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A39227 The harmony of the Gospels in the holy history of the humiliation and sufferings of Jesus Christ from his incarnation to his death and burial published by John Eliot ... Eliot, John, 1604-1690. 1678 (1678) Wing E512; ESTC W4384 172,517 138

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envy the high Priests had delivered him And Pilate used that word to the people the King of the Jews as an argument perswasive to the people as appears by his after arguing upon that point 2. Pilate contrived to give them their choyce of one but so as that they should be forced to chuse Jesus and so deliver him by their own act Pilate would have done them good but they would not The way that he contrived was to streighten them in their liberty of chusing among all the prisoners he would give them their choice but of two and they were Jesus and Barrabas Now this Barrabas was a Mutineer a Robber a Murderer Mar. 15.7 Luk. 23.19 Ioh. 18.40 But Jesus was an innocent person had done many good works among them only the Priests had a spight and envy against him and all this Pilate knew to be so Math. 27.18 Therefore the Jews being a religious people and willing to be accounted so to be will never chuse Barrabas before Jesus He thought verely to catch them in this Noose And if they should quarrel him for streightning their Liberty he would so delay the matter that the case should be forced to stop until after the Feast was over and by that time the●r envy might be cooled Surely this was a notable Dilemma 3. But the Iews brake this net and made nothing of it They neither regarded their own Religion nor the honour of God concerned in it Nor did they regard the innocency of Jesus nor the great good works that he had done among them and for them Nor did they regard the vileness of Barrabas nor his three horrible offences that he was guilty of These Considerations would have moved a Pagan to a better mind and Pilate a pagan thought so But they chose Barrabas before Jesus a choice that a pagan would not have made Yea not only so but they urged that Jesus might be crucified Though Pilate opposed them saying Why what evil hath he done Math. 27.23 Mark 15.14 Luk. 23.22 Quest How came it to pass that the Jews a religious people should make such a wicked choice that a pagan would not have done Answ See the reason of it Math. 27 20. The chief Priests and Elders perswaded the people to ask Barrabas and destroy Iesus So Mark 15.11 They that led them caused them to erre Isai 3.9 9.16 30.28 Ier. 23.13 33 The world is too full of such sad examples Thus we see the effect of the policy of Pilate it did more hurt then good it drew the people into a most odious sin it layes the Jews under ignominy and disgrace unto this day in the eyes of all the world that hear of it A 2d device shall I call it or rather a prudent means Pilate used to qualifie and divert their minds viz. upon the point of their Religion though it was not his Religion as thus he argueth all men know that you Jews expect a Messiah a Christ a King to be your Saviour and deliverer behold he is come this is he and will you crucifie and kill him and would you have me to crucifie your King Vnto this arguing of Pilate they return a sad answer 1. They renounce Jesus Christ to be their King and Saviour 2. They acknowledge no King but Cesar Joh. 19.15 the chief Priest answered we have no King but Cesar thus they renounce Iesus Christ yea and the government of God and put themselves under the government of the world Act. 3.13 14 15 16. The God of Abraham the God of Isaac and of Jacob the God of our Fathers hath glorified his Son Iesus whom ye delivered up and denyed him in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him goe but ye denyed the holy one and the just and desired a Murtherer to be granted unto you and killed the Prince of life whom God hath raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses Yea further they retort and reflect the Argument upon Pilate Ioh. 19.12 If you refuse him you are no friend to Cesar he that maketh himself to be a King is against Cesar he is the only King in the World Thus Pilate got a sad blow which wounded his very heart and wrought a sad effect and change in him for this very Argument brought Pilate about to condemn Jesus They argued if you dismiss him upon this point that he is the King of the Jews you are a Jew and an Enemy to Cesar as we that oppose you ar● Romans and friends to Cesar Thus we see what ill success Pilate had in all the pains he took to deliver Jesus Christ out of their hands So much for the sixth act of Pilate in this sad Court the seventh act followeth wherein finally he yieldeth to the chief Priests and Jews to condemn Jesus Ioh. 19.13 14. part of it when Pilate therefore heard that saying if thou let him go thou art no friend to Cesar he brought Iesus forth and sate down in the Iudgement seat in a place that is called the pavement but in the Hebrew Gabatha And it was the preparation of the Passover and about the sixth hour First Here we must first consider the causes that moved Pilate to yield unto the high Priest and Jews 1. They struck him on the right vein for their purpose and when they pleaded him to be no friend to Cesar if he released Jesus Ioh. 19.12 he could not indure the impeachment of that Argument he had rather offend God and Conscience or any thing then to offend Cesar he must claw and curry favour with the Emperour he could not bear with the breath of that Sentence he is no friend to Cesar and therefore when he heard that saying it turned his wheel he yielded ver 13. 2. He yielded to please and content the people Mark 15.15 Pilate willing to content the people released Barrabas and delivered Iesus to them c. 3. He yielded to please the high Priest and people too Luk. 23.23 and the voices of them and of the chief Priests prevailed 4. He yielded to prevent a tumult which his delayes and their haste hurryed them unto Math. 27.24 When Pilate saw he could prevail nothing but rather a tumult was made c. these are the causes expressed that brought about pilate especially the first 2. Here is noted the place where he passed that black Sentence not in the Roman judgement-Hall but in the Jews judgement-Hall a Romane Judge in the Jews judgement-Hall to shew their absolute subjection to the Romane Yoke and that voluntarily The SCEPTER was departed from Iudah by their own voluntary choice and to shew the concurrence both of Jews and Gentiles in the condemning and crucifying of Jesus Christ 3. The time of this act was about the beginning of the sixth hour the exact time of the preparation of the Passover Lamb that is near noon Then began the preparation to kill the pascal lamb And little did Pilate think or the Iews regard that
to delay Herod from stirring in this matter for about six weeks time whereby opportunity was given to Joseph and Mary to perform all that the law required For it behoved Jesus Christ to fulfill all righteousness and perfectly to observe the law of God and he did so But this is to be observed also how the active and passive obedience of Jesus Christ are complicated together and though these actions were the fulfilling of Ceremonial Laws yet they were acts of moral obedience to the first and second Commandments When our Lord Jesus Christ was publickly dedicated to God in the Temple it is like thousands of people were present and those famous Testimonies touching this Child by those holy and reverend persons Simeon and Anna rang among the people and were greatly spoken off and magnified which would soon come to Herods Ear either by his spyes which Tyrants use to have abroad especially at such publick Assemblies or by the same thereof that would sound loud among the people This News would gaster him Now he presently layes out to apprehend that child but behold admire how the wisdom of God prevented him that night Math. 2.13 14. behold an Angel of the Lord appeared in a dream unto Joseph saying arise take the young child and his Mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him when he arose he took the young child his