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A19932 Le primer report des cases & matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del Roy en Ireland. Collect et digest per Sr. Iohn Dauys Chiualer Atturney Generall del Roy en cest realme; Reports des cases & matters en ley, resolves & adjudges en les courts del roy en Ireland Davies, John, Sir, 1569-1626. 1615 (1615) STC 6361; ESTC S107361 165,355 220

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by degrees gott the very kingdomes themselues And so would hee doe at this day if the King would giue way to his iurisdiction In the time of King H. 3 the Pope conuerteth the whole profits of both realmes to his owne vse But what vse did the Pope make of this graunt and surrender of the Crowne vnto him what did hee gaine by it if our Kings retained the profits of their kingdomes to their owne vse Indeed wee doe not finde that the Feefarme of a thousand markes was euer payd but that it is all runn in arreare till this present day For the troth is the Court of Rome did scorne to accept so poore a reuenew as a thousand markes per annum out of two kingdomes But after the death of King Iohn during all the raigne of Henr 3 his Sonne the Pope did not claime a Se●gniory or a rent out of England and Ireland but did endeauour to conuert all the profits of both lands to his owne vse as if hee had beene ●●●sed of all in deme●ne For whosoeuer will read Matth. Paris his story of the time of King Henr. 3. will say these things spoken of before were but the beginnings of euils For the exactions and oppressions of the Court of Rome were so continnuall and intolerable as that poore Monke who liued in those times though otherwise hee adored the Pope doth call England Baalams asse loaden beaten and enforced to speake doth call the Court of Rome Charybdis and barathrum auaritiae the Popes Collectors Harpies and the Pope himselfe a stepfather and the Church of Rome a stepmother Hee sheweth that two third parts of the land being then in the hands of Churchmen the entier profits thereof were exported to enrich the Pope and the Court of Rome which was done for the most part by these two waies and meanes First by con●erring the best Ecclesiasticall benefices vppon Italians and other strangers 〈◊〉 entan that Court whose farmers and factors in England tooke the prosits turned them into money and returned the money to Rome Secondly by imposing continuall taxes and tallages worse then Irish ●uttings being sometimes the tenth sometimes the fifteenth sometimes the third sometimes the moytie of all the goods both of the Cleagie and Laytie vnder colour of maintaining the Popes holy warres against the Emperour and the Greeke Church who were then said to bee in rebellion against their Lady and mistresse the Church of Rome Besides for the speedy leuying and safe returne of these monyes the Pope had his Lumbards and other Italian Bankers and vsurers resident in London and other parts of the Realme who offered to lend and disburse the moneys taxed and returne the same by exchange to Rome taking such penall bands the forme whereof is set downe in Matth. Paris and such excessiue vsury as the poore religious houses were faine to sell their Chalices and Copes and the rest of the cleargie and la●ty had their backes bowed and their estates broken vnder the burthen Besides the Pope tooke for perquisits and casualties the goods of all clarkes that died intestate the goods of all vsurers and all goods giuen to charitable vses Moreouer he had a swarme of Friers the first corruptors of religion in England who perswaded the nobility and gentry to put on the signe of the Crosse and to vow themselues to the holy warres which they had no sooner done but they were againe perswaded to receaue dispensations of their vowes and to giue money for the same to the church of Rome I omitt diuers other policies then vsed by the Popes collectors to exhaust the wealth of the Realme which they affirmed they might take with as good a conscience as the Hebrewes tooke the Iewells of the Egiptians Breefely whereas the King had scarce meanes to maintaine his Ro●all famely they receaued out of England seuenty thousand pounds sterling at least yearely which amounteth to two hundred and ten thousand pounds sterling of the moneys currant at this day Besides they exported sixe thousand markes out of Ireland at one time which the Emperour Fredericke intercepted Lastly the King himselfe was so much deiected