promised them cure and contentment The which Perion endeavoured to dissemble answering to Gricilerea Madam the Knight whom you have a desire to know is Sonne of King Anadis de Ga●'e and his name is Perion To tell you further would be time lost for the prowesse of his Father who hath so many times encompassed the world causeth his Sonne to be praised with the beginning which he hath made at armes Faire Sir said Onolerea hath no other occasion brought you into this Court but onely to find him No Madam untill this present said he but I well see that for the future there will be more causes if I knew that thereby I should doe you any earthly service Onolerea did most affectionately thanke him the better to disguise what she thought she said to him Truly you were well counselled to come hither if so be you desire ready newes for the Damsell that brought him hither is very familiar at this place and she will not tarry long before she returne to us and then you may know of her what is become of him And Onolerea spake this whereby to hinder Lisvart and stay him with her There was at that time near her Griliana Daughter to the Duke of Ortilens● who had stedfastly regarded the countenances of the two new Lovers whereby she soon suspected of what had happened to him and thinking to do them pleasure she said to Onolerea Madam may it please you to th' end that you may avoid some envie which may beare to my Lady your Sister by reason of her knew Knight to receive this Gentleman for yours who as I understand is about to follow Armes believe me I do
discourse news came by a Scout that without doubt the Pagans were already assembled in great Companies in the Isle of Tenedos and purposed to dislodge about the end of the ensuing month for which cause the Emperor called his Councell where it was concluded that Messengers should be dispatched some to Sardinia and Scicilia and in their passage they should informe the King of Naples Adarials father the good fortune of his son and others towards the Emperor of Rome the Kings of Spaine of Gaule and of great Britaine Then from thence to Quedragant and to the Kings Cildadan and of Bohemia to advertise them of the great enterprize of the King Armato and to intreat them for Gods sake to send them the greatest Companie of great Vessels that they can possible to succour Thrace which otherwise would be ruined And by reason that this voyage would be long it was thought fit that in the meane time that Frandalo should retire to the Port of the defended Mountaine and with the King Norandell who ordinarily staid there they should stop if they could possible all Merchants ships or others to the end that they might hinder their enemies from victuals if they should march forward without forcing the places And that the Emperor should remaine in the City attending the news of the other Christian Princes to whom Messengers were sent who were embarqued that very day and with pitifull Letters aswell of the Emperor as of the Knight of the Sphere Languinea Abies of Ireland and others they made such diligence that their legation had the fruit as you shall heare hereafter But first I will tell you of some and ventures that happened to Garinter and Perion sons of Galaor of whom we have not as yet spoken since they departed from Constantinople CHAP. XIII How Garinter and Perion combated against the King of Sibernea and his Nephews whom they vanquished in open field YOu have heard in the fifth booke of this present History how Garinter and Porion sons of Galaor received the order of Knighthood by the hands of Esplandian who soone after embarqued themselves and passed into the Isle of Californus where they had war a long time against some who inhabited the borders of their Country especially with the King of Sibernea whom they chased unto the principall towne of his Kingdome where they held him besieged at that time that Talanque Manely and the Queen Calafia arived at Californus returning from their voyage where they had found Perion de Gaule as you have heard So the Queen would goe no further nor goe to the Seige But Talanque and Manely without sojourning came to finde them using their utmost endeavor to goe thorough with their enterprize The pleasure which these four Knights had in meeting together was great Talanque and Manely being arived in so good time to see the Combate that was agreed of between Perion Garinter and two of their men against the King of Sib●rnea and three of his nephews under this condition said Garinter if the victory remaine on his part that his Country shall remaine as free unto him as it was before the war and if we are vanquishers he must leave it unto us peaceably without quarrelling at any time Now we know for certaine that he is a good Knight and his three Nephews are accounted the best of this Countrie but if you please to be on our side I hope with Gods help that our fortune will be wholly prosperous In good faith answered the others we will doe it truly and we will stay untill the day be come That will be to morrow said Talanque therefore rest your selfe for to day that you may be the fresher about your business And so at that time they would enterprize nothing but attending for the time to fight they spent the time in discoursing of the skirmishes and assaults which they had given the Town during the Seige until the next morning when a Trumpetter brought the Hostages from the King of Sibernea For which cause after the oathes and Ceremonies in such cases observed on both sides those who were appointed to fight entred into the field and the King addressed himself to Perion whom he met in such manner that without the helpe of his horse neck he had been on the ground But it happened worse to the King for Pe●ion disarmed him and threw him down to measure his length on the grasse Garinter did as much to one of the Kings nephews and Talanque to him that he charged although that himselfe was forced to a light for his horse was so shaken at the Shocke that he stayed in halfe the way and as for Manely he leaped from the saddle and likewise he against whom he ran Nevertheless less none of them shewed themselves dismayed but aro●e with great celerity and laying hands on their swords there began between them a hard and cruel battel It is very true that the King of Sibernea and one of his Nephews forced Perion and Garinter otherwise they would have cut their horses bridles and their skirmish endured so long that by the space of foure houres it could not be discerned who would have the better or the worse For the King of Sibernea had given such blowes to Perion that making fire come from his eyes he was forced to set his knee twice to the ground at which he was so animated that taking his sword in both his hands he hit the King between the neck and the shoulders where he wounded him so soarely that he never after stirred but died Talanque on the other side did not sleep but fought couragiously with his enemy and he was so much favored of fortune that finding the joint of the Gantled he gave such a blow that he separated his hand from his Arme. Then through paine he gave a great crie and thinking to have recourse to a swift slight to save his life he turned his back which gained him but little for he was thrown down by his enemy and shamefully put to death Which Garinter seeing he received so much vertue that with one blow he cut the naile and armor of him who had so long resisted him and the sword entring three foot into his body he gave up the ghost And the like happened to the fourth against whom Manely had much to doe for he cut off his head most bravely Behold how it happened to the King of Sibernea and his Nephews who lying dead on the field Garinter and his Companions retired into their Tents leaving the cries and complaints to those who were thereby endamaged as well for the losse of their friends as of their towne which was rendred and put into the power of Perion according to the sworne agreements And the day after by the advice of all Garinter remained crowned King to which charge nevertheless he left Polinas for Governor that he might follow strange adventures when he pleased Wherefore so soone as he had received the homages and oathes of fidelity
of his Subjects leaving good Garrisons where there was need and Polinas for Vice-Roy he returned with his Companions into the Isle of Californus where the Queen made them welcome But they sojourned there but a few dayes For so soone as they had men and vessels to goe to the succour of Constantinople they went to embarque themselves So we will leave them in the keeping of our Lord and we will returne to the Duke of Ortilensa who being exceeding joyfull of so fair a Conquest as he had had over the King of Breigne tooke his way to Trebisond CHAP. XIV How the Duke of Ortilensa having vanquished the King of Breigne he returned to Trebisond and of the arival of Alquefa at the Court of the Emperor IN the former Chapters you have heard that after the pursuite and slaughter of the Soldiers of the King of Breigne who fled in the P●out the Duke of Ortilensa and his Companie returned to the Camp and by reason of the night which drew forwards they could not know the dead untill the next morning when they went to revisit them and they found Groter son to the King of Breigne wounded with ten mortall wounds and so trodden with horses that the forme of his face could not be seen a little further on the right hand was also the King his father stretcht out at his length Then as they were esteemed for Traytors so they were separated from the others and by reason of the honor of their Roiall dignity they were honorably interred The bootie then being taken and the Country reduced to the obedience of the Emperor of Trebisond the Duke of Ortilensa tooke his way towards his Master and he was very well received and not he onely but Floreston Parmenir and Galuanes for whose sake the Emperor held open Court six whole dayes for which cause the three Knights had convenient opportunity to entertaine the Ladies who made them understand by effect the extreame pleasure which they took in their so soone returne One amongst them all shewed her selfe to be sad and pensive Alas this was Onolore● who died an hundred times in an houre by reason of the Captivity of her love which she nevertheless dissembled to her power but love pressed her so neer that teares were as familiar in her eyes as water in the pipes of a fountaine And that which more increased her Martyrdome Alquefa of whom our Historie hath so often mentioned arived with the Prisoners which Perion sent to Onolorea and presenting her selfe to the Emperor as dinner was ending humbly recommending to him the unknowne Gentleman whom he had armed Knight Ah! said the Emperor Damsel my friend I pray you be so courteous to us as to tell us where you have left him and whether he purposeth to make us amends for the injury which he did in not discoveting himselfe to me Sir answered she if he hath done you any injury it was not by his good will and therefore he is the more to be excused but if you please to know further of his estate suffer me to performe that which he hath commanded me to say to Madam Gricilerea your daughter Yes truly answered the Emperor Then Alquefa addressing her selfe to the Princesse said to her Madam your Knight who surpasseth all others in Prowesse and Chivalry salutes you as he whom he desires to serve all his life in testimony whereof he sends you by me that which he hath conquered since the time he departed from you in much heaviness Then Alquefa presented to her the great Soldan of Liquie and the King of Jerusalems two children This Gentleman said she is a most renowned Prince amongst the Pagans and that for good cause for he when he is in liberty can command the Country of Liquie as much as the Emperor your father can his And these others are children to the King of Palestine brother and ●ister whom he intreats you to receive and dispose of as your owne He hath given me in charge to assure you that in using them well he shall be much pleased by reason of the greatness of their births and the Conquest which he had made of them in his begining Then she recited to them how she had conducted him from the first day that she found him in Ireland the deliverance of Alquif her father the aid he gave to Languines and Abies of Ireland and particularly all that which hapned untill the very houre that he and his Companions were embarqued to goe to Constantinople to succour the Emperor who expected the Seige of the Pagans in good faith Damsel answered Gricilerea the honor which he hath done me is so great that I have good reason to wish him well but he hath displeased me to enterprize so long a journey before he came to me if he be so much mine as he boasteth Of one thing I will assure you that I will never pardon him untill he comes to me in person to aske pardon and then it may be he may be refused Madam said Alquefa you shall see him here in short time as he hath promised me for he desires your presence and favor more then any thing in this world Then addressing her selfe to the Empresse and the Princesse Onolorea she delivered the message of Perion You may easily imagine whether Florestan and his Companions were not well pleased to heare so good news of him whom they sought for but this was nothing in respect of Grioilereas joy who ceased not to entertaine Alquefa all that day in such manner that she had an opportunitie to deliver the Letter to her which the Knight of the Sphere had sent the tenor whereof followeth I Know not Madam how I can recompense the great good which you granted me that day that you accepted me for yours seeing that the best Knight in the world ought to esteeme himselfe worthie to serve so great a Ladie and Princesse And I then poore dumb Creature without having as then done any knightly act having attained to such honor it is a marvell if my heart hath desired to enterprize a thing by which with reason it hath hopes to remaine in so high a place separating from it all feare and perill of death by the continual remembrance that it hath of your good favor which hath in such manner cap●●vated my liberty that my eyes are chained to your happy presence from that very day wherein they saw the splendor of your divine face But this prison is mingled with great Liberty that it causeth me to live for the desire which I have alwayes to obey and serve you being assured that otherwise my soule being afflicted with your absence could not remaine one houre in this passionate body Therefore Madam I humbly beg of you to command me that which your pleasure is with me and having pitie on your poore slave send him your pleasure by this faithful Damsel From him who kisseth the hands of your greatness in all humilitie Gricilerea