mother by night departed into Egypt Next morning early no doubt Herod s●nt to seek for the child that was yesterday dedicated to God of whom such divine Oracles were publickly delivered But neither Parents nor Child could be found no doubt he would send to Bethlehem all places thereabout but they could not be found Then would he send for the wise men of the East whom he had sent unto Bethlehem and there they sound tydings that those wise men had found a young child born in a stable and laid in a manger instead of a Cradle that they worshipped him and offered gifts unto him of gold Frankincense and Myrrh which when they had done they departed home unto their own Country When Herod heard this he swelled with rage extreamly what have they mocked me thus have they disappointed me of my designe we may well conceive that all these disappointments in a matter of so great importance would blow up the Tyrant into an horrible rage Carnal Polititians have seldome patience to bear such disappointments now his cruel heart would put him upon his first conceived plot when he privily enquired how long the Star had appeared in the East Mat. 2.16 then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding wroth and sent forth and slew all the Children that were in Bethlehem and in all the Coal's thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men this sheweth he stayed not long before he fell upon this persecution The lamentation which this cruel slaughter raised is best set forth by the Scripture Mathew shewing that it was a fulfilling of the Prophesy long ago written by Jeremiah Math 2.17 18. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the Prophet saying in Ramah was there a voice heard lamentation and weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her Children and would not be comforted because they were not How many hundreds if not thousands of these Innocent babes were martyred for the sake of Jesus Christ in that populous and prolifick Nation we cannot tell but we shall know at the day of Judgement when all these things shall be opened and judged by our Lord Jesus who was thus cruelly persecuted by Herod it was Jesus Christ that they struck at though the blow missed him and fell upon these innocent babes This flight of Joseph and Mary and the Child Jesus into Egypt is to be numbred among the great sufferings of Jesus Christ and was occasioned by a sore and bloody persecution he fled for his life when he fled from under Herods Jurisdiction he was forced to fly from the Communion of the Church from the Temple and publick worship of God which his Father David had experienced to be a very black cloud a bitter distress he fled to Egypt the place of Israels bondage sorrow and affliction Lo now Israel is in Egypt again he is an exile from the Church and fled into the world to save his life in this sad place and case he lived even so long as Herod lived after the birth of Jesus Christ which was about two years all which time Jesus Christ suffered in his person and he suffered in his Saints Isai 63.9 in all their afflictions he was afflicted when the innocent Infants were martyred for his sake he suffered with them when their Parents lamented when Rachel mourned would not be comforted he suffered with them when his Parents Joseph and Mary fled under the terrour of Herods persecution for their lives he suffered with them and not only in their flight but also in all the sufferings that followed he suffered with them Yea in all these sufferings he suffered more then any yea More then all his Saints suffered with whom he was a co-sufferer for he suffered as our Saviour Luk. 2.11 unto you is born a Saviour he was in that Office from his birth Isai 9.6 7. unto us a Son is born unto us a Son is given and the Government shall be on his shoulders and his Name ●hall be called wonderful Counsellour the mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince ●f peace c. behold all this is now in performing for the Child is born the Son of David is given to the Church and he is about his great and glorious work for the Redemption of Israel he is no sooner born but he is a sufferer he is born in the Office of a Saviour all his works and sufferings are Effects of his Office when he ●●lfilled the Law he did it as a publick person our Saviour our second Adam when ●e suffered he suff●red as a publick person fulfilling the penalty of the Law The ●econd Adam su●●ering for the first Adam and for all the Elect of God who were ●ommitted to his charge to deliver them All the obedience of this person both ●ctive and passive are pure perfect and meritorious The sufferings of this Child ●esus are not so much to be attended as they proceed from Herod who was jea●●us of loosing his Kingdome over Judea and opposed him only upon that account But the suff●rings of Jesus Christ who ever was the Instrument ther●of are upon an higher account viz. to satisfie vindictive justice according to the Covenant that pa●sed betwixt the Father and the Son in the behalf of Adam and his Elect Seed This is the internal and spiritual Character of all the sufferings of Jesus Christ even from his first Incarnarion and from his
be of any service and help to the faith of the Saints I shall rejoyce in such a blessed fruit I know that it is a very useful point the Lord make it fruitful In this work some considerations are necessary to be premised The sufferings of Jesus Christ are a wonderful part of the deep counsels of God touching man Gods great design is to glorifie himself chiefly in those great Attributes of his ustice and mercy and to glorify Jesus Christ to be the great Agent to bring all the glory thereof unto God according to the holy Covenant and agreement betwixt the Father and the Son Joh. 17.6 c To that end he purposed to make the whole mass of mankind to glorifie his justice an high and honourable service for a creature to perform And he purposed and chose out a certain number a scattering out of mankind in all Ages to be vessels of merc● in whom he would glorifie his free grace and mercy and all this by and through Jesus Christ Eph. 1.4 5 6. according as he hath chosen us in him before the Foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated us unto the Adoption of children by Jesus Christ unto himself according to the good pleasure of his wil to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved Hence Gods Elect were in Christ before they were in Adam When God executed his decrees he made man in his own image and likeness a blessed estate gave him an holy just and good law and power to perform it brought him under an holy and just covenant with incouragement and promise of immutable and eternal glory upon his keeping of it Gal. 3.12 Doe and live set him in the highest dignity of his creatures to be Lord over the works of Gods own hands in this low world gave him power to act by free choyce of his will and thereby to act meritoriously ●n high dignity fenced him from offending and miscariage by a just and severe threatning G●n 2.17 in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dy thus was mankind made to glorifie justice and be eternally happy in so doing in this state man had but one thing to doe to obtain happiness viz. to keep Gods law and covenant to which he was fully accomplished with sufficient ability assistance and incouragement but he fell short of the glory of God Rom. 3 23. and by the Devils temptation sought out many inventions Eccles 7.29 and fell into his great apostacy he overthrew Gods great design of glorif●ing Gods rewarding justice and fell under the condemnation of the law and fell into the hands of Gods vindictive ju●tice and all this he did before he had performed Gods Law covenant and command He deserved to die before he had deserved to live so that now man hath two great works to doe before he can attain to happiness viz. 1. It is still incumbent on man to keep the holy Law and covenant of God and 2dly Now it is incumbent on man to satisfie Gods vindictive justice by suffering the penalty of the Law neither of which is man able to perform nor any creature for him so that his Redemption