as at a Royall feast hee placed the Popes legate in his owne Chaire of Estate himselfe sitting on his right hand and the Bishop of Yorke on his left non sine multorum obliquantibus oculis saieth Matth. Paris Thus we see the effect of the Popes pretended iurisdiction within the dominions of the King of England Wee see to what calamity and seruitude it then reduced both the Prince and people Was it not therefore high time to meet and oppose those inconueniences Assuredly if King Edward 1. who was the Sonne and heire of He●r 3. had enherited the weaknes of his father and had not resisted this vsurpation and insolencie of the Court of Rome the Pope had beene proprietor of both these Ilands and there had beene no King of England at this day King Edw. 1. opposeth the Popes ●surpation But King Edward 1. may well be styled vindex Anglicae libertatis the Moses that deliuered his people from slauerie and oppression and as he was a braue and victorious Prince so was he the best P●ter patriae that euer raigned in England since the Norman Conquest till the Coronation of our gracious Soueraigne At the time of the death of his fathet hee was absent in the warre of the holy land being a principall commaunder of the Christian armie there so as he returned not before the second yeare of his raigne But he was no sooner returned and crowned but the first worke he did was to shake of the yoke of the Bishop of Rome For the Pope hauing then summoned a generall Counsell before he would licence his Bishops to repaire vnto it he tooke of them a solemne oath that they should not receaue the Popes blessing Againe the Pope forbidds the King to warre against Scotland the King regards not his prohibition he demaunds the first fruits of Ecclesiasticall liuings the King forbidds the payment thereof vnto him The Pope sendeth forth a generall Bull prohibiting the cleargie to pay subsidies or tributes to temporall Princes A tenth was graunted to the King in Parliament the cleargie refused to pay it the King seiseth their temporalties for their contempt and gott payment notwithstanding the Popes Bull. After this he made the statute of Mor●main whereby hee brake the Popes chiefe nett which within an age or two more would haue drawen to the Church all the temporall possessions of the kingdome c. Againe one of the Kings subiects brought a Bull of excōmunication against another the King cōmaundeth he should be executed as a traytor according to the auncient law But because that law had not of long time beene put in execution the Chauncellor Treasurer kneeld before the King and obtained grace for him so as he was onely banished out of the Realme And as he iudged it treason to bring in Bulls of excommunication so he held it
enfeoffe vn Fagan que enfeoffe Brien mac Owen lessor del plaintife Et est darrainement trove que Art Okieffe Eleanor sa feme deviont que apres lour mort Manus Okieffe enter enfeoffe Cahir O callaghan le defendant que enter eiect le lessee del Brien mac Owen sur tout cest matter les Irors priont l'advise del Court c. Sur que vn maine question surdoit viz. si le title del heire al common Ley que le defendant ad ou le title del Tanist que estate le lessor del plaintife ad serra preferre come cest Case est Et en le discussing de cest question 3. principall pointes fueront move argue 1 Si le dit custome de Tanistry soit voide ou nemi en luy mesme ou auterment abolish per le Introduction del common ley D'engleterre 2 Admitt que soit bon custome nient abolish per le common ley si soit discontinue destroy per le feoffment que create limitt estate taile en la terre solonque le course del common ley issint que ne serra reduce al course de Tanistry quant le estate taile est determine 3 Si Conoghor O callaghan que enter come Tanist apres le estate taile determine ad gaine melieur estate per son s●rrender al Roigne Elizabeth le regraunt fait aluy per letters patents 1 QUant al primer point fuit obiect per le Counsell del plaintife que le dit custome de Tanistry come est trove est bon per les rules del common Ley. Car 3. choses doent concurre pur fair bon custome Antiquity Continuance Reason Et est expressment trove que cest custome est auncient devant temps de memory continuall de temps dont memorie ne Court pur ceo si soit reasonable auxi ceo ad touts qualities de bon custome Et certes cest custome que done la terre al pluis eigne pluis digne home del sang surnosme del cesty que morust seisie est fort reasonable en cest