she might easily know the grief wherewith he was accompanyed And from thence he and Alquefa rode to the Barque into which he entred And the Apes began to rowe The Emperor and those of his Company being abashed at their so sudden departure did not know at the first what to think nevertheless considering that all this had happened by the advise of the sage Father of Alquefa they made the less wonder at it And during these passages the Duke was carried out of the field who without any long stay in the Country where he had been so illy handled he with his Company took the way which he had come so sad that death had been very agreeable to him But surely Gricilerea suffered not less on her part for the so sudden absence of her Perion Nevertheless we will not at this houre give her any remedy but onely being in hope to see him another time and we will alter our discourse to the end we may tell you that adventure happened to those which departed from the Port of Constantinople to enter into search of their Companion CHAP. IV. How Lisvart Florestan and the others sailing in the Sea in search of Perion the vessel wherein Vaillides and Quedragant were was cast by storme on the Isle of the Giant Argamont against whom they combated and vanquished YOu have not long fince heard how Lisvart Florestan Parmenir and Galuanes embarqued themselves in one ship Vaillides and Quedragant in another Languines and Abies of Ireland in like manner separated They haveing then taken leave of the old Emperor of Constantinople causing to hoise the sailes and weigh the anchors they sailed in the maine Sea they had not long sailed so but such a tempest happened that the Pilots Steers-men Mariners themselvs thought to perish for they had not left them Saile Maine Masts nor Rudder that was not broken in many pieces for which cause they were so scattered by the space of three weeks that without any hope they followed fortune as it pleased the winde and the waves to guide them And in this distresse the ship wherein Vaillides and Quedragant were arived at the break of day very neer to a faire Isle which was soone known by the Mariners to be the Isle of the Fueille Blanche and the Lord of it was one of the cruellest Gyants in the world named Argamont the valiant This Argamont had a daughter named Dardadie who was very well known of Ardan Comile he which Amadis de Gaule vanquished in the town of Fenuse as the second book largely declareth And to let you know what knowledge he had of her know that one day amongst others as he went to search for strange adventures making triall of his person in all Countries he arived in this Isle where he combated against the Giant Gandandell the father of Argamont but at the instant they found themselvs allied and so they became so great friends that the Giant would have delivered his sword to Ardan giving him the honour of the victory which the other refused And so striving to whom this glory should remaine they arived at the Castle of the Fueille Blanche where Argamont father of the Damsel of whom I lately spake kindely welcomed him Especially when they understood the alliance and parentage which they had together But it happened that the thirteenth day following Gandandell departed this life he had been so sorely wounded by Ardan Comile who was very much grieved therefore especially for the love which he bore to the daughter of Argamont of whom he was so much enamoured that forgetting the honor and affinity of Parentage he wholly discovered his affections to her and hey jumbled their fidles so well together that they envied on another that which some have called the womans merciful guift in such sort that nine moneths after this Damsel had a son who was named Ardadile Canile so called for the love of his Father And know saith the Mariners to Vaillides that this Argamont and his little son are at this time reputed the valliantest and cruellest Knights under the Cope of heaven So that none arives in this Isle that are not killed or taken by them By God answered Quedragant this shall not hinder us from going to s●●de them And he commanded to put the ship a land which was done not without the great fear and horror of all those of the ship So the two Knights armed themselves and taking their horses out of the Vessel they marched towards the trees and they marched so long that they arived at the entry of a great plain from whence they could easily see the Castle of the Fueille Blanche But they had hardly cast their eyes on it when they heard a horne sounded from the highest Towers by the watch which the Giant had appointed to give him notice when any strange ship should take Port in his Marches And they tarryed not long before Argamont came out from his Fort and armed with plates of fine steele mounted on a great Horse came before the Knights to whom he said in a great bravado Poore unfortunate ones how dare you appeare before me Yield your selves prisoners and content your selves with the foolish enterprize which you have done to enter thus armed into my Country Quedragant was greatly moved to hear himselfe so injured wherefore he answered him By my head great villaine you are far from your guess for we hope for future honour in breaking your head and to vanquish you as you deserve and although fortune should be ill on our side and we should dye in the field this would be more glory to us to end our dayes with our Swords in our hands then through feare to accept of your proffers wherefore lay aside these threats and now employ your time if you can more in Knightly deeds then in such foolish words During this discourse the Giant contemplated on the person of Quedragant who seemed to him a fair Knight And for this cause he somewhat appeased his Choller and said to him Truly I do believe that you are a good Knight nevertheless you may easily know that your strength in respect of mine is little or nothing And seeing it is your desire to come both together you shall soone see what honour you will purchase by trying your selves against me so as you brag And having spoken these words he lifted up a great Mace which he had in his hand thinking to strike Quedragant Then Vaillides who was somewhat behind knowing his will couched his Lance and giving spurs to his Horse charged Argamont so directly that he was ready to fall from his Horse But in his passage he rececived such a blow with the Giants Mace that would he or not he was cast on the ground Quedragant being greatly angred thinking to revenge him ranne straight upon Argamont and broke his Lance on him without doing him any hurt At the which the Giant being glad cryed at the end of his Course with a loud
and we will tell you what hapned to Alquefa and the Knight that she conducted CHAP. V. How the Barque wherein Perion of Gaule surnamed the Knight of the Sphere and Alquefa sailed in came to shore at the foot of a very fair Isle and of the adventures which happened to him YOu have already heard the manner how the Knight of the Sphere and the Damsel re-entred into their Barque where the Apes were in which they sailed eight dayes without happening on any adventure But the ninth following the Vessel drew nee● to the foot of a high Rock where there was a little path-way which led to the top So Alquefa shewed it to Perion and said to him Sir Knight I pray you by the faith which you owe to God and the thing which you love best in this world that you will follow this way which will lead you to the top of the Rock where you shall finde a plain Country and a Fountaine in the middle Tarrie for me there and whatsoever happen to you do not depart from it before you have newes of me to the contrary and remember your selfe of the promise you have made me Damsel quoth he you may assure your self that the fear of death shall not cause me to falsifie my word to you Then he landed and taking his horse by the reines he mounted on him and rode on to the top of the Rock until he found the Plaine even as Alquefa had told him It was at that time sun-set neer night wherefore he resolved to goe no further but to stay till the morning and therefore he alighted from his horse and did eat something that he had brought with him then he slept until the break of day when as he mounted on his horse And when he had rid about halfe the day he saw the fountaine in the most pleasant and delectable place that could be imagined and the water issued from twelve pipes a crosse a piller upon which was erected the Effigies of a Knight armed at all points except the the Helmet and Gantlets and he held in his left hand an Emperors Crown and in his right a Roll of Coper Gilt Wherein was ingraved latine letters which said In the time that this Crowne shall be in the greatest danger of his estate and that the horrible cries and great yelling shall be asswaged the flower of Chivalry shall flourish abasing the pride of many with the new conquered Sword Perion read and read againe very often this Prophecie and in the reading he tooke singular pleasure in the antiquitie of the Image For he had heard it told to King Amadis his Father that in Constantinople upon the Hell gate there was just such another which was certainly believed to be erected by A Polidon himself Thus the Knight of the Sphere contemplating on the strange things which he beheld he saw two of the Apes of his Barque who erected him a faire Arbor whither they brought such abundance of victuals that there was sufficient to keep him twelve or fifteen whole dayes But at that instant he heard the neighing of horses wherefore hee looked about him on all fides to see what it was Then he saw a very great Giant on horseback holding in his hand a tough and strong Javelin and he had ten men very well armed following him and in a Charriot drawn with four horses wherein was bound and fettered an old man having his beard so while and long that it reached below his girdle and besides him two Knights also covered with their armes shackled with fetters and great irons on their feet The Giant did not see Perion till he came very neer him but so soon as he saw him shaking his Javelin he began to crie Unfortunate Creature what Devil hath brought you to this place to end your life so unfortunately and the Knight of the Sphere was no whit danted at his threats but suddenly drawing forth his Sword answered him By my head great villain you have good reason to threaten me in respect of the ill which you shall receive at my hands for Jesus Christ who is my guide being angry at the tyranny wherein you have so long lived promiseth me strength to revenge those whom thou hast troubled all thy life who I will presently destroy to send thy soule to the Devil of whom thou lately didst speak The Giant was so angrie at these words that he spurred his horse to run upon the Knight of the Sphere but he went forwards giving him such a blow with his Lance on his right shoulder that the paine constrained him to let fall his Javelin nevertheless he quickly laid bands on a Mace of Iron which hung at his saddle bow And as they both turned about at the end of their Course for to joine together again the Giants horse set his foot in a hole and fell so heavily under his Master that he broke his neck Which the Knight of the Sphere seeing he suddenly alighted and cut of his head then he mounted again for he heard those who led the prisoners cry with a loud voice Traitor Traitor you shall die without remedie and it shall boot you nothing to slie Then they ran upon Perion who in good time for him was unexpectedly succoured by three Knights each of them carrying a shield of Gold in the middle whereof was a great Crosse red as blood those of whom I speak seeing so great ods as ten against one resolved to aid the weakest and for this cause plucking down the visor of their Helmets just as those of the Giants partly charged the Knight of the Sphere they entred pell mell and at their arivall they unhorsed three that they never spake again The Knight of the Sphere being abashed at so ready aid would make them to know that he had a part in the practise in such manner that they four played their parts so well that in the end they all ten lost their lives the three Crossed men wondring who he should be that they had aided for they never saw a Knight fight more hardily and better One while they had an opinion that it was Amadis or Esplandian his son then on a sudden knowing that they were enchanted they altered their minde and rather thought him to be Norandal or the valiant Frandalo but they had often seen them in such skirmishes and they never came neer him in vallor towards whom they advanced praying him for courtesie to tell him his name Sirs answered he the Crosse which you bear betokening you to be Christians and the good aid which I have received of you obligeth me to satisfie your request My name so long as it pleaseth a Damsel who hath sent me hither is the Knight of the Sphere as those who are acquinted with me call me Perion of Gaule Son of Amadis King of great Britaine He had no sooner ended his words but the three crossed came to embrace him praising God for so happy a meeting How said
