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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20131 Strange histories, of kings, princes, dukes earles, lords, ladies, knights, and gentlemen With the great troubles and miseries of the Dutches of Suffolke. Verie pleasant either to bee read or sunge, and a most excellent warning for all estates. Deloney, Thomas, 1543?-1600. 1602 (1602) STC 6566; ESTC S105282 16,744 48

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with reuerence great and princely cheare And afterwarde conueyde they were vnto their friend Prince Cassemere A Sonne she had in Germanie Peregrine Bartue cald by name Surnamde the good Lord VVi●lobie of courage great and worthie fame Her Daughter young which with her went was afterward Countesse at Kent For when Queene Marie was deceast th●●utchesse home returnd againe Who ●as of sorrow quite releast by Queene Elizabethes happie raigne For whose life and prosperitie We may all pray continually FINIS How King Henry the second crowning his Sonne king of England in his owne lifetime was by him most grieuously vexed with warres whereby he went about to take his Fathers Crowne quite from him And how at his death he repented him thereof and asked his Father hartily forgiuenesse Cant. III. Or to the tune of Wygmors Galliard YOu parents whose affection fond vnto your children doth appeare Marke well the storie nowe in hand wherin you shall great matters here And learne by this which shal be tolde to holde your children still in awe Least otherwise they prooue too bolde and set not by your state a strawe King Henrie second of that name for verie loue that he did beare Vnto his sonne whose courteous fame did through the land his credite reare Did call the Prince vpon a day vnto the court in royall sort Attyred in most rich aray and there he made him Princely sport And afterward he tooke in hand for feare he should deceiued be To crowne him king of faire England while life possest his Maiestie What time the king in humble sort like to a subiect waited then Vpon his Sonne and by report swore vnto him his Noble-men And by this meanes in England now two kings at once together liue But lordly rule will not allow in partnership their daies to driue The Sonne therefore ambitiously doth seeke to pull his Father downe By bloudie warre and subtiltie to take from him his princely crowne Sith I am king thus did he say why should I not both rule and raigne My heart disdaines for to obay yea all or nothing will I gaine Hereon he raiseth armies great and drawes a number to his part His Fathers force downe right to beat and by his speare to pearce his hart In seuen set battles doth he fight against his louing Father deere To ouerthrow him in despight to win himselfe a kingdom cleere But naught at all could he preuaile his armie alwaies had the worst Such griefe did then his hart asaile he thought himselfe of God accurst And therefore falling wondrous sicke he humbly to his Father sent The worme of conscience did him pricke and his vile deedes he did lament Requiring that his noble grace would now forgiue all that was past And come to him in heauie case being at poynt to breath his last When this word came vnto our king the newes did make him wondrous woe And vnto vnto him he sent his Ring where he in person would not goe Commend me to my Sonne he said so sicke in bed as he doth lye And tell him I am well apaide to heare he doth for mercie crie The Lord forgiue his foule offence and I forgiue them all quoth he His euill with good I le recompence beare him this message now from me When that the Prince did see this ring he kissed it un ioyfull wise And for his faults his hands did wring while bitter-teares gusht from his eys Then to his Lords that stood him nye with feeble voyce then did he call Desiring them immediately to strip him from his garments all Take off from me these roabes so rich and lay me in a cloth of haire Quoth he my grieuous sinnes are such hell fires flame I greatly feare A hemp on halter then he tooke about his neck he put the same And with a grieuous pittious looke this speech vnto them did he frame You reuerend Bishops more and lesse pray for my soule to God on hye For like a theefe I do confesse I haue deserued for to dye And therefore by this halter heere I yeeld my selfe vnto you all A wretch vnworthie to appeere before my God celestiall Therefore within your hemptō bed all strewd w t ashes as it is Let me be laid when I am dead and draw me therevnto by this Yea by this halter strong and tough dragge foorth my carcasse to the same Yet is that couch not bad inough for my vile bodie wrapt in shame And when you see me lye along be powdered in ashes there Say there is he that did such wrong vnto his Father euerie where And with that word he breath'd his last wherefore according to his mind They drew him by the necke full fast vnto the place to him assignd And afterward in solemne sort at Roan in Fraunce buried was he Where many Princes did resort to his most royall obsequie ¶ The Imprisonment of Queene Elenor wife to King