Realme pur ceo que il poet mieux manure la terre defender ceo que vn enfant ou feme Et le continuance de terre en le sang surnosme est bon reason consideration de raiser vse Plow Comment fol. 305. Baintons case ou le dignitie del heire male est expresse en plusors Cases pur que cest custome ne fault reason pur defence de ceo Lit. libr. 1. fol. 17. a. mise cest rule cestascavoir que en divers Seignories divers Mannors sont plusors divers customes quant a prender Tenements quant a pleader quant al auters choses tout ceo que nest pas encounter reason poet bien estre admitt allowe Et coment que cest custome serroit repugnant al rule del common ley ceo ne prove ceo destre vnreasonable car les customes de Borough English de Gavelkinde sont contrarie al common ley en le point de discent de inheritance vncor sont approve come reasonable customes issint le custome del turning le plow sur headland d'un auter de drier nettes sur auter terre 21. Edw. 4. 50. 8. Edw. 4. 19. Issint que feffment ove garranty fait per temant en taile ne serra discontinuance ceo est contrary al rule del Ley vncor bon custome 30. Ass p. 47. Et plusors Cases fueront mise a cest entent Et sicome cest custome nest voide pur fault de reason issint nest voide pur fault de certenty Car la terre descendera al pluis eigne pluis digne le pluis eigne poet estre certeinment conus mes le pluis digne semble destre vncerteine car que serra Idge de ceo certes la Ley que est tout foites certeine infallible en sa Idgement Et la Ley dirra que le pluis eigne est le pluis digne cibien en cest Case come en auter Cases de cest nature Et pur ceo Litt. dit en le Case de 3. freres si le mulnes purchase terres morust saus issue le eigne frere avera la terre per discent pur ceo que le eigne est pluis digne de sang Et en le chapter de Remitter il dit lon home ad 2. titles a terres Tenements viz. vn plus auncient auter plus darraine la Ley adiudgera luy eins per force del pluis eigne title pur ceo que le pluis eigne title est le plus sure title le plus digne title vid. Plow Comment 259. a. Mes admitt que l'affirmatiue part del custome viz. que la terre descendera al pluis eigne pluis digne home c. serroit voide vncor le negatiue part del custome viz. que les files ne serront inveritable cest bon car sont plusors bon customes en le negatiue enconter les expresse Maximes rules del common ley Come que feme navera dower ou el ad receave part des deniers pur le sale del terre 20. Ed. 3. Br. customes 53. Et le custome en Kent que le Seignior navera terre per Elcheat The father to the bough and the sonne to the plowe Et le custome de que Kitchin parle fol. 149. b. que si home marrie widowe el navera dower Et donque si cest part del cu●●ome soit bon Idgemēt serra done encounter le defendant pur ceo que il derive son title del file que est heire generall al common Ley. Et cest custome nest abolish per l'Introduction del common ley pur divers reasons 1 Pur ceo que est reasonable custome agreeable al rules del common ley come devant est monstre sur cest reason est resolve 21. Eliz. Dier 363. que le custome de vill de Denbigh in Gales que vn feme covert ovesque sa Baron poet alien sa terre per surrender examination en Court la ceo liera la feme ses heires come fine nest toll per le statue de 27. Henr. 8. coment que cest act introduce le common ley en Gales come appiert per le title de ceo For lawes and Iustice to be ministred in Wales in like force as in the Realme of England 2 Com●nt que le Brehon ley que fuit le common ley del Irisbrie devant le Conquest soit abolish per establishment del common ley d'engleterre que fuit iustment fait solonque la ley del nations nient obstant que ceo fuit vn Christian kingdome come appiert en Caluins Case en le 7. part de les Reports de le Seignior Cooke 17. b. vncor les particular customes poent estoier come le custome de Gavelkinde in Kent auters customes en auter