Perion doe you then know me Know you answered one of them yes truly and for good cause seeing that I am your kinsman Talanque son of Galaor brother to the King your father and this is Mancly a well esteemed Knight amongst the best in the world Truly said Perion this adventure is the best for me that I could have wisht for but I pray you tell me who is the third Sir answered Talanque this is she who keeps me from marrying Queen Calafea of whom you have sometimes heard Yes by my faith said he although that I never thought to have seen a woman endowed with so good a heart and o great Prowesse Then Talanque called the Queen and said to he● Madam you have now in your hands the brother of that Christian Prince which you hate most as I have often heard you say And he said this for sport for she oftentimes published and in all companies that she was more beholding to the Emperor Esplandian then to all the men of the world as well for the honor and good cheere which he made her at Constantinople as for giving her a husband so wise vertuous and full of Prowesse Wherefore knowing that it was Perion she cast down her sheild and setting her knees to the ground she would have kissed his hands But he lifted her up and said to her how Madam is this the fashion at Californ●s thus to welcome those whom they hate for the love of their Kindred Sir said she wives are obliged to performe the commands of their husbands otherwise be sure that without death or cruel imprisonment you should not escape from me They all fell alaughing at the good grace wherewith the Queen spake these threatnings And as they were thus talking the Prisoners who were bound to the Cart as you have understood found the means to cut the cords and come to the Knight of the Sphere who going to the old man that went before them all he said to them Alas old man what sinister fortune have you to be brought into such misery in your old years Sir answered he I will alwayes praise the Lord and blesse him for you who have delivered me from death And before I tell you any further I humbly intreat you for Gods sake to grant me one gift which shall cost you little and which you cannot refuse as I thinke considering your goodness who hath compassion of poore miserable afflicted persons as I am Father said the Knight of the Sphere you shall have your pleasure of me That which I require of you answered the good man is that you give me my liberty and that for this time you enquire of my Estate and I will at one time or other acknowledge the favor which you have done me Truly said Perion seeing that it is your pleasure to hide your selfe from me I am content Then he asked the others who had so chained them but they were so ill that they could not suddenly know him who spake to them although that to finde him they were entred into search with Lisvart They had been hitherto covered with their Helmets wherefore it was no marvel if Perion himself did not know them untill they took heart and as they thought they had dreamed lifting their hands to Heaven and stretching forth their armes they cryed Ah God! is this which we now see with our owne eyes possible to be true Saying so they pulled off their Helmets and stooped down to kisse the feet of Perion who knew them to be Languines and Abies of Ireland two of his Companions he was so glad that in embracing them he said to the Crossed Knights My friends if you knew who these Gentlemen are perhaps you would have part of my great pleasure Then he related to them how they departed out of great Britaine together and what adventure had separated them Talanque Manoly and the Queen Calase a did much marvel all which the Knight of the Sphere led into the Arbor Nevertheless before they arived there the old man departed from them and monnting on one of the horses who had lost their Masters he sled with a great gallop through the Forest at which the Knight of the Sphere began to laugh saying to the others I think this good man thinks he is pursued by the Giant See I pray if fear doe not sharpen his spurs which I would forgive him with a very good will if I knew his name But you who have been with him said he to Languines and Abies cannot you resolve me in this point In good faith answered they we have as little knowledge of him as you for know said Languines that my Companion and I departing from the Port of Constantinople to goe in search of you so soon as we had set saile there arose such a tempest that at the end of three weeks we were at Palestine● neer to Joppa where we landed to give order to repaire our ship and take in fresh water which we wanted In the meane time we tooke out our horses and armed at all points we went to visit the Countrie in such manner that by fortune we happened upon a shadie place on one side whereof there did run a most sweet and faire Fountaine wherewith we dranke and washed our hands and faces And at an ill time as we were a refreshing our selves we were charged by fifteen Knights who issued out of a Grove they surprized us before we were ready Nevertheless we defended our selves a long time against them But in the conclusion knowing we must die we were forced to lay down our armes and obey their comma●ds although that this was not without great losse for o● the fifteen we left five of them for a gage and the ten likewise had somewhat to doe when the Giant who lies dead there arived conducting in the Charriot he who is fled now Then our resistance was of little force and we remained his prisoners causing us to be changed just as you have found us in the good houre By my head answered Perion I never heard of so marvellous an adventure where the event is so good God be thanked They had not as then eaten all the day wherefore finding the victual which the Apes had provided they began to eat not without lamenting for Lisvart and the rest of their Company whom the storme drove as you shall presently hear CHAP. VI. How the Vessel wherein was Lisvart Florestan Parmenir and Galuanes was cast neer to the great City of Trebisond and of the discourse which they had with the Emperor and the Ladies FOrtune was so averse and contrary to those who embarqued themselves to goe in search of Perion that their vessels were separated and so they lost sight of one another The ship wherein Parmenir Galuanes Lisvart and Florestan were escaping the danger of many shipwracks happened by Gods good pleasure to arive at the Port of Trebisond where they found a Venetian ship laden with Merchandize and waited for
Lance I shall be a good man to day instead of a better And this word pleased Florestan so well that for a long time after he caused himselfe to be called by that name which his enemy had given him then Nevertheless he did not make him any answer but laying fast hold on his Sheild be endeavored with utmost power to vanquish his enemy but if he did so his enemy did the like in such manner that every body did admire how they could hold out so long Groter wondred how his enemy could make so long resistance wherefore lifting up his sword and with all his strength thinking to take his enemy at advantage he gave him so great ablow that if Florestan had not allayed the 〈◊〉 of it with his shield his life had been in very great danger Wherefore being determined to reveng himselfe he lifted up his armes and as Groter endeavoured to pluck the sword from the place it was entred Florestan wounded him so deeply on the head that he fell down dead the blood runing downe his face which the Breignians seeing they marched directly against their Enemies and so the two Armies joyned together neverthelesse Florestan was first remounted Then began the heat of all the Battail for there dyed on both parts more then two thousand men At this first charge Galuanes and one of the Kings Conzens broke their Lanoes on one another but Galuanes thrust his Lance into his Enemies body The King who led the Battell seeing his Van-guard discomfited and ready to turne their backs he advanced with his Battell and the Duke of Ortilensa did the like and also the Reare guards on both sides There might you have seene many good Knights thrown to the ground 〈◊〉 and as many Foot-men wounded and killed which was a most pittifull thing to behold Galuanes Florestan and Parmenir ranged about the field and they met not any but they went under the edge of their Swords The Duke of Ortilensa and his Sonne were not in the meane time idle but did performe memorable deeds of Armes And on the other side the King of Breigne and the Earle of Aligne Captaine of his Reare-guard shewed well wheresoever they went that their Armes were not idle The Earl of Alastra met the Earl of Alingas sonne and with one blow with his Lance he sent his soule from body which his Father seeing He and ten Knights of his charged on the Earle who being encompassed on all sides was disarmed and borne downe to the Earth But Florestan came there with a good Troop and remounted him by force not without great slaughter for there was no place throughout the whole Army where there was more blood shee l The Earl of Alinge gave Florestan such a great blow that his eyes sparkled of which he soone after revenged himselfe knocking him to the ground with one blow of a Mace Then those of the King of Breignes Party came hastily to succour him and the Duke of Ortilensaos party came to take him Prisoner Then the Conflict began in such manner that the Horses were up to the Pastorns in blood And as these two Armies were thus a striving for the Victory the Duke of Dardary who had followed the Breignians all night with his Troop seeing so fit a time to imploy himselfe came upon the flanck and gave them such an Alarum that from that time they began by little and little to faint At this time the King of Breigue was joyned with the Duke of Ortilensa thinking to revenge the injury he had done him calling him Traytor but the ill fell on himself and he lay there dead For as hee traversed throw the Battell striking on every fide and performing deeds worthy to a Prince by fortune he met the Duke whom he called to the Combate the which the other refused not although he were very old And to say the truth the party had beene ill maintained without the arivall of Florestan who soone adventured his person to the succour of the Father of his Ladie who had by love taken him Captive For which cause he ●ushed in between them and with one blow he so wounded the King that he separated his soule from his body at which his Souldiers were so affr●ghted that as well through this occasion as for the arivall of the Duke of Dardarie they fled leaving the hopes of their lives to some adjoyning Woods where they might save themselves But their Enemies did slaughte● so many that they were forced to be content to pardon their lives being weary with fighting and killing them By this means the Duke of Ortilensa won the field who received the Duke of Dordary with great joy and at that instant they sent a Gentleman towards the Emperour to whom they sent wo●d of the good fortune that God had been pleased to bestow on them But now it is time to turne our course where we have left Lisvart and the Infanta Onolerea and her sister Gricilerea they being both in great sorrow for the absence and losse of those whom they had chosen for their Lovers as you have formerly heard CHAP. IX How Lisvart was led to Melia the Sorceresse and of the bad entertainment and ill usage she gave him YOu have already heard the sorrow and sadnesse which the Infanta Onolerea made as well for the Letter which Melia the Sorceresse sent by the Dwarfe to the Emperour as for the absence of Lisvart to whom she was so affectionate Now I thinke seasonable to let you know who she was that led him and the occasion why she used this deceit Know then that the enterprize of the fixty seven Pagan Kings upon the City and Empire of Constantinople was divulged in so many places that the King of the Giant Island purposed to be of the number not for any ill which he wished to the Emperour but to the end that one onely Daughter which he had might learn of Melia part of the skill for which she was so renowned and therefore he would carry her thither and present her to her This Damsell of whom I speake was so excellent in beauty that there was no woman in all the adjoyning Isles that could equall her and her name was Gradafilea So the King of the Giant Island departed from his owne Country and carryed his Daughter with him being accompanied with two thousand Knights with whom he travelled so long that at last he came to King Armat● and Melia of whom he was kindly welcomed especially of the Sorceresse Melia who seeing the perfect beauty of Gradafilea she purposed to put that soone into execution which she had a long time before projected which was the taking of Lisvart And to come to the point this was Gradafilea who led him from the Court of the Emperour of Trebisond as you have already heard And to say truely Melia could not have found amessenger so fit to execute such treason for she was such a one as I have told you and as