ceaseth for ever Psal 49.8 he is eternally condemned under the just sentence of the Law and vindictive justice of God a dreadfull Catastro●he and overthrow Now Jesus Christ steppeth in according to the holy cove●ant and agreement betwixt the Father and th● Son Jesus Christ undertaketh for Gods Elect whom the Father hath chosen to b● vessels of M●rc● and given unto J●sus Christ for that end Joh. 17.6 Thine they were thou gav●st them to me Jesus C●ri●t undertakes to glorifie justice for them and also to shew mercy and free grace in their recovery Jesus Christ undertakes to perform for them and in their stead those two great works which they are never able to p●rform for themselves Jesus Christ undertakes as their surety to keep and fulfill the holy Law and covenant of works to obtain for them the reward of justice and also to su●fer for them and in their stead the penalty of the Law which is to d●e and thereb● to satisfie the vindictive justice of God And here is the ground of the nece●sit● of Jesus Christ his active and pa sive obedience in the sal●ation of Gods Elect b● making them vessels of mercy Jesus Chri●t his p●re perfect and meritorious Ob●dience to the Law for us is not enough to bring us to sal●ation Heb. 2.10 It b●cometh him in bringing many sons to glo●y to ma●● the Captain of our Salvation perfe●t through suffering thereby to satis ie the vindictive ju●tic● of God which is incumbent on us to doe and because we are not able to doe it our selves it is necessary that our Surety should doe it for us If Jesus Christ had only k●pt th● Law perfectly for us and thereby had been the perfecting end of th● Law for righteousn●ss Rom. 10.4 he had not been a competent surety for us because we are also l●able to the revenging punishing Sentence of the Law for our violation thereof therefore the Captain of our Salvation must be perfected by su ferings And if Jesus Christ had onl● suffered the penalty of the Law by dying for us h● had not perfected the Office of a Mediator because the Law was not yet f●l●illed and th● perfecting en● thereof attained Therefore it is necessary that our Medi●tor should be perfected in the accomplishment of both these parts of our Redemption A●d h●n●e when in the Sacrament of the Supper we commemorate and celebrate the sufferings and pa●sive obedience of Jesus Christ it comprehends also the celebration of the active obedience of Jesus Chri t even all that the Captain of our Sal●ation hath done for us for they are inseparable nor could Jes●s Chri●t ha●e been a competent satisfactory Sacrifice if he h●d not been a Lamb without spot Mat. 3.15 it becometh us to ful il all righteousness Jesus Christ is the second Adam 1 Cor. 15.45 and he came to redeem the first Adam who is an elect Vessel and saved b● Jesus C●rist and being his Surety he is bound to perform for him all that he was bound unto Now Adam was bound unto all active obedience to the Law which he never performed he was also bound to suffer the penalty of the Law which he brake therefore Jesus Christ undertaking to bring Adam to Salvation he must perform for him both active a●d passive obedience The active and passive obedience of Jesus Christ are so complicated together that they are inseparable every act of Jesus Christ his su fering hath active obedience in it he laid down his life when he was obedient to the death Joh. 10.18 Phil. 2.8 And every act of Jesus Christ his activ● ob●dience had suffering in it being darkened by his Humiliation under a po●r low afflicted estate in this world Phil. 2.6
the morning back again they go enquiring of all they meet seeking every where for him but no tydings could they hear of him That night they got back to Jerusalem and still can hear no tydings of him the longer they seek the greater their sorrows and less rest could they take that night a good pattern to all Parents diligently to look after their Children when they are missing and a great blame it is to such Parents as suffer their Children to go and come whether and when they will 6. Here see the time and place of their finding him on the third day of their seeking for him they enquired no doubt of all their friends and acquaintance in the City where they used to resort but could h●ar no tydings of him which still augmented their sorrow at last it came into their minds to go to the Temple and seek for him there it is much that they made that the last place of their enquiry for him But God had wise and holy ends in ordering and over-ruling their motions to be as they were when they came to the Temple they soon found him there the Temple was his Fathers house Joh. 2.16 and what place could they seek to find the Son in more likely then in his Fathers house there they find him And what employment did they find him about in his Fathers house They found him in the place of Education and Instruction of youth in the knowledge of the Scriptures and Religion a very meet place employment for a godly religious wise child and an eminent example to all youth to go of his own accord unto the Schools where he might learn Instruction in the knowledge of God and of the Scriptures It is far otherwise with too many of our youth who when they are missing must be sought for in Taverns Ordinaryes or such like places of sin vanity and profaneness 7. Here we see how the School Exercises were managed in training up of ●outh 1. They had Doctors Tutors or Teachers of the Scholars who had seats in the Schools on each side higher than the rest 2. At the bottom or foot of those seats of the Doctors there were lo●er seats for the Scholars hearers and learners hence it is said A t. 22.3 that Paul was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel where he was taught according to the perfect manner of the Law of the Fathers according to which pattern the meeting places of the Gospel Churches were ordered for Act. 4.37 the place for the Church Treasury to be brought unto was at the Apo●tles feet there the Deacons had their place who gathered the Contributions of the Church unto the Lords Treasury in the Church 3. The Doctors taught and examined their Schools by proposing such questions to them as they thought meet for their In●truction and unto these questions of the Doctors the Scholars were to make answer 4. In due time order the Scholars had leave liberty to propound questions to the Doctors unto which they gave answer for the Instruction of their Scholars 8. Here we see how Jesus behaved himself and managed his Fathers business among them in the Schools 1. When it was his turn in order to answer to the question proposed he answered the question with such understanding as made them to admire that word Prov. 24.26 was verified in him every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer and Prov. 20.15 the lips of knowledge are pretious jewels and Prov. 15.23 a man hath joy by the answer of his mouth and a word spoken in due season how good is it 2. When it was his turn to ask and propound questions he did propound such questions as did amaze them How they could or did answer them it is not said all that is said is Luk. 2.49 all that heard him were astonished at his under●tanding and answers it is a good point of understanding to ask a wise question In this place and in this employment his Parents found him 9. When the Exercise was ended for they did not they might not be so rude as to interrupt them his parents took him into their Company and when the season was fit they expostulated with him for sta●ing behind and putting them to so much sorrow pains and trouble To which he humbly with meekness answered that he was about his Fathers business he doth with gentle modesty check their check with an expostulation why did you give your selves so much trouble so sorrowfully to seek me did you not consider if you did not you might have considered that I must do my Fathers business viz. to perform the office and duty of a Mediator and this is one part of the work of the Office of a Prophet to raise up and train up of the Sons of Israel to be Prophets and to be Nazarets his Parents understood not his discourse but his mother did lay up his