vn commencement coment que le memorie del home ne extend aceo come le River Nilus ad vn fountaine coment que les Geographers ne poent trover ceo do et estre sur reasonable ground cause Car si fuit vnreasonable en ●'Originall nul vsage ou continuance poet faire ceo bon Quod ab initio non valuit tractu temporis non conualescet Mes pur distinguisher que est vnreasonable custome que nemi ceux differences sueront mise Chescun custome nest vnreasonable que est contrarie al particular rule ou Maxime del ●ositive ley Car consuetudo ex certa causa rationabili vsitata priuat communem legem Litt. 37. b. Come les customes de Gavelkinde Borough English sont encounter le Maxime de descent de inheritance 35. Henr. 6. 26. a. le custome de Kent The father to the bough the sonne to the plowe est encounter le Maxime des Escheates que lessee en taile entra nient obstant le feoffment de son pere ove garranty est encounter le Maxime de discontinuance Et issint plusors auters customes queux sont contrary al particular rules del ley sont vncore tenus adi●dge reasonable car poent aver reasonable commencement lou ne sont preiudiciall al commonweal ne al present interest del ascun particular person Uncore custome poet estre preiuoiciall al interest de particular person reasonable auxi lou est pur le beneff●t del commonweale in generall Come custome de fair Bulwarks sur terre d'vn auter pur le defense del Realme 36. Henr. 8. Dier 60. b. derazer measons in publico incendio 29. Henr. 8. Dier 36. b. Issint de turner le plow sur le headland d'un auter en favour de husbandry de drier netts sur terre d'un auter en favour de fishing maintenance de navigation 8. Edw. 4. 18. 21. E. 4. 28. Mes custome que est contrarie al publick bien que est le scope generall end de tous leyes Salus populi suprema lex ou in●urious preiudiciall al multitude beneficiall tantum al a●●nn particular person teil custome est repugnant al ley de reason que est desuis touts positive le●es pur c●o ne poet aver reasonable ou loyall commencement mes est void ab initio nul prescription de temps poet fair ceo bon Et pur ceo plusors customes queux ont estre adiudge void en nostre livers come esteant vnreasonable encounter common droit ou purement encounter ley si lour nature quality sont consider serront trove iniurious al multitude pr●iudiciall al commonwealth d'aver lour commencement pur le plus part pet oppression extortion des Seigniors graund homes 2. Henr. 4. 24. En replevin le defendāt avow que la terre ou c. est vn pree ou le plaintife do et aver common apres le fein fanche mes que est teil custome deius le Mannor que nul commoner mettra eins ses avers tantque le Seignior ad mist eins ses avers Et la Markham dit ceo est marvelous custome si le Seignior ne voet vn●ues metter eins ses avers les commoners perdront lour common Cest custome la fuit ad●●dge voyd ●ur ceo que ceo fuit iniurious al multitude de commoners beneficiall tantum al Seignior de la vill Issint per Littleton fol. 46. Custome que le Seignior avera fine de son franktenant pur mariage de sa file est tenus voyd custome que le Seignior del Mannor detaynera distresse pris sur les demeasnes tantque fine soit fait a luy pur le damage a sa volont est auxi voyd issint 3. Eliz. Dier 199. b. custume que le Seignior prendra pur harriot le beast d'estraunger le vant couchant sur la terre de Tenant Et 21. Henr. 40. custome que le Seignior del Mannor avera 3. l. pur poundbreach chescun estraunger Et 21. Henr. 7 20. custome que tenant serra amerce sil ne mist ses avers en le pound del Seignior Touts ceux customes coment que sont beneficiall al Seigniors en particular vncor pur ceo que sont preiudiciall al multitude de subiects ou al commonwealth en generall commenceont per tort v●u●pation ne●●… per voluntary consent del people pu● ceo sont adiudge vnreasonable voyd en ley 2 Custome do et estre certeine Car incerta pro nullis habentur Et consuetudo ex certa causa rationabili vsitata priuat communem legem La. 3. des essentiall qualities de bon custome sont expresse viz. Certenty reasonablenes vsage ou continuance 13. Edw. 3. Fi●z Dum fuit infra aetatem 3. Breefe de dum fuit infra aetatem fuit port vers enfant le Tenant pleade custome que quant enfant est de teil age que il poet counter xii d. ou measure vn Alne de Drape que son feoffment serra bon Cest custome est adiudge void pur l'incertenty 14. Edw. 3. Fitz Barr. 277. En trespas des arbers emportes le def pleade custome que cesty des Tenants del Mannor que primes vient al lieu ou c. avera touts windfalls la cest custome est voyd auxi pur l'incertenty Et la reason alleage la est que ceo ne gist en prescription que gist en volunt del home car la volunt del home est incerteine 42. Edw. 3. 46. en Rep. port per Priores de Shafton le def avow come bailife al vicount de Dorsett que prescribe de tener son turne en le liew ou c. Et d'aver de tertenant demi mark ou chivall come vn reward al chescun turne Cest prescription est tenus voyd pur l'incertenty Car est auxi dit la que ceo gist en le volunt del donor que est incer●em Et ouster ceo 2. reasons fueront mise pur que vncertein custome serroit void 1. pur ceo que vncertein chose ne poet estre continew de temps dont memory ne Court sans interruption 2. pur ceo que home ne poet prescriber en c●ose que ne puissoit al commencement estre b●en graunt 13. Hen● 7. 