richly garnished and between his legs a Turkish horse running marvellous swift So he was closely followed by another Gentleman clothed with the like habiliments but not altogether so brave These two rode so fast after the Hart that they did not see the Knights untill the beast was dead they were in their Arbor out of which nevertheless they issued and mounted on horseback when they saw the first Gentleman alight and draw his knife to have the head of the beast And as they looked about them the other discovered Perion and the rest of his Companie bearing signes of Christians on their Harnesses wherefore he rode straight to them and the first to whom he addressed himselfe was the Queen Calafea to whom he cried ere he came neer Ah good Knight for Gods sake pitie me and save me for I am of the same Law that you are of Gentleman answered the Queen there is none in this Company that will not willingly doe you pleasure The other who heard this speech lifted up his head and seeing such a company left his prey and thinking to put his feet in the stirrop to flie he was held by his companion who said to him At this time you shall be my Prisoner as well as I have been yours And as the one endeavoured to escape and the other to hold him there issued out of the thick wood six Knights armed at all points whom eight Gentlemen without Harnesse followed conducting a Damsel faire in every perfection who was accompanied with two women mounted and furnished as the Daughters of great Lords as they were The six Knights seeing Perion and those of his Company at the first sight that they were Christians wherefore pulling downe the visor of their Helmets they cryed out aloud that they were dead I know not said he of the Sphere what may come but God be thanked now there is none of us sick And because the others couched their Lances against them they placed themselves to resist them and they gave the Pagans such blowes with their Lances that they were all thrown dead to the ground at the first attempt wherefore the eight that were disarmed fled as fast as their horses could run Thus the Ladies remained without guard to the principal and chiefe of them Perion first addressed himselfe and graciously said to her In good faith Madam I never obteined any Conquest as I know that pleased me so well as this Of one thing I will assure you that all the prison you shall have with me it shall be this that I will imploy my utmost power to doe you service as I am accustomed to doe to all faire ones as resemble you At these words Tiriaxa so was this Lady called did begin to cry extreamely and in sighs she answered Perion Alas I know well pleaseth it me or no that I am your prisoner at which I am grieved nevertheless I have so good an opinion of your honesty that so long as I am with you I shall not be dishonored No upon my soule said he but I will put my life in danger to guard you that no dishonor be done to you wherefore I pray you follow me and your women also Then he tooke her by the reines of her Palfrey and led her to the Arbor but as she passed by where the former Combate had been she saw the Giant and the others lie along on the grasse at which she was sore grieved that she cryed with a great crye saying Alas now I esteeme my life lesse then I did before when I saw with my eyes Brutillion the valiant and his Knights dead and defeated And for Gods sake said she to the Knight of the Sphere recount unto me how this ill fortune hath come unto them Madam said Perion these are hazards and fortunes which often happen to them that seek them And then he declared to her the manner of the fight and how it began and what was the issue And as they were in this discourse the Crossed Knights brought with them the two Gentlemen that hunted the Hart. Then Perion leaving Tirixa with Calafea tooke apart the eldest of them and asked him what he was and the Damsel also Sir answered he she and he who was taken with me are the King of Jerusalems Children who to give them pleasure and recreation sent them to the Fountaine under the conduct of Brutilon the Giant to see the marvels which happen here daily And beleeve all said he your long tarrying here may redound to your great danger for the King their father is not above halfe a dayes journey from hence who will not faile to have newes suddenly of those that fled of the misfortune happened to his Children of which he will soone be ●evenged as he may well doe being accompanied with a great company of Souldiers even of three strong Giants brothers to him whom you have killed which he hath caused to come out of the Desart of Lybia to accompany him to the Seige of Constantinople where all the Princes of Asia great and small even beyond the Mount Gaucasus and the great Armenia have sworne to destroy it and race it therefore if you be well advised you had best to retire before worse happen to you And you said the Knight of the Sphere are you of their kindred no answered the Gentleman I am son to the King of Naples and was not long since taken by Brutillion who romes on the Sea as I was agoing to the chase in the Company of six of My Knights Perion was greatly grieved having heard the enterprize of the Pagans on Thrace nevertheless he did not discover his grief but went downe into the Grove with the rest Whether Alquefa came soone after who being arived cast her selfe at the feet of Perion to kisse them but he graciously tooke her up and said to her By my God Damsel your returne hath very much gladded me you are very welcome Good Knight answered she my Father desires humbly to be remembred to you as he who is more obliged to you then to any other living Your father said Perion I never saw him as I know Ahah answered she it was the old man that was bound in the Cart who was neere unto his death had it not been for the good aid which he received of you but you have delivered him from the most cruel torment that ever any man of his age indured And know sir Knight that he by his skill foreknew all his misfortune which he could not remedie onely by the head of one of the Sons of Amadis de Gaule for which reason he commanded me to go seek you and prevaile so far that I might bring you hither at the day and houre as you have found him Now you may know why I commanded you not to speak in the Court of the Emperor of Trebisond fearing that by knowing you my enterprize would be hindred which is now effected for which I praise God and you I wonder said
Knight who is brother to the Emperour Esplandian and son to the most renowned Amadis de Gaule by whom you and I were vanquished io the last seige of Constantinople as you may well remember Madam said he If I committed folly I have dearly paid for it and although that it is a grief to me so likewise I have great pleasure to see you in good health remembring me as yet of the fortunes which we had together even in the last voyage into Thrace And by reason that they lost blood which came out of the wounds of both their bodyes before they went further they had them bound up and from thence fearing the arivall of the King of Jerusalem and the succour of the Children which they had taken they went towards the Seaside where they then found the V●●sells in which they had taken Port even that of Abies of Iraland and Languines into which the Knight of the Sphere embarqued himselfe And because that Alquefa would returne to her Father who staid for her in the Isle of Apes as you have heard she humbly entreated of Perion to give her leave My great friend said he I pray God guide you but if you will doe so much for me as to grant me one gift which shall cost you little there shall be no day of my life wherein you shall not have of me a Knight ready to obey you How answered she doe you thinke that I will refuse any thing that you shall please to command me no truly were it to adventure the greatest part of my life Then Perion took her apart and they two being alone he said to her in sighs Ah ah Alquefa I thought to have taken an other course and returne towards Madam Gricilerea to serve her as she to whom my heart is so affectionate that thinking on her I die and not thinking on her I cannot live God grant then that this beginning take so good a conclusion as I hope for and doe me so much favour that she may name me hers for testimony whereof I have thought to send her by you the Infanta Tiriaxa with her bother and the Souldan of Liquea whom I pray you to carry to her and present to her on my part for even as I am hers it is reasonable that those things that are mine and which I have conquered should serve her and be hers You shall tell her that my returne unto Trebisond shall be the soonest that I can possibly and that in the mean time I hope not to strike one blow with a Lance nor to doe an act worthy a Knight but what shall be for the glory and love of her Sir answered Alquefa I will wholly performe that which you command me and I will serve you with her with so much loyaltie that you shall perceive it I entreat you doe it said Perion Then approaching near to the Souldan who in the mean time discoursed with Tiriaxa complaining to her that for the desire which he had to see the King her Father he was fallen into the hands of his enemies But the Knight of the Sphere interrupted them in their talke causing them to understand his pleasure in pursuance whereof he said to the Souldan you shall goe with your Knights and you Madam with your Brother and you women whether this Damsell will conduct you and there you shall be welcome for my sake When Tiriana heard these words she redoubled her teares and she sorrowfully answered Sir Knight I am in your power and so unwilling to live that I would I were now dead Madam said Perion I hope you wil have more comfort then you thinke for And for your part Seignior Radiare according to the promise which we have joyntly made together I will that you being arived at the place whereunto I send you that you suddenly dispatch two of your men to go advertize your Subjects that none of them stir against the Emperour of Constantinople but rather that they favour him in all that they can Pardon me answered he my word was obliged to another before you You may command me whatsoever you please but as for my faith it is more then my person I have promised and sworne to succour the King Armato in all and through all and as I have told you my life shall sooner end then my faith be broken Truly said Perion and then I will not doe it and I should be very sorry that through my occasion the word of so great a Lord and so wise a man should be falsified But follow the Damsell and untill I shall see you againe I commit you to God Then the Souldan Tiriaxa and the others tooke their leaves of him and entring into the barque of Alquefa the Knight of the Sphere said to her I humbly entreat you Damsell humbly to salute on my behalfe the Princesse Onolerea and all the other Ladies of the Court having said so he approached near her and secretly gave her a Letter to present to Gricilerea Then the wind being faire the Apes began to row taking the best way for their journey CHAP. XII How the Knight of the Sphere Abies of Ireland and Languines arived at Constantinople and of the great good welcome which the Emperour made them ALquefa being thus dispatched conducting to Trebis●●d the Souldan of Liquea Tiri●xa and her Brother accompanied with their Train The Knight of the Sphere embarqued with ●●i●● of Ireland Languines and the King of N●p●●● his Sonne recommending to Gods keeping those who would returne to Cali●urnus So they driven by a South west wind to so good purpose that without happening on any adventure they ariv●d at Constantinople the eighth day following Of which the Emperour being advertized was marvellous and exceeding joyfull for he thought that Lisvart his Grand-child was in his Company wherefore he went to receive them And as Perion Abies and Languines did reverence him Frandalo advanced to embrace Perion and in embracing him hee said to him Sir Knight I am so much yours that you may command me as he who desires to obay you for the honour of King Amadis and Esplandian your Brother whose friend a very much affectionate servant I am The Knight of the Sphere had never seen him wherefore the Emperour said to him my sonne you may well have heard speak of the Earl of Frandalo this is he who presents you his service and he is the very same to your friends as he hath witnessed to you In good faith Sir answered Perion he presents me with nothing but what he shall have of me when he pleaseth and that not without cause for his great goodnesse and prowess is so known and recommended throughout the world that he may account himself happy that hath his acquaintance By my soul said Frandalo in embracing you I may well say I have within my armes the true effigies and portracture of the flower of all Chivalrie And this he said for asmuch as Perion did wholly resemble Esplandian his