Henrie the second The Argument ¶ The imprisonment of Queene Elenor wife to King Henrje the second by whose meanes the Kings sonnes so vnnaturally rebelled agaīst their father And her lamentation being sixteene yeares in prison whom her sonne Richard when he came to be King relesed and how at her deliuerance she caused many prisoners to be set at libertie Cant. IIII Or come liue with me and be my loue Thrice wee is me vnhappy Queene thus to offend my princely Lord My foule offence too plaine is seene and of good people most abhord I doe confesse my fault it was these bloudie warres cam this to passe My iealous mind hath wrought my woe let all good Ladies shun mistrust My enuie wrought my ouerthrow and by my mallice most vniust My Sonnes did seeke their fathers life by bloudie warres and cruell strife What more vnkindnesse could be showne to any Prince of high renoune Then by his Queene and loue alone to stand in danger of his Crowne For this offence most worthily in dolefull prison doe I lye But that which most torments my mind and makes my grieuous heart complaine Is for to thinke that most vnkind I brought my selfe in such disdaine That now the king cannot abide I should be lodged by his side In dolefull prison I am cast debard of princely company The Kings good will quite haue I lost and purchast nought but infamy And neuer must I see him more whose absence griues my hart full sore Full sixteene winters haue I beene imprisoned in the dungeon deepe Whereby my ioyes are wasted cleane where my poore eys haue learnd to weepe And neuer since I could attaine his kingly loue to me againe Too much indeed I must confesse I did abuse his royall grace And by my great malitiousnesse his wrong I wrought in euerie place And thus his loue I turnde to hate which I repent but all too late Sweete Rosamond that was so faire out of her curious bower I brought A poysoned cup I gaue her there whereby her death was quickly wrought The which I did
with all despight because she was the Kings delight Thus often did the Queene lament as she in prison long did lie Her former deedes she did repent with many a watrie weeping eye But at the last this newes was spred the King was on a suddaine dead But when she heard this tydings tolde most bitterly she mourned then Her wofull heart she did vnfolde in sight of many Noble men And her sonne Richard being King from dolefull prison did he bring Who set her for to rule the land while to Ierusalem he went And while she had this charge in hand her care was great in gouernment And many a prisoner then in holde she set at large from yrons colde ¶ The lamentable death of King Iohn how he was poysoned in the Abbey at Swinsted by a false Fryer Cant. V. Or to the tune of Fortune A Trecherous deede forthwith I shall you tell Which on King Iohn vpon a sudden fell To Lincolneshire proceeding on his way At Swinestead Abby one whole night he lay There did the King oppose his welcome good But much deceit lyes vnder an Abbots hood There did the King himsel●e in safetie thinke But there the King receiued his latest drinke Great cheare they made vnto his royall grace While he remaind a guest within that place But while they smiled and laughed in his sight They wrought great treason shadowed with delight A flat faced Monke comes with a glosing tale To giue the King a cup of spiced ●le A deadliar or ●●ght was neuer offered man Yet this false Monke vnto the King began Which when the king without mistrust did see He tooke the Cup of him most courteously But while he held the poisoned Cup in hand Our noble king amazed much did stand For casting downe by chance his princely eye On pretious iewels which he had full nye He saw the colour of each pretious stone Most strangely turne and alter one by one Their Orient brighnesse to a pale dead hue Were changed quite the cause no person knew And such a sweat did ouerspread them all As stood like dew which on faire flowers fall And hereby was their pretious natures tride For precious stones foule poyson cannot bide But though our king beheld their colour pale Mistrusted not the poyson in the Ale For why the Monke the taste before him tooke Nor knew the king how ill he did it brooke And therefore he a hartie draught did take Which of his life a quicke dispatch did make Th' infectious drinke fumd vp into his head And through the veines into the heart it spred Distempering the pure vnspotted braine That doth in man his memorie maintaine Then felt the King an extreame grief to grow Through all his intrels being infected so Wherby he knew through anguish which he felt The Monks with him most traiterously had delt The grones he gaue did mak al men to wonder He cast as if his heart would split in sunder And still he cald while he thereon did thinke For that false Monke which brought y e deadly drinke And thē his Lords went searching round about In euerie place to find this Traytor out At length they found him dead as any stone Within a corner lying all alone For hauing tasted of that poysoned Cup Whereof our King the residue drunke vp The enuious Monk himself