sayings in her heart and well she might for she knew that Joseph whom he called Father had no business for him to do in the Schools and she perfectly knew that he had no earthly Father God only was his Father and therefore it was Gods business that he w●● about I am loth to pass over this famous History without taking some notice of this great duty of our Generation work in training up of youth in Religion and learning to fit them for the service of God and the publick benefit of mankind both in Families Church and common-wealth all sorts and orders of men are bound to attend unto this great and necessary Generation work And we of New-England a●e more obliged to it then any other in some respects especially because it was one of the chief motives and ends of our designe in leaving of our native soile Relations callings friends and hopes for worldly Estates adventuring our all into the hands of Gods providence to pass over the vast C●ean into a wilderness a land not sowen to enjoy the liberties of Gods house and Ordinances and instituted worship for our selves and our posterity And to train up our Generarions under these enjoyments and improvements to be holy Churches of Jesus Christ trained up in his School for his service honour and praise which cannot be performed by any ordinary means save by Schools Though we have great cause to praise God for our Schools and the great blessing that all the Land doth enjoy thereby Yea and some returns we have made to our mother England of our Children trained up here in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Yet we have great cause especially of late years to abase our selves before the Lord for our great neglects and remissness in the p●rformance of our purposes and vows to God in this particular we doat upon our children and do not indure that due christian severit● to be exercised in their Education as the fallen Estate of mankind doth necessarily require and call for Pagan Rome and Greece will in some respects
thirty years old then he began to enter upon his publick Ministry beginning with Fa●●ing and Prayer temptation Luk. 3.23 with 41. c. and from that time forward to his d●ath all the Evangelists do give the history of his doings sufferings The course of his holy life from twelve years old to thirty is wholly covered in silence save what is said in these two Verses wherein there be six things spoken of him 1. He went down with them he had come up with them unto the Temple to attend the publick worship of God and now he returneth home again in his parents company It is a spiritual comfort to godly parents when they appear before God to say as Isai 8.18 Behold here am I and the children which the Lord hath given me And when the worship is finished the Parents and the Children return home together Good Children will refuse vain company vanities and play to keep company with their godly parents Godly youth will chiefly prize and rather chuse the desirable company of their good parents as being according to the commandment of God and the holy pattern that our Saviour Jesus Christ hath set us Once we see that he tarried behind them but we also see what a good Apology he had for it because he was about his heavenly Fathers business according to this instance was his and his Parents practise all his dayes From this time forward for eighteen years did they thus walk Order is comely in Gods eyes and becometh Gods House and Worship in such order did they constantly walk with God Hereby Jesus Christ did fullfill perfectly all the laws of God touching his orderly attendance unto the instituted worship of God Such a divine beauty and lustre was upon the reverent orderly and religious attendance of Jesus Christ upon the publick worship of God that it was an high honour to the Temple for him to appear in it and to worship God there Such an honour and glory as made this second Temple to excell the first Temple though in many other respects it was inferiour to it Hag. 2.7 9. The Desire of all Nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord of Host the glory of this latter house shall be greater then of the former saith the Lord of Hosts The holy obedience and worship of this glorious person did beautifie and illustrate the Temple and all the instituted worship of God which was there performed this Person brought more glory to the Temple then all the Ceremonyes of which he was the substance and they were but t●e shadows In all this period of the middle age of his life the Lord Jesus did fullfill the law of God with his pure perfect and meritorious obedience never was the Law of God so obeyed and fullfilled as it was by this glorious Person 2. He came to Nazaret the place of his education and Humiliation all his dayes untill he entred upon his publick Ministry He is after called the Branch in the Old Testament with reference to his habitation in this city which hath its name from that word and in the New-Testament he is called Jesus of Nazaret we see how exa●●ly careful the Lord was to fulfil the Scriptures for the con irmation of our Faith in him yea in minute and small matters as they ma● appear unto us Math. 5.17 think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfil Joh. 6.38 I come down from Heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me 3. He was subject unto his Parents the Greek is Emphatical in three words he was that is the habit bent way and set of his heart was to be subject to his Parents according to the fifth Commandment he perfectly fulfilled the fifth Command it was never so kept and fulfilled as he kept it his heart was unto his duty which he performed without any failure or swerving either in thought look gesture word or deed The second word is subjecting viz. alwayes and upon all occasions he acted subjection in all kinds and in all things he acted the perfect duty of a child without the least spot or stain The third word to them to both his Parents Father and mother according as order and the rule called for it In Childhood the child is oftenest in the mothers bosome in youth he is oftenest at Fathers hand in all cases he acted subjection and obedience perfectly they never pro●oked him for he had nothing in him was capable to be provoked when the Devil came to t●mpt he found nothing in him capable to entertain a temptation Joh. 14.30 much l●ss did his Parents ever provoke him nor did he ever provoke them they had in-dwelling sin in them though he had not and though they had he never provoked them nor drew out their corruption to act O what a sweet holy peaceable Family was that Family an heavenly Family no doubt he often stirred up and provoked his Parents to holiness virtue and all good works that they were capable to perform Math. 8.9 the Centurion doth rightly describe Family subjection I say to one goe and he goeth and to anoth●r come and he cometh to another do this and he doth it So did Jesus alwayes if his mother called him he came if she said goe he goeth when his Father said go with me to work at my calling for our living he went with him he wrought with him we read that his dotracters said Is not this the Carpenters Son Math. 13.55 others called him the Carpenter Mar. 6.3 this witnesseth his subjection and obedience to his Parents And also that he was not idle but he laboured in his Fathers calling and all this was pure and perfect obedience to the Law of God Reverence to parents is a part of subjection to them and therefore that also is comprehended in this word he was subject to them 4. He increased in wisdome the greek word doth signifie to profit and increase in knowlebge and learning by the use of those means which God hath appointed for mankind to get wisdome knowledge and learning by which are hearing reading conference meditation and stud● and watering them all with prayer That hearing is a sanctified means instituted by God to get wisdome see Rom. 10.17 Faith cometh by hearing that reading is an instituted sanctified means see Ioh. 5 39. search the Scriptures Jesus Christ often saith have you not read and how read you that conference is a sanctified means see Luk. 24.32 did not our hearts burn witbin us while he talked by the way that meditations and study are sanctified means 1 Tim 4.15 meditate on these things and that all these must be watered by prayer Iam. 1.5 If any lack wisdome let him ask it of God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given him Paul saith that he profited in the Iews Religion