then having read this Letter was so surprized that she changed colour three or four times not for displeasure which she had but to the contrary with the force of love which encompassed her courage so much that Alquefa perceived her ready to sound wherefore she embraced her demanding of her what feeblenesse had overtaken her Ahah My great friend said she when shall I see him who endures so much for me and whom you have chosen amongst the best Knights of the World Madam said Alquefa my Father who hath promised you wil find the meanes to send him to you when it shall be time in the mean time content your selfe as well as you can and let him heare from you as often as he can And then at that time a Damsell came to tell them that the Empresse asked for them wherefore altering their discourse they returned into the Hall where all this great company was at that time assembled And in that very hour the Emperour was advertized by a Venetian Brigantine that the Army of Pagans was on the Coast of Natolia with more then tenne thousand Vessels going to the straits of Propontide for which cause following his purpose he commanded to raise men from all parts for he would in person goe to aid Christendome CHAP. XV. How the Emperour of Trebisond embarqued to goe against the King Armato and the sayling of the Pagans to Constantinople THe Emperours Army being ready to embarque and all his Vessels being furnished for Warre and well fraught he established for his Lieutenant Generall Pardarea Duke of Antelea who he commanded before he embarqued to make a generall Muster of his Souldiers And sinding them to be the number of sixty thousand Horsemen and fifty thousand resolute Souldiers wherefore the Emperour was so glad that at that very houre he crowned Pard●rea King of Breigne who was his Brother-in-Law to the great content of all the Company And the next day according to the advice of the Masters and Captaines every one entred into his Ship for the wind was faire to set saile and the Emperour himselfe have left the Duke Delafonta with the Empresse for Governour of his Country commended her to the keeping of our Lord and caused to weigh anchors Then he who had seene at their departure from the Port this great equipage surely he would easily thinke the greatnesse of this Lord and Prince for the Sea was in a manner covered with Vessels being hung with Flagges Banners and Streamers with so many Trumpets Fifes and Drums that it was a thing almost incredible So then Alquefa would make no longer abode in Trebisond seeing the departure of the Emperour but so soon as he had left the Port she went to the Empresse of whom she tooke leave and likewise Gricilerea assuring her that so soone as she had made one voyage to her Father she would goe in search of the Knight of the Sphere For which cause the Princesse delivered her a Letter to present on her part praying her with great affection to perswade him to come to her as soone as he could possibly which she promised to her And re-entring into her Vessell she set saile So let us leave her on the Sea and let us return to the Messengers who went to advertize the Christian Princes of the seige of Constantinople who had so faire wind that they gave Order ●o what they had enterprized And the Emperours of Rome King of Naples and the rest were ready to dislodge at the time that they had knowledge that the Army of Armato might goe into Thrace For this cause entering into their Vessels according to the Region and Climate from when they dispatched traversing so many Seas that at last not without great travell they met in the Defended Mountaine where they waited for the Earle of Frandalo and Morandell with their equipage At this very time the King Armato accompanied with Almirin brother to the Souldan of Liquie the King of Jerusalem and Soldans of Persia of Alapa of Babilon the Califs of Egypt Taborlanes and many other great Lords of the East parted from Tenedos with so great a number of Ships Brigantines Galeaces Gallies and Foists that the Sea seemed to be covered But they found not the Emperour so unaccompanied but he had thirty thousand Horsemen and fifty thousand bearing Armes Neverthelesse he seeing so great a number of his Enemies to approach so near to the great City and not having had any news of them from whom he expected aid he was somewhat grieved which he hid and the better to assure his men he was of advice that they should as much as they could possible hinder the King Armatoes Army from Landing giving them continuall Alarumes to vex and trouble them For which purpose were appointed the Knight of the Sphere Languines Abies of Ireland Argamont and his Sonne with ten thousand Horsemen and two thousand chosen Souldiers Who having had notice of the place where the King Armato would take Land they issued out in good equipage and the same day they discovered the Vanguard of the Pagans with the King of Jerusalem accompanied with three Giants ' Brothers to him whom the Knight of the Sphere had killed at the Fountaine where he had delivered Alquif the Damsells Father So the Christians remained close and in ambush to see the countenance of the ochers but they made there no long stay before they saw the Pagans Vessels by little and little to approach the Land and lastly to throw Planks and descend into Cock-boats Skiffes and other little Boats wherby they might Land their men I doe believe that those who were the most diligent were not the bestused for Perion and his company ranne upon them and defeited a great many before they could be succoured and untill their battail and Rear-guard could joyne together and with full saile gained the shore in such manner that Perion and his company were forced to retreat and close themselves untill the three Giants with a great band of Palestines rushed on them with so much boldness that he who had seen them would have judged no otherwise but that they had a desire to performe their utmost Nevertheless they found much to doe when they came to Land by reason that Perion and Argamont with their squadron held together and at that time there was so great a Conflict that many on both sides lost their lives there And by reason that the Pagans gained I and and forced ther●●●●llously Argamen● went to the Knight of the Sphere s●●wing him the eminent peril and danger they should fall into 〈◊〉 it were not provided for Wherefore he as a wise and advised Captaine began from henceforwards to retire nevertheless they sustained the heat of the skirmish which the Califfe of Egypt understanding re-advanced and entering further in the press then he should he was met by Perion who gave him such a blow on the head that he separated his head in twaine For which one of the
anger that he held his peace and arose and went to Armatoes tent and awaked him to tell him of the folly of his daughter And as he gave him the good morrow Armato asked him what good news he brought him so soon Ah sir said he rather what misfortunes How said Armato So the King told him of the loss of Lisuart and the whole enterprize of Gradafilea Oh yee Gods cryed Armato have I so highly offended you that I deserve so great a punishment then in great choller he commanded the King to flie from his presence for said he there shall none of you depart this Country without suffering death and perpetuall captivitie Armato cryed so loud that Melia who was lodged in the next Pavillion heard the noise wherefore she arose in her smock and went to the King who was much displeased but she was more when she understood the cause she having knowne of Lisvarts flight began to tear her haire and her smock and her very flesh This noise being heard of some and they thinking their enemies had surprized them they cried the Alarnm that on a suddain all the field was in armes So the Souldans of Persia and Alapa came to Armato to know what was the matter and when they knew the cause as wise men by fair speeches they found the meanes to appease Armato and Melia telling them that they might be the cause of frightning the whole Army For said these Lords seeing that it is the pleasure of our Gods what will you doe will you contend with Jupiter doe you think he will doe any thing but for our good and it may be we have offended him Therefore let us goe to him and appease him with our prayers and not anger him more You may say what you please said Armato but the Rogue that had the keeping of him shall die and also she that conducted him Sir said the Souldan of Persia you have to deal with men he is come without intreatie or sending for from a far Country and hath carried himselfe as every one knowes it may be when he hath been heard to speak he will be found more innocent then you thinke for therefore let him be heard then if he hath offended he may be punished by the advice of the Princes of this Camp and it may be of his own men These Lords of Persia and Alapa did so much that they somewhat appeased the King Armato and Melia And in the meane time the Camp continued in forme of Battel whereupon it happened that they who went the Rounds on the City walls heard the noise of the Trumpets in the aire It was as then but at the point of day wherefore doubting they should be surprized and that the enemies would storme the place they suddenly advertised the Emperor the Knight of the Sphere and the principal Captains who ran hastily to their charge and remained there untill Sun-rising when they saw the Pagans retire The Emperor did not then know any thing of the returne of his Son but soon after Perion brought him to him and with a grace said to him in presenting him Sir the last night I took this Spie what is your pleasure shall be done with him You may well imagine if the good Prince were well pleased for the tears fell from his eyes in imbracing him During these passages Languines and Abies of Ireland came who imbraced him and asked him what good Angel had brought him thither Then the Emperor asked of him how he came thither and from whence he came Then Lisvart recited to him his whole passed fortunes since Gradafilea carried him from Trebisond untill that present and said he the Alarum which you have heard hath been onely for my loss Oh God! said the Emperor let us goe to the Empress for I am certain she will be very glad of this good news Then he took Lisvart by the ●and and went to the Empress whom they met going to Masse but she stayed when she saw the Emperor who presented Lisvart unto her saying Madam doe you know this Gentleman This is your son said she who may account this adventure the strangest and dangerousest that can happen in all his life Praised be God! said the Empresse And kissing him a thousand times she would not suffer him to goe out of her sight untill it was dinner time and then he related to them all that which had happened in the Army of the Pagans and part of their Counsels And so falling from one discourse to another the Tables being withdrawn he spake to Perion saying Sir my Unckle and I departed from this Country as it is well knowne to goe in search of you who was reported to be lost And my chiefest purpose was to be made Knight at your hands not knowing of whom better to have the same you being brother to my Father and Son to my Grandfather Amadis Therefore let me intreat you to let me obteine this honour at your hands to morrow and that without the City Gates that thereby the enemies may see it and of which they will be very sad Sir said Perion there where the Emperor is present I may lawfully be excused of your request The Emperor will pardon me if he pleaseth and I will humbly intreat him to intreat you on my behalfe I pray let it be so said the Emperor Seeing that it pleaseth you both said Perion I will to morrow doe what lies in me to performe therefore I pray said he prepare your selfe and watch this night as is the custome Lisvart kindely thanked him then night being come he entred into the Chappel and accompanied with many high persons he remained at his Orisons untill the Sun arose CHAP. XVIII How Lisvart received the Order of Knighthood and of the great mervails and adventures that happened the same day LISVART having watched as it is the custome the Emperor came to him in the Chappel being accompanied with the Knight of the Sphere two Giants and many other great persons And the time being come for the accomplishing of this enterprize which was to be done without the Citie gates he commanded the Souldiers to stand to their Armes and be ready on the wall least the Enemy should during the solemnity assaile them And the Emperor kept onely twentie thousand men for his own Guard then he caused the Gate to be opened and close to it was erected a high Theatre upon which he ascended with Lisvart the Knight of the Sphere and Argamont and the Ladies stand upon the wall where they could see all that was done The Pagans seeing so great a company of people they gathered together more to look on them then to assaile them Then Lisvart kneeled on his knees before Perion who gave him the Order but when he came to gird on his Sword they found that it had been forgotten nevertheless that did not hinder them a jot for the Emperor bethought himself that with a better he could not begin to doe deeds