16. b. mes vncertein chose ne puissoit vnques estre vien graunt pur ceo prescription de vncertein chose est void anxi 3 Custome do et aver continuance sans interruption de temps d'ont memory ne Court c. Car si foit discontinue deins temps de memory le custome est ale come si Copy-hold soit lesse pur le Seignior del Mannor pur vie ou pur ans accordant al course de common ley ne serra iammais demise come Copihold accordant al custome apres 28. Henr. 8. Dier 30. b. Consuetudo semel reprobata non potest a●plius induci Car sicome continuance fait custome
vt filiis haeredibus c. Issint le pui●ne fitz en Burron of English est touts foits nosme heire Auxi le Tanist n'ad enheritance per succession en politique capacity pur ceo que nest encorporate per le common ley come person ou prebend c. Et sil n'ad forsque estate pur vie ceo ne poet discender Et issint il ad nul estate d'enheritance de que la ley poet prender notice pur consequence l'incertenty de son estate fait ceo voyd en ley TIercement fuit resolve que cest custome fuit interrupt destroy en cest terre quant Donogh mac Tieg execute estate taile de ceo solonque le course del common Ley. Car est difference ou custome courge ove le Seigniory ou ceo courge ove le Tenancy car ou custome courge ove le Tenancy ne serra destroy per conveiance secundum cursum communis legis come si fine soit levie de terre tenus en Gauelkind coment que soit vn quaere 6. Edw. 6. Dier 72. 6. Si le course d'enheritance soit alter fait descendable al heire al common ley vncor fuit agree per le Court icy que le custome ne fuit alter issint fuit t●nus de terre en Burrough English 2. Eliz. Dier 179. b. Mes cest terre en question est parcel des Demesnes del cheeftaine ou Seignior del Poblicallaghan Car les terres queux ●aont ove les cheefries tantsolement sont de Tenure Nature de Tanistry pur ceo est semble al Copyhold terre que est parcel des demesnes del Seignior si le Seignior execute estate de ceo accordant al course del common ley le custome est ale a touts iours Issint est del Homage Auncesirell que est per prescription continuance de Seigniory en sang del Seignior del Tenancy en sang del Tenant per vn alienation s●lement le Homage ancestrell est ale le garranty est destroy reprisall de mesme l'estate ne iammais reducera ceo Litt. 33. b. Auxi cest custome de Tanistry nest enherent en la terre come le custome de Gauelkind ou Burrough English mes est plustoft vn personall custome que va ove person de pluis eigne plus digne pur ceo quant la terre est vn foits convey al auter person viz. al heire al common ley cest custome est anient a touts iours 4 DArrainment cest custome de Tanistry serroit void envers le Roy come esteant preiudiciall al profitt prerogative del Roy. Car ou touts terres sont tenus mediatment ou immediament del Roy per cest custome le Roy perdroit tout le benefitt de son Seigniory paramount en cest terre que fuit quasi in manu mortua dont le Roy ne puissoit vnques aver ne wardship ne Es●heat ne ascun manner de service testi●●ant que il fuit Seignior de la terre Et Litt. 31. a. dit que serroit inconvenient encounter reason que ascun serra tenant al auter d'estate d'enheritance vncore le Seignior avera nul manner de service de luy Et pur cest reason le custome de Kent the father to the Bough the sonne to the plough extend forsque all felony toll l'escheat de common person solement mes ne extend al Treason ou le Roy avera l'escheat 22. Edw. 3. Fitz. praescr 40. issint prescription d'aver sanctuary pur Treason est void 1. Henr. 7. 