to death did bring That he thereby might kill our royall king But when the king with wonder hard thē tel The Monks dead body did with poyson swel Why then my Lords ful quickly now quoth he A breathlesse King you shall among you see Behold he said my vaines in peeces cracke A grieuous torment feele I in my backe And by this poyson deadly and accurst I feele my heart strings ready for to burst With that his eyes did turne within his head A pale dead colour through his face did spread And lying gasping with a cold faint breath The royall King was ouercome by death His mournful Lords which stood about him thē Withal their force and troopes of warlike men To Worcester the corpes they did conueye With Drumbe trumpet marching al y e waye And in the faire Cathedrall Church I find They buried him according to their mind Most pompiously best fitting for a king Who wer aplauded greatly for this thing FINIS Of the Imprisonment of King Edward the second The Argument ¶ The cruell imprisonment of King Edward the second at the Castle of Barkley the 22. of September 1327. Cant. Vj. Or who list to lead a Soldiers life WHen Isabell faire Englands Queene In wofull warres had victorious beene Our comely King her husband deere Subdued by strength as did appeare By her was sent to prison stronge for hauing done his countrie wrong In Barkly Castle cast was he denied of royall dignitie Where he was kept in wofull wise his Queene did him so much dispise There did he liue in wofull state such is a womans deadly hate When fickle fancie followes change and iustfull thoughts delight to range Lord Morcimer was so in minde the Kings sweete loue was cast behinde And none was knowne a greater foe vnto King Edward in his woe Then Isabell his crowned Queene as by the sequell shall be seene While he in prison poorely say a Parliament was helde straight way What time his foes apace did bring billes of complaint against the King So that the Nobles of the land when they the matter throughly scand Pronounced then these speeches plaine he was vnworthie for to raigne Therefore they made a flat decree he should forthwith deposed be And his Sonne Edward young of yeares was iudged by the Noble Peares Most meete to weare the princely Crowne his Father being thus pulde downe Which wordes when as the Queene did heare dissemblingly as did appeare She wept shee waild and wrong her handes before the Lordes whereas she stands Which when the Prince her Sonne did see he spoke these words most courteously My sweete Queene mother weepe not so thinke not your Sonne will seeke your woe Though English Lords chuse me there king my owne deere Father yet liuing Think not I will thereto consent except my Father be content And with good will his Crowne resigne and grant it freely to be mine Therefore Queene mother think no ill in me or them for their good will Then diuers Lords without delay went to the King whereas he lay Declaring how the matetr stood and how the Peeres did think it good To chuse his Sonne there King to bee if that he would thereto agree For to resigne the princely crowne and all his title of renowne If otherwise they told him plaine a stranger should the same attaine This dolefull tidings most vnkind did sore afflict king Edwards mind But when he saw no remedie he did vnto their wils agree And bitterly he did lament saying the Lord this plague had sent For his offence and vanitie which he would suffer patiently Beseeching all the Lords at last for to forgiue
STRANGE HISTORIES Of Kings Princes Dukes Earles Lords Ladies Knights and Gentlemen With the great troubles and miseries of the Dutches of Suffolke Verie pleasant either to bee read or sunge and a most excellent warning for all estates LONDON Printed by William Barley the assigne of T. M. and are to be sold at his shop in Gracious streete 1602. Cum Priuilegio THE TABLE Cant. I The Kentishmen with long tayles Cant. II. Of King Henrie the first and his children The Dutchesse of Suffolkes calamitie Cant. III. King Edward the second crowning his Sonne King of England Cant. IIII The Imprisonment of Queene Elenor Cant. V. The death of King Iohn poisoned by a Frier Cant VI. The Imprisonement of King Edward the second Cant. VII The murthering of King Edward the second being kild with a hot burning spit Cant VIII The banishment of the Lord Matreuers and Sir Thomas Gurney Cant IX The winning of the Yle of Man Cant X The rebellion of VVat Tilor and Iacke Straw A speech betweene Ladies being Shepheards on Salsburie plaine The valiant courage and policie of the Kentishmen with long tayles whereby they kept their ancient Lawes and Customes which William the Conquerer sought to take from them Cant. I. Or to the tune of Rogero WHen as the Duke of Normandie with glistering speare and shield Had entred into faire England and foild his foes in fielde On Christmas day in solemne sort then was he crowned heere By Albert Archbishop of Yorke with many a noble Peere Which being done he changed quite the customes of this land And punisht such as daily sought his statutes to withstand And many Citties he