saving that we may add that his holiness of Doctrine and life would be yea was an Eye-sore to the Scribes Pharisees and hipocrites and to such as adhered unto them This low condition is a part of the spotless punishment of the sin of man unto which Iesus Christ doth voluntarily submit himself Quest Wherein or in what respects was Jesus Christ like unto a worm for he describeth himself a worm is 1. Despicable 2. Vseless 3 None feareth it 4 None cares to defend it 5. Every one is bold to tread on it 6. They will be easily induced to destroy it 7. None fears revenge for destroying it 1. Jesus Christ his poverty did so vaile his glory that in all these and such like respects he was like a worm which cloud of obscurity was no small part of his humiliation and suffering for our sin he was despicable Psal 22.5 despised of the people Psal 119.141 I am small and despised Eccles 4.16 the poor mans wisdome is despised Isai 53.3 despised rejected of men but God did dearly accept him Math. 3.17 and 12.18 2. He was rendered hereby in the worlds eye useless they were exceeding populous and where it is so the poor worms are rather a burthen then of any use to their Generation though they be godly and wise Joh. 7.49 the poor people are cursed Act. 4 11. the stone set at nought by the builders but God made him the head of the Corner and desireable to redeem preserve and govern the world and especially the Church 3. None is afraid of a worm it cannot hurt us so none feared Jesus Christ Herod and his men of war set him at nought though there was the greatest cause in the world for Herod and his men of war to have feared the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev. 5.5 and to kiss the Son lest he be angry Psal 2.12 and tremble at the wrath of the Lamb Rev. 6 1● 16 17. and the Kings of the Earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief Captains and the mighty men and the bond man and every free man hid themselves in the Dens and in the Rocks of the mountains and said to the Rocks and mountains fall on us and hide us from the face of him that fitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand 4. None careth to defend such a poor useless creature as a worm is so no body cared to defend Jesus Christ and his cause Once Nicodemus spake a good word for Jesus Christ which had a present good effect but he was quipped for it Joh. 7 50.51 52 53. Jesus Christ complained Psal 22.11 there is none to help but God taketh care of this poor worm Isai 40.14 fear not thou worm Jacob. 5. Any one is bold to tread upon a worm to hurt and injure it so were the people bold to speak and do against Jesus Christ sometimes to stone him Ioh. 8.59 and 10.31 sometime to cast him down the clist of the Rocks Luk 4.28 29 30. but God preserved him from them 6. Every one is easily induced perswaded to destroy a worm So were th● people who a few dayes before had cried Hosanna to the Son of David easily perswaded by the Priests Scribes and Pharises to cry crucifie him and give us Barabbas 7. They fear no body to take vengeance for wrong done to a worm so were the Jews fearless of any vengeance to be inflicted upon them for the wrong and injury done unto Jesus Christ which made them bold to expose thems●lves and their posterity unto any such vengeance saying his blood be upon us and upon our Children And never was blood more sharply revenged and a curse more severely executed for they have been under that curse near seventeen hundred years and they are still under it to this day Quest But why did Jesus Christ take upon him such a low condition in this world why came he not a Prince in the external Royalty of his Father David Answ 1. Because this low stripped bereaved condition under the loss of th● dominion of man in this world is one part of the punishment due to the sin of man Gen. 3 23 24. and it is such a punishment as may be taken up and born with Innocency without any defilement of sin therefore Jesus Christ did willingly submit to the deepest stroke of that punishment for the satisfaction of Divine justice Isai 63.9 in all our sinless afflictions he was afflicted and Isai 53.4 he hath born our griefs was wounded for our transgressions the chastisement of our peace was upon him And this innocent punishment for our sin he suffered most purely perfectly and meritoriously unto the Infinite satisfaction of the vindictive Justice of God And thereby took out the sting of the curse from the like low condition that we may fall into and he bore it away from us Isai 53.5 6. 2. Jesus Christ came in this low condition to sanctifie a low condition in this world for his Saints the elect of God Seeing it was the purpose of God to carry the Church in this world through such a low condition 1 Cor. 1.26 27 28. Yet take this with these cautious 1. All the Church of Gods Elect are not so all are not in such a low condition though most are for the Text saith not many noble rich mighty but some such there alwayes are for the great support of the Church when Kings are nu●sing Fathers and Queens are nursing mothers to the Churches Isai 49.23 2 Again take this caution that this low condition of the Church shall not alwa●es be so for in the latter dayes Jesus Christ will more plentifully pour out p●●s ●rity grace which though it hath been more rarely dispenced hitherunto yet it seemeth to me that it shall be otherwise in the glorious times of the Church in this world as may be gathered out of the Prophesies of Isaiah from the sixty Chapter and so forward and from many other Scriptures 3. Jesus Christ came in a low condition in this world and carryeth his Elect many of them through this world in a low condition to exert and exercise Gods Sovereignty in defending his poor worms against the proud great world and sometimes in advancing his worm Jacob and David from the Shephards crook to the Scepter Luk. 1.48 he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaid this Sovereignty of God is highly celebrated 1 Sam. 2.4 ad 11. Job 5.15 16. and abundantly in the books both of the Scriptures and of the providences of God 4. Jesus Christ came in such a low condition to set us a pattern of exercising suffering graces which must be in this militant world or not at all for there will be no occasion in Heaven for the use of suffering grace when all tears shall be wiped away from our eyes 5. Jesus Christ came in such a low condition to
leave an occasion not a cause in the hand of Satan easily to prevail with the wicked Jews and Pagan Romans to be so bold as to put to death that innocent person Iesus Christ for the accomplishing of Gods Counsel Act. 2.23 for the salvation of man his low condition obscured his glory whom if they had known they would not have put to death the Lord of glory 1 Cor. 2.8 From all this we may see and learn that a poor low condition in this world is a sinless affliction which Iesus Christ hath sanctified to be wholsome and good for his Church in this life and giveth us opportunity of exerting and acting many graces of the Spirit and Iesus Christ hath a most tender care over all his poor worms Sect. 3. The Sufferings of Iesus Christ in the form of a Servant Phil. 2.7 and took upon Him the form of a Servant THis is an eminent part or branch of the Humiliation and sufferings of Iesus Christ a servant is the lowest order of mankind a servant is beneath a Son Luk 15.14 I am not worthy to be called thy Son make me as one of thy hired Servants it was a word of humiliation in the penitent prodigal but an unexpressible act of humiliation in Iesus Christ he came to be a Servant to his Father that ●e might have been if he had been an Earthly King King David counts it his honour to be a Servant of God Psal 116.16 O Lord truly I am thy Servant I am thy Servant But Iesus Christ took the form of a Servant among