23. Et pur ceo comment que teil Tanist navoit estate d'enheritance per le custome vncor sil ad estre attaint de treason le course d'Escheequer icy ad touts foits estre de seisier la terre come forfeit on'escheat al Corone nient obstant cest custome de Tanistry MEs admitt que cest custome n'ad estre void en luy mesme vncor l'introduction establishment del cōmō ley D'engleterre ad abolish ceo Car cest custome de Tanistry ●uit le common custome del terre d'Ireland devantle conquest generalment vse en touts les Irish countries en mesme le nature forme come est ●rove icy Et pur ceo covient de necessity estre abolish per l'establishment d'un auter generall ley en mesme le point Mes pur l'introduction del common ley D'engleterre en cest Realme d'Ireland est ascavoir que sicome cest Iland ne fuit pleinment conquer reduce al subiection de la Corone D'engleterre tout al vn temps mes ' per parcells en severall ages issint la common ley D'engleterre ne fuit communicate a touts les inhabitants simul semel mes de temps en temps al speciall persons famelies del Irisbrie a queux le Roy fuit please de graunter le benefitt protection de ses leyes Car coment que l'ordinance per que la common ley D'engleterre fuit establish en Ireland fuit generall come est trove in Archiuis Turris London 30. H. 3. patent Membr 3. en cest forme Quia pro communi vtilitate terrae Hyberniae pro vnitate terrarum note cest parol de vnion prouisum est quod omnes leges consuetudines quae in regno Angliae tenentur in Hybernia teneantur eadem Terra ●isdem legibus subiaceat per easdem regatur sicut Iohannes Rex cum illuc esset statuit firmiter mandauit ideo volumus quod omnia breuia de communi Iure quae currunt in Anglia similiter currant in Hybernia sub nouo sigillo nostro c. in cuius rei c. Teste me ipso apud Woodstok c. Loment que cest ordinance on breefe del Roy soit generall vucor est manifest per touts les auncient Records de cest Realme que la common ley D'engleterre fuit solement mise en execution en cest part de Ireland que fuit reduce divide en counties possesse per les English Lolonies nemi en les Irish contries ou territories que ne fueront reduce en counties iusques al temps de Q. Mary Q. Elizabeth vncor fueronc en extent de terre plus que 2. third parts de cest Iland Lar le Roy Iohn fesoit forsque 12. counties en Leymster Mounster viz. Dublin Meth Vriel Kildare Caterlagh Kilkennny Wexford Waterford Corke Kery Limeric lypperary Mes les auters Provicces territories de cest Realme que sont ore divide en 21. counties alarge esteant donques enhabit pur le plus part per les meere Irish fueront hors des limitts de tout shyre ground pur le space de 300. ans apres le fesans de les primer 12. counties Et pur ceo fuit impossible que la common ley D'engleterre puissoit estre execute en ceux contries ou
adiudged high treason to bring in Bulls of Excommunication whereby the Realme should bee cursed 7 That no decree should bee brought from the Pope to bee executed in England vppon paine of imprisonment and confiscation of goods To these and other Constitutions of the like nature made at Claringdon all the rest of the Bishops and great men did subscribe and bound themselues by oath to obserue the same absolutly onely the Archbishop would not subscribe and sweare but with a Sauing saluosuo ordine bonore sancte Ecclesi● yet at last hee was content to make the like absolute subscription and oath as the rest had done but presently hee repented and to shewe his repentance suspended himselfe from celebrating Masse till he had receaued absolution from the Pope Then he began to maintaine and iustifie the exemption of Clarkes againe whereat the Kings displeasure was kindled a new and then the Archbishop once againe promised absolute obedience to the Kings lawes See the ficklenes mutability of your constant Martyr The King to bind fast this slippery Proteus called a Parliament of the Bishops and Barons and sending for the Roll of those lawes required all the Bishops to set their seales therevnto They all assented but the Archbishop who protested he would not set his seale nor giue allowance to those lawes The King being highly offended with his rebellious demeanor required the Barons in Parliament to giue Iudgement of him who being his subiect would not be ruled by his lawes Cito facite mihi iustitiam de illo qui homo meus ligeus est stare Iuri in Curia mearecusat Wherevppon the Barons proceeding against him being ready to condemne him I prohibit you quoth the Archbishop in the name of Almighty God to proceed against mee for I haue appealed to the Pope and so departed in contempt of that high Court Omnibus clamantibus saith Houenden quo progrederis proditor expecta audi iudicium tuum After this he lurked secretly neere the Sea shore and changing his apparell and name like a Iesuit of these times he tooke shipping with a purpose to flie to Rome but his passage being hindred by contrary windes hee was summoned to a Parliament at Northampton where he made default wilfully for which contempt his temporalties were seised and his body being attacht he was charged with so great an account to the King