subdude faire London with the rest But Kent did still withstand his force which did his lawes detest To Douer then he tooke his way the Castle downe to fling Which ●ruiragus builded there the noble Brutaine king Which when the braue Arch-Bishop bolde of Canterburie knew The Abbot of ● Austines eke with all their gallant crue They set themselues in armour bright these mischiefes to preuent With all the yeomen braue and bold that wer in fruitfull Kent At Canterburie did they meete vpon a certaine day With sword and speare with bill and bowe and stopt the conquerers way Let vs not liue like bondmen poore to Frenchmen in their pride But keepe our ancient liberties what chance so ear betide And rather die in bloudie field in manlike courage prest Then to endure the seruile yoake which we so much detest Thus did the kentish Commons crie vnto their leaders still And so march foorth in warlike sort and stand at Swanscombe hill Where in the woods they hid themselues vnder the shadie greene Thereby to get them vantage good of all their foes vnseene And for the Conquerours comming there they priuily laid waite And thereby suddainely appald his loftie high conceipt For when they spied his approch in place as they did stand Then marched they to hem him in each on a bow in hand So that vnto the conquerers sight amazed as he stood They seemd to be a walking groue or els a mouing wood The shape of men he could not see the bowes did hide them so And now his hart with feare did quake to see a forrest goe Before behind and on each side as he did cast his eye He spide these woods with sober pace approch to him full nye But when the kentishmen had thus inclos'd the conquerer round Most suddenly they drew their swords and threw the bowes to ground There banners they displaid in sight there Trumpets sound a charge There ratling Drummes strickes vp alarme there troopes stretch out at large The Conquerour with all his traine were hereof fore agast And most in perill when he thought all perill had beene past Vnto the kentish men he sent the cause to vnderstand For what intent and for what cause they tooke this warre in hand To whom they made this short replye for libertie we fight And to enioy S. Edwards lawes the which we hold our right Then said the dreadfull conquerer you shall haue what you will Your ancient customes and your lawes so that you will be still And each thing els that you will craue with reason at my hand So you will but acknowledge me chiefe King of faire England The kentishmen agreed here on and laid their armes aside And by this meanes King Edwards lawes in Kent do still abide And in no place in England else those customes do remaine Which they by manly pollicie did of Duke William gaine FINIS ¶ How King Henry thé first had his children drowned in the sea as they came out of france Cant. II. Or to the tune of the Ladies daughter AFter our royall King had foild his foes in France And spent the pleasant spring his honor to aduance Into faire England he returnde with fame and victorie What time the subiects of his land receiued him ioyfully But at his home returne his children left he still In France for to soiourne to purchase learned skill Duke William with his brother deare Lord Richard was his name Which was the Earle of Chester then who thirsted after fame The Kings faire daughter eke the Ladie Marie bright With diners noble Peeres and manie a hardie Knight All those were left together there in pleasure and delight When that our King to England came after the bloodie fight But when faire Flora had drawne forth her treasure dri●t That winter colde and sad with hoarie head drewe nie Those Princes all with one consent prepared all things meete To passe the seas for faire England whose sight to them was sweet To England let vs hie thus euerie one did say For Christmas draweth nie no longer let vs stay But spend the merrie Christmas time within our Fathers court Where Ladie pleasure doth attend with manie a Princely sport To sea these Princes wene fulfilled with mirth and ioye But this their meriment did turne to deare annoy The Saylers and the shipmen all through foule excesse of wine Were so disguisde that at the sea They shewd themselues like swine The sterne no man could guide the master sleeping lay The saylers all beside went roelling euerie way So that the Ship at randle roode Vpon the foaming flood Whereby in pe●●ll of their liues the Princes alwayes stood Which made distilling teares from their faire eyes to fall Their heartes were fild with feares no helpe they had at all They wisht themselues vpon the land a thousand times and more And at the last they came in sight of Englands pleasant shore Then euery one began to turne their sighes to smiles There coulours pale and wan a cheerefull looke exciles The princely Lordes most louingly their Ladies do imbrace For now in England shall we be quoth they in little space Take comfort now they said behold the land at last Then be no more dismaid the worst is gone and past But while they did this ioyfull hope with comfort entertaine The goodly ship vpon