men There be degrees of a Servant beneath that condition which Iesus Christ condescended unto which he could not submit unto but as low as it was possible he condescended and that was to take the form of a Servant Sin hath stripped Adam of his dominion and brought him into bondage Iesus Christ condescended as low as it was possible without sin to bear as much of the punishment of sin as he could with Innocency and therefore took upon himself the form of a Servant to redeem man from his servitude and to bring us into the adoption of Sons a freedome of the Gospel Math. 20.28 the Son of came not to be ministred unto but to minister Gal. ● 4 5. God sent forth his Son made of a woman made under the Law to redeem them that were under the Law that they might receive the Adoption of Sons To open this point we must consider there be sundry kinds or degrees of Servants or Service 1. There is the ingenious Servant who in love and beneficence doth voluntarily make himself a servant to others that he might do them good The beneficent man is willing to be serviceable 1 Cor. 9.19 though I be free from all men yet have I made my self a Servant unto all that I might gain the more not the more mony but the more men the more Souls for he fi●hed for Souls Paul laboured to win and gain Souls in which Service he is an under-worker to Iesus Christ for all the doings and Sufferings of Iesus Chri t were to gain and save Souls Such a Servant Iesus Christ made himself Luk. 22.27 I am among you as one that serveth I take no state upon my self I only endeavour to do good This is a commanded Gospel duty Gal. 5.13 in love to serve each other though we are called to Liberty Thus walked the famous Thessalonians 1 Thes 1.3 your labour of love So did Jesus Christ yea he purposely did an act of Service Ioh. 13.4 the Service of a waiter at the Table and here behold Jesus Christ in the form of a Servant it was a point of civil entertainment in those dayes to wash their feet Luk. 7.38 the penitent woman washed the feet of Jesus Christ with her tears of repentance and ver 44. c see Jesus Christ his discourse upon it and Joh. 13.13 14 15 16. Christ ●is explication of that example of his doth teach that they that will be the Disciples of Jesus Christ must be willing Servants of each other in love yea we must be ready to do good to al especially to the houshold of Faith This is an honourable noble generous kind of Service and in this kind of Service the more serviceable any be the more honourable they be Math. 23.11 12 He that humbleth himself to be serviceable shall ●e most honourable Such a Servant Jesus Christ is and that in the most eminent way in the world for he dyed for his Enemies to do them good 2. There is the hired Servant when a Freeman is hired to do work for another and receiveth wages for his work of such Servants we read Math 20.1 c. they were hired for a day and at night the master paid them their wages Sometimes such Freemen are hired by the great and serve long in their work as Jacob did with Laban Gen. 29. and 30. and 31.7 Laban changed his wages ten times many kinds of Artificers ar● such servants to work for others and receive wages The Carpenters Trade is eminently so they build houses for others to dwell in and have their wages to live on Joseph the reputed Father of Jesus was a Carpenter and therefore wrought for his living with other men and lived on his wages Luk. 2.51 Jesus was subject to his Parents therefore he wrought with his Father at his Trade for so it is expressed Math. 13.55 and Mark 6.3 Jesus wrought with his Father if his Father took a bargain by the great Jesus would help him if his Father were hired by the day Jesus would help him And this is evidently the form of a Servant though he was free Thus he would do unless Synagogue worship or Temple worship called him away in that case both Father and Son would make use of their freedome and also to wait on the Lord in Family worship 3. There is a s rvice that a Nation may be obliged in by Conquest so all the Jews were Servants to the Romans And in that case though the children be free yet Jesus Christ did ●oluntaril● submit to pay the Tribute which they demand d Math. 17.26 27. and in this respect also Jesus Chri●● took the form of a Servant 4. T●●r● is a form of a Servant that children are under in their non-Age and yo● 〈…〉 are under Tutors and Governours Gal. ● 1 the h●ir so long as he 〈…〉 ●reth nothing from a Servant though he be Lo●d of all Apprentices are such Servants who are bound to their Masters to serve them for a set time to learn a Trade Prov. 22.6 Train up a Child in the way he should goe c. such a form of a Servant Jesus took not only he was subject to his Parents Who was able or fit to teach Jesus any thing he was able to teach the Doctors when he was a child Jesus Christ was a Tutor a Master to teach and train up his Disciples Joh. 13.13 Ye call me Master and
many things but he answered nothing And Pilate asked him again and said answerest thou nothing Behold how many things they witness against thee But Iesus yet answered nothing so that Pilate marvelled Luk. 23.2 3. And they began to accuse him saying we found this fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar saying that he himself is Christ a King And Pilate asked him saying Art thou the King of the Iews And be answered him and said Thou sayest it Joh. 18.28 29 30. Then led they Iesus from Caiphas unto the Hall of Iudgment and it was early and they themselves went not into the judgment-hall lest they should be defiled but that they might eat the Passeover Pilate then went out unto them and said What accusation bring you against this man They answered and said unto him if he were not a Malefactor we would not have delivered him up unto thee From what is recorded in these Texts laid together the following History is collected 1. The place where Pilate began this Court was in the Pretorium the Roman judgement Hall Joh. 18.2 there Iesus Christ was presented before Pilate as a condemned person in the Court such as it was a Council of the Iews and they desired Pilate to put him to death after the Roman manner by crucifying him and by the Roman power 2. Pilate told them that he could not justly condemn him to dy until he had heard his accusers face to face and his offences lawfully proved against him and thereof he called for his accusers and witnesses of his evil deeds 3. Answer was made that the Iews might not by their Law come that day into the Pretorium because it was the Feast of the Passover and the morrow was that Sabbath which fell to be in their Feast week and therefore it was an high day Ioh. 19.31 The Feast was to be celebrated seven dayes Exod. 12 15 18. in which week one day must of necessity be a Sabbath and to morrow is that Sabbath And therefore they intreated Pilate to put him to death as one that they had condemned It seems that they thought to catch Pilate by this means to trust them and be their Servant to condemn and execute him because they had condemned him without seeing and examining the cause why they did condemn him But Pilate would not do so a just judge must see the cause before he condemn the person to die a just judge will stand upon his own legs see by his own eyes 4. Pilate though a Pagan yet in prudence so far complyed with respect to their Religion which they proposed and pretended in this case and condescended to go out of the Pretorium into some open pbulick place where the Iews might appear before him all this see Ioh. 18.28 29. They went not into the Iudgement Hall least they should be defiled but that they might eat the Passover Pilate then went out unto them and said what accusation bring you against this man Thus Pilate disappointed them of that device whereby they thought to have brought him to have believed and obeyed them Ioh. 18.30 They said that if he were not a Malefactor we would not have delivered him to thee But Pilate would hear and see the cause himself before he would condemn him 5. Now the chief Priests and Elders who were his Judges before and had condemned him in their Council were his accusers and they accused him of