as that he was found in arreare thirty thousand markes and committed to prison whence hee found meanes to escape shortly after and to passe out of the Realme to Rome Hee was no sooner gone but the King sends writts to all the Shiriffs in England to attach the bodies of all such as made any appeales to the Court of Rome herevppon many messages and letters passing to froe all the suffragans of Canterbury ioyne in a letter to the Pope wherein they condemne the fugitiue Archbishop and iustifie the Kings proceedings Vppon this the Pope sends two Legates to the King being then in Normandy to mediate for the Archbishop They with the mediation of the French King preuailed so farre with King Henry as that he was pleased to accept his submission once againe and promised the King of France that if he would be obedient to his lawes he should enioy as ample liberties as any Archbishop of Canterbury euer had and so sent him into England with recommendation vnto the young King his Sonne then lately Crowned who hearing of his comming commaunded him to forbeare to come to his presence vntill he had absolued the Archbishop of Yorke others whome he had excommunicated for performing their duties at his Coronation The Archbishop returned answere that they had done him wrong in vsurping his office yet if they would take a solmne oath to become obedient to the Popes commaundement in all things concerning the Church he would absolute them The Bishops vnderstanding this protested they would neuer take that oath vnlesse the King willed them so to doe King Henry the father being hereof aduertised into France did rise into great passion and choler and in the hearing of some of his seruants vttered words to this effect Will no man reueng mee of mine enemies Wherevppon the foure Gentlemen named in the storyes of that time passed into England and first mouing the Archbishop to absolue the Bishops whome he had excommunicated for performing their duties at the young Kings Coronation and receauing a peremptory answere of deniall from the Archbishop they laid violent hands vppon him and slew him for which the King was faine not onely to suffer corporall pennance but in token of his humiliation to kisse the knee of the Popes Legate And this is the abridgement of Beckets troubles or rather treasons for which he was celebrated for so famous a Martyr Foure points of iurisdiction vsurped vppon the crowne of England by the Pope before the raigne of K. Iohn And thus you see by what degrees the Court of Rome did within the space of one hundred and odd yeares vsurpe vppon the Crowne of England foure points of Iurisdiction viz. First sending of Legats into England Secōdly drawing of appeales to the Court of Rome Thirdly donation of bishopricks and other Ecclesiasticall benefices and fourthly exemption of Clarkes from the secular power And you see withall how our Kings and Parliaments haue from time to time opposed and withstood this vniust vsurpation Now then the Bishop of Rome hauing claimed and welny recouered full and sole iurisdiction in all causes Ecclesiasticall and ouer all persons Ecclesiasticall with power to dispose of all Ecclesiasticall benefices in England whereby he had vppon the matter made an absolute conquest of more then halfe the kingdome for euerie one that could read the Psalme of Miserere was a Clarke the Cleargie possessed the moytie of all temporall possessions There remained now nothing to make him owner and proprietor of all but to ge●● a surrender of the Crowne and to make the King his Farmer and the people his Villaines which he fully accomplisht and brought to passe in the times of King Iohn and of Henr. 3. The cause of the quarrell betweene K. Iohn the Pope The quarrell betweene the Pope and King Iohn which wrested the Sceptor out of his hand and in the end brake his heart began about the election of the Archbishop of Canterbury I call it election and not donation or inuestiture for the manner of inuesting of Bishops by the Staffe and Ring after the time of King Henr. 1. was not any more vsed but by the Kings licence they were Canonically elected and being elected the King gaue his Roiall assent to their election and by restitution of their temporalties did fully inuest them And though this course of election began to be in vse in the time of Rich. 1. and Henr. 2. Yet I finde it not confirmed by any Constitution or Charter before the time of King Iohn who by his Charter dated the fifteenth of Ianuary in the