night But seeing that God hath had so much remembrance of me as to bring you hither I hope the misfortune will fall on them especially being accompanied with these Angels said he imbracing the Queen Briolania and the other Ladies who are sufficient to chase the devils out of this world if they should come out of hell to inhabit here Ah ah sir said she if those th● care come to endammage Thrace ought to be driven out by women I will be the first that will take Lance and Helmet to break their heads at this speech the Emperor laughed and kindely thanked her for it then he came to imbrace Florestan who kneeling downe on the ground to kisse his hand But the Emperour lifted him up and said to him by my faith good King Florestan your noble acts are as reciprocall to your name as it is possible and it is likewise true that to make your praise alwayes flourish you have taken the paines to come and help this good old man being weak and lame Sir answered he to doe you service I shall alwayes be green and flourish God will love you the better for it said the Emperour then looking a little aside on the Queen Sardamira Alabila and Olinda he went to salute them and seeing Olinda fairer then the rest he said to her Madam those that have much travelled in Spaine have heretofore informed me that Linda in that Language is beauty in ours and truly I believe it rather then ever for if beauty were ever lost it would b● found in you as much as in any Lady that I have seen to my knowledge at this the young Princesse blushed but Agries answered the Emperour on her behalfe Sir she hath taken this faire countenance as also these three Ladies to present themselves before you as Cosen said he you have done so much for me as I well perceive that it is impossible for me to repeat what you have deserved and ending this speech he cast his eyes on the King of Bohemia Grasandor which he did not untill then see and comming towards him he imbraced him courteously saying to him truly my good friend I alwayes thought that in so good a businesse the neighbourhood of us two should not easily be lost No sir replyed Grasandor and much lesse I desire I have to doe you service and here is your Lady Vrganda who shall swear to you on my behalfe Now the Emperor knew her not at first so he excused himself very well for that time in entertai●ing her kindely saying to her ah Lady you have too long disappointed us of this good company when you please you shall amend this wrong which is not small Sir answered she all that I have done hitherto hath been to a good end and you may now know better then ever that our Lord forgot you not having brought them at such opportune a time Truly I believe it answered the Emperour So this good old man received them one after another shewing them all the honour that they deserved and even to Gandalin the Damsel of Denmarke Carmelle Mr Elizabeth yea and Ardam but he being amongst them was so little that the Emperour saw him not when the Dwarfe came to pluck him by the Cloak saying to him Sir I am come to be at your service as well as the others wherefore shall not I be imbraced as well as they by my head said the Emperour Ardan my friend there is no good reason for it but thou appearest so little so tall personages that I could not see thee Sir said the Dwarfe I have a little body but I have an unmeasurable desire to doe you service who will neve hide himselfe in any place were it among the greatest Giants in the world The grace that the Dwarfe spake these words with and as it were in a choler caused every one to laugh during this discourse Alquefa caused many horses and hacknies to be taken out of her Vessel then addressing himselfe to the Knight of the Sphere she said to him Sir Knight my Father your humble servant hath sent you these horses and prayeth you to distribute them as well to the King your Father as to Madam Oriana and others who kept company with them so long in the chamber of Apolidon So Perion quickly knew her wherefore he imbraced her and made her welcome not onely for her Fathers gifts but for the hope that he had that she brought him news from her whom he could not forget neither day nor night Nevertheless the Damsel as wise and well advised dissembled for that time what she thought then Perion answered her Damsel my friend it is not the first courtesie that I have received of the hands of sage Alquefa but if God willing I shall have opportunity to doe him some good service Sir said she he hath provided these Knights with armes which I have given them before their imbarquing and now he perhaps as I have said that you give to each one of them one of these horses especially to these Ladies to whose good graces he now humbly recommends himselfe Sir said Perion to Amadis you heare the request of this Damsel ought I to deny her oh no! to deny answered Amadis therein you should doe her wrong and Alquif also who have wished us so well seeing that it is so said Perion then divide the present that he hath sent you and let Madam Oriana have as many for her Ladies to which they both agreed and immediately Alquif drew forth of a Chest which two Esquires carried on their shoulders a tent of an Inestimable value which she presented to Lisvart saying to him most happie Knight and more fortunate then any that hath been heretofore my Father saluteth you in all humility and hath sent you this tent being the fairest in all Afia in which he intreateth you to lodge as long as this warr shall last with King Amadis your Father and these other Lords who were inchanted in the Firme Island with him And further he acquaints you by me that you shall be better contented on the day that you shall meet him then if you should conquer the one halfe of Europe Damsell answered Lisvart I never saw him of whom you speak to my knowledge nevertheless I have a great desire to be acquainted with him to doe him some courtesie wherein he should imploy me not onely for the Presents and promises that you have made me on his behalfe but having heard him esteemed of in many places Then Alquif unfolded the tent which was found so faire and rich that never heretofore had the like been seen and this rumour was so much spread that the King of Spaine Brian of Monuiste he of A●avigne Don Bruneo Quadragant Prince of Sansuegue and Gasqui●an King of Fuisse who made the Vanguard of the Sea Army heard the news thereof by a Skiffe that they sent before to know where they were that had taken Land in the Apes barke but when they heard
impossible to resist the hard assault of so many dayes which love hath brought me to which was in the same day that you came dumb into this Court and would not deigne to speak unto me But the hope that I have of your sudden returne as this Messenger assureth me admininisters some strength to me to bear that which I now indure without intermission Now to conclude and to the end that you may with the more convenient opportunity come to see me which I hope you will I intreat you to keep neer the person of the Emperour my Father who will not faile as I hope to bring you with him your affaires being done In the meane time I would very earnestly desire you that by all meanes you would endeavour to release the faire young Gentleman Lisvart out of danger being certaine that if you will doe so much for her and thereby you shall come to as much honour as the most favoured of fortune and renowned Knight which this day beareth armes The which I doe very earnestly request of you for the good of my sister who is so much affectionate of him that she could not survive except our Lord comfort her in the sorrow that she hath taken from the day that she lost the sight of him and she dieth hourely for his sake And because I have given in charge to Alquefa to relate to you what I have above written I beseech you to believe it as comming from her who is more yours then her own Gricilerea Perion having read this Letter over and over entred into such deep thoughts that he continued a long time without speaking one word which Lisvart seeing could not forbear but spake to him how now Unckle I thought that this Damsel had brought you pleasant newes but I thinke they have made you sad I pray you tell me whether Madam Gricilerea hath sent you any thing that should make you so melancholy They did alwayes communicate to one another all things that happened although they were never so secret and of never ●o great concernment wherefore the Knight of the Sphere said to him You are in the wrong for I thought of the pleasure I shall one day injoy when I goe to Trebis●nd and of what my Lady hath written who speaks of you as you may see in the Letter Then Lisvart read it and was much more ●ensive then Perion had been when he understood the paines that Onol●rea indured for him Wherefore with teares in his eies he said to Alquefa Ah! the imprisonment that I suffered was not so grievous to me as the remembrance of the thing that kills me alive How said she sir doe you complaine of the good that is wished to you No said he but for the evill that she indures by whom I live Then said the Damsel no newes will be more welcome to her then when she shall hear of you for when I left her she did despaire of your life Therefore you may both rejoyce for never was two Knights so well beloved of two such Ladies as they are as you are And as for you said she to the Knight of the Sphere you shall bear these armes no longer for I will give you such armes as I gave this day to King Amadis and the others of the Firme Island which my Father sent them My great friend said Perion I am so much obliged to you that I will be alwayes yours on condition you tell me how you left my Lady Gricilerea and what discourse you had with her whilst you staid there In good faith said Alquefa that I will doe Then she discoursed all to him in such manner that it was neer day when they went to sleep CHAP. XXII How the Pagan Princes met in Counsell to consult what they were to doe knowing the great aid come to the Christians and of the resolution which they tooke THe Pagans Army that was at Sea went by the Straights towards Natolia And the Land Army that was with Armato fortified themselves in their Campe. And knowing of the great aid that was come to the Emperour of Constantinople they met together in Counsell to consult what they should doe where it was concluded that their Camp should be fortified and trenches made and so they should remaine to see what their enemies would doe and in the meane time they would burie their dead and heale the wounded which indeed were many And to the end said Armato that our enemies may not affright us I am of opinion that all this night the Trumpets and Drums may sound with great joy During this Counsell the Christians on the other side did so well that all their forces were landed before break of day and were in good order to receive their enemies if they should come to assaile them Then there came to the Tent of Amadis the Emperour of Rome the Kings of Sobradise of Sardinia of Ireland of Scotland Bohemia Spaine Naples Sansuegue Mongaze of Suesie the Queen of Calafea and Norandell all which had brought with them good store of Souldiers as well horse as foot and passing the Hellefpont Norandell and Frandalo had joined with them with the Army of the Emperor of Constantinople which staid to conduct them The reason why they came to Amadis was to consult about what they had to doe but they concluded on nothing at that time but onely to entreat the Emperor of Trebisond to be their Commander in Chiefe and Captaine General in this their enterprize And therefore they went to him to intreat him to take that charge upon him But he would not but thanked them and excused himselfe and said that the Emperor of Constantinople was fitter by reason that he had already knowne the force of the enemie Wherefore it was concluded to send to the Emperor to know his pleasure who no sooner heard thereof but he mounted on horseback and went to them where when he came they told him what had been done amongst them and to that end they all intreated him to accept of the charge and they would obey him in all his commands But he knew so well how to excuse himselfe that in the end and by the advice of all the Emperor of Trebisond remained Captaine of the Army in the field and the Emperour of Constantinople was Captaine Generall of the Forces in the Towne as he was before It was now dinner time wherefore the Tables were covered in Amadis his Tent but the first course was hardly eaten when a Damsell armed at all points came before them carrying in her hand a bowe of Ivorie and a sheaf of Arrowes hanging at her side Then without saluting any of them she demanded which was the Emperor of Trebisond and Amadis King of Gaule and of great Britaine So they were both shewn to her wherefore she addressed her selfe to them and with a great boldness said to them Here take this writing and give me answer that shall become you Then she gave to each of them
it is good reason that I render unto you the honour which you deserve Ah! Madam answered Pintiquinestra you doe that which I ought and so strving to give their sword to one another Amadis went between them and caused them to exchange swords that their honors might be equall During these passages the two old men Armato and the Emperor of Trehisond laboured very much to performe their Combate But Armato had somewhat fainted since Grisflant had been vanquished Wherefore the Emperour charged him nimbly and in such manner that he gave him so great a blow with his sword that it entred through armor and went a handfull into his flesh just at the joint of his left shoulder so that in small time his soule departed and he fell downe dead in the place Which gave such great joy to the Christian Army that every one praised God especially Oriana and the other Ladies The Trumpets and Fifes did sound with great joy and horses were brought to the Conquerors who took their way to their Tents where they were accompanied by many Kings and great Lords who honored Pintiquinestra as much as they could possible CHAP. XXIV How Almirix of Liquea was chosen Generall of the Pagans Army and of a Dwarfe which he sent into the Host of the Christians to Queen Pintiquinestra THese victorious Knights being descended into the Tent of Amadis with the Queen Pintiquinestra and Calafea they were soone disarmed but they had no dangerous wound found about them The principall of the Army did much wonder what caused the two Queens to parlie being in the midst of their Combate wherefore they prayed Pintiquinestra to tell them So she told them particularly what had happened and their discourse was so long that it was high time to goe to dinner And so they spent the rest of the day in discourse about their enemies She was as eloquent a woman in her speech as any in the world and had so good a grace accompanied with a beautie so excellent that Perion son of Galaor fell in love with her and in time enjoyed her as you shall heare in this our History Not long after there arived at the Tent a Dwarfe who was soone known by the Emperour of Trebisond for it was the same that brought the writing from Melia when Lisvart was carried away by Gradafilea as you have formerly heard Then the Dwarfe went to the Queene Pintiquinestra and with great audacity said to her Queene Pintiquinestra Almirix of Liquea who is newly chosen Commander in chief by the decease of my Sovereigne Lord hath sent thee thy fix thousand women because he is resolved not to have any aid of those whose Leader and Chiefe is a wicked Traitor And he had put them all to the Sword but that he considered the paines they tooke to gaine the City the second day of thy arivall but if for the future any of them shall happen into his hands he will make them examples of Justice And as for thy selfe he is ready to prove his person against thine that thou art a Traitor therefore give me answer to justifie your selfe Dwarfe my friend answered the Queen I am glad of the returne of my women and if he hath a desire to make me know that which I never yet did know nor never will if please God which is treason let him come to the place from whence he came this morning and there he shall finde me ready to make him confesse that he hath hid in his throat This answer of the Queens was commended by all the Knights present especially by Lisvart who said to the Dwarfe My friend when thou hast related to Alminix the answer of this faire and wise Queen I pray tell him that a Knight in her Company sends to him that he did not well to send such injurious words to the Queene being in company with so many valiant Knights but rather to them not that I have a small esteeme of her but for the honor of Chivalry And if he thinks good tell him I will take armes for her and will performe what ever she hath promised by thee The Dwarfe hearing him speak with so good a confidence looked earnestly on him that he might know him againe Then taking his leave of the Company he returned to Alminix where he staid but little before he carried an answer to the Queen how his Master accepted of the Combate but not said he this day for it is now late but to morrow by break of day upon Condition that you give him assurance of Christians as he will of his Campe. And as for you Knight of the true Crosse said he to Lisvart he sends word to you that to satisfie the desire which you have to fight he will bring with him a King of no lesse esteeme then was Armato And you shall finde him so good a Champion that he will put you to it for he is much greater in bodie then you are Now he called Lisvart by this name of the true Crosse because he had a red Crosse in his Sheild but Amadis knowing that he had another like that between his two teats he found this name so conformeable to his nature that he prayed him not to change it from thence forwards in such manner that for a long time after he was alwayes called so Lisvart then hearing the Dwarfe summon him to the Combate spake thus to him Dwarfe thy Master doth very much for me in giving me occasion to accompany the Queen in so good a business You may tell him that I accept of the Combate with him that he promiseth me and if he be great as you say men are not measured by the ell but by the good heart and courage So the Dwarfe stayed not any longer but tooke his leave of the Christian Lords to returne to Alminix and the other Kings who had sent him whom he found embalming the dead bodies of Armato and Grifflant to send them into their Countries waiting a better opportunitie to performe their furnerals but so soone as they heard the report of the Dwarfe they were extreame joyfull especially the King of the Giant Island father to Gradafilea who was he against whom the Knight of the true Crosse had to doe and he had enterprized the Combate in hopes to vanquish him and make him publikely confess the manner of his deliverance for which cause Gradafilea was very sad for she loved Lisvart more then her owne selfe and knowing the Prowesse of her Father she thought it impossiible that he would withstand him so that she did continually thinke how she might breake this enterprize Once she remembred her selfe that Lisvart owed her one gift and that it was best to pray him to defer the Combate Then againe she considered that for so small a request he would remaine quit to her and she should remaine out of hopes to have his love Thus she could not tell what to doe but she thought at the furthest if her father should
vanquish him then she would beg his life and so he would be more obliged to her then before and in this resolution she slept untill the next morning when things happened as you shall heare CHAP. XXV Of the Combate that was between the Knight of the true Cross and the King of the Giant Island the Queene Pintiquinestra and Almirix of Liquea Captaine of the Pagans Army and of the discourse which Gradafilea had with Lisvart about the saving of her Father THe night which putteth every thing to silence gave some rest to those who were to fight but soon as the day came on after the Knight of the true Cross had heard Mass he went to Arme himselfe in the Tent of Amadis where was already arived the Queene Pintiquinestra And as his Armor was putting on his back Alquefa entred the Tent who had been sent by the Ladies of Constantinople to know at what houre they would enter the field and spake thus to him in his eare Sir Knight I am sure that Madam Onolorea will soon hear of this fight and therefore carry your self well that you may gain honour and not lose your love and life together This troubled the Knight of the true Cross so much that he could not speake one word And Amadis prayed Alquefa to returne into the Town to bid the Ladies get on the walls for they would presently enter the field Pintiquinestra was then ready to m●unt on horse-back but she complained for want of a good sword Madam said Amadis I have one which I have conquered and tried in many good places therefore I pray let it serve your necessity and I would not present it to you but that I esteeme you as my second self Sir said she I would not take it but that I will deliver it to morrow safe and sound with many thanks So Amadis girded it on her and soon after she and the Knight of the true Cross went out of the Tent and their horses at the entrance whereon they mounted accompanied with many valiant men as Amadis that served the Queene that day as a Squire carrying for her to the place of the Combate a shield and Lance and Calafea her Helmet The Emperor of Trebisond and Constantinople did the like for Lisvart and because they found within the List Almiries of Liquea and the King of the Giant Island waiting for them they made no long Ceremonies before they began the Combate These Pagan Princes were armed with black Armes for grief of Armato and the King of the Giant Island had a large shield whereon was portracted two wounded Giants dead and he did seem by his countenance to be a very valiant man The Trumpets soon began to found and the Knight of the true Cross and the King of the Giant Island came against one another and the King of the Giant Island was cast from his horse and the Knight of the true Cross had had the like fortune if he had not gotten hold of his horses maine On the other side the Queene Pintiquinestra and Almirix were not the meane time idle although their fortune differed from the others for they broke their Lances and neither of them was moved out of their saddle to the wonder of the beholders In the mean time Lisvart turned his bridle and seeing his enemy on his feet he left his horse also then there began a most cruell conflict and they charged one another so fiercely that they were often forced to kneel on the ground Thus they spared one another so little that the field was in many places dyed with their blood and with the pieces of the Harnesses when the King retiring on one side spake thus to his enemy I think sir Knight that the day is long enough for us to end our controversie I pray you therefore let us take breath a little Lisvart had not forgotten what was said to him of Onolorea and therefore he would not make any answer but redoubling his blows he gave the spectators to understand that his strength was redoubled Yet his enemy was not a jot astonished but like a wise and hardy Champion he defended himselfe and assailed his enemy The Queene Pintiquinestra used her utmost to gain the Victory her sword was so good that she gave never a blow to Almirix that did not cut to the quick Wherefore he was so angred that he struck her such a blow that she was forced to step backwards but she soon revenged her self for she struck him so right between the Helmet and the shoulders that his soul presently departed and left his body dead in the place When she had done thus she retired under the shadow of a tree to see what would happen to the King of the Giant Island and the Knight of the true Cross who were then striving to throw one another down Gradafilea was very joyfull to see the great prowess of the Knight of the true Cross whom she loved with all her soul One thing troubled her which was to think that the death of the one or the other would be grievous to her the one being her Father and the other her Lover The blood which the King of the Giant Island did continually lose from his wounds did make him very feeble as it was well known by all the spectators Not long after the King of the Giant Island thinking to ward a blow retreated somewhat back-wards and in the going he fell down in such manner that every one supposed him to be dead wherefore the Knight of the true Cross went forwards and in all diligence set his foot on his neck and endeavoured to break the buckles of his Armour whereby he might cut off his head But he heard a voice crying continually Ah ah Lisvart Lisvart at this cry he looked about and saw the fair Gradafilea who being come to him cast her self at his feet and with tears in her eyes said thus Alas Knight if you are now so pittifull of me as I was of you when I delivered you out of Prison save the life of him that begat me and this is the boon which I desire of you as you promised me otherwise let us both die by your hands The Knight of the true Cross knew her very well wherefore leaving the King who was under him he went to take up Gradafilea who was on her knees and in taking her under the Arme he said By my faith Damsell the Obligation wherein I am indebted unto to you is so great and the power which you have over me is so much that the least messenger you could have sent had beed more then sufficient One thing I entreat of you that is that you and he go along with me and I assure you that you shall have as good entertainment as I can possible There was then come to them the Emperour of Constantinople and Trebisond Amadis Pintiquinestra and many other great Personages to hear the discourse between the Knight of the true Cross and the
furnished with men and necessary munitions then knowing it impregnable he called together all the Captaines to know how they stood affected to their Mistress and after he heard their accuser in generall he said unto them my friends the Moon now is old and the obscurity of he night very great arme your selves and bear upon your harness a white cloth by the which you may be known you have also in this Camp as I have heard a great number of Ladders very fit to mount the wall I will depart upon the ninth houre and will finde meanes to enter into the Town alone faile not so soon as you hear the rumor to come to the gates well prepared for I have an intention to make ready worke for the enemy and to hinder them from defending the walls and gates if you be diligent this advice was well liked by some and blamed by others nevertheless it was accepted and at the appointed houre the Knight of the Sphere tooke his armes and went afoot towards the town when he came to the Centinells they demanded who marched there friend said he goe I pray you and tell the Duke Bortni and his brother Alintes that I wonld speak with them about a business of concernment at this word one of them who went the round promised him to doe his message and a little after returned praying him to mount the wall for said the souldier the Duke hath commanded that the Gates shall not be opened well replied the Knight I shall obey his command and when he was entred into the Town some souldiers conducted him to the Palace and finding there Bortni and Alintes the Knight of the Sphere made them a great reverence friend said Bortni take off your helmet and speak to us in suretie sir replied he I will take it off if you please to command all withdraw themselves except you and your brother the Dukes Bortni and Alintes who suspected nothing commanded every one to withdraw which being done they said to the Knight of the Sphere now sir you may put off the helmet stay said the Knight I will tell you that you are Traitors having so said putting his hand to his sword gave such such a blow to Bortni that he cleft him to the shoulders which Alintes seeing was astonished escaping himselfe and began to crie aloud Arme Arme for we are betraied the Knight of the Sphere purposed to gaine the entrie of the Chamber and he himselfe gave the Alarum by the windowes to cause those of the City to forsake the walls that his men might scale them with more facility the rumour was incontinently dispersed every where and all ran towards the Palace thinking to take Perion and cut him in pieces but his men ascended entring into the town like an impetuous torrent killing all before them for the enemies pressed so to the Knight of the Sphere that he could not have long resisted if his men had not arived to his succour but they being come quickly freed him from danger making such havock of their enemies that they soon gained the town the Citie being thus taken they searched about for Alintes whom at last they found in the head of a small Hie who after some small bickering they subdued leaving him dead in the place the other forces seeing their Captaine slaine yielded themselves to Perion on condition that he would save their lives which he granted the Dutchesse having news of the surprisall of Vienna accompanied with a goodly traine of Knights Gentlemen and Ladies entred the Citie taking all those to mercie which had so unjustly bore armes against her the Dutchesse being thus possessed of her Right feasted every day him from whom she had receiv'd so exceeding a pleasure but for all that she could doe she could not detaine the Knight of the Sphere who deliberated to take leave of the Dutchess and if she would not counsell him to goe to depart secretly and as he had determined to put it in execution humbly intrearing the Dutchess that seeing now her businesse was concluded she would permit him to depart in quest of a kinsman of hers but she would not condescend doing all she could to honor Perion therefore according to his determination the new Knight after he took his armes mounting upon his horse took a by-path that he might not be found the Dutchess advertized of his departure was readie to die with griefe but one thing recomforted her feeling her selfe great with childe that though she had lost the father she might preserve the fruit At the end of nine moneths she was brought to bed of a son which she named Florelus who proved one of the b●st Knights in the world but because the subject of our History tendeth not to speak of him we will leave him till another time to declare unto you that which happened to the Solitary Knight CHAP. XXXVIII How upon the end of the year the Solitary Knight departed from the Coast and he after he had finished many strange adventures encountred the Knight of the Sphere with whom he had combate the one not knowing the other THe Solitary Knight having left Amadis as it hath been told you entred his Barque by which he was conducted through many strange Isles and during that year vanquished many Giants with a great number of Knights which we will not mention to avoid prolixitie the fifth day after his imbarquement he arived at a Port where he took land and taking his horse mounted upon him armed at all points to defend himselfe if he should be assailed riding along he went into a great Forest where finding two cross wayes he determined to take the most used but he had not rid long when he heard great lamentation proceed from a woman as he thought then taking that way as he thought from whence he heard the crie he espied a Damsell tied by the haire of the head to the branch of a tree and approaching more nigh he saw that it was Alquefa therefore putting his hand hastily to his sword he cut the branch then she knew him as he which had delivered her once before from the hands of Pirats and bending her knees to the ground to thank him she said Ah Knight succourer of all Damsells blessed be you and he which hath endowed you with so many graces who had brought you unto this condition answered he Alas sir said she a Rogue met me as I arived in the wood and because I would not obey his lust he used me as you see and tooke his way along this valley travelling toward the right hand God never help me said he if I doe not make him dearly pay for his great incivility and attend me I pray you sir Knight replies she there is not far off hence a Castle where I dined yesterday there I will stay for you if you please no said the Knight I will not goe thither before I have chastned this Knights insolencie having thus said he leapt upon
themselves up lightly and putting their hands to their swords said to the others Knights descend from your horses or we will kill them and for that cause alighting began between them foure such a combate that the two Damsells thought that they had never seen a more perilous and so they mainteined themselves one against the other a whole houre and more that it would have been a hard matter to judge who had the better of the Combate but in the end the Alman handled him with the white Armes so well that he began to wax feeble without making other resistance then to shun the bloud of his enemy and on the other side he with the black Armes knowing well that he had one of the best Knights in the world to deale with gave him so great a blow with his sword that made him put his hand to the ground to susteine himselfe at which the Solitary being very angrie recharged him so lively that in less then an houre the field was covered with pieces of his Harness and the grasse dyed red with his blood nevertheless he defended himselfe as he which was full of great Prowesse although he had left but one part of his Sheild with which he covered himselfe so well as he could then she saw easily that she had lost her Lover and that she could not be revenged of him despairing of remedie cast her selfe from her Palfrey to the ground and taking a truncheon of a Lance said aloud that every one heard her I have not pleased the Gods that I live after him which loved me better then himselfe and finishing these speeches cast her selfe upon the truncheon peirc●ng her stomack that she fell down dead at which the Solitary was astonished knowing his victorie certaine said to his enemy Knight what induced you to enterprize this Combate against me I did it said he to fulfill the will of the deceased Damsell to whom I promised to kill you or die in the attempt she is said the Solitary now with God or the Devill and by her decease you are acquitted of the Combate whereof I pray you for the esteeme which I have of you to tell me your name and although that he to whom he spake was in danger of death notwitstanding these speeches having instamed him so with revenge that he answered brandishing his sword By God I will first trie yet mutable fortune and rushing upon the other gave him two such blows that he felt himselfe greatly outraged at whose choller he marvelled and said to him how what by my head then you shall loose your life and oftending his armes if the sword had not turned in his hand he had killed him but it onely cut the laces of his Helmet so that it fell from his head Then knew the Solitary that it was his Unckle Florestan son of the King Sardinia Nevertheless he feigned not to know him saying Knight I will not that you hold your selfe vanquished seeing you have pursued your enterprise so much as the forces you are accompanied with would permit you Notwithstanding I desire you to tell your name Florestan who by reason of the loss of his blood was so much debilitated that he would hardly speak answered him truly Knight if I have contested more then I ought to have done thinking not to have found that in you which I had heard to be but now I finde it too true to my cost it is the courtesie you have used towards me not regarding the outrage I have done you I assure you I am son to the King Florestan and named as my father Sir said Lisvart I have many times heard speak of your great valour although I would never have beleeved it to be such but that I have tried it therefore I pray you let us remaine friends at the charge that I will serve you faithfully all my life Ah said Florestan is it of me you demand mercy and whilst that they held these gracious speeches Aleman threw the Knight with the white armes to the ground and taking off his Helmet thinking to kill him saved him for his Nephew Parmenir Aleman very sorrie to see him in that extremitie said unto him without making any semblance of knowing him that for the good Chivalrie which was in him he gave him his life amongst other discourses the Solitary demanded of Florestan who was the Knight with him replyed he it is my brother but I pray you who is that Knight that hath vanquished him he nameth himselfe replide the Solitary the Almaigne Knight and from Almane we ran together for companie then we mounted all foure on horseback and taking leave one of the other retired our selves Florestan and Parmenir to an adjoyning Castle where they were carefully healed of their wounds not with out much discourseing of the valour of the two Knights whom they had assailed but because it doth not appertaine to our History leave them and onely tell you that Florestan bore black armes because Griliana was married as hath been before recited which did not at all extenuate the affection which she had towards him for they loved as much as it was possible for any hoping if he lost the name of a husband he should recover that of a friend and for this cause bore in his sheild a divided hart as you have heard CHAP. XL. How the Solitary Knight and the Alman traversing the Forest with Alquefa the son to the Emperor of Rome sent to pray the Solitary to break a Lance with him for the love of Ladies LIsvart and Perion being separated from Florestan and Parmenir caused Alquefa to look to their wounds which she did so well that they did not hinder them from travelling so that at the end of the wood they met a traine of Knights and others that belonged to the Empresse of Rome and the King and Queen of Sardaigne who were then come to visit the King Amadis and Queene Oriana The Empress was conducted by a Knight armed with white armour and embelished with rich precious stones and a bright shining sheild with seven letters of B. After her King Florestan and Queen Sardinara marched and after them the other Ladie and Knights This Company marched very neere the Solitary and the Alman and the Knight in the white armes sent a Damsell to the Solitary to intreat him to doe him the honor to break one Lance with him for the love of Ladies it being the first day that he had borne armes since he had been Knighted to which message the Solitary returned answer that he did willingly accept of his offer if he or some others would lend him a Lance of which he was at that time unprovided Don Florestan King of Sardaigne soone sent him a Lance which he accepted of and therefore the Knight in the white armes being ready the Solitary gave spurs to his horse and the two Knights encountred together but at their meeting the Solitary lifted up his Lance and he in the white