many things both to vindicate themselves and their own act in condemning him and to vent their envy against Jesus Christ That they did thus accuse him of many things before Pilate we have it from Pilates own mouth Math. 27.13 And Mar. 15.4 Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee Luk●●●th in●●ance in three particular accusations Luk. 23.2 They began to accuse him saying We found this man perverting the Nation and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar saying that he himself is King Touching the first of these his Perverting the Nation Pilate did strictly examine it as appears Luk. 23.14 Pilate saith unto them Ye have brought this man unto me as one that perverteth the people and behold I have examined him before you and have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him 2. Touching his forbidding to pay tribute to Caesar nothing is said of it in his examination It is not unlike but that the answer of Jesus to that poynt heretofore was so famous that Pilate had heard of it viz. that asking for a Tribute penny he asked whose Image and superscription is on it they said Cesars then he said give unto Cesar that which belongeth unto Cesar and to God that which is Gods Touching the third point his being King of the Jews Pilate asked him art thou the King of the Iews to whom Jesus answered thou sayest it he denyed it not nor at this time so fully asserted it as he did afterwards as shall be seen in its time and place 6. Pilate having given full scope and liberty to his accusers to produce what they would or could against him and strictly examined all their allegations he now called upon the Prisoner to answer for himself But Jesus kept silence and answered not a word Math. 27.12 then Pilate urged him to answer saying hearest thou not how many things they accuse thee off ver 13. but still Iesus kept silence and answered not a word 7. Now Pilate falls to admiring and that exceedingly Math. 27.14 for Pilate saw plainly first that they had no proof of what they said against him Secondly that many things they said were frivolous and far from being capital offences if they had been proved Thirdly that they persecuted him out of envy Mark 15.10 he knew that the chief Priests had delivered him for envy and all this increased his admiration at his silence What are you willing to dye But alas neither his Pagan judge nor envious accusers were aware of what God the Father and the Son Iesus Christ were now transacting touching the great counsel of God for the Salvation of sinners For 1. Now Iesus Christ stood as our sponsor and surety to bear the imputation of our sins Iesus Christ now taught and confirmed the great point of the imputation of our sins unto him who was personally innocent as a Lamb but as our surety he is guilty of all some or other of his Elect were guilty of whatsoever they laid to his charge and God laid upon him the guilt of all our sins Isai 5 3 4 5 6. he was in this respect as being our Surety the guiltyest person in the world the guilt of all sin lay upon him and therefore he silently bore it 2. Iesus Christ was willing to bear all this imputation of sin and to dy for it Ioh. 10.17 I lay down my life that I may take it again no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of my self Pilate saw plainly how easily he might
As Jesus Christ hath taught us to forgive our Brother yea our enemies so he himself doth practice at this eminent time 2. He prayes the Father to forgive them which he could not have done unless he himself ●ad forgiven them for their offence was against both Father and son and therefore both must concur in the pardon 3. He urges the Father with a charitable and compassionate reason because alas they are in a Temptation and know not what they do 4. The Lord doth herein with divine wisdome distinguish viz that there be two sorts among his persecutors Some we have cause to fear did know what they did as appears Math. 21.38 this is the heir come let us kill him and the inheritance shall be ours Such as so acted are not within the compass of Iesus Christ his pardon and prayer But the generality of the people acted even as they were led 1 Cor. 12.2 and they did like those that followed Absolom in the simplicity of their hearts now such as those Jesus Christ doth pitty pardon and pray for The chief Priests Council did know or might have known that he was Christ the Son of the living God for besides all the proofs that he gave of it in his life and Ministry by doctrine and fulfilling Prophesies and abundance of miracles yet they raged against him and resolved to kill him and when they could find no cause against him they put him upon it to confess whether he was the Son of God or no he did plainly witness a good confession that he is the Messiah and for that confession only and for no other cause saving their own envy they did condemn him to dye and rested not till they had accomplished it These things being so it is hard for us to say that these are of the number of those that knew not what they did But the people for the most part were over perswaded by them in their ignorance acted Pilate also was ignorant of his Diety though he believed with an historical faith that he was the King of the Jews and had he known his Deity he would not have crucifyed him 1 Cor. 2.8 So that Jesus Christ hath opened a dore of pardon to his persecutors The Centurion that had the command of the watch that day and how many more God knows did that very day receive benefit of this pardon and prayer of Jesus Christ The second act of Jesus Christ upon the Cross he doth with tender love and care provide for his widow mother Joh. 19.25 26 27. Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus his mother and his mothers sister Mary the wife of Cleophas and Mary Magdalene When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the Disciple standing by whom he loved he saith unto his mother Woman behold thy Son Then saith he to the Disciple Behold thy mother And from that hour that Disciple took her unto his own home Where see 1. The title he giveth his mother woman which he was wont to do upon occasion formerly Ioh. 2.4 which he doth not shewing any strangeness or disregard of her grief whose heart was now pierced as with a sword but he did it 1. To take her heart off from all carnal confidence in her fleshly interest in Jesus Christ to put her to consider that her paps are more blessed by her interest of saith in Jesus Christ then in giving him suck Luk. 11.27.28 2. To instruct her and us that though there be use of natural Relations in this life yet it is not so in heaven Math. 22.30 We shall there be as the Angels are Spiritual weanings from creature confidences are no hurt unto or hindrances of right natural affections 2. He directs his mother to chuse an adopted son in his room who is now departing that he may be unto her in the stead of her natural Son to doe all offices of a Son unto her He saith to her Behold thy son intimating to her John that was standing by her 3. He instructeth and chargeth John to doe all offices of a good Son unto her saying to him Behold thy mother 4. This charge is set on because Jesus Christ did thus dignifie him out of special favour and love The Disciple whom be loved And therefore he might confide in him in committing such a trust and charge unto him 5. The effect of this act of Iesus Christ was from that hour he took her into his own Family which proveth that she was a widdow and had not a family of her own now her Son was gone When Ioseph died or what became of her after this nothing is said The third act of Iesus Christ upon the Cross he taketh a mercifull care of the penitent Thief Luk. 23.39 40 41 42 43. And one of the Malefactors which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be Christ save thy self and us But the other answering rebuked him saying dost thou not fear God seeing thou art in the same condemnaion And we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of our deeds but this man hath done nothing amiss And he said unto Iesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdome And Iesus said unto him verily I say unto thee To day shall thou be with me in Paradice Where see among the Mockers Revilers Railers against Iesus Christ on the cross one of the Theeves did as he heard others doe though he was hanging on his cross under the hand of justice and Execution Mathew and Mark impute this to both the Melefactors because what one in a company doth is in usual custome imputed to all unless they bear witness against it And whether at first or by the way both of them might be accessary we cannot say but Luke is particular in this history shewing that one of them was a true penitent Where 1. we see what his ill words are that are recorded viz. if thou be the Christ save thy self and us wherein he vents his unbelief and hardness of heart in way of reproach This he doth when he was dying yea a shamefull death and that justly yet so ill minded is he against Iesus Christ 2. His fellow thief rebuked him whereby he cleared himself from participation with him in his sin which silence in such a case doth involve men in In which Rebuke see 1. Dost thou not fear God The words of thy mouth shew that the fear of God is not in thine heart therefore speak not so wickedly 2. He giveth a reason of this Rebuke and exhortation because we are condemned to dye as he is we are in the same condemnation They are executing death upon us and dost thou now vent the vileness of thine heart against him that is dying with us 3. Here is the aggravation of this Reason 1. We are justly put to death our sin deserves it 2. This man whom you revile hath done nothing amiss he is unjustly condemned and will you add Revilings 3. This penitent thief maketh his believing
because though the punishment of loss was finished yet the ●●nishment of sense was still upon him to his death he cryed out under the weig●● o● it and it killed him 2. He beheld his Fathers face returned in favour to him who earst while had hid his face from him which drew out that dolefull complaint Lamasabachtbani but now his father smiled on him again 3. He doth breathe out his soul into his fathers bosome in that word Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit and so he obediently dyed Phil. 2.8 Obedient to the death even the death of the Cross The Lamb of God is slain the Sacrifice for sin is offered and accepted Isaac is sacrificed not only in Voto but Facto not only in will and purpose as Abraham and Isaac did but in real performance This hath God the Father and God the Son performed for our sakes to redeem and save us Admire Admire Admire unto all eternity admire CAP. XV. Of the admirable works of God which accompanied the Death of Jesus his reverent burial and of his sufferings after he was dead buried If the Reader please to turn to and read these Texts of Scripture he shall find many admirable works of God that accompanied the death of Jesus Christ Math 27.51 ad finem Mark 15.38 ad finem Luke 23.47 ad finem John 19.31 ad finem The admirable works of God that accompanied the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ are these 1. An Earthquake mentioned only by Mathew 2. The Vail of the Temple rent from top to bottome Math. Mark 3. The rocks rent Math. 4. The Graves viz. that were in the rocks broken open many Bodyes of Saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after the resurrection of Christ and went into the holy city and appeared to many Math. 5. The Sun brightned suddenly at the ninth hour about the time when Iesus Christ dyed Math. Mar. Luk. 6. The death of Jesus Christ being sooner then Pilate and the Jews looked for and afore the Theeves it prevented that part of the Romish and Jewish cruelty which was intended in breaking his legs yet they pierced his side with a spear and there came forth bloud and water Ioh. 19.31 ad 38. 7. The Centurion that had charge of the watch that day was converted Mat. Mar. Luke 8. Many more of those upon the Watch and of the Spectators were convinced if not converted Math. Luke 1. Touching the Earthquake God hath made two great changes of Ecclesiastical Polity since the beginning of the world and both of them have been expresly accompanied with Earthquakes When the Lord laid by the ancient Paternal Goverment and erected the Polity of Moses in the national Church of Israel God appeared with terrible Earthquakes Exod. 19. And now the Lord being about to lay aside the Mosaical Polity and erect the Gospel Polity of the Ecclesiastical Kingdome of Jesus Christ it is accompanied with Earthquakes 2. The vail of the Temple was rent from top to bottom probably it was effected by he Earthquake and the accomplishment of the Prophesy which the Apostle maketh mention of Heb. 12.26 27 28 29. whose voice then shook the Earth but now he ●ath promised saying yet once more I shake not Earth only but also Heaven And this word yet once more signifyeth the removing of those things that are shaken as of things ●hat are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain c. The Prophecy which the Apostle quoteth is Hag. 2.6 7. which is eminently fulfilled by God lay●ng aside the Tabernacle and Temple worship which were the works of mens ●ands by the Commandment of the Lord and in their stead instituting the Souls of believers to be his Temple and his visible Church to be built of such materials who are living stones laid and built upon the Rock of Ages even Jesus Christ by ●ith and in the Communion of such a spiritual Temple hath the Lord erected ●is Gospel polity By this rending of the Vail Christ hath opened Heaven for ●ll that will come unto him Gentiles as well as Jews Eph. 2.14 he is our peace ●ho hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of Partition between us ●iz the wall of Partition between the Court of Gentiles and of the Jews The ●postle probably would not say he hath rent the vail because he would not pro●oke the Jews but it is the same thing that he here speaketh 3. The Rocks rent 4. the graves were opened These works of God do ascribe unto Christ the power of the Resurrection and the removing ●l impediments either of his own Resurrection or of the Resurrection of all mankind Joh. 5.25 28 29. verily verily the hour is coming and now is that the dead shall ●ear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live ver 28. marvail not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the Resurrection of damnation 5. The Sun did suddenly perceptibly brighten about the ninth hour which was the time of the death of our Lord Jesus which manifesteth that this darkness was not an effect of any natural causes but of the divine power of God And tendeth much to the confirmation of the apprehension of such Reverend Divines as think that the darkening of the Sun was a sign of Gods hiding his face from Jesus Christ in his spiritual desertion through his Agony upon the Cross which Agony being finished the Sun brightned and Gods face of favourable acceptation turned unto him and then he breathed out his Soul into his Fathers bosome 6. The timous and speedy death of Jesus by the wonderful and merciful providence of God prevented that Roman and Jewish cruelty in breaking his legs That he dyed sooner then they looked for or then malefactors were wont to dy or then the Theevs did appeareth evidently because Pilate marvailed and would not believe Ioseph who begged his dead body until he called the Centurion that had charge of the watch and he affirmed that he was dead We see that the Romans used cruelty in putting malefactors to death by long tortures Math. 18.34 executors are called tormentors and when they desire to dispatch them they broke their legs to torture them to death by torturing their Limbs furthest from their heart when as a touch upon the head would presently finish their life but Christ escaped this by a divine hand The occasion that moved Pilate to command that they should be so killed and hastned to their death was the Jews request that their legs might be broken the reason which they proposed was because of the approach of the Sabbath and it was the time of their Passover feast God commanded in the institution of the Passover that a